Package org.jboss.test.virtual.test

Source Code of org.jboss.test.virtual.test.FileVFSUnitTestCase

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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package org.jboss.test.virtual.test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.jboss.test.BaseTestCase;
import org.jboss.virtual.VFS;
import org.jboss.virtual.VFSUtils;
import org.jboss.virtual.VirtualFile;
import org.jboss.virtual.VisitorAttributes;
import org.jboss.virtual.plugins.context.jar.NestedJarFromStream;
import org.jboss.virtual.plugins.vfs.helpers.SuffixMatchFilter;
import org.jboss.virtual.spi.LinkInfo;
import org.jboss.virtual.spi.VFSContext;
import org.jboss.virtual.spi.VFSContextFactory;
import org.jboss.virtual.spi.VFSContextFactoryLocator;

* Tests of the VFS implementation
* @author
* @author
* @version $Revision: 55523 $
public class FileVFSUnitTestCase extends BaseTestCase
   public FileVFSUnitTestCase(String name)
   public static Test suite()
      return new TestSuite(FileVFSUnitTestCase.class);

    * Test that a VFSContextFactory can be created from the testcase CodeSource url
    * @throws Exception
   public void testVFSContextFactory()
      throws Exception
      URL root = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
      VFSContextFactory factory = VFSContextFactoryLocator.getFactory(root);
      assertTrue("VFSContextFactory(CodeSource.Location) != null", factory != null);

    * Test that NestedJarFromStream can provide access to nested jar content
    * @throws Exception
   public void testNestedJarFromStream()
      throws Exception
      URL outer = getResource("/vfs/test/outer.jar");
      String path = outer.getPath();
      File outerJar = new File(path);
      assertTrue(outerJar.getAbsolutePath()+" exists", outerJar.exists());
      JarFile jf = new JarFile(outerJar);

      URL rootURL = outerJar.getParentFile().toURL();
      VFSContextFactory factory = VFSContextFactoryLocator.getFactory(rootURL);
      VFSContext context = factory.getVFS(rootURL);

      JarEntry jar1 = jf.getJarEntry("jar1.jar");
      URL jar1URL = new URL(outerJar.toURL(), "jar1.jar");
      ZipInputStream jis1 = new ZipInputStream(jf.getInputStream(jar1));
      NestedJarFromStream njfs = new NestedJarFromStream(context, null, jis1, jar1URL, jar1);
      NestedJarFromStream.JarEntryContents e1 = njfs.getEntry("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/ClassInJar1.class");
      assertNotNull(e1);"org/jboss/test/vfs/support/CommonClass.class: "+e1);
      NestedJarFromStream.JarEntryContents mfe1 = njfs.getEntry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertNotNull("jar1!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", mfe1);
      InputStream mfIS = mfe1.openStream();
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      String title1 = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals("jar1", title1);

      JarEntry jar2 = jf.getJarEntry("jar2.jar");
      URL jar2URL = new URL(outerJar.toURL(), "jar2.jar");
      ZipInputStream jis2 = new ZipInputStream(jf.getInputStream(jar2));
      NestedJarFromStream njfs2 = new NestedJarFromStream(context, null, jis2, jar2URL, jar2);
      NestedJarFromStream.JarEntryContents e2 = njfs2.getEntry("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar2/ClassInJar2.class");
      assertNotNull(e2);"org/jboss/test/vfs/support/CommonClass.class: "+e2);
      NestedJarFromStream.JarEntryContents mfe2 = njfs2.getEntry("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertNotNull("jar2!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", mfe2);
      InputStream mf2IS = mfe2.openStream();
      Manifest mf2 = new Manifest(mf2IS);
      Attributes mainAttrs2 = mf2.getMainAttributes();
      String title2 = mainAttrs2.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals("jar2", title2);

    * Test reading the contents of nested jar entries.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testInnerJarFile()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile outerjar = vfs.findChild("outer.jar");
      assertTrue("outer.jar != null", outerjar != null);
      VirtualFile jar1 = outerjar.findChild("jar1.jar");
      assertTrue("outer.jar/jar1.jar != null", jar1 != null);
      VirtualFile jar2 = outerjar.findChild("jar2.jar");
      assertTrue("outer.jar/jar2.jar != null", jar2 != null);

      VirtualFile jar1MF = jar1.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertNotNull("jar1!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", jar1MF);
      InputStream mfIS = jar1MF.openStream();
      Manifest mf1 = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs1 = mf1.getMainAttributes();
      String title1 = mainAttrs1.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals("jar1", title1);

      VirtualFile jar2MF = jar2.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertNotNull("jar2!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", jar2MF);
      InputStream mfIS2 = jar2MF.openStream();
      Manifest mf2 = new Manifest(mfIS2);
      Attributes mainAttrs2 = mf2.getMainAttributes();
      String title2 = mainAttrs2.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals("jar2", title2);

    * Basic tests of accessing resources in a jar
    * @throws Exception
   public void testFindResource()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild("outer.jar");
      assertTrue("outer.jar != null", jar != null);

      ArrayList<String> searchCtx = new ArrayList<String>();
      VirtualFile metaInf = vfs.resolveFile("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", searchCtx);
      VirtualFile metaInf = jar.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF != null", metaInf != null);
      InputStream mfIS = metaInf.openStream();
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.openStream != null", mfIS != null);
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      String version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);
      assertEquals("1.0.0.GA", version);

    * Basic tests of accessing resources in a jar
    * @throws Exception
   public void testFindResourceUsingURLStream()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild("outer.jar");
      assertTrue("outer.jar != null", jar != null);

      ArrayList<String> searchCtx = new ArrayList<String>();
      VirtualFile metaInf = vfs.resolveFile("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", searchCtx);
      VirtualFile metaInf = jar.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF != null", metaInf != null);
      InputStream mfIS = metaInf.toURL().openStream();
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.openStream != null", mfIS != null);
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      String version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);
      assertEquals("1.0.0.GA", version);

      String urlString = metaInf.toURL().toString();
      URL mfURL = new URL(urlString);
      mfIS = mfURL.openStream();
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.openStream != null", mfIS != null);
      mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);
      assertEquals("1.0.0.GA", version);

    * Basic tests of accessing resources in a jar that does not
    * have parent directory entries.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testFindResourceInFilesOnlyJar()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild("jar1-filesonly.jar");
      assertTrue("jar1-filesonly.jar != null", jar != null);

      VirtualFile metaInf = jar.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF != null", metaInf != null);
      InputStream mfIS = metaInf.toURL().openStream();
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.openStream != null", mfIS != null);
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      String version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);
      assertEquals("1.0.0.GA", version);
      String title = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals("jar1-filesonly", title);

      String urlString = metaInf.toURL().toString();
      URL mfURL = new URL(urlString);
      mfIS = mfURL.openStream();
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.openStream != null", mfIS != null);
      mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);
      assertEquals("1.0.0.GA", version);
      title = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals("jar1-filesonly", title);

    * Basic tests of accessing resources in a war that does not
    * have parent directory entries.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testFindResourceInFilesOnlyWar()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);

      VirtualFile war2 = vfs.findChild("WarDeployApp_web.war");
      assertTrue("WarDeployApp_web.war != null", war2 != null);

      VirtualFile classes2 = war2.findChild("WEB-INF/classes");
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/classes != null", classes2 != null);
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/classes is not a leaf", classes2.isLeaf()==false);
      classes2 = war2.findChild("WEB-INF/classes");
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/classes != null", classes2 != null);
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/classes is not a leaf", classes2.isLeaf()==false);

      VirtualFile HelloJavaBean = classes2.findChild("com/sun/ts/tests/webservices/deploy/warDeploy/HelloJavaBean.class");
      assertTrue("HelloJavaBean.class != null", HelloJavaBean != null);
      assertTrue("HelloJavaBean.class is a leaf", HelloJavaBean.isLeaf());

      VirtualFile war = vfs.findChild("filesonly.war");
      assertTrue("filesonly.war != null", war != null);

      VirtualFile classes = war.findChild("WEB-INF/classes");
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/classes != null", classes != null);
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/classes is not a leaf", classes.isLeaf()==false);

      VirtualFile jar1 = war.findChild("WEB-INF/lib/jar1.jar");
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/lib/jar1.jar != null", jar1 != null);
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/lib/jar1.jar is not a leaf", jar1.isLeaf()==false);
      VirtualFile ClassInJar1 = jar1.findChild("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/ClassInJar1.class");
      assertTrue("ClassInJar1.class != null", ClassInJar1 != null);
      assertTrue("ClassInJar1.class is a leaf", ClassInJar1.isLeaf());

      VirtualFile metaInf = war.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF != null", metaInf != null);
      InputStream mfIS = metaInf.toURL().openStream();
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.openStream != null", mfIS != null);
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      String version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);
      assertEquals("1.0.0.GA", version);
      String title = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals("filesonly-war", title);

      assertTrue("WEB-INF/classes != null", classes != null);
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/classes is not a leaf", classes.isLeaf()==false);

    * Validate iterating over a vfs url from a files only war.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testFindClassesInFilesOnlyWar()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);

      VirtualFile war = vfs.findChild("filesonly.war");
      assertTrue("filesonly.war != null", war != null);

      VirtualFile classes = war.findChild("WEB-INF/classes");
      assertTrue("WEB-INF/classes != null", classes != null);
      HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<String>();
      ClassPathIterator iter = new ClassPathIterator(classes.toURL());
      ClassPathEntry entry = null;
      while( (entry = iter.getNextEntry()) != null )
      assertTrue("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1", names.contains("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1"));
      assertTrue("ClassInJar1.class", names.contains("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/ClassInJar1.class"));
      assertTrue("ClassInJar1$InnerClass.class", names.contains("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/ClassInJar1$InnerClass.class"));

   public void testFindResourceUnpackedJar()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild("unpacked-outer.jar");
      assertTrue("unpacked-outer.jar != null", jar != null);

      ArrayList<String> searchCtx = new ArrayList<String>();
      VirtualFile metaInf = vfs.resolveFile("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", searchCtx);
      VirtualFile metaInf = jar.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF != null", metaInf != null);
      InputStream mfIS = metaInf.openStream();
      assertTrue("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.openStream != null", mfIS != null);
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      String version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION);
      assertEquals("1.0.0.GA", version);

    * Test simple file resolution without search contexts
    * @throws Exception
   public void testResolveFile()
      throws Exception
   {"+++ testResolveFile, cwd="+(new File(".").getCanonicalPath()));
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);

      // Check resolving the root file
      VirtualFile root = vfs.findChild("");
      assertEquals("root name", "test", root.getName());
      assertEquals("root path", "", root.getPathName());
      assertFalse("root isDirectory", root.isLeaf());

      // Find the outer.jar
      VirtualFile outerJar = vfs.findChild("outer.jar");
      assertNotNull("outer.jar", outerJar);
      assertEquals("outer.jar name", "outer.jar", outerJar.getName());
      assertEquals("outer.jar path", "outer.jar", outerJar.getPathName());
      VirtualFile outerJarMF = vfs.findChild("outer.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertNotNull("outer.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", outerJarMF);

      // Test a non-canonical path
      rootURL = getResource("/vfs/sundry/../test");
      // Check resolving the root file
      root = vfs.findChild("");
      assertEquals("root name", "test", root.getName());
      assertEquals("root path", "", root.getPathName());
      assertFalse("root isDirectory", root.isLeaf());

    * Validate resolving a .class file given a set of search contexts in the
    * vfs that make up a classpath.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testResolveClassFileInClassPath()
      throws Exception
   {"+++ testResolveFile, cwd="+(new File(".").getCanonicalPath()));
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      // Find ClassInJar1.class
      VirtualFile vf = vfs.findChild("jar1.jar");
      VirtualFile c1 = vf.findChild("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/ClassInJar1.class");
      assertNotNull("ClassInJar1.class VF", c1);
      log.debug("Found ClassInJar1.class: "+c1);

      // Find ClassInJar1$InnerClass.class
      VirtualFile c1i = vf.findChild("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/ClassInJar1$InnerClass.class");
      assertNotNull("ClassInJar1$InnerClass.class VF", c1i);
      log.debug("Found ClassInJar1$InnerClass.class: "+c1i);

      // Find ClassInJar2.class
      vf = vfs.findChild("jar2.jar");
      VirtualFile c2 = vf.findChild("org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar2/ClassInJar2.class");
      assertNotNull("ClassInJar2.class VF", c2);
      log.debug("Found ClassInJar2.class: "+c2);

   public void testResolveFileInUnpackedJar()
      throws Exception
   {"+++ testResolveFileInUnpackedJar, cwd="+(new File(".").getCanonicalPath()));
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);

      // Check resolving the root file
      VirtualFile root = vfs.findChild("");
      assertEquals("root name", "test", root.getName());
      assertEquals("root path", "", root.getPathName());
      assertFalse("root isDirectory", root.isLeaf());

      // Find the outer.jar
      VirtualFile outerJar = vfs.findChild("unpacked-outer.jar");
      assertNotNull("unpacked-outer.jar", outerJar);
      assertEquals("unpacked-outer.jar name", "unpacked-outer.jar", outerJar.getName());
      assertEquals("unpacked-outer.jar path", "unpacked-outer.jar", outerJar.getPathName());
      VirtualFile outerJarMF = vfs.findChild("unpacked-outer.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      assertNotNull("unpacked-outer.jar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", outerJarMF);

      // Test a non-canonical path
      rootURL = getResource("/test/sundry/../test");
      // Check resolving the root file
      root = vfs.findChild("");
      assertEquals("root name", "test", root.getName());
      assertEquals("root path", "", root.getPathName());
      assertFalse("root isDirectory", root.isLeaf());

    * Test file resolution with nested jars
    * @throws Exception
   public void testInnerJar()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile inner = vfs.findChild("outer.jar/jar1.jar");"IsFile: "+inner.isLeaf());;
      List<VirtualFile> contents = inner.getChildren();
      // META-INF/*, org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/* at least
      assertTrue("jar1.jar children.length("+contents.size()+") >= 2", contents.size() >= 2);
      for(VirtualFile vf : contents)
      {"  "+vf.getName());
      VirtualFile vf = vfs.findChild("outer.jar/jar1.jar");
      VirtualFile jar1MF = vf.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      InputStream mfIS = jar1MF.openStream();
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      String version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE.toString(), "jar1", version);

   public void testInnerJarUsingURLStream()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile inner = vfs.findChild("outer.jar/jar1.jar");"IsFile: "+inner.isLeaf());;
      List<VirtualFile> contents = inner.getChildren();
      // META-INF/*, org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/* at least
      assertTrue("jar1.jar children.length("+contents.size()+") >= 2", contents.size() >= 2);
      for(VirtualFile vf : contents)
      {"  "+vf.getName());
      VirtualFile vf = vfs.findChild("outer.jar/jar1.jar");
      VirtualFile jar1MF = vf.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      InputStream mfIS = jar1MF.toURL().openStream();
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      String version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE.toString(), "jar1", version);

    * Test a scan of the outer.jar vfs to locate all .class files
    * @throws Exception
   public void testClassScan()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test/outer.jar");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);

      HashSet<String> expectedClasses = new HashSet<String>();
      SuffixMatchFilter classVisitor = new SuffixMatchFilter(".class", VisitorAttributes.RECURSE);
      List<VirtualFile> classes = vfs.getChildren(classVisitor);
      int count = 0;
      for (VirtualFile cf : classes)
         String path = cf.getPathName();
         if( path.endsWith(".class") )
            assertTrue(path, expectedClasses.contains(path));
            count ++;
      assertEquals("There were 4 classes", 4, count);

    * Test a scan of the unpacked-outer.jar vfs to locate all .class files
    * @throws Exception
   public void testClassScanUnpacked()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test/unpacked-outer.jar");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      HashSet<String> expectedClasses = new HashSet<String>();
      SuffixMatchFilter classVisitor = new SuffixMatchFilter(".class", VisitorAttributes.RECURSE);
      List<VirtualFile> classes = vfs.getChildren(classVisitor);
      int count = 0;
      for (VirtualFile cf : classes)
         String path = cf.getPathName();
         if( path.endsWith(".class") )
            assertTrue(path, expectedClasses.contains(path));
            count ++;
      assertEquals("There were 4 classes, actual: "+classes, 4, count);

    * Test a scan of the jar1-filesonly.jar vfs to locate all .class files
    * @throws Exception
   public void testClassScanFilesonly()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test/jar1-filesonly.jar");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      HashSet<String> expectedClasses = new HashSet<String>();
      SuffixMatchFilter classVisitor = new SuffixMatchFilter(".class", VisitorAttributes.RECURSE);
      List<VirtualFile> classes = vfs.getChildren(classVisitor);
      int count = 0;
      for (VirtualFile cf : classes)
         String path = cf.getPathName();
         if( path.endsWith(".class") )
            assertTrue(path, expectedClasses.contains(path));
            count ++;
      assertEquals("There were 2 classes", 2, count);

      // Make sure we can walk path-wise to the class
      VirtualFile jar1 = vfs.getRoot();
      VirtualFile parent = jar1;
      String className = "org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/ClassInJar1.class";
      VirtualFile ClassInJar1 = vfs.findChild(className);
      String[] paths = className.split("/");
      StringBuilder vfsPath = new StringBuilder();
      for(String path : paths)
         VirtualFile vf = parent.findChild(path);
         if( path.equals("ClassInJar1.class") )
            assertEquals("ClassInJar1.class", ClassInJar1, vf);
            assertEquals("vfsPath", vfsPath.toString(), vf.getPathName());
            assertEquals("lastModified", ClassInJar1.getLastModified(), vf.getLastModified());
         parent = vf;

    * Test access of directories in a jar that only stores files
    * @throws Exception
   public void testFilesOnlyJar()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);

      VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild("jar1-filesonly.jar");
      VirtualFile metadataLocation = jar.findChild("META-INF");
      VirtualFile mfFile = metadataLocation.findChild("MANIFEST.MF");
      InputStream is = mfFile.openStream();
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(is);
      String title = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE.toString(), "jar1-filesonly", title);

      // Retry starting from the jar root
      mfFile = jar.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      is = mfFile.openStream();
      mf = new Manifest(is);
      title = mf.getMainAttributes().getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE.toString(), "jar1-filesonly", title);

    * Test the serialization of VirtualFiles
    * @throws Exception
   public void testVFSerialization()
      throws Exception
      File tmpRoot = File.createTempFile("vfs", ".root");
      File tmp = new File(tmpRoot, "vfs.ser");
      tmp.deleteOnExit();"+++ testVFSerialization, tmp="+tmp.getCanonicalPath());
      URL rootURL = tmpRoot.toURL();
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile tmpVF = vfs.findChild("vfs.ser");
      FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tmp);
      ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);

      // Check the tmpVF attributes against the tmp file
      long lastModified = tmp.lastModified();
      long size = tmp.length();
      String name = tmp.getName();
      String vfsPath = tmp.getPath();
      vfsPath = vfsPath.substring(tmpRoot.getPath().length()+1);
      URL url = new URL("vfs" + tmp.toURL());
      log.debug("name: "+name);
      log.debug("vfsPath: "+vfsPath);
      log.debug("url: "+url);
      log.debug("lastModified: "+lastModified);
      log.debug("size: "+size);
      assertEquals("name", name, tmpVF.getName());
      assertEquals("pathName", vfsPath, tmpVF.getPathName());
      assertEquals("lastModified", lastModified, tmpVF.getLastModified());
      assertEquals("size", size, tmpVF.getSize());
      assertEquals("url", url, tmpVF.toURL());
      assertEquals("isLeaf", true, tmpVF.isLeaf());
      assertEquals("isHidden", false, tmpVF.isHidden());

      // Read in the VF from the serialized file
      FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(tmp);
      ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
      VirtualFile tmpVF2 = (VirtualFile) ois.readObject();
      // Validated the deserialized attribtes against the tmp file
      assertEquals("name", name, tmpVF2.getName());
      assertEquals("pathName", vfsPath, tmpVF2.getPathName());
      assertEquals("lastModified", lastModified, tmpVF2.getLastModified());
      assertEquals("size", size, tmpVF2.getSize());
      assertEquals("url", url, tmpVF2.toURL());
      assertEquals("isLeaf", true, tmpVF2.isLeaf());
      assertEquals("isHidden", false, tmpVF2.isHidden());

    * Test the serialization of VirtualFiles representing a jar
    * @throws Exception
   public void testVFJarSerialization()
      throws Exception
      File tmpRoot = File.createTempFile("vfs", ".root");
      // Create a test jar containing a txt file
      File tmpJar = new File(tmpRoot, "tst.jar");
      FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpJar);
      JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(fos);
      // Write a text file to include in a test jar
      JarEntry txtEntry = new JarEntry("tst.txt");
      jos.close();"+++ testVFJarSerialization, tmp="+tmpJar.getCanonicalPath());

      URI rootURI = tmpRoot.toURI();
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURI);
      File vfsSer = new File(tmpRoot, "vfs.ser");

      VirtualFile tmpVF = vfs.findChild("tst.jar");
      // Validate the vf jar against the tmp file attributes
      long lastModified = tmpJar.lastModified();
      long size = tmpJar.length();
      String name = tmpJar.getName();
      String vfsPath = tmpJar.getPath();
      vfsPath = vfsPath.substring(tmpRoot.getPath().length()+1);
      URL url = new URL("vfs" + tmpJar.toURL());
      //url = JarUtils.createJarURL(url);
      log.debug("name: "+name);
      log.debug("vfsPath: "+vfsPath);
      log.debug("url: "+url);
      log.debug("lastModified: "+lastModified);
      log.debug("size: "+size);
      assertEquals("name", name, tmpVF.getName());
      assertEquals("pathName", vfsPath, tmpVF.getPathName());
      assertEquals("lastModified", lastModified, tmpVF.getLastModified());
      assertEquals("size", size, tmpVF.getSize());
      assertEquals("url", url, tmpVF.toURL());
      // TODO: these should pass
      //assertEquals("isFile", true, tmpVF.isFile());
      //assertEquals("isDirectory", false, tmpVF.isDirectory());
      assertEquals("isHidden", false, tmpVF.isHidden());
      // Write out the vfs jar file
      fos = new FileOutputStream(vfsSer);
      ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);

      // Read in the VF from the serialized file
      FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(vfsSer);
      ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
      VirtualFile tmpVF2 = (VirtualFile) ois.readObject();
      // Validate the vf jar against the tmp file attributes
      assertEquals("name", name, tmpVF2.getName());
      assertEquals("pathName", vfsPath, tmpVF2.getPathName());
      assertEquals("lastModified", lastModified, tmpVF2.getLastModified());
      assertEquals("size", size, tmpVF2.getSize());
      assertEquals("url", url, tmpVF2.toURL());
      // TODO: these should pass
      //assertEquals("isFile", true, tmpVF2.isFile());
      //assertEquals("isDirectory", false, tmpVF2.isDirectory());
      assertEquals("isHidden", false, tmpVF2.isHidden());

    * Test the serialization of VirtualFiles representing a jar
    * @throws Exception
   public void testVFNestedJarSerialization()
      throws Exception
      // this expects to be run with a working dir of the container root
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile inner = vfs.findChild("outer.jar/jar1.jar");

      File vfsSer = File.createTempFile("testVFNestedJarSerialization", ".ser");
      // Write out the vfs inner jar file
      FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(vfsSer);
      ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);

      // Read in the VF from the serialized file
      FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(vfsSer);
      ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
      inner = (VirtualFile) ois.readObject();
      List<VirtualFile> contents = inner.getChildren();
      // META-INF/*, org/jboss/test/vfs/support/jar1/* at least
      assertTrue("jar1.jar children.length("+contents.size()+") >= 2", contents.size() >= 2);
      for(VirtualFile vf : contents)
      {"  "+vf.getName());
      VirtualFile vf = vfs.findChild("outer.jar/jar1.jar");
      VirtualFile jar1MF = vf.findChild("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
      InputStream mfIS = jar1MF.openStream();
      Manifest mf = new Manifest(mfIS);
      Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
      String version = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE);
      assertEquals(Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE.toString(), "jar1", version);

    * Test parsing of a vfs link properties file. It contains test.classes.url
    * and test.lib.url system property references that are configured to
    * point to the CodeSource location of this class and /vfs/sundry/jar/
    * respectively.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testVfsLinkProperties()
      throws Exception
      URL linkURL = super.getResource("/vfs/links/");
      assertNotNull("vfs/links/", linkURL);
      // Find resources to use as the WEB-INF/{classes,lib} link targets
      URL classesURL = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
      assertNotNull("classesURL", classesURL);
      System.setProperty("test.classes.url", classesURL.toString());
      URL libURL = super.getResource("/vfs/sundry/jar");
      assertNotNull("libURL", libURL);     
      System.setProperty("test.lib.url", libURL.toString());

      assertTrue("isLink", VFSUtils.isLink(linkURL.getPath()));
      Properties props = new Properties();
      InputStream linkIS = linkURL.openStream();
      List<LinkInfo> infos = VFSUtils.readLinkInfo(linkIS, linkURL.getPath(), props);
      assertEquals("LinkInfo count", 2, infos.size());
      LinkInfo classesInfo = null;
      LinkInfo libInfo = null;
      for(LinkInfo info :infos)
         if( info.getName().equals("WEB-INF/classes") )
            classesInfo = info;
         else if(info.getName().equals("WEB-INF/lib") )
            libInfo = info;
      assertNotNull("classesInfo", classesInfo);
      assertEquals("", classesURL.toURI(), classesInfo.getLinkTarget());
      assertNotNull("libInfo", libInfo);
      assertEquals("", libURL.toURI(), libInfo.getLinkTarget());

    * Test the test-link.war link
    * @throws Exception
   public void testWarLink()
      throws Exception
      // Find resources to use as the WEB-INF/{classes,lib} link targets
      URL classesURL = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
      assertNotNull("classesURL", classesURL);
      System.setProperty("test.classes.url", classesURL.toString());
      URL libURL = super.getResource("/vfs/sundry/jar");
      assertNotNull("libURL", libURL);     
      System.setProperty("test.lib.url", libURL.toString());

      // Root the vfs at the link file parent directory
      URL linkURL = super.getResource("/vfs/links/");
      File linkFile = new File(linkURL.toURI());
      File vfsRoot = linkFile.getParentFile();
      assertNotNull("vfs/links/", linkURL);
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(vfsRoot.toURI());

      // We should find the test-link.war the link represents
      VirtualFile war = vfs.findChild("test-link.war");
      assertNotNull("war", war);

      // Validate the WEB-INF/classes child link
      VirtualFile classes = war.findChild("WEB-INF/classes");
      String classesName = classes.getName();
      String classesPathName = classes.getPathName();
      boolean classesIsDirectory = classes.isLeaf() == false;
      assertEquals("", "classes", classesName);
      assertEquals("classes.pathName", "test-link.war/WEB-INF/classes", classesPathName);
      assertEquals("classes.isDirectory", true, classesIsDirectory);
      // Should be able to find this class since classes points to out codesource
      VirtualFile thisClass = classes.findChild("org/jboss/test/virtual/test/FileVFSUnitTestCase.class");
      assertEquals("FileVFSUnitTestCase.class", thisClass.getName());

      // Validate the WEB-INF/lib child link
      VirtualFile lib = war.findChild("WEB-INF/lib");
      String libName = lib.getName();
      String libPathName = lib.getPathName();
      boolean libIsDirectory = lib.isLeaf() == false;
      assertEquals("", "lib", libName);
      assertEquals("lib.pathName", "test-link.war/WEB-INF/lib", libPathName);
      assertEquals("lib.isDirectory", true, libIsDirectory);
      // Should be able to find archive.jar under lib
      VirtualFile archiveJar = lib.findChild("archive.jar");
      assertEquals("archive.jar", archiveJar.getName());

    * Test that the URL of a VFS corresponding to a directory ends in '/' so that
    * URLs created relative to it are under the directory. This requires that
    * build-test.xml artifacts exist.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testDirURLs() throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);

      VirtualFile outerJar = vfs.findChild("unpacked-outer.jar");
      URL outerURL = outerJar.toURL();
      log.debug("outerURL: "+outerURL);
      assertTrue(outerURL+" ends in '/'", outerURL.getPath().endsWith("/"));
      // Validate that jar1 is under unpacked-outer.jar
      URL jar1URL = new URL(outerURL, "jar1.jar");
      log.debug("jar1URL: "+jar1URL+", path="+jar1URL.getPath());
      assertTrue("jar1URL path ends in unpacked-outer.jar/jar1.jar!/",
      VirtualFile jar1 = outerJar.findChild("jar1.jar");
      assertEquals(jar1URL, jar1.toURL());

      VirtualFile packedJar = vfs.findChild("jar1.jar");
      jar1URL = packedJar.findChild("org/jboss/test/vfs/support").toURL();
      assertTrue("Jar directory entry URLs must end in /: " + jar1URL.toString(), jar1URL.toString().endsWith("/"));

    * Test that the URI of a VFS corresponding to a directory ends in '/' so that
    * URIs created relative to it are under the directory. This requires that
    * build-test.xml artifacts exist.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testDirURIs() throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);

      VirtualFile outerJar = vfs.findChild("unpacked-outer.jar");
      URI outerURI = outerJar.toURI();
      log.debug("outerURI: "+outerURI);
      assertTrue(outerURI+" ends in '/'", outerURI.getPath().endsWith("/"));
      // Validate that jar1 is under unpacked-outer.jar
      URI jar1URI = new URI(outerURI+"jar1.jar");
      log.debug("jar1URI: "+jar1URI+", path="+jar1URI.getPath());
      assertTrue("jar1URI path ends in unpacked-outer.jar/jar1.jar!/",
      VirtualFile jar1 = outerJar.findChild("jar1.jar");
      assertEquals(jar1URI, jar1.toURI());

      VirtualFile packedJar = vfs.findChild("jar1.jar");
      jar1URI = packedJar.findChild("org/jboss/test/vfs/support").toURI();
      assertTrue("Jar directory entry URLs must end in /: " + jar1URI.toString(),

    * Test copying a jar
    * @throws Exception
   public void testCopyJar()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild("outer.jar");
      assertTrue("outer.jar != null", jar != null);
      File tmpJar = File.createTempFile("testCopyJar", ".jar");

         InputStream is = jar.openStream();
         FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpJar);
         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
         int read;
         while( (read = > 0 )
            fos.write(buffer, 0, read);
         log.debug("outer.jar size is: "+jar.getSize());
         log.debug(tmpJar.getAbsolutePath()+" size is: "+tmpJar.length());
         assertTrue("outer.jar > 0", jar.getSize() > 0);
         assertEquals("copy jar size", jar.getSize(), tmpJar.length());
         catch(Exception ignore)

    * Test copying a jar that is nested in another jar.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testCopyInnerJar()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile outerjar = vfs.findChild("outer.jar");
      assertTrue("outer.jar != null", outerjar != null);
      VirtualFile jar = outerjar.findChild("jar1.jar");
      assertTrue("outer.jar/jar1.jar != null", jar != null);

      File tmpJar = File.createTempFile("testCopyInnerJar", ".jar");

         InputStream is = jar.openStream();
         FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpJar);
         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
         int read;
         while( (read = > 0 )
            fos.write(buffer, 0, read);
         log.debug("outer.jar/jar1.jar size is: "+jar.getSize());
         log.debug(tmpJar.getAbsolutePath()+" size is: "+tmpJar.length());
         assertTrue("outer.jar > 0", jar.getSize() > 0);
         assertEquals("copy jar size", jar.getSize(), tmpJar.length());
         catch(Exception ignore)

    * Test that the outermf.jar manifest classpath is parsed
    * correctly.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testManifestClasspath()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile outerjar = vfs.findChild("outermf.jar");
      assertNotNull("outermf.jar != null", outerjar);

      ArrayList<VirtualFile> cp = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>();
      VFSUtils.addManifestLocations(outerjar, cp);
      // The p0.jar should be found in the classpath
      assertEquals("cp size 2", 2, cp.size());
      assertEquals("jar1.jar == cp[0]", "jar1.jar", cp.get(0).getName());
      assertEquals("jar2.jar == cp[1]", "jar2.jar", cp.get(1).getName());
    * Test that an inner-inner jar that is extracted does not blowup
    * the addManifestLocations routine.
    * @throws Exception
   public void testInnerManifestClasspath()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile outerjar = vfs.findChild("withalong/rootprefix/outermf.jar");
      VirtualFile conatinerjar = outerjar.findChild("inner-container.jar");
      VirtualFile innerjar = conatinerjar.findChild("innermf.jar");
      assertNotNull("innermf.jar != null", innerjar);
      ArrayList<VirtualFile> cp = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>();
      VFSUtils.addManifestLocations(innerjar, cp);
      // Don't really care what the cp is...

    * Validate accessing an packed jar vf and its uri when the vfs path
    * contains spaces
    * @throws Exception
   public void testJarWithSpacesInPath()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile tstjar = vfs.findChild("path with spaces/tst.jar");
      assertNotNull("tstjar != null", tstjar);
      URI uri = tstjar.toURI();
      URI expectedURI = new URI("vfs"+rootURL.toString()+"/path%20with%20spaces/tst.jar");
      assertEquals(uri, expectedURI);

   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
      File file = new File("C:\\Documents and Settings");
      URI uri = new URI("file", null, "/Document and Settings", null);

    * Validate accessing an unpacked jar vf and its uri when the vfs path
    * contains spaces
    * @throws Exception
   public void testUnpackedJarWithSpacesInPath()
      throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile tstjar = vfs.findChild("path with spaces/unpacked-tst.jar");
      assertNotNull("tstjar != null", tstjar);
      URI uri = tstjar.toURI();
      URI expectedURI = new URI("vfs" + rootURL.toString()+"/path%20with%20spaces/unpacked-tst.jar/");
      assertEquals(uri, expectedURI);

    * Tests that we can find the META-INF/some-data.xml in an unpacked deployment
    * @throws Exception for any error
   public void testGetMetaDataUnpackedJar() throws Exception
    * Tests that we can find the META-INF/some-data.xml in a packed deployment
    * @throws Exception for any error
   public void testGetMetaDataPackedJar() throws Exception
   private void testGetMetaDataFromJar(String name) throws Exception
      URL rootURL = getResource("/vfs/test");
      VFS vfs = VFS.getVFS(rootURL);
      VirtualFile jar = vfs.findChild(name);
      VirtualFile metadataLocation = jar.findChild("META-INF");

      VirtualFile metadataByName = metadataLocation.findChild("some-data.xml");
      //This is the same code as is called by AbstractDeploymentContext.getMetaDataFiles(String name, String suffix).
      //The MetaDataMatchFilter is a copy of the one used there
      List<VirtualFile> metaDataList = metadataLocation.getChildren(new MetaDataMatchFilter(null, "-data.xml"));
      assertEquals("Wrong size", 1, metaDataList.size());

Related Classes of org.jboss.test.virtual.test.FileVFSUnitTestCase

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