Package com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery

Source Code of com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags.
* See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
* modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
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* (C) 2005-2006,
* @author JBoss Inc.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 by HP Bluestone Software, Inc. All rights Reserved.
* HP Arjuna Labs,
* Newcastle upon Tyne,
* Tyne and Wear,
* UK.
* $Id: 2342 2006-03-30 13:06:17Z  $

package com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery;

import java.lang.InterruptedException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;

import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.RecoveryModule;
import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.RecoveryEnvironment;
import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.RecoveryManager;
import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.arjPropertyManager;

import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.logging.FacilityCode;
import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.logging.tsLogger;
import com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.utils.Utility;

import com.arjuna.common.util.logging.*;

* Threaded object to perform the periodic recovery. Instantiated in
* the RecoveryManager. The work is actually completed by the recovery
* modules. These modules are dynamically loaded. The modules to load
* are specified by properties beginning with "RecoveryExtension"
* <P>
* n.b. recovery scans may be performed by this object (it is a thread and may be started as a background task)
* and by other ad hoc threads
* @author
* @version $Id: 2342 2006-03-30 13:06:17Z  $
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_1 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_1] - Attempt to load recovery module with null class name!
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_2 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_2] - Recovery module {0} does not conform to RecoveryModule interface
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_3 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_3] - Loading recovery module: {0}
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_4 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_4] - Loading recovery module: {0}
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_5 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_5] - Loading recovery module: could not find class {0}
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_6 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_6] - {0} has inappropriate value ( {1} )
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_7 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_7] - {0} has inappropriate value ( {1} )
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_8 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_8] - Invalid port specified {0}
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_9 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_9] - Could not create recovery listener {0}
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_10 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_10] - Ignoring request to scan because RecoveryManager state is: {0}
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_11 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_11] - Invalid host specified {0}
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_12 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_12] - Could not create recovery listener
* @message com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_13 [com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_13] - Recovery manager listening on endpoint {0}:{1}

public class PeriodicRecovery extends Thread
   /***** public API *****/

* TODO uncomment for JDK 1.5.
   public static enum Status

   public static enum Mode
     *  state values indicating whether or not some thread is currently scanning. used to define values of field
     * {@link PeriodicRecovery#_currentStatus}
    public class Status
         * state value indicating that no thread is scanning
        public static final int INACTIVE = 0;
         * state value indicating that some thread is scanning.
         * n.b. the scanning thread may not be the singleton PeriodicRecovery thread instance
        public static final int SCANNING = 1;

        private Status() { }

     * state values indicating operating mode of scanning process for ad hoc threads and controlling behaviour of
     * singleton periodic recovery thread. used to define values of field {@link PeriodicRecovery#_currentMode}
     * n.b. {@link PeriodicRecovery#_currentStatus} may not transition to state SCANNING when
     * {@link PeriodicRecovery#_currentStatus} is in state SUSPENDED or TERMINATED. However, if a scan is in
     * progress when {@link PeriodicRecovery#_currentMode} transitions to state SUSPENDED or TERMINATED
     * {@link PeriodicRecovery#_currentStatus} may (temporarily) remain in state SCANNING before transitioning
     * to state INACTIVE.
    public class Mode
         * state value indicating that new scans may proceed
        public static final int ENABLED = 0;
         * state value indicating that new scans may not proceed and the periodic recovery thread should suspend
        public static final int SUSPENDED = 1;
         * state value indicating that new scans may not proceed and that the singleton
         * PeriodicRecovery thread instance should exit if it is still running
        public static final int TERMINATED = 2;

        private Mode() { }

     * @param threaded
     * @param useListener  if true, start a socket based listener.
    public PeriodicRecovery (boolean threaded, boolean useListener)

        // Load the recovery modules that actually do the work.


        if (useListener)
                _workerService = new WorkerService(this);

                _listener = new Listener(getServerSocket(), _workerService);

                if (tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.isInfoEnabled())
                            new Object[] {
                                    _socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), _socket.getLocalPort()
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
                    tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.warn("com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery_9", new Object[]{ex});

        if (threaded)
            if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                        FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: starting background scanner thread" );

            if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                        FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: starting listener worker thread" );

     * initiate termination of the periodic recovery thread and stop any subsequent scan requests from proceeding.
     * this switches the recovery operation mode to TERMINATED. if a scan is in progress when this method is called
     * and has not yet started phase 2 of its scan it will be forced to return before completing phase 2.
     * @param async false if the calling thread should wait for any in-progress scan to complete before returning
   public void shutdown (boolean async)
       synchronized (_stateLock) {
           if (getMode() != Mode.TERMINATED) {
               if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                      tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                              FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: Mode <== TERMINATED" );

           if (!async) {
               // synchronous, so we keep waiting until the currently active scan stops or scanning
               // changes to TERMINATED
               while (getStatus() == Status.SCANNING) {
                   try {
                       if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                              tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                      FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: shutdown waiting for scan to end" );
                   } catch(InterruptedException ie) {
                       // just ignore and retest condition
               if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                      tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                              FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: shutdown scan wait complete" );

     * make all scanning operations suspend.
     * This switches the recovery operation mode to SUSPENDED. Any attempt to start a new scan either by an ad hoc
     * threads or by the periodic recovery thread will suspend its thread until the mode changes. If a scan is in
     * progress when this method is called it will complete its scan without suspending.
     * @param async false if the calling thread should wait for any in-progress scan to complete before returning

   public void suspendScan (boolean async)
       synchronized (_stateLock)
           // only switch and kick everyone if we are currently ENABLED

           if (getMode() == Mode.ENABLED) {
               if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                   tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                           FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: Mode <== SUSPENDED" );
           if (!async) {
               // synchronous, so we keep waiting until the currently active scan stops
               while (getStatus() == Status.SCANNING) {
                   try {
                       if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                              tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                      FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: suspendScan waiting for scan to end" );
                   } catch(InterruptedException ie) {
                       // just ignore and retest condition
                   if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                          tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                  FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: suspendScan scan wait compelete" );

     * resume scanning operations
     * This switches the recovery operation mode from SUSPENDED to RESUMED. Any threads which suspended when
     * they tried to start a scan will be woken up by this transition.
   public void resumeScan ()
       synchronized (_stateLock)
           if (getMode() == Mode.SUSPENDED) {
               if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                      tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                              FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: Mode <== ENABLED" );

     * @return a bound server socket corresponding to the recovery manager
     * @throws IOException if the host name is unknown or the endpoint has already been bound
    public static ServerSocket getServerSocket () throws IOException
        synchronized (PeriodicRecovery._socketLock)
            if (_socket == null)
                _socket = new ServerSocket(RecoveryManager.getRecoveryManagerPort(), Utility.BACKLOG, RecoveryManager.getRecoveryManagerHost());

            return _socket;

    * Implements the background thread which performs the periodic recovery

   public void run ()
       boolean finished = false;

           boolean workToDo = false;
           // ok, get to the point where we are ready to start a scan
           synchronized(_stateLock) {
               if (getStatus() == Status.SCANNING) {
                   // need to wait for some other scan to finish
                   if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                          tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                  FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: background thread waiting on other scan" );
                   if (getMode() == Mode.ENABLED) {
                       // the last guy just finished scanning so we ought to wait a bit rather than just
                       // pile straight in to do some work
                       if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                              tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                      FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: background thread backing off" );
                       // if we got told to stop then do so
                       finished = (getMode() == Mode.TERMINATED);
               } else {
                   // status == INACTIVE so we can go ahead and scan if scanning is enabled
                   switch (getMode()) {
                       case Mode.ENABLED:
                           // ok grab our chance to be the scanning thread
                           if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                                  tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                          FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: background thread Status <== SCANNING" );
                           // must kick any other waiting threads
                           workToDo = true;
                       case Mode.SUSPENDED:
                           // we need to wait while we are suspended
                           if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                                  tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                          FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: background thread wait while SUSPENDED" );
                           // we come out of here with the lock and either ENABLED or TERMINATED
                           finished = (getMode() == Mode.TERMINATED);
                       case Mode.TERMINATED:
                           finished = true;

           // its ok to start work if requested -- we cannot be stopped now by a mode change to SUSPEND
           // or TERMINATE until we get through phase 1 and maybe phase 2 if we are lucky

           if (workToDo) {
               // we are in state SCANNING so actually do the scan
               if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                      tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                              FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: background thread scanning");
               // clear the SCANNING state now we have done
               synchronized(_stateLock) {
                   if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                          tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                  FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: background thread Status <== INACTIVE");
                   // must kick any other waiting threads
                   // check if we need to notify the listener worker that we just finsihsed  a scan

                   if (getMode() == Mode.ENABLED) {
                       // we managed a full scan and scanning is still enabled
                       // so wait a bit before the next attempt
                       if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                              tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                      FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: background thread backing off" );
                   finished = (getMode() == Mode.TERMINATED);
       } while (!finished);

       if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
              tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                      FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: background thread exiting" );

     * Perform a recovery scan on all registered modules.
     * @caveats if a scan is already in progress this method will wait for it to complete otherwise it will
     * perform its own scan before returning. If scanning is suspended this will require waiting for scanning
     * to resume.

    public final void doWork ()
        boolean workToDo = false;

        synchronized(_stateLock) {
            if (getMode() == Mode.SUSPENDED) {
                if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                       tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                               FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: ad hoc thread wait while SUSPENDED" );

            // no longer SUSPENDED --  retest in case we got TERMINATED

            if (getMode() == Mode.TERMINATED) {
                if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                       tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                               FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: ad hoc thread scan TERMINATED" );
            } else {

                // ok scanning must be enabled -- see if we can start a scan or whether we have to wait on another one

                if (getStatus() == Status.SCANNING) {
                    // just wait for the other scan to finish
                    if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                        tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: ad hoc thread waiting on other scan" );
                } else {

                    // ok grab our chance to start a scan
                    // must kick any other waiting threads
                    if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                        tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                                FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: ad hoc thread Status <== SCANNING" );
                    workToDo = true;

        if (workToDo) {
            // ok to start work -- we cannot be stopped now by a mode change to SUSPEND or TERMINATE
            // until we get through phase 1 and maybe phase 2 if we are lucky
            if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                   tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                           FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: ad hoc thread scanning");

            // clear the scan for some other thread to have a go
            synchronized(_stateLock) {
                if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                       tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                               FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: ad hoc thread Status <== INACTIVE");
                // must kick any other waiting threads
                // check if we need to notify the listener worker that we just finsihsed  a scan

     * called by the listener worker to wake the periodic recovery thread and get it to start a scan if one
     * is not already in progress

    public void wakeUp()
        synchronized (_stateLock) {
            _workerScanRequested = true;
            // wake up the periodic recovery thread if no scan is in progress
            if (getStatus() != Status.SCANNING) {
                if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                    tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                            FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: listener worker interrupts background thread");

     * Add the specified module to the end of the recovery module list.
     * There is no way to specify relative ordering of recovery modules
     * with respect to modules loaded via the property file.
     * @param module The module to append.

    public final void addModule (RecoveryModule module)
        if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
            tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                    FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: adding module " + module.getClass().getName());

     * remove a recovery module from the recovery modules list
     * @param module the module to be removed
     * @param waitOnScan true if the remove operation should wait for any in-progress scan to complete
    public final void removeModule (RecoveryModule module, boolean waitOnScan)
        if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
            tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                    FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: removing module " + module.getClass().getName());

        if (waitOnScan) {
            // make sure any scan which might be using the module has completed
            synchronized (_stateLock) {

     * return a copy of the current recovery modules list
     * @return a copy of the the recovery modules list.

    public final Vector getModules ()
        // return a copy of the modules list so that clients are not affected by dynamic modifications to the list
        // synchronize so that we don't copy in the middle of an add or remove

        synchronized (_recoveryModules) {
            return new Vector(_recoveryModules);

    /***** private implementation *****/

     * fetch the current activity status either INACTIVE or SCANNING
     * @caveats must only be called while synchronized on {@link PeriodicRecovery#_stateLock}
     * @return INACTIVE if no scan is in progress or SCANNING if some thread is performing a scan
    private int getStatus ()
        return _currentStatus;

     * fetch the current recovery operation mode either ENABLED, SUSPENDED or TERMINATED
     * @caveats must only be called while synchronized on {@link PeriodicRecovery#_stateLock}
     * @return the current recovery operation mode
    private int getMode ()
        return _currentMode;

     * set the current activity status
     * @param status the new status to be used
    private void setStatus (int status)
        _currentStatus = status;

     * set the current recovery operation mode
     * @param mode the new mode to be used
    private void setMode (int mode)
        _currentMode = mode;

     * wait for the required backoff period or less if the scanning status or scan mode changes
     * @caveats this must only be called when synchronized on {@link PeriodicRecovery#_stateLock} and when
     * _currentStatus is SCANNING and _currentMode is ENABLED
    private void doBackoffWait()
        try {
            _stateLock.wait(_backoffPeriod * 1000);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // we can ignore this exception

     * wait for the required recovery period or less if the scanning status or scan mode changes
     * @caveats this must only be called when synchronized on {@link PeriodicRecovery#_stateLock} and when
     * _currentStatus is INACTIVE and _currentMode is ENABLED
    private void doPeriodicWait()
        try {
            _stateLock.wait(_recoveryPeriod * 1000);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // we can ignore this exception

     * wait until the we move out of SUSPENDED mode
     * @caveats this must only be called when synchronized on {@link PeriodicRecovery#_stateLock}
    private void doSuspendedWait()
        while (getMode() == Mode.SUSPENDED) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // we can ignore this exception

     * wait until some other thread stops scanning
     * @caveats this must only be called when synchronized on {@link PeriodicRecovery#_stateLock} and when
     * _currentStatus is SCANNING
    private void doScanningWait()
        while (getStatus() == Status.SCANNING) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // we can ignore this exception

     * start performing a scan continuing to completion unless we are terminating
     * @caveats this must only be called when _currentStatus is SCANNING. on return _currentStatus is always
     * still SCANNING

    private void doWorkInternal()
        // n.b. we only get here if status is SCANNING

        if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
            tsLogger.arjLogger.debug("Periodic recovery - first pass <" +
                _theTimestamper.format(new Date()) + ">" );

        // n.b. this works on a copy of the modules list so it is not affected by
        // dynamic updates in the middle of a scan

        Enumeration modules = getModules().elements();

        while (modules.hasMoreElements())
            RecoveryModule m = (RecoveryModule) modules.nextElement();

            // we need to ensure we use the class loader context of the recovery module while we are executing
            // its methods

            ClassLoader cl = switchClassLoader(m);
            try {
            } finally {

            if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                tsLogger.arjLogger.debug( DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS,
                        " " );

        // take the lock again so we can do a backoff wait on it

        synchronized (_stateLock) {
            // we have to wait for a bit to avoid catching (too many)
            // transactions etc. that are really progressing quite happily


            // we carry on scanning even if scanning is SUSPENDED because the suspending thread
            // might be waiting on us to complete and we don't want to risk deadlocking it by waiting
            // here for a resume.
            // if we have been TERMINATED we bail out now
            // n.b. if we give up here the caller is responsible for clearing the active scan

            if (getMode() == Mode.TERMINATED) {
                if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                    tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                            FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: scan TERMINATED at phase 1");

        // move on to phase 2

        if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
            tsLogger.arjLogger.debug("Periodic recovery - second pass <"+
                    _theTimestamper.format(new Date()) + ">" );

        modules = _recoveryModules.elements();

        while (modules.hasMoreElements())
            RecoveryModule m = (RecoveryModule) modules.nextElement();

            ClassLoader cl = switchClassLoader(m);
            try {
            } finally {

            if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                tsLogger.arjLogger.debug ( DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC, FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, " " );

        // n.b. the caller is responsible for clearing the active scan

     * notify the listener worker that a scan has completed
     * @caveats this must only be called when synchronized on {@link PeriodicRecovery#_stateLock} at the point
     * where Status transitions from SCANNING to INACTIVE

    private void notifyWorker()
        // if the listener is still waiting on a wakeup then notify it

        if (_workerScanRequested) {
            if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                tsLogger.arjLogger.debug(DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS, VisibilityLevel.VIS_PUBLIC,
                        FacilityCode.FAC_CRASH_RECOVERY, "PeriodicRecovery: scan thread signals listener worker");
            if(_workerService != null)
            _workerScanRequested = false;

     * install the classloader associated with some specific recovery module as the current thread's class loader
     * this avoids a problem where the background periodic recovery thread can see the same class as the recovery
     * module's class loader, specifically where a the recovery module resides in a sar (e.g. the XTS code).
     * If class with name "A" is loaded via the background thread class loader as A' and used to create instance
     * a' then a cast expression in th erecovery code of the form (A)a' will try to resolve a' against version
     * A'' loaded via the sar loader and get a class cast exception.
     * @param rm the recovery module whose class loader is to be installed as the new thread class loader
     * @return the class loader currently installed as the thread class loader

    private ClassLoader switchClassLoader(RecoveryModule rm)
        Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
        ClassLoader cl = currentThread.getContextClassLoader();

        return cl;

     * restore the current thread's classloader
     * @param cl the class loader to be set as the current thread class loader

    private void restoreClassLoader(ClassLoader cl)
        Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();


     * Load recovery modules prior to starting to recovery. The property
     * name of each module is used to indicate relative ordering.

   private static void loadModules ()
      // scan the relevant properties so as to get them into sort order
       Properties properties = arjPropertyManager.propertyManager.getProperties();

      if (properties != null)
         Vector moduleNames = new Vector();
         Enumeration names = properties.propertyNames();

         while (names.hasMoreElements())
            String attrName = (String) names.nextElement();

            if (attrName.startsWith(RecoveryEnvironment.MODULE_PROPERTY_PREFIX))
               // this is one of ours - put it in the right place
               int position = 0;

               while ( position < moduleNames.size() &&
                       attrName.compareTo( (String)moduleNames.elementAt(position)) > 0 )
         // now go through again and load them
         names = moduleNames.elements();

         while (names.hasMoreElements())
            String attrName = (String) names.nextElement();


     * load a specific recovery module and add it to the recovery modules list
     * @param className
   private static void loadModule (String className)
       if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
         tsLogger.arjLogger.debug( DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS,
           "Loading recovery module "+
           className );

      if (className == null)
      if (tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())

       Class c = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass( className );

               RecoveryModule m = (RecoveryModule) c.newInstance();
            catch (ClassCastException e)
    if (tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
            new Object[]{className});
            catch (IllegalAccessException iae)
    if (tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
            new Object[]{iae});
            catch (InstantiationException ie)
    if (tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
            new Object[]{ie});

            c = null;
         catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe )
        if (tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
               new Object[]{className});

     * initialise the periodic recovery instance to a suitable initial state
   private void initialise ()
       _recoveryModules = new Vector();

   // this refers to the modules specified in the recovery manager
   // property file which are dynamically loaded.
    * list of instances of RecoiveryModule either loaded during startup as specified in the recovery manager
    * property file or added dynamically by calls to addModule
   private static Vector _recoveryModules = null;

    * time in seconds between the first and second pass in any given scan
   private static int _backoffPeriod = 0;

     * time in seconds for which the periodic recovery thread waits between scan attempts
   private static int _recoveryPeriod = 0;

     *  default value for _backoffPeriod if not specified via property {@link com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.Environment#RECOVERY_BACKOFF_PERIOD}
    private static final int _defaultBackoffPeriod = 10;

     *  default value for _recoveryPeriod if not specified via property {@link com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.Environment#PERIODIC_RECOVERY_PERIOD}
   private static final int _defaultRecoveryPeriod = 120;

     * lock controlling access to {@link PeriodicRecovery#_currentStatus}, {@link PeriodicRecovery#_currentMode} and
     * {@link PeriodicRecovery#_workerScanRequested}
   private static final Object _stateLock = new Object();

     * activity status indicating whether we IDLING or some thread is SCANNING
   private static int _currentStatus;

     * operating mode indicating whether scanning is ENABLED, SUSPENDED or TERMINATED
   private static int _currentMode;

     *  flag indicating whether the listener has prodded the recovery thread
    private boolean _workerScanRequested = false;

     * format for printing dates in log messages
    private static SimpleDateFormat _theTimestamper = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss");

     * socket used by listener worker thread
    private static ServerSocket _socket = null;
    private static final Object _socketLock = new Object();

     * listener thread running worker service
    private static Listener _listener = null;

     * the worker service which handles requests via the listener socket
    private static WorkerService _workerService = null;

    * Read the system properties to set the configurable options
    * Note: if we start and stop the service then changes to the timeouts
    * won't be reflected. We will need to modify this eventually.

      _recoveryPeriod = _defaultRecoveryPeriod;

      String recoveryPeriodString =
         arjPropertyManager.propertyManager.getProperty(com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.Environment.PERIODIC_RECOVERY_PERIOD );

      if ( recoveryPeriodString != null )
            Integer recoveryPeriodInteger = new Integer( recoveryPeriodString );
            _recoveryPeriod = recoveryPeriodInteger.intValue();

      if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                  ( DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS,
                    "com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery" +
                    ": Recovery period set to " + _recoveryPeriod + " seconds" );
         catch (NumberFormatException e)
       if (tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
               new Object[]{com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.Environment.PERIODIC_RECOVERY_PERIOD, recoveryPeriodString});

      _backoffPeriod = _defaultBackoffPeriod;

      String backoffPeriodString=

      if (backoffPeriodString != null)
            Integer backoffPeriodInteger = new Integer(backoffPeriodString);
            _backoffPeriod = backoffPeriodInteger.intValue();

      if (tsLogger.arjLogger.isDebugEnabled())
                  ( DebugLevel.FUNCTIONS,
                    "PeriodicRecovery" +
                    ": Backoff period set to " + _backoffPeriod + " seconds" );
         catch (NumberFormatException e)
            if (tsLogger.arjLoggerI18N.isWarnEnabled())
               new Object[]{com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.common.Environment.RECOVERY_BACKOFF_PERIOD, backoffPeriodString});



Related Classes of com.arjuna.ats.internal.arjuna.recovery.PeriodicRecovery

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