Package org.drools.marshalling

Source Code of org.drools.marshalling.InputMarshaller

package org.drools.marshalling;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;

import org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException;
import org.drools.SessionConfiguration;
import org.drools.base.ClassObjectType;
import org.drools.common.AgendaItem;
import org.drools.common.BaseNode;
import org.drools.common.BinaryHeapQueueAgendaGroup;
import org.drools.common.DefaultAgenda;
import org.drools.common.DefaultFactHandle;
import org.drools.common.EqualityKey;
import org.drools.common.InternalAgendaGroup;
import org.drools.common.InternalFactHandle;
import org.drools.common.InternalRuleBase;
import org.drools.common.InternalRuleFlowGroup;
import org.drools.common.InternalWorkingMemory;
import org.drools.common.NodeMemory;
import org.drools.common.PropagationContextImpl;
import org.drools.common.RuleFlowGroupImpl;
import org.drools.common.TruthMaintenanceSystem;
import org.drools.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import org.drools.process.core.context.swimlane.SwimlaneContext;
import org.drools.process.core.context.variable.VariableScope;
import org.drools.process.instance.ProcessInstance;
import org.drools.process.instance.WorkItem;
import org.drools.process.instance.WorkItemManager;
import org.drools.process.instance.context.swimlane.SwimlaneContextInstance;
import org.drools.process.instance.context.variable.VariableScopeInstance;
import org.drools.process.instance.impl.WorkItemImpl;
import org.drools.process.instance.timer.TimerInstance;
import org.drools.process.instance.timer.TimerManager;
import org.drools.reteoo.BetaMemory;
import org.drools.reteoo.BetaNode;
import org.drools.reteoo.EntryPointNode;
import org.drools.reteoo.EvalConditionNode;
import org.drools.reteoo.InitialFactHandle;
import org.drools.reteoo.InitialFactHandleDummyObject;
import org.drools.reteoo.LeftTuple;
import org.drools.reteoo.LeftTupleSink;
import org.drools.reteoo.NodeTypeEnums;
import org.drools.reteoo.ObjectTypeNode;
import org.drools.reteoo.ReteooStatefulSession;
import org.drools.reteoo.ReteooWorkingMemory;
import org.drools.reteoo.RightTuple;
import org.drools.reteoo.RightTupleSink;
import org.drools.reteoo.RuleTerminalNode;
import org.drools.reteoo.AccumulateNode.AccumulateContext;
import org.drools.reteoo.AccumulateNode.AccumulateMemory;
import org.drools.reteoo.CollectNode.CollectContext;
import org.drools.reteoo.CollectNode.CollectMemory;
import org.drools.reteoo.EvalConditionNode.EvalMemory;
import org.drools.reteoo.RuleTerminalNode.TerminalNodeMemory;
import org.drools.rule.EntryPoint;
import org.drools.rule.GroupElement;
import org.drools.rule.Package;
import org.drools.rule.Rule;
import org.drools.ruleflow.instance.RuleFlowProcessInstance;
import org.drools.runtime.process.NodeInstance;
import org.drools.runtime.process.NodeInstanceContainer;
import org.drools.spi.Activation;
import org.drools.spi.AgendaGroup;
import org.drools.spi.FactHandleFactory;
import org.drools.spi.ObjectType;
import org.drools.spi.PropagationContext;
import org.drools.spi.RuleFlowGroup;
import org.drools.util.ObjectHashMap;
import org.drools.util.ObjectHashSet;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.impl.NodeInstanceImpl;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.node.CompositeContextNodeInstance;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.node.ForEachNodeInstance;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.node.HumanTaskNodeInstance;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.node.JoinInstance;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.node.MilestoneNodeInstance;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.node.RuleSetNodeInstance;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.node.SubProcessNodeInstance;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.node.TimerNodeInstance;
import org.drools.workflow.instance.node.WorkItemNodeInstance;

public class InputMarshaller {
     * Stream the data into an existing session
     * @param session
     * @param context
     * @param id
     * @param executor
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public static ReteooStatefulSession readSession(ReteooStatefulSession session,
                                                    MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException,
                                                                                    ClassNotFoundException {
        boolean multithread = context.readBoolean();
        int handleId = context.readInt();
        long handleCounter = context.readLong();
        long propagationCounter = context.readLong();

        // these are for the InitialFactHandle, on a reset we just ignore

        session.reset( handleId,
                       propagationCounter );
        DefaultAgenda agenda = (DefaultAgenda) session.getAgenda();

        readAgenda( context,
                    agenda );

        context.wm = session;

        readFactHandles( context );

        readActionQueue( context );

        if ( context.readBoolean() ) {
            readTruthMaintenanceSystem( context );

        readProcessInstances( context );

        readWorkItems( context );

        readTimers( context );
        if( multithread ) {

        return session;

     * Create a new session into which to read the stream data
     * @param context
     * @param id
     * @param executor
     * @return
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    public static ReteooStatefulSession readSession(MarshallerReaderContext context,
                                                    int id,
                                                    ExecutorService executor) throws IOException,
                                                                             ClassNotFoundException {

        boolean multithread = context.readBoolean();
        FactHandleFactory handleFactory = context.ruleBase.newFactHandleFactory( context.readInt(),
                                                                                 context.readLong() );

        InitialFactHandle initialFactHandle = new InitialFactHandle( new DefaultFactHandle( context.readInt(), //id
                                                                                            new InitialFactHandleDummyObject(),
                                                                                            context.readLong() ) ); //recency       
        context.handles.put( initialFactHandle.getId(),
                             initialFactHandle );

        long propagationCounter = context.readLong();

        DefaultAgenda agenda = new DefaultAgenda( context.ruleBase,
                                                  false );
        readAgenda( context,
                    agenda );
        ReteooStatefulSession session = new ReteooStatefulSession( id,
                                                                   new SessionConfiguration(), // FIXME: must deserialize configuration 
                                                                   agenda );

        // RuleFlowGroups need to reference the session
        for ( RuleFlowGroup group : agenda.getRuleFlowGroupsMap().values() ) {
            ((RuleFlowGroupImpl) group).setWorkingMemory( session );
        context.wm = session;

        readFactHandles( context );

        readActionQueue( context );

        if ( context.readBoolean() ) {
            readTruthMaintenanceSystem( context );

        readProcessInstances( context );

        readWorkItems( context );

        readTimers( context );

        if( multithread ) {

        return session;

    public static void readAgenda(MarshallerReaderContext context,
                                  DefaultAgenda agenda) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.AGENDA_GROUP ) {
            BinaryHeapQueueAgendaGroup group = new BinaryHeapQueueAgendaGroup( stream.readUTF(),
                                                                               context.ruleBase );
            group.setActive( stream.readBoolean() );
            agenda.getAgendaGroupsMap().put( group.getName(),
                                             group );

        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.AGENDA_GROUP ) {
            String agendaGroupName = stream.readUTF();
            agenda.getStackList().add( agenda.getAgendaGroup( agendaGroupName ) );

        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.RULE_FLOW_GROUP ) {
            String rfgName = stream.readUTF();
            boolean active = stream.readBoolean();
            boolean autoDeactivate = stream.readBoolean();
            RuleFlowGroup rfg = new RuleFlowGroupImpl( rfgName,
                                                       autoDeactivate );
            agenda.getRuleFlowGroupsMap().put( rfgName,
                                               rfg );


    public static void readActionQueue(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ReteooWorkingMemory wm = (ReteooWorkingMemory) context.wm;
        Queue actionQueue = wm.getActionQueue();
        while ( context.readShort() == PersisterEnums.WORKING_MEMORY_ACTION ) {
            actionQueue.offer( PersisterHelper.readWorkingMemoryAction( context ) );

    public static void readTruthMaintenanceSystem(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = context.wm.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.EQUALITY_KEY ) {
            int status = stream.readInt();
            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId );
            EqualityKey key = new EqualityKey( handle,
                                               status );
            handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.FACT_HANDLE ) {
                factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId );
                key.addFactHandle( handle );
                handle.setEqualityKey( key );
            tms.put( key );

    public static void readFactHandles(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException,
                                                                       ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        InternalRuleBase ruleBase = context.ruleBase;
        PlaceholderResolverStrategyFactory resolverStrategyFactory = context.resolverStrategyFactory;
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;

        if ( stream.readBoolean() ) {
            InternalFactHandle initialFactHandle = wm.getInitialFactHandle();
            int sinkId = stream.readInt();
            ObjectTypeNode initialFactNode = (ObjectTypeNode) context.sinks.get( sinkId );
            ObjectHashSet initialFactMemory = (ObjectHashSet) context.wm.getNodeMemory( initialFactNode );

            initialFactMemory.add( initialFactHandle );
            readRightTuples( initialFactHandle,
                             context );

        int size = stream.readInt();

        // load the handles
        InternalFactHandle[] handles = new InternalFactHandle[size];
        for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
            InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );

            context.handles.put( handle.getId(),
                                 handle );
            handles[i] = handle;

            context.wm.getObjectStore().addHandle( handle,
                                                   handle.getObject() );

            readRightTuples( handle,
                             context );

        EntryPointNode node = ruleBase.getRete().getEntryPointNode( EntryPoint.DEFAULT );
        Map<ObjectType, ObjectTypeNode> objectTypeNodes = node.getObjectTypeNodes();

        // add handles to object type nodes
        for ( InternalFactHandle handle : handles ) {
            Object object = handle.getObject();
            ClassObjectType objectType = new ClassObjectType( object.getClass() );
            ObjectTypeNode objectTypeNode = objectTypeNodes.get( objectType );
            ObjectHashSet set = (ObjectHashSet) context.wm.getNodeMemory( objectTypeNode );
            set.add( handle,
                     false );

        InternalFactHandle handle = wm.getInitialFactHandle();
        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE ) {
            LeftTupleSink sink = (LeftTupleSink) context.sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
            LeftTuple leftTuple = new LeftTuple( handle,
                                                 true );
            readLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                           context );

        readLeftTuples( context );
        readPropagationContexts( context );

        readActivations( context );

    public static InternalFactHandle readFactHandle(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException,
                                                                                    ClassNotFoundException {
        int id =;
        long recency =;

        int strategyIndex =;
        PlaceholderResolverStrategy strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategy( strategyIndex );
        ObjectPlaceholder placeHolder = );

        Object object = placeHolder.resolveObject();

        InternalFactHandle handle = new DefaultFactHandle( id,
                                                           recency );
        return handle;


    public static void readRightTuples(InternalFactHandle factHandle,
                                       MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.RIGHT_TUPLE ) {
            readRightTuple( context,
                            factHandle );

    public static void readRightTuple(MarshallerReaderContext context,
                                      InternalFactHandle factHandle) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        RightTupleSink sink = (RightTupleSink) context.sinks.get( stream.readInt() );

        RightTuple rightTuple = new RightTuple( factHandle,
                                                sink );
        context.rightTuples.put( new RightTupleKey( factHandle.getId(),
                                                    sink ),
                                 rightTuple );

        BetaMemory memory = null;
        switch ( sink.getType() ) {
            case NodeTypeEnums.AccumulateNode : {
                memory = ((AccumulateMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink )).betaMemory;
            case NodeTypeEnums.CollectNode : {
                memory = ((CollectMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink )).betaMemory;
            default : {
                memory = (BetaMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
        memory.getRightTupleMemory().add( rightTuple );

    public static void readLeftTuples(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException,
                                                                      ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE ) {
            LeftTupleSink sink = (LeftTupleSink) context.sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
            LeftTuple leftTuple = new LeftTuple( context.handles.get( factHandleId ),
                                                 true );
            readLeftTuple( leftTuple,
                           context );

    public static void readLeftTuple(LeftTuple parentLeftTuple,
                                     MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException,
                                                                     ClassNotFoundException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;
        Map<Integer, BaseNode> sinks = context.sinks;

        LeftTupleSink sink = parentLeftTuple.getLeftTupleSink();

        switch ( sink.getType() ) {
            case NodeTypeEnums.JoinNode : {
                BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
                memory.getLeftTupleMemory().add( parentLeftTuple );

                while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.RIGHT_TUPLE ) {
                    LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                    int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                    RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                           sink );
                    RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );
                    LeftTuple childLeftTuple = new LeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                              true );
                    readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                   context );

            case NodeTypeEnums.EvalConditionNode : {
                final EvalMemory memory = (EvalMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (EvalConditionNode) sink );
                memory.tupleMemory.add( parentLeftTuple );
                while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE ) {
                    LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                    LeftTuple childLeftTuple = new LeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                              true );
                    readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                   context );
            case NodeTypeEnums.NotNode : {
                BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
                int type = stream.readShort();
                if ( type == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE_NOT_BLOCKED ) {
                    memory.getLeftTupleMemory().add( parentLeftTuple );

                    while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE ) {
                        LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                        LeftTuple childLeftTuple = new LeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                  true );
                        readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                       context );

                } else {
                    int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                    RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                           sink );
                    RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );

                    parentLeftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
                    rightTuple.setBlocked( parentLeftTuple );
            case NodeTypeEnums.ExistsNode : {
                BetaMemory memory = (BetaMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
                int type = stream.readShort();
                if ( type == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE_NOT_BLOCKED ) {
                    memory.getLeftTupleMemory().add( parentLeftTuple );
                } else {
                    int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                    RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                           sink );
                    RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );

                    parentLeftTuple.setBlocker( rightTuple );
                    rightTuple.setBlocked( parentLeftTuple );

                    while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE ) {
                        LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                        LeftTuple childLeftTuple = new LeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                  true );
                        readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                       context );
            case NodeTypeEnums.AccumulateNode : {
                // accumulate nodes generate new facts on-demand and need special procedures when de-serializing from persistent storage
                AccumulateMemory memory = (AccumulateMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
                memory.betaMemory.getLeftTupleMemory().add( parentLeftTuple );

                AccumulateContext accctx = new AccumulateContext();
                memory.betaMemory.getCreatedHandles().put( parentLeftTuple,
                                                           false );
                // first we de-serialize the generated fact handle
                InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );
                accctx.result = new RightTuple( handle,
                                                (RightTupleSink) sink );

                // then we de-serialize the associated accumulation context
                accctx.context = (Serializable) stream.readObject();
                // then we de-serialize the boolean propagated flag
                accctx.propagated = stream.readBoolean();

                // then we de-serialize all the propagated tuples
                short head = -1;
                while ( (head = stream.readShort()) != PersisterEnums.END ) {
                    switch ( head ) {
                        case PersisterEnums.RIGHT_TUPLE : {
                            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                            RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                                   sink );
                            RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );
                            // just wiring up the match record
                            new LeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                           true );
                        case PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE : {
                            LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                            LeftTuple childLeftTuple = new LeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                      true );
                            readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                           context );
                        default : {
                            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Marshalling error. This is a bug. Please contact the development team." );
            case NodeTypeEnums.CollectNode : {
                // accumulate nodes generate new facts on-demand and need special procedures when de-serializing from persistent storage
                CollectMemory memory = (CollectMemory) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (BetaNode) sink );
                memory.betaMemory.getLeftTupleMemory().add( parentLeftTuple );

                CollectContext colctx = new CollectContext();
                memory.betaMemory.getCreatedHandles().put( parentLeftTuple,
                                                           false );
                // first we de-serialize the generated fact handle
                InternalFactHandle handle = readFactHandle( context );
                colctx.resultTuple = new RightTuple( handle,
                                                     (RightTupleSink) sink );

                // then we de-serialize the boolean propagated flag
                colctx.propagated = stream.readBoolean();

                // then we de-serialize all the propagated tuples
                short head = -1;
                while ( (head = stream.readShort()) != PersisterEnums.END ) {
                    switch ( head ) {
                        case PersisterEnums.RIGHT_TUPLE : {
                            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
                            RightTupleKey key = new RightTupleKey( factHandleId,
                                                                   sink );
                            RightTuple rightTuple = context.rightTuples.get( key );
                            // just wiring up the match record
                            new LeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                           true );
                        case PersisterEnums.LEFT_TUPLE : {
                            LeftTupleSink childSink = (LeftTupleSink) sinks.get( stream.readInt() );
                            LeftTuple childLeftTuple = new LeftTuple( parentLeftTuple,
                                                                      true );
                            readLeftTuple( childLeftTuple,
                                           context );
                        default : {
                            throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "Marshalling error. This is a bug. Please contact the development team." );
            case NodeTypeEnums.RightInputAdaterNode : {
                // RIANs generate new fact handles on-demand to wrap tuples and need special procedures when de-serializing from persistent storage
                ObjectHashMap memory = (ObjectHashMap) context.wm.getNodeMemory( (NodeMemory) sink );
                // create fact handle
                int id = stream.readInt();
                long recency = stream.readLong();
                InternalFactHandle handle = new DefaultFactHandle( id,
                                                                   recency );
                memory.put( parentLeftTuple, handle );
                readRightTuples( handle, context );
                stream.readShort(); // Persistence.END
            case NodeTypeEnums.RuleTerminalNode : {
                RuleTerminalNode ruleTerminalNode = (RuleTerminalNode) sink;
                TerminalNodeMemory memory = (TerminalNodeMemory) wm.getNodeMemory( ruleTerminalNode );
                memory.getTupleMemory().add( parentLeftTuple );

                int pos = context.terminalTupleMap.size();
                context.terminalTupleMap.put( pos,
                                              parentLeftTuple );

    public static void readActivations(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.ACTIVATION ) {
            readActivation( context );

    public static Activation readActivation(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        InternalRuleBase ruleBase = context.ruleBase;
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;

        long activationNumber = stream.readLong();

        int pos = stream.readInt();
        LeftTuple leftTuple = context.terminalTupleMap.get( pos );

        int salience = stream.readInt();

        //PropagationContext context,
        String pkgName = stream.readUTF();
        String ruleName = stream.readUTF();
        Package pkg = ruleBase.getPackage( pkgName );
        Rule rule = pkg.getRule( ruleName );

        RuleTerminalNode ruleTerminalNode = (RuleTerminalNode) leftTuple.getLeftTupleSink();
        GroupElement subRule = ruleTerminalNode.getSubRule();

        PropagationContext pc = context.propagationContexts.get( stream.readLong() );

        AgendaItem activation = new AgendaItem( activationNumber,
                                                subRule );

        leftTuple.setActivation( activation );

        if ( stream.readBoolean() ) {
            String activationGroupName = stream.readUTF();
            ((DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda()).getActivationGroup( activationGroupName ).addActivation( activation );

        boolean activated = stream.readBoolean();
        activation.setActivated( activated );

        InternalAgendaGroup agendaGroup;
        if ( rule.getAgendaGroup() == null || rule.getAgendaGroup().equals( "" ) || rule.getAgendaGroup().equals( AgendaGroup.MAIN ) ) {
            // Is the Rule AgendaGroup undefined? If it is use MAIN,
            // which is added to the Agenda by default
            agendaGroup = (InternalAgendaGroup) ((DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda()).getAgendaGroup( AgendaGroup.MAIN );
        } else {
            // AgendaGroup is defined, so try and get the AgendaGroup
            // from the Agenda
            agendaGroup = (InternalAgendaGroup) ((DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda()).getAgendaGroup( rule.getAgendaGroup() );

        activation.setAgendaGroup( agendaGroup );

        if ( activated ) {
            if ( rule.getRuleFlowGroup() == null ) {
                agendaGroup.add( activation );
            } else {
                InternalRuleFlowGroup rfg = (InternalRuleFlowGroup) ((DefaultAgenda) wm.getAgenda()).getRuleFlowGroup( rule.getRuleFlowGroup() );
                rfg.addActivation( activation );

        TruthMaintenanceSystem tms = context.wm.getTruthMaintenanceSystem();
        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.LOGICAL_DEPENDENCY ) {
            int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
            InternalFactHandle handle = (InternalFactHandle) context.handles.get( factHandleId );
            tms.addLogicalDependency( handle,
                                      rule );

        return activation;

    public static void readPropagationContexts(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.PROPAGATION_CONTEXT ) {
            readPropagationContext( context );


    public static void readPropagationContext(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        InternalRuleBase ruleBase = context.ruleBase;

        int type = stream.readInt();

        Rule rule = null;
        if ( stream.readBoolean() ) {
            String pkgName = stream.readUTF();
            String ruleName = stream.readUTF();
            Package pkg = ruleBase.getPackage( pkgName );
            rule = pkg.getRule( ruleName );

        LeftTuple leftTuple = null;
        if ( stream.readBoolean() ) {
            int tuplePos = stream.readInt();
            leftTuple = (LeftTuple) context.terminalTupleMap.get( tuplePos );

        long propagationNumber = stream.readLong();

        int factHandleId = stream.readInt();
        InternalFactHandle factHandle = context.handles.get( factHandleId );

        int activeActivations = stream.readInt();
        int dormantActivations = stream.readInt();
        String entryPointId = stream.readUTF();

        EntryPoint entryPoint = context.entryPoints.get( entryPointId );
        if ( entryPoint == null ) {
            entryPoint = new EntryPoint( entryPointId );
            context.entryPoints.put( entryPointId,
                                     entryPoint );

        PropagationContext pc = new PropagationContextImpl( propagationNumber,
                                                            entryPoint );
        context.propagationContexts.put( propagationNumber,
                                         pc );

    public static void readProcessInstances(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.PROCESS_INSTANCE ) {
            readProcessInstance( context );

    public static ProcessInstance readProcessInstance(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        InternalRuleBase ruleBase = context.ruleBase;
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;

        RuleFlowProcessInstance processInstance = new RuleFlowProcessInstance();
        processInstance.setId( stream.readLong() );
        String processId = stream.readUTF();
        processInstance.setProcessId( processId );
        if ( ruleBase != null ) {
            processInstance.setProcess( ruleBase.getProcess( processId ) );
        processInstance.setState( stream.readInt() );
        long nodeInstanceCounter = stream.readLong();
        processInstance.setWorkingMemory( wm );

        int nbVariables = stream.readInt();
        if ( nbVariables > 0 ) {
            VariableScopeInstance variableScopeInstance = (VariableScopeInstance) processInstance.getContextInstance( VariableScope.VARIABLE_SCOPE );
            for ( int i = 0; i < nbVariables; i++ ) {
                String name = stream.readUTF();
                try {
                    Object value = stream.readObject();
                    variableScopeInstance.setVariable( name,
                                                       value );
                } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not reload variable " + name );

        int nbSwimlanes = stream.readInt();
        if ( nbSwimlanes > 0 ) {
            SwimlaneContextInstance swimlaneContextInstance = (SwimlaneContextInstance) processInstance.getContextInstance( SwimlaneContext.SWIMLANE_SCOPE );
            for ( int i = 0; i < nbSwimlanes; i++ ) {
                String name = stream.readUTF();
                String value = stream.readUTF();
                swimlaneContextInstance.setActorId( name,
                                                    value );

        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.NODE_INSTANCE ) {
            readNodeInstance( context,
                              processInstance );

        processInstance.internalSetNodeInstanceCounter( nodeInstanceCounter );
        if ( wm != null ) {
        return processInstance;

    public static NodeInstance readNodeInstance(MarshallerReaderContext context,
                                                NodeInstanceContainer nodeInstanceContainer,
                                                RuleFlowProcessInstance processInstance) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        NodeInstanceImpl nodeInstance = null;
        long id = stream.readLong();
        long nodeId = stream.readLong();
        int nodeType = stream.readShort();
        switch ( nodeType ) {
            case PersisterEnums.RULE_SET_NODE_INSTANCE :
                nodeInstance = new RuleSetNodeInstance();
            case PersisterEnums.HUMAN_TASK_NODE_INSTANCE :
                nodeInstance = new HumanTaskNodeInstance();
                ((HumanTaskNodeInstance) nodeInstance).internalSetWorkItemId( stream.readLong() );
            case PersisterEnums.WORK_ITEM_NODE_INSTANCE :
                nodeInstance = new WorkItemNodeInstance();
                ((WorkItemNodeInstance) nodeInstance).internalSetWorkItemId( stream.readLong() );
            case PersisterEnums.SUB_PROCESS_NODE_INSTANCE :
                nodeInstance = new SubProcessNodeInstance();
                ((SubProcessNodeInstance) nodeInstance).internalSetProcessInstanceId( stream.readLong() );
            case PersisterEnums.MILESTONE_NODE_INSTANCE :
                nodeInstance = new MilestoneNodeInstance();
                int nbTimerInstances = stream.readInt();
                if (nbTimerInstances > 0) {
                  List<Long> timerInstances = new ArrayList<Long>();
                  for (int i = 0; i < nbTimerInstances; i++) {
                  ((MilestoneNodeInstance) nodeInstance).internalSetTimerInstances(timerInstances);
            case PersisterEnums.TIMER_NODE_INSTANCE :
                nodeInstance = new TimerNodeInstance();
                ((TimerNodeInstance) nodeInstance).internalSetTimerId( stream.readLong() );
            case PersisterEnums.JOIN_NODE_INSTANCE :
                nodeInstance = new JoinInstance();
                int number = stream.readInt();
                if ( number > 0 ) {
                    Map<Long, Integer> triggers = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
                    for ( int i = 0; i < number; i++ ) {
                        long l = stream.readLong();
                        int count = stream.readInt();
                        triggers.put( l,
                                      count );
                    ((JoinInstance) nodeInstance).internalSetTriggers( triggers );
            case PersisterEnums.COMPOSITE_NODE_INSTANCE :
                nodeInstance = new CompositeContextNodeInstance();
            case PersisterEnums.FOR_EACH_NODE_INSTANCE :
                nodeInstance = new ForEachNodeInstance();
            default :
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown node type: " + nodeType );
        nodeInstance.setNodeId( nodeId );
        nodeInstance.setNodeInstanceContainer( nodeInstanceContainer );
        nodeInstance.setProcessInstance( processInstance );
        nodeInstance.setId( id );
        switch ( nodeType ) {
            case PersisterEnums.COMPOSITE_NODE_INSTANCE :
                int nbVariables = stream.readInt();
                if ( nbVariables > 0 ) {
                    VariableScopeInstance variableScopeInstance = (VariableScopeInstance) ((CompositeContextNodeInstance) nodeInstance).getContextInstance( VariableScope.VARIABLE_SCOPE );
                    for ( int i = 0; i < nbVariables; i++ ) {
                        String name = stream.readUTF();
                        try {
                            Object value = stream.readObject();
                            variableScopeInstance.setVariable( name,
                                                               value );
                        } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not reload variable " + name );
                while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.NODE_INSTANCE ) {
                    readNodeInstance( context,
                                      (CompositeContextNodeInstance) nodeInstance,
                                      processInstance );
            case PersisterEnums.FOR_EACH_NODE_INSTANCE :
                while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.NODE_INSTANCE ) {
                    readNodeInstance( context,
                                      (ForEachNodeInstance) nodeInstance,
                                      processInstance );
            default :
                // do nothing
        return nodeInstance;

    public static void readWorkItems(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;
        ObjectInputStream stream =;
        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.WORK_ITEM ) {
            WorkItem workItem = readWorkItem( context );
            ((WorkItemManager) wm.getWorkItemManager()).internalAddWorkItem( workItem );

    public static WorkItem readWorkItem(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        WorkItemImpl workItem = new WorkItemImpl();
        workItem.setId( stream.readLong() );
        workItem.setProcessInstanceId( stream.readLong() );
        workItem.setName( stream.readUTF() );
        workItem.setState( stream.readInt() );

        int nbParameters = stream.readInt();

        for ( int i = 0; i < nbParameters; i++ ) {
            String name = stream.readUTF();
            try {
                Object value = stream.readObject();
                workItem.setParameter( name,
                                       value );
            } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not reload parameter " + name );

        return workItem;

    public static void readTimers(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        InternalWorkingMemory wm = context.wm;
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        TimerManager timerManager = wm.getTimerManager();
        timerManager.internalSetTimerId( stream.readLong() );
        // still need to think on how to fix this.
//        TimerService service = (TimerService) stream.readObject();
//        timerManager.setTimerService( service );

        while ( stream.readShort() == PersisterEnums.TIMER ) {
            TimerInstance timer = readTimer( context );
            timerManager.internalAddTimer( timer );

    public static TimerInstance readTimer(MarshallerReaderContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectInputStream stream =;

        TimerInstance timer = new TimerInstance();
        timer.setId( stream.readLong() );
        timer.setTimerId( stream.readLong() );
        timer.setDelay( stream.readLong() );
        timer.setPeriod( stream.readLong() );
        timer.setProcessInstanceId( stream.readLong() );
        timer.setActivated( new Date( stream.readLong() ) );
        if ( stream.readBoolean() ) {
            timer.setLastTriggered( new Date( stream.readLong() ) );
        return timer;


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