Package org.tmatesoft.svn.core

Source Code of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNAnnotationGenerator$BlameChunk

* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 TMate Software Ltd.  All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
* you should have received as part of this distribution.  The terms
* are also available at
* If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
* newer version instead, at your option.
* ====================================================================
package org.tmatesoft.svn.core;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNDate;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNErrorManager;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNEventFactory;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNFileUtil;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNTranslatorInputStream;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNAnnotateHandler;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNEventHandler;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNDiffOptions;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNEvent;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNEventAction;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.util.SVNLogType;

import de.regnis.q.sequence.QSequenceDifferenceBlock;
import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.QSequenceLineMedia;
import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.QSequenceLineRAFileData;
import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.QSequenceLineResult;
import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.simplifier.QSequenceLineDummySimplifier;
import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.simplifier.QSequenceLineEOLUnifyingSimplifier;
import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.simplifier.QSequenceLineSimplifier;
import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.simplifier.QSequenceLineTeeSimplifier;
import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.simplifier.QSequenceLineWhiteSpaceReducingSimplifier;
import de.regnis.q.sequence.line.simplifier.QSequenceLineWhiteSpaceSkippingSimplifier;

* The <b>SVNAnnotationGenerator</b> class is used to annotate files - that is
* to place author and revision information in-line for the specified
* file.
* <p>
* Since <b>SVNAnnotationGenerator</b> implements <b>ISVNFileRevisionHandler</b>,
* it is merely passed to a {@link, long, long, ISVNFileRevisionHandler) getFileRevisions()}
* method of <b>SVNRepository</b>. After that you handle the resultant annotated
* file line-by-line providing an <b>ISVNAnnotateHandler</b> implementation to the {@link #reportAnnotations(ISVNAnnotateHandler, String) reportAnnotations()}
* method:
* <pre class="javacode">
* <span class="javakeyword">import</span> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNAnnotationGenerator;
* <span class="javakeyword">import</span>;
* <span class="javakeyword">import</span>;
* <span class="javakeyword">import</span> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNAnnotateHandler;
* ...
*     File tmpFile;
*     SVNRepository repos;
*     ISVNAnnotateHandler annotateHandler;
*     ISVNEventHandler cancelHandler;
*     <span class="javakeyword">long</span> startRev = 0;
*     <span class="javakeyword">long</span> endRev = 150;
*     ...
*     SVNAnnotationGenerator generator = <span class="javakeyword">new</span> SVNAnnotationGenerator(path, tmpFile, cancelHandler);
*     <span class="javakeyword">try</span> {
*         repos.getFileRevisions(<span class="javastring">""</span>, startRev, endRev, generator);
*         generator.reportAnnotations(annotateHandler, <span class="javakeyword">null</span>);
*     } <span class="javakeyword">finally</span> {
*         generator.dispose();
*     }
* ...</pre>
* @version 1.2.0
* @author  TMate Software Ltd.
public class SVNAnnotationGenerator implements ISVNFileRevisionHandler {

    private File myTmpDirectory;
    private boolean myIsTmpDirCreated;
    private String myPath;

    private long myCurrentRevision;
    private String myCurrentAuthor;
    private Date myCurrentDate;
    private boolean myIsCurrentResultOfMerge;
    private String myCurrentPath;
    private File myPreviousFile;
    private File myPreviousOriginalFile;
    private File myCurrentFile;

    private List myMergeBlameChunks;
    private List myBlameChunks;
    private SVNDeltaProcessor myDeltaProcessor;
    private ISVNEventHandler myCancelBaton;
    private long myStartRevision;
    private boolean myIsForce;
    private boolean myIncludeMergedRevisions;
    private SVNDiffOptions myDiffOptions;
    private QSequenceLineSimplifier mySimplifier;
    private ISVNAnnotateHandler myFileHandler;
    private String myEncoding;
    private boolean myIsLastRevisionReported;
     * Constructs an annotation generator object.
     * <p>
     * This constructor is equivalent to
     * <code>SVNAnnotationGenerator(path, tmpDirectory, startRevision, false, cancelBaton)</code>.
     * @param path           a file path (relative to a repository location)
     * @param tmpDirectory   a revision to stop at
     * @param startRevision  a start revision to begin annotation with
     * @param cancelBaton    a baton which is used to check if an operation
     *                       is cancelled
    public SVNAnnotationGenerator(String path, File tmpDirectory, long startRevision, ISVNEventHandler cancelBaton) {
        this(path, tmpDirectory, startRevision, false, cancelBaton);
     * Constructs an annotation generator object.
     * <p/>
     * This constructor is identical to <code>SVNAnnotationGenerator(path, tmpDirectory, startRevision, force, new SVNDiffOptions(), cancelBaton)</code>.
     * @param path           a file path (relative to a repository location)
     * @param tmpDirectory   a revision to stop at
     * @param startRevision  a start revision to begin annotation with
     * @param force          forces binary files processing 
     * @param cancelBaton    a baton which is used to check if an operation
     *                       is cancelled
    public SVNAnnotationGenerator(String path, File tmpDirectory, long startRevision, boolean force, ISVNEventHandler cancelBaton) {
        this(path, tmpDirectory, startRevision, force, new SVNDiffOptions(), cancelBaton);

     * Constructs an annotation generator object.
     * <p/>
     * This constructor is identical to <code>SVNAnnotationGenerator(path, tmpDirectory, startRevision, force, false, diffOptions, null, null, cancelBaton)</code>.
     * @param path           a file path (relative to a repository location)
     * @param tmpDirectory   a revision to stop at
     * @param startRevision  a start revision to begin annotation with
     * @param force          forces binary files processing 
     * @param diffOptions    diff options
     * @param cancelBaton    a baton which is used to check if an operation
     *                       is cancelled
    public SVNAnnotationGenerator(String path, File tmpDirectory, long startRevision, boolean force, SVNDiffOptions diffOptions, ISVNEventHandler cancelBaton) {
        this(path, tmpDirectory, startRevision, force, false, diffOptions, null, null, cancelBaton);

     * Constructs an annotation generator object.
     * @param path                    a file path (relative to a repository location)
     * @param tmpDirectory            a revision to stop at
     * @param startRevision           a start revision to begin annotation with
     * @param force                   forces binary files processing 
     * @param includeMergedRevisions  whether to include merged revisions or not
     * @param diffOptions             diff options
     * @param encoding                charset name to use to encode annotation result
     * @param handler                 caller's annotation handler implementation
     * @param cancelBaton             a baton which is used to check if an operation
     *                                is cancelled
     * @since                         1.2.0
    public SVNAnnotationGenerator(String path, File tmpDirectory, long startRevision, boolean force, boolean includeMergedRevisions,
            SVNDiffOptions diffOptions, String encoding, ISVNAnnotateHandler handler, ISVNEventHandler cancelBaton) {
        myTmpDirectory = tmpDirectory;
        myCancelBaton = cancelBaton;
        myPath = path;
        myIsForce = force;
        // TODO fail if file has been specified.
        if (!myTmpDirectory.isDirectory()) {
            myIsTmpDirCreated = true;
        myMergeBlameChunks = new ArrayList();
        myBlameChunks = new ArrayList();
        myDeltaProcessor = new SVNDeltaProcessor();
        myStartRevision = startRevision;
        myDiffOptions = diffOptions;
        myIncludeMergedRevisions = includeMergedRevisions;
        myFileHandler = handler;
        myEncoding = encoding;
     * Handles a next revision.
     * @param fileRevision
     * @throws SVNException if one of the following occurs:
     *                      <ul>
     *                      <li>exception with {@link SVNErrorCode#CLIENT_IS_BINARY_FILE} error code - if the file is binary and no
     *                      forcing is specified
     *                      <li>operation is cancelled
     *                      </ul>
    public void openRevision(SVNFileRevision fileRevision) throws SVNException {
        SVNProperties propDiff = fileRevision.getPropertiesDelta();
        String newMimeType = propDiff != null ? propDiff.getStringValue(SVNProperty.MIME_TYPE) : null;
        if (!myIsForce && SVNProperty.isBinaryMimeType(newMimeType)) {
            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.CLIENT_IS_BINARY_FILE, "Cannot calculate blame information for binary file ''{0}''", myPath);
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);
        myCurrentRevision = fileRevision.getRevision();
        boolean known = fileRevision.getRevision() >= myStartRevision;
        if (myCancelBaton != null) {
            SVNEvent event = SVNEventFactory.createSVNEvent(new File(myPath), SVNNodeKind.NONE, null, myCurrentRevision, SVNEventAction.ANNOTATE, null, null, null);
            myCancelBaton.handleEvent(event, ISVNEventHandler.UNKNOWN);
        SVNProperties props = fileRevision.getRevisionProperties();
        if (known && props != null && props.getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.AUTHOR) != null) {
            myCurrentAuthor = props.getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.AUTHOR);
        } else {
            myCurrentAuthor = null;
        if (known && props != null && props.getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.DATE) != null) {
            myCurrentDate = SVNDate.parseDate(fileRevision.getRevisionProperties().getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.DATE));
        } else {
            myCurrentDate = null;
        myIsCurrentResultOfMerge = fileRevision.isResultOfMerge();
        if (myIncludeMergedRevisions) {
            myCurrentPath = fileRevision.getPath();
     * Does nothing.
     * @param token      
     * @throws SVNException
    public void closeRevision(String token) throws SVNException {
     * Creates a temporary file for delta application.
     * @param  token             not used in this method
     * @param  baseChecksum      not used in this method
     * @throws SVNException
    public void applyTextDelta(String token, String baseChecksum) throws SVNException {
        if (myCurrentFile == null) {
            myCurrentFile = SVNFileUtil.createUniqueFile(myTmpDirectory, "annotate", ".tmp", false);
        myDeltaProcessor.applyTextDelta(myPreviousFile, myCurrentFile, false);

     * Applies a next text delta chunk.
     * @param  token          not used in this method
     * @param  diffWindow     next diff window
     * @return                dummy output stream
     * @throws SVNException
    public OutputStream textDeltaChunk(String token, SVNDiffWindow diffWindow) throws SVNException {
        return myDeltaProcessor.textDeltaChunk(diffWindow);
     * Marks the end of the text delta series.
     * @param token          not used in this method
     * @throws SVNException
    public void textDeltaEnd(String token) throws SVNException {
      myIsLastRevisionReported = false;
        if (myIncludeMergedRevisions) {
            myMergeBlameChunks = addFileBlame(myPreviousFile, myCurrentFile, myMergeBlameChunks);
            if (!myIsCurrentResultOfMerge) {
                myBlameChunks = addFileBlame(myPreviousOriginalFile, myCurrentFile, myBlameChunks);
                if (myPreviousOriginalFile == null) {
                    myPreviousOriginalFile = myCurrentFile;
                    myCurrentFile = null;
                } else {
                    SVNFileUtil.rename(myCurrentFile, myPreviousOriginalFile);   
                myPreviousFile = myPreviousOriginalFile;
            } else {
                if (myPreviousFile != null && myPreviousFile != myPreviousOriginalFile) {
                    SVNFileUtil.rename(myCurrentFile, myPreviousFile);   
                } else {
                    myPreviousFile = myCurrentFile;
                    myCurrentFile = null;
        } else {
            myBlameChunks = addFileBlame(myPreviousFile, myCurrentFile, myBlameChunks);
            if (myPreviousFile == null) {
                myPreviousFile = myCurrentFile;
                myCurrentFile = null;
            } else {
                SVNFileUtil.rename(myCurrentFile, myPreviousFile);

        if (myFileHandler != null) {
            boolean generate = myFileHandler.handleRevision(myCurrentDate, myCurrentDate != null ? myCurrentRevision : -1, myCurrentAuthor, myPreviousFile);
            if (generate) {
                myIsLastRevisionReported = true;
                reportAnnotations(myFileHandler, myEncoding);
     * This method is used by <code>SVNKit</code> internals and is not intended for API users.
     * @return whether the last revision was reported or not yet
     * @since  1.2.0
    public boolean isLastRevisionReported() {
        return myIsLastRevisionReported;
     * Dispatches file lines along with author & revision info to the provided
     * annotation handler. 
     * <p>
     * If <code>inputEncoding</code> is <span class="javakeyword">null</span> then
     * <span class="javastring">"file.encoding"</span> system property is used.
     * @param  handler        an annotation handler that processes file lines with
     *                        author & revision info
     * @param  inputEncoding  a desired character set (encoding) of text lines
     * @throws SVNException
    public void reportAnnotations(ISVNAnnotateHandler handler, String inputEncoding) throws SVNException {
        if (handler == null) {

        if (myPreviousFile == null) {
            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN,
                    "ASSERTION FAILURE in SVNAnnotationGenerator.reportAnnotations(): myPreviousFile is null, " +
                    "generator has to have been called at least once");
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);
        int mergedCount = -1;
        if (myIncludeMergedRevisions) {
            if (myBlameChunks.isEmpty()) {
                BlameChunk chunk = new BlameChunk();
                chunk.blockStart = 0;
       = myCurrentAuthor;
       = myCurrentDate;
                chunk.revision = myCurrentRevision;
                chunk.path = myCurrentPath;
            normalizeBlames(myBlameChunks, myMergeBlameChunks);
            mergedCount = 0;
        inputEncoding = inputEncoding == null ? System.getProperty("file.encoding") : inputEncoding;
        CharsetDecoder decoder = Charset.forName(inputEncoding).newDecoder();

        InputStream stream = null;
        try {
            stream = new SVNTranslatorInputStream(SVNFileUtil.openFileForReading(myPreviousFile),
                                                  SVNProperty.EOL_LF_BYTES, true, null, false);
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
            for (int i = 0; i < myBlameChunks.size(); i++) {
                BlameChunk chunk = (BlameChunk) myBlameChunks.get(i);
                String mergedAuthor = null;
                long mergedRevision = SVNRepository.INVALID_REVISION;
                Date mergedDate = null;
                String mergedPath = null;
                if (mergedCount >= 0) {
                    BlameChunk mergedChunk = (BlameChunk) myMergeBlameChunks.get(mergedCount++);
                    mergedAuthor =;
                    mergedRevision = mergedChunk.revision;
                    mergedDate =;
                    mergedPath = mergedChunk.path;
                BlameChunk nextChunk = null;
                if (i < myBlameChunks.size() - 1) {
                    nextChunk = (BlameChunk) myBlameChunks.get(i + 1);
                for (int lineNo = chunk.blockStart; nextChunk == null || lineNo < nextChunk.blockStart; lineNo++) {
                    String line = SVNFileUtil.readLineFromStream(stream, buffer, decoder);
                    boolean isEOF = false;
                    if (line == null) {
                        isEOF = true;
                        if (buffer.length() > 0) {
                            line = buffer.toString();
                    if (!isEOF || line != null) {
                        handler.handleLine(, chunk.revision,,
                                           line, mergedDate, mergedRevision, mergedAuthor,
                                           mergedPath, lineNo);
                    if (isEOF) {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.IO_ERROR, ioe.getLocalizedMessage());
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, ioe, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);
        } finally {

     * Finalizes an annotation operation releasing resources involved
     * by this generator. Should be called after {@link #reportAnnotations(ISVNAnnotateHandler, String) reportAnnotations()}.
    public void dispose() {
        myIsCurrentResultOfMerge = false;
        if (myCurrentFile != null) {
            SVNFileUtil.deleteAll(myCurrentFile, true);
        if (myPreviousFile != null) {
            SVNFileUtil.deleteAll(myPreviousFile, true);
            myPreviousFile = null;
        if (myPreviousOriginalFile != null) {
            SVNFileUtil.deleteAll(myPreviousOriginalFile, true);
            myPreviousOriginalFile = null;
        if (myIsTmpDirCreated) {
            SVNFileUtil.deleteAll(myTmpDirectory, true);

    private List addFileBlame(File previousFile, File currentFile, List chain) throws SVNException {
        if (previousFile == null) {
            BlameChunk chunk = new BlameChunk();
   = myCurrentAuthor;
            chunk.revision = myCurrentDate != null ? myCurrentRevision : -1;
   = myCurrentDate;
            chunk.blockStart = 0;
            chunk.path = myCurrentPath;
            return chain;
        RandomAccessFile left = null;
        RandomAccessFile right = null;
        try {
            left = new RandomAccessFile(previousFile, "r");
            right = new RandomAccessFile(currentFile, "r");

            final QSequenceLineResult result = QSequenceLineMedia.createBlocks(new QSequenceLineRAFileData(left), new QSequenceLineRAFileData(right), createSimplifier());
            try {
                List blocksList = result.getBlocks();
                for(int i = 0; i < blocksList.size(); i++) {
                    QSequenceDifferenceBlock block = (QSequenceDifferenceBlock) blocksList.get(i);
                    if (block.getLeftSize() > 0) {
                        deleteBlameChunk(block.getRightFrom(), block.getLeftSize(), chain);
                    if (block.getRightSize() > 0) {
                        insertBlameChunk(myCurrentRevision, myCurrentAuthor,
                                         myCurrentDate, myCurrentPath,
                                         block.getRightFrom(), block.getRightSize(), chain);
            } finally {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN, "Exception while generating annotation: {0}", e.getMessage());
            SVNErrorManager.error(err, e, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);
        } finally {
            if (left != null) {
            if (right != null) {

        return chain;
    private void insertBlameChunk(long revision, String author, Date date, String path, int start, int length, List chain) {
        int[] index = new int[1];
        BlameChunk startPoint = findBlameChunk(chain, start, index);
        int adjustFromIndex = -1;
        if (startPoint.blockStart == start) {
            BlameChunk insert = new BlameChunk();
            insert.blockStart = start + length;
            chain.add(index[0] + 1, insert);

   = author;
            startPoint.revision = revision;
   = date;
            startPoint.path = path;
            adjustFromIndex = index[0] + 2;
        } else {
            BlameChunk middle = new BlameChunk();
   = author;
            middle.revision = revision;
   = date;
            middle.path = path;
            middle.blockStart = start;
            BlameChunk insert = new BlameChunk();
            insert.blockStart = start + length;
            chain.add(index[0] + 1, middle);
            chain.add(index[0] + 2, insert);
            adjustFromIndex = index[0] + 3;
        adjustBlameChunks(chain, adjustFromIndex, length);
    private void deleteBlameChunk(int start, int length, List chain) {
        int[] ind = new int[1];
        BlameChunk first = findBlameChunk(chain, start, ind);
        int firstInd = ind[0];
        BlameChunk last = findBlameChunk(chain, start + length, ind);
        int lastInd = ind[0];
        if (first != last) {
            int deleteCount = lastInd - firstInd - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < deleteCount; i++) {
                chain.remove(firstInd + 1);
            lastInd -= deleteCount;
            last.blockStart = start;
            if (first.blockStart == start) {
                last = first;

        int tailInd = lastInd < chain.size() - 1 ? lastInd + 1 : -1;
        BlameChunk tail = tailInd > 0 ? (BlameChunk)chain.get(tailInd) : null;

        if (tail != null && tail.blockStart == last.blockStart + length) {
            tail = last;
        if (tail != null) {
            adjustBlameChunks(chain, tailInd, -length);
    private void adjustBlameChunks(List chain, int startIndex, int adjust) {
        for (int i = startIndex; i < chain.size(); i++) {
            BlameChunk curChunk = (BlameChunk) chain.get(i);
            curChunk.blockStart += adjust;
    private BlameChunk findBlameChunk(List chain, int offset, int[] index) {
        BlameChunk prevChunk = null;
        index[0] = -1;
        for (Iterator chunks = chain.iterator(); chunks.hasNext();) {
            BlameChunk chunk = (BlameChunk);
            if (chunk.blockStart > offset) {
            prevChunk = chunk;
        return prevChunk;
    private void normalizeBlames(List chain, List mergedChain) throws SVNException {
        int i = 0, k = 0;
        for (; i < chain.size() - 1 && k < mergedChain.size() - 1; i++, k++) {
            BlameChunk chunk = (BlameChunk) chain.get(i);
            BlameChunk mergedChunk = (BlameChunk) mergedChain.get(k);
            if (chunk.blockStart != mergedChunk.blockStart) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNKNOWN,                              
                        "ASSERTION FAILURE in SVNAnnotationGenerator.normalizeBlames():" +
                        "current chunks should always start at the same offset");
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.DEFAULT);

            BlameChunk nextChunk = (BlameChunk) chain.get(i + 1);
            BlameChunk nextMergedChunk = (BlameChunk) mergedChain.get(k + 1);
            if (nextChunk.blockStart < nextMergedChunk.blockStart) {
                nextMergedChunk.blockStart = nextChunk.blockStart;
            if (nextChunk.blockStart > nextMergedChunk.blockStart) {
                nextChunk.blockStart = nextMergedChunk.blockStart;

        if ((i == chain.size() - 1) && (k == mergedChain.size() - 1)) {
        if (k == mergedChain.size() - 1) {
            for (i += 1; i < chain.size(); i++) {
                BlameChunk chunk = (BlameChunk) chain.get(i);
                BlameChunk mergedChunk = (BlameChunk) mergedChain.get(mergedChain.size() - 1);

                BlameChunk insert = new BlameChunk();
                insert.blockStart = chunk.blockStart;

        if (i == chain.size() - 1) {
            for (k += 1; k < mergedChain.size(); k++) {
                BlameChunk mergedChunk = (BlameChunk) mergedChain.get(k);
                BlameChunk chunk = (BlameChunk) chain.get(chain.size() - 1);

                BlameChunk insert = new BlameChunk();
                insert.blockStart = mergedChunk.blockStart;
    private QSequenceLineSimplifier createSimplifier() {
        if (mySimplifier == null) {
            QSequenceLineSimplifier first = myDiffOptions.isIgnoreEOLStyle() ?
                    (QSequenceLineSimplifier) new QSequenceLineEOLUnifyingSimplifier() :
                    (QSequenceLineSimplifier) new QSequenceLineDummySimplifier();
            QSequenceLineSimplifier second = new QSequenceLineDummySimplifier();
            if (myDiffOptions.isIgnoreAllWhitespace()) {
                second = new QSequenceLineWhiteSpaceSkippingSimplifier();
            } else if (myDiffOptions.isIgnoreAmountOfWhitespace()) {
                second = new QSequenceLineWhiteSpaceReducingSimplifier();
            mySimplifier = new QSequenceLineTeeSimplifier(first, second);
        return mySimplifier;

    private static class BlameChunk {
        public int blockStart;
        public long revision;
        public String author;
        public Date date;
        public String path;
        public void copy(BlameChunk chunk) {
            author =;
            date =;
            revision = chunk.revision;
            path = chunk.path;
            blockStart = chunk.blockStart;

Related Classes of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNAnnotationGenerator$BlameChunk

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