Package org.jboss.dna.common.util

Source Code of org.jboss.dna.common.util.LoggerTest$LogRecorder

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* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
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package org.jboss.dna.common.util;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Appender;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout;
import org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.ThrowableInformation;
import org.jboss.dna.common.i18n.I18n;
import org.jboss.dna.common.util.Logger;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

* Test the {@link Logger} class, ensuring that it uses Log4J appropriately. The {@link Logger} class uses the SLF4J generalized
* logging framework, which can sit on top of multiple logging frameworks, including Log4J. Therefore, this test assumes that
* SLF4J works correctly for all logging frameworks, then the {@link Logger} class can be tested by using it and checking the
* resulting Log4J output.
* <p>
* To ensure that the Log4J configuration used in the remaining tests (in <code>src/test/resources/</code>)
* does not interfere with this test, the underlying Log4J logger is obtained before each test and programmatically reconfigured
* and, after each test, is then restored to it's previous state. This reconfiguration involves identifying and removing all of
* the {@link Appender Log4J Appender} on the tree of Log4J loggers, and substituting a special {@link LogRecorder Appender} that
* records the log messages in memory. During the test, this in-memory list of log messages is checked by the test case using
* standard assertions to verify the proper order and content of the log messages. After each of the tests, all of the original
* Adapters are restored to the appropriate Log4J loggers.
* </p>
public class LoggerTest {

    public static I18n errorMessageWithNoParameters;
    public static I18n warningMessageWithNoParameters;
    public static I18n infoMessageWithNoParameters;
    public static I18n errorMessageWithTwoParameters;
    public static I18n warningMessageWithTwoParameters;
    public static I18n infoMessageWithTwoParameters;
    public static I18n errorMessageWithException;
    public static I18n warningMessageWithException;
    public static I18n infoMessageWithException;
    public static I18n errorMessageWithNullException;
    public static I18n warningMessageWithNullException;
    public static I18n infoMessageWithNullException;
    public static I18n someMessage;

    private LogRecorder log;
    private Logger logger;
    private org.apache.log4j.Logger log4jLogger;
    private Map<String, List<Appender>> existingAppendersByLoggerName = new HashMap<String, List<Appender>>();

    public static void beforeAll() throws Exception {
        // Initialize the I18n static fields ...

    public void beforeEach() {
        logger = Logger.getLogger(LoggerTest.class);

        // Find all of the existing appenders on all of the loggers, and
        // remove them all (keeping track of which appender they're on)
        log4jLogger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(logger.getName());
        org.apache.log4j.Logger theLogger = log4jLogger;
        while (theLogger != null) {
            List<Appender> appenders = new ArrayList<Appender>();
            Enumeration previousAppenders = theLogger.getAllAppenders();
            while (previousAppenders.hasMoreElements()) {
            existingAppendersByLoggerName.put(theLogger.getName(), appenders);
            theLogger = (org.apache.log4j.Logger)theLogger.getParent();

        // Set up the appender from which we can easily grab the content of the log during the tests.
        // This assumes we're using Log4J. Also, the Log4J properties should specify that the
        // logger for this particular class.
        log = new LogRecorder();
        log4jLogger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(logger.getName());

    public void afterEach() {
        // Put all of the existing appenders onto the correct logger, and remove the testing appender ...
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<Appender>> entry : this.existingAppendersByLoggerName.entrySet()) {
            String loggerName = entry.getKey();
            List<Appender> appenders = entry.getValue();
            org.apache.log4j.Logger theLogger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(loggerName);
            theLogger.removeAllAppenders(); // removes the testing appender, if on this logger
            for (Appender appender : appenders) {

    public void shouldLogAppropriateMessagesIfSetToAllLevel() {
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with no parameters");
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with no parameters");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "This is an info message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "This is a debug message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.TRACE, "This is a trace message with no parameters");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldLogAppropriateMessagesIfLog4jSetToTraceLevel() {
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with no parameters");
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with no parameters");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "This is an info message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "This is a debug message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.TRACE, "This is a trace message with no parameters");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldLogAppropriateMessagesIfLog4jSetToDebugLevel() {
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with no parameters");
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with no parameters");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "This is an info message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "This is a debug message with no parameters");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldLogAppropriateMessagesIfLog4jSetToInfoLevel() {
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with no parameters");
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with no parameters");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "This is an info message with no parameters");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldLogAppropriateMessagesIfLog4jSetToWarningLevel() {
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with no parameters");
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with no parameters");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with no parameters");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldLogAppropriateMessagesIfLog4jSetToErrorLevel() {
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with no parameters");
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with no parameters");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with no parameters");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldLogNoMessagesIfLog4jSetToOffLevel() {
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with no parameters");
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with no parameters");

        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldNotAcceptMessageWithNonNullAndNullParameters() {
        logger.error(errorMessageWithTwoParameters, "first", null);
        logger.warn(warningMessageWithTwoParameters, "first", null);, "first", null);
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with a {0} parameter and the {1} parameter", "first", null);
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with a {0} parameter and the {1} parameter", "first", null);

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with a first parameter and the null parameter");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with a first parameter and the null parameter");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "This is an info message with a first parameter and the null parameter");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "This is a debug message with a first parameter and the null parameter");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.TRACE, "This is a trace message with a first parameter and the null parameter");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    @Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
    public void shouldNotAcceptErrorMessageWithTooFewParameters() {
        logger.error(errorMessageWithTwoParameters, (Object[])null);

    @Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
    public void shouldNotAcceptWarningMessageWithTooFewParameters() {
        logger.warn(warningMessageWithTwoParameters, (Object[])null);

    @Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
    public void shouldNotAcceptInfoMessageWithTooFewParameters() {, (Object[])null);

    @Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
    public void shouldNotAcceptDebugMessageWithTooFewParameters() {
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with a {0} parameter and the {1} parameter", (Object[])null);

    @Test( expected = IllegalArgumentException.class )
    public void shouldNotAcceptTraceMessageWithTooFewParameters() {
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with a {0} parameter and the {1} parameter", (Object[])null);

    public void shouldAcceptMessageWithNoParameters() {
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with no parameters");
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with no parameters");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "This is an info message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "This is a debug message with no parameters");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.TRACE, "This is a trace message with no parameters");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldAcceptMessageWithObjectAndPrimitiveParameters() {
        logger.error(errorMessageWithTwoParameters, "first", 2);
        logger.warn(warningMessageWithTwoParameters, "first", 2);, "first", 2);
        logger.debug("This is a debug message with a {0} parameter and the {1} parameter", "first", 2);
        logger.trace("This is a trace message with a {0} parameter and the {1} parameter", "first", 2);

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with a first parameter and the 2 parameter");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with a first parameter and the 2 parameter");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "This is an info message with a first parameter and the 2 parameter");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "This is a debug message with a first parameter and the 2 parameter");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.TRACE, "This is a trace message with a first parameter and the 2 parameter");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldAcceptMessageAndThrowable() {
        Throwable t = new RuntimeException("This is the runtime exception message");
        logger.error(t, errorMessageWithException);
        logger.warn(t, warningMessageWithException);, infoMessageWithException);
        logger.debug(t, "This is a debug message with an exception");
        logger.trace(t, "This is a trace message with an exception");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with an exception", RuntimeException.class);
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with an exception", RuntimeException.class);
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "This is an info message with an exception", RuntimeException.class);
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "This is a debug message with an exception", RuntimeException.class);
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.TRACE, "This is a trace message with an exception", RuntimeException.class);
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldAcceptMessageAndNullThrowable() {
        Throwable t = null;
        logger.error(t, errorMessageWithNullException);
        logger.warn(t, warningMessageWithNullException);, infoMessageWithNullException);
        logger.debug(t, "This is a debug message with a null exception");
        logger.trace(t, "This is a trace message with a null exception");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "This is an error message with a null exception");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "This is a warning message with a null exception");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "This is an info message with a null exception");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "This is a debug message with a null exception");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.TRACE, "This is a trace message with a null exception");
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldQuietlyAcceptNullMessage() {

        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldAcceptNullMessageAndThrowable() {
        Throwable t = new RuntimeException("This is the runtime exception message in LoggerTest");
        logger.error(t, null);
        logger.warn(t, null);, null);
        logger.debug(t, null);
        logger.trace(t, null);

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, null, RuntimeException.class);
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, null, RuntimeException.class);
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, null, RuntimeException.class);
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, null, RuntimeException.class);
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.TRACE, null, RuntimeException.class);
        assertEquals(false, log.hasEvents());

    public void shouldAcceptNullThrowableInError() {
        logger.error((Throwable)null, someMessage);
        logger.warn((Throwable)null, someMessage);, someMessage);
        logger.debug((Throwable)null, "some message");
        logger.trace((Throwable)null, "some message");

        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.ERROR, "some message");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.WARNING, "some message");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.INFO, "some message");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.DEBUG, "some message");
        log.removeFirst(Logger.Level.TRACE, "some message");

    public void shouldSupportAskingWhetherLoggingLevelsAreEnabled() {

     * A special Log4J Appender that records log messages and whose content can be
     * {@link #removeFirst(org.jboss.dna.common.util.Logger.Level, String, Class) validated} to ensure that the log contains
     * messages in the proper order and with the proper content.
    public class LogRecorder extends WriterAppender {

        private final LinkedList<LoggingEvent> events = new LinkedList<LoggingEvent>();
        private int lineNumber;

        public LogRecorder( StringWriter writer ) {
            super(new SimpleLayout(), writer);

        public LogRecorder() {
            this(new StringWriter());

        protected void subAppend( LoggingEvent event ) {

        public LoggingEvent removeFirst() {
            if (hasEvents()) {
            return null;

        public boolean hasEvents() {
            return != 0;

         * Remove the message that is currently at the front of the log, and verify that it contains the supplied information.
         * @param expectedLevel the level that the next log message should have
         * @param expectedMessageExpression the message that the next log message should have, or a regular expression that would
         * match the log message
         * @param expectedExceptionClass the exception class that was expected, or null if there should not be an exception
        public void removeFirst( Logger.Level expectedLevel, String expectedMessageExpression, Class expectedExceptionClass ) {
            if (!hasEvents()) {
                fail("Expected log message but found none: " + expectedLevel + " - " + expectedMessageExpression);
            LoggingEvent event = removeFirst();

            // Check the log message ...
            if (expectedMessageExpression != null && event.getMessage() == null) {
                fail("Log line " + lineNumber + " was missing expected message: " + expectedMessageExpression);
            } else if (expectedMessageExpression == null && event.getMessage() != null) {
                fail("Log line " + lineNumber + " had unexpected message: " + event.getMessage());
            } else if (expectedMessageExpression != null) {
                String actual = event.getMessage().toString();
                // Treat as a regular expression, which works for both regular expressions and strings ...
                if (!actual.matches(expectedMessageExpression)) {
                    fail("Log line " + lineNumber + " differed: \nwas     :\t" + actual + "\nexpected:\t" + expectedMessageExpression);
            } // else they are both null

            // Check the exception ...
            ThrowableInformation throwableInfo = event.getThrowableInformation();
            if (expectedExceptionClass == null && throwableInfo != null) {
                fail("Log line " + lineNumber + " had unexpected exception: " + event.getThrowableInformation().getThrowableStrRep());
            } else if (expectedExceptionClass != null && throwableInfo == null) {
                fail("Log line " + lineNumber + " was missing expected exception of type " + expectedExceptionClass.getCanonicalName());
            } else if (expectedExceptionClass != null && throwableInfo != null) {
                Throwable actualException = throwableInfo.getThrowable();
                assertSame(expectedExceptionClass, actualException.getClass());
            } // else they are both null

        public void removeFirst( Logger.Level expectedLevel, String expectedMessageExpression ) {
            removeFirst(expectedLevel, expectedMessageExpression, null);


Related Classes of org.jboss.dna.common.util.LoggerTest$LogRecorder

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