Package org.jacorb.orb.giop

Source Code of org.jacorb.orb.giop.Messages

package org.jacorb.orb.giop;

*        JacORB - a free Java ORB
*   Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Gerald Brose.
*   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
*   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
*   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   Library General Public License for more details.
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
*   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
*   Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM;
import org.omg.GIOP.MsgType_1_1;
import org.omg.IOP.ServiceContext;

* @author Gerald Brose, FU Berlin 1999
* @version $Id:,v 1.19 2007-02-06 19:26:28 Exp $
public class Messages
     * <code>MSG_HEADER_SIZE</code> is the GIOP message header size constant.
    static final int MSG_HEADER_SIZE = 12;

     * The <code>service_context</code> array is to align the data following this
     * array on an 8 byte boundary.  This allows for adding service
     * contexts to the header without having to remarshal everything
     * that follows. There are already 12 bytes on the stream (the GIOP
     * message header), so the next possible 8 byte boundary is
     * 16. This is reached by adding an array of length 0, because that
     * will only write a ulong for the length (0), which consumes 4
     * bytes.
     *  This is only necessary for GIOP 1.0/1.1, because in 1.2, the
     *  service_context array is the last attribute of the
     *  [Request|Reply]Header, and the body is per spec aligned to an 8
     *  byte boundary.
    static final ServiceContext[] service_context = new ServiceContext[0];

     * Skips over a number of service contexts in a GIOP reply message.
     * @param buf the array of octets containing the service context
     * @param offset the index into the buffer at which the service context
     * starts. This should be after the length of the service context.
     * @param length the number of service contexts
     * @param endianness 0 for big-endian, 1 for little-endian
     * @return the index of the octet following the service context
    private static int skipServiceContext(byte[] buf,
                                          int offset,
                                          int length,
                                          boolean little_endian )

        int pos = offset;

        for( int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            // Skip the context ID long
            pos += 4;

            // Skip the octet sequence
            pos = skipSequence( buf, pos, 1, little_endian );

            //next is context id long.
            //it has to be aligned to 4 bytes
            int diff = pos % 4;
            if( diff != 0 )
                pos += ( 4 - diff );

        return pos;

     * Skips over a sequence in a GIOP message.
     * @param buf the array of octets containing the sequence
     * @param offset the index into the buffer at which the sequence starts.
     * This should be where the length information begins.
     * @param elementSize the number of octets per element in the sequence
     * @param endianness 0 for big-endian, 1 for little-endian
     * @return the index of the octet following the sequence
    private static final int skipSequence( byte[] buf,
                                           int offset,
                                           int element_size,
                                           boolean little_endian )

        int length = readULong( buf, offset, little_endian );

        return offset + 4 + length * element_size;

    /** directly extract request ID from a buffer */

    public static int getRequestId( byte[] buf )
        int msg_type = getMsgType( buf );
        int giop_minor = getGIOPMinor( buf );
        boolean little_endian = isLittleEndian( buf );

        int request_id = -1;

        if( giop_minor == 2 )
            //GIOP 1.2

            if( msg_type == MsgType_1_1._Request ||
                msg_type == MsgType_1_1._LocateRequest ||
                msg_type == MsgType_1_1._Reply ||
                msg_type == MsgType_1_1._LocateReply ||
                msg_type == MsgType_1_1._CancelRequest ||
                msg_type == MsgType_1_1._Fragment )
                //easy for GIOP 1.2, it's right after the message
                request_id = readULong( buf, MSG_HEADER_SIZE, little_endian );
                throw new BAD_PARAM
                    ("Messages of type " + msg_type + " don't have request ids");
        else if( giop_minor == 0 || giop_minor == 1 )
            if( msg_type == MsgType_1_1._Request ||
                msg_type == MsgType_1_1._Reply )
                // service contexts are the first entry in the header

                //get the number of individual service contexts
                int service_ctx_length = readULong( buf,
                                                    little_endian );

                if( service_ctx_length == 0 )
                    //array of length 0, so request id folows the
                    //array length entry

                    request_id = readULong( buf,
                                            MSG_HEADER_SIZE + 4,
                                            little_endian );
                    //get the first index after the contexts array
                    int pos = skipServiceContext( buf,
                                                  MSG_HEADER_SIZE + 4, // 4 bytes is ulong
                                                  little_endian );

                    //the request id follows the body
                    request_id = readULong( buf, pos, little_endian );
            else if( msg_type == MsgType_1_1._LocateRequest ||
                     msg_type == MsgType_1_1._LocateReply )
                //easy, it's right after the message header
                request_id = readULong( buf, MSG_HEADER_SIZE, little_endian );
                throw new BAD_PARAM
                    ("Messages of type " + msg_type + " don't have request ids");

        return request_id;

    public static final int getMsgSize( byte[] buf )
        return readULong( buf, 8, isLittleEndian( buf ) );

    public static final int readULong( byte[] buf,
                                       int pos,
                                       boolean little_endian )
  if( little_endian )
      return (( (buf[pos+3] & 0xff) << 24) +
        ( (buf[pos+2] & 0xff) << 16) +
        ( (buf[pos+1] & 0xff) <<  8) +
        ( (buf[pos]   & 0xff) <<  0));
  else //big endian
      return (( (buf[pos]   & 0xff) << 24) +
        ( (buf[pos+1] & 0xff) << 16) +
        ( (buf[pos+2] & 0xff) <<  8) +
        ( (buf[pos+3] & 0xff) <<  0));

    public static final boolean matchGIOPMagic(byte[] buf)
        // The values are hard-coded to support non-ASCII platforms.
        return   (buf[0] == 0x47   // 'G'
               && buf[1] == 0x49   // 'I'
               && buf[2] == 0x4f   // 'O'
               && buf[3] == 0x50); // 'P'
    public static final boolean isLittleEndian( byte[] buf )
        //this is new for GIOP 1.1/1.2
        return (0x01 & buf[6]) != 0;

    public static final boolean moreFragmentsFollow( byte[] buf )
        //this is new for GIOP 1.1/1.2
        return (0x02 & buf[6]) != 0;

    public static final int getMsgType( byte[] buf )
        return buf[7];

    public static final int getGIOPMajor( byte[] buf )
        return buf[4];

    public static final int getGIOPMinor( byte[] buf )
        return buf[5];

    public static final boolean responseExpected( byte flags )
        return flags == (byte)0x01 || flags == (byte)0x03;

    public static final byte responseFlags( boolean response_expected )
        return (byte) (response_expected ? 0x03 : 0x00);


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