Package org.jacorb.naming

Source Code of org.jacorb.naming.NamingContextImpl

package org.jacorb.naming;

*        JacORB - a free Java ORB
*   Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Gerald Brose.
*   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
*   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
*   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   Library General Public License for more details.
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
*   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
*   Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.jacorb.config.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL;
import org.omg.CosNaming.Binding;
import org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIteratorHelper;
import org.omg.CosNaming.BindingIteratorHolder;
import org.omg.CosNaming.BindingListHolder;
import org.omg.CosNaming.BindingType;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NameComponent;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExt;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtHelper;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPOA;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage.InvalidAddress;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.AlreadyBound;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.CannotProceed;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.InvalidName;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotEmpty;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound;
import org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFoundReason;

*      The implementation for the CORBAService Naming
*      @author Gerald Brose
*      @version $Id:,v 1.33 2009-05-03 21:34:27 Exp $

public class NamingContextImpl
    extends NamingContextExtPOA
    implements, Configurable
    /** table of all name bindings in this contexts, ie. name -> obj ref. */
    private Hashtable names = new Hashtable();

    /** table of all subordinate naming contexts, ie. name -> obj ref. */
    private Hashtable contexts = new Hashtable();

    /** configuration */
    private transient org.jacorb.config.Configuration configuration = null;

    /** no tests of bound objects for existence */
    private boolean noPing = false;

    /** purge? */
    private boolean doPurge = false;

    /** the logger used by the naming service implementation */
    private static Logger logger = null;

    /** the POAs used */
    transient private org.omg.PortableServer.POA poa;
    private static org.omg.PortableServer.POA rootPoa;
    private static org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb;

    private int child_count;
    private boolean destroyed = false;

    public void configure(Configuration myConfiguration)
        throws ConfigurationException
        this.configuration = (org.jacorb.config.Configuration)myConfiguration;
        logger = configuration.getLogger("jacorb.naming");
        doPurge = configuration.getAttribute("jacorb.naming.purge","off").equals("on");
        noPing = configuration.getAttribute("jacorb.naming.noping","off").equals("on");

     *  bind a name (an array of name components) to an object

    public void bind( NameComponent[] nc, org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)
        throws NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName, AlreadyBound
        if( destroyed )
            throw new CannotProceed();

        if( nc == null || nc.length == 0 )
            throw new InvalidName();

        if( obj == null )
            throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM();

        Name n = new Name( nc );
        Name ctx = n.ctxName();
        NameComponent nb = n.baseNameComponent();
        if( ctx == null )
            if( names.containsKey( n ))
                // if the name is still in use, try to ping the object
                org.omg.CORBA.Object s = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)names.get(n);
                if( isDead(s) )
                    rebind( n.components(), obj );
                throw new AlreadyBound();
            else if( contexts.containsKey( n ))
                // if the name is still in use, try to ping the object
                org.omg.CORBA.Object s = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)contexts.get(n);
                if( isDead(s) )
                    unbind( n.components());
                throw new AlreadyBound();

            if(( names.put( n, obj )) != null )
                throw new CannotProceed( _this(), n.components() );

            if( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
      "Bound name: " + n.toString());
            NameComponent[] ncx = new NameComponent[1];
            ncx[0] = nb;

     * Bind an object to a name that's already in use, i.e. rebind the name

    public void rebind(NameComponent[] nc, org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)
        throws NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName
        if( destroyed )
            throw new CannotProceed();

        if( nc == null || nc.length == 0 )
            throw new InvalidName();

        if( obj == null )
            throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM();

        Name n = new Name( nc );
        Name ctx = n.ctxName();
        NameComponent nb = n.baseNameComponent();

        // the name is bound, but it is bound to a context,
        // the client should have been using rebind_context!

        if( contexts.containsKey( n ))
            throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.not_object, new NameComponent[]{ nb } );

        // try remove an existing binding

        org.omg.CORBA.Object _o = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)names.remove( n );
        if( _o != null)

        if( ctx == null )
            // do the rebinding in this context

            names.put( n, obj );
            if( logger.isInfoEnabled() )
      "re-Bound name: " + n.toString());
            // rebind in the correct context

            NameComponent[] ncx = new NameComponent[1];
            ncx[0] = nb;
            NamingContextExt nce = NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(resolve(ctx.components()));
            if( nce == null )
                throw new CannotProceed();

     * Bind an context to a name that's already in use, i.e. rebind the name

    public void rebind_context(NameComponent[] nc, NamingContext obj)
        throws NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName
        if( destroyed )
            throw new CannotProceed();

        if( nc == null || nc.length == 0 )
            throw new InvalidName();

        if( obj == null )
            throw new org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM();

        Name n = new Name( nc );
        Name ctx = n.ctxName();
        NameComponent nb = n.baseNameComponent();

        // the name is bound, but it is bound to an object,
        // the client should have been using rebind() !

        if( names.containsKey( n ))
            throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.not_context,new NameComponent[]{ nb });

        // try to remove an existing context binding

        org.omg.CORBA.Object _o = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)contexts.remove( n );
        if( _o != null)

        if( ctx == null )
            contexts.put( n, obj );
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
      "Re-Bound context: " +

     * Bind a context to a name

    public void bind_context(NameComponent[] nc,
                             NamingContext obj)
        throws NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName, AlreadyBound
        if( destroyed )
            throw new CannotProceed();

        Name n = new Name( nc );
        Name ctx = n.ctxName();
        NameComponent nb = n.baseNameComponent();

        if( ctx == null )
            if( names.containsKey( n ))
                // if the name is still in use, try to ping the object
                org.omg.CORBA.Object s = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)names.get(n);
                if( isDead(s) )
                    unbind( n.components());
                    throw new AlreadyBound();
            else if( contexts.containsKey( n ))
                // if the name is still in use, try to ping the object
                org.omg.CORBA.Object s = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)contexts.get(n);
                if( isDead(s) )
                    rebind_context( n.components(), obj );
                throw new AlreadyBound();

            if( (contexts.put( n, obj )) != null )
                throw new CannotProceed( _this(), n.components());
            contexts.put( n, obj );

            if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
      "Bound context: " + n.toString());
            NameComponent[] ncx = new NameComponent[1];
            ncx[0] = nb;

    public NamingContext bind_new_context(NameComponent[] nc )
        throws NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName, AlreadyBound
        if( destroyed )
            throw new CannotProceed();

        if( nc == null || nc.length == 0 )
            throw new InvalidName();

        NamingContextExt ns = NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(new_context());
        bind_context( nc, ns );

        if( ns == null )
            throw new CannotProceed();
        return ns;

     *  cleanup bindings, i.e. ping every object and remove bindings to
     *  non-existent objects

    private void cleanup ()
        // Check if object purging enabled

        if (! doPurge)

        Vector deletionVector = new Vector();

        for( Enumeration n = names.keys(); n.hasMoreElements(); )
            Name _n = (Name)n.nextElement();

            if( isDead(((org.omg.CORBA.Object)names.get( _n ))) )
                if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
          "Removing name " + _n.baseNameComponent().id);
                deletionVector.addElement( _n );

        if( deletionVector.size() > 0 )
            for( int i = deletionVector.size(); i-- > 0; )
                names.remove( (Name)deletionVector.elementAt(i));

        /* ping contexts */

        for( Enumeration c = contexts.keys(); c.hasMoreElements(); )
            Name _n = (Name)c.nextElement();
            if( isDead(((org.omg.CORBA.Object)contexts.get( _n ))) )
                if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
          "Removing context " + _n.baseNameComponent().id);
                deletionVector.addElement( _n );

        if( deletionVector.size() > 0 )
            for( int i = deletionVector.size(); i-- > 0; )
                contexts.remove( (Name)deletionVector.elementAt(i));

    public void destroy()
        throws NotEmpty
        if( destroyed )

        if(!names.isEmpty() || !contexts.isEmpty() )
            throw new NotEmpty();
            names = null;
            contexts = null;
            destroyed = true;

     *  @return numer of bindings in this context

    public int how_many()
        if( destroyed )
            return 0;
        return names.size() + contexts.size();

     *  list all bindings

    private Binding[] list()
        Binding[] result;

        int how_many = how_many();

        Enumeration n = names.keys();
        Enumeration c = contexts.keys();

        result = new Binding[how_many];
        for( ; n.hasMoreElements() && how_many > 0; how_many-- )
            result[how_many-1] =
                new Binding(((Name)n.nextElement()).components(),
                            BindingType.nobject );

        for( ; c.hasMoreElements() && how_many > 0; how_many-- )
            result[how_many-1] =
                new Binding(((Name)c.nextElement()).components(),

        return result;

     *  list all bindings

    public void list(int how_many, BindingListHolder bl, BindingIteratorHolder  bi)
        if( destroyed )

        Binding[] result;


        int size = how_many();

        Enumeration n = names.keys();
        Enumeration c = contexts.keys();

        if( how_many < size )
            // counter for copies
            int how_many_ctr = how_many;

            // set up an array with "how_many" bindings

            result = new Binding[how_many];
            for( ; n.hasMoreElements() && how_many_ctr > 0; how_many_ctr-- )
                result[how_many_ctr-1] = new Binding(((Name)n.nextElement()).components(),
                                                 BindingType.nobject );

            for( ; c.hasMoreElements() && how_many_ctr > 0; how_many_ctr-- )
                result[how_many_ctr-1] = new Binding(((Name)c.nextElement()).components(),

            // create a new BindingIterator for the remaining arrays

            size -= how_many;
            Binding[] rest = new Binding[ size ];
            for( ; n.hasMoreElements() && size > 0; size-- )
                rest[size-1] = new Binding(((Name)n.nextElement()).components(),
                                           BindingType.nobject );

            for( ; c.hasMoreElements() && size > 0; size-- )
                rest[size-1] = new Binding(((Name)c.nextElement()).components(),

            org.omg.CORBA.Object o = null;
                // Iterators are activated with the RootPOA (transient)
                byte[] oid = rootPoa.activate_object( new BindingIteratorImpl( rest ) );
                o = rootPoa.id_to_reference(oid);
            catch ( Exception e )
                logger.error("unexpected exception", e);
                throw new INTERNAL(e.toString());

            bi.value = BindingIteratorHelper.narrow(o);
            result = new Binding[size];
            for( ; n.hasMoreElements() && size > 0; size-- )
                result[size-1] =
                    new Binding(((Name)n.nextElement()).components(),
                                BindingType.nobject );

            for( ; c.hasMoreElements() && size > 0; size-- )
                result[size-1] =
                    new Binding(((Name)c.nextElement()).components(),

        bl.value = result;

    public NamingContext new_context()
        if( destroyed )
            return null;

        org.omg.CORBA.Object ctx = null;
            byte[] oid = (new String(poa.servant_to_id(this)) +
                          "_ctx" + (++child_count)).getBytes();

            ctx = poa.create_reference_with_id( oid, "");
            if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
      "New context.");
        catch ( Exception ue )
            if (logger.isErrorEnabled())
                logger.error ("failed to create new context", ue);
            throw new RuntimeException ("failed to create new context: "
                                        + ue.toString());
        return NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(ctx);

     * resolve a name

    public org.omg.CORBA.Object resolve(NameComponent[] nc)
        throws NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName
        if( destroyed )
            throw new CannotProceed();

        if( nc == null || nc.length == 0 )
            throw new InvalidName();

        Name n = new Name( nc[0] );
        if( nc.length > 1 )
            NamingContextExt next_context =

            if ((next_context == null)||(isDead(next_context)))
                throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.missing_node,nc);

            NameComponent[] nc_prime =
                new NameComponent[nc.length-1];

            for( int i = 1; i < nc.length; i++)
                nc_prime[i-1] = nc[i];

            return next_context.resolve(nc_prime);
            org.omg.CORBA.Object result = null;

            result = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)contexts.get(n);

            if( result == null )
                result = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)names.get(n);

            if (result == null)
                throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.missing_node, n.components());

            if ( !noPing && isDead(result))
                throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.missing_node, n.components());

            return result;

     * unbind a name

    public void unbind(NameComponent[] nc )
        throws NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName
        if( destroyed )
            throw new CannotProceed();

        if( nc == null || nc.length == 0 )
            throw new InvalidName();

        Name n = new Name( nc );
        Name ctx = n.ctxName();
        NameComponent nb = n.baseNameComponent();

        if( ctx == null )
            if( names.containsKey(n))
                org.omg.CORBA.Object o = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)names.remove( n );
                if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
          "Unbound: " + n.toString());
            else if( contexts.containsKey(n))
                org.omg.CORBA.Object o = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)contexts.remove( n );

                if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
          "Unbound: " + n.toString());
                if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
                    logger.warn("Unbind failed for " + n.toString() );
                throw new NotFound(NotFoundReason.not_context,
            NameComponent[] ncx = new NameComponent[1];
            ncx[0] = nb;
            NamingContextExtHelper.narrow( resolve( ctx.components())).unbind(ncx );

     * POA-related,

    public org.omg.PortableServer.POA default_POA()
        return poa;

     * Overrides writeObject in Serializable

    private void writeObject( out)
        throws IOException
         * For serialization, object references are transformed
         * into strings

        for( Enumeration e = contexts.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();)
            Name key = (Name)e.nextElement();
            org.omg.CORBA.Object o = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)contexts.remove( key );
            contexts.put( key, orb.object_to_string( o ));

        for( Enumeration e = names.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();)
            Name key = (Name)e.nextElement();
            org.omg.CORBA.Object o = (org.omg.CORBA.Object)names.remove(key);
            names.put( key, orb.object_to_string( o ));


     *   This method needs to be called once to initialize
     *   the static fields orb and rootPoa.

    public static void init(org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb,
                            org.omg.PortableServer.POA rootPoa)
        NamingContextImpl.orb = orb;
        NamingContextImpl.rootPoa = rootPoa;

     *   This method needs to be called for each newly created
     *   or re-read naming context to set its poa.

    void init(org.omg.PortableServer.POA poa)
        this.poa = poa;

         * Recreate tables. For serialization, object references
         * have been transformed into strings

        for( Enumeration e = contexts.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();)
            Name key = (Name)e.nextElement();
            String ref = (String)contexts.remove(key);
            contexts.put( key, orb.string_to_object( ref ));

        for( Enumeration e = names.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();)
            Name key = (Name)e.nextElement();
            String ref = (String)names.remove(key);
            names.put( key, orb.string_to_object( ref ));


    /* NamingContextExt */

     * convert a name into its string representation

    public String to_string(NameComponent[] n)
        throws InvalidName
        return Name.toString(n);

     * convert a string into name
     * @throws InvalidName

    public NameComponent[] to_name( String sn )
        throws InvalidName
        return Name.toName( sn );


    public String to_url(String addr, String sn)
        throws InvalidAddress, InvalidName
        org.jacorb.orb.util.CorbaLoc corbaLoc;
            corbaLoc =
                new org.jacorb.orb.util.CorbaLoc((org.jacorb.orb.ORB)orb, addr);
            return corbaLoc.toCorbaName(sn);
        catch (IllegalArgumentException ia)
            throw new InvalidAddress();


    public org.omg.CORBA.Object resolve_str(String n)
        throws NotFound, CannotProceed, InvalidName
        return resolve( to_name(n));

     * determine if non_existent

    private boolean isDead(org.omg.CORBA.Object o)
        boolean non_exist = true;
            non_exist = o._non_existent();
        } catch (org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e)
            non_exist = true;
        return non_exist;

Related Classes of org.jacorb.naming.NamingContextImpl

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