Package org.jboss.forge.scaffold.faces.metawidget.inspector.propertystyle

Source Code of org.jboss.forge.scaffold.faces.metawidget.inspector.propertystyle.ForgePropertyStyle$AnnotationProxy

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package org.jboss.forge.scaffold.faces.metawidget.inspector.propertystyle;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.jboss.forge.project.Project;
import org.jboss.forge.project.facets.JavaSourceFacet;
import org.metawidget.inspector.iface.InspectorException;
import org.metawidget.inspector.impl.propertystyle.BaseProperty;
import org.metawidget.inspector.impl.propertystyle.BasePropertyStyle;
import org.metawidget.inspector.impl.propertystyle.Property;
import org.metawidget.inspector.impl.propertystyle.ValueAndDeclaredType;
import org.metawidget.util.ClassUtils;
import org.metawidget.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.metawidget.util.simple.StringUtils;

* Inspects Forge-specific <tt>JavaSource</tt> objects for properties.
* @author Richard Kennard

public class ForgePropertyStyle
         extends BasePropertyStyle
   // Private members

   private Project project;

   private MessageFormat privateFieldConvention;

   // Constructor

   public ForgePropertyStyle(final ForgePropertyStyleConfig config)

      this.project = config.getProject();
      this.privateFieldConvention = config.getPrivateFieldConvention();

   // Public methods

    * Traverses the given Class heirarchy using properties of the given names.
    * @return the declared type (not actual type). May be null

   public ValueAndDeclaredType traverse(final Object toTraverse, final String type, final boolean onlyToParent,
            final String... names)
      // Traverse through names (if any)

      if ((names == null) || (names.length == 0))
         // If no names, no parent

         if (onlyToParent)
            return new ValueAndDeclaredType(null, null);

         return new ValueAndDeclaredType(null, type);

      String traverseDeclaredType = type;

      for (int loop = 0, length = names.length; loop < length; loop++)
         if (onlyToParent && (loop >= (length - 1)))
            return new ValueAndDeclaredType(null, traverseDeclaredType);

         String name = names[loop];
         Property property = getProperties(traverseDeclaredType).get(name);

         if ((property == null) || !property.isReadable())
            return new ValueAndDeclaredType(null, null);

         traverseDeclaredType = property.getType();

      return new ValueAndDeclaredType(null, traverseDeclaredType);

   // Protected methods

   protected Map<String, Property> inspectProperties(final String type)
         // LinkedHashMap so that returns ordered properties

         Map<String, Property> properties = CollectionUtils.newLinkedHashMap();

         // Lookup properties

         JavaSource<?> clazz = sourceForName(type);

         if (clazz == null)
            return properties;

         lookupGetters(properties, (MethodHolder<?>) clazz);
         lookupSetters(properties, (MethodHolder<?>) clazz);

         return properties;
      catch (Exception e)
         throw InspectorException.newException(e);

    * Lookup getter-based properties.
    * <p>
    * This method will be called after <code>lookupFields</code> but before <code>lookupSetters</code>.

   protected void lookupGetters(final Map<String, Property> properties, final MethodHolder<?> clazz)
      // Hack until

      for (Method<?> method : clazz.getMethods())
         // Exclude static methods

         if (method.isStatic())

         // Get type

         if (!method.getParameters().isEmpty())

         String returnType = method.getQualifiedReturnType();

         if (returnType == null)

         // Get name

         String propertyName = isGetter(method);

         if (propertyName == null)

         Field<?> privateField = getPrivateField((FieldHolder<?>) clazz, propertyName);

         if (privateField != null && this.privateFieldConvention == null)
            propertyName = privateField.getName();

                           new ForgeProperty(propertyName, returnType, method, null, privateField));

    * Returns whether the given method is a 'getter' method.
    * @param method a parameterless method that returns a non-void
    * @return the property name

   protected String isGetter(final Method<?> method)

      String methodName = method.getName();
      String propertyName;

      if (methodName.startsWith(ClassUtils.JAVABEAN_GET_PREFIX))
         propertyName = methodName.substring(ClassUtils.JAVABEAN_GET_PREFIX.length());

      else if (methodName.startsWith(ClassUtils.JAVABEAN_IS_PREFIX)
               && boolean.class.equals(method.getQualifiedReturnType()))

         // As per section 8.3.2 (Boolean properties) of The JavaBeans API specification, 'is'
         // only applies to boolean (little 'b')

         propertyName = methodName.substring(ClassUtils.JAVABEAN_IS_PREFIX.length());
         return null;

      if (!StringUtils.isCapitalized(propertyName))
         return null;

      return StringUtils.decapitalize(propertyName);

    * Lookup setter-based properties.
    * <p>
    * This method will be called after <code>lookupFields</code> and <code>lookupGetters</code>.

   protected void lookupSetters(final Map<String, Property> properties, final MethodHolder<?> clazz)
      for (Method<?> method : clazz.getMethods())
         // Exclude static methods

         if (method.isStatic())

         // Get type

         List<Parameter> parameters = method.getParameters();

         if (parameters.size() != 1)

         // Get name

         String propertyName = isSetter(method);

         if (propertyName == null)

         // Exclude based on other criteria
         // (explicitly set to null in case we encountered an imbalanced field/getter)

         String type = parameters.get(0).getType();

         Field<?> privateField = getPrivateField((FieldHolder<?>) clazz, propertyName);

         if (privateField != null && this.privateFieldConvention == null)
            propertyName = privateField.getName();

         // Already found via its getter?

         Property existingProperty = properties.get(propertyName);

         if (existingProperty instanceof ForgeProperty)
            ForgeProperty existingForgeProperty = (ForgeProperty) existingProperty;

            // Beware covariant return types: always prefer the getter's type

                     new ForgeProperty(propertyName, existingForgeProperty.getType(),
                              existingForgeProperty.getReadMethod(), method, getPrivateField((FieldHolder<?>) clazz,

         // Explicitly excluded based on getter already?

         if ((existingProperty == null) && properties.containsKey(propertyName))

                           new ForgeProperty(propertyName, type, null, method, privateField));

    * Returns whether the given method is a 'setter' method.
    * @param method a single-parametered method. May return non-void (ie. for Fluent interfaces)
    * @return the property name

   protected String isSetter(final Method<?> method)
      String methodName = method.getName();

      if (!methodName.startsWith(ClassUtils.JAVABEAN_SET_PREFIX))
         return null;

      String propertyName = methodName.substring(ClassUtils.JAVABEAN_SET_PREFIX.length());

      if (!StringUtils.isCapitalized(propertyName))
         return null;

      return StringUtils.decapitalize(propertyName);

    * Gets the private field representing the given <code>propertyName</code> within the given class.
    * @return the private Field for this propertyName, or null if no such field (should not throw NoSuchFieldException)

   protected Field<?> getPrivateField(final FieldHolder<?> fieldHolder, final String propertyName)
      if (this.privateFieldConvention != null)
         // Determine field name based on convention. MessageFormat arguments are:
         // {0} = dateOfBirth, surname
         // {1} = DateOfBirth, Surname

         String[] arguments = new String[] { propertyName, StringUtils.capitalize(propertyName) };
         String fieldName;

         synchronized (this.privateFieldConvention)
            fieldName = this.privateFieldConvention.format(arguments, new StringBuffer(), null).toString();

         return fieldHolder.getField(fieldName);

      Field<?> field = fieldHolder.getField(propertyName);

      // FORGE-402: support fields starting with capital letter

      if (field == null && !StringUtils.isCapitalized(propertyName))
         field = fieldHolder.getField(StringUtils.capitalize(propertyName));

      return field;

   // Private methods

   private JavaSource<?> sourceForName(final String type)
         JavaSourceFacet javaSourceFact = this.project.getFacet(JavaSourceFacet.class);
         return javaSourceFact.getJavaResource(type).getJavaSource();
      catch (FileNotFoundException e)
         // Not a Forge-based type

         return null;

   // Inner classes

   public static class ForgeProperty
            extends BaseProperty
      // Private methods

      private final Method<?> readMethod;

      private final Method<?> writeMethod;

      private final Field<?> privateField;

      // Constructor

      public ForgeProperty(final String name, final String type, final Method<?> readMethod,
               final Method<?> writeMethod,
               final Field<?> privateField)
         super(name, type);

         this.readMethod = readMethod;
         this.writeMethod = writeMethod;

         // Must have a getter or a setter (or both)

         if (this.readMethod == null && this.writeMethod == null)
            throw InspectorException.newException("Property '" + name + "' has no getter and no setter");

         this.privateField = privateField;

      // Public methods

      public boolean isReadable()
         return (this.readMethod != null);

      public Object read(final Object obj)
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

      public boolean isWritable()
         return (this.writeMethod != null);

      public void write(Object obj, Object value)
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

      public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(final Class<T> annotationClass)
      {<?> annotation = null;

         // support annotations on readMethod

         if (this.readMethod != null)
            annotation = this.readMethod.getAnnotation(annotationClass.getName());

         if (annotation == null)
            annotation = this.privateField.getAnnotation(annotationClass.getName());

         if (annotation != null)
            T annotationProxy = AnnotationProxy.newInstance(annotation);
            return annotationProxy;

         return null;

      public String getGenericType()
         if (this.readMethod != null)
            @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
            List<Type<?>> typeArguments = (List) this.readMethod.getReturnTypeInspector().getTypeArguments();

            if (!typeArguments.isEmpty())
               return typeArguments.get(0).getQualifiedName();

         if (this.privateField != null)
            @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
            List<Type<?>> typeArguments = (List) this.privateField.getTypeInspector().getTypeArguments();

            if (!typeArguments.isEmpty())
               return typeArguments.get(0).getQualifiedName();

         return null;

      public Method<?> getReadMethod()

         return this.readMethod;

      public Method<?> getWriteMethod()

         return this.writeMethod;

    * Java annotations are defined as interfaces. Therefore in order to instantiate one, we must create a Proxy.

   public static class AnnotationProxy<T extends Annotation> implements InvocationHandler
      // Private statics

      private final<?> annotationSource;

      private final Class<T> annotationClass;

      // Public statics

      public static <T extends Annotation> T newInstance(
               final<?> annotationSource)
            Class<T> annotationClass = (Class<T>) Class.forName(annotationSource.getQualifiedName());

            // TODO: test this not using annotationSource.getClass().getClassLoader() (will require integration test)

            return (T) java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(
                     new Class[] { annotationClass },
                     new AnnotationProxy<T>(annotationClass, annotationSource));
         catch (Exception e)
            throw InspectorException.newException(e);

      // Constructor

      private AnnotationProxy(final Class<T> annotationClass,
               final<?> annotationSource)
         this.annotationSource = annotationSource;
         this.annotationClass = annotationClass;

      // Public methods

      public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final java.lang.reflect.Method method, final Object[] args)
               throws Throwable
            String methodName = method.getName();

            // Reserved name

            if ("annotationType".equals(methodName))
               return this.annotationClass;

            // If no value, return the default...

            java.lang.reflect.Method annotationMethod = this.annotationClass.getMethod(methodName);
            String literalValue = this.annotationSource.getLiteralValue(methodName);

            if (literalValue == null)
               Object defaultValue = annotationMethod.getDefaultValue();

               if (defaultValue == null)
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException(methodName + " does not have a default value");

               return defaultValue;

            // ...otherwise parse it

            return parse(literalValue, annotationMethod.getReturnType());
         catch (Exception e)
            throw InspectorException.newException(e);

      // Private methods

       * Parses the given literal value into the given returnType. Supports all standard annotation types (JLS 9.7).

      private Object parse(String literalValue, Class<?> returnType) throws ClassNotFoundException
         // Primitives

         if (byte.class.equals(returnType))
            return Byte.valueOf(literalValue);
         if (short.class.equals(returnType))
            return Short.valueOf(literalValue);
         if (int.class.equals(returnType))
            return Integer.valueOf(literalValue);
         if (long.class.equals(returnType))
            String valueToUse = literalValue;
            if (valueToUse.endsWith("l") || valueToUse.endsWith("L"))
               valueToUse = valueToUse.substring(0, valueToUse.length() - 1);
            return Long.valueOf(valueToUse);
         if (float.class.equals(returnType))
            String valueToUse = literalValue;
            if (valueToUse.endsWith("f") || valueToUse.endsWith("F"))
               valueToUse = valueToUse.substring(0, valueToUse.length() - 1);
            return Float.valueOf(valueToUse);
         if (double.class.equals(returnType))
            String valueToUse = literalValue;
            if (valueToUse.endsWith("d") || valueToUse.endsWith("D"))
               valueToUse = literalValue.substring(0, valueToUse.length() - 1);
            return Double.valueOf(valueToUse);
         if (boolean.class.equals(returnType))
            return Boolean.valueOf(literalValue);
         if (char.class.equals(returnType))
            return Character.valueOf(literalValue.charAt(1));

         // Arrays

         if (returnType.isArray())
            String[] values = literalValue.substring(1, literalValue.length() - 1).split(",");
            int length = values.length;
            Class<?> componentType = returnType.getComponentType();
            Object array = Array.newInstance(componentType, length);

            for (int loop = 0; loop < length; loop++)
               Array.set(array, loop, parse(values[loop], componentType));

            return array;

         // Enums

         if (returnType.isEnum())
            Enum<?>[] constants = (Enum<?>[]) returnType.getEnumConstants();

            String valueToUse = StringUtils.substringAfterLast(literalValue, '.');

            for (Enum<?> inst : constants)
               if (
                  return inst;

            return null;

         // Strings

         if (String.class.equals(returnType))
            return literalValue.substring(1, literalValue.length() - 1);

         // Classes

         if (Class.class.equals(returnType))
            String resolvedType = StringUtils.substringBefore(literalValue, ".class");
            resolvedType = ((JavaSource<?>) this.annotationSource.getOrigin()).resolveType(resolvedType);
            return Class.forName(resolvedType);

         // Annotations

         if (Annotation.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType))
            String resolvedType = StringUtils.substringAfter(literalValue, "@");
            resolvedType = ((JavaSource<?>) this.annotationSource.getOrigin()).resolveType(resolvedType);

            return AnnotationProxy.newInstance(this.annotationSource);

         // Unknown

         throw new UnsupportedOperationException(returnType.getSimpleName());

Related Classes of org.jboss.forge.scaffold.faces.metawidget.inspector.propertystyle.ForgePropertyStyle$AnnotationProxy

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