Package org.drools.verifier.alwaysFalse

Source Code of org.drools.verifier.alwaysFalse.AlwaysFalseTest

* Copyright 2010 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.drools.verifier.alwaysFalse;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.drools.StatelessSession;
import org.drools.base.RuleNameMatchesAgendaFilter;
import org.drools.builder.ResourceType;
import org.drools.verifier.TestBaseOld;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.drools.verifier.Verifier;
import org.drools.verifier.VerifierComponentMockFactory;
import org.drools.verifier.builder.VerifierBuilder;
import org.drools.verifier.builder.VerifierBuilderFactory;
import org.drools.verifier.components.LiteralRestriction;
import org.drools.verifier.components.Pattern;
import org.drools.verifier.components.SubPattern;
import org.drools.verifier.components.Restriction;
import org.drools.verifier.components.SubRule;
import org.drools.verifier.components.VariableRestriction;
import org.drools.verifier.components.VerifierRule;

public class AlwaysFalseTest extends TestBaseOld {

    public void testPatterns() throws Exception {
        StatelessSession session = getStatelessSession( this.getClass().getResourceAsStream( "Patterns.drl" ) );

        session.setAgendaFilter( new RuleNameMatchesAgendaFilter( "Pattern that is always false" ) );

        VerifierReport result = VerifierReportFactory.newVerifierReport();
        Collection<Object> data = new ArrayList<Object>();

        session.setGlobal( "result",
                           result );

        // This pattern has an error.
        Pattern pattern1 = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createPattern1();

        Restriction r1 = LiteralRestriction.createRestriction( pattern1,
                                                               "" );
        Restriction r2 = LiteralRestriction.createRestriction( pattern1,
                                                               "" );
        Incompatibility i1 = new Incompatibility( r1,
                                                  r2 );
        SubPattern pp1 = new SubPattern( pattern1,
                                         0 );
        pp1.add( r1 );
        pp1.add( r2 );

        Restriction r3 = new VariableRestriction( pattern1 );
        Restriction r4 = new VariableRestriction( pattern1 );
        Incompatibility i2 = new Incompatibility( r1,
                                                  r2 );
        SubPattern pp2 = new SubPattern( pattern1,
                                         1 );
        pp2.add( r1 );
        pp2.add( r2 );

        // This pattern does not have an error.
        Pattern pattern2 = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createPattern2();

        Restriction r5 = LiteralRestriction.createRestriction( pattern2,
                                                               "" );
        Restriction r6 = LiteralRestriction.createRestriction( pattern2,
                                                               "" );
        SubPattern pp3 = new SubPattern( pattern2,
                                         0 );
        pp3.add( r5 );
        pp3.add( r6 );

        Restriction r7 = new VariableRestriction( pattern2 );
        Restriction r8 = new VariableRestriction( pattern2 );
        Incompatibility i4 = new Incompatibility( r7,
                                                  r8 );
        SubPattern pp4 = new SubPattern( pattern2,
                                         1 );
        pp4.add( r7 );
        pp4.add( r8 );

        data.add( VerifierComponentMockFactory.createRule1() );

        data.add( pattern1 );
        data.add( r1 );
        data.add( r2 );
        data.add( r3 );
        data.add( r4 );
        data.add( i1 );
        data.add( i2 );
        data.add( pp1 );
        data.add( pp2 );

        data.add( pattern2 );
        data.add( r5 );
        data.add( r6 );
        data.add( r7 );
        data.add( r8 );
        data.add( i4 );
        data.add( pp3 );
        data.add( pp4 );

        session.executeWithResults( data );

        Iterator<VerifierMessageBase> iter = result.getBySeverity( Severity.ERROR ).iterator();

        boolean works = false;
        while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
            Object o = (Object);
            if ( o instanceof VerifierMessage ) {
                VerifierMessage message = (VerifierMessage) o;
                if ( message.getFaulty().equals( pattern1 ) ) {
                    works = true;
                } else {
                    fail( "There can be only one. (And this is not the one)" );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      result.getBySeverity( Severity.ERROR ).size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      result.getBySeverity( Severity.WARNING ).size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      result.getBySeverity( Severity.NOTE ).size() );
        assertTrue( works );

     * rule "test"
     *     when
     *         TestPattern()
     *     then
     *         # Nothing
     * end  
     * Check that a pattern with out restrictions does not raise any notifications.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testSinglePatternNoRestrictions() throws Exception {
        StatelessSession session = getStatelessSession( this.getClass().getResourceAsStream( "Patterns.drl" ) );

        session.setAgendaFilter( new RuleNameMatchesAgendaFilter( "Pattern that is always false" ) );

        VerifierReport result = VerifierReportFactory.newVerifierReport();
        Collection<Object> data = new ArrayList<Object>();

        session.setGlobal( "result",
                           result );

        // This pattern has an error.
        VerifierRule rule1 = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createRule1();
        Pattern pattern1 = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createPattern1();

        data.add( rule1 );
        data.add( pattern1 );

        session.executeWithResults( data );

        assertEquals( 0,
                      result.getBySeverity( Severity.ERROR ).size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      result.getBySeverity( Severity.WARNING ).size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      result.getBySeverity( Severity.NOTE ).size() );

    public void testRules() throws Exception {
        StatelessSession session = getStatelessSession( this.getClass().getResourceAsStream( "Rules.drl" ) );

        session.setAgendaFilter( new RuleNameMatchesAgendaFilter( "Rule that is always false" ) );

        VerifierReport result = VerifierReportFactory.newVerifierReport();
        Collection<Object> data = new ArrayList<Object>();

        session.setGlobal( "result",
                           result );

        // This rule has an error.
        VerifierRule rule1 = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createRule1();
        Pattern pattern1 = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createPattern1();

        SubPattern pp1 = new SubPattern( pattern1,
                                         0 );
        SubPattern pp2 = new SubPattern( pattern1,
                                         1 );
        Incompatibility i1 = new Incompatibility( pp1,
                                                  pp2 );
        SubRule rp1 = new SubRule( rule1,
                                   0 );
        rp1.add( pp1 );
        rp1.add( pp2 );

        SubPattern pp3 = new SubPattern( pattern1,
                                         2 );
        SubPattern pp4 = new SubPattern( pattern1,
                                         3 );
        Incompatibility i2 = new Incompatibility( pp1,
                                                  pp2 );
        SubRule rp2 = new SubRule( rule1,
                                   1 );
        rp2.add( pp1 );
        rp2.add( pp2 );

        // This pattern does not have an error.
        VerifierRule rule2 = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createRule2();
        Pattern pattern2 = VerifierComponentMockFactory.createPattern2();

        SubPattern pp5 = new SubPattern( pattern2,
                                         0 );
        SubPattern pp6 = new SubPattern( pattern2,
                                         1 );
        SubRule rp3 = new SubRule( rule2,
                                   2 );
        rp3.add( pp5 );
        rp3.add( pp6 );

        SubPattern pp7 = new SubPattern( pattern2,
                                         2 );
        SubPattern pp8 = new SubPattern( pattern2,
                                         3 );
        Incompatibility i4 = new Incompatibility( pp7,
                                                  pp8 );
        SubRule rp4 = new SubRule( rule2,
                                   3 );
        rp4.add( pp7 );
        rp4.add( pp8 );

        data.add( rule1 );
        data.add( pp1 );
        data.add( pp2 );
        data.add( pp3 );
        data.add( pp4 );
        data.add( i1 );
        data.add( i2 );
        data.add( rp1 );
        data.add( rp2 );

        data.add( rule2 );
        data.add( pp5 );
        data.add( pp6 );
        data.add( pp7 );
        data.add( pp8 );
        data.add( i4 );
        data.add( rp3 );
        data.add( rp4 );

        session.executeWithResults( data );

        Iterator<VerifierMessageBase> iter = result.getBySeverity( Severity.ERROR ).iterator();

        boolean works = false;
        while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
            Object o = (Object);
            if ( o instanceof VerifierMessage ) {
                VerifierMessage message = (VerifierMessage) o;
                if ( message.getFaulty().equals( rule1 ) ) {
                    works = true;
                } else {
                    fail( "There can be only one. (And this is not the one)" );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      result.getBySeverity( Severity.ERROR ).size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      result.getBySeverity( Severity.WARNING ).size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      result.getBySeverity( Severity.NOTE ).size() );
        assertTrue( works );

    public void testAlwaysFalse() {
        VerifierBuilder vBuilder = VerifierBuilderFactory.newVerifierBuilder();

        Verifier verifier = vBuilder.newVerifier();

        verifier.addResourcesToVerify( ResourceFactory.newClassPathResource( "AlwaysFalseTest.drl",
                                                                             getClass() ),
                                       ResourceType.DRL );

        assertFalse( verifier.hasErrors() );

        boolean noProblems = verifier.fireAnalysis();
        assertTrue( noProblems );

        Collection<VerifierMessageBase> notes = verifier.getResult().getBySeverity( Severity.ERROR );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      containsMessageType( notes,
                                           MessageType.ALWAYS_FALSE ) );


    private int containsMessageType(Collection<VerifierMessageBase> notes,
                                    MessageType type) {
        int amount = 0;
        for ( VerifierMessageBase note : notes ) {
            if ( note instanceof VerifierMessage ) {
                VerifierMessage message = (VerifierMessage) note;
                if ( message.getMessageType() == type ) {
        return amount;


Related Classes of org.drools.verifier.alwaysFalse.AlwaysFalseTest

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