Package org.infinispan.topology

Source Code of org.infinispan.topology.ClusterTopologyManagerImpl

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package org.infinispan.topology;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.infinispan.CacheException;
import org.infinispan.commands.ReplicableCommand;
import org.infinispan.factories.GlobalComponentRegistry;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.ComponentName;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Inject;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Start;
import org.infinispan.factories.annotations.Stop;
import org.infinispan.notifications.Listener;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachemanagerlistener.CacheManagerNotifier;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachemanagerlistener.annotation.Merged;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachemanagerlistener.annotation.ViewChanged;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachemanagerlistener.event.ViewChangedEvent;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.ExceptionResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.Response;
import org.infinispan.remoting.responses.SuccessfulResponse;
import org.infinispan.remoting.rpc.ResponseMode;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Transport;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMapFactory;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory;

import static org.infinispan.factories.KnownComponentNames.ASYNC_TRANSPORT_EXECUTOR;

* The {@code ClusterTopologyManager} implementation.
* @author Dan Berindei
* @since 5.2
public class ClusterTopologyManagerImpl implements ClusterTopologyManager {
   private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ClusterTopologyManagerImpl.class);

   private Transport transport;
   private RebalancePolicy rebalancePolicy;
   private GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration;
   private GlobalComponentRegistry gcr;
   private CacheManagerNotifier cacheManagerNotifier;
   private ExecutorService asyncTransportExecutor;
   private volatile boolean isCoordinator;
   private volatile boolean isShuttingDown;
   private volatile int viewId = -1;
   private final Object viewUpdateLock = new Object();

   private final ConcurrentMap<String, ClusterCacheStatus> cacheStatusMap = ConcurrentMapFactory.makeConcurrentMap();
   private ClusterTopologyManagerImpl.ClusterViewListener viewListener;

   public void inject(Transport transport, RebalancePolicy rebalancePolicy,
                      @ComponentName(ASYNC_TRANSPORT_EXECUTOR) ExecutorService asyncTransportExecutor,
                      GlobalConfiguration globalConfiguration, GlobalComponentRegistry gcr,
                      CacheManagerNotifier cacheManagerNotifier) {
      this.transport = transport;
      this.rebalancePolicy = rebalancePolicy;
      this.asyncTransportExecutor = asyncTransportExecutor;
      this.globalConfiguration = globalConfiguration;
      this.gcr = gcr;
      this.cacheManagerNotifier = cacheManagerNotifier;

   @Start(priority = 100)
   public void start() {
      isShuttingDown = false;
      isCoordinator = transport.isCoordinator();

      viewListener = new ClusterViewListener();
      // The listener already missed the initial view
      handleNewView(transport.getMembers(), false, transport.getViewId());

   @Stop(priority = 100)
   public void stop() {
      isShuttingDown = true;

      // Stop blocking cache topology commands.
      // The synchronization also ensures that the listener has finished executing
      // so we don't get InterruptedExceptions when the notification thread pool shuts down
      synchronized (viewUpdateLock) {
         viewId = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

   public void triggerRebalance(final String cacheName) throws Exception {
      asyncTransportExecutor.submit(new Callable<Object>() {
         public Object call() throws Exception {
            try {
               return null;
            } catch (Throwable t) {
               log.errorf(t, "Failed to start rebalance: %s", t.getMessage());
               throw new Exception(t);

   public CacheTopology handleJoin(String cacheName, Address joiner, CacheJoinInfo joinInfo, int viewId) throws Exception {
      if (isShuttingDown) {
         log.debugf("Ignoring join request from %s for cache %s, the local cache manager is shutting down",
               joiner, cacheName);
         return null;

      ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus = initCacheStatusIfAbsent(cacheName, joinInfo);
      boolean hadEmptyConsistentHashes;
      synchronized (cacheStatus) {
         hadEmptyConsistentHashes = cacheStatus.getCacheTopology().getMembers().isEmpty();
         if (hadEmptyConsistentHashes) {
            // This node was the first to join. We need to install the initial CH
            int newTopologyId = cacheStatus.getCacheTopology().getTopologyId() + 1;
            List<Address> initialMembers = cacheStatus.getMembers();
            ConsistentHash initialCH = joinInfo.getConsistentHashFactory().create(
                  joinInfo.getHashFunction(), joinInfo.getNumOwners(), joinInfo.getNumSegments(), initialMembers);
            CacheTopology initialTopology = new CacheTopology(newTopologyId, initialCH, null);
            // Don't need to broadcast the initial CH, just return the cache topology to the joiner
         } else {
            // Do nothing. The rebalance policy will trigger a rebalance later.
      if (hadEmptyConsistentHashes) {
         rebalancePolicy.initCache(cacheName, cacheStatus);
      } else {
         rebalancePolicy.updateCacheStatus(cacheName, cacheStatus);

      return cacheStatus.getCacheTopology();

   public void handleLeave(String cacheName, Address leaver, int viewId) throws Exception {
      if (isShuttingDown) {
         log.debugf("Ignoring leave request from %s for cache %s, the local cache manager is shutting down",
               leaver, cacheName);

      ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus = cacheStatusMap.get(cacheName);
      if (cacheStatus == null) {
         // This can happen if we've just become coordinator
         log.tracef("Ignoring leave request from %s for cache %s because it doesn't have a cache status entry");
      boolean actualLeaver = cacheStatus.removeMember(leaver);
      if (!actualLeaver)

      onCacheMembershipChange(cacheName, cacheStatus);

   public void handleRebalanceCompleted(String cacheName, Address node, int topologyId, Throwable throwable, int viewId) throws Exception {
      if (throwable != null) {
         // TODO We could try to update the pending CH such that nodes reporting errors are not considered to hold any state
         // For now we are just logging the error and proceeding as if the rebalance was successful everywhere
         log.rebalanceError(cacheName, node, throwable);
      log.debugf("Finished local rebalance for cache %s on node %s, topology id = %d", cacheName, node,
      ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus = cacheStatusMap.get(cacheName);
      if (cacheStatus == null || !cacheStatus.isRebalanceInProgress()) {
         throw new CacheException(String.format("Received invalid rebalance confirmation from %s " +
               "for cache %s, we don't have a rebalance in progress", node, cacheName));

      boolean rebalanceCompleted = cacheStatus.confirmRebalanceOnNode(node, topologyId);
      if (rebalanceCompleted) {
         endRebalance(cacheName, cacheStatus);
         broadcastConsistentHashUpdate(cacheName, cacheStatus);
         rebalancePolicy.updateCacheStatus(cacheName, cacheStatus);

   protected void handleNewView(List<Address> newMembers, boolean mergeView, int newViewId) {
      // check to ensure this is not an older view
      if (newViewId <= viewId) {
         log.tracef("Ignoring old cluster view notification: %s", newViewId);

      log.tracef("Received new cluster view: %s", newViewId);
      boolean becameCoordinator = !isCoordinator && transport.isCoordinator();
      isCoordinator = transport.isCoordinator();

      if ((isCoordinator && mergeView) || becameCoordinator) {
         try {
            Map<String, List<CacheTopology>> clusterCacheMap = recoverClusterStatus();

            for (Map.Entry<String, List<CacheTopology>> e : clusterCacheMap.entrySet()) {
               String cacheName = e.getKey();
               List<CacheTopology> topologyList = e.getValue();
               updateCacheStatusAfterMerge(cacheName, topologyList);
         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.tracef("Cluster state recovery interrupted because the coordinator is shutting down");
            // the CTMI has already stopped, no need to update the view id or notify waiters
         } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO Retry?
      } else if (isCoordinator) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception e) {

      synchronized (viewUpdateLock) {
         // update the view id last, so join requests from other nodes wait until we recovered existing members' info
         viewId = newViewId;

   private ClusterCacheStatus initCacheStatusIfAbsent(String cacheName, CacheJoinInfo joinInfo) {
      ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus = cacheStatusMap.get(cacheName);
      if (cacheStatus == null) {
         ClusterCacheStatus newCacheStatus = new ClusterCacheStatus(cacheName, joinInfo);
         cacheStatus = cacheStatusMap.putIfAbsent(cacheName, newCacheStatus);
         if (cacheStatus == null) {
            cacheStatus = newCacheStatus;
      return cacheStatus;

   public void updateCacheStatusAfterMerge(String cacheName, List<CacheTopology> partitionTopologies)
         throws Exception {
      log.tracef("Initializing rebalance policy for cache %s, pre-existing partitions are %s",
            cacheName, partitionTopologies);
      ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus = cacheStatusMap.get(cacheName);
      if (partitionTopologies.isEmpty())

      int unionTopologyId = 0;
      ConsistentHash currentCHUnion = null;
      ConsistentHash pendingCHUnion = null;
      ConsistentHashFactory chFactory = cacheStatus.getJoinInfo().getConsistentHashFactory();
      for (CacheTopology topology : partitionTopologies) {
         if (topology.getTopologyId() > unionTopologyId) {
            unionTopologyId = topology.getTopologyId();
         if (currentCHUnion == null) {
            currentCHUnion = topology.getCurrentCH();
         } else {
            currentCHUnion = chFactory.union(currentCHUnion, topology.getCurrentCH());

         if (pendingCHUnion == null) {
            pendingCHUnion = topology.getPendingCH();
         } else {
            if (topology.getPendingCH() != null)
               pendingCHUnion = chFactory.union(pendingCHUnion, topology.getPendingCH());

      // We have added each node to the cache status when we received its status response
      List<Address> members = cacheStatus.getMembers();
      if (currentCHUnion != null) {
         currentCHUnion = chFactory.updateMembers(currentCHUnion, members);
      if (pendingCHUnion != null) {
         pendingCHUnion = chFactory.updateMembers(pendingCHUnion, members);

      // Make sure the topology id is higher than any topology id we had before in the cluster
      unionTopologyId += 2;
      CacheTopology cacheTopology = new CacheTopology(unionTopologyId, currentCHUnion, pendingCHUnion);
      boolean wasRebalanceInProgress = pendingCHUnion != null;

      synchronized (cacheStatus) {
         // TODO Deal with members had joined in a partition, but which did not start receiving data yet
         // (i.e. they weren't in the current or in the pending CH)
         if (wasRebalanceInProgress) {
         } else {

      broadcastConsistentHashUpdate(cacheName, cacheStatus);

      if (wasRebalanceInProgress) {
         broadcastRebalanceStart(cacheName, cacheStatus);
      } else {
         // Trigger another rebalance in case the CH is not balanced (even though there was no rebalance in progress)

   private void broadcastConsistentHashUpdate(String cacheName, ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus) throws Exception {
      // Serialize CH update commands, so that they don't arrive on the other members out-of-order.
      // We are ok with sending the same CH update twice, we just don't want the other members to receive
      // an older CH after they got the latest CH.
      synchronized (cacheStatus) {
         CacheTopology cacheTopology = cacheStatus.getCacheTopology();
         log.debugf("Updating cluster-wide consistent hash for cache %s, topology = %s",
               cacheName, cacheTopology);
         ReplicableCommand command = new CacheTopologyControlCommand(cacheName,
               CacheTopologyControlCommand.Type.CH_UPDATE, transport.getAddress(), cacheTopology,
         executeOnClusterSync(command, getGlobalTimeout());

   private void startRebalance(String cacheName) throws Exception {
      ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus = cacheStatusMap.get(cacheName);

      synchronized (cacheStatus) {
         CacheTopology cacheTopology = cacheStatus.getCacheTopology();
         if (cacheStatus.isRebalanceInProgress()) {
            log.tracef("Ignoring request to rebalance cache %s, there's already a rebalance in progress: %s",
                  cacheName, cacheTopology);

         List<Address> newMembers = new ArrayList<Address>(cacheStatus.getMembers());
         if (newMembers.isEmpty()) {
            log.tracef("Ignoring request to rebalance cache %s, it doesn't have any member", cacheName);

         log.tracef("Rebalancing consistent hash for cache %s, members are %s", cacheName, newMembers);
         int newTopologyId = cacheTopology.getTopologyId() + 1;
         ConsistentHash currentCH = cacheTopology.getCurrentCH();
         if (currentCH == null) {
            // There was one node in the cache before, and it left after the rebalance was triggered
            // but before the rebalance actually started.
            log.tracef("Ignoring request to rebalance cache %s, it doesn't have a consistent hash", cacheName);
         if (!newMembers.containsAll(currentCH.getMembers())) {
            log.tracef("Ignoring request to rebalance cache %s, we have new leavers: %s", cacheName, newMembers);

         ConsistentHashFactory chFactory = cacheStatus.getJoinInfo().getConsistentHashFactory();
         // This update will only add the joiners to the CH, we have already checked that we don't have leavers
         ConsistentHash updatedMembersCH = chFactory.updateMembers(currentCH, newMembers);
         ConsistentHash balancedCH = chFactory.rebalance(updatedMembersCH);
         if (balancedCH.equals(currentCH)) {
            log.tracef("The balanced CH is the same as the current CH, not rebalancing");
         CacheTopology newTopology = new CacheTopology(newTopologyId, currentCH, balancedCH);
         log.tracef("Updating cache %s topology for rebalance: %s", cacheName, newTopology);

      rebalancePolicy.updateCacheStatus(cacheName, cacheStatus);
      broadcastRebalanceStart(cacheName, cacheStatus);

   private void broadcastRebalanceStart(String cacheName, ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus) throws Exception {
      synchronized (cacheStatus) {
         CacheTopology cacheTopology = cacheStatus.getCacheTopology();
         log.debugf("Starting cluster-wide rebalance for cache %s, topology = %s",
               cacheName, cacheTopology);
         ReplicableCommand command = new CacheTopologyControlCommand(cacheName,
               CacheTopologyControlCommand.Type.REBALANCE_START, transport.getAddress(), cacheTopology,
         executeOnClusterSync(command, getGlobalTimeout());

   private void endRebalance(String cacheName, ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus) {
      synchronized (cacheStatus) {
         CacheTopology currentTopology = cacheStatus.getCacheTopology();
         int currentTopologyId = currentTopology.getTopologyId();
         log.debugf("Finished cluster-wide rebalance for cache %s, topology id = %d",
               cacheName, currentTopologyId);
         int newTopologyId = currentTopologyId + 1;
         ConsistentHash newCurrentCH = currentTopology.getPendingCH();
         CacheTopology newTopology = new CacheTopology(newTopologyId, newCurrentCH, null);

   private HashMap<String, List<CacheTopology>> recoverClusterStatus() throws Exception {
      log.debugf("Recovering running caches in the cluster");
      ReplicableCommand command = new CacheTopologyControlCommand(null,
            CacheTopologyControlCommand.Type.GET_STATUS, transport.getAddress(), viewId);
      Map<Address, Object> statusResponses = executeOnClusterSync(command, getGlobalTimeout());

      HashMap<String, List<CacheTopology>> clusterCacheMap = new HashMap<String, List<CacheTopology>>();
      for (Map.Entry<Address, Object> responseEntry : statusResponses.entrySet()) {
         Address sender = responseEntry.getKey();
         Map<String, Object[]> nodeStatus = (Map<String, Object[]>) responseEntry.getValue();
         for (Map.Entry<String, Object[]> statusEntry : nodeStatus.entrySet()) {
            String cacheName = statusEntry.getKey();
            CacheJoinInfo joinInfo = (CacheJoinInfo) statusEntry.getValue()[0];
            CacheTopology cacheTopology = (CacheTopology) statusEntry.getValue()[1];

            List<CacheTopology> topologyList = clusterCacheMap.get(cacheName);
            if (topologyList == null) {
               // This is the first CacheJoinInfo we got for this cache, initialize its ClusterCacheStatus
               initCacheStatusIfAbsent(cacheName, joinInfo);

               topologyList = new ArrayList<CacheTopology>();
               clusterCacheMap.put(cacheName, topologyList);

            // The cache topology could be null if the new node sent a join request to the old coordinator
            // but didn't get a response back yet
            if (cacheTopology != null) {

            // This node may have joined, and still not be in the current or pending CH
            // because the old coordinator didn't manage to start the rebalance before shutting down
      return clusterCacheMap;

   public void updateClusterMembers(List<Address> newClusterMembers) throws Exception {
      log.tracef("Updating cluster members for all the caches. New list is %s", newClusterMembers);

      for (Map.Entry<String, ClusterCacheStatus> e : cacheStatusMap.entrySet()) {
         String cacheName = e.getKey();
         ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus = e.getValue();
         boolean cacheMembersModified = cacheStatus.updateClusterMembers(newClusterMembers);
         if (cacheMembersModified) {
            onCacheMembershipChange(cacheName, cacheStatus);

   private boolean onCacheMembershipChange(String cacheName, ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus) throws Exception {
      boolean topologyChanged = updateTopologyAfterMembershipChange(cacheName, cacheStatus);
      if (!topologyChanged)
         return true;

      boolean rebalanceCompleted = cacheStatus.updateRebalanceMembersList();
      if (rebalanceCompleted) {
         endRebalance(cacheName, cacheStatus);

      // We need a consistent hash update even when rebalancing did end
      broadcastConsistentHashUpdate(cacheName, cacheStatus);

      rebalancePolicy.updateCacheStatus(cacheName, cacheStatus);
      return false;

    * @return {@code true} if the topology was changed, {@code false} otherwise
   private boolean updateTopologyAfterMembershipChange(String cacheName, ClusterCacheStatus cacheStatus) {
      synchronized (cacheStatus) {
         ConsistentHashFactory consistentHashFactory = cacheStatus.getJoinInfo().getConsistentHashFactory();
         int topologyId = cacheStatus.getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();
         ConsistentHash currentCH = cacheStatus.getCacheTopology().getCurrentCH();
         ConsistentHash pendingCH = cacheStatus.getCacheTopology().getPendingCH();
         if (!cacheStatus.needConsistentHashUpdate()) {
            log.tracef("Cache %s members list was updated, but the cache topology doesn't need to change: %s",
                  cacheName, cacheStatus.getCacheTopology());
            return false;

         List<Address> newCurrentMembers = cacheStatus.pruneInvalidMembers(currentCH.getMembers());
         if (newCurrentMembers.isEmpty()) {
            CacheTopology newTopology = new CacheTopology(topologyId + 1, null, null);
            log.tracef("Initial topology installed for cache %s: %s", cacheName, newTopology);
            return false;
         ConsistentHash newCurrentCH = consistentHashFactory.updateMembers(currentCH, newCurrentMembers);
         ConsistentHash newPendingCH = null;
         if (pendingCH != null) {
            List<Address> newPendingMembers = cacheStatus.pruneInvalidMembers(pendingCH.getMembers());
            newPendingCH = consistentHashFactory.updateMembers(pendingCH, newPendingMembers);
         CacheTopology newTopology = new CacheTopology(topologyId + 1, newCurrentCH, newPendingCH);
         log.tracef("Cache %s topology updated: %s", cacheName, newTopology);
         return true;

   private void waitForView(int viewId) throws InterruptedException {
      if (this.viewId < viewId) {
         log.tracef("Received a cache topology command with a higher view id: %s, our view id is %s", viewId, this.viewId);
      synchronized (viewUpdateLock) {
         while (this.viewId < viewId) {
            // break out of the loop after state transfer timeout expires

   private Map<Address, Object> executeOnClusterSync(final ReplicableCommand command, final int timeout)
         throws Exception {
      // first invoke remotely
      Future<Map<Address, Response>> remoteFuture = asyncTransportExecutor.submit(new Callable<Map<Address, Response>>() {
         public Map<Address, Response> call() throws Exception {
            return transport.invokeRemotely(null, command,
                  ResponseMode.SYNCHRONOUS_IGNORE_LEAVERS, timeout, true, null);

      // invoke the command on the local node
      Response localResponse;
      try {
         localResponse = (Response) command.perform(null);
      } catch (Throwable throwable) {
         throw new Exception(throwable);
      if (!localResponse.isSuccessful()) {
         throw new CacheException("Unsuccessful local response");

      // wait for the remote commands to finish
      Map<Address, Response> responseMap = remoteFuture.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

      // parse the responses
      Map<Address, Object> responseValues = new HashMap<Address, Object>(transport.getMembers().size());
      for (Map.Entry<Address, Response> entry : responseMap.entrySet()) {
         Address address = entry.getKey();
         Response response = entry.getValue();
         if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
            Throwable cause = response instanceof ExceptionResponse ? ((ExceptionResponse) response).getException() : null;
            throw new CacheException("Unsuccessful response received from node " + address + ": " + response, cause);
         responseValues.put(address, ((SuccessfulResponse) response).getResponseValue());

      responseValues.put(transport.getAddress(), ((SuccessfulResponse) localResponse).getResponseValue());

      return responseValues;

   private int getGlobalTimeout() {
      // TODO Rename setting to something like globalRpcTimeout
      return (int) globalConfiguration.transport().distributedSyncTimeout();

   // need to recover existing caches asynchronously (in case we just became the coordinator)
   @Listener(sync = false)
   public class ClusterViewListener {
      public void handleViewChange(final ViewChangedEvent e) {
         handleNewView(e.getNewMembers(), e.isMergeView(), e.getViewId());

Related Classes of org.infinispan.topology.ClusterTopologyManagerImpl

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