Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.listeners

Source Code of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.listeners.EntityListenerMetadata

* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
*     Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
*     05/16/2008-1.0M8 Guy Pelletier
*       - 218084: Implement metadata merging functionality between mapping files
*     04/02/2009-2.0 Guy Pelletier
*       - 270853: testBeerLifeCycleMethodAnnotationIgnored within xml merge testing need to be relocated
*     01/05/2010-2.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 211324: Add additional event(s) support to the EclipseLink-ORM.XML Schema
*     04/27/2010-2.1 Guy Pelletier
*       - 309856: MappedSuperclasses from XML are not being initialized properly
*     07/15/2010-2.2 Guy Pelletier
*       -311395 : Multiple lifecycle callback methods for the same lifecycle event
*     12/01/2010-2.2 Guy Pelletier
*       - 331234: xml-mapping-metadata-complete overriden by metadata-complete specification
*     03/24/2011-2.3 Guy Pelletier
*       - 337323: Multi-tenant with shared schema support (part 1)
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.listeners;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;


import java.util.HashSet;

import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEventListener;

import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.ORMetadata;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.MetadataAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes.ClassAccessor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataAccessibleObject;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataClass;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataMethod;

import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.xml.XMLEntityMappings;


import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataConstants.JPA_POST_LOAD;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataConstants.JPA_POST_PERSIST;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataConstants.JPA_POST_REMOVE;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataConstants.JPA_POST_UPDATE;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataConstants.JPA_PRE_PERSIST;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataConstants.JPA_PRE_REMOVE;
import static org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataConstants.JPA_PRE_UPDATE;

* A MetadataEntityListener and is placed on the owning entity's descriptor.
* Callback methods from an EntityListener require a signature on the method.
* Namely, they must have an Object parameter.
* Key notes:
* - any metadata mapped from XML to this class must be compared in the
*   equals method.
* - when loading from annotations, the constructor accepts the metadata
*   accessor this metadata was loaded from. Used it to look up any
*   'companion' annotation needed for processing.
* - methods should be preserved in alphabetical order.
* @author Guy Pelletier
* @since TopLink 10.1.3/EJB 3.0 Preview
public class EntityListenerMetadata extends ORMetadata implements Cloneable {
    private MetadataClass m_entityListenerClass;
    protected EntityListener m_listener;
    private String m_className;
    private String m_postLoad;
    private String m_postPersist;
    private String m_postRemove;
    private String m_postUpdate;
    private String m_prePersist;
    private String m_preRemove;
    private String m_preUpdate;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for XML loading.
    public EntityListenerMetadata() {

     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for annotation loading.
    public EntityListenerMetadata(MetadataAnnotation entityListeners, MetadataClass entityListenerClass, MetadataAccessor accessor) {
        super(entityListeners, accessor);
        m_entityListenerClass = entityListenerClass;

     * INTERNAL:
     * This method should be called when dealing with default listeners.
    public Object clone() {
        try {
            return super.clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException error) {
            throw new InternalError(error.getMessage());
     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean equals(Object objectToCompare) {
        if (objectToCompare instanceof EntityListenerMetadata) {
            EntityListenerMetadata entityListener = (EntityListenerMetadata) objectToCompare;
            if (! valuesMatch(m_className, entityListener.getClassName())) {
                return false;
            if (! valuesMatch(m_postLoad, entityListener.getPostLoad())) {
                return false;
            if (! valuesMatch(m_postPersist, entityListener.getPostPersist())) {
                return false;
            if (! valuesMatch(m_postRemove, entityListener.getPostRemove())) {
                return false;
            if (! valuesMatch(m_postUpdate, entityListener.getPostUpdate())) {
                return false;
            if (! valuesMatch(m_prePersist, entityListener.getPrePersist())) {
                return false;
            if (! valuesMatch(m_preRemove, entityListener.getPreRemove())) {
                return false;
            return valuesMatch(m_preUpdate, entityListener.getPreUpdate());
        return false;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Find the method in the list where method.getName() == methodName.
    protected Method getCallbackMethod(String methodName, Method[] methods) {
        Method method = getMethod(methodName, methods);
        if (method == null) {
            throw ValidationException.invalidCallbackMethod(m_listener.getListenerClass(), methodName);
        return method;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Returns a list of methods from the given class, which can have private,
     * protected, package and public access, AND will also return public
     * methods from superclasses.
    Method[] getCandidateCallbackMethodsForEntityListener() {
        HashSet candidateMethods = new HashSet();
        Class listenerClass = m_listener.getListenerClass();
        // Add all the declared methods ...
        Method[] declaredMethods = getDeclaredMethods(listenerClass);
        for (int i = 0; i < declaredMethods.length; i++) {
        // Now add any public methods from superclasses ...
        Method[] methods = getMethods(listenerClass);
        for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
            if (candidateMethods.contains(methods[i])) {
        return (Method[]) candidateMethods.toArray(new Method[candidateMethods.size()]);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Load a class from a given class name.
    Class getClass(MetadataClass metadataClass, ClassLoader loader) {
        String classname = metadataClass.getName();
        try {
            if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){
                try {
                    return (Class) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedClassForName(classname, true, loader));
                } catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
                    throw ValidationException.unableToLoadClass(classname, exception.getException());
            } else {
                return PrivilegedAccessHelper.getClassForName(classname, true, loader);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) {
            throw ValidationException.unableToLoadClass(classname, exception);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public String getClassName() {
        return m_className;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Get the declared methods from a class using the doPriveleged security
     * access. This call returns all methods (private, protected, package and
     * public) on the given class ONLY. It does not traverse the superclasses.
    Method[] getDeclaredMethods(Class cls) {
        if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){
            try {
                return (Method[])AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedGetDeclaredMethods(cls));
            } catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
                // we will not get here, there are no checked exceptions in this call
                return null;
        } else {

     * INTERNAL:
    public String getIdentifier() {
        return m_className;
     * INTERNAL:
    Object getInstance(Class cls) {
        try {
            if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){
                try {
                    return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedNewInstanceFromClass(cls));
                } catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
                    throw ValidationException.errorInstantiatingClass(cls, exception.getException());
            } else {
                return PrivilegedAccessHelper.newInstanceFromClass(cls);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException exception) {
            throw ValidationException.errorInstantiatingClass(cls, exception);
        } catch (InstantiationException exception) {
            throw ValidationException.errorInstantiatingClass(cls, exception);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Find the method in the list where method.getName() == methodName.
    Method getMethod(String methodName, Method[] methods) {
        for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
            Method method = methods[i];
            if (method.getName().equals(methodName)) {
                return method;
        return null;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Get the methods from a class using the doPriveleged security access.
     * This call returns only public methods from the given class and its
     * superclasses.
    Method[] getMethods(Class cls) {
        if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){
            try {
                return (Method[])AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedGetMethods(cls));
            } catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {
                return null;
        } else {
            return PrivilegedAccessHelper.getMethods(cls);
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public String getPostLoad() {
        return m_postLoad;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public String getPostPersist() {
        return m_postPersist;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public String getPostRemove() {
        return m_postRemove;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping
    public String getPostUpdate() {
        return m_postUpdate;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public String getPrePersist() {
        return m_prePersist;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public String getPreRemove() {
        return m_preRemove;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public String getPreUpdate() {
        return m_preUpdate;

     * INTERNAL:
    public void initXMLObject(MetadataAccessibleObject accessibleObject, XMLEntityMappings entityMappings) {
        super.initXMLObject(accessibleObject, entityMappings);
        m_entityListenerClass = initXMLClassName(m_className);
     * INTERNAL:
    public void process(ClassAccessor classAccessor, ClassLoader loader, boolean isDefaultListener) {
        // Make sure the entityListenerClass is initialized (default listeners
        // are cloned and m_entityListenerClass may be null)
        if (m_entityListenerClass == null) {
            m_entityListenerClass = getMetadataFactory().getMetadataClass(m_className);

        DescriptorEventListener listener;
        Object entityListenerClassInstance = getInstance(getClass(m_entityListenerClass, loader));
        if (m_entityListenerClass.extendsInterface(DescriptorEventListener.class)) {
            listener = (DescriptorEventListener) entityListenerClassInstance;
        } else {
            // Initialize the listener class before processing the callback methods.
            m_listener = new EntityListener(entityListenerClassInstance, getClass(classAccessor.getDescriptorJavaClass(), loader));
            // Process the callback methods defined from XML and annotations.
            processCallbackMethods(getCandidateCallbackMethodsForEntityListener(), classAccessor);
            listener = m_listener;
        // Add the listener to the descriptor.
        if (isDefaultListener) {
        } else {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Process the the callback methods. The XML defined callback methods are
     * always added first, followed by those defined by annotations (only if not
     * already defined in XML)
    protected void processCallbackMethods(Method[] methods, ClassAccessor classAccessor) {   
        // 1 - Set the XML specified methods first.
        if (m_postLoad != null) {
            setPostLoad(getCallbackMethod(m_postLoad, methods));
        if (m_postPersist != null) {
            setPostPersist(getCallbackMethod(m_postPersist, methods));
        if (m_postRemove != null) {
            setPostRemove(getCallbackMethod(m_postRemove, methods));
        if (m_postUpdate != null) {
            setPostUpdate(getCallbackMethod(m_postUpdate, methods));
        if (m_prePersist != null) {
            setPrePersist(getCallbackMethod(m_prePersist, methods));

        if (m_preRemove != null) {
            setPreRemove(getCallbackMethod(m_preRemove, methods));
        if (m_preUpdate != null) {
            setPreUpdate(getCallbackMethod(m_preUpdate, methods));
        // 2 - Set any annotation defined methods second. We should only add
        // add them if they were not overridden in XML.
        for (Method method : methods) {
            MetadataMethod metadataMethod = getMetadataClass(method.getDeclaringClass().getName(), false).getMethod(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes());
            // Metadata method can be null when dealing with jdk methods: equals, notify, toString, wait etc..
            if (metadataMethod != null) {
                if (metadataMethod.isAnnotationPresent(JPA_POST_LOAD, classAccessor) && m_postLoad == null) {
                if (metadataMethod.isAnnotationPresent(JPA_POST_PERSIST, classAccessor) && m_postPersist == null) {
                if (metadataMethod.isAnnotationPresent(JPA_POST_REMOVE, classAccessor) && m_postRemove == null) {
                if (metadataMethod.isAnnotationPresent(JPA_POST_UPDATE, classAccessor) && m_postUpdate == null) {
                if (metadataMethod.isAnnotationPresent(JPA_PRE_PERSIST, classAccessor) && m_prePersist == null) {
                if (metadataMethod.isAnnotationPresent(JPA_PRE_REMOVE, classAccessor) && m_preRemove == null) {
                if (metadataMethod.isAnnotationPresent(JPA_PRE_UPDATE, classAccessor) && m_preUpdate == null) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public void setClassName(String className) {
        m_className = className;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the post load event method on the listener.
    protected void setPostLoad(Method method) {
        // bug 259404: PostClone is called for all objects when registered with the unitOfWork
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public void setPostLoad(String postLoad) {
        m_postLoad = postLoad;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the post persist event method on the listener.
    protected void setPostPersist(Method method) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public void setPostPersist(String postPersist) {
        m_postPersist = postPersist;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the post remove event method on the listener.
    protected void setPostRemove(Method method) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public void setPostRemove(String postRemove) {
        m_postRemove = postRemove;
     * INTERNAL:
     * * Set the post update event method on the listener.
    protected void setPostUpdate(Method method) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public void setPostUpdate(String postUpdate) {
        m_postUpdate = postUpdate;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the pre persist event method on the listener.
    protected void setPrePersist(Method method) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping
    public void setPrePersist(String prePersist) {
        m_prePersist = prePersist;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the pre remove event method on the listener.
    protected void setPreRemove(Method method) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public void setPreRemove(String preRemove) {
        m_preRemove = preRemove;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the pre update event method on the listener.
    protected void setPreUpdate(Method method) {
     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for OX mapping.
    public void setPreUpdate(String preUpdate) {
        m_preUpdate = preUpdate;

Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.listeners.EntityListenerMetadata

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