Package org.infinispan.statetransfer

Source Code of org.infinispan.statetransfer.ReplicatedStateTransferTask

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package org.infinispan.statetransfer;

import org.infinispan.config.Configuration;
import org.infinispan.container.DataContainer;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalCacheEntry;
import org.infinispan.loaders.CacheLoaderException;
import org.infinispan.loaders.CacheStore;
import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.CacheNotifier;
import org.infinispan.remoting.MembershipArithmetic;
import org.infinispan.remoting.rpc.RpcManager;
import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address;
import org.infinispan.util.ByRef;
import org.infinispan.util.ReadOnlyDataContainerBackedKeySet;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

* Task which pushes keys to new nodes during join.
* <p/>To reduce the duration of the state transfer, all the existing members participate in the state transfer.
* <p/>We use a <code>ConsistentHash</code> to decide which existing node is supposed to push a certain key.
* <p/> Example:<p/>
* <pre>
* - The membership is {A,B,C,D}
* - The new view is {A,B,C,D,E,F}
* - For K, the old CH is A,B and the new CH is A,C
* - A (since it is K's owner) now pushes K to C
* - For K2, the old CH is A,B and the new CH is B,C
* - B (since it is the backup owner and A left) pushes K2 to C
* </pre>
* @author Bela Ban
* @author Dan Berindei <>
* @since 4.2
public class ReplicatedStateTransferTask extends BaseStateTransferTask {
   private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ReplicatedStateTransferTask.class);

   private final ReplicatedStateTransferManagerImpl stateTransferManager;

   public ReplicatedStateTransferTask(RpcManager rpcManager, Configuration configuration, DataContainer dataContainer,
                                      ReplicatedStateTransferManagerImpl stateTransferManager, StateTransferLock stateTransferLock,
                                      CacheNotifier cacheNotifier, int newViewId, Collection<Address> members,
                                      ConsistentHash chOld, ConsistentHash chNew, boolean initialView) {
      super(stateTransferManager, rpcManager, stateTransferLock, cacheNotifier, configuration, dataContainer, members, newViewId, chNew, chOld, initialView);
      this.stateTransferManager = stateTransferManager;

   public void doPerformStateTransfer() throws Exception {
      if (!stateTransferManager.startStateTransfer(newViewId, members, initialView))

      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
         log.debugf("Commencing state transfer %d on node: %s. Before start, data container had %d entries",
               newViewId, self, dataContainer.size());

      // Don't need to log anything, all transactions will be blocked

      Set<Address> joiners = chOld != null ? MembershipArithmetic.getMembersJoined(chOld.getCaches(), chNew.getCaches()) : chNew.getCaches();
      if (joiners.isEmpty()) {
         log.tracef("No joiners in view %s, skipping replication", newViewId);
      } else {
         log.tracef("Replicating: chOld = %s, chNew = %s", chOld, chNew);

         if (configuration.isStateTransferEnabled() && !initialView) {
            // Contains the state to be pushed to the joiners. The state is a collection of cache entries
            // We're keeping it inside a ByRef so that the replicate() method can reset it when it pushes a chunk
            // The transfer is on a separate thread so we can't modify the collection itself
            final ByRef<Collection<InternalCacheEntry>> state = new ByRef<Collection<InternalCacheEntry>>(new ArrayList<InternalCacheEntry>());

            for (InternalCacheEntry ice : dataContainer) {
               replicate(ice.getKey(), ice, chOld, joiners, null, state);

            // Only fetch the data from the cache store if the cache store is not shared
            CacheStore cacheStore = stateTransferManager.getCacheStoreForStateTransfer();
            if (cacheStore != null) {
               for (Object key : cacheStore.loadAllKeys(new ReadOnlyDataContainerBackedKeySet(dataContainer))) {
                  replicate(key, null, chOld, joiners, cacheStore, state);
            } else {
               if (trace) log.trace("No cache store or cache store is shared, not replicating stored keys");

            // Push any remaining state chunks
            pushPartialState(joiners, state.get());

            // And wait for all the push RPCs to end
         } else {
            if (!initialView) log.trace("State transfer not enabled, so not pushing state");

    * Computes the list of old and new servers for a given key K and value V. Adds (K, V) to the <code>states</code> map
    * if K should be pushed to other servers. Adds K to the <code>keysToRemove</code> list if this node is no longer an
    * owner for K.
    * @param key          The key
    * @param value        The value; <code>null</code> if the value is not in the data container
    * @param chOld        The old (current) consistent hash
    * @param joiners      The new members of the cache
    * @param cacheStore   If the value is <code>null</code>, try to load it from this cache store
    * @param stateRef        The result collection of entries to be pushed to the joiners
   private void replicate(Object key, InternalCacheEntry value, ConsistentHash chOld, Collection<Address> joiners,
                          CacheStore cacheStore, ByRef<Collection<InternalCacheEntry>> stateRef) throws StateTransferCancelledException {
      // 1. Get the old primary owner for key K
      // That node will be the "pushing owner" for key K
      List<Address> oldOwners = chOld.locate(key, 1);
      Address pushingOwner = oldOwners.size() > 0 ? oldOwners.get(0) : null;

      if (trace) log.tracef("Replicating key %s, pushing owner is %s",
            key, pushingOwner);

      // 2. Push K to all the new nodes
      if (self.equals(pushingOwner)) {
         if (value == null) {
            try {
               value = cacheStore.load(key);
            } catch (CacheLoaderException e) {

         Collection<InternalCacheEntry> state = stateRef.get();
         if (value != null)

         // if we have a full chunk, start pushing it to the joiners
         if (state.size() >= stateTransferChunkSize) {
            pushPartialState(joiners, state);
            stateRef.set(new ArrayList());


Related Classes of org.infinispan.statetransfer.ReplicatedStateTransferTask

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