Package org.infinispan.loaders.decorators

Source Code of org.infinispan.loaders.decorators.AsyncStore$State

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package org.infinispan.loaders.decorators;

import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy;
import org.infinispan.Cache;
import org.infinispan.CacheException;
import org.infinispan.configuration.cache.Configuration;
import org.infinispan.container.entries.InternalCacheEntry;
import org.infinispan.loaders.CacheLoaderConfig;
import org.infinispan.loaders.CacheLoaderException;
import org.infinispan.loaders.CacheStore;
import org.infinispan.loaders.modifications.Clear;
import org.infinispan.loaders.modifications.Modification;
import org.infinispan.loaders.modifications.ModificationsList;
import org.infinispan.loaders.modifications.Remove;
import org.infinispan.loaders.modifications.Store;
import org.infinispan.marshall.StreamingMarshaller;
import org.infinispan.transaction.xa.GlobalTransaction;
import org.infinispan.transaction.xa.TransactionFactory;
import org.infinispan.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMapFactory;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.Log;
import org.infinispan.util.logging.LogFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer;

* The AsyncStore is a delegating CacheStore that buffers changes and writes them asynchronously to
* the underlying CacheStore.
* <p/>
* Read operations are done synchronously, taking into account the current state of buffered changes.
* <p/>
* There is no provision for exception handling for problems encountered with the underlying store
* during a write operation, and the exception is just logged.
* <p/>
* When configuring the loader, use the following element:
* <p/>
* <code> &lt;async enabled="true" /&gt; </code>
* <p/>
* to define whether cache loader operations are to be asynchronous. If not specified, a cache loader operation is
* assumed synchronous and this decorator is not applied.
* <p/>
* Write operations affecting same key are now coalesced so that only the final state is actually stored.
* <p/>
* @author Manik Surtani
* @author Galder Zamarreño
* @author Sanne Grinovero
* @author Karsten Blees
* @since 4.0
public class AsyncStore extends AbstractDelegatingStore {
   private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AsyncStore.class);
   private static final boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
   private static final AtomicInteger threadId = new AtomicInteger(0);

   private final AsyncStoreConfig asyncStoreConfig;
   private final TransactionFactory txFactory;
   private Map<GlobalTransaction, List<? extends Modification>> transactions;

   private ExecutorService executor;
   private Thread coordinator;
   private int concurrencyLevel;
   private long shutdownTimeout;
   private String cacheName;

   private BufferLock stateLock;
   private volatile State state;

   public AsyncStore(CacheStore delegate, AsyncStoreConfig asyncStoreConfig) {
      this.asyncStoreConfig = asyncStoreConfig;
      txFactory = new TransactionFactory();
      txFactory.init(false, false, false, false);

   public void init(CacheLoaderConfig config, Cache<?, ?> cache, StreamingMarshaller m) throws CacheLoaderException {
      super.init(config, cache, m);
      Configuration cacheCfg = cache != null ? cache.getCacheConfiguration() : null;
      concurrencyLevel = cacheCfg != null ? cacheCfg.locking().concurrencyLevel() : 16;
      long cacheStopTimeout = cacheCfg != null ? cacheCfg.transaction().cacheStopTimeout() : 30000;
      Long configuredAsyncStopTimeout = asyncStoreConfig.getShutdownTimeout();
      cacheName = cache != null ? cache.getName() : null;

      // Async store shutdown timeout cannot be bigger than
      // the overall cache stop timeout, so limit it accordingly.
      if (configuredAsyncStopTimeout >= cacheStopTimeout) {
         shutdownTimeout = Math.round(cacheStopTimeout * 0.90);
         log.asyncStoreShutdownTimeoutTooHigh(configuredAsyncStopTimeout, cacheStopTimeout, shutdownTimeout);
      } else {
         shutdownTimeout = configuredAsyncStopTimeout;

      transactions = ConcurrentMapFactory.makeConcurrentMap(64, concurrencyLevel);

   private State newState(boolean clear, State next) {
      ConcurrentMap<Object, Modification> map = ConcurrentMapFactory.makeConcurrentMap(64, concurrencyLevel);
      return new State(clear, map, next);

   private void put(Modification mod, int count) {
      try {
      } finally {

   public InternalCacheEntry load(Object key) throws CacheLoaderException {
      Modification mod = state.get(key);
      if (mod != null) {
         switch (mod.getType()) {
            case REMOVE:
            case CLEAR:
               return null;
            case STORE:
               InternalCacheEntry ice = ((Store) mod).getStoredEntry();
               if (ice.isExpired())
                  return null;
               return ice;

      return super.load(key);

   public boolean containsKey(Object key) throws CacheLoaderException {
      Modification mod = state.get(key);
      if (mod != null)
         return mod.getType() == Modification.Type.STORE;

      return super.containsKey(key);

   private void loadKeys(State s, Set<Object> exclude, Set<Object> result) throws CacheLoaderException {
      // if not cleared, get keys from next State or the back-end store
      if (!s.clear) {
         State next =;
         if (next != null)
            loadKeys(next, exclude, result);

      // merge keys of the current State
      for (Modification mod : s.modifications.values()) {
         switch (mod.getType()) {
            case STORE:
               Object key = ((Store) mod).getStoredEntry().getKey();
               if (exclude == null || !exclude.contains(key))
            case REMOVE:
               result.remove(((Remove) mod).getKey());

   public Set<Object> loadAllKeys(Set<Object> keysToExclude) throws CacheLoaderException {
      Set<Object> result = new HashSet<Object>();
      loadKeys(state, keysToExclude, result);
      return result;

   public Set<InternalCacheEntry> loadAll() throws CacheLoaderException {
      return load(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

   public Set<InternalCacheEntry> load(int numEntries) throws CacheLoaderException {
      Set<InternalCacheEntry> result = new HashSet<InternalCacheEntry>();
      for (Object key : loadAllKeys(null)) {
         InternalCacheEntry entry = load(key);
         if (entry != null) {
            if (result.size() == numEntries)
               return result;
      return result;

   public void store(InternalCacheEntry entry) {
      put(new Store(entry), 1);

   public void clear() {
      try {
         state = newState(true,;
      } finally {

   public boolean remove(Object key) {
      put(new Remove(key), 1);
      return true;

   public void removeAll(Set<Object> keys) throws CacheLoaderException {
      if (keys != null && !keys.isEmpty()) {
         List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>(keys.size());
         for (Object key : keys)
            mods.add(new Remove(key));
         put(new ModificationsList(mods), mods.size());

   public void prepare(List<? extends Modification> mods, GlobalTransaction tx, boolean isOnePhase)
         throws CacheLoaderException {
      if (isOnePhase) {
      } else {
         transactions.put(tx, mods);

   public void rollback(GlobalTransaction tx) {

   public void commit(GlobalTransaction tx) throws CacheLoaderException {

   private void enqueueModificationsList(List<? extends Modification> mods) {
      // scan backwards to find the last CLEAR (anything before that can be discarded)
      int i = mods.size() - 1;
      for (; i >= 0; i--)
         if (mods.get(i).getType() == Modification.Type.CLEAR)
      // treat CLEAR specially
      if (i >= 0) {
         mods = mods.subList(i + 1, mods.size());
      // put the rest
      if (!mods.isEmpty())
         put(new ModificationsList(mods), mods.size());

   public void start() throws CacheLoaderException {
      log.debugf("Async cache loader starting %s", this);
      state = newState(false, null);
      stateLock = new BufferLock(asyncStoreConfig.getModificationQueueSize());


      int poolSize = asyncStoreConfig.getThreadPoolSize();
      executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, poolSize, 120L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),
            new ThreadFactory() {
               public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
                  Thread t = new Thread(r, "AsyncStoreProcessor-" + cacheName + "-" + threadId.getAndIncrement());
                  return t;
      coordinator = new Thread(new AsyncStoreCoordinator(), "AsyncStoreCoordinator-" + cacheName);

   public void stop() throws CacheLoaderException {
      state.stopped = true;
      try {
         if (coordinator.isAlive())
            log.error("Async store executor did not stop properly");
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

   protected void applyModificationsSync(List<Modification> mods) throws CacheLoaderException {
      getDelegate().prepare(mods, txFactory.newGlobalTransaction(null, false), true);

   private static class State {
      private static final Clear CLEAR = new Clear();

       * True if the state has been cleared before making modifications.
      private final boolean clear;

       * Modifications to apply to the back-end CacheStore.
      private final ConcurrentMap<Object, Modification> modifications;

       * Next state in the chain, initialized in constructor, may be set to <code>null</code>
       * asynchronously at any time.
      private volatile State next;

       * True if the CacheStore has been stopped (i.e. this is the last state to process).
      private volatile boolean stopped = false;

       * Number of worker threads that currently work with this instance.
      private CountDownLatch workerThreads;

      private State(boolean clear, ConcurrentMap<Object, Modification> modMap, State next) {
         this.clear = clear;
         this.modifications = modMap; = next;
         if (next != null)
            stopped = next.stopped;

       * Gets the Modification for the specified key from this State object or chained (
       * <code>next</code>) State objects.
       * @param key
       *           the key to look up
       * @return the Modification for the specified key, or <code>CLEAR</code> if the state was
       *         cleared, or <code>null</code> if the key is not in the state map
      Modification get(Object key) {
         for (State state = this; state != null; state = {
            Modification mod = state.modifications.get(key);
            if (mod != null)
               return mod;
            else if (state.clear)
               return CLEAR;
         return null;

       * Adds the Modification(s) to the state map.
       * @param mod
       *           the Modification to add, supports modification types STORE, REMOVE and LIST
      void put(Modification mod) {
         if (stopped)
            throw new CacheException("AsyncStore stopped; no longer accepting more entries.");
         switch (mod.getType()) {
            case STORE:
               modifications.put(((Store) mod).getStoredEntry().getKey(), mod);
            case REMOVE:
               modifications.put(((Remove) mod).getKey(), mod);
            case LIST:
               for (Modification m : ((ModificationsList) mod).getList())
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown modification type " + mod.getType());

    * A custom reader-writer-lock combined with a bounded buffer size counter.
    * <p/>
    * Supports multiple concurrent writers and a single exclusive reader. This ensures that no more
    * data is being written to the current state when the AsyncStoreCoordinator thread hands the
    * data off to the back-end store.
    * <p/>
    * Additionally, {@link #writeLock(int)} blocks if the buffer is full, and {@link #readLock()}
    * blocks if no data is available.
    * <p/>
    * This lock implementation is <em>not</em> reentrant!
   private static class BufferLock {
       * AQS state is the number of 'items' in the buffer. AcquireShared blocks if the buffer is
       * full (>= size).
      private static class Counter extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1688655561670368887L;
         private final int size;

         Counter(int size) {
            this.size = size;

         int add(int count) {
            for (;;) {
               int state = getState();
               if (compareAndSetState(state, state + count))
                  return state + count;

         protected int tryAcquireShared(int count) {
            for (;;) {
               int state = getState();
               if (state >= size)
                  return -1;
               if (compareAndSetState(state, state + count))
                  return state + count >= size ? 0 : 1;

         protected boolean tryReleaseShared(int state) {
            return state < size;

       * AQS state is 0 if no data is available, 1 otherwise. AcquireShared blocks if no data is
       * available.
      private static class Available extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 6464514100313353749L;

         protected int tryAcquireShared(int unused) {
            return getState() > 0 ? 1 : -1;

         protected boolean tryReleaseShared(int state) {
            setState(state > 0 ? 1 : 0);
            return state > 0;

       * Minimal non-reentrant read-write-lock. AQS state is number of concurrent shared locks, or 0
       * if unlocked, or -1 if locked exclusively.
      private static class Sync extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 2983687000985096017L;

         protected boolean tryAcquire(int unused) {
            if (!compareAndSetState(0, -1))
               return false;
            return true;

         protected boolean tryRelease(int unused) {
            return true;

         protected int tryAcquireShared(int unused) {
            for (;;) {
               int state = getState();
               if (state < 0)
                  return -1;
               if (compareAndSetState(state, state + 1))
                  return 1;

         protected boolean tryReleaseShared(int unused) {
            for (;;) {
               int state = getState();
               if (compareAndSetState(state, state - 1))
                  return true;

      private final Sync sync;
      private final Counter counter;
      private final Available available;

       * Create a new BufferLock with the specified buffer size.
       * @param size
       *           the buffer size
      BufferLock(int size) {
         sync = new Sync();
         counter = size > 0 ? new Counter(size) : null;
         available = new Available();

       * Acquires the write lock and consumes the specified amount of buffer space. Blocks if the
       * buffer is full or if the object is currently locked for reading.
       * @param count
       *           number of items the caller intends to write
      void writeLock(int count) {
         if (counter != null)

       * Releases the write lock.
      void writeUnlock() {

       * Acquires the read lock. Blocks if the buffer is empty or if the object is currently locked
       * for writing.
      void readLock() {

       * Releases the read lock.
      void readUnlock() {

       * Resets the buffer counter to the specified number.
       * @param count
       *           number of available items in the buffer
      void reset(int count) {
         if (counter != null)

       * Modifies the buffer counter by the specified value.
       * @param count
       *           number of items to add to the buffer counter
      void add(int count) {
         if (counter != null)
            count = counter.add(count);

   private class AsyncStoreCoordinator implements Runnable {

      public void run() {
         LogFactory.pushNDC(cacheName, trace);
         try {
            for (;;) {
               State s, head, tail;
               try {
                  s = state;
                  tail =;
                  assert tail == null || == null : "State chain longer than 3 entries!";
                  state = head = newState(false, s);
               } finally {

               try {
                  if (s.clear) {
                     // clear() must be called synchronously, wait until background threads are done
                     if (tail != null)

                  List<Modification> mods;
                  if (tail != null) {
                     // if there's work in progress, push-back keys that are still in use to the head state
                     mods = new ArrayList<Modification>();
                     for (Map.Entry<Object, Modification> e : s.modifications.entrySet()) {
                        if (!tail.modifications.containsKey(e.getKey()))
                        else {
                           if (!head.clear && head.modifications.putIfAbsent(e.getKey(), e.getValue()) == null)
                  } else {
                     mods = new ArrayList<Modification>(s.modifications.values());

                  // distribute modifications evenly across worker threads
                  int threads = Math.min(mods.size(), asyncStoreConfig.getThreadPoolSize());
                  s.workerThreads = new CountDownLatch(threads);
                  if (threads > 0) {
                     // schedule background threads
                     int start = 0;
                     int quotient = mods.size() / threads;
                     int remainder = mods.size() % threads;
                     for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
                        int end = start + quotient + (i < remainder ? 1 : 0);
                        executor.execute(new AsyncStoreProcessor(mods.subList(start, end), s));
                        start = end;
                     assert start == mods.size() : "Thread distribution is broken!";

                  // wait until background threads of previous round are done
                  if (tail != null) {
            = null;

                  // if this is the last state to process, wait for background threads, then quit
                  if (s.stopped) {
               } catch (Exception e) {
                  if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                     log.debug("Failed to process async modifications", e);
         } finally {

   private class AsyncStoreProcessor implements Runnable {
      private final List<Modification> modifications;
      private final State myState;

      AsyncStoreProcessor(List<Modification> modifications, State myState) {
         this.modifications = modifications;
         this.myState = myState;

      public void run() {
         // try 3 times to store the modifications

         // decrement active worker threads and disconnect myState if this was the last one
         if (myState.workerThreads.getCount() == 0)
            for (State s = state; s != null; s =
               if ( == myState)
         = null;

      private void retryWork(int maxRetries) {
         for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxRetries; attempt++) {
            if (attempt > 0 && log.isDebugEnabled())
               log.debugf("Retrying due to previous failure. %s attempts left.", maxRetries - attempt);

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
               if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                  log.debug("Failed to process async modifications", e);

Related Classes of org.infinispan.loaders.decorators.AsyncStore$State

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