Package org.jboss.jms.server.endpoint

Source Code of org.jboss.jms.server.endpoint.ServerConsumerEndpoint

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
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package org.jboss.jms.server.endpoint;

import javax.jms.IllegalStateException;
import javax.jms.InvalidSelectorException;
import javax.jms.JMSException;

import org.jboss.jms.delegate.ConsumerEndpoint;
import org.jboss.jms.destination.JBossDestination;
import org.jboss.jms.message.JBossMessage;
import org.jboss.jms.server.ServerPeer;
import org.jboss.jms.server.destination.ManagedDestination;
import org.jboss.jms.server.destination.TopicService;
import org.jboss.jms.server.messagecounter.MessageCounter;
import org.jboss.jms.server.selector.Selector;
import org.jboss.jms.wireformat.Dispatcher;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.Delivery;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.DeliveryObserver;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.Message;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.MessageReference;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.PostOffice;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.Queue;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.Receiver;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.contract.Replicator;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.impl.SimpleDelivery;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.impl.tx.Transaction;
import org.jboss.messaging.util.ExceptionUtil;

* Concrete implementation of ConsumerEndpoint. Lives on the boundary between Messaging Core and the
* JMS Facade. Handles delivery of messages from the server to the client side consumer.
* @author <a href="">Ovidiu Feodorov</a>
* @author <a href="">Tim Fox</a>
* @version <tt>$Revision: 3268 $</tt> $Id: 3268 2007-10-31 14:35:03Z timfox $
public class ServerConsumerEndpoint implements Receiver, ConsumerEndpoint
   // Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ServerConsumerEndpoint.class);

   // Static ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // Attributes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   private boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();

   private String id;

   private Queue messageQueue;

   private String queueName;

   private ServerSessionEndpoint sessionEndpoint;

   private boolean noLocal;

   private Selector messageSelector;

   private JBossDestination destination;

   private Queue dlq;

   private Queue expiryQueue;

   private long redeliveryDelay;
   private int maxDeliveryAttempts;

   private boolean started;

   // This lock protects starting and stopping
   private Object startStopLock;

   // Must be volatile
   private volatile boolean clientAccepting;

   private boolean retainDeliveries;
   private long lastDeliveryID = -1;
   private boolean remote;
   private boolean preserveOrdering;
   private boolean replicating;
   private boolean slow;
   private volatile boolean dead;
   // Constructors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   ServerConsumerEndpoint(String id, Queue messageQueue, String queueName,
                     ServerSessionEndpoint sessionEndpoint, String selector,
                     boolean noLocal, JBossDestination dest, Queue dlq,
                     Queue expiryQueue, long redeliveryDelay, int maxDeliveryAttempts,
                     boolean remote, boolean replicating) throws InvalidSelectorException
      if (trace)
         log.trace("constructing consumer endpoint " + id);
      } = id;

      this.messageQueue = messageQueue;

      this.queueName = queueName;

      this.sessionEndpoint = sessionEndpoint;

      this.noLocal = noLocal;

      this.destination = dest;

      this.dlq = dlq;

      this.redeliveryDelay = redeliveryDelay;

      this.expiryQueue = expiryQueue;
      this.maxDeliveryAttempts = maxDeliveryAttempts;

      // Always start as false - wait for consumer to initiate.
      this.clientAccepting = false;
      this.remote = remote;

      this.startStopLock = new Object();

      this.preserveOrdering = sessionEndpoint.getConnectionEndpoint().getServerPeer().isDefaultPreserveOrdering();
      this.replicating = replicating;
      this.slow = sessionEndpoint.getConnectionEndpoint().getConnectionFactoryEndpoint().isSlowConsumers();
      if (dest.isTopic() && !messageQueue.isRecoverable())
         // This is a consumer of a non durable topic subscription. We don't need to store
         // deliveries since if the consumer is closed or dies the refs go too.
         this.retainDeliveries = false;
         this.retainDeliveries = true;
      if (selector != null)
         if (trace) { log.trace("creating selector:" + selector); }

         this.messageSelector = new Selector(selector);
         if (trace) { log.trace("created selector"); }

      this.started = this.sessionEndpoint.getConnectionEndpoint().isStarted();
      // adding the consumer to the queue
      if (remote)

      // We don't need to prompt delivery - this will come from the client in a changeRate request

      log.trace(this + " constructed");

   // Receiver implementation ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    * The queue ensures that handle is never called concurrently by more than
    * one thread.
   public Delivery handle(DeliveryObserver observer, MessageReference ref, Transaction tx)
      if (trace)
         log.trace(this + " receives " + ref + " for delivery");

      // This is ok to have outside lock - is volatile
      if (!clientAccepting)
         if (trace) { log.trace(this + "'s client is NOT accepting messages!"); }

         return null;

      if (ref.getMessage().isExpired())
         SimpleDelivery delivery = new SimpleDelivery(observer, ref, true, false);

            sessionEndpoint.expireDelivery(delivery, expiryQueue);
         catch (Throwable t)
            log.error("Failed to expire delivery: " + delivery, t);

         return delivery;
      if (preserveOrdering && remote)
        //If the header exists it means the message has already been sucked once - so reject.
        if (ref.getMessage().getHeader(Message.CLUSTER_SUCKED) != null)
          if (trace) { log.trace("Message has already been sucked once - not sucking again"); }
          return null;

      synchronized (startStopLock)
         // If the consumer is stopped then we don't accept the message, it should go back into the
         // queue for delivery later.
         if (!started)
            if (trace) { log.trace(this + " NOT started!"); }

            return null;
         if (trace) { log.trace(this + " has startStopLock lock, preparing the message for delivery"); }

         Message message = ref.getMessage();
         boolean selectorRejected = !this.accept(message);
         SimpleDelivery delivery = new SimpleDelivery(observer, ref, !selectorRejected, false);

         if (selectorRejected)
            return delivery;
         if (noLocal)
            String conId = ((JBossMessage) message).getConnectionID();

            if (trace) { log.trace("message connection id: " + conId + " current connection connection id: " + sessionEndpoint.getConnectionEndpoint().getConnectionID()); }

            if (sessionEndpoint.getConnectionEndpoint().getConnectionID().equals(conId))
              if (trace) { log.trace("Message from local connection so rejecting"); }
               catch (Throwable t)
                 log.error("Failed to acknowledge delivery", t);
                 return null;
               return delivery;
         if (slow)
           //If this is a slow consumer, we do not want to do any message buffering, so we immediately
           //set clientAccepting to false
           //When the client has consumed the message it will send a changeRate + message which will set
           //clientAccepting to true again
           //We cannot just rely on setting the prefetchSize to 1, since this is not a hard guarantee that only one message
           //will be buffered at once due to the asynchronous nature of sending changeRate
           this.clientAccepting = false;
           sessionEndpoint.handleDelivery(delivery, this);
         catch (Exception e)
           log.error("Failed to handle delivery", e);
           this.started = false; // DO NOT return null or the message might get delivered more than once
         return delivery;
   // Filter implementation ------------------------------------------------------------------------

   public boolean accept(Message msg)
      boolean accept = true;

      if (destination.isQueue())
         // For subscriptions message selection is handled in the Subscription itself we do not want
         // to do the check twice
         if (messageSelector != null)
            accept = messageSelector.accept(msg);

            if (trace) { log.trace("message selector " + (accept ? "accepts " : "DOES NOT accept ") + "the message"); }
      return accept;

   // Closeable implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------

   public long closing(long sequence) throws JMSException
         if (trace) { log.trace(this + " closing");}

         return lastDeliveryID;
      catch (Throwable t)
         throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " closing");

   public void close() throws JMSException
         if (trace)
            log.trace(this + " close");


      catch (Throwable t)
         throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " close");

   // ConsumerEndpoint implementation --------------------------------------------------------------

   public void changeRate(float newRate) throws JMSException
      if (trace)
         log.trace(this + " changing rate to " + newRate);

         // For now we just support a binary on/off.
         // The client will send newRate = 0, to say it does not want any more messages when its
         // client side buffer gets full or it will send an arbitrary non zero number to say it
         // does want more messages, when its client side buffer empties to half its full size.
         // Note the client does not wait until the client side buffer is empty before sending a
         // newRate(+ve) message since this would add extra latency.

         // In the future we can fine tune this by allowing the client to specify an actual rate in
         // the newRate value so this is basically a placeholder for the future so we don't have to
         // change the wire format when we support it.

         // No need to synchronize - clientAccepting is volatile.

         if (newRate > 0)
            clientAccepting = true;
            clientAccepting = false;

         if (clientAccepting)
      catch (Throwable t)
         throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " changeRate");

   // Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   public String toString()
      return "ConsumerEndpoint[" + id + "]";

   public JBossDestination getDestination()
      return destination;

   public ServerSessionEndpoint getSessionEndpoint()
      return sessionEndpoint;

   // Package protected ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   boolean isReplicating()
     return replicating;
   String getID()

   boolean isRetainDeliveries()
     return this.retainDeliveries;
   void setLastDeliveryID(long id)
     this.lastDeliveryID = id;
   void setStarted(boolean started)
      //No need to lock since caller already has the lock
      this.started = started;     
   void setDead()
      dead = true;
   boolean isDead()
      return dead;
   Queue getDLQ()
      return dlq;

   Queue getExpiryQueue()
      return expiryQueue;

   long getRedliveryDelay()
      return redeliveryDelay;
   int getMaxDeliveryAttempts()
     return maxDeliveryAttempts;
   String getQueueName()
     return queueName;

   void localClose() throws Throwable
      if (trace) { log.trace(this + " grabbed the main lock in close() " + this); }

      if (remote)

      Dispatcher.instance.unregisterTarget(id, this);

      // If this is a consumer of a non durable subscription then we want to unbind the
      // subscription and delete all its data.

      if (destination.isTopic())
         PostOffice postOffice = sessionEndpoint.getConnectionEndpoint().getServerPeer().getPostOfficeInstance();
         ServerPeer sp = sessionEndpoint.getConnectionEndpoint().getServerPeer();
         Queue queue = postOffice.getBindingForQueueName(queueName).queue;       
         ManagedDestination mDest = sp.getDestinationManager().getDestination(destination.getName(), false);
         if (!queue.isRecoverable())
            postOffice.removeBinding(queueName, false);           

            if (!mDest.isTemporary())
              String counterName = TopicService.SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGECOUNTER_PREFIX + queueName;
              MessageCounter counter = sp.getMessageCounterManager().unregisterMessageCounter(counterName);
              if (counter == null)
                 throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find counter to remove " + counterName);
           //Durable sub consumer
           if (queue.isClustered() && postOffice.isClustered())
              //Clustered durable sub consumer created - we need to remove this info from the replicator
              Replicator rep = (Replicator)postOffice;


   void start()
      synchronized (startStopLock)
         if (started)

         started = true;

      // Prompt delivery

   void stop() throws Throwable
      synchronized (startStopLock)
         if (!started)

         started = false;
         // Any message deliveries already transit to the consumer, will just be ignored by the
         // ClientConsumer since it will be closed.
         // To clarify, the close protocol (from connection) is as follows:
         // 1) ClientConsumer::close() - any messages in buffer are cancelled to the server
         // session, and any subsequent receive messages will be ignored.
         // 2) ServerConsumerEndpoint::closing() causes stop() this flushes any deliveries yet to
         // deliver to the client callback handler.
         // 3) ClientConsumer waits for all deliveries to arrive at client side
         // 4) ServerConsumerEndpoint:close() - endpoint is deregistered.
         // 5) Session.close() - acks or cancels any remaining deliveries in the SessionState as
         // appropriate.
         // 6) ServerSessionEndpoint::close() - cancels any remaining deliveries and deregisters
         // session.
         // 7) Client side session executor is shutdown.
         // 8) ServerConnectionEndpoint::close() - connection is deregistered.
         // 9) Remoting connection listener is removed and remoting connection stopped.

      if (replicating)

   // Protected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   // Private --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   private void promptDelivery()

   // Inner classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Related Classes of org.jboss.jms.server.endpoint.ServerConsumerEndpoint

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