Package org.hibernate.envers.strategy

Source Code of org.hibernate.envers.strategy.ValidityAuditStrategy

package org.hibernate.envers.strategy;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;

import org.hibernate.LockOptions;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.action.spi.AfterTransactionCompletionProcess;
import org.hibernate.action.spi.BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.envers.RevisionType;
import org.hibernate.envers.configuration.internal.AuditEntitiesConfiguration;
import org.hibernate.envers.configuration.internal.GlobalConfiguration;
import org.hibernate.envers.configuration.spi.AuditConfiguration;
import org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.PersistentCollectionChangeData;
import org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.MiddleComponentData;
import org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.MiddleIdData;
import org.hibernate.envers.internal.synchronization.SessionCacheCleaner;
import org.hibernate.event.service.spi.EventListenerRegistry;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.AutoFlushEvent;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.AutoFlushEventListener;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventSource;
import org.hibernate.event.spi.EventType;
import org.hibernate.jdbc.ReturningWork;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Queryable;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.UnionSubclassEntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.sql.Update;
import org.hibernate.type.CollectionType;
import org.hibernate.type.ComponentType;
import org.hibernate.type.Type;

import static org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.query.QueryConstants.MIDDLE_ENTITY_ALIAS;
import static org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.query.QueryConstants.REVISION_PARAMETER;

* Audit strategy which persists and retrieves audit information using a validity algorithm, based on the
* start-revision and end-revision of a row in the audit tables.
* <p>This algorithm works as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>For a <strong>new row</strong> that is persisted in an audit table, only the <strong>start-revision</strong> column of that row is set</li>
* <li>At the same time the <strong>end-revision</strong> field of the <strong>previous</strong> audit row is set to this revision</li>
* <li>Queries are retrieved using 'between start and end revision', instead of a subquery.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p/>
* <p>
* This has a few important consequences that need to be judged against against each other:
* <ul>
* <li>Persisting audit information is a bit slower, because an extra row is updated</li>
* <li>Retrieving audit information is a lot faster</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @author Stephanie Pau
* @author Adam Warski (adam at warski dot org)
* @author Lukasz Antoniak (lukasz dot antoniak at gmail dot com)
public class ValidityAuditStrategy implements AuditStrategy {
  private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( ValidityAuditStrategy.class );

   * getter for the revision entity field annotated with @RevisionTimestamp
  private Getter revisionTimestampGetter = null;

  private final SessionCacheCleaner sessionCacheCleaner;

  public ValidityAuditStrategy() {
    sessionCacheCleaner = new SessionCacheCleaner();

  public void perform(
      final Session session,
      final String entityName,
      final AuditConfiguration auditCfg,
      final Serializable id,
      final Object data,
      final Object revision) {
    final AuditEntitiesConfiguration audEntitiesCfg = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg();
    final String auditedEntityName = audEntitiesCfg.getAuditEntityName( entityName );
    final String revisionInfoEntityName = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionInfoEntityName();

    // Save the audit data auditedEntityName, data );

    // Update the end date of the previous row.
    // When application reuses identifiers of previously removed entities:
    // The UPDATE statement will no-op if an entity with a given identifier has been
    // inserted for the first time. But in case a deleted primary key value was
    // reused, this guarantees correct strategy behavior: exactly one row with
    // null end date exists for each identifier.
    final boolean reuseEntityIdentifier = auditCfg.getGlobalCfg().isAllowIdentifierReuse();
    if ( reuseEntityIdentifier || getRevisionType( auditCfg, data ) != RevisionType.ADD ) {
      // Register transaction completion process to guarantee execution of UPDATE statement after INSERT.
      ( (EventSource) session ).getActionQueue().registerProcess( new BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess() {
        public void doBeforeTransactionCompletion(final SessionImplementor sessionImplementor) {
          final Queryable productionEntityQueryable = getQueryable( entityName, sessionImplementor );
          final Queryable rootProductionEntityQueryable = getQueryable(
              productionEntityQueryable.getRootEntityName(), sessionImplementor
          final Queryable auditedEntityQueryable = getQueryable( auditedEntityName, sessionImplementor );
          final Queryable rootAuditedEntityQueryable = getQueryable(
              auditedEntityQueryable.getRootEntityName(), sessionImplementor

          final String updateTableName;
          if ( UnionSubclassEntityPersister.class.isInstance( rootProductionEntityQueryable ) ) {
            // this is the condition causing all the problems in terms of the generated SQL UPDATE
            // the problem being that we currently try to update the in-line view made up of the union query
            // this is extremely hacky means to get the root table name for the union subclass style entities.
            // hacky because it relies on internal behavior of UnionSubclassEntityPersister
            // !!!!!! NOTICE - using subclass persister, not root !!!!!!
            updateTableName = auditedEntityQueryable.getSubclassTableName( 0 );
          else {
            updateTableName = rootAuditedEntityQueryable.getTableName();

          final Type revisionInfoIdType = sessionImplementor.getFactory().getEntityPersister( revisionInfoEntityName ).getIdentifierType();
          final String revEndColumnName = rootAuditedEntityQueryable.toColumns( auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionEndFieldName() )[0];

          final boolean isRevisionEndTimestampEnabled = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().isRevisionEndTimestampEnabled();

          // update audit_ent set REVEND = ? [, REVEND_TSTMP = ?] where (prod_ent_id) = ? and REV <> ? and REVEND is null
          final Update update = new Update( sessionImplementor.getFactory().getDialect() ).setTableName( updateTableName );
          // set REVEND = ?
          update.addColumn( revEndColumnName );
          // set [, REVEND_TSTMP = ?]
          if ( isRevisionEndTimestampEnabled ) {
                rootAuditedEntityQueryable.toColumns( auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionEndTimestampFieldName() )[0]

          // where (prod_ent_id) = ?
          update.addPrimaryKeyColumns( rootProductionEntityQueryable.getIdentifierColumnNames() );
          // where REV <> ?
              rootAuditedEntityQueryable.toColumns( auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionNumberPath() )[0], "<> ?"
          // where REVEND is null
          update.addWhereColumn( revEndColumnName, " is null" );

          // Now lets execute the sql...
          final String updateSql = update.toStatementString();

          int rowCount = ( (Session) sessionImplementor ).doReturningWork(
              new ReturningWork<Integer>() {
                public Integer execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
                  PreparedStatement preparedStatement = sessionImplementor.getTransactionCoordinator()
                      .getJdbcCoordinator().getStatementPreparer().prepareStatement( updateSql );

                  try {
                    int index = 1;

                    // set REVEND = ?
                    final Number revisionNumber = auditCfg.getRevisionInfoNumberReader().getRevisionNumber(
                        preparedStatement, revisionNumber, index, sessionImplementor
                    index += revisionInfoIdType.getColumnSpan( sessionImplementor.getFactory() );

                    // set [, REVEND_TSTMP = ?]
                    if ( isRevisionEndTimestampEnabled ) {
                      final Object revEndTimestampObj = revisionTimestampGetter.get( revision );
                      final Date revisionEndTimestamp = convertRevEndTimestampToDate( revEndTimestampObj );
                      final Type revEndTsType = rootAuditedEntityQueryable.getPropertyType(
                          preparedStatement, revisionEndTimestamp, index, sessionImplementor
                      index += revEndTsType.getColumnSpan( sessionImplementor.getFactory() );

                    // where (prod_ent_id) = ?
                    final Type idType = rootProductionEntityQueryable.getIdentifierType();
                    idType.nullSafeSet( preparedStatement, id, index, sessionImplementor );
                    index += idType.getColumnSpan( sessionImplementor.getFactory() );

                    // where REV <> ?
                    final Type revType = rootAuditedEntityQueryable.getPropertyType(
                    revType.nullSafeSet( preparedStatement, revisionNumber, index, sessionImplementor );

                    // where REVEND is null
                    //     nothing to bind....

                    return sessionImplementor.getTransactionCoordinator()
                        .getJdbcCoordinator().getResultSetReturn().executeUpdate( preparedStatement );
                  finally {

          if ( rowCount != 1 && ( !reuseEntityIdentifier || ( getRevisionType( auditCfg, data ) != RevisionType.ADD ) ) ) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Cannot update previous revision for entity " + auditedEntityName + " and id " + id
    sessionCacheCleaner.scheduleAuditDataRemoval( session, data );

  private Queryable getQueryable(String entityName, SessionImplementor sessionImplementor) {
    return (Queryable) sessionImplementor.getFactory().getEntityPersister( entityName );

  public void performCollectionChange(
      Session session, String entityName, String propertyName, AuditConfiguration auditCfg,
      PersistentCollectionChangeData persistentCollectionChangeData, Object revision) {
    final QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder( persistentCollectionChangeData.getEntityName(), MIDDLE_ENTITY_ALIAS );

    final String originalIdPropName = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getOriginalIdPropName();
    final Map<String, Object> originalId = (Map<String, Object>) persistentCollectionChangeData.getData().get(
    final String revisionFieldName = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionFieldName();
    final String revisionTypePropName = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionTypePropName();

    // Adding a parameter for each id component, except the rev number and type.
    for ( Map.Entry<String, Object> originalIdEntry : originalId.entrySet() ) {
      if ( !revisionFieldName.equals( originalIdEntry.getKey() ) && !revisionTypePropName.equals( originalIdEntry.getKey() ) ) {
            originalIdPropName + "." + originalIdEntry.getKey(),
            true, "=", originalIdEntry.getValue()

    final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory = ((SessionImplementor) session).getFactory();
    final Type propertyType = sessionFactory.getEntityPersister( entityName ).getPropertyType( propertyName );
    if ( propertyType.isCollectionType() ) {
      CollectionType collectionPropertyType = (CollectionType) propertyType;
      // Handling collection of components.
      if ( collectionPropertyType.getElementType( sessionFactory ) instanceof ComponentType ) {
        // Adding restrictions to compare data outside of primary key.
        for ( Map.Entry<String, Object> dataEntry : persistentCollectionChangeData.getData().entrySet() ) {
          if ( !originalIdPropName.equals( dataEntry.getKey() ) ) {
            qb.getRootParameters().addWhereWithParam( dataEntry.getKey(), true, "=", dataEntry.getValue() );

    addEndRevisionNullRestriction( auditCfg, qb.getRootParameters() );

    final List<Object> l = qb.toQuery( session ).setLockOptions( LockOptions.UPGRADE ).list();

    // Update the last revision if one exists.
    // HHH-5967: with collections, the same element can be added and removed multiple times. So even if it's an
    // ADD, we may need to update the last revision.
    if ( l.size() > 0 ) {
          session, auditCfg, l, originalId, persistentCollectionChangeData.getEntityName(), revision

    // Save the audit data persistentCollectionChangeData.getEntityName(), persistentCollectionChangeData.getData() );
    sessionCacheCleaner.scheduleAuditDataRemoval( session, persistentCollectionChangeData.getData() );

  private void addEndRevisionNullRestriction(AuditConfiguration auditCfg, Parameters rootParameters) {
    rootParameters.addWhere( auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionEndFieldName(), true, "is", "null", false );

  public void addEntityAtRevisionRestriction(
      GlobalConfiguration globalCfg, QueryBuilder rootQueryBuilder,
      Parameters parameters, String revisionProperty, String revisionEndProperty, boolean addAlias,
      MiddleIdData idData, String revisionPropertyPath, String originalIdPropertyName,
      String alias1, String alias2, boolean inclusive) {
    addRevisionRestriction( parameters, revisionProperty, revisionEndProperty, addAlias, inclusive );

  public void addAssociationAtRevisionRestriction(
      QueryBuilder rootQueryBuilder, Parameters parameters, String revisionProperty,
      String revisionEndProperty, boolean addAlias, MiddleIdData referencingIdData,
      String versionsMiddleEntityName, String eeOriginalIdPropertyPath, String revisionPropertyPath,
      String originalIdPropertyName, String alias1, boolean inclusive, MiddleComponentData... componentDatas) {
    addRevisionRestriction( parameters, revisionProperty, revisionEndProperty, addAlias, inclusive );

  public void setRevisionTimestampGetter(Getter revisionTimestampGetter) {
    this.revisionTimestampGetter = revisionTimestampGetter;

  private void addRevisionRestriction(
      Parameters rootParameters, String revisionProperty, String revisionEndProperty,
      boolean addAlias, boolean inclusive) {
    // e.revision <= _revision and (e.endRevision > _revision or e.endRevision is null)
    Parameters subParm = rootParameters.addSubParameters( "or" );
    rootParameters.addWhereWithNamedParam( revisionProperty, addAlias, inclusive ? "<=" : "<", REVISION_PARAMETER );
        revisionEndProperty + ".id", addAlias, inclusive ? ">" : ">=", REVISION_PARAMETER
    subParm.addWhere( revisionEndProperty, addAlias, "is", "null", false );

  private RevisionType getRevisionType(AuditConfiguration auditCfg, Object data) {
    return (RevisionType) ((Map<String, Object>) data).get( auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionTypePropName() );

  private void updateLastRevision(
      Session session, AuditConfiguration auditCfg, List<Object> l,
      Object id, String auditedEntityName, Object revision) {
    // There should be one entry
    if ( l.size() == 1 ) {
      // Setting the end revision to be the current rev
      Object previousData = l.get( 0 );
      String revisionEndFieldName = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionEndFieldName();
      ((Map<String, Object>) previousData).put( revisionEndFieldName, revision );

      if ( auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().isRevisionEndTimestampEnabled() ) {
        // Determine the value of the revision property annotated with @RevisionTimestamp
        String revEndTimestampFieldName = auditCfg.getAuditEntCfg().getRevisionEndTimestampFieldName();
        Object revEndTimestampObj = this.revisionTimestampGetter.get( revision );
        Date revisionEndTimestamp = convertRevEndTimestampToDate( revEndTimestampObj );

        // Setting the end revision timestamp
        ((Map<String, Object>) previousData).put( revEndTimestampFieldName, revisionEndTimestamp );

      // Saving the previous version auditedEntityName, previousData );
      sessionCacheCleaner.scheduleAuditDataRemoval( session, previousData );
    else {
      throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot find previous revision for entity " + auditedEntityName + " and id " + id );

  private Date convertRevEndTimestampToDate(Object revEndTimestampObj) {
    // convert to a java.util.Date
    if ( revEndTimestampObj instanceof Date ) {
      return (Date) revEndTimestampObj;
    return new Date( (Long) revEndTimestampObj );

Related Classes of org.hibernate.envers.strategy.ValidityAuditStrategy

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