Package org.jboss.gravia.runtime.spi

Source Code of org.jboss.gravia.runtime.spi.RuntimeEventsManager$ListenerInfo

* #%L
* JBossOSGi Framework
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2013 JBoss by Red Hat
* %%
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Lesser Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Lesser Public
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* #L%
package org.jboss.gravia.runtime.spi;

import static org.jboss.gravia.runtime.spi.RuntimeLogger.LOGGER;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;

import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.AllServiceListener;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.Filter;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.Module;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.ModuleContext;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.ModuleEvent;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.ModuleListener;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.ServiceEvent;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.ServiceListener;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.ServiceReference;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.SynchronousModuleListener;
import org.jboss.gravia.runtime.util.NoFilter;
import org.jboss.gravia.utils.RemoveOnlyCollection;
import org.jboss.gravia.utils.RemoveOnlyMap;

* A manager for runtime listerners and their associated event delivery.
* @author
* @since 27-Sep-2013
* @ThreadSafe
public final class RuntimeEventsManager {

    private final ExecutorService executorService;

    /** The moduleState listeners */
    private final Map<Module, List<BundleListenerRegistration>> moduleListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<Module, List<BundleListenerRegistration>>();
    /** The service listeners */
    private final Map<Module, List<ServiceListenerRegistration>> serviceListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<Module, List<ServiceListenerRegistration>>();

    /** The set of moduleState events that are delivered to an (asynchronous) BundleListener */
    private Set<Integer> asyncBundleEvents = new HashSet<Integer>();
    /** The set of events that are logged at INFO level */
    private Set<String> infoEvents = new HashSet<String>();

    RuntimeEventsManager() {
        asyncBundleEvents.add(new Integer(ModuleEvent.INSTALLED));
        asyncBundleEvents.add(new Integer(ModuleEvent.RESOLVED));
        asyncBundleEvents.add(new Integer(ModuleEvent.STARTED));
        asyncBundleEvents.add(new Integer(ModuleEvent.STOPPED));
        asyncBundleEvents.add(new Integer(ModuleEvent.UNINSTALLED));
        executorService = createExecutorService("RuntimeEvents");

    private ExecutorService createExecutorService(final String threadName) {
        ExecutorService service = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() {
            public Thread newThread(Runnable run) {
                Thread thread = new Thread(run);
                return thread;
        return service;

    public void addModuleListener(final Module module, final ModuleListener listener) {
        assert listener != null : "Null listener";
        synchronized (moduleListeners) {
            List<BundleListenerRegistration> registrations = moduleListeners.get(module);
            if (registrations == null) {
                registrations = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<BundleListenerRegistration>();
                moduleListeners.put(module, registrations);
            BundleListenerRegistration registration = new BundleListenerRegistration(module, listener);
            if (registrations.contains(registration) == false) {

    public void removeModuleListener(final Module module, final ModuleListener listener) {
        assert listener != null : "Null listener";
        List<BundleListenerRegistration> registrations = moduleListeners.get(module);
        if (registrations != null) {
            if (registrations.size() > 1) {
                Iterator<BundleListenerRegistration> iterator = registrations.iterator();
                while(iterator.hasNext()) {
                    BundleListenerRegistration registration =;
                    if (registration.getListener() == listener) {
            } else {

    public void removeBundleListeners(final Module moduleState) {
        synchronized (moduleListeners) {

    public void removeAllBundleListeners() {
        synchronized (moduleListeners) {

    public void addServiceListener(final Module module, final ServiceListener listener, final String filterstr) {
        assert listener != null : "Null listener";
        synchronized (serviceListeners) {
            List<ServiceListenerRegistration> listeners = serviceListeners.get(module);
            if (listeners == null) {
                listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ServiceListenerRegistration>();
                serviceListeners.put(module, listeners);

            // If the context moduleState's list of listeners already contains a listener l such that (l==listener),
            // then this method replaces that listener's filter (which may be null) with the specified one (which may be null).
            removeServiceListener(module, listener);

            // Create the new listener registration
            Filter filter = (filterstr != null ? FilterFactory.createFilter(filterstr) : NoFilter.INSTANCE);
            ServiceListenerRegistration slreg = new ServiceListenerRegistration(module, listener, filter);

            // Add the listener to the list

    Collection<ListenerInfo> getServiceListenerInfos(final Module moduleState) {
        Collection<ListenerInfo> listeners = new ArrayList<ListenerInfo>();
        for (Entry<Module, List<ServiceListenerRegistration>> entry : serviceListeners.entrySet()) {
            if (moduleState == null || moduleState.equals(entry.getKey())) {
                for (ServiceListenerRegistration aux : entry.getValue()) {
                    ListenerInfo info = aux.getListenerInfo();
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(listeners);

    public void removeServiceListener(final Module moduleState, final ServiceListener listener) {
        assert listener != null : "Null listener";
        List<ServiceListenerRegistration> listeners = serviceListeners.get(moduleState);
        if (listeners != null) {
            ServiceListenerRegistration slreg = new ServiceListenerRegistration(moduleState, listener, NoFilter.INSTANCE);
            int index = listeners.indexOf(slreg);
            if (index >= 0) {
                slreg = listeners.remove(index);

    public void removeServiceListeners(final Module moduleState) {
        synchronized (serviceListeners) {

    public void removeAllServiceListeners() {
        synchronized (serviceListeners) {

    public void fireModuleEvent(final Module module, final int type) {
        fireModuleEvent(null, module, type);

    public void fireModuleEvent(final ModuleContext context, final Module module, final int type) {
        if (module == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("module");

        // Do nothing it the framework is not active
        // if (moduleManager.isFrameworkCreated() == false)
        //    return;

        // Get a snapshot of the current listeners
        final List<BundleListenerRegistration> registrations = new ArrayList<BundleListenerRegistration>();
        for (Entry<Module, List<BundleListenerRegistration>> entry : moduleListeners.entrySet()) {
            for (BundleListenerRegistration blreg : entry.getValue()) {

        // Expose the moduleState wrapper not the state itself
        final ModuleEvent event = new ModuleEventImpl(type, module);
        final String typeName = ConstantsHelper.moduleEvent(event.getType());

        // Nobody is interested
        Iterator<BundleListenerRegistration> iterator = registrations.iterator();
        if (registrations.isEmpty())

        // Synchronous listeners first
        iterator = registrations.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            BundleListenerRegistration blreg =;
            ModuleListener listener = blreg.listener;
            try {
                if (listener instanceof SynchronousModuleListener) {
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                LOGGER.warn("Error while firing module event " + typeName + " for: " + module, th);

        if (!registrations.isEmpty()) {
            Runnable runner = new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    // BundleListeners are called with a BundleEvent object when a moduleState has been
                    // installed, resolved, started, stopped, updated, unresolved, or uninstalled
                    if (asyncBundleEvents.contains(type)) {
                        for (BundleListenerRegistration blreg : registrations) {
                            ModuleListener listener = blreg.listener;
                            try {
                                if (!(listener instanceof SynchronousModuleListener)) {
                            } catch (Throwable th) {
                                LOGGER.warn("Error while firing module event " + typeName + " for: " + module, th);
            if (!executorService.isShutdown()) {

    public void fireServiceEvent(final Module module, int type, final ServiceReference<?> reference) {

        // Do nothing it the framework is not active
        // if (moduleManager.isFrameworkCreated() == false)
        //    return;

        // Get a snapshot of the current listeners
        Map<ModuleContext, Collection<ListenerInfo>> listeners = new HashMap<ModuleContext, Collection<ListenerInfo>>();
        for (Entry<Module, List<ServiceListenerRegistration>> entry : serviceListeners.entrySet()) {
            for (ServiceListenerRegistration listener : entry.getValue()) {
                ModuleContext context = listener.getModuleContext();
                if (context != null) {
                    Collection<ListenerInfo> infos = listeners.get(context);
                    if (infos == null) {
                        infos = new ArrayList<ListenerInfo>();
                        listeners.put(context, infos);
        for (Map.Entry<ModuleContext, Collection<ListenerInfo>> entry : listeners.entrySet()) {
            listeners.put(entry.getKey(), new RemoveOnlyCollection<ListenerInfo>(entry.getValue()));
        listeners = new RemoveOnlyMap<ModuleContext, Collection<ListenerInfo>>(listeners);

        // Construct the ServiceEvent
        ServiceEvent event = new ServiceEventImpl(type, reference);
        String typeName = ConstantsHelper.serviceEvent(event.getType());
        LOGGER.trace("Service {}: {}", typeName, reference);

        // Nobody is interested
        if (listeners.isEmpty())

        // Call the listeners. All service events are synchronously delivered
        for (Map.Entry<ModuleContext, Collection<ListenerInfo>> entry : listeners.entrySet()) {
            for (ListenerInfo info : entry.getValue()) {
                ServiceListenerRegistration listenerReg = info.getRegistration();
                Module owner = info.getModuleContext().getModule();
                if (owner.getState() == Module.State.UNINSTALLED) {
                // Service events must only be delivered to event listeners which can validly cast the event
                if (!listenerReg.isAllServiceListener()) {
                    boolean assignableToOwner = true;
                    String[] clazzes = (String[]) reference.getProperty(org.jboss.gravia.Constants.OBJECTCLASS);
                    for (String clazz : clazzes) {
                        if (reference.isAssignableTo(owner, clazz) == false) {
                            assignableToOwner = false;
                    if (assignableToOwner == false)

                try {
                    String filterstr = info.getFilter();
                    ServiceListener listener = listenerReg.getListener();
                    if (listenerReg.isAllServiceListener() || listenerReg.filter.match(reference)) {

                    // The MODIFIED_ENDMATCH event is synchronously delivered after the service properties have been modified.
                    // This event is only delivered to listeners which were added with a non-null filter where
                    // the filter matched the service properties prior to the modification but the filter does
                    // not match the modified service properties.
                    else if (filterstr != null && ServiceEvent.MODIFIED == event.getType()) {
                        Filter filter = listenerReg.filter;
                        if (/* filter.match(reference.getPreviousProperties()) && */ !filter.match(reference)) {
                            ServiceEvent endmatch = new ServiceEventImpl(ServiceEvent.MODIFIED_ENDMATCH, reference);
                } catch (Throwable th) {
                    LOGGER.warn("Error while firing service event " + typeName + " for: " + reference, th);

     * Filter and AccessControl for service events
    private static class ServiceListenerRegistration {

        private final Module module;
        private final ModuleContext moduleContext;
        private final ServiceListener listener;
        private final Filter filter;
        private final ListenerInfo info;

        ServiceListenerRegistration(final Module module, final ServiceListener listener, final Filter filter) {
            assert module != null : "Null module";
            assert listener != null : "Null listener";
            assert filter != null : "Null filter";
            this.module = module;
            this.listener = listener;
            this.filter = filter;
            this.moduleContext = module.getModuleContext();
   = new ListenerInfo(moduleContext, this);

        Module getModule() {
            return module;

        ModuleContext getModuleContext() {
            return getModule().getModuleContext();

        ServiceListener getListener() {
            return listener;

        ListenerInfo getListenerInfo() {
            return info;

        boolean isAllServiceListener() {
            return (listener instanceof AllServiceListener);

        public int hashCode() {
            return listener.hashCode();

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof ServiceListenerRegistration == false)
                return false;

            // Only the ServiceListener instance determins equality
            ServiceListenerRegistration other = (ServiceListenerRegistration) obj;
            return other.listener.equals(listener);

        public String toString() {
            String className = listener.getClass().getName();
            return "ServiceListener[" + module + "," + className + "," + filter + "]";

    private static class BundleListenerRegistration {
        private final ModuleListener listener;
        private final Module module;

        BundleListenerRegistration(Module module, ModuleListener listener) {
            this.listener = listener;
            this.module = module;

        ModuleListener getListener() {
            return listener;

        public int hashCode() {
            return listener.hashCode();

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj instanceof BundleListenerRegistration == false)
                return false;

            // Only the BundleListener instance determins equality
            BundleListenerRegistration other = (BundleListenerRegistration) obj;
            return other.listener.equals(listener);

        public String toString() {
            String className = listener.getClass().getName();
            return "BundleListener[" + module + "," + className + "]";

    private static class ListenerInfo {

        private final ServiceListenerRegistration registration;
        private final ModuleContext moduleContext;
        private boolean removed;

        ListenerInfo(ModuleContext moduleContext, ServiceListenerRegistration registration) {
            this.moduleContext = moduleContext;
            this.registration = registration;

        ModuleContext getModuleContext() {
            return moduleContext;

        String getFilter() {
            Filter filter = registration.filter;
            return filter != NoFilter.INSTANCE ? filter.toString() : null;

        ServiceListenerRegistration getRegistration() {
            return registration;

        public int hashCode() {
            return toString().hashCode();

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            // Two ListenerInfos are equals if they refer to the same listener for a given addition and removal life cycle.
            // If the same listener is added again, it must have a different ListenerInfo which is not equal to this ListenerInfo.
            return super.equals(obj);

        public String toString() {
            String className = registration.listener.getClass().getName();
            return "ListenerInfo[" + moduleContext.getModule() + "," + className + "," + removed + "]";

    private static class ModuleEventImpl extends ModuleEvent {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2705304702665185935L;

        ModuleEventImpl(int type, Module module) {
            super(type, module);

        public String toString() {
            return "BundleEvent[type=" + ConstantsHelper.moduleEvent(getType()) + ",source=" + getSource() + "]";

    private static class ServiceEventImpl extends ServiceEvent {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 62018288275708239L;

        ServiceEventImpl(int type, ServiceReference<?> reference) {
            super(type, reference);

        public String toString() {
            return "ServiceEvent[type=" + ConstantsHelper.serviceEvent(getType()) + ",source=" + getSource() + "]";

Related Classes of org.jboss.gravia.runtime.spi.RuntimeEventsManager$ListenerInfo

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