Package org.glassfish.admin.cli.resources

Source Code of org.glassfish.admin.cli.resources.BindableResourcesHelper

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package org.glassfish.admin.cli.resources;

import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl;
import org.glassfish.resource.common.ResourceStatus;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Inject;

* @author Jagadish Ramu
public class BindableResourcesHelper {

    private Domain domain;

    private ConfigBeansUtilities configBeanUtilities;

    private ResourceUtil resourceUtil;

    private final static String DOMAIN = "domain";

    final private static LocalStringManagerImpl localStrings =
            new LocalStringManagerImpl(BindableResourcesHelper.class);

    public boolean resourceExists(String jndiName, String target) {
        boolean exists = false;
            //if target is "domain", as long as the resource is present in "resources" section,
            //it is valid.
            exists = true;
        }else if(ConfigBeansUtilities.getServerNamed(target) != null){
            Server server = configBeanUtilities.getServerNamed(target);
            exists = server.isResourceRefExists(jndiName);
        }else if (domain.getClusterNamed(target) != null){
            Cluster cluster = domain.getClusterNamed(target);
            exists = cluster.isResourceRefExists(jndiName);
            //if target is "CONFIG", as long as the resource is present in "resources" section,
            //it is valid.
            for(Config config : domain.getConfigs().getConfig()){
                    exists = true;
        return exists;

     * checks whether duplicate resource exists or resource is already created but not resource-ref or
     * resource-ref already exists.
     * @param resources resources
     * @param jndiName resource-name
     * @param validateResourceRef whether to validate resource-ref
     * @param target target instance/cluster/domain
     * @param resourceTypeToValidate type of resource
     * @return ResourceStatus indicating Success or Failure
    public ResourceStatus validateBindableResourceForDuplicates(Resources resources, String jndiName,
                                                          boolean validateResourceRef, String target,
                                                          Class<? extends BindableResource> resourceTypeToValidate){
        // ensure we don't already have one of this name
        BindableResource duplicateResource = (BindableResource)
                resources.getResourceByName(BindableResource.class, jndiName);
        if (duplicateResource != null) {
            String msg ;
            if(validateResourceRef && (getResourceByClass(duplicateResource).equals(resourceTypeToValidate))){
                    msg = localStrings.getLocalString("duplicate.resource.found",
                            "A {0} by name {1} already exists.", getResourceTypeName(duplicateResource), jndiName);
                }else if(resourceUtil.getTargetsReferringResourceRef(jndiName).contains(target)){
                    msg = localStrings.getLocalString("",
                            "A {0} by name {1} already exists with resource reference in target {2}.",
                            getResourceTypeName(duplicateResource), jndiName, target);
                    msg = localStrings.getLocalString("",
                            "A {0} named {1} already exists. If you are trying to create the existing resource" +
                                    "configuration in target {2}, please use 'create-resource-ref' command " +
                                    "(or create resource-ref using admin console).",
                            getResourceTypeName(duplicateResource), jndiName, target);
                msg = localStrings.getLocalString("duplicate.resource.found",
                        "A {0} by name {1} already exists.", getResourceTypeName(duplicateResource), jndiName);
            return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.FAILURE, msg, true);
            return new ResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.SUCCESS, "Validation Successful");

    public Class getResourceByClass(BindableResource resource){
        Class<? extends BindableResource> type = BindableResource.class;
        if (resource instanceof JdbcResource) {
            type = JdbcResource.class;
        } else if (resource instanceof ConnectorResource) {
            type = ConnectorResource.class;
        } else if (resource instanceof ExternalJndiResource) {
            type = ExternalJndiResource.class;
        } else if (resource instanceof CustomResource) {
            type = CustomResource.class;
        } else if (resource instanceof AdminObjectResource) {
            type = AdminObjectResource.class;
        } else if (resource instanceof MailResource) {
            type = MailResource.class;
        return type;

    public String getResourceTypeName(BindableResource resource){
        String type = "Resource";
        if (resource instanceof JdbcResource) {
            type = "JdbcResource";
        } else if (resource instanceof ConnectorResource) {
            type = "ConnectorResource";
        } else if (resource instanceof ExternalJndiResource) {
            type = "ExternalJndiResource";
        } else if (resource instanceof CustomResource) {
            type = "CustomResource";
        } else if (resource instanceof AdminObjectResource) {
            type = "AdminObjectResource";
        } else if (resource instanceof MailResource) {
            type = "MailResource";
        return type;

Related Classes of org.glassfish.admin.cli.resources.BindableResourcesHelper

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