Package com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.system

Source Code of com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.system.MQAddressList

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package com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.system;

import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.*;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;

import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.config.JmsHost;
import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.config.JmsService;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.SystemPropertyConstants;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.util.JmsRaUtil;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.AdminConstants;
import com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.ConnectorRuntimeException;
import org.glassfish.internal.api.ServerContext;
import org.glassfish.internal.api.Globals;
import org.glassfish.api.ActionReport;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.StringUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.glassfish.ASenvPropertyReader;
import org.jvnet.hk2.config.ConfigSupport;
import org.jvnet.hk2.config.SingleConfigCode;
import org.jvnet.hk2.config.TransactionFailure;

* Defines an MQ addressList.
* @author Binod P.G
public class MQAddressList {

    static Logger logger = LogDomains.getLogger(MQAddressList.class,  LogDomains.JMS_LOGGER);
    private String myName =

    private List<MQUrl> urlList = new ArrayList<MQUrl>();

    private JmsService jmsService = null;
    //private AppserverClusterViewFromCacheRepository rep = null;
    private static String nodeHost = null;
    private String targetName = null;

     * Create an empty address list
    public MQAddressList() {

     * Use the provided <code>JmsService</code> to create an addresslist
    public MQAddressList(JmsService service) {
        //use the server instance this is being run in as the target
        this(service, getServerName());

     * Creates an instance from jmsService and resolves
     * values using the provided target name
     * @param targetName Represents the target for which the addresslist
     * needs to be created
     * @param service <code>JmsService</code> instance.
    public MQAddressList(JmsService service, String targetName) {
        logFine(" init" + service + "target " + targetName);
        this.jmsService = service;
        this.targetName = targetName;

    public void setJmsService (JmsService jmsService){
        this.jmsService = jmsService;
    public void setTargetName(String targetName){
        this.targetName = targetName;
    public void setInstanceName(String instanceName){
        myName = instanceName;
    public void setup()throws Exception
       if (isClustered() && (!this.jmsService.getType().equals(ActiveJmsResourceAdapter.REMOTE)) )
        else setup(false);
     * Sets up the addresslist.
    public void setup(boolean isClustered) throws Exception {
        try {
            if (isClustered) {
                //setup for LOCAL/EMBEDDED clusters.
                logFine("setting up for cluster " this.targetName);
            } else {
                logFine("setting up for SI/DAS " + this.targetName);
                if (isAConfig(targetName) || isDAS(targetName)) {
                    logFine("performing default setup for DAS/remote clusters/PE instance" + targetName);
                } else {
                    logFine("configuring for Standalone EE server instance");
                    //resolve and add.
        } catch (ConnectorRuntimeException ce) {
            throw new Exception(ce);

    private void setupClusterViewFromRepository() throws Exception {
        ServerContext context = Globals.get(ServerContext.class);
        Domain domain = Globals.get(Domain.class);
        String serverName = context.getInstanceName();
        Server server = domain.getServerNamed(serverName); //context.getConfigBean();
        //String domainurl = context.getServerConfigURL();
        //rep = new AppserverClusterViewFromCacheRepository(domainurl);
        try {
            nodeHost = getNodeHostName(server);
            logFine("na host" + nodeHost);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE,"Exception while attempting to get nodeagentHost", e.getMessage());
            logger.log(Level.FINER, e.getMessage(), e);

    public String getNodeHostName(final Server as) throws Exception{
        String nodeRef = as.getNodeRef();
        Nodes nodes = Globals.get(Nodes.class);
        Node node = nodes.getNode(nodeRef);

         if (node != null)
            if (node.getNodeHost() != null) return node.getNodeHost();
            else if (node.isDefaultLocalNode())
                 String hostName = getHostNameFromDasProperties();
                 if ("localhost".equals(hostName))
                 //instance is co-located on same machine as DAS. Hence read host name from system property
                 return System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY);

        return null;

    String dasPropertiesHostName= null;
    public String getHostNameFromDasProperties()
        if (dasPropertiesHostName != null) return dasPropertiesHostName;

        String agentsDirPath = getSystemProperty(

            //return agentsDirPath;
            String installRootPath = getSystemProperty(

                installRootPath = System.getProperty(
            agentsDirPath = installRootPath + File.separator + "nodes";
       // if(!StringUtils.ok(installRootPath))
         //   throw new CommandException("Agent.noInstallDirPath");

        String dasPropsFilePath = agentsDirPath + File.separator + "agent" + File.separator + "config";
        File dasPropsFile = new File(dasPropsFilePath, "");

        Properties dasprops = new Properties();
        FileInputStream fis = null;
        try {
            fis = new FileInputStream(dasPropsFile);
            fis = null;
            dasPropertiesHostName = dasprops.getProperty("");
            return dasPropertiesHostName;
         } catch (IOException ioex) {
        } finally {
            if (fis != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException cex) {
                    // ignore it
        return null;

    Map<String,String> systemProps = null;

    protected String getSystemProperty(String propertyName)
       if (systemProps == null)
         systemProps = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new ASenvPropertyReader().getProps());

        return systemProps.get(propertyName);

    public String getMasterBroker(String clustername) {
    String masterbrk = null;
    //if (rep != null) {
        try {
        JmsHost mb = getMasterJmsHostInCluster(clustername);
        JmsService js = getJmsServiceForMasterBroker
        MQUrl url = createUrl(mb, js);
        masterbrk = url.toString();
        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Master broker obtained is "
               + masterbrk);
        catch (Exception e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot obtain master broker");
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
    return masterbrk;

      private JmsService getJmsServiceForMasterBroker(String clusterName)  {
         Domain domain = Globals.get(Domain.class);
         Cluster cluster = domain.getClusterNamed(clusterName);

        final Server[] buddies = getServersInCluster(cluster);
        final Config cfg =  getConfigForServer(buddies[0]);
        return cfg.getExtensionByType(JmsService.class);

    private Config getConfigForServer(Server server){

         String cfgRef = server.getConfigRef();
         return getConfigByName(cfgRef);
    private Config getConfigByName(String cfgRef){
         Domain domain = Globals.get(Domain.class);
         Configs configs = domain.getConfigs();
                List configList = configs.getConfig();
                for(int i=0; i < configList.size(); i++){
                    Config config = (Config)configList.get(i);
                    if (config.getName().equals(cfgRef))
                        return config;
        return null;
     private JmsHost getMasterJmsHostInCluster(String clusterName) throws Exception {
        Domain domain = Globals.get(Domain.class);
        Cluster cluster = domain.getClusterNamed(clusterName);

           Since GF 3.1 - Added a new way to configure the master broker
           Check if a master broker has been configured by looking at jmsService.getMasterBroker
           If it is configured, return th
           If not, use the first configured server in the cluster list as the master broker
         Config config = domain.getConfigNamed(cluster.getConfigRef());
         JmsService jmsService = config.getExtensionByType(JmsService.class);
         Server masterBrokerInstance = null;

         String masterBrokerInstanceName = jmsService.getMasterBroker();
         if (masterBrokerInstanceName != null){
             masterBrokerInstance = domain.getServerNamed(masterBrokerInstanceName);
            Server[] buddies = getServersInCluster(cluster);
            // return the first valid host
      // there may be hosts attached to an NA that is down
            if (buddies != null && buddies.length > 0){
                masterBrokerInstance = buddies[0];
        final JmsHost copy    = getResolvedJmsHost(masterBrokerInstance);
      if (copy != null)
            return copy;
          throw new RuntimeException("No JMS hosts available to select as Master");

    public Cluster getClusterByName(String clusterName)
         Domain domain = Globals.get(Domain.class);
         Clusters clusters = domain.getClusters();
         List clusterList = clusters.getCluster();

         for (int i =0; i < clusterList.size(); i++){
             Cluster cluster = (Cluster)clusterList.get(i);
             if (cluster.getName().equals(clusterName))
                         return cluster;
        return null;
    public Server[] getServersInCluster(String clusterName){
        Cluster cluster = getClusterByName(clusterName);
        return getServersInCluster(cluster);
    public Server[] getServersInCluster(Cluster cluster)
        //first ensure that the cluster exists
        //Cluster cluster = ClusterHelper.getClusterByName(configContext, clusterName);

        //Now fetch the server instances in the cluster.
        List servers = cluster.getInstances();

       // List serverRefs = cluster.getServerRef();

        Server[] result = new Server[servers.size()];
       // Domain domain = Globals.get(Domain.class);

        for (int i = 0; i <  servers.size(); i++) {
            result[i] = (Server) servers.get(i); //.getServerNamed(((ServerRef)serverRefs.get(i)).getRef());

          //  try {
            //} catch (ConfigException ex) {
              //  throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("noSuchClusterInstance",
                //    clusterName, serverRefs[i].getRef()));
        return result;

    public boolean isDAS(String targetName)  {
        if (isAConfig(targetName)) {
            return false;
        return getServerByName(targetName).isDas();

    public boolean isAConfig(String targetName)  {
        //return ServerHelper.isAConfig(getAdminConfigContext(), targetName);
        final Config config = getConfigByName(targetName);
        return (config != null ? true : false);

     * Gets the admin config context associated with this server instance
     * Usage Notice: Use this only for operations that are performed in DAS
     * and requires the admin config context
   /* private ConfigContext getAdminConfigContext() {
        return com.sun.enterprise.admin.server.core.AdminService.
    } */

     * Setup addresslist for Standalone server instance in EE
    private void setupForStandaloneServerInstance() throws Exception {
        if (jmsService.getType().equals(ActiveJmsResourceAdapter.REMOTE)) {
            logFine("REMOTE Standalone server instance and hence use default setup");
        } else {
            //For LOCAL or EMBEDDED standalone server instances, we need to resolve
            //the JMSHost
            logFine("LOCAL/EMBEDDED Standalone server instance");
            JmsHost host = getResolvedJmsHostForStandaloneServerInstance(this.targetName);
            MQUrl url = createUrl(host);

     * Default setup concatanates all JMSHosts in a JMSService to create the address list
    private void defaultSetup() throws Exception {
        logFine("performing defaultsetup");
        JmsService jmsService = Globals.get(JmsService.class);
        List hosts = jmsService.getJmsHost();
        for (int i=0; i < hosts.size(); i++) {
            MQUrl url = createUrl((JmsHost)hosts.get(i));

     * Setup the address list after calculating the JMS hosts
     * belonging to the local appserver cluster members.
     * For LOCAL/EMBEDDED clusters the MQ broker corresponding
     * to "this" server instance needs to be placed ahead
     * of the other brokers of the other siblings in the AS
     * cluter to enable sticky connection balancing by MQ.
    private void setupForCluster() throws Exception {
        java.util.Map<String,JmsHost> hostMap =
        //First add my jms host.
        JmsHost jmsHost = hostMap.get(myName);
        MQUrl myUrl = createUrl(jmsHost, nodeHost);

        // Add all buddies to URL.
        for (JmsHost host : hostMap.values() ) {
            MQUrl url = createUrl(host);

    public Map<String, JmsHost> getResolvedLocalJmsHostsInMyCluster(final boolean includeMe) {
        final Map<String, JmsHost> map = new HashMap<String, JmsHost> ();
         Cluster cluster = getClusterForServer( myName);
        if (cluster != null){
            final Server[] buddies = getServersInCluster(cluster);
            for (final Server as : buddies) {
                if (!includeMe && myName.equals(as.getName()))

                JmsHost copy = null;
                try {
                            copy  = getResolvedJmsHost(as);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                map.put(as.getName(), copy);

        return ( map );

    public Cluster getClusterForServer(String instanceName){
         Domain domain = Globals.get(Domain.class);
         Clusters clusters = domain.getClusters();
         List clusterList = clusters.getCluster();

         for (int i =0; i < clusterList.size(); i++){
             Cluster cluster = (Cluster)clusterList.get(i);
             if (isServerInCluster(cluster, instanceName))
                         return cluster;
        return null;

    private boolean isServerInCluster (Cluster cluster, String instanceName){
        List instances = cluster.getInstances();
        for (int i=0; i < instances.size(); i++){
                return true;
        return false;
     * Creates a String representation of address list from
     * array list. In short, it is a comma separated list.
     * Actual syntax of an MQ url is inside MQUrl class.
     * @return AddressList String
     * @see MQUrl
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

        Iterator it = urlList.iterator();
        if (it.hasNext()) {

        while (it.hasNext()) {

        String s = builder.toString();
        logFine("toString returns :: " + s);
        return s;

     * Creates an instance of MQUrl from JmsHost element in
     * the dtd and add it to the addresslist.
     * @param host An instance of <code>JmsHost</code> object.
    public void addMQUrl(JmsHost host) {
        MQUrl url = createUrl(host);

     * Deletes the url represented by the JmsHost from the AddressList.
     * @param host An instance of <code>JmsHost</code> object.
    public void removeMQUrl(JmsHost host) {
        MQUrl url = createUrl(host);

     * Updates the information about the <code>JmsHost</code>
     * in the address list.
     * @param host An instance of <code>JmsHost</code> object.
    public void updateMQUrl(JmsHost host) {
        MQUrl url = createUrl(host);

    private MQUrl createUrl(JmsHost host) {
        return createUrl(host, this.jmsService);

    private MQUrl createUrl(JmsHost host, String overridedHostName) {
        return createUrl(host, this.jmsService, overridedHostName);

    public static MQUrl createUrl(JmsHost host, JmsService js) {
        return createUrl(host, js, null);

    public static MQUrl createUrl(JmsHost host, JmsService js, String overridedHostName) {
        try {
        String name = host.getName();
        String hostName = host.getHost();
        // For LOCAL/EMBEDDED Clustered instances and
        // standalone server instances, use
        // their nodeagent's hostname as the jms host name.
        if (overridedHostName != null && !overridedHostName.trim().equals("")) {
           hostName = overridedHostName;

        String port = host.getPort();
        MQUrl url = new MQUrl(name);
        if (js != null) {
            String scheme = js.getMqScheme();
            if (scheme != null && !scheme.trim().equals("")) {

            String service = js.getMqService();
            if (service != null && !service.trim().equals("")) {
        return url;
        } catch (Exception ce) {
        return null;

     //Used to get resolved local JmsHost for a standalone server instance
    private JmsHost getResolvedJmsHostForStandaloneServerInstance(
                                         String serverName) throws Exception {
        logFine(" getresolved " + serverName);
       //ConfigContext con =  getAdminConfigContext();
       Server serverInstance = getServerByName(serverName);
       logFine("serverinstace " + serverInstance);
       JmsHost jmsHost = getResolvedJmsHost(serverInstance);
       return jmsHost;

    private Server getServerByName(String serverName){
        Domain domain = Globals.get(Domain.class);
        Servers servers = domain.getServers();
        List serverList = servers.getServer();

        for (int i=0; i < serverList.size(); i++){
            Server server = (Server) serverList.get(i);
                return server;
           return null;

    private JmsHost getResolvedJmsHost(Server as) throws Exception{
        if (as == null) {
            return null;
        logFine("getResolvedJmsHost " + as);
//        final JmsService jmsService     = Globals.get(JmsService.class);
  //      JmsHost jmsHost                 = null;
    //    if (JMSServiceType.LOCAL.toString().equals(jmsService.getType())  || JMSServiceType.EMBEDDED.toString().equals(jmsService.getType())) {
      //      jmsHost = getDefaultJmsHost(jmsService);
       // return ( jmsHost );

        JmsHost jmsHost   = getResolvedLocalJmsHostInServer(as);
        JmsHost copy      = createJmsHostCopy(jmsHost, as);

        String hostName = getNodeHostName(as);
        String port = JmsRaUtil.getJMSPropertyValue(as) ;//"JMS_PROVIDER_PORT", "7676");
        if (copy != null) {

        return copy;

       // return null; //getResolvedJmsHost(as);

    private JmsHost createJmsHostCopy(final JmsHost jmsHost, final Server server)
        JmsHost jmsHostCopy = new JmsHostWrapper();

        try {
        } catch(Exception tfe) {
            tfe.printStackTrace();//todo: handle this exception
        return jmsHostCopy;
    /*static JmsHost jmsHostcopy = null;
     private JmsHost createJmsHostCopy(final JmsHost jmsHost, final Server server)
        try {
             ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<JmsService>() {
                public Object run(JmsService param) throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {

                    final JmsHost jmsHost = param.createChild(JmsHost.class); //TODO: need a way to create a JmsHost instance
                    MQAddressList.jmsHostcopy = jmsHost;
                    return jmsHost;
            }, getConfigForServer(server).getJmsService());
        } catch(TransactionFailure tfe) {
            //tfe.printStackTrace();//todo: handle this exception
        return jmsHostcopy;
     private JmsHost getResolvedLocalJmsHostInServer(final Server server)  {
        Config config = getConfigForServer(server);
        if (config != null)
            JmsService jmsService = config.getExtensionByType(JmsService.class);
            JmsHost jmsHost = null;
             if (JMSServiceType.LOCAL.toString().equals(jmsService.getType())  || JMSServiceType.EMBEDDED.toString().equals(jmsService.getType())) {
            jmsHost = getDefaultJmsHost(jmsService);
            return ( jmsHost );

         return null;

    public JmsHost getDefaultJmsHost(JmsService jmsService){
        String defaultJmsHost=   jmsService.getDefaultJmsHost();
        List <JmsHost> jmsHosts = jmsService.getJmsHost();
        JmsHost jmsHost = null;
        if (defaultJmsHost != null && ! defaultJmsHost.equals("") && jmsHosts != null && jmsHosts.size()> 0){
            for (int i=0; i <jmsHosts.size(); i++)
                   if (defaultJmsHost.equals((jmsHosts.get(i)).getName()))
                          return (JmsHost)jmsHosts.get(i);

             if(jmsHosts != null && jmsHosts.size() >0 )
                     jmsHost = jmsHosts.get(0);
                jmsHost = Globals.get(JmsHost.class);

        return jmsHost;

    public boolean isClustered()  {
        Domain domain = Globals.get(Domain.class);
        Clusters clusters = domain.getClusters();
        if (clusters == null) return false;

        List clusterList = clusters.getCluster();

        return JmsRaUtil.isClustered(clusterList, myName);

    private static String getServerName() {
        String serverName=System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.SERVER_NAME);
        return serverName;

    private void logFine(String s) {
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "MQAddressList :: " + s);

    public int getSize() {
        if (this.urlList != null) {
            return this.urlList.size();
        } else {
            return 0;
    enum JMSServiceType {


Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.connectors.jms.system.MQAddressList

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