Package com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.cli

Source Code of com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.cli.StopDomainCommand

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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.cli;

import com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.CLIConstants;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.remote.DASUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.admin.cli.remote.RemoteCLICommand;
import com.sun.enterprise.universal.process.ProcessUtils;
import org.glassfish.api.Param;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.*;
import org.glassfish.hk2.api.PerLookup;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.*;

* The stop-domain command.
* @author Byron Nevins
* @author Bill Shannon
@Service(name = "stop-domain")
public class StopDomainCommand extends LocalDomainCommand {

    @Param(name = "domain_name", primary = true, optional = true)
    private String userArgDomainName;
    @Param(name = "force", optional = true, defaultValue = "true")
    Boolean force;
    @Param(optional = true, defaultValue = "false")
    Boolean kill;
    private static final long WAIT_FOR_DAS_TIME_MS = 60000; // 1 minute

    protected void validate()
            throws CommandException {
        super.validate(); // which calls initDomain() !!

     * Override initDomain in LocalDomainCommand to only initialize
     * the local domain information (name, directory) in the local
     * case, when no --host has been specified.
    protected void initDomain() throws CommandException {
        // only initialize local domain information if it's a local operation

        // TODO Byron said in April 2013 that we should probably just check if
        // NetUtils says that the getHost() --> isThisMe() rather than merely
        // checking for the magic "localhost" string.  Too risky to fool with it today.

        if (programOpts.getHost().equals(CLIConstants.DEFAULT_HOSTNAME))
        else if (userArgDomainName != null)   // remote case
            throw new CommandException(

    protected int executeCommand()
            throws CommandException {

        if (isLocal()) {
            // if the local password isn't available, the domain isn't running
            // (localPassword is set by initDomain)
            if (getServerDirs().getLocalPassword() == null)
                return dasNotRunning();

            logger.finer("Stopping local domain on port "
                    + programOpts.getPort());

             * If we're using the local password, we don't want to prompt
             * for a new password.  If the local password doesn't work it
             * most likely means we're talking to the wrong server.

            // in the local case, make sure we're talking to the correct DAS
            if (!isThisDAS(getDomainRootDir()))
                return dasNotRunning();

            logger.finer("It's the correct DAS");
        else { // remote
            // Verify that the DAS is running and reachable
            if (!DASUtils.pingDASQuietly(programOpts, env))
                return dasNotRunning();

            logger.finer("DAS is running");

         * At this point any options will have been prompted for, and
         * the password will have been prompted for by pingDASQuietly,
         * so even if the password is wrong we don't want any more
         * prompting here.

        return 0;

     * Print message and return exit code when
     * we detect that the DAS is not running.
    protected int dasNotRunning() throws CommandException {
        if (kill) {
            if (isLocal())
                return kill();
            else // remote.  We can NOT kill and we can't ask it to kill itself.
                throw new CommandException(Strings.get("StopDomain.dasNotRunningRemotely"));

        // by definition this is not an error
        if (isLocal())
            logger.warning(Strings.get("StopDomain.dasNotRunning", getDomainRootDir()));
        return 0;

     * Execute the actual stop-domain command.
    protected void doCommand() throws CommandException {
        // run the remote stop-domain command and throw away the output
        RemoteCLICommand cmd = new RemoteCLICommand(getName(), programOpts, env);
        try {
            cmd.executeAndReturnOutput("stop-domain", "--force", force.toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // The domain server may have died so fast we didn't have time to
            // get the (always successful!!) return data.  This is NOT AN ERROR!
            // see:
        try {
        } catch (CommandException ex) {
            if (kill && isLocal()) {
            } else {
                throw ex;

     * Wait for the server to die.
    protected void waitForDeath() throws CommandException {
        if (!programOpts.isTerse()) {
            // use stdout because logger always appends a newline
            System.out.print(Strings.get("StopDomain.WaitDASDeath") + " ");
        long startWait = System.currentTimeMillis();
        boolean alive = true;
        int count = 0;

        while (!timedOut(startWait)) {
            if (!isRunning()) {
                alive = false;
            try {
                if (!programOpts.isTerse() && count++ % 10 == 0)
            catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                // don't care

        if (!programOpts.isTerse())

        if (alive) {
            throw new CommandException(Strings.get("StopDomain.DASNotDead",
                    (WAIT_FOR_DAS_TIME_MS / 1000)));

    private boolean timedOut(long startTime) {
        return (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) > WAIT_FOR_DAS_TIME_MS;

    private int kill() throws CommandException {
        File prevPid = null;
        String pids = null;

        try {
            prevPid = new File(getServerDirs().getPidFile().getPath() + ".prev");

            if (!prevPid.canRead())
                throw new CommandException(Strings.get("StopDomain.nopidprev", prevPid));

            pids = FileUtils.readSmallFile(prevPid).trim();
            String s = ProcessUtils.kill(Integer.parseInt(pids));

            if(s != null)
        catch (CommandException ce) {
            throw ce;
        catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new CommandException(Strings.get("StopDomain.pidprevreaderror",
                    prevPid, ex.getMessage()));
        return 0;

Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.cli.StopDomainCommand

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