Package org.glassfish.admin.amx.impl.j2ee

Source Code of org.glassfish.admin.amx.impl.j2ee.J2EEManagedObjectImplBase

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package org.glassfish.admin.amx.impl.j2ee;

import java.lang.String;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.core.Util;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.impl.mbean.AMXImplBase;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.impl.util.ObjectNameBuilder;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.intf.config.Domain;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.j2ee.J2EEManagedObject;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.j2ee.J2EEServer;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.j2ee.StateManageable;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.SetUtil;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.StringUtil;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.jmx.JMXUtil;

import org.glassfish.admin.amx.j2ee.J2EETypes;
import static org.glassfish.admin.amx.j2ee.J2EETypes.*;

public abstract class J2EEManagedObjectImplBase extends AMXImplBase {

    protected final long mStartTime;
    private final boolean mStateManageable;
    private final boolean mStatisticsProvider;
    private final boolean mEventProvider;

    private final Metadata mMeta;

    public J2EEManagedObjectImplBase(
            final ObjectName parentObjectName,
            final Metadata meta,
            final Class<? extends J2EEManagedObject> intf) {
        this(parentObjectName, meta, intf, false, false, false);

    public J2EEManagedObjectImplBase(
            final ObjectName parentObjectName,
            final Metadata meta,
            final Class<? extends J2EEManagedObject> intf,
            final boolean stateManageable,
            final boolean statisticsProvider,
            final boolean evengProvider) {
        super(parentObjectName, intf);

        mMeta =meta;

        mStateManageable = stateManageable;
        mStatisticsProvider = statisticsProvider;
        mEventProvider = evengProvider;

        mStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    protected MetadataImpl defaultChildMetadata()
        final Map<String,Object> meta = new HashMap<String,Object>();
        meta.put( Metadata.PARENT, this);
        final MetadataImpl impl = new MetadataImpl(meta);

        return impl;

    protected Metadata metadata()
        return mMeta;
    public ObjectName getCorrespondingConfig()
        return metadata().getCorrespondingConfig();

    protected Domain
        return getDomainRootProxy().getDomain().as(Domain.class);
        JSR 77 requires an ancestor hierarchy via properties; this is in addition
        to the basic AMX requirements.
    protected  ObjectName
    final MBeanServer  server,
    final ObjectName  nameIn )
        final String props = getExtraObjectNameProps(server,nameIn);
        if ( props == null || props.length() == 0)
            return nameIn;

        return JMXUtil.newObjectName( nameIn.toString() + "," + props );

    /** types that require a J2EEApplication ancestor, even if null */
    private static final Set<String> REQUIRES_J2EE_APP  =
   /** the required null J2EEApplication ancestor property */
   private static final String NULL_APP_PROP = Util.makeProp( J2EE_APPLICATION, null);

     * Deals with the special-case requirements of JSR 77: ancestor properties as well as
     * some types require a J2EEApplication=null
     * @param server
     * @param nameIn
     * @return
    protected String getExtraObjectNameProps(final MBeanServer server, final ObjectName nameIn)
        final String type =  Util.getTypeProp(nameIn);
        String props = Util.makeProp( J2EETypes.J2EE_TYPE_KEY,type );

        // now add ancestors, per JSR 77 spec
        // skip the first two: DomainRoot and  J2EEDomain
        final List<ObjectName> ancestors = ObjectNameBuilder.getAncestors(server, getParent());
        boolean foundApp = false;
        for( int i = 2; i < ancestors.size(); ++ i)
            final ObjectName ancestor = ancestors.get(i);
            final String ancestorType = ancestor.getKeyProperty(J2EETypes.J2EE_TYPE_KEY);
            final String ancestorName = Util.unquoteIfNeeded(ancestor.getKeyProperty(J2EETypes.NAME_KEY));
            final String ancestorProp = Util.makeProp( ancestorType, Util.quoteIfNeeded(ancestorName ));
            props = Util.concatenateProps( props, ancestorProp);

            if ( ancestorType.equals(J2EE_APPLICATION) )
                foundApp = true;

        // special case demanded by JSR 77 spec: standalone modules require J2EEApplication=null
        if ( REQUIRES_J2EE_APP.contains(type) && (! foundApp)   )
            props = Util.concatenateProps(props, NULL_APP_PROP );

        return props;

    protected String j2eeType(final ObjectName objectName) {
        return objectName.getKeyProperty("j2eeType");

    public long getstartTime() {
        return mStartTime;

    protected String getServerName() {
        return (getObjectName().getKeyProperty("J2EEServer"));

    public String getobjectName() {
        return getObjectName().toString();

    public boolean isstatisticsProvider() {
        return mEventProvider;

    public boolean iseventProvider() {
        return mStatisticsProvider;

    public boolean isstateManageable() {
        return mStateManageable;

    public J2EEServer getJ2EEServer() {
        return getProxyFactory().getProxy(getServerObjectName(), J2EEServer.class);

    public ObjectName getServerObjectName() {
        final String serverType = Util.deduceType(J2EEServer.class);
        return getAncestorByType(serverType);

    private static final Set<String> DEPLOYED_TYPES  = SetUtil.newUnmodifiableStringSet(
    public String[] getdeployedObjects() {
        return getChildrenAsStrings( DEPLOYED_TYPES );
    public int getstate()
        return StateManageable.STATE_STOPPED;

    protected String[] getChildrenAsStrings( final Set<String> types )
        final ObjectName[] children = getChildren(types);
        return StringUtil.toStringArray( children );

    protected String[] getChildrenAsStrings( final String... args )
        if ( args.length == 0 )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Must specify at least one child" );
        final Set<String> types = SetUtil.newStringSet(args);
        return getChildrenAsStrings(types);

    public final Management getMEJB() {
        Management mejb = null;
        try {
            final Context ic = new InitialContext();
            final String ejbName = System.getProperty("", "ejb/mgmt/MEJB");
            final Object objref = ic.lookup(ejbName);
            final ManagementHome home = (ManagementHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref, ManagementHome.class);
            mejb = home.create();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't find MEJB", ex);
        return mejb;



Related Classes of org.glassfish.admin.amx.impl.j2ee.J2EEManagedObjectImplBase

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