Package org.glassfish.grizzly.http

Source Code of org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpServerFilter$KeepAliveContext

* Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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package org.glassfish.grizzly.http;

import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.ContentType;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainEvent;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.Constants;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Connection;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.Grizzly;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.attributes.Attribute;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.FilterChainContext;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.NextAction;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.DataChunk;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.FastHttpDateFormat;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.Header;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.HttpStatus;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.MimeHeaders;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.memory.MemoryManager;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.DelayedExecutor;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.glassfish.grizzly.ThreadCache;

import static org.glassfish.grizzly.http.Method.PayloadExpectation;
import static org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.HttpCodecUtils.*;

* Server side {@link HttpCodecFilter} implementation, which is responsible for
* decoding {@link HttpRequestPacket} and encoding {@link HttpResponsePacket} messages.
* This <tt>Filter</tt> is usually used, when we build an asynchronous HTTP server
* connection.
* @see HttpCodecFilter
* @see HttpClientFilter
* @author Alexey Stashok
public class HttpServerFilter extends HttpCodecFilter {
    public static final String HTTP_SERVER_REQUEST_ATTR_NAME =
            HttpServerFilter.class.getName() + ".HttpRequest";

    public static final FilterChainEvent RESPONSE_COMPLETE_EVENT =
            new FilterChainEvent() {
        public Object type() {
            return "RESPONSE_COMPLETE_EVENT";

     * Close bytes.
    private static final byte[] CLOSE_BYTES = {
        (byte) 'c',
        (byte) 'l',
        (byte) 'o',
        (byte) 's',
        (byte) 'e'
     * Keep-alive bytes.
    private static final byte[] KEEPALIVE_BYTES = {
        (byte) 'k',
        (byte) 'e',
        (byte) 'e',
        (byte) 'p',
        (byte) '-',
        (byte) 'a',
        (byte) 'l',
        (byte) 'i',
        (byte) 'v',
        (byte) 'e'
    private final Attribute<ServerHttpRequestImpl> httpRequestInProcessAttr;
    private final Attribute<KeepAliveContext> keepAliveContextAttr;

    private final DelayedExecutor.DelayQueue<KeepAliveContext> keepAliveQueue;

    private final KeepAlive keepAlive;

    private String defaultResponseContentType;
    private byte[] defaultResponseContentTypeBytes;
    private byte[] defaultResponseContentTypeBytesNoCharset;
    private final boolean allowKeepAlive;
    private int maxRequestHeaders;
    private int maxResponseHeaders;
    // flag, which enables/disables payload support for HTTP methods,
    // for which HTTP spec doesn't clearly state whether they support payload.
    // Known "undefined" methods are: GET, HEAD, DELETE
    private boolean allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods;
     * Constructor, which creates <tt>HttpServerFilter</tt> instance
     * @deprecated Next major release will include builders for filters requiring configuration.  Constructors will be hidden.
    public HttpServerFilter() {
        this(true, DEFAULT_MAX_HTTP_PACKET_HEADER_SIZE, null, null);

     * Constructor, which creates <tt>HttpServerFilter</tt> instance,
     * with the specific max header size parameter.
     * @param chunkingEnabled flag indicating whether or not chunking should
     *  be allowed or not.
     * @param maxHeadersSize the maximum size of an inbound HTTP message header.
     * @param keepAlive keep-alive configuration for this filter instance.
     * @param executor {@link DelayedExecutor} for handling keep-alive.
     * @deprecated Next major release will include builders for filters requiring configuration.  Constructors will be hidden.
    public HttpServerFilter(boolean chunkingEnabled,
                            int maxHeadersSize,
                            KeepAlive keepAlive,
                            DelayedExecutor executor) {

     * Constructor, which creates <tt>HttpServerFilter</tt> instance,
     * with the specific max header size parameter.
     * @param chunkingEnabled flag indicating whether or not chunking should
     *  be allowed or not.
     * @param maxHeadersSize the maximum size of an inbound HTTP message header.
     * @param defaultResponseContentType the content type that the response should
     *  use if no content had been specified at the time the response is committed.
     * @param keepAlive keep-alive configuration for this filter instance.
     * @param executor {@link DelayedExecutor} for handling keep-alive. If <tt>null</tt> -
     *  keep-alive idle connections should be managed outside HttpServerFilter.
     * @deprecated Next major release will include builders for filters requiring configuration.  Constructors will be hidden.
    public HttpServerFilter(boolean chunkingEnabled,
                            int maxHeadersSize,
                            String defaultResponseContentType,
                            KeepAlive keepAlive,
                            DelayedExecutor executor) {

     * Constructor, which creates <tt>HttpServerFilter</tt> instance,
     * with the specific max header size parameter.
     * @param chunkingEnabled            flag indicating whether or not chunking should
     *                                   be allowed or not.
     * @param maxHeadersSize             the maximum size of an inbound HTTP message header.
     * @param defaultResponseContentType the content type that the response should
     *                                   use if no content had been specified at the time the response is committed.
     * @param keepAlive                  keep-alive configuration for this filter instance.
     * @param executor                   {@link DelayedExecutor} for handling keep-alive. If <tt>null</tt> -
     *                                   keep-alive idle connections should be managed outside HttpServerFilter.
     * @param maxRequestHeaders          maximum number of request headers allowed for a single request.
     * @param maxResponseHeaders         maximum number of response headers allowed for a single response.
     * @since 2.2.11
     * @deprecated Next major release will include builders for filters requiring configuration.  Constructors will be hidden.
    public HttpServerFilter(boolean chunkingEnabled,
                            int maxHeadersSize,
                            String defaultResponseContentType,
                            KeepAlive keepAlive,
                            DelayedExecutor executor,
                            int maxRequestHeaders,
                            int maxResponseHeaders) {
        super(chunkingEnabled, maxHeadersSize);

        this.httpRequestInProcessAttr =
        this.keepAliveContextAttr = Grizzly.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_BUILDER.

        keepAliveQueue = executor != null ?
                        new KeepAliveWorker(keepAlive), new KeepAliveResolver()) :

        this.allowKeepAlive = keepAlive != null;
        this.keepAlive = allowKeepAlive ? new KeepAlive(keepAlive) : null;

        if (defaultResponseContentType != null && !defaultResponseContentType.isEmpty()) {
        this.maxRequestHeaders = maxRequestHeaders;
        this.maxResponseHeaders = maxResponseHeaders;
    // ----------------------------------------------------------- Configuration
    public String getDefaultResponseContentType() {
        return defaultResponseContentType;

    public final void setDefaultResponseContentType(final String contentType) {
        this.defaultResponseContentType = contentType;
        if (contentType != null) {
            defaultResponseContentTypeBytes = toCheckedByteArray(contentType);
            defaultResponseContentTypeBytesNoCharset =
        } else {
            defaultResponseContentTypeBytes =
                    defaultResponseContentTypeBytesNoCharset = null;

     * The flag, which enables/disables payload support for HTTP methods,
     * for which HTTP spec doesn't clearly state whether they support payload.
     * Known "undefined" methods are: GET, HEAD, DELETE.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if "undefined" methods support payload, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise
     * @since 2.3.12
    public boolean isAllowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods() {
        return allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods;

     * The flag, which enables/disables payload support for HTTP methods,
     * for which HTTP spec doesn't clearly state whether they support payload.
     * Known "undefined" methods are: GET, HEAD, DELETE.
     * @param allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods <tt>true</tt> if "undefined" methods support payload, or <tt>false</tt> otherwise
     * @since 2.3.12
    public void setAllowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods(boolean allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods) {
        this.allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods = allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------- Parsing
     * The method is called, once we have received a {@link Buffer},
     * which has to be transformed into HTTP request packet part.
     * Filter gets {@link Buffer}, which represents a part or complete HTTP
     * request message. As the result of "read" transformation - we will get
     * {@link HttpContent} message, which will represent HTTP request packet
     * content (might be zero length content) and reference
     * to a {@link HttpHeader}, which contains HTTP request message header.
     * @param ctx Request processing context
     * @return {@link NextAction}
     * @throws IOException
    public NextAction handleRead(final FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException {
        final Buffer input = ctx.getMessage();
        final Connection connection = ctx.getConnection();
        ServerHttpRequestImpl httpRequest = httpRequestInProcessAttr.get(connection);
        if (httpRequest == null) {
            final boolean isSecureLocal = isSecure(connection);
            httpRequest = ServerHttpRequestImpl.create();
            httpRequest.initialize(connection, this, input.position(), maxHeadersSize, maxRequestHeaders);
            final HttpResponsePacket response = httpRequest.getResponse();
            final HttpContext httpContext = HttpContext.newInstance(
                    connection, connection, connection, httpRequest)

            if (allowKeepAlive) {
                KeepAliveContext keepAliveContext = keepAliveContextAttr.get(httpContext);
                if (keepAliveContext == null) {
                    keepAliveContext = new KeepAliveContext(connection);
                    keepAliveContextAttr.set(httpContext, keepAliveContext);
                } else if (keepAliveQueue != null) {
                final int requestsProcessed = keepAliveContext.requestsProcessed;
                if (requestsProcessed > 0) {
            httpRequestInProcessAttr.set(httpContext, httpRequest);
        } else if (httpRequest.isContentBroken()) {
            // if payload of the current/last HTTP request associated with the
            // Connection is broken - stop processing here
            return ctx.getStopAction();
        } else {

        return handleRead(ctx, httpRequest);

    final boolean decodeInitialLineFromBytes(final FilterChainContext ctx,
                                    final HttpPacketParsing httpPacket,
                                    final HeaderParsingState parsingState,
                                    final byte[] input,
                                    final int end) {

        final ServerHttpRequestImpl httpRequest = (ServerHttpRequestImpl) httpPacket;

        final int arrayOffs = parsingState.arrayOffset;
        final int reqLimit = arrayOffs + parsingState.packetLimit;

        //noinspection LoopStatementThatDoesntLoop
        while(true) {
            int subState = parsingState.subState;

            switch(subState) {
                case 0 : { // parse the method name
                    final int spaceIdx =
                            findSpace(input, arrayOffs + parsingState.offset, end, reqLimit);
                    if (spaceIdx == -1) {
                        parsingState.offset = end - arrayOffs;
                        return false;

                            arrayOffs + parsingState.start,

                    parsingState.start = -1;
                    parsingState.offset = spaceIdx - arrayOffs;


                case 1: { // skip spaces after the method name
                    final int nonSpaceIdx =
                            skipSpaces(input, arrayOffs + parsingState.offset,
                            end, reqLimit) - arrayOffs;
                    if (nonSpaceIdx < 0) {
                        parsingState.offset = end - arrayOffs;
                        return false;

                    parsingState.start = nonSpaceIdx;
                    parsingState.offset = nonSpaceIdx + 1;

                case 2: { // parse the requestURI
                    if (!parseRequestURI(httpRequest, parsingState, input, end)) {
                        return false;

                case 3: { // skip spaces after requestURI
                    final int nonSpaceIdx =
                            skipSpaces(input, arrayOffs + parsingState.offset, end, reqLimit) - arrayOffs;
                    if (nonSpaceIdx < 0) {
                        parsingState.offset = end - arrayOffs;
                        return false;

                    parsingState.start = nonSpaceIdx;
                    parsingState.offset = nonSpaceIdx;

                case 4: { // HTTP protocol
                    if (!findEOL(parsingState, input, end)) {
                        parsingState.offset = end - arrayOffs;
                        return false;

                    if (parsingState.checkpoint > parsingState.start) {
                                input, arrayOffs + parsingState.start,
                                arrayOffs + parsingState.checkpoint);
                    } else {

                    parsingState.subState = 0;
                    parsingState.start = -1;
                    parsingState.checkpoint = -1;
                    onInitialLineParsed(httpRequest, ctx);
                    return true;

                default: throw new IllegalStateException();
    private static boolean parseRequestURI(final ServerHttpRequestImpl httpRequest,
            final HeaderParsingState state, final byte[] input, final int end) {

        final int arrayOffs = state.arrayOffset;
        final int limit = Math.min(end, arrayOffs + state.packetLimit);

        int offset = arrayOffs + state.offset;

        boolean found = false;

        while (offset < limit) {
            final byte b = input[offset];
            if (b == Constants.SP || b == Constants.HT) {
                found = true;
            } else if ((b == Constants.CR)
                       || (b == Constants.LF)) {
                // HTTP/0.9 style request
                found = true;
            } else if ((b == Constants.QUESTION)
                       && (state.checkpoint == -1)) {
                state.checkpoint = offset - arrayOffs;


        if (found) {
            int requestURIEnd = offset;
            if (state.checkpoint != -1) {
                // cut RequestURI to not include query string
                requestURIEnd = arrayOffs + state.checkpoint;

                        requestURIEnd + 1, offset);

            httpRequest.getRequestURIRef().init(input, arrayOffs + state.start, requestURIEnd);

            state.start = -1;
            state.checkpoint = -1;

        state.offset = offset - arrayOffs;
        return found;
    final boolean decodeInitialLineFromBuffer(final FilterChainContext ctx,
                                    final HttpPacketParsing httpPacket,
                                    final HeaderParsingState parsingState,
                                    final Buffer input) {

        final ServerHttpRequestImpl httpRequest = (ServerHttpRequestImpl) httpPacket;

        final int reqLimit = parsingState.packetLimit;

        //noinspection LoopStatementThatDoesntLoop
        while(true) {
            int subState = parsingState.subState;

            switch(subState) {
                case 0 : { // parse the method name
                    final int spaceIdx =
                            findSpace(input, parsingState.offset, reqLimit);
                    if (spaceIdx == -1) {
                        parsingState.offset = input.limit();
                        return false;

                            parsingState.start, spaceIdx);

                    parsingState.start = -1;
                    parsingState.offset = spaceIdx;


                case 1: { // skip spaces after the method name
                    final int nonSpaceIdx =
                            skipSpaces(input, parsingState.offset, reqLimit);
                    if (nonSpaceIdx == -1) {
                        parsingState.offset = input.limit();
                        return false;

                    parsingState.start = nonSpaceIdx;
                    parsingState.offset = nonSpaceIdx + 1;

                case 2: { // parse the requestURI
                    if (!parseRequestURI(httpRequest, parsingState, input)) {
                        return false;

                case 3: { // skip spaces after requestURI
                    final int nonSpaceIdx =
                            skipSpaces(input, parsingState.offset, reqLimit);
                    if (nonSpaceIdx == -1) {
                        parsingState.offset = input.limit();
                        return false;

                    parsingState.start = nonSpaceIdx;
                    parsingState.offset = nonSpaceIdx;

                case 4: { // HTTP protocol
                    if (!findEOL(parsingState, input)) {
                        parsingState.offset = input.limit();
                        return false;

                    if (parsingState.checkpoint > parsingState.start) {
                                input, parsingState.start,
                    } else {

                    parsingState.subState = 0;
                    parsingState.start = -1;
                    parsingState.checkpoint = -1;
                    onInitialLineParsed(httpRequest, ctx);
                    return true;

                default: throw new IllegalStateException();
    private static boolean parseRequestURI(ServerHttpRequestImpl httpRequest,
            HeaderParsingState state, Buffer input) {
        final int limit = Math.min(input.limit(), state.packetLimit);

        int offset = state.offset;

        boolean found = false;

        while(offset < limit) {
            final byte b = input.get(offset);
            if (b == Constants.SP || b == Constants.HT) {
                found = true;
            } else if ((b == Constants.CR)
                       || (b == Constants.LF)) {
                // HTTP/0.9 style request
                found = true;
            } else if ((b == Constants.QUESTION)
                       && (state.checkpoint == -1)) {
                state.checkpoint = offset;


        if (found) {
            int requestURIEnd = offset;
            if (state.checkpoint != -1) {
                // cut RequestURI to not include query string
                requestURIEnd = state.checkpoint;

                        state.checkpoint + 1, offset);

            httpRequest.getRequestURIRef().init(input, state.start, requestURIEnd);

            state.start = -1;
            state.checkpoint = -1;

        state.offset = offset;
        return found;
    protected boolean onHttpHeaderParsed(final HttpHeader httpHeader,
                                         final Buffer buffer,
                                         final FilterChainContext ctx) {

        final ServerHttpRequestImpl request = (ServerHttpRequestImpl) httpHeader;

        prepareRequest(request, buffer.hasRemaining());
        return request.getProcessingState().error;

    private void prepareRequest(final ServerHttpRequestImpl request,
            final boolean hasReadyContent) {

        final ProcessingState state = request.getProcessingState();
        final HttpResponsePacket response = request.getResponse();

        Protocol protocol;
        try {
            protocol = request.getProtocol();
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            state.error = true;
            // Send 505; Unsupported HTTP version
            protocol = Protocol.HTTP_1_1;

        final boolean isUpgraded = !request.getUpgradeDC().isNull();
        // set the default chunking mode
        request.getResponse().setChunkingAllowed(isUpgraded || isChunkingEnabled());
        if (request.getHeaderParsingState().contentLengthsDiffer) {
            request.getProcessingState().error = true;
        final MimeHeaders headers = request.getHeaders();
        DataChunk hostDC = null;
        // Check for a full URI (including protocol://host:port/)
        final DataChunk uriBC = request.getRequestURIRef().getRequestURIBC();
        if (uriBC.startsWithIgnoreCase("http", 0)) {

            int pos = uriBC.indexOf("://", 4);
            int uriBCStart = uriBC.getStart();
            int slashPos;
            if (pos != -1) {
//                final Buffer uriB = uriBC.getBuffer();
                slashPos = uriBC.indexOf('/', pos + 3);
                if (slashPos == -1) {
                    slashPos = uriBC.getLength();
                    // Set URI as "/"
                    uriBC.setStart(uriBCStart + pos + 1);
                    uriBC.setEnd(uriBCStart + pos + 2);
                } else {
                    uriBC.setStart(uriBCStart + slashPos);
                hostDC = headers.setValue(Header.Host);
                hostDC.set(uriBC, uriBCStart + pos + 3, uriBCStart + slashPos);


        // --------------------------

        if (hostDC == null) {
            hostDC = headers.getValue(Header.Host);

        final boolean isHttp11 = protocol == Protocol.HTTP_1_1;
        // Check host header
        if (isHttp11 && (hostDC == null || hostDC.isNull())) {
            state.error = true;
        request.unparsedHostC = hostDC;
        // If it's upgraded HTTP - don't check semantics
        if (isUpgraded) {

        final Method method = request.getMethod();
        final PayloadExpectation payloadExpectation = method.getPayloadExpectation();
        if (payloadExpectation != PayloadExpectation.NOT_ALLOWED) {
            final boolean hasPayload =
                    request.getContentLength() > 0 || request.isChunked();
            if (hasPayload && payloadExpectation == PayloadExpectation.UNDEFINED &&
                    !allowPayloadForUndefinedHttpMethods) {
                // if payload is not allowed for the "undefined" methods
                state.error = true;
                // Send 400; Bad Request
        } else {
            request.setExpectContent(method == Method.CONNECT);
        // ------ Set keep-alive flag
        if (method == Method.CONNECT) {
            state.keepAlive = false;
        } else {
            final DataChunk connectionValueDC = headers.getValue(Header.Connection);
            final boolean isConnectionClose = (connectionValueDC != null &&

            if (!isConnectionClose) {
                state.keepAlive = allowKeepAlive && (isHttp11 ||
                        (connectionValueDC != null &&
        if (request.requiresAcknowledgement()) {
            // if we have any request content, we can ignore the Expect
            // request
            request.requiresAcknowledgement(isHttp11 && !hasReadyContent);

    protected final boolean onHttpPacketParsed(final HttpHeader httpHeader,
            final FilterChainContext ctx) {
        final ServerHttpRequestImpl request = (ServerHttpRequestImpl) httpHeader;

        final boolean error = request.getProcessingState().error;
        if (!error) {
            final HttpContext context = httpHeader.getProcessingState().getHttpContext();
        return error;

    protected void onInitialLineParsed(final HttpHeader httpHeader,
                                       final FilterChainContext ctx) {
        // no-op


    protected void onHttpHeadersParsed(final HttpHeader httpHeader,
                                       final FilterChainContext ctx) {
        // no-op


    protected void onHttpContentParsed(HttpContent content, FilterChainContext ctx) {

        // no-op


    protected void onHttpHeaderError(final HttpHeader httpHeader,
                               final FilterChainContext ctx,
                               final Throwable t) throws IOException {

        final ServerHttpRequestImpl request = (ServerHttpRequestImpl) httpHeader;
        final HttpResponsePacket response = request.getResponse();

        sendBadRequestResponse(ctx, response);

    protected void onHttpContentError(final HttpHeader httpHeader,
            final FilterChainContext ctx,
            final Throwable t) throws IOException {
        final ServerHttpRequestImpl request = (ServerHttpRequestImpl) httpHeader;
        final HttpResponsePacket response = request.getResponse();
        if (!response.isCommitted()) {
            sendBadRequestResponse(ctx, response);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------- Serializing
    protected Buffer encodeHttpPacket(final FilterChainContext ctx,
            final HttpPacket input) {
        final HttpHeader header;
        HttpContent content;
        final boolean isHeaderPacket = input.isHeader();       
        if (isHeaderPacket) {
            header = (HttpHeader) input;
            content = null;
        } else {
            content = (HttpContent) input;
            header = content.getHttpHeader();
        boolean wasContentAlreadyEncoded = false;
        final HttpResponsePacket response = (HttpResponsePacket) header;
        if (!response.isCommitted()) {
            final HttpContent encodedHttpContent = prepareResponse(
                    ctx, response.getRequest(), response, content);
            if (encodedHttpContent != null) {
                content = encodedHttpContent;
                wasContentAlreadyEncoded = true;

        final Buffer encoded = super.encodeHttpPacket(ctx, header, content,
        if (!isHeaderPacket) {
        return encoded;

     * Prepare Http response
     * @return encoded HttpContent, if content encoders have been applied, or
     *      <tt>null</tt>, if HttpContent wasn't changed.
    private HttpContent prepareResponse(final FilterChainContext ctx,
            final HttpRequestPacket request,
            final HttpResponsePacket response,
            final HttpContent httpContent) {
        // If it's upgraded HTTP - don't check semantics
        if (!response.getRequest().getUpgradeDC().isNull() ||
                response.getUpgrade() != null) {
            return httpContent;
        final Protocol requestProtocol = request.getProtocol();

        if (requestProtocol == Protocol.HTTP_0_9) {
            return null;
        boolean entityBody = true;
        final int statusCode = response.getStatus();

        if ((statusCode == 204) || (statusCode == 205)
                || (statusCode == 304)) {
            // No entity body
            entityBody = false;

        final boolean isHttp11 = (requestProtocol == Protocol.HTTP_1_1);
        HttpContent encodedHttpContent = null;
        final Method method = request.getMethod();
        if (!Method.CONNECT.equals(method)) {
            // Check if any compression would be applied

            final long contentLength = response.getContentLength();

            // @TODO consider moving underlying "if"-logic to HttpCodecFilter
            // to make it common for client and server sides.
            if (entityBody && contentLength == -1L && !response.isChunked()) {
                // If neither content-length not chunking is explicitly set -
                // try to apply one of those depending on headers and content
                if (httpContent != null && httpContent.isLast()) {
                    // if this is first and last data chunk - set the content-length
                    if (!response.getContentEncodings(true).isEmpty()) {
                        // optimization...
                        // if content encodings have to be applied - apply them here
                        // to be able to set correct content-length
                        encodedHttpContent = encodeContent(ctx.getConnection(), httpContent);

                } else if (chunkingEnabled && isHttp11) {
                    // otherwise use chunking if possible
            if (Method.HEAD.equals(method)) {
                // No entity body
        } else { // Method.CONNECT
            // Disable all encodings

        final MimeHeaders headers = response.getHeaders();
        if (!entityBody) {
        } else {
            String contentLanguage = response.getContentLanguage();
            if (contentLanguage != null) {
            // Optimize content-type serialization depending on its state
            final ContentType contentType = response.getContentTypeHolder();
            if (contentType.isMimeTypeSet()) {
                final DataChunk contentTypeValue = headers.setValue(Header.ContentType);
                if (contentTypeValue.isNull()) {
            } else if (defaultResponseContentType != null) {
                final DataChunk contenTypeValue = headers.setValue(Header.ContentType);
                if (contenTypeValue.isNull()) {
                    final String ce = response.getCharacterEncoding();
                    if (ce == null) {
                    } else {
                        final byte[] array = ContentType.compose(
                                defaultResponseContentTypeBytesNoCharset, ce);

        if (!response.containsHeader(Header.Date)) {

        final ProcessingState state = response.getProcessingState();

        if (entityBody && !isHttp11 && response.getContentLength() == -1) {
            // HTTP 1.0 response with no content-length having been set.
            // Close the connection to signal the response as being complete.
            state.keepAlive = false;
        } else if (entityBody && !response.isChunked() && response.getContentLength() == -1) {
            // HTTP 1.1 response with chunking disabled and no content-length having been set.
            // Close the connection to signal the response as being complete.
            state.keepAlive = false;
        } else if (!checkKeepAliveRequestsCount(state.getHttpContext())) {
            // We processed max allowed HTTP requests over the keep alive connection
            state.keepAlive = false;
        // If we know that the request is bad this early, add the
        // Connection: close header.
        state.keepAlive = (state.keepAlive &&

        if (!state.keepAlive) {
        } else if (!isHttp11 && !state.error) {

        return encodedHttpContent;
    Buffer encodeInitialLine(HttpPacket httpPacket, Buffer output, MemoryManager memoryManager) {
        final HttpResponsePacket httpResponse = (HttpResponsePacket) httpPacket;
        output = put(memoryManager, output, httpResponse.getProtocol().getProtocolBytes());
        output = put(memoryManager, output, Constants.SP);
        output = put(memoryManager, output, httpResponse.getHttpStatus().getStatusBytes());
        output = put(memoryManager, output, Constants.SP);
        if (httpResponse.isCustomReasonPhraseSet()) {
            final DataChunk customReasonPhrase =
                    httpResponse.isHtmlEncodingCustomReasonPhrase() ?
                    HttpStatus.filter(httpResponse.getReasonPhraseDC()) :
            output = put(memoryManager, output,
        } else {
            output = put(memoryManager, output,

        return output;

    protected void onInitialLineEncoded(HttpHeader header, FilterChainContext ctx) {

        // no-op


    protected void onHttpHeadersEncoded(HttpHeader httpHeader, FilterChainContext ctx) {

        // no-op


    protected void onHttpContentEncoded(HttpContent content, FilterChainContext ctx) {

        // no-op


    public NextAction handleEvent(final FilterChainContext ctx,
            final FilterChainEvent event) throws IOException {

        if (event.type() == RESPONSE_COMPLETE_EVENT.type()) {

            if (ctx.getConnection().isOpen()) {
                final HttpContext context = HttpContext.get(ctx);
                final HttpRequestPacket httpRequest = context.getRequest();

                if (allowKeepAlive) {
                    if (keepAliveQueue != null) {
                        final KeepAliveContext keepAliveContext =


                    final boolean isStayAlive =

                    processResponseComplete(ctx, httpRequest, isStayAlive);
                } else {
                    processResponseComplete(ctx, httpRequest, false);
            return ctx.getStopAction();

        return ctx.getInvokeAction();
    public NextAction handleClose(final FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException {
        final ServerHttpRequestImpl httpRequest =
        if (httpRequest != null && !httpRequest.isContentBroken()) {
            // if we still have HTTP request in progress and this HTTP request
            // doesn't have specified TransferEncoder - it means we parse
            // it till EOF... so now it's time to notify that this packet has
            // been parsed completely
            if (httpRequest.isExpectContent() &&
                    httpRequest.getTransferEncoding() == null) {
                // notify processed. If packet has transfer encoding - the notification should be called elsewhere
                onHttpPacketParsed(httpRequest, ctx);

        return ctx.getInvokeAction();

    private void processResponseComplete(final FilterChainContext ctx,
            final HttpRequestPacket httpRequest, final boolean isStayAlive)
            throws IOException {
        // if this is upgraded HTTP connection - close it
        if (!httpRequest.getUpgradeDC().isNull()) {
        if (httpRequest.isExpectContent()) {
            if (!httpRequest.isContentBroken() &&
                    checkContentLengthRemainder(httpRequest)) {
                // If transfer encoding is defined and we can determine the message body length
                // we will check HTTP keep-alive settings once remainder is fully read
            } else {
                // if the packet is broken notify it's been parsed and
                // close the connection
                onHttpPacketParsed(httpRequest, ctx);
                // no matter it's keep-alive or not - we close the connection
//                flushAndClose(ctx);
        } else if (!isStayAlive) {
            // if we don't expect more data on the request and it's not in keep-alive mode
            // close it
//            flushAndClose(ctx);
        } /* else {
            we don't expect more data on the request, but it's keep-alive
    protected HttpContent customizeErrorResponse(
            final HttpResponsePacket response) {
        return HttpContent.builder(response).last(true).build();

     * Determine if we must drop the connection because of the HTTP status
     * code. Use the same list of codes as Apache/httpd.
    private static boolean statusDropsConnection(int status) {
        return status == 400 /* SC_BAD_REQUEST */ ||
               status == 408 /* SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT */ ||
               status == 411 /* SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED */ ||
               status == 413 /* SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE */ ||
               status == 414 /* SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE */ ||
               status == 417 /* FAILED EXPECTATION */ ||
               status == 500 /* SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR */ ||
               status == 503 /* SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE */ ||
               status == 501 /* SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED */ ||
               status == 505 /* SC_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED */;

    private boolean checkKeepAliveRequestsCount(final HttpContext httpContext) {
        if (!allowKeepAlive) {
            return false;
        final KeepAliveContext keepAliveContext = keepAliveContextAttr.get(httpContext);
        final int requestsProcessed = keepAliveContext.requestsProcessed++;
        final int maxRequestCount = keepAlive.getMaxRequestsCount();
        final boolean isKeepAlive = (maxRequestCount == -1 ||
                keepAliveContext.requestsProcessed <= maxRequestCount);
        if (requestsProcessed == 0) {
            if (isKeepAlive) { // New keep-alive connection
            } else { // Refused keep-alive connection
                KeepAlive.notifyProbesRefused(keepAlive, keepAliveContext.connection);

        return isKeepAlive;

    private void sendBadRequestResponse(final FilterChainContext ctx,
                                        final HttpResponsePacket response) {
        if (response.getHttpStatus().getStatusCode() < 400) {
            // 400 - Bad request
        commitAndCloseAsError(ctx, response);

     * caller has the responsibility to set the status of th response.
    private void commitAndCloseAsError(FilterChainContext ctx, HttpResponsePacket response) {
        final HttpContent errorHttpResponse = customizeErrorResponse(response);
        final Buffer resBuf = encodeHttpPacket(ctx, errorHttpResponse);

     * @param httpRequest
     * @return <tt>false</tt> if the request payload size is specified by the
     *      content-length header and according to the request parsing state
     *      the remaining payload size is larger than {@link #getMaxPayloadRemainderToSkip()}.
     *      Otherwise return <tt>true</tt>
    private boolean checkContentLengthRemainder(final HttpRequestPacket httpRequest) {
        return maxPayloadRemainderToSkip < 0 ||
                httpRequest.getContentLength() <= 0 ||
                ((HttpPacketParsing) httpRequest).getContentParsingState().chunkRemainder <= maxPayloadRemainderToSkip;

    // ---------------------------------------------------------- Nested Classes

     private static class KeepAliveContext {
        private final Connection connection;

        public KeepAliveContext(Connection connection) {
            this.connection = connection;

        private volatile long keepAliveTimeoutMillis = DelayedExecutor.UNSET_TIMEOUT;
        private int requestsProcessed;
    } // END KeepAliveContext

    private static class KeepAliveWorker implements DelayedExecutor.Worker<KeepAliveContext> {

        private final KeepAlive keepAlive;

        public KeepAliveWorker(final KeepAlive keepAlive) {
            this.keepAlive = keepAlive;

        public boolean doWork(final KeepAliveContext context) {
            KeepAlive.notifyProbesTimeout(keepAlive, context.connection);

            return true;

    } // END KeepAliveWorker

    private static class KeepAliveResolver implements
            DelayedExecutor.Resolver<KeepAliveContext> {

        public boolean removeTimeout(KeepAliveContext context) {
            if (context.keepAliveTimeoutMillis != DelayedExecutor.UNSET_TIMEOUT) {
                context.keepAliveTimeoutMillis = DelayedExecutor.UNSET_TIMEOUT;
                return true;

            return false;

        public long getTimeoutMillis(KeepAliveContext element) {
            return element.keepAliveTimeoutMillis;

        public void setTimeoutMillis(KeepAliveContext element, long timeoutMillis) {
            element.keepAliveTimeoutMillis = timeoutMillis;

    } // END KeepAliveResolver

    private static final class ServerHttpRequestImpl extends HttpRequestPacket
            implements HttpPacketParsing {

        private static final ThreadCache.CachedTypeIndex<ServerHttpRequestImpl> CACHE_IDX =
                ThreadCache.obtainIndex(ServerHttpRequestImpl.class, 16);

        public static ServerHttpRequestImpl create() {
            final ServerHttpRequestImpl httpRequestImpl =
            if (httpRequestImpl != null) {
                return httpRequestImpl;

            return new ServerHttpRequestImpl();
         * Char encoding parsed flag.
        private boolean contentTypeParsed;
        private boolean isHeaderParsed;
        private final HttpCodecFilter.HeaderParsingState headerParsingState;
        private final HttpCodecFilter.ContentParsingState contentParsingState;
        private final ProcessingState processingState;

        private final HttpResponsePacket finalHttpResponse;
        private ServerHttpRequestImpl() {
            this.headerParsingState = new HttpCodecFilter.HeaderParsingState();
            this.contentParsingState = new HttpCodecFilter.ContentParsingState();
            this.processingState = new ProcessingState();
            finalHttpResponse = new HttpResponsePacketImpl();
            isExpectContent = true;

        public void initialize(final Connection connection,
                final HttpCodecFilter filter,
                final int initialOffset,
                final int maxHeaderSize,
                final int maxNumberOfHeaders) {
            headerParsingState.initialize(filter, initialOffset, maxHeaderSize);

        public String getCharacterEncoding() {
            if (!contentTypeParsed) {

            return super.getCharacterEncoding();

        public void setCharacterEncoding(final String charset) {
            if (!contentTypeParsed) {


        public String getContentType() {
            if (!contentTypeParsed) {
            return super.getContentType();

        private void parseContentTypeHeader() {
            contentTypeParsed = true;
            if (!contentType.isSet()) {
                final DataChunk dc = headers.getValue(Header.ContentType);
                if (dc != null && !dc.isNull()) {
        public ProcessingState getProcessingState() {
            return processingState;

        public HttpCodecFilter.HeaderParsingState getHeaderParsingState() {
            return headerParsingState;

        public ContentParsingState getContentParsingState() {
            return contentParsingState;

        public boolean isHeaderParsed() {
            return isHeaderParsed;

        public void setHeaderParsed(final boolean isHeaderParsed) {
            if (isHeaderParsed && isExpectContent() && !isChunked) {
                contentParsingState.chunkRemainder = getContentLength();

            this.isHeaderParsed = isHeaderParsed;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        protected void reset() {
            contentTypeParsed = false;
            isHeaderParsed = false;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public void recycle() {
            if (isExpectContent()) {
            ThreadCache.putToCache(CACHE_IDX, this);

Related Classes of org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpServerFilter$KeepAliveContext

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