Package com.sun.ejb.containers.util.cache

Source Code of com.sun.ejb.containers.util.cache.BaseCache$CacheItem

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package com.sun.ejb.containers.util.cache;

import com.sun.appserv.util.cache.Cache;
import com.sun.appserv.util.cache.CacheListener;
import com.sun.appserv.util.cache.Constants;

import java.text.MessageFormat;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import com.sun.ejb.containers.EjbContainerUtilImpl;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;

* BaseCache
* Generic in-memory, abstract cache
public class BaseCache implements Cache {

    protected static final Logger _logger =
     * The resource bundle containing the localized message strings.
    protected static ResourceBundle _rb = null;

    private static int MAX_BUCKETS = 1 << 16;

    static final int MAX_ENTRIES = 1 << 30;
    static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;
    // maximum number of entries this cache may ever hold
    int maxEntries;
    // the number of cache entries in this cache
    protected int   entryCount;
    protected Object  entryCountLk = new Object();
    /** threshold for the cache; once the threshold is reached
     *  entries are removed to accomodate newer inserts
    protected int threshold = 0;
    // the number of cache hits
    protected int     hitCount;
    protected Object  hitCountLk = new Object();
    // the number of cache misses
    protected int     missCount;
    protected Object  missCountLk = new Object();

    // the number of cache item removals
    protected int    removalCount;
    protected Object removalCountLk = new Object();

    // the number of cache item refreshes
    protected int     refreshCount;
    protected Object  refreshCountLk = new Object();

    // the number of times an item was added to cache
    protected int     addCount;
    protected Object  addCountLk = new Object();

    // the number of times the cache overflowed
    protected int     overflowCount;
    protected Object  overflowCountLk = new Object();
    // table size
    protected int maxBuckets;
    // cache entries hash table
    protected CacheItem[] buckets;
    // bucket-wide locks
    protected Object[]    bucketLocks;
    // boolean status and locks for item thread-safe refreshes
    protected boolean[]   refreshFlags;
    protected ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList();

    static {
        try {
            String maxBucketStr = System.getProperty("com.sun.ejb.containers.MAX_BUCKETS");
            if (maxBucketStr != null) {
                int maxBucketVal = Integer.parseInt(maxBucketStr);
                if (maxBucketVal > 0) {
                    MAX_BUCKETS = maxBucketVal;
                    _logger.log(Level.INFO, "EJBContainer.BaseCache will use MAX_BUCKETS = " + MAX_BUCKETS);
                } else {
                    _logger.log(Level.WARNING, "EJBContainer.BaseCache will use (default) MAX_BUCKETS = " + MAX_BUCKETS);
        } catch (Exception ex) {

     * default constructor for the basic cache
    public BaseCache() { }
     * Sets all references to null. This method should be called
     * at the end of this object's life cycle.
    public void destroy() {
        if ((listeners != null) && (buckets != null) && (bucketLocks != null)){
        this.entryCountLk     = null;
        this.hitCountLk       = null;
        this.missCountLk      = null;
        this.removalCountLk   = null;
        this.refreshCountLk   = null;
        this.addCountLk       = null;
        this.overflowCountLk  = null;
        this.buckets          = null;
        this.bucketLocks      = null;
        this.refreshFlags     = null;
        this.listeners        = null;

     * initialize the cache
     * @param maxEntries maximum number of entries expected in the cache
     * @param props opaque list of properties for a given cache implementation
     * @throws Exception if the initialization failed
    public void init(int maxEntries, Properties props) throws Exception {
        init(maxEntries, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, props);
     * initialize the cache
     * @param maxEntries maximum number of entries expected in the cache
     * @param loadFactor the load factor
     * @param props opaque list of properties for a given cache implementation
     * @throws Exception if the initialization failed
    public void init(int maxEntries, float loadFactor, Properties props) {

        // web container logger
        _rb = LogDomains.getLogger(BaseCache.class, LogDomains.EJB_LOGGER).getResourceBundle();
        if (maxEntries <= 0) {
            String msg = _rb.getString("cache.BaseCache.illegalMaxEntries");
            Object[] params = { maxEntries };
            msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, params);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        if (maxEntries > MAX_ENTRIES) {
            maxEntries = MAX_ENTRIES;

        this.maxEntries = maxEntries;

        // find a power of 2 >= maxEntries
        maxBuckets = 1;
        while (maxBuckets < maxEntries && maxBuckets < MAX_BUCKETS) {
            maxBuckets <<= 1;

        _logger.log(Level.FINE, "EJBContainer.BaseCache about to create maxBuckets = " + maxBuckets
                + "; MAX_BUCKETS = " + MAX_BUCKETS + "; maxEntries = " + maxEntries);

        /** initialize the threshold; a zero value for maxEntries
         *  implies no caching.
        if (maxEntries != 0) {
            threshold = (int)(maxEntries * loadFactor) + 1;

        // create the cache and the bucket locks
        entryCount = 0;
         buckets = new CacheItem[maxBuckets];
         bucketLocks = new Object[maxBuckets];
        refreshFlags = new boolean[maxBuckets];

        for (int i=0; i<maxBuckets; i++) {
            buckets[i] = null;
            bucketLocks[i] = new Object();
            refreshFlags[i] = false;

     * add the cache module listener
     * @param listener <code>CacheListener</code> implementation
    public void addCacheListener(CacheListener listener) {
     * Returns a hash code for non-null Object x.
     * @See also <code>HashMap</code>
    protected int hash(Object x) {
        int h = x.hashCode();
        return h - (h << 7)// i.e., -127 * h
     * Check for equality of non-null reference x and possibly-null y.
    protected boolean eq(Object x, Object y) {
        return x == y || x.equals(y);
     * increase the threshold
    protected void handleOverflow() {
        // just double the threshold; this may degenerate the cache.
        threshold = (threshold * 2);
     * this item is just added to the cache
     * @param item <code>CacheItem</code> that was created
     * @return a overflow item; may be null
     * Cache bucket is already synchronized by the caller
     * Here, if cache is overflowing (i.e. reached threshold); this class
     * simply makes the cache unbounded by raising the threshold. Subclasses
     * are expected to provide a robust cache replacement algorithm.
     * Subclasses should enhance this implemntation.
    protected CacheItem itemAdded(CacheItem item) {
        if (isThresholdReached()) {
        return null;

     * this item is accessed
     * @param item <code>CacheItem</code> accessed
     * Cache bucket is already synchronized by the caller
    protected void itemAccessed(CacheItem item) { }

     * item value has been refreshed
     * @param item <code>CacheItem</code> that was refreshed
     * @param oldSize size of the previous value that was refreshed
     * Cache bucket is already synchronized by the caller
    protected void itemRefreshed(CacheItem item, int oldSize) { }

     * item value has been removed from the cache
     * @param item <code>CacheItem</code> that was just removed
     * Cache bucket is already synchronized by the caller
    protected void itemRemoved(CacheItem item) { }

     * Cannot find an item with the given key and hashCode
     * @param key <code>Object</code> that is not found
     * @param hashCode <code>int</code> its hashCode
     * @returns the Object value associated with the item
     * Cache bucket is already synchronized by the caller
    protected Object loadValue(Object key, int hashCode) {
        return null;

     * create new item
     * @param hashCode for the entry
     * @param key <code>Object</code> key
     * @param value <code>Object</code> value
     * @param size size in bytes of the item
     * subclasses may override to provide their own CacheItem extensions
     * e.g. one that permits persistence.
    protected CacheItem createItem(int hashCode, Object key,
                                        Object value, int size) {
        return new CacheItem(hashCode, key, value, size);
     * has cache reached its threshold
     * @return true when the cache reached its threshold
    protected boolean isThresholdReached() {
        return (entryCount > threshold);

     * get the index of the item in the cache
     * @param hashCode of the entry
     * @return the index to be used in the cache
    protected final int getIndex(int hashCode) {
        return (hashCode & (maxBuckets - 1));

     * get the index of the item given a key
     * @param key of the entry
     * @return the index to be used in the cache
    public final int getIndex(Object key) {
        return getIndex(hash(key));

     * get the item stored at the key.
     * @param key lookup key
     * @returns the item stored at the key; null if not found.
    public Object get(Object key) {
        int hashCode = hash(key);

        return get(hashCode, key);

     * get the item stored at the given pre-computed hash code and the key.
     * @param key lookup key
     * @returns the item stored at the key; null if not found.
    public Object get(int hashCode, Object key) {

        int index = getIndex(hashCode);
        Object value;
        CacheItem item = null;

        synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
            item = buckets[index];
            for (; item != null; item = {
                if ( (hashCode == item.hashCode) && eq(key, item.key) ) {
            // update the stats in line
            if (item != null) {
                value = item.getValue();
            else {
                value = loadValue(key, hashCode);
        if (item != null) {
        } else {

        return value;
     * check if the cache contains the item at the key
     * @param key lookup key
     * @returns true if there is an item stored at the key; false if not.
    public boolean contains(Object key) {
      return (get(key) != null);
     * get all the items stored at the key.
     * @param key lookup key
     * @returns an Iterator over the items with the given key.
    public Iterator getAll(Object key) {
        int hashCode = hash(key);
        int index = getIndex(hashCode);

        ArrayList valueList = new ArrayList(entryCount);
        synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
            CacheItem item = buckets[index];
            for (; item != null; item = {
                if ( (hashCode == item.hashCode) && eq(key, item.key) ) {

        return valueList.iterator();

     * get an Iterator for the keys stored in the cache
     * @returns an Iterator
    public Iterator keys() {
        ArrayList keyList = new ArrayList(entryCount);

        for (int index=0; index < maxBuckets; index++) {
            synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
                for (CacheItem item = buckets[index]; item != null;
                     item = {
        return keyList.iterator();
     * get an Enumeration for the keys stored in the cache
     * @returns an Enumeration
     * XXX: should use Iterator which is based on Collections
    public Enumeration elements() {
        Vector keyList = new Vector();
        for (int index=0; index < maxBuckets; index++) {
            synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
                for (CacheItem item = buckets[index]; item != null;
                     item = {
        return keyList.elements();
     * get an Iterator for the values stored in the cache
     * @returns an Iterator
    public Iterator values() {
        ArrayList valueList = new ArrayList(entryCount);
        for (int index=0; index < maxBuckets; index++) {
            synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
                for (CacheItem item = buckets[index]; item != null;
                     item = {
        return valueList.iterator();
     * cache the given value at the specified key and return previous value
     * @param key lookup key
     * @param value item value to be stored
     * @returns the previous item stored at the key; null if not found.
    public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
        int hashCode = hash(key);
        return _put(hashCode, key, value, -1, false);
     * cache the given value at the specified key and return previous value
     * @param key lookup key
     * @param value item value to be stored
     * @param size in bytes of the value being cached
     * @returns the previous item stored at the key; null if not found.
    public Object put(Object key, Object value, int size) {
        int hashCode = hash(key);

        return _put(hashCode, key, value, size, false);

     * add the given value to the cache at the specified key
     * @param key lookup key
     * @param value item value to be stored
    public void add(Object key, Object value) {
        int hashCode = hash(key);

        _put(hashCode, key, value, -1, true);

     * add the given value with specified size to the cache at specified key
     * @param key lookup key
     * @param value item value to be stored
     * @param size in bytes of the value being added
     * This function is suitable for multi-valued keys.
    public void add(Object key, Object value, int size) {
        int hashCode = hash(key);

        _put(hashCode, key, value, size, true);

     * cache the given value at the specified key and return previous value
     * @param hashCode previously computed hashCode for the key
     * @param key lookup key
     * @param value item value to be stored
     * @param size in bytes of the value being cached
     * @param addValue treate this operation to add (default is to replace)
     * @returns the previous item stored at the key; null if not found.
     * Note: This can be used just to refresh the cached item as well, altho
     * it may call trimCache() if the cache reached its threshold -- which is
     * is probably not very intuitive.
    protected Object _put(int hashCode, Object key,
                          Object value, int size, boolean addValue) {
        int index = getIndex(hashCode);
        CacheItem item, newItem = null, oldItem = null, overflow = null;
        Object oldValue;
        int oldSize = 0;

        // lookup the item
        synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
            for (item = buckets[index]; item != null; item = {
                if ((hashCode == item.hashCode) && eq(key, item.key)) {

                    oldItem = item;

            // if there was no item in the cache, insert the given item
            if (addValue || oldItem == null) {
                newItem = createItem(hashCode, key, value, size);
                // add the item at the head of the bucket list
       = buckets[index];
                buckets[index] = newItem;
                oldValue = null;
                overflow = itemAdded(newItem);
            } else {
                oldSize = oldItem.getSize();
                oldValue = oldItem.refreshValue(value, size);
                itemRefreshed(oldItem, oldSize);

        if (newItem != null) {
            // make sure we are are not crossing the threshold
            if (overflow != null) {
        } else {

        return oldValue;

     * remove the item stored at the key.
     * @param key lookup key
     * @returns the item stored at the key; null if not found.
    public Object remove(Object key) {
        int hashCode = hash(key);

        Object retVal  = null;
        CacheItem removed = _remove( hashCode, key, null);
        if (removed != null) {
            retVal = removed.getValue();
        return retVal;

     * remove the item stored at the key.
     * @param hashCode a precomputed hashCode
     * @param key lookup key
     * @returns the item stored at the key; null if not found.
    public Object remove(int hashCode, Object key) {
        Object retVal  = null;
        CacheItem removed = _remove( hashCode, key, null);
        if (removed != null) {
            retVal = removed.getValue();
        return retVal;

     * remove the given value stored at the key; value-specific removals.
     * @param key lookup key
     * @param value to match (for a multi-valued keys)
     * @returns the item stored at the key; null if not found.
    public Object remove(Object key, Object value) {
        int hashCode = hash(key);
        Object retVal  = null;
        CacheItem removed = _remove( hashCode, key, value);
        if (removed != null) {
            retVal = removed.getValue();
        return retVal;

     * remove the item stored at the key.
     * @param hashCode a precomputed hashCode
     * @param key lookup key
     * @param value of the item to be matched
     * @returns the item stored at the key; null if not found.
    protected CacheItem _remove(int hashCode, Object key, Object value) {
        int index = getIndex(hashCode);

        CacheItem prev = null, item = null;

        synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
            for (item = buckets[index]; item != null; item = {
                if (hashCode == item.hashCode && key.equals(item.key)) {

                    if (value == null || value == item.value) {

                        if (prev == null) {
                            buckets[index] =;
                        } else  {
               = null;
                prev = item;
        if (item != null) {
        } else {

        return item;

     * remove the item stored at the key.
     * @param ritem CacheItem to be removed
     * @return the item stored at the key; null if not found.
    protected CacheItem _removeItem(CacheItem ritem) {

        int index = getIndex(ritem.hashCode);

        CacheItem prev = null, item = null;
        synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
            for (item = buckets[index]; item != null; item = {
                if (item == ritem) {
                    if (prev == null) {
                        buckets[index] =;
                    } else {
           = null;
                prev = item;
        if (item != null) {

        return item;

     * remove all the item with the given key.
     * @param key lookup key
    public void removeAll(Object key) {
        int hashCode = hash(key);
        int index = getIndex(hashCode);

        CacheItem prev = null, item = null;
        ArrayList items = new ArrayList(entryCount);

        synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
            for (item = buckets[index]; item != null;
                 item = {
                if (hashCode == item.hashCode && key.equals(item.key)) {
                    if (prev == null) {
                        buckets[index] =;
                    } else  {
           = null;
                prev = item;

        // notify subclasses
        for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {

     * trim the item from the cache and notify listeners
     * @param item to be trimmed
    protected void trimItem(CacheItem item) {
        CacheItem removed = _removeItem(item);

        if (removed != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < listeners.size(); i++) {
                CacheListener listener = (CacheListener) listeners.get(i);
                listener.trimEvent(removed.key, removed.value);

     * wait for a refresh on the object associated with the key
     * @param index lookup key
     * @returns true on successful notification, or false if there is
     *  no thread refreshing this entry.
    public boolean waitRefresh(int index) {
        synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
            if (refreshFlags[index] == false) {
                refreshFlags[index] = true;
                return false;

            // wait till refresh is finished
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
        return true;

     * notify threads waiting for a refresh on the object associated
     * with the key
     * @param index lookup key
    public void notifyRefresh(int index) {
        // notify other threads waiting for refresh
        synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
            refreshFlags[index] = false;
     * clear all the entries from the cache.
     * @returns the number of entries cleared from the cache
    public int clear() {
        CacheItem item=null, next=null;
        int count = 0;
        for (int index = 0; index < maxBuckets; index++) {
            synchronized (bucketLocks[index]) {
                for (item = buckets[index]; item != null;
                     item = {
                    next =;
           = null;
                    if (entryCount == 0) {
                buckets[index] = null;
        return count;
     * trim the expired entries from the cache.
     * @param maxCount maximum number of invalid entries to trim
     *        specify Integer.MAX_VALUE to trim all timedout entries
     * This call is to be scheduled by a thread managed by the container.
    public void trimExpiredEntries(int maxCount) {}

     * get the number of entries in the cache
     * @return the number of entries the cache currently holds
    public int getEntryCount() {
        return entryCount;

    /*** methods for monitoring the cache          ***/

     * is this cache empty?
     * @returns true if the cache is empty; false otherwise.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return (entryCount == 0);

     * synchronized counter updates
    protected final void incrementEntryCount() {
        synchronized(entryCountLk) {

    protected final void decrementEntryCount() {
        synchronized(entryCountLk) {

    protected final void incrementHitCount() {
        synchronized (hitCountLk) {

    protected final void incrementMissCount() {
        synchronized (missCountLk) {

    protected final void incrementRemovalCount() {
        synchronized (removalCountLk) {

    protected final void incrementRefreshCount() {
        synchronized (refreshCountLk) {

    protected final void incrementAddCount() {
        synchronized (addCountLk) {

    protected final void incrementOverflowCount() {
        synchronized (overflowCountLk) {

     * get generic stats from subclasses

     * get the desired statistic counter
     * @param key to corresponding stat
     * @return an Object corresponding to the stat
     * See also: for the key
    public Object getStatByName(String key) {
        Object stat = null;

        if (key == null)
            return null;

        if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_MAX_ENTRIES))
            stat = maxEntries;
        else if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_THRESHOLD))
            stat = threshold;
        else if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_TABLE_SIZE))
            stat = maxBuckets;
        else if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_ENTRY_COUNT))
            stat = entryCount;
        else if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_HIT_COUNT))
            stat = hitCount;
        else if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_MISS_COUNT))
            stat = missCount;
        else if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_REMOVAL_COUNT))
            stat = removalCount;
        else if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_REFRESH_COUNT))
            stat = refreshCount;
        else if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_OVERFLOW_COUNT))
            stat = overflowCount;
        else if (key.equals(Constants.STAT_BASECACHE_ADD_COUNT))
            stat = addCount;

        return stat;

     * get the stats snapshot
     * @return a Map of stats
     * See also: for the keys
    public Map getStats() {
        HashMap stats = new HashMap();


        return stats;

     * clear the stats
    public void clearStats() {
        hitCount = 0;
        missCount = 0;
        removalCount = 0;
        refreshCount = 0;
        overflowCount = 0;
        addCount = 0;

    /** default CacheItem class implementation  ***/
    protected static class CacheItem {
        int hashCode;
        Object key;
        Object value;
        int size;
        CacheItem next;
        protected CacheItem(int hashCode, Object key, Object value, int size) {
            this.hashCode = hashCode;
            this.key = key;
            this.value = value;
            this.size = size;
         * get the item's hashCode
        protected int getHashCode() {
            return hashCode;
         * get the item's key
        protected Object getKey() {
            return key;
         * get the item's value
        protected Object getValue() {
            return value;
         * @return size of the entry in bytes
         * a value of -1 indicates unknown size
        protected int getSize() {
            return size;
         * refresh the item's value
         * @param value value to be updated
         * @param newSize of the field
        protected Object refreshValue(Object value, int newSize) {
            Object oldValue = this.value;
            this.value = value;
            this.size = newSize;
            return oldValue;
        public String toString() {
            return "key: " + key + "; value: " + value.toString();

Related Classes of com.sun.ejb.containers.util.cache.BaseCache$CacheItem

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