Package eu.isas.peptideshaker.utils

Source Code of eu.isas.peptideshaker.utils.CpsParent

package eu.isas.peptideshaker.utils;

import com.compomics.util.db.ObjectsCache;
import com.compomics.util.experiment.MsExperiment;
import com.compomics.util.experiment.ProteomicAnalysis;
import com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.Sample;
import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.Advocate;
import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.Identification;
import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.IdentificationMethod;
import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.SearchParameters;
import com.compomics.util.experiment.identification.SequenceFactory;
import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.SpectrumFactory;
import com.compomics.util.waiting.WaitingHandler;
import com.compomics.util.preferences.AnnotationPreferences;
import com.compomics.util.preferences.GenePreferences;
import com.compomics.util.preferences.IdFilter;
import com.compomics.util.preferences.PTMScoringPreferences;
import com.compomics.util.preferences.ProcessingPreferences;
import com.compomics.util.preferences.SequenceMatchingPreferences;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.PeptideShaker;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.export.CpsExporter;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.fileimport.CpsFileImporter;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.myparameters.PeptideShakerSettings;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.preferences.DisplayPreferences;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.preferences.FilterPreferences;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.preferences.ProjectDetails;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.preferences.SpectrumCountingPreferences;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.preferences.SpectrumCountingPreferences.SpectralCountingMethod;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.preferences.UserPreferences;
import eu.isas.peptideshaker.preferences.UserPreferencesParent;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveException;

* Implementing this abstract class allows interacting with a cps files.
* @author Marc Vaudel
public class CpsParent extends UserPreferencesParent {

     * The identification.
    protected Identification identification;
     * The identification features generator.
    protected IdentificationFeaturesGenerator identificationFeaturesGenerator;
     * The identification filter used.
    protected IdFilter idFilter = new IdFilter();
     * The annotation preferences to use.
    protected AnnotationPreferences annotationPreferences;
     * The spectrum counting preferences.
    protected SpectrumCountingPreferences spectrumCountingPreferences;
     * The PTM scoring preferences.
    protected PTMScoringPreferences ptmScoringPreferences;
     * The project details.
    protected ProjectDetails projectDetails;
     * The search parameters.
    protected SearchParameters searchParameters;
     * The processing preferences.
    protected ProcessingPreferences processingPreferences;
     * The metrics stored during processing.
    protected Metrics metrics;
     * The gene preferences.
    protected GenePreferences genePreferences = new GenePreferences();
     * The MS experiment class.
    protected MsExperiment experiment;
     * The sample.
    protected Sample sample;
     * The replicate number.
    protected int replicateNumber;
     * The proteomic analysis.
    protected ProteomicAnalysis proteomicAnalysis;
     * The cache used to store objects.
    protected ObjectsCache objectsCache;
     * The filter preferences.
    protected FilterPreferences filterPreferences = new FilterPreferences();
     * The display preferences.
    protected DisplayPreferences displayPreferences = new DisplayPreferences();
     * The sequence matching preferences.
    protected SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences;
     * The currently loaded cps file.
    protected File cpsFile = null;

     * Loads the information from a cps file.
     * @param jarFilePath the path to the jar file
     * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler displaying feedback to the user.
     * Ignored if null
     * @throws IOException thrown of IOException occurs
     * @throws FileNotFoundException thrown if FileNotFoundException
     * occurs
     * @throws SQLException thrown if SQLException occurs
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException thrown if ClassNotFoundException occurs
    public void loadCpsFile(String jarFilePath, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {

        CpsFileImporter cpsFileImporter = new CpsFileImporter(cpsFile, jarFilePath, waitingHandler);

        // close any open connection to an identification database
        if (identification != null) {

        // Get the experiment data
        experiment = cpsFileImporter.getExperiment();
        ArrayList<Sample> samples = cpsFileImporter.getSamples();
        if (samples == null || samples.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No sample found for the experiment " + experiment.getReference());
        sample = samples.get(0);
        if (samples.size() > 1) { // pretty unlikely to happen for now
            String message = samples.size() + " samples found in experiment " + experiment.getReference() + ", sample " + sample.getReference() + " selected by default.";
            if (waitingHandler != null) {
                waitingHandler.appendReport(message, true, true);
        ArrayList<Integer> replicates = cpsFileImporter.getReplicates(sample);
        if (replicates == null || replicates.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No replicate found for the sample " + sample.getReference() + " of experiment " + experiment.getReference());
        replicateNumber = replicates.get(0);
        if (replicates.size() > 1) { // pretty unlikely to happen for now
            if (waitingHandler != null) {
                waitingHandler.appendReport(replicates.size() + " replicates found in sample " + sample.getReference()
                        + " of experiment " + experiment.getReference() + ", replicate " + sample.getReference() + " selected by default.", true, true);
        proteomicAnalysis = experiment.getAnalysisSet(sample).getProteomicAnalysis(replicateNumber);

        // Get PeptideShaker settings
        PeptideShakerSettings experimentSettings = cpsFileImporter.getExperimentSettings();
        idFilter = experimentSettings.getIdFilter();
        annotationPreferences = experimentSettings.getAnnotationPreferences();
        spectrumCountingPreferences = experimentSettings.getSpectrumCountingPreferences();
        ptmScoringPreferences = experimentSettings.getPTMScoringPreferences();
        projectDetails = experimentSettings.getProjectDetails();
        HashMap<Integer, Advocate> userAdvocateMapping = projectDetails.getUserAdvocateMapping();
        if (userAdvocateMapping != null) {
        searchParameters = experimentSettings.getSearchParameters();
        processingPreferences = experimentSettings.getProcessingPreferences();
        metrics = experimentSettings.getMetrics();
        genePreferences = experimentSettings.getGenePreferences();
        filterPreferences = experimentSettings.getFilterPreferences();
        displayPreferences = experimentSettings.getDisplayPreferences();
        sequenceMatchingPreferences = experimentSettings.getSequenceMatchingPreferences();

        // backwards compatability for the gene preferences
        if (genePreferences.getCurrentSpecies() == null) {
            genePreferences = new GenePreferences();
        if (genePreferences.getCurrentSpecies() != null && genePreferences.getCurrentSpeciesType() == null) {

        // backwards compatability for the filter preferences
        if (filterPreferences == null) {
            filterPreferences = new FilterPreferences();

        // backwards compatability for the display preferences
        if (displayPreferences != null) {
        } else {
            displayPreferences = new DisplayPreferences();

        // backwards compatability for the sequence matching preferences
        if (sequenceMatchingPreferences == null) {
            sequenceMatchingPreferences = SequenceMatchingPreferences.getDefaultSequenceMatching(searchParameters);

        if (waitingHandler != null && waitingHandler.isRunCanceled()) {

        // Get identification details and set up caches
        identification = proteomicAnalysis.getIdentification(IdentificationMethod.MS2_IDENTIFICATION);
        if (identification.getSpectrumIdentificationMap() == null) {
            // 0.18 version, needs update of the spectrum mapping
        identificationFeaturesGenerator = new IdentificationFeaturesGenerator(identification, searchParameters, idFilter, metrics, spectrumCountingPreferences, sequenceMatchingPreferences);
        if (experimentSettings.getIdentificationFeaturesCache() != null) {
        objectsCache = new ObjectsCache();
        String dbFolder = PeptideShaker.getSerializationDirectory(jarFilePath).getAbsolutePath();
        identification.establishConnection(dbFolder, false, objectsCache);

     * Saves the project in the cps file.
     * @param waitingHandler waiting handler displaying feedback to the user.
     * can be null.
     * @param emptyCache if true the cache will be emptied
     * @throws IOException thrown of IOException occurs
     * @throws FileNotFoundException thrown if FileNotFoundException
     * occurs
     * @throws SQLException thrown if SQLException occurs
     * @throws ArchiveException thrown if ArchiveException occurs
    public void saveProject(WaitingHandler waitingHandler, boolean emptyCache) throws IOException, SQLException, FileNotFoundException, ArchiveException {
        CpsExporter.saveAs(cpsFile, waitingHandler, experiment, identification, searchParameters,
                annotationPreferences, spectrumCountingPreferences, projectDetails, metrics,
                processingPreferences, identificationFeaturesGenerator.getIdentificationFeaturesCache(),
                ptmScoringPreferences, genePreferences, objectsCache, emptyCache, idFilter, sequenceMatchingPreferences, PeptideShaker.getJarFilePath());


     * Loads the FASTA file in the sequence factory.
     * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler displaying progress to the user.
     * Can be null.
     * @throws IOException thrown of IOException occurs
     * @throws FileNotFoundException thrown if FileNotFoundException
     * occurs
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException thrown if ClassNotFoundException occurs
     * @return a boolean indicating whether the loading was successful
    public boolean loadFastaFile(WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        return loadFastaFile(null, waitingHandler);

     * Loads the FASTA file in the sequence factory.
     * @param folder a folder to look into, the user last selected folder for
     * instance, can be null
     * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler displaying progress to the user.
     * Can be null
     * @throws IOException thrown of IOException occurs
     * @throws FileNotFoundException thrown if FileNotFoundException
     * occurs
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException thrown if ClassNotFoundException occurs
     * @return a boolean indicating whether the loading was successful
    public boolean loadFastaFile(File folder, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

        SequenceFactory sequenceFactory = SequenceFactory.getInstance();

        // Load fasta file
        File providedFastaLocation = searchParameters.getFastaFile();
        String fileName = providedFastaLocation.getName();
        File projectFolder = cpsFile.getParentFile();
        File dataFolder = new File(projectFolder, "data");

        if (providedFastaLocation.exists()) {
            sequenceFactory.loadFastaFile(providedFastaLocation, waitingHandler);
        } else if (folder != null && new File(folder, fileName).exists()) {
            sequenceFactory.loadFastaFile(new File(folder, fileName), waitingHandler);
            searchParameters.setFastaFile(new File(folder, fileName));
        } else if (new File(projectFolder, fileName).exists()) {
            sequenceFactory.loadFastaFile(new File(projectFolder, fileName), waitingHandler);
            searchParameters.setFastaFile(new File(projectFolder, fileName));
        } else if (new File(dataFolder, fileName).exists()) {
            sequenceFactory.loadFastaFile(new File(dataFolder, fileName), waitingHandler);
            searchParameters.setFastaFile(new File(dataFolder, fileName));
        } else {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Loads the spectra in the spectrum factory.
     * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler displaying progress to the user.
     * Can be null.
     * @throws IOException thrown of IOException occurs
     * @throws FileNotFoundException thrown if FileNotFoundException
     * occurs
     * @return a boolean indicating whether the loading was successful
    public boolean loadSpectrumFiles(WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        return loadSpectrumFiles(null, waitingHandler);

     * Loads the spectra in the spectrum factory.
     * @param folder a folder to look into, the user last selected folder for
     * instance, can be null
     * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler displaying progress to the user.
     * Can be null
     * @throws IOException thrown of IOException occurs
     * @throws FileNotFoundException thrown if FileNotFoundException
     * occurs
     * @return a boolean indicating whether the loading was successful
    public boolean loadSpectrumFiles(File folder, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

        SpectrumFactory spectrumFactory = SpectrumFactory.getInstance();

        for (String spectrumFileName : identification.getSpectrumFiles()) {
            File providedSpectrumLocation = projectDetails.getSpectrumFile(spectrumFileName);
            File projectFolder = cpsFile.getParentFile();
            File dataFolder = new File(projectFolder, "data");
            // try to locate the spectrum file
            if (providedSpectrumLocation == null || !providedSpectrumLocation.exists()) {
                File fileInProjectFolder = new File(projectFolder, spectrumFileName);
                File fileInDataFolder = new File(dataFolder, spectrumFileName);
                File fileInGivenFolder = new File(folder, spectrumFileName);
                if (fileInProjectFolder.exists()) {
                } else if (fileInDataFolder.exists()) {
                } else if (fileInGivenFolder.exists()) {
                } else {
                    return false;
            File mgfFile = projectDetails.getSpectrumFile(spectrumFileName);
            spectrumFactory.addSpectra(mgfFile, waitingHandler);

        return true;

     * Loads the spectra in the spectrum factory.
     * @param spectrumFileName the name of the spectrum file to load
     * @param waitingHandler a waiting handler displaying progress to the user.
     * Can be null
     * @throws IOException thrown of IOException occurs
     * @throws FileNotFoundException thrown if FileNotFoundException
     * occurs
     * @return a boolean indicating whether the loading was successful
    public boolean loadSpectrumFile(String spectrumFileName, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {

        SpectrumFactory spectrumFactory = SpectrumFactory.getInstance();

        File providedSpectrumLocation = projectDetails.getSpectrumFile(spectrumFileName);
        File projectFolder = cpsFile.getParentFile();
        File dataFolder = new File(projectFolder, "data");

        // try to locate the spectrum file
        if (providedSpectrumLocation == null || !providedSpectrumLocation.exists()) {
            File fileInProjectFolder = new File(projectFolder, spectrumFileName);
            File fileInDataFolder = new File(dataFolder, spectrumFileName);

            if (fileInProjectFolder.exists()) {
            } else if (fileInDataFolder.exists()) {
            } else {
                return false;

        File mgfFile = projectDetails.getSpectrumFile(spectrumFileName);
        spectrumFactory.addSpectra(mgfFile, waitingHandler);

        return true;

     * Imports the gene mapping.
     * @param waitingHandler the waiting handler
     * @param jarFilePath the path to the jar file
     * @return a boolean indicating whether the loading was successful
    public boolean loadGeneMappings(String jarFilePath, WaitingHandler waitingHandler) {
        return genePreferences.loadGeneMappings(jarFilePath, waitingHandler);

     * Returns the identification object.
     * @return the identification object
    public Identification getIdentification() {
        return identification;

     * Returns the identification features generator object.
     * @return the identification features generator object
    public IdentificationFeaturesGenerator getIdentificationFeaturesGenerator() {
        return identificationFeaturesGenerator;

     * Returns the ID filter.
     * @return the ID filter
    public IdFilter getIdFilter() {
        return idFilter;

     * Returns the annotation preferences.
     * @return the annotation preferences
    public AnnotationPreferences getAnnotationPreferences() {
        return annotationPreferences;

     * Returns the spectrum counting preferences.
     * @return the spectrum counting preferences
    public SpectrumCountingPreferences getSpectrumCountingPreferences() {
        return spectrumCountingPreferences;

     * Returns the PTM scoring preferences.
     * @return the PTM scoring preferences
    public PTMScoringPreferences getPtmScoringPreferences() {
        return ptmScoringPreferences;

     * Returns the project details.
     * @return the project details
    public ProjectDetails getProjectDetails() {
        return projectDetails;

     * Returns the search parameters.
     * @return the search parameters
    public SearchParameters getSearchParameters() {
        return searchParameters;

     * Returns the processing preferences.
     * @return the processing preferences
    public ProcessingPreferences getProcessingPreferences() {
        return processingPreferences;

     * Returns the metrics object.
     * @return the metrics object
    public Metrics getMetrics() {
        return metrics;

     * Returns the gene preferences.
     * @return the gene preferences
    public GenePreferences getGenePreferences() {
        return genePreferences;

     * Returns the experiment object.
     * @return the experiment object
    public MsExperiment getExperiment() {
        return experiment;

     * Returns the sample.
     * @return the sample
    public Sample getSample() {
        return sample;

     * Returns the replicate number.
     * @return the replicate number
    public int getReplicateNumber() {
        return replicateNumber;

     * Returns the proteomics analysis object.
     * @return the proteomics analysis object
    public ProteomicAnalysis getProteomicAnalysis() {
        return proteomicAnalysis;

     * Returns the object cache.
     * @return the object cache
    public ObjectsCache getObjectsCache() {
        return objectsCache;

     * Returns the filter preferences.
     * @return the filter preferences
    public FilterPreferences getFilterPreferences() {
        return filterPreferences;

     * Returns the display preferences.
     * @return the display preferences
    public DisplayPreferences getDisplayPreferences() {
        return displayPreferences;

     * Returns the cps file.
     * @return the cps file
    public File getCpsFile() {
        return cpsFile;

     * Set the identification feature generator.
     * @param identificationFeaturesGenerator the identification feature generator
    public void setIdentificationFeaturesGenerator(IdentificationFeaturesGenerator identificationFeaturesGenerator) {
        this.identificationFeaturesGenerator = identificationFeaturesGenerator;

     * Set the ID filter.
     * @param idFilter the ID filter
    public void setIdFilter(IdFilter idFilter) {
        this.idFilter = idFilter;

     * Set the annotation preferences.
     * @param annotationPreferences the annotation preferences
    public void setAnnotationPreferences(AnnotationPreferences annotationPreferences) {
        this.annotationPreferences = annotationPreferences;

     * Set the spectrum counting preferences.
     * @param spectrumCountingPreferences the spectrum counting preferences
    public void setSpectrumCountingPreferences(SpectrumCountingPreferences spectrumCountingPreferences) {
        this.spectrumCountingPreferences = spectrumCountingPreferences;

     * Set the PTM scoring preferences.
     * @param ptmScoringPreferences the PTM scoring preferences
    public void setPtmScoringPreferences(PTMScoringPreferences ptmScoringPreferences) {
        this.ptmScoringPreferences = ptmScoringPreferences;

     * Set the project details.
     * @param projectDetails the project details
    public void setProjectDetails(ProjectDetails projectDetails) {
        this.projectDetails = projectDetails;

     * Set the search parameters.
     * @param searchParameters the search parameters
    public void setSearchParameters(SearchParameters searchParameters) {
        this.searchParameters = searchParameters;

     * Set the processing preferences.
     * @param processingPreferences the processing preferences
    public void setProcessingPreferences(ProcessingPreferences processingPreferences) {
        this.processingPreferences = processingPreferences;

     * Returns the sequence matching preferences.
     * @return the sequence matching preferences
    public SequenceMatchingPreferences getSequenceMatchingPreferences() {
        return sequenceMatchingPreferences;

     * Sets the sequence matching preferences.
     * @param sequenceMatchingPreferences the sequence matching preferences
    public void setSequenceMatchingPreferences(SequenceMatchingPreferences sequenceMatchingPreferences) {
        this.sequenceMatchingPreferences = sequenceMatchingPreferences;

     * Set the metrics.
     * @param metrics the metrics
    public void setMetrics(Metrics metrics) {
        this.metrics = metrics;

     * Set the gene preferences.
     * @param genePreferences the gene preferences
    public void setGenePreferences(GenePreferences genePreferences) {
        this.genePreferences = genePreferences;

     * Set the objects cache.
     * @param objectsCache the objects cache
    public void setObjectsCache(ObjectsCache objectsCache) {
        this.objectsCache = objectsCache;

     * Set the filter preferences.
     * @param filterPreferences the filter preferences
    public void setFilterPreferences(FilterPreferences filterPreferences) {
        this.filterPreferences = filterPreferences;

     * Set the display preferences.
     * @param displayPreferences the display preferences
    public void setDisplayPreferences(DisplayPreferences displayPreferences) {
        this.displayPreferences = displayPreferences;

     * Set the cps file.
     * @param cpsFile the cps file
    public void setCpsFile(File cpsFile) {
        this.cpsFile = cpsFile;

     * Returns the user preferences.
     * @return the user preferences
    public UserPreferences getUserPreferences() {
        return userPreferences;

     * Set the identification object.
     * @param identification the identification object
    public void setIdentification(Identification identification) {
        this.identification = identification;

     * Sets the project.
     * @param experiment the experiment
     * @param sample the sample
     * @param replicateNumber the replicate number
    public void setProject(MsExperiment experiment, Sample sample, int replicateNumber) {
        this.experiment = experiment;
        this.sample = sample;
        this.replicateNumber = replicateNumber;
        proteomicAnalysis = experiment.getAnalysisSet(sample).getProteomicAnalysis(replicateNumber);
        identification = proteomicAnalysis.getIdentification(IdentificationMethod.MS2_IDENTIFICATION);

     * Resets the preferences.
    public void clearPreferences() {
        annotationPreferences = new AnnotationPreferences();
        spectrumCountingPreferences = new SpectrumCountingPreferences();
        ptmScoringPreferences = new PTMScoringPreferences();
        filterPreferences = new FilterPreferences();
        displayPreferences = new DisplayPreferences();
        searchParameters = new SearchParameters();
        processingPreferences = new ProcessingPreferences();
        genePreferences = new GenePreferences();
        sequenceMatchingPreferences = null;
        idFilter = new IdFilter();

     * Set the default preferences.
    public void setDefaultPreferences() {
        searchParameters = new SearchParameters();
        annotationPreferences = new AnnotationPreferences();
        spectrumCountingPreferences = new SpectrumCountingPreferences();
        processingPreferences = new ProcessingPreferences();
        ptmScoringPreferences = new PTMScoringPreferences();
        genePreferences = new GenePreferences();
        sequenceMatchingPreferences = SequenceMatchingPreferences.getDefaultSequenceMatching(searchParameters);
        idFilter = new IdFilter();

     * Resets the feature generator.
    public void resetIdentificationFeaturesGenerator() {
        identificationFeaturesGenerator = new IdentificationFeaturesGenerator(identification, searchParameters, idFilter, metrics, spectrumCountingPreferences, sequenceMatchingPreferences);

     * Returns an extended HTML project report.
     * @param waitingHandlerReport the progress report, if null the report from
     * the project details will be used
     * @return an extended HTML project report
    public String getExtendedProjectReport(String waitingHandlerReport) {

        String report = null;

        if (projectDetails != null && getIdentification() != null) {

            report = "<html><br>";
            report += "<b>Experiment</b>: " + experiment.getReference() + "<br>";
            report += "<b>Sample:</b> " + sample.getReference() + "<br>";
            report += "<b>Replicate number:</b> " + replicateNumber + "<br><br>";

            report += "<b>Creation Date:</b> " + projectDetails.getCreationDate() + "<br><br>";

            report += "<b>Identification Files</b>:<br>";
            for (File idFile : projectDetails.getIdentificationFiles()) {
                report += idFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - ";
                HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> versions = projectDetails.getIdentificationAlgorithmsForFile(idFile.getName());
                ArrayList<String> software = new ArrayList<String>(versions.keySet());
                boolean first = true;
                for (String softwareName : software) {
                    if (first) {
                        first = false;
                    } else {
                        report += ", ";
                    report += softwareName;
                    ArrayList<String> algorithmVersions = versions.get(softwareName);
                    if (algorithmVersions != null && !algorithmVersions.isEmpty()) {
                        report += " - (";
                        boolean firstVersion = true;
                        for (String version : algorithmVersions) {
                            if (firstVersion) {
                                firstVersion = false;
                            } else {
                                report += ", ";
                            if (version != null) {
                                report += version;
                            } else {
                                report += "unknown version";
                        report += ")";

                report += "<br>";

            report += "<br><b>Spectrum Files:</b><br>";
            for (String mgfFileNames : getIdentification().getSpectrumFiles()) {
                report += projectDetails.getSpectrumFile(mgfFileNames).getAbsolutePath() + "<br>";

            report += "<br><b>FASTA File:</b><br>";
            report += getSearchParameters().getFastaFile().getAbsolutePath() + "<br>";

            report += "<br><br><b>Report:</b><br>";
            if (waitingHandlerReport == null) {
                waitingHandlerReport = projectDetails.getReport();

            if (waitingHandlerReport.lastIndexOf("<br>") == -1) {
                report += "<pre>" + waitingHandlerReport + "</pre>";
            } else {
                report += waitingHandlerReport;

            report += "</html>";
        } else {
            report = "<html><br>";

            report += "<b>Report:</b><br>";
            if (waitingHandlerReport != null) {
                if (waitingHandlerReport.lastIndexOf("<br>") == -1) {
                    report += "<pre>" + waitingHandlerReport + "</pre>";
                } else {
                    report += waitingHandlerReport;

            report += "</html>";

        return report;

Related Classes of eu.isas.peptideshaker.utils.CpsParent

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