Package de.unikoblenz.isweb.metak4lena

Source Code of de.unikoblenz.isweb.metak4lena.SesameRenderer

* LENA - a Fresnel LEns based RDF/Linked Data NAvigator with SPARQL selector support.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Thomas Franz, Joerg Koch, Renata Dividino
* This file is part of Lena
* LENA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* LENA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with LENA. If not, see <>.
* LENA uses libraries from the Sesame Project for license details
* see
package de.unikoblenz.isweb.metak4lena;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.openrdf.model.BNode;
import org.openrdf.model.Literal;
import org.openrdf.model.Resource;
import org.openrdf.model.Statement;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory;
import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryLanguage;
import org.openrdf.query.TupleQuery;
import org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult;
import org.openrdf.repository.Repository;
import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection;
import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException;
import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryResult;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xmedia.metak.prov.ComplexProvenance;
import org.xmedia.metak.prov.MetaVocabulary;

import fr.inria.jfresnel.Constants;
import fr.inria.jfresnel.ContentFormat;
import fr.inria.jfresnel.Format;
import fr.inria.jfresnel.FresnelDocument;
import fr.inria.jfresnel.Lens;
import fr.inria.jfresnel.StyleFormatContainer;
import fr.inria.jfresnel.fsl.FSLPath;
import fr.inria.jfresnel.fsl.sesame.FSLSesameEvaluator;
import fr.inria.jfresnel.sesame.SesameLens;

import fr.inria.jfresnel.sparql.SPARQLQuery;

public class SesameRenderer extends fr.inria.jfresnel.sesame.SesameRenderer{
  Repository fresnelRepository;
  //private int resources = 0;
  public SesameRenderer(){
  /*public int getNumberOfResources(){
    return resources;
  public Document render(FresnelDocument fd, Repository dataRepo, Lens lens, int offset, int limit)  
  throws Exception {
    //resources = 0;
    try {     
      DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
      Document out = db.newDocument();
      Element root = out.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "results");
      render(fd, dataRepo, out, root, new Lens[]{lens}, offset, limit);       

      return out;
    catch (Exception e) {
      throw e;
   * Renders a Fresnel Display program to a DOM document.
     *@param fd parsed Fresnel Display program
   *@return org.w3c.dom.Document description of rendered results;
  public Document render(FresnelDocument fd, Repository dataRepo, int offset, int limit) throws ParserConfigurationException {
    //resources = 0;
    try {     
      DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
      Document out = db.newDocument();
      Element root = out.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "results");
      Lens[] lenses = fd.getLenses();
      this.render(fd, dataRepo, out, root, lenses, offset, limit);

      return out;
    catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ParserConfigurationException("Rendering only supported for Sesame");

   * Renders specified lens from a Fresnel Display program to a DOM document.
     *@param fd parsed Fresnel Display program
     *@param lensURI URI of lens to be rendered
   *@return org.w3c.dom.Document description of rendered results;
  public Document render(FresnelDocument fd, Repository dataRepo, String lensURI, int offset, int limit) throws ParserConfigurationException {
    //resources = 0;
    try {
      String[] lURIA = new String[1];
      lURIA[0] = lensURI;
      return this.render(fd, dataRepo, lURIA, offset, limit);
    catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ParserConfigurationException("Rendering only supported for Sesame");

   * Renders a set of lenses from a Fresnel Display program to a DOM document.
     *@param fd parsed Fresnel Display program
     *@param lensURI set of URI's of lenses to be rendered
   *@return org.w3c.dom.Document description of rendered results;
  public Document render(FresnelDocument fd, Repository dataRepo, String[] lensURI, int offset, int limit) throws ParserConfigurationException {
    //resources = 0;
    try {
      DocumentBuilder db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
      Document out = db.newDocument();
      Element root = out.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "results");
      Lens[] lenses = fd.getLenses(lensURI);
      if (lenses.length > 0) {
        this.render(fd, dataRepo, out, root, lenses, offset, limit);

      return out;
    catch (Exception e) {
      throw new ParserConfigurationException("Rendering only supported for Sesame");

  /*** end of public methods ***/
   * Renders a set of lenses from a Fresnel Display program to a DOM document.
     *@param parsed Fresnel Display program
     *@param container for data to be rendered
     *@param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
     *@param DOM document element to which all elements are appended
     *@param set of URI's of lenses to be rendered
   * @throws RepositoryException
  void render(FresnelDocument fd, Repository dataRepo, Document doc, Element parent, Lens[] lens, int offset, int limit) throws ParserConfigurationException, RepositoryException {
    Lens renderLens = SesameLens.selectRenderLens(lens);
    MResutls mres = new MResutls();
    if (renderLens == null)
    if (renderLens.getSPARQLInstanceDomains() != null) {
      System.out.println("Rendering getSPARQLInstanceDomains()...");
      SPARQLQuery[] sid = renderLens.getSPARQLInstanceDomains();
      SesameLens sl = (SesameLens)renderLens;
      //call extended version of SPARQLSesameEvaluator (to get metadata)
      SPARQLSesameEvaluator msse = new SPARQLSesameEvaluator();     
      for (int i = 0; i < sid.length; i++)
        String query = sid[i].toString() + "LIMIT "+limit+" OFFSET "+offset;
        //return values with metadata
        Map<Value, ComplexProvenance> mqueryResults = msse.metaEvaluateQuery(query);
          for (Value value: mqueryResults.keySet()) {
          Object end = value;
            if (end instanceof Resource)
              Resource r = (Resource)end;
              Element eR;
              //serialize meta knowledge or not
              eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, mqueryResults.get(value), Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, mres);
            else if (end instanceof Literal)
              Literal l = (Literal)end;
              ValueFactory f = dataRepo.getValueFactory();
              URI r = f.createURI(l.getLabel());
              if (r == null)
              Element eR;
              //serialize meta knowledge or not
              eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, mqueryResults.get(value), Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, mres);
            else if (end instanceof Statement)
              String error = "Render Error: SPARQL query must end on node";
              throw new ParserConfigurationException(error);
          //return values without metadata
          fr.inria.jfresnel.sparql.sesame.SPARQLSesameEvaluator fsse = new fr.inria.jfresnel.sparql.sesame.SPARQLSesameEvaluator();     
          Vector queryResults = fsse.evaluateQuery(new SPARQLQuery(query));
          for (int k=0; k<queryResults.size(); k++) {
            Object end = queryResults.get(k);
            if (end instanceof Resource)
              Resource r = (Resource)end;
              Element eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH);
            else if (end instanceof Literal)
              Literal l = (Literal)end;
              ValueFactory f = dataRepo.getValueFactory();
              URI r = f.createURI(l.getLabel());
              if (r == null)
              Element eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH);
            else if (end instanceof Statement)
              String error = "Render Error: SPARQL query must end on node";
              throw new ParserConfigurationException(error);
    //still not extended to return results with metadata!
    else if (renderLens.getFSLInstanceDomains() != null)
      System.out.println("Rendering getFSLInstanceDomains()...");
      FSLPath[] fid = renderLens.getFSLInstanceDomains();
      SesameLens sl = (SesameLens)renderLens;     
      FSLSesameEvaluator fse = new FSLSesameEvaluator();
      for (int i = 0; i < fid.length; i++)
        //resources ++;
        Vector pathInstances = fse.evaluatePath(fid[i]);
        for (int k=0; k<pathInstances.size(); k++) {
        Object end = ((Vector)pathInstances.get(k)).get(0);
        if (end instanceof Resource)
          Resource r = (Resource)end;
          Element eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH);         
        else if (end instanceof Literal)
          Literal l = (Literal)end;
          ValueFactory f = dataRepo.getValueFactory();
          URI r = f.createURI(l.getLabel());
          if (r == null)
          Element eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH);
        else if (end instanceof Statement)
          String error = "Render Error: FSL path must end on node";
          throw new ParserConfigurationException(error);
    // I don't know if here it should be return metadata here !!!
    else if (renderLens.getBasicInstanceDomains() != null)
      System.out.println("Rendering getBasicInstanceDomains()...");
      java.lang.String[] bid = renderLens.getBasicInstanceDomains();
      SesameLens sl = (SesameLens)renderLens;
      HashMap resSet = new HashMap();

      for (int j = 0; j < bid.length; j++)
        ValueFactory f = dataRepo.getValueFactory();
        URI r = f.createURI(bid[j]);
        if (r == null)

        // Don't render resource twice (???)
        if (resSet.containsKey(r))
        resSet.put(r, null);
        SPARQLSesameEvaluator sse = new SPARQLSesameEvaluator();
        try {         
          String query = "PREFIX rdf: <> "+
          "SELECT DISTINCT *" +
          "WHERE {{ <"+r+"> rdf:type ?t}}"+
          "LIMIT "+limit+" OFFSET "+offset;                             
          //return values with metadata
          Map<Value, ComplexProvenance> queryResults = sse.metaEvaluateQuery(query);
          //with metadata
            for (Value value: queryResults.keySet()) {     
              Element eR;
              //serialize meta knowledge or not
              //resources ++;
              eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, queryResults.get(value), Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, mres);
          //without metadata
            //resources ++;
            Element eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH);
        }catch (Exception ex){
          System.out.println("Error while getting statements from repository:");
    else if (renderLens.getBasicClassDomains() != null)
      System.out.println("Rendering getBasicClassDomains() ...");
      java.lang.String[] cd = renderLens.getBasicClassDomains();
      SesameLens sl = (SesameLens)renderLens;
      HashMap resSet = new HashMap();
      SPARQLSesameEvaluator sse = new SPARQLSesameEvaluator();
      for (int j = 0; j < cd.length; j++)      {
        try {         
          String query = "PREFIX rdf: <> "+
          "SELECT DISTINCT *" +
          "WHERE {{ ?s rdf:type  <" + cd[j] + ">}}" +
          "LIMIT "+limit+" OFFSET "+offset;                     
          //return values with metadata
          Map<Value, ComplexProvenance> queryResults = sse.metaEvaluateQuery(query);
            for (Value value: queryResults.keySet()) {
              //resources ++;
              if (value instanceof Resource)
                Resource r = (Resource)value;
                Element eR;
                //serialize meta knowledge or not
                eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, queryResults.get(value), Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, mres);
            //return values without metadata
            RepositoryConnection connection = dataRepo.getConnection();
            TupleQuery compiledQuery = connection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query);
            TupleQueryResult results = compiledQuery.evaluate()
            BindingSet set;
            Resource r;
            String variable = results.getBindingNames().get(0);
            while (results.hasNext()){
              //resources ++;
              set =;
              r = (Resource) set.getValue(variable);
              // Don't render resource twice
              if (resSet.containsKey(r))
              resSet.put(r, null);
              Element eR = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, sl, null, r, Constants.DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH);
              // TODO don't append if no property elements
        catch (Exception ex){
          System.out.println("Error while getting statements from repository:");
   * Creates a DOM document element describing a single resource. Can recurse...
     *@param parsed Fresnel Display program
     *@param container for data to be rendered
     *@param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
     *@param Lens to use for rendering
     *@param data resource to process
     *@param depth to limit recursion
   *@return org.w3c.dom.Document element describing specified resource;
  Element createResourceElement(FresnelDocument fd, Repository dataRepo, Document doc, SesameLens sl, String useURI, Resource r, int depth) {
    if (depth < 0)
      return null;
    // TODO: fresnel:primaryClasses? What to do with this?

     *    <xsd:complexType name="FresnelResource">
     *     <xsd:sequence>
     *       <xsd:element name="content" type="FresnelContents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *       <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *       <xsd:element name="property" type="FresnelProperty" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     *     </xsd:sequence>
     *     <xsd:attribute name="class" type="xsd:string"/>
     *     <xsd:attribute name="uri" type="xsd:string"/>
     *   </xsd:complexType>
    Element eR = doc.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "resource");
    if (!(r instanceof BNode))
      eR.setAttribute("uri", r.toString());
      //eR.setAttribute("uri", ((BNode)r).toString());
    List<Lens> list = null;
    if (!(r instanceof BNode))
      list = isLensForResourceAvailable(fd,dataRepo,r.toString());
      //list = isLensForResourceAvailable(fd,dataRepo,((BNode)r).stringValue());
      Iterator<Lens> it = list.iterator();
    // TODO: SIMILE adds link element for css link
    // TODO: add optional content element
    // TODO: what is the title of the resource?
    eR.appendChild(createTextElement(doc, "title", null));
    Vector vResourceStyle = new Vector();
    appendResourceProperties(fd, dataRepo, doc, eR, sl, useURI, r, vResourceStyle, depth);
    setClassAttribute(eR, vResourceStyle)
    return eR;

  Element createResourceElement(FresnelDocument fd, Repository dataRepo, Document doc, SesameLens sl, String useURI, Resource r, ComplexProvenance metadata, int depth, MResutls mres) {
    if (depth < 0)
      return null;
    // TODO: fresnel:primaryClasses? What to do with this?

     *    <xsd:complexType name="FresnelResource">
     *     <xsd:sequence>
     *       <xsd:element name="content" type="FresnelContents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *       <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *       <xsd:element name="property" type="FresnelProperty" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     *     </xsd:sequence>
     *     <xsd:attribute name="class" type="xsd:string"/>
     *     <xsd:attribute name="uri" type="xsd:string"/>
     *   </xsd:complexType>
    Element eR = doc.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "resource");
    if (!(r instanceof BNode))
      eR.setAttribute("uri", r.toString());
      //eR.setAttribute("uri", ((BNode)r).stringValue());
    List<Lens> list = null;
    if (!(r instanceof BNode))
      list = isLensForResourceAvailable(fd,dataRepo,r.toString());
      //list = isLensForResourceAvailable(fd,dataRepo,((BNode)r).stringValue());
      Iterator<Lens> it = list.iterator();
    // TODO: SIMILE adds link element for css link
    // TODO: add optional content element
    // TODO: what is the title of the resource?
    eR.appendChild(createTextElement(doc, "title", null));
    MResource mr = new MResource(r,metadata);
    //write Metadata of Resource in XML Doc
    setMetaProperties(dataRepo, doc, sl,eR, metadata, mres, mr, null);
    Vector vResourceStyle = new Vector();
    appendResourceProperties(fd, dataRepo, doc, eR, sl, useURI, r, vResourceStyle, depth, mres, mr);
    setClassAttribute(eR, vResourceStyle);
    return eR;


   * Get metadata for a given statement
   * @param dataRepo Resporitory 
   * @param s  Statement
   * @return  complexprovenance
   * @throws RepositoryException
  private ComplexProvenance getMetadata(Repository dataRepo, Statement s) throws RepositoryException{
    String query = "SELECT DISTINCT * " +
    "WHERE {{ <"+s.getSubject()+"> <"+ s.getPredicate()+"> ?o}}";
    SPARQLSesameEvaluator msse = new SPARQLSesameEvaluator();
    Map<Value, ComplexProvenance> queryResults = msse.metaEvaluateQuery(query);   
    for (Value value: queryResults.keySet()) {
      if (value.equals(s.getObject()))
        return queryResults.get(value);     
    return null
   * Appends DOM document elements describing properties of specified resource.
   * @param parsed Fresnel Display program
   * @param container for data to be rendered
   * @param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
   * @param parent org.w3c.dom.Document element for output
   * @param vector of styles to apply to current resource element
   * @param Lens to use for rendering
   * @param data resource to process
  void appendResourceProperties(FresnelDocument fd, Repository dataRepo, Document doc, Element eR, SesameLens sl, String useURI, Resource r, Vector vResourceStyle, int depth) {   
    // For JenaLens, getPropertyValuesToDisplay generates instances of Jena statement objects.
    // The predicate and object of these statements are the property-value pairs of interest.
    // The property Selection Vocabulary from the Fresnel Ontology:
    //  :showProperties a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    //      rdfs:label "show properties"@en ;
    //      rdfs:comment "List of all properties which should be shown."@en ;
    //      rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
    //      rdfs:domain :Lens ;
    //      rdfs:range [ a owl:Class ;
    //            owl:unionOf (
    //                rdf:Property
    //                :PropertyDescription
    //                :ConvenienceToken
    //                :ShowPropertyList
    //            )
    //      ]
    //      .
    // rdf:Property & :ShowPropertyList are returned as
    // Jena Statements with s=resource,p=property,o=value
    // :PropertyDescription are returned as
    // Jena Statements with s=PropertyDescription_resource,p=?,o=?
    // TODO: ConvenienceToken????
    Element lastValues = null;
    URI lastPredicate = null;
    Vector rsv = sl.getPropertyValuesToDisplay(r, dataRepo, fresnelRepository);
    Iterator rsi = rsv.iterator();
    while (rsi.hasNext())
      Statement rs = (Statement);
      String rsSID = rs.getSubject().toString();
      String rID = r.toString();
      URI rp = rs.getPredicate();
      // keep track of previous predicate to re-use "values" element in doc
      if ((lastPredicate == null) || !(lastPredicate.toString().equals(rp.toString())))
        lastPredicate = null;
        lastValues = null;
      if (rsSID.equals(rID))
        // "normal" property specification
        Format rf = sl.getBestFormatForProperty(fd, dataRepo, rs, useURI);

        String pName = rp.toString();
        Value o = rs.getObject();
        String oName = null;
        if (o instanceof Literal)
          oName = ((Literal)o).getLabel();
          oName = o.toString();
        StyleFormatContainer sfc = new StyleFormatContainer(sl, rf, vResourceStyle, null);
        if (lastValues == null)
          // re-use values node where possible
          Element eP = createPropertyElement(dataRepo, doc, sl, rf, pName, oName, sfc );
          lastValues = getValuesElement(eP);
          lastPredicate = rp;
        String valueType = (rf == null) ? null : rf.getValueTypeName();
            Element eV = createValueElement(doc, oName, valueType, sfc.vValueStyle)
        // if subject of statement not current lens,
        // then a PropertyDescription resource
        //    :PropertyDescription a owl:Class ;
        //      rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource ;
        //      rdfs:label "Property Description"@en ;
        //      rdfs:comment "More detailed description of the property, e.g. for specifing sublenses or merging properties."@en ;
        //      rdfs:subClassOf [
        //          a owl:Restriction ;
        //          owl:onProperty :property ;
        //          owl:allValuesFrom rdf:Property
        //      ] ;
        // minCardinality = 0, maxCardinality = 1
        //      rdfs:subClassOf [
        //          a owl:Restriction ;
        //          owl:onProperty :sublens ;
        //          owl:minCardinality "0"^^dtype:nonNegativeInteger
        //      ] ;
        // minCardinality = 0
        //      rdfs:subClassOf [
        //          a owl:Restriction ;
        //          owl:onProperty :depth ;
        //          owl:allValuesFrom dtype:nonNegativeInteger
        //      ] ;
        // minCardinality = 0, maxCardinality = 1
        //    rdfs:subClassOf [
        //        a owl:Restriction ;
        //        owl:onProperty :use ;
        //        owl:allValuesFrom [ a owl:Class ;
        //               owl:unionOf ( :Group :Format ) ]
        //    ]
        // minCardinality = 0, maxCardinality = 1
        //    .
          SesameLens.PropertyDescriptionProperties pdp = sl.getPropertyDescriptionProperties(rs.getSubject(), fresnelRepository);
          if ( == null)
        // re-use values node where possible
        Element eP = null;         
          Lens[] sublens = fd.getLenses(pdp.sublens);

          // Target resource is object from original
          // resource : fresnel:property : object statements
        try {
          RepositoryConnection connection = dataRepo.getConnection();
          RepositoryResult<Statement> msl = connection.getStatements(r, null, null, true);
          Statement sr;
          while (msl.hasNext()){
            sr =;
            URI pr = sr.getPredicate();
            if (pr.toString().equals( {
              Value no = sr.getObject();
              String valueType = null;
              StyleFormatContainer sfc = null;
              if (eP == null){
                // TODO: Is this right for getting styles?????
                // TODO: Fresnel:use - should this be "used" here?
                Format rf = sl.getBestFormatForProperty(fd, dataRepo, sr, pdp.use);
                sfc = new StyleFormatContainer(sl, rf, vResourceStyle, null);
                if (rf != null) valueType = rf.getValueTypeName();
                eP = createPropertyElement(dataRepo, doc, sl, rf,, null, sfc);
                lastValues = getValuesElement(eP);
                lastPredicate = rp;
              if (no instanceof Resource){
                // recurse!
                // TODO: Is this right for getting styles?????
                Resource rr = (Resource)no;
                SesameLens jlr = (SesameLens)sl.selectRenderLens(dataRepo, sublens, rr);
                Format rf = sl.getBestFormatForProperty(fd, dataRepo, sr, pdp.use);
                sfc = new StyleFormatContainer(sl, rf, vResourceStyle, null);
                Element eV = createValueElement(doc, null, valueType, sfc.vValueStyle);
                if (jlr != null)
                  // TODO: fix depth stuff??? (or is this right???)
                  int dr = depth;
                  if (pdp.depth >= 0 && pdp.depth < depth)
                    dr = pdp.depth;
                  Element nre = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, jlr, pdp.use, rr, dr);
                  if (nre != null)
              else {
                String oName = null;
                if (no instanceof Literal)
                  oName = ((Literal)no).getLabel();
                  oName = no.toString();
                Element eV = createValueElement(doc, oName, valueType, sfc.vValueStyle)
        catch (RepositoryException ex){
            System.err.println("Error while getting statements from repository:");
   * Appends DOM document elements describing properties of specified resource.
     * @param parsed Fresnel Display program
     * @param container for data to be rendered
     * @param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
     * @param parent org.w3c.dom.Document element for output
     * @param vector of styles to apply to current resource element
     * @param Lens to use for rendering
     * @param data resource to process
  void appendResourceProperties(FresnelDocument fd, Repository dataRepo, Document doc, Element eR, SesameLens sl, String useURI, Resource r, Vector vResourceStyle, int depth, MResutls mres, MResource mr) {   
    // For JenaLens, getPropertyValuesToDisplay generates instances of Jena statement objects.
    // The predicate and object of these statements are the property-value pairs of interest.
    // The property Selection Vocabulary from the Fresnel Ontology:
    //  :showProperties a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    //      rdfs:label "show properties"@en ;
    //      rdfs:comment "List of all properties which should be shown."@en ;
    //      rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
    //      rdfs:domain :Lens ;
    //      rdfs:range [ a owl:Class ;
    //            owl:unionOf (
    //                rdf:Property
    //                :PropertyDescription
    //                :ConvenienceToken
    //                :ShowPropertyList
    //            )
    //      ]
    //      .
    // rdf:Property & :ShowPropertyList are returned as
    // Jena Statements with s=resource,p=property,o=value
    // :PropertyDescription are returned as
    // Jena Statements with s=PropertyDescription_resource,p=?,o=?
    // TODO: ConvenienceToken????
    Element lastValues = null;
    URI lastPredicate = null;
    Vector rsv = sl.getPropertyValuesToDisplay(r, dataRepo, fresnelRepository);
    Iterator rsi = rsv.iterator();
    while (rsi.hasNext())
      Statement rs = (Statement);
        if(!rs.getContext().toString().contains("provenance"))//hard coded - context with provenace!!
          String rsSID = rs.getSubject().toString();
          String rID = r.toString();
          URI rp = rs.getPredicate();
          // keep track of previous predicate to re-use "values" element in doc
          if ((lastPredicate == null) || !(lastPredicate.toString().equals(rp.toString())))
            lastPredicate = null;
            lastValues = null;
          if (rsSID.equals(rID))
            // "normal" property specification
            Format rf = sl.getBestFormatForProperty(fd, dataRepo, rs, useURI);
            String pName = rp.toString();
            Value o = rs.getObject();
            String oName = null;
            if (o instanceof Literal)
              oName = ((Literal)o).getLabel();
              oName = o.toString();
            StyleFormatContainer sfc = new StyleFormatContainer(sl, rf, vResourceStyle, null);
            if (lastValues == null)
              // re-use values node where possible
              Element eP = createPropertyElement(dataRepo, doc, sl, rf, pName, oName, sfc );
              lastValues = getValuesElement(eP);
              lastPredicate = rp;
            String valueType = (rf == null) ? null : rf.getValueTypeName();
                Element eV = createValueElement(doc, oName, valueType, sfc.vValueStyle)
                //write Metadata of statement in XML Doc           
                try {
              setMetaProperties(dataRepo, doc, sl, eV, getMetadata(dataRepo, rs), mres, mr,  new MStatement(rs,getMetadata(dataRepo, rs)));
            } catch (RepositoryException e) {
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            // if subject of statement not current lens,
            // then a PropertyDescription resource
            //    :PropertyDescription a owl:Class ;
            //      rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource ;
            //      rdfs:label "Property Description"@en ;
            //      rdfs:comment "More detailed description of the property, e.g. for specifing sublenses or merging properties."@en ;
            //      rdfs:subClassOf [
            //          a owl:Restriction ;
            //          owl:onProperty :property ;
            //          owl:allValuesFrom rdf:Property
            //      ] ;
            // minCardinality = 0, maxCardinality = 1
            //      rdfs:subClassOf [
            //          a owl:Restriction ;
            //          owl:onProperty :sublens ;
            //          owl:minCardinality "0"^^dtype:nonNegativeInteger
            //      ] ;
            // minCardinality = 0
            //      rdfs:subClassOf [
            //          a owl:Restriction ;
            //          owl:onProperty :depth ;
            //          owl:allValuesFrom dtype:nonNegativeInteger
            //      ] ;
            // minCardinality = 0, maxCardinality = 1
            //    rdfs:subClassOf [
            //        a owl:Restriction ;
            //        owl:onProperty :use ;
            //        owl:allValuesFrom [ a owl:Class ;
            //               owl:unionOf ( :Group :Format ) ]
            //    ]
            // minCardinality = 0, maxCardinality = 1
            //    .
              SesameLens.PropertyDescriptionProperties pdp = sl.getPropertyDescriptionProperties(rs.getSubject(), fresnelRepository);
              if ( == null)
            // re-use values node where possible
            Element eP = null;         
              Lens[] sublens = fd.getLenses(pdp.sublens);
              // Target resource is object from original
              // resource : fresnel:property : object statements
            try {
              RepositoryConnection connection = dataRepo.getConnection();
              RepositoryResult<Statement> msl = connection.getStatements(r, null, null, true);
              Statement sr;
              while (msl.hasNext()){
                sr =;
                URI pr = sr.getPredicate();
                if (pr.toString().equals( {
                  Value no = sr.getObject();
                  String valueType = null;
                  StyleFormatContainer sfc = null;
                  if (eP == null){
                    // TODO: Is this right for getting styles?????
                    // TODO: Fresnel:use - should this be "used" here?
                    Format rf = sl.getBestFormatForProperty(fd, dataRepo, sr, pdp.use);
                    sfc = new StyleFormatContainer(sl, rf, vResourceStyle, null);
                    if (rf != null) valueType = rf.getValueTypeName();
                    eP = createPropertyElement(dataRepo, doc, sl, rf,, null, sfc);
                    lastValues = getValuesElement(eP);
                    lastPredicate = rp;
                  if (no instanceof Resource){
                    // recurse!
                    // TODO: Is this right for getting styles?????
                    Resource rr = (Resource)no;
                    SesameLens jlr = (SesameLens)sl.selectRenderLens(dataRepo, sublens, rr);
                    Format rf = sl.getBestFormatForProperty(fd, dataRepo, sr, pdp.use);
                    sfc = new StyleFormatContainer(sl, rf, vResourceStyle, null);
                    Element eV = createValueElement(doc, null, valueType, sfc.vValueStyle);
                    //write Metadata of Statement in XML Doc
                    setMetaProperties(dataRepo, doc, sl, eV, getMetadata(dataRepo, sr), mres, mr, new MStatement(sr, getMetadata(dataRepo, sr)));
                    if (jlr != null)
                      // TODO: fix depth stuff??? (or is this right???)
                      int dr = depth;
                      if (pdp.depth >= 0 && pdp.depth < depth)
                        dr = pdp.depth;
                      Element nre = createResourceElement(fd, dataRepo, doc, jlr, pdp.use, rr, dr);
                      if (nre != null)
                  else {
                    String oName = null;
                    if (no instanceof Literal)
                      oName = ((Literal)no).getLabel();
                      oName = no.toString();
                    Element eV = createValueElement(doc, oName, valueType, sfc.vValueStyle)
                    //write Metadata of Statement in XML Doc               
                    setMetaProperties(dataRepo, doc, sl, eV, getMetadata(dataRepo, sr), mres, mr, new MStatement(sr, getMetadata(dataRepo, sr)));               
            catch (RepositoryException ex){
                System.err.println("Error while getting statements from repository:");

   * Create DOM doc element describing specified property.
     *@param container for data to be rendered
     *@param Lens to use for rendering
     *@param Format to use for rendering
     *@param property URI
     *@param value string
     *@param vector of property styles from current lens, group and format
     *@param vector of label styles from current lens, group and format
     *@param vector of value styles from current lens, group and format
   *@return DOM doc element describing specified property
  Element createPropertyElement(Repository dataRepo, Document doc, SesameLens sl, Format sf, String pName, String oText, StyleFormatContainer sfc) {
         * <xsd:complexType name="FresnelProperty">
         *  <xsd:sequence>
         *   <xsd:element name="content" type="FresnelContents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
         *   <xsd:element name="label" type="FresnelLabel" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
         *   <xsd:element name="values" type="FresnelValues" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
         *  </xsd:sequence>
         *  <xsd:attribute name="class" type="xsd:string"/>
         *  <xsd:attribute name="uri" type="xsd:string"/>
         * </xsd:complexType>

    Element eP = doc.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "property");
    eP.setAttribute("uri", pName );
    setClassAttribute(eP, sfc.vPropertyStyle);
    // Create optional content element
    Element eC = createContentElement(doc, sfc.propertyFormattingInstructions);
    if (eC != null)

    // Create required label element
    String labelText = (sf == null) ? "" : sf.getValueLabel();
        Element eL = createLabelElement(doc, labelText, sfc.labelFormattingInstructions, sfc.vLabelStyle);

    // Create required values element
    ContentFormat cf = (sf == null) ? null : sf.getValueFormattingInstructions();
    Element eVS = createValuesElement(doc, cf);

        return eP;

  Element createMetaPropertyElement(Repository dataRepo, Document doc, SesameLens sl, Format sf, String pName, String oText, StyleFormatContainer sfc) {
         * <xsd:complexType name="FresnelProperty">
         *  <xsd:sequence>
         *   <xsd:element name="content" type="FresnelContents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
         *   <xsd:element name="label" type="FresnelLabel" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
         *   <xsd:element name="values" type="FresnelValues" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
         *  </xsd:sequence>
         *  <xsd:attribute name="class" type="xsd:string"/>
         *  <xsd:attribute name="uri" type="xsd:string"/>
         * </xsd:complexType>

    Element eP = doc.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "metaproperty");
    eP.setAttribute("uri", pName );
    setClassAttribute(eP, new Vector());
    // Create optional content element
    Element eC = createContentElement(doc, new ContentFormat());
    if (eC != null)

    // Create required label element
    String labelText = (sf == null) ? "" : sf.getValueLabel();
        Element eL = createLabelElement(doc, oText, new ContentFormat(), new Vector());

    // Create required values element
    ContentFormat cf = (sf == null) ? null : sf.getValueFormattingInstructions();
    Element eVS = createValuesElement(doc, cf);

        return eP;

  void setMetaProperties(Repository dataRepo, Document doc, SesameLens sl, Element eR, ComplexProvenance metadata, MResutls mres, MResource mr, MStatement ms){
    if((mres != null)&&(mr != null)){
      if (ms !=null) mres.addValue(mr, ms);       
      else mres.setValues(mr, new Vector<MStatement>());
    Format rf = null;
    StyleFormatContainer sfc = null;
    String pName;
    String oName;
    Element lastValues;
    Element eP;
    Iterator<URI> iterator;
      pName = MetaVocabulary.AGENT;
      oName = "Agent";
      Set<URI> agents = metadata.getComplexAgent()
      iterator = agents.iterator();
        eP = createMetaPropertyElement(dataRepo, doc, sl, rf, pName, oName, sfc );
          oName = (;
          Element eV = createValueElement(doc, oName, null, new Vector());
          lastValues = getValuesElement(eP);
      pName = MetaVocabulary.SOURCE;
      oName = "Source";
      Set<URI> sources = metadata.getComplexSource();
      iterator = sources.iterator();
        eP = createMetaPropertyElement(dataRepo, doc, sl, rf, pName, oName, sfc );
          oName = (;
          Element eV = createValueElement(doc, oName, null, new Vector());        
          lastValues = getValuesElement(eP);
      pName = MetaVocabulary.CONFIDENCE_DEGREE;
      oName = "Confidence Degree";
      Collection<Double> confidence = metadata.getComplexConfidenceDegree();
      Iterator<Double> iteratorc = confidence.iterator();
        eP = createMetaPropertyElement(dataRepo, doc, sl, rf, pName, oName, sfc );
          oName = (;
          Element eV = createValueElement(doc, oName, "unknown", new Vector())
          lastValues = getValuesElement(eP);
      pName = MetaVocabulary.CREATION_TIME;
      oName = "Creation Time";
      Collection<Date> date = metadata.getComplexCreationDate();
      Iterator<Date> iteratord = date.iterator();
        eP = createMetaPropertyElement(dataRepo, doc, sl, rf, pName, oName, sfc );
          oName = (;
          Element eV = createValueElement(doc, oName, "unknown", new Vector())
          lastValues = getValuesElement(eP);
   * Create DOM doc element describing specified label.
     * @param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
     * @param label text
     * @param label style
   * @return DOM doc element describing specified label
  Element createLabelElement(Document doc, String labelText, ContentFormat cf, Vector vLabelStyle) {
     * <xsd:complexType name="FresnelLabel">
     *   <xsd:sequence>
     *     <xsd:element name="contents" type="FresnelContents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *     <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *   </xsd:sequence>
     *   <xsd:attribute name="class" type="xsd:string"/>
     * </xsd:complexType>
      Element eL = doc.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "label");
      // Create optional content element
    Element eC = createContentElement(doc, cf);
    if (eC != null)

      // Create required title element
    eL.appendChild(createTextElement(doc, "title", labelText));
    // optional class attribute
    setClassAttribute(eL, vLabelStyle);

    return eL;
   * Create DOM doc element describing specified values.
     * @param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
     * @param values content
   * @return DOM doc element describing specified values
  Element createValuesElement(Document doc, ContentFormat cf) {
     *   <xsd:complexType name="FresnelValues">
     *    <xsd:sequence>
     *      <xsd:element name="contents" type="FresnelContents" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *      <xsd:element name="value" type="FresnelValue" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     *    </xsd:sequence>
     *   </xsd:complexType>
      Element eV = doc.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "values");
      // create optional content element
    Element eC = createContentElement(doc, cf);
    if (eC != null)
    // required value element(s) added by caller....

    return eV;

   * Create DOM doc element describing specified value.
     * @param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
     * @param value text
     * @param value style
   * @return DOM doc element describing specified value
  Element createValueElement(Document doc, String valueText, String valueType, Vector vValueStyle) {
     *   <xsd:complexType name="FresnelValue">
     *   <xsd:choice>
     *     <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *     <xsd:element name="resource" type="FresnelResource" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *   </xsd:choice>
     *   <xsd:attribute name="class" type="xsd:string"/>
     *   <xsd:attribute name="output-type" type="xsd:string"/>
     *  </xsd:complexType>
      Element eV = doc.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "value");
      if (valueText != null)
        eV.appendChild(createTextElement(doc, "title", valueText));
    if (valueType != null)
      eV.setAttribute("output-type", valueType);
    setClassAttribute(eV, vValueStyle);

    return eV;

   * Create DOM doc element describing specified property.
     * @param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
     * @param element name
     * @param value string
   * @return DOM doc element describing specified property
  Element createTextElement(Document doc, String eName, String textVal) {
    Element e = doc.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, eName);
    if (textVal != null && !textVal.equals(""))
    return e;
   * Create DOM doc element describing specified content.
     * @param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
     * @param content format
   * @return DOM doc element describing specified content
  Element createContentElement(Document doc, ContentFormat cf) {
     *  <xsd:complexType name="FresnelContents">
     *    <xsd:sequence>
     *      <xsd:element name="before" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *      <xsd:element name="after" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *      <xsd:element name="first" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
      *     <xsd:element name="last" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
     *    </xsd:sequence>
     *  </xsd:complexType>
    Element eC = null;
        if (cf != null && cf.hasFormattingInstructions()) {
          eC = doc.createElementNS(Constants.FRESNEL_OUTPUT_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE_URI, "content");
      if (cf.before != null) eC.appendChild(createTextElement(doc, "before", cf.before));                           
      if (cf.after != null) eC.appendChild(createTextElement(doc, "after", cf.after));                           
      if (cf.first != null) eC.appendChild(createTextElement(doc, "first", cf.first));                           
      if (cf.last != null) eC.appendChild(createTextElement(doc, "last", cf.last));
    return eC;
   * Create DOM doc element describing specified content.
     * @param org.w3c.dom.Document for output
     * @param content format
   * @return DOM doc element describing specified content
  void setClassAttribute(Element el, Vector style) {
    if (el != null && style != null && style.size() > 0) {
      String oStyle =  "";
      for (Iterator it = style.iterator(); it != null && it.hasNext();) {
        oStyle += (String);
        if (it.hasNext())
          oStyle += ",";
      el.setAttribute("class", oStyle);

   * Search specified DOM doc node for "values" child.
     * @param parent node to search
   * @return DOM doc "values" element
  Element getValuesElement(Element propertyNode) {
    // re-use values node where possible
    NodeList nl = propertyNode.getChildNodes();
    for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
      if (nl.item(i).getNodeName().equals("values")) {
    return null;
  private List<String> getResourceType(Repository repository, String r){
    List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    RepositoryConnection con = null;
    try {
      con = repository.getConnection();
      if (con!=null) {
        try {
          String query = "prefix rdf:<> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {<"+r+"> rdf:type ?o }";
          TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query);
          TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate();
          try {
            String firstBindingName = result.getBindingNames().get(0);
            while (result.hasNext()) {
              Value uri =;
              if (uri instanceof URI) {
          } finally {
        } catch (QueryEvaluationException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (MalformedQueryException e) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (RepositoryException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } finally {
      if (con!=null)
        try {
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return list;   
   * Checks if a lens is available for one specific resource.
   * @param in
   * @param resourceURI
   * @return boolean True or false whether a lens is available or not.
  public List<Lens> isLensForResourceAvailable(FresnelDocument fd, Repository repository, String r) {
    List<String> listType = getResourceType(repository, r);
    List<Lens> list = new ArrayList<Lens>()
    Lens[] ls=fd.getLenses();
      for (int j=0;ls != null && j<ls.length;j++) {
        Lens lens = ls[j]
      //if (lens.hasPurpose(new Purpose(new URIImpl("")))) {
      // Iterator for a lens domain set.
      String[] domains = lens.getBasicInstanceDomains();
      for(int l=0; domains!=null && l < domains.length; l++){
        if (domains[l].equals(r)) {
      String[] classes = lens.getBasicClassDomains();
      for(int l=0; classes!=null && l < classes.length; l++){       
        for (int f=0; listType !=null && f <listType.size(); f++){
          String resourceType = listType.get(f);
          if (classes[l].equals(resourceType)) {
    return list;


Related Classes of de.unikoblenz.isweb.metak4lena.SesameRenderer

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