Package org.dmd.dms.util

Source Code of org.dmd.dms.util.DmsSchemaParser

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  dark-matter-data
//  Copyright (c) 2010 dark-matter-data committers
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
//  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
//  Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
//  option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
//  more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
//  with this program; if not, see <>.
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.dmd.dms.util;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException;
import org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueExceptionSet;
import org.dmd.dmc.rules.DmcRuleExceptionSet;
import org.dmd.dmc.rules.SourceInfo;
import org.dmd.dmc.util.DmcUncheckedObject;
import org.dmd.dms.AttributeDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.ClassDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.DmsDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.MetaSchema;
import org.dmd.dms.MetaSchemaAG;
import org.dmd.dms.SchemaDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.SchemaDefinitionListenerIF;
import org.dmd.dms.SchemaManager;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.AttributeDefinitionDMO;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.DmsDefinitionDMO;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.MetaDMSAG;
import org.dmd.dmv.shared.DmvDynamicRuleManager;
import org.dmd.dmv.shared.DmvRuleManager;
import org.dmd.dmw.DmwObjectFactory;
import org.dmd.dmw.DmwWrapper;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.DebugInfo;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.Result;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.ResultException;
import org.dmd.util.parsing.ConfigFinder;
import org.dmd.util.parsing.ConfigLocation;
import org.dmd.util.parsing.ConfigVersion;
import org.dmd.util.parsing.DmcUncheckedOIFHandlerIF;
import org.dmd.util.parsing.DmcUncheckedOIFParser;

* This class parses files that conform to the Information Model Definition
* (IMD) schema and stores them in an SchemaManager.

public class DmsSchemaParser implements DmcUncheckedOIFHandlerIF, SchemaDefinitionListenerIF {

    // Schema manager that recognizes the DMS schema.
    SchemaManager        dmsSchema;

    // Schema manager that recognizes the DMS schema and the loaded schemas.
    SchemaManager        allSchema;

    // The schema that's currently being loaded.
    SchemaDefinition        schemaLoading;

    // Stack of schemas being loaded.
    Stack<SchemaDefinition>  schemaStack;

    // The file that's currently being parsed.
    String                currFile;

    // The files that have been loaded already.
    // Key: filename
    HashMap<String,SchemaDefinition>  loadedFiles;

    // The schemas that have been loaded already.
//    HashSet             loadedSchemas;

    // The directory where the schemas reside.
    String                  schemaDir;

    // The parser that will read basic objects from our information model
    // definition files that contain schemas.
    DmcUncheckedOIFParser       schemaParser;

    // The parser that will read basic objects from our information model
    // definition files that contain the other types of definitions.
    DmcUncheckedOIFParser       defParser;
    // The thing that find schemas for us
//    DmsSchemaFinder        finder;
    ConfigFinder        finder;

    // The rule manager that has been configured with the rule for the Information
    // Model Definition schema. See for details.
//    BrfRuleManager      rules;

    // Indicates if detailed trace output is required.
    boolean                 terseV;
    // Our object factory that instantiates wrappers and populates their attributes
    DmwObjectFactory      dmwfactory;

    // Our DMO factory that we use to load rule instances
    DmoObjectFactory      dmofactory;
    // The rule manager for our basic rules, defined in DMV
    DmvRuleManager        ruleManager;
//    /**
//     * Creates a new Object Instance Format parser. As new BasicObjects are created,
//     * they will be passed to the object handler for processing.
//     * @throws ResultException
//     */
//    public DmsSchemaParser(ResultSet rs, SchemaManager sm, BrfRuleManager brm) {
     * Creates a new schema parser.
     * @param sm A base level schema manager i.e. a newly created SchemaManager.
     * @param f  A schema finder that has already been called up to find schemas.
     * @throws ResultException
//    public DmsSchemaParser(SchemaManager sm, DmsSchemaFinder f) throws ResultException {
    public DmsSchemaParser(SchemaManager sm, ConfigFinder f) throws ResultException {
        dmsSchema       = sm;
        finder      = f;

     * Parses the specified DMS file and any other schemas on which it depends.
     * <p/>
     * If the checkRules flag is true, we also dynamically instantiate and validate
     * the defined rules against themselves, which is tricky. The other aspect of this which
     * is tricky has to do with the fact that the class path must be configured properly for
     * this to work in situations where there are other code packages beyond the base
     * dark-matter ones i.e. in situations where you're building a code base using just the dark-matter JARs.
     * Code generation/compilation has to take place first and then the rules have to be checked
     * separately. See the DmoGenUtility on how to accomplish this.
     * @param am A base level manager that will be populated with the schemas we parse. This should
     * be a newly constructed schema manager.
     * @param schemaName The name of the schema. Schema specifications are found in
     * files with a .dms extension that have been found by the DmsSchemaFinder.
     * @param terse If true, only the name of the schema being parsed is displayed
     * on System.out otherwise, the name of each file being read is printed.
     * @throws ResultException
     * @throws DmcValueException
     * @throws DmcValueExceptionSet
     * @return The requested schema is returned if all goes well, otherwise
     * null is returned.
     * NOTE: If WARNINGs are encountered, we still the schema - just check for the
     * presence of WARNINGs on the result set when parsing is complete.
     * @throws DmcRuleExceptionSet
    public SchemaDefinition parseSchema(SchemaManager am, String schemaName, boolean terse) throws ResultException, DmcValueException, DmcRuleExceptionSet {
        SchemaDefinition rc;
        allSchema = am;

        terseV = terse;
        rc = parseSchemaInternal(schemaName);
//        // We only do this if we've been asked to from
//        if ((rc != null) && checkRules){
//          // And finally, after everything has been parsed and resolved, we go back over the rule instances
//          // and sanity check them. Well, it's not quite that simple. We are applying rules to the rules
//          // themselves and we have to dynamically instantiate the rules and initialize them with rule data.
//          // All that interesting stuff is done in the dynamic rule manager.
//          DmvDynamicRuleManager drm = new DmvDynamicRuleManager();
//          drm.loadAndCheckRules(allSchema, rc);
//        }
    public void checkRules(SchemaDefinition sd) throws DmcRuleExceptionSet {
        // And finally, after everything has been parsed and resolved, we go back over the rule instances
        // and sanity check them. Well, it's not quite that simple. We are applying rules to the rules
        // themselves and we have to dynamically instantiate the rules and initialize them with rule data.
        // All that interesting stuff is done in the dynamic rule manager.
        DmvDynamicRuleManager drm = new DmvDynamicRuleManager();
        drm.loadAndCheckRules(allSchema, sd);     
    void initialize(){
        schemaLoading   = null;
        currFile        = null;
        loadedFiles     = new HashMap<String,SchemaDefinition>();
        schemaParser    = new DmcUncheckedOIFParser(this);
        defParser       = new DmcUncheckedOIFParser(this);
        for (AttributeDefinition def: MetaSchemaAG._metaSchema.getAttributeDefList()){
          if (def.getPreserveNewlines()){
        schemaStack     = new Stack<SchemaDefinition>();
        // The factory is built to recognize all objects because the
        // schema definitions might use auxiliary classes defined in other schemas
        dmwfactory    = new DmwObjectFactory(allSchema);
        dmofactory    = new DmoObjectFactory(allSchema);
        // Note: the rule manager automatically loads the meta schema and DMV rules.
        ruleManager    = new DmvRuleManager();
    DebugInfo.debug("\n\n*** RULE TRACING DISABLED ***\n\n");
//        DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracer(new ConsoleRuleTracer());
//        DmcOmni.instance().ruleTracing(true);

     * Parses the specified DMS file and any other schemas on which it
     * depends.
     * <P>
     * This function calls on itself recursively to parse the specified
     * schema file and the schemas on which it depends.
     * @param schemaName The name of the schema. Schema specifications are found in
     * files with a .dms extension that have been found by the DmsSchemaFinder.
     * @throws ResultException
     * @throws DmcValueException
     * @throws DmcRuleExceptionSet
     * @throws DmcValueExceptionSet
     * @returns The requested schema is returned if all goes well, otherwise
     * null is returned.
     * NOTE: If WARNINGs are encountered, we still the schema - just check for the
     * presence of WARNINGs on the result set when parsing is complete.
    SchemaDefinition parseSchemaInternal(String schemaName) throws ResultException, DmcValueException, DmcRuleExceptionSet {
//      DmsSchemaLocation  location  = finder.getLocation(schemaName);
      ConfigVersion    config    = finder.getConfig(schemaName);
      ConfigLocation    location  = null;
        SchemaDefinition    currSchema = null;
        String            currFile = null;
        SchemaDefinition    nativeSchema = null;
        if (config == null){
          ResultException ex = new ResultException();
          ex.addError("The specified schema couldn't be found: " + schemaName);
        location = config.getLatestVersion();
        currFile = location.getFileName();

        if (!terseV)
            System.out.println("\nParsing schema: " + schemaName);
        // Hold the directory name globally so that we can use it later
        schemaDir = new String(location.getDirectory());

        if ( (loadedFiles.containsKey(currFile) == false) &&
             ( (nativeSchema = allSchema.isSchema(schemaName)) == null)){
            // System.out.println("Opening " + currFile);
            // We didn't have the file, so add it to our loadedFiles set
            // and proceed with parsing.

            if (!terseV)
                System.out.println("    Reading " + currFile);
          schemaParser.parseFile(currFile, location.isFromJAR());
            currSchema = (SchemaDefinition)schemaStack.pop();
            // And now check to see if everything is resolved
            Iterator<AttributeDefinition> adl = currSchema.getAttributeDefList();
            if (adl != null){
            if (nativeSchema == null){
                // If we already had the file - no problem.
                currSchema = (SchemaDefinition)loadedFiles.get(currFile);
                currSchema = nativeSchema;


     * We handle the various schema related objects.
     * @throws ResultException
     * @throws DmcValueException
     * @throws DmcRuleExceptionSet
     * @throws DmcValueExceptionSet
    public void handleObject(DmcUncheckedObject uco, String infile, int lineNumber) throws ResultException, DmcValueException, DmcRuleExceptionSet {
        ClassDefinition     cd                  = null;
        boolean             isSchema            = false;
        DmsDefinition      newDef              = null;
        Iterator<String>    dependsOnSchemas    = null;
        Iterator<String>    defFiles            = null;
        SchemaDefinition    currSchema          = null;
        String              depSchema           = null;
        SchemaDefinition    newSchema           = null;
        String              currFile            = null;
        String         srcFile       = "";
        // Determine if we have a valid class
        if ((cd = allSchema.isClass((String)uco.classes.get(0))) == null){
          ResultException ex = new ResultException();

            ex.result.addResult(Result.ERROR,"Unknown class: " + uco.classes.get(0));
          try {
            if (uco.classes.get(0).equals(MetaSchema._SchemaDefinition.getName())){
              // Okay, a bit of cheating to handle schema extensions - since the
              // schema extensions are defined in schemas themselves, those schemas
              // have to be loaded before we attempt to resolve the schema extension
              // AUX class. So, we let the schema manager know that we're loading
              // a new schema with just the unchecked object.
            // If we're underneath a standard eclipse project, we ignore everything before
            // the /src folder name.
        int srcloc = infile.indexOf("/src");
        srcFile = "";
        if (srcloc != -1)
          srcFile = infile.substring(srcloc);
          srcFile = infile;

        // More interesting hand waving to handle rule instances. For most of the
            // objects that are found in schema definitions everything can be handled
            // in the usual way i.e. for ClassDefinitions, AttributeDefinitions,
            // RuleDefinitions etc. all of those classes are defined as part of the
            // meta schema and we have loaded the MetaSchemaAG. This means that we
            // can use the dmwfactory to instantiate these objects. However, for
            // instances of RuleDefinition, we're dealing with objects that are read
            // from the schema definition files and not using the loaded schemas. In
            // that case, we don't have all the information required to instantiate
            // objects.
        // Rule data objects are stored against the schema for processing once
        // all schemas have been read.
            ClassDefinition checkClass = allSchema.isClass(uco.classes.get(0));
            if (checkClass != null){
              if (checkClass.getRuleDefinition() != null){
                uco.addValue(, lineNumber + "");
                uco.addValue(, srcFile);
                uco.addValue(, schemaLoading.getName().getNameString());
            DmwWrapper newObj = dmwfactory.createWrapper(uco);
            newDef     = null;

          newDef = (DmsDefinition) newObj;
//        DmvDMSAG.__dmvAllowedAttributes.execute(newDef.getDMO());
        // NOTE: We used to be able to resolve objects as we went, but, because
        // we now generate the TypeDefinitions for object references internally,
        // we run into issues with attributes (which are loaded first) referring
        // to classes that aren't yet defined. So, we have to do our object resolution
        // in a second pass.
        // TODO: Apply rules to the object
//          DebugInfo.debug("APPLYING RULES");
      } catch (ResultException e) {
      } catch (DmcValueException e) {
        ResultException ex = new ResultException(e.getMessage());
      } catch (ClassCastException e){
        ResultException ex = new ResultException();
        ex.addError("Invalid object in a schema definition: " + uco.classes.get(0));
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        ResultException ex = new ResultException();
      } catch(DmcRuleExceptionSet e){
        e.source(new SourceInfo(srcFile, lineNumber + ""));
            if (cd.getObjectName().getNameString().compareTo("SchemaDefinition") == 0)
                isSchema = true;

            if (schemaLoading == null){
                // We're not loading a schema, so this had better be a new schema
                // object - if not, we complain and return false
                if (isSchema == true){
                    // This is a new schema, so indicate that we're loading one
                    schemaLoading = (SchemaDefinition)newDef;
                    if ((dependsOnSchemas = schemaLoading.getDependsOn()) != null){
                        // This schema depends on others, make a recursive call to load them

                        // Hold on to the current schema
                        currSchema = schemaLoading;

                        // Reset the global schema pointer for now
                        schemaLoading = null;

                            depSchema =;
//DebugInfo.debug("Reading dependsOn: " + depSchema);
//if (depSchema.equals("dmv"))
//  DebugInfo.debugWithTrace("Parsing DMV");

                          ConfigVersion  config    = finder.getConfig(depSchema);
                          ConfigLocation  location  = null;
                            if (config == null){
                              ResultException ex = new ResultException();
                              ex.addError("Couldn't find schema: " + depSchema + " on which schema: " + currSchema.getObjectName() + " depends.");

                            location = config.getLatestVersion();
                            currFile = location.getFileName();
                            if (loadedFiles.containsKey(currFile) == false){
                                // Only load the schema if we haven't already parsed it
                                if ( (newSchema = this.parseSchemaInternal(depSchema)) == null){
                                  ResultException ex = new ResultException();
                                  ex.result.addResult(Result.FATAL,"Failed to parse schema: " + depSchema);


                                // Now reset schemaLoading to be null once more to
                                // mask the schema that we just read
                                schemaLoading = null;
                                // We've already loaded this file, but we still
                                // need to update the dependsOnRef
                              // System.out.println("Adding ref to previously parsed schema: " + ((SchemaDefinition)loadedFiles.get(currFile)).getName());

                        // Switch back to the schema at this level of parsing
                        schemaLoading = currSchema;
//DebugInfo.debug("Switching back to : " + schemaLoading.getName());


//                    // We let the SchemaManager know that we're loading a new schema.
//                    // This gives it the opportunity to notify its schema extensions
//                    // that this is happening.
//                    allSchema.schemaBeingLoaded(schemaLoading);

                    if ((defFiles = schemaLoading.getDefFiles()) != null){
                      ConfigLocation location = finder.getConfig(schemaLoading.getName().getNameString()).getLatestVersion();
                        // And now load the files associated with this schema
                          if (location.isFromJAR())
                            currFile = "/" + location.getDirectory() + "/" +;
                            currFile = location.getDirectory() + File.separator +;
//                            currFile = schemaDir + File.separator +;
//DebugInfo.debug("Reading def file: " + currFile);

                            if (!terseV){
                              if (location.isFromJAR())
                                System.out.println("      Reading " + currFile + " - from " + location.getJarFilename());
                                System.out.println("      Reading " + currFile);
                            if (location.isFromJAR()){

                // We're currently loading a schema, so if this object is another
                // schema, things are screwy. Complain and return false.
                if (isSchema == true){
                  ResultException ex = new ResultException();
                  ex.result.addResult(Result.FATAL,"Already loading schema: " + schemaLoading.getObjectName());
                  ex.result.lastResult().moreMessages("This may have occurred because you have two schema definitions in the same file.");
                    // The object isn't a schema, so it must be another type of definition class
                  // The definedIn attribute must be set before we add the schema to the SchemaManagers
                  // because it is used for a variety of purposes, including the generation of the
                  // internal types for enums and object references. The definedIn schema will have
                  // its internalTypeDefList attribute augmented with these types.
//                if (newDef == null){
//                  newRuleData.setDefinedIn(schemaLoading);
//                  allSchema.addRuleData(newRuleData);
//                  schemaLoading.addRuleDataList(newRuleData);
//                }
//                else{
//                }                   


  public void definitionAdded(DmsDefinitionDMO def) {
    if (def instanceof AttributeDefinitionDMO){
      AttributeDefinitionDMO attr = (AttributeDefinitionDMO) def;
      if (attr.getPreserveNewlines()){



Related Classes of org.dmd.dms.util.DmsSchemaParser

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