Package org.dmd.dmg.generators

Source Code of org.dmd.dmg.generators.BaseDMWGeneratorNewest

//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  dark-matter-data
//  Copyright (c) 2011 dark-matter-data committers
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
//  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
//  Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
//  option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
//  more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
//  with this program; if not, see <>.
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.dmd.dmg.generators;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.dmd.dmc.types.StringName;
import org.dmd.dmg.DarkMatterGeneratorIF;
import org.dmd.dmg.generated.dmo.DmgConfigDMO;
import org.dmd.dmg.util.GeneratorUtils;
import org.dmd.dmg.util.SchemaFormatter;
import org.dmd.dms.AttributeDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.ClassDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.ExtendedReferenceTypeDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.SchemaDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.SchemaManager;
import org.dmd.dms.TypeDefinition;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.ClassTypeEnum;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.DataTypeEnum;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.ValueTypeEnum;
import org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.WrapperTypeEnum;
import org.dmd.dms.util.GenUtility;
import org.dmd.dms.util.TypeAndAttr;
import org.dmd.util.FileUpdateManager;
import org.dmd.util.codegen.ImportManager;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.DebugInfo;
import org.dmd.util.exceptions.ResultException;
import org.dmd.util.formatting.CodeFormatter;
import org.dmd.util.parsing.ConfigFinder;
import org.dmd.util.parsing.ConfigLocation;

abstract public class BaseDMWGeneratorNewest implements DarkMatterGeneratorIF {

  protected  String         gendir;
//  protected  String         auxwdir;
  protected  String         dmwdir;
  protected  String        fileHeader;

  protected  ArrayList<AttributeDefinition>  allAttr;
  protected  PrintStream      progress;
  protected  SchemaManager    schema;
  protected  SchemaFormatter    sformatter;
  // This is filled as a side effect of calling getImports()
  protected  StringBuffer     attributeInfo;

  // These are used when generating AUX classes. We set them in the getImports() method
  // so that we can generate the appropriate private set()/get() methods as required.
  protected  boolean        anyMVAttributes;
  protected  boolean       anySVAttributes;
  protected  boolean       anyMVRefs;
  // Set to true if the class for which we're dumping a wrapper has any of
  // its own attributes.
  protected  boolean        anyAttributes;
  // The generation context maps to the key of the dmwTypeToPackage attribute defined
  // on a schema. This is used in ClassDefinition.adjustClass() method to get the
  // appropriate package name for the type of wrappers we're generating. For instance
  // if we were generated wrappers for use with GXT, a schema might have a dmwTypeToPackage
  // value of: dmwTypeToPackage gxt com.example.client. The wrappers would be placed
  // in com.example.client.generated.gxt.
  protected  String        genContext;
  // The file name suffix associated with the type of wrappers being generated.
  protected  String        genSuffix;
  // Very tricky: object references in a full java environment are dealt with
  // so that we get back the container object. But, in environments where we
  // don't have full java, we just want to use the object REFs right from the DMOs.
  protected  Boolean        useWrappedObjectRefs;
  protected  Boolean        fullJavaEnvironment;
  // Derived classes will set these attributes to contain the fully qualified
  // names of the wrapper classes for each category of object i.e. unnamed objects,
  // named objects and hierarchically named objects.
  protected  String        baseWrapperImport;
  String              baseWrapper;
  protected  String        namedWrapperImport;
  String              namedWrapper;
  protected  String        hierarchicWrapperImport;
  String              hierarchicWrapper;

  public BaseDMWGeneratorNewest(){
    sformatter = new SchemaFormatter();
    useWrappedObjectRefs = true;
  // DarkMatterGeneratorIF implementation

  public void gatherUserInput(DmgConfigDMO config, ConfigLocation loc, ConfigFinder f, SchemaManager sm) {
    // Nothing for now

  public void setProgressStream(PrintStream ps) {
    progress = ps;
  public void setFileHeader(String fh) {
    fileHeader = fh;

  // Our functionality

  protected void createWrappers(DmgConfigDMO config, ConfigLocation loc, ConfigFinder f, SchemaManager sm) throws IOException, ResultException {

    int lastdot = -1;
    lastdot = baseWrapperImport.lastIndexOf(".");
    baseWrapper = baseWrapperImport.substring(lastdot+1);
    lastdot = namedWrapperImport.lastIndexOf(".");
    namedWrapper = namedWrapperImport.substring(lastdot+1);
    lastdot = hierarchicWrapperImport.lastIndexOf(".");
    hierarchicWrapper = hierarchicWrapperImport.substring(lastdot+1);
    SchemaDefinition sd = sm.isSchema(config.getSchemaToLoad());
    if (sd.getDmwPackage(genContext) == null){
      System.err.println("The " + sd.getName() + " schema must define a dmwTypeToPackage mapping for this context: " + genContext);
      System.err.println("You should do this for all other schemas on which this schema depends.\n");
      System.err.println("Example: dmwTypeToPackage gxt com.example.client\n");
    Iterator<ClassDefinition> cdefs = sd.getClassDefList();
    if (cdefs != null){
        ClassDefinition cd =;
        if (cd.generateWrapper(genContext) == false){
//          DebugInfo.debug("Skipping " + cd.getName() + " for context " + genContext);
        if (cd.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.AUXILIARY){
//          createIfRequired(auxwdir);
          dumpAUX(cd, dmwdir);
          if (cd.getJavaClass() == null){
            ResultException ex = new ResultException();
            ex.addError("The " + cd.getName() + " class must define the javaClass attribute to facilitate wrapper creation.");
          dumpWrapper(config, loc, f, sm, cd);
    if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
      Iterator<TypeDefinition>  tdefs = sd.getInternalTypeDefList();
        TypeDefinition td =;
        ClassDefinition cd = td.getOriginalClass();
        if (cd != null){
          dumpIterable(config, loc, f, sm, cd, sd);
      Iterator<ExtendedReferenceTypeDefinition> extrefs = sd.getExtendedReferenceTypeDefList();
        ExtendedReferenceTypeDefinition ertd =;
        ClassDefinition cd = ertd.getExtendedReferenceClass();
        dumpExtendedReferenceIterable(config, loc, f, sm, cd, sd, ertd);

  void dumpIterable(DmgConfigDMO config, ConfigLocation loc, ConfigFinder f, SchemaManager sm, ClassDefinition cd, SchemaDefinition thisSchema) throws IOException {
    if (cd.getIsNamedBy() == null)

        BufferedWriter   out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(dmwdir, cd.getName().getNameString() + "");
        if (fileHeader != null)
        String CAST = cd.getDmeClass();
        String REF   = cd.getDmtClass();
        out.write("package " + cd.getDMWPackage() + ".generated.dmw;\n\n");
        out.write("import java.util.Iterator;\n\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmw.DmwContainerIterator;\n");
        out.write("import " + cd.getDmtREFImport()+ ";\n");
        if (cd.getUseWrapperType() == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
            out.write("import " + cd.getDmeImport() + ";\n");
            CAST = cd.getDmeClass();
            out.write("import " + cd.getDmwImport() + ";\n");
            CAST = cd.getDmwClass();
        out.write(" * The " + cd.getName() + "IteratorDMW will cast from an underlying " + REF + " class to \n");
        out.write(" * the associated wrapper class: " + CAST + " when accessing object references in a wrapper context.\n");
        out.write(" * <P>\n");
        out.write(" * Generated from the " + cd.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema at version " + cd.getDefinedIn().getVersion() + "\n");
        out.write(" * <P>\n");
        out.write(" * This code was auto-generated by the dmggenerator utility and shouldn't be altered manually!\n");
        out.write(" * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write(" */\n");
        out.write("public class " + cd.getName() + "IterableDMW extends DmwContainerIterator<" + CAST + "," + REF + "> {\n");
        out.write("    public final static " + cd.getName() + "IterableDMW emptyList = new " + cd.getName() + "IterableDMW();\n");
        out.write("    protected " + cd.getName() + "IterableDMW(){\n");
        out.write("        super();\n");
        out.write("    }\n");
        out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + "IterableDMW(Iterator<" + REF + "> it){\n");
        out.write("        super(it);\n");
        out.write("    }\n");

  void dumpExtendedReferenceIterable(DmgConfigDMO config, ConfigLocation loc, ConfigFinder f, SchemaManager sm, ClassDefinition cd, SchemaDefinition thisSchema, ExtendedReferenceTypeDefinition ertd) throws IOException {
        BufferedWriter   out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(dmwdir, ertd.getName().getNameString() + "");
        if (fileHeader != null)
        String CAST = cd.getDmeClass();
        String REF   = ertd.getName().getNameString();
        TypeDefinition td = sm.tdef(ertd.getName().getNameString());
        out.write("package " + cd.getDMWPackage() + ".generated.dmw;\n\n");
        out.write("import java.util.Iterator;\n\n");
        out.write("import org.dmd.dmw.DmwContainerIterator;\n");
        out.write("import " + td.getPrimitiveType() + ";\n");
        if (cd.getUseWrapperType() == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
            out.write("import " + cd.getDmeImport() + ";\n");
            CAST = cd.getDmeClass();
            out.write("import " + cd.getDmwImport() + ";\n");
            CAST = cd.getDmwClass();
        out.write(" * The " + ertd.getName().getNameString() + "IteratorDMW will cast from an underlying " + REF + " class to \n");
        out.write(" * the associated wrapper class: " + CAST + " when accessing object references in a wrapper context.\n");
        out.write(" * <P>\n");
        out.write(" * Generated from the " + td.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema at version " + td.getDefinedIn().getVersion() + "\n");
        out.write(" * <P>\n");
        out.write(" * This code was auto-generated by the dmggenerator utility and shouldn't be altered manually!\n");
        out.write(" * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write(" */\n");
        out.write("public class " + ertd.getName().getNameString() + "IterableDMW extends DmwContainerIterator<" + CAST + "," + REF + "> {\n");
        out.write("    public final static " + ertd.getName().getNameString() + "IterableDMW emptyList = new " + ertd.getName().getNameString() + "IterableDMW();\n");
        out.write("    protected " + ertd.getName().getNameString() + "IterableDMW(){\n");
        out.write("        super();\n");
        out.write("    }\n");
        out.write("    public " + ertd.getName().getNameString() + "IterableDMW(Iterator<" + REF + "> it){\n");
        out.write("        super(it);\n");
        out.write("    }\n");

  void dumpWrapper(DmgConfigDMO config, ConfigLocation loc, ConfigFinder f, SchemaManager sm, ClassDefinition cd) throws IOException {
    attributeInfo = new StringBuffer();
        BufferedWriter   out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(dmwdir, cd.getName().getNameString() + genSuffix + ".java");
        if (fileHeader != null)
        out.write("package " + cd.getDmwPackage(genContext) + ".generated." + genContext + ";\n\n");
    allAttr = new ArrayList<AttributeDefinition>();
//    StringBuffer imports = new StringBuffer();
    ImportManager imports = new ImportManager();
    getAttributesAndImports(cd, allAttr, imports);
    // The access functions may add additional required imports
    String accessFunctions = getAccessFunctions(cd, imports);
        out.write(imports.getFormattedImports() + "\n\n");
        String impl = "";
        if (cd.getIsNamedBy() != null){
          if (cd.getIsNamedBy().getType().getIsHierarchicName())
              impl = "implements DmcHierarchicNamedObjectIF ";
            impl = "implements DmcNamedObjectIF ";
        CodeFormatter.dumpCodeComment(cd.getDescription(),out," * ");
        out.write(" * <P>\n");
        out.write(" * Generated from the " + cd.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema at version " + cd.getDefinedIn().getVersion() + "\n");
        out.write(" * <P>\n");
        out.write(" * This code was auto-generated by the dmggenerator utility and shouldn't be alterred manually!\n");
        out.write(" * Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        out.write(" */\n");
        if (cd.getDerivedFrom() == null){
          if (cd.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT){
            if (cd.getIsNamedBy() == null){
              out.write("abstract public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + baseWrapper + " " + impl + "{\n");
              if (cd.getIsNamedBy().getType().getIsHierarchicName()){
                  out.write("abstract public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + hierarchicWrapper + " " + impl + "{\n");
                  out.write("abstract public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + namedWrapper + " " + impl + "{\n");
            if (cd.getIsNamedBy() == null){
              out.write("public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + baseWrapper + " " + impl + "{\n");
              if (cd.getIsNamedBy().getType().getIsHierarchicName()){
                  out.write("public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + hierarchicWrapper + " " + impl + "{\n");
                  out.write("public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + namedWrapper + " " + impl + "{\n");
          if (cd.getDerivedFrom().getDMWPackage() != null)

            if ( cd.getDerivedFrom().getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
              if (cd.getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
                out.write("abstract public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + cd.getDerivedFrom().getName() + " " + impl + "{\n");
                if (cd.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT){
                    out.write("abstract public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + cd.getDerivedFrom().getName() + " " + impl + "{\n");
                  out.write("public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + cd.getDerivedFrom().getName() + " " + impl + "{\n");
            if (cd.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT){
              out.write("abstract public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + cd.getDerivedFrom().getName() + genSuffix + " " + impl + "{\n");
              out.write("public class " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " extends " + cd.getDerivedFrom().getName() + genSuffix + " " + impl + "{\n");
        // All dark matter wrappers have to have a standard constructor that takes no
        // arguments and constructs the appropriate DMO for the wrapper. 
        if (cd.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT){
          out.write("    protected " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "() {\n");
          out.write("        super();\n");        
          out.write("    }\n\n");  
          if (cd.getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED)
            out.write("    abstract public " + cd.getName() + " getModificationRecorder();\n\n");
            out.write("    abstract public " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " getModificationRecorder();\n\n");

          String schemaName = GeneratorUtils.dotNameToCamelCase(cd.getDefinedIn().getName().getNameString()) + "SchemaAG";
          String classDef = cd.getDmwPackage(genContext) + ".generated." + schemaName + "._" + cd.getName();
          if (fullJavaEnvironment){
                out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "() {\n");
            out.write("        super(new " + cd.getName() + "DMO(), " + classDef + ");\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");
            // Modification recorder constructor
                out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "(DmcTypeModifierMV mods) {\n");
            out.write("        super(new " + cd.getName() + "DMO(mods), " + classDef + ");\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");
                out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "() {\n");
            out.write("        super(new " + cd.getName() + "DMO());\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");
                out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "(DmcTypeModifierMV mods) {\n");
            out.write("        super(new " + cd.getName() + "DMO(mods));\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");
          if (cd.getIsNamedBy() == null){
            if (cd.getDmwWrapperType(genContext) ==  WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
              // If the wrapper type is extended, we're abstract at this level, so we
              // have to instantiate our derived wrapper class instead
                  out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
              out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + " getModificationRecorder(){\n");
              out.write("        " + cd.getName() + " rc = new " + cd.getName() + "();\n");
              out.write("        rc.setModifier(new DmcTypeModifierMV(MetaDMSAG.__modify));\n");
              out.write("        return(rc);\n");
              out.write("    }\n\n");
                  out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
              out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " getModificationRecorder(){\n");
              out.write("        " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " rc = new " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "(new DmcTypeModifierMV(MetaDMSAG.__modify));\n");
              out.write("        return(rc);\n");
              out.write("    }\n\n");
            String upper = GenUtility.capTheName(cd.getIsNamedBy().getObjectName().toString());
            if (cd.getDmwWrapperType(genContext) ==  WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
              // If the wrapper type is extended, we're abstract at this level, so we
              // have to instantiate our derived wrapper class instead
                  out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
              out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + " getModificationRecorder(){\n");
              out.write("        " + cd.getName() + " rc = new " + cd.getName() + "();\n");
              out.write("        rc.set" + upper + "(get" + upper + "());\n");
              out.write("        rc.setModifier(new DmcTypeModifierMV(MetaDMSAG.__modify));\n");
              out.write("        return(rc);\n");
              out.write("    }\n\n");
                  out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
              out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " getModificationRecorder(){\n");
              out.write("        " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + " rc = new " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "();\n");
              out.write("        rc.set" + upper + "(get" + upper + "());\n");
              out.write("        rc.setModifier(new DmcTypeModifierMV(MetaDMSAG.__modify));\n");
              out.write("        return(rc);\n");
              out.write("    }\n\n");
          if (fullJavaEnvironment){
                out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + "DMW(" + cd.getName() + "DMO obj) {\n");
            out.write("        super(obj, " + classDef + ");\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");

        createCloneItMethod(out, config, loc, f, sm, cd);

        out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + "DMO getDMO() {\n");
        out.write("        return((" + cd.getName() + "DMO) core);\n");
        out.write("    }\n\n");

        if (fullJavaEnvironment){
            out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          out.write("    protected " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "(" + cd.getName() + "DMO obj, ClassDefinition cd) {\n");
          out.write("        super(obj,cd);\n");
          out.write("    }\n\n");
          if (cd.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT){
                out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            out.write("    protected " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "(" + cd.getName() + "DMO obj) {\n");
            out.write("        super(obj);\n");
            out.write("    }\n\n");
                out.write("    // Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
              out.write("    public " + cd.getName() + genSuffix + "(" + cd.getName() + "DMO obj) {\n");
              out.write("        super(obj);\n");
              out.write("    }\n\n");
   * Derived classes should override this to provide a cloning mechanism if they need it.
   * @param config
   * @param loc
   * @param f
   * @param sm
   * @param cd
   * @throws IOException
  protected void createCloneItMethod(BufferedWriter out, DmgConfigDMO config, ConfigLocation loc, ConfigFinder f, SchemaManager sm, ClassDefinition cdthrows IOException {
   * Dumps a file named <class name> to the specified output directory.
   * @param cd     The definition of the class.
   * @param outdir The output directory.
   * @throws IOException
  protected void dumpAUX(ClassDefinition cd, String outdir) throws IOException {
    // reset the static names, just in case we've been here before
    attributeInfo = new StringBuffer();
    allAttr = new ArrayList<AttributeDefinition>();
        BufferedWriter   out = FileUpdateManager.instance().getWriter(outdir, cd.getName().getNameString() + ".java");
        if (fileHeader != null)

        String tmp = GeneratorUtils.dotNameToCamelCase(cd.getDefinedIn().getName().getNameString());
        String schemaName = cd.getDefinedIn().getDmwPackage(genContext) + ".generated." + tmp + "SchemaAG";
        String classDef   = schemaName + "._" + cd.getName();
        out.write("package " + cd.getDefinedIn().getDmwPackage(genContext) + ".generated.dmw;\n\n");
        anyMVAttributes = false;
        anySVAttributes = false;
        anyMVRefs    = false;
//    StringBuffer imports = new StringBuffer();
    allAttr = new ArrayList<AttributeDefinition>();
    ImportManager imports = new ImportManager();
    imports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.ValueTypeEnum", "For AUX base functionality");
    imports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.enums.DataTypeEnum", "For AUX base functionality");
        out.write(imports.getFormattedImports() + "\n\n");
        out.write(getAuxClassHeader(cd, DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow()));
        out.write(" {\n\n");
        out.write("    public final static ClassDefinition _auxClass = " + classDef + ";\n");
        out.write(attributeInfo.toString() + "\n");
    void appendAttributeInfo(StringBuffer out, String n, int ID, String t, ValueTypeEnum vte, DataTypeEnum dte){
      out.append("    public final static DmcAttributeInfo __" + n + " = new DmcAttributeInfo(");
      out.append("\"" + n + "\",");
      out.append(ID + ",");
      out.append("\"" + t + "\",");
    out.append("ValueTypeEnum." + vte.toString() + ",");
    out.append("DataTypeEnum." + dte.toString() + ");\n");
   * This method cycles through the class derivation hierarchy and the types required by all
   * attributes associated with this class to determine the appropriate set of import statements
   * required for the DMO.
   * @param cd        The class definition of the object.
   * @param allAttr   An array that will be populated with all attribute definitions of the class.
   * @param imports   The import manager where we accumulate required imports.
  public void getAttributesAndImports(ClassDefinition cd, ArrayList<AttributeDefinition> allAttr, ImportManager imports){
//    IntegerVar    longestImport  = new IntegerVar();
    TreeMap<StringName,TypeDefinition>  types = new TreeMap<StringName,TypeDefinition>();
    TreeMap<StringName,TypeDefinition>  iterables = new TreeMap<StringName,TypeDefinition>();
    TreeSet<String>            genericImports  = new TreeSet<String>();
    TreeMap<String,TypeAndAttr>      typeAndAttr   = new TreeMap<String,TypeAndAttr>();
    boolean                needDmwOmni    = false;
//    ImportManager  imports = new ImportManager();
    // Key: type name
    // Value: comment
//    TreeMap<String,String>  uniqueImports = new TreeMap<String, String>();

    anyAttributes = false;
    for(AttributeDefinition ad: cd.getAllAttributesAtThisLevel().values()){
      // NOTE: COMPLICATED! We always add the type of the attribute to our global types
      // map EXCEPT IF the type is a non-referential, MULTI/SET attribute. Gaa!
      // This is because WE DON'T want the primitive type any more, just the TYPEIterableDMW.
      // If the value is a single valued type, we'll want the primitive type.
      boolean shouldAddType = true;
      anyAttributes = true;
//      AttributeDefinition ad =;
      TypeDefinition td = ad.getType();
      if (ad.getGenericArgs() != null){
        if (ad.getGenericArgs().equals("<DmcObjectName>"))
          needDmwOmni = true;
      case SINGLE:
        anySVAttributes =  true;
      case HASHMAPPED:
      case TREEMAPPED:
        anyMVAttributes = true;
        if (ad.getType().getIsRefType())
          anyMVRefs = true;
      case MULTI:
      case HASHSET:
      case TREESET:
        anyMVAttributes = true;
        if (ad.getType().getIsRefType())
          anyMVRefs = true;
      if (shouldAddType){
        types.put(td.getName(), td);
        TypeAndAttr ta = new TypeAndAttr(td,ad.getValueType(),ad.getIndexSize());
        typeAndAttr.put(, ta);
      appendAttributeInfo(attributeInfo, ad.getName().getNameString(), ad.getDmdID(), ad.getType().getName().getNameString(), ad.getValueType(), ad.getDataType());

      if (ad.getGenericArgsImport() != null)

      if (ad.getValueType() != ValueTypeEnum.SINGLE){
        if (!ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
          if ((ad.getIndexSize() != null) && (ad.getType().getIsRefType())){
            // Don't import the schema of indexed, object refs
            if (useWrappedObjectRefs)
              imports.addImport(ad.getDefinedIn().getDMSASGImport(), "Attribute " + ad.getName() + " from the " + ad.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema");
              if ( (ad.getValueType() == ValueTypeEnum.HASHMAPPED) || (ad.getValueType() == ValueTypeEnum.TREEMAPPED))
                imports.addImport(ad.getDefinedIn().getDMSASGImport(), "Attribute " + ad.getName() + " from the " + ad.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema");
              else if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
//                if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() == null){
//                  if ( (ad.getValueType() != ValueTypeEnum.HASHSET) && (ad.getValueType() != ValueTypeEnum.TREESET)){
//                    imports.addImport(ad.getDefinedIn().getDMSASGImport(), "Attribute " + ad.getName() + " from the " + ad.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema");
//                  }
//                }
                imports.addImport(ad.getDefinedIn().getDMSASGImport(), "Attribute " + ad.getName() + " from the " + ad.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema");

//    Iterator<AttributeDefinition> may = cd.getMay();
//    if (may != null){
//      while(may.hasNext()){
//        // NOTE: COMPLICATED! We always add the type of the attribute to our global types
//        // map EXCEPT IF the type is a non-referential, MULTI/SET attribute. Gaa!
//        //
//        // This is because WE DON'T want the primitive type any more, just the TYPEIterableDMW.
//        // If the value is a single valued type, we'll want the primitive type.
//        boolean shouldAddType = true;
//        anyAttributes = true;
//        AttributeDefinition ad =;
//        TypeDefinition td = ad.getType();
//        if (ad.getGenericArgs() != null){
//          if (ad.getGenericArgs().equals("<DmcObjectName>"))
//            needDmwOmni = true;
//        }
//        switch(ad.getValueType()){
//        case SINGLE:
//          anySVAttributes =  true;
//          break;
//        case HASHMAPPED:
//        case TREEMAPPED:
//          anyMVAttributes = true;
//          if (ad.getType().getIsRefType())
//            anyMVRefs = true;
//          iterables.put(td.getName(),td);
//          break;
//        case MULTI:
//        case HASHSET:
//        case TREESET:
//          anyMVAttributes = true;
//          if (ad.getType().getIsRefType())
//            anyMVRefs = true;
//          iterables.put(td.getName(),td);
//          break;
//        }
//        if (shouldAddType){
//          types.put(td.getName(), td);
//          TypeAndAttr ta = new TypeAndAttr(td,ad.getValueType(),ad.getIndexSize());
//          typeAndAttr.put(, ta);
//        }
//        appendAttributeInfo(attributeInfo, ad.getName().getNameString(), ad.getDmdID(), ad.getType().getName().getNameString(), ad.getValueType(), ad.getDataType());
//        if (ad.getGenericArgsImport() != null)
//          genericImports.add(ad.getGenericArgsImport());
//        if (ad.getValueType() != ValueTypeEnum.SINGLE){
//          if (!ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
//            if ((ad.getIndexSize() != null) && (ad.getType().getIsRefType())){
//              // Don't import the schema of indexed, object refs
//            }
//            else
//              imports.addImport(ad.getDefinedIn().getDMSASGImport(), "Attribute " + ad.getName() + " from the " + ad.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema");
//          }
//        }
//        allAttr.add(ad);
//      }
//    }
//    Iterator<AttributeDefinition> must = cd.getMust();
//    if (must != null){
//      while(must.hasNext()){
//        // NOTE: COMPLICATED! We always add the type of the attribute to our global types
//        // map EXCEPT IF the type is a non-referential, MULTI/SET attribute. Gaa!
//        //
//        // This is because WE DON'T want the primitive type any more, just the TYPEIterableDMW.
//        // If the value is a single valued type, we'll want the primitive type.
//        boolean shouldAddType = true;
//        anyAttributes = true;
//        AttributeDefinition ad =;
//        TypeDefinition td = ad.getType();
//        if (ad.getGenericArgs() != null){
//          if (ad.getGenericArgs().equals("<DmcObjectName>"))
//            needDmwOmni = true;
//        }
//        switch(ad.getValueType()){
//        case SINGLE:
//          anySVAttributes =  true;
//          break;
//        case HASHMAPPED:
//        case TREEMAPPED:
//          anyMVAttributes = true;
//          if (ad.getType().getIsRefType())
//            anyMVRefs = true;
//          iterables.put(td.getName(),td);
//          break;
//        case MULTI:
//        case HASHSET:
//        case TREESET:
//          anyMVAttributes = true;
//          if (ad.getType().getIsRefType())
//            anyMVRefs = true;
//          iterables.put(td.getName(),td);
//          break;
//        }
//        if (shouldAddType){
//          types.put(td.getName(), td);
//          TypeAndAttr ta = new TypeAndAttr(td,ad.getValueType(),ad.getIndexSize());
//          typeAndAttr.put(, ta);
//        }
//        appendAttributeInfo(attributeInfo, ad.getName().getNameString(), ad.getDmdID(), ad.getType().getName().getNameString(), ad.getValueType(), ad.getDataType());
//        if (ad.getGenericArgsImport() != null)
//          genericImports.add(ad.getGenericArgsImport());
//        if (ad.getValueType() != ValueTypeEnum.SINGLE){
//          if (!ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
//            if ((ad.getIndexSize() != null) && (ad.getType().getIsRefType())){
//              // Don't import the schema of indexed, object refs
//            }
//            else
//              imports.addImport(ad.getDefinedIn().getDMSASGImport(), "Attribute " + ad.getName() + " from the " + ad.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema");
//          }
//        }
//        allAttr.add(ad);
//      }
//    }
    if (cd.getIsNamedBy() != null){
      AttributeDefinition isNamedBy = cd.getIsNamedBy();
      String nameAttributeType = isNamedBy.getType().getPrimitiveType();
      imports.addImport(nameAttributeType, "Is named by");
    if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
//      imports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.*", "Always 2");
      imports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.ClassDefinition", "Passing derived class def up the hierarchy");
    if ( (cd.getClassType() != ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT) && (cd.getClassType() != ClassTypeEnum.AUXILIARY)){
      imports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.types.DmcTypeModifierMV", "Required for MODREC constructor");
      imports.addImport("org.dmd.dms.generated.dmo.MetaDMSAG", "Required for MODREC constructor");
    if (cd.getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED){
      imports.addImport(cd.getDmeImport(), "Required for getModificationRecorder()");
    if (needDmwOmni)
      imports.addImport("org.dmd.dmw.DmwOmni", "Have DmcObjectName attributes");
    if (anyAttributes){
      imports.addImport("org.dmd.dmc.*", "If any attributes");
    for(String s: genericImports){
      imports.addImport(s, "Generic args import");

    for(TypeAndAttr ta : typeAndAttr.values()){
      TypeDefinition td =;
      if (td.getIsRefType()){
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
          // We have to make some adjustments to handle the fact that we
          // may not be generating this code in the same location as the DMOs
          if (td.getIsExtendedRefType() && ta.valueType == ValueTypeEnum.SINGLE){
            // no need to import the ref type
            imports.addImport(td.getAuxHolderImport(), "Is reference type");
          // If this is multi-valued, we don't need the REF because we're returning the Iterable
          if (ta.valueType == ValueTypeEnum.SINGLE){
            if (td.getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() == null)
              imports.addImport(td.getOriginalClass().getDmoImport(), "Reference to unnamed object");
              if (!td.getIsExtendedRefType())
                imports.addImport(td.getOriginalClass().getDmtREFImport(), "Is reference type REF");
          if (cd.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.AUXILIARY){
            imports.addImport(ta.getImport(), "Reference in an auxiliary class");
          if (td.getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() != null){
            if ( (ta.valueType == ValueTypeEnum.TREEMAPPED) || (ta.valueType == ValueTypeEnum.HASHMAPPED) || (ta.indexed)){
              if (!
                imports.addImport(td.getOriginalClass().getDmtREFImport(), "To support getMVCopy() for REFs " +;
          // If this is multi-valued, we don't need the REF because we're returning the Iterable
          if (ta.valueType == ValueTypeEnum.SINGLE){
            if (td.getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() == null)
              imports.addImport(td.getOriginalClass().getDmoImport(), "Reference to unnamed object");
              if (!td.getIsExtendedRefType())
                imports.addImport(td.getOriginalClass().getDmtREFImport(), "Is reference type REF");
//          if (td.getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() != null)
            imports.addImport(td.getPrimitiveType(), "DMO reference");         

          if (td.getHelperClassName() != null){
            imports.addImport(td.getHelperClassName(), "Helper class");
      else if (td.getPrimitiveType() != null){
        imports.addImport(td.getPrimitiveType(), "Primitive type");
      else if (cd.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.AUXILIARY){
        imports.addImport(ta.getImport(), "Type in an auxiliary class");
      if (td.getAltType() != null){
        if (td.getAltTypeImport() != null)
          imports.addImport(td.getAltTypeImport(), "Alternative type for " + td.getName() + " values");
      if (td.getKeyImport() != null)
        imports.addImport(td.getKeyImport(), "Key class");
//      if (ta.valueType != ValueTypeEnum.SINGLE)
//        imports.addImport("java.util.Iterator", "To support getMVCopy()");

      case SINGLE:
      case MULTI:
        if (!ta.indexed){
          if (td.getIsRefType() && (td.getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() == null)){
          else if (useWrappedObjectRefs)
            imports.addImport("java.util.ArrayList", "To support getMVCopy()");
      case HASHMAPPED:
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs)
          imports.addImport("java.util.HashMap", "To support getMVCopy()");
      case TREEMAPPED:
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs)
          imports.addImport("java.util.TreeMap", "To support getMVCopy()");
      case HASHSET:
        if (td.getIsRefType()){
          if (td.getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() != null){
            if (useWrappedObjectRefs)
              imports.addImport("java.util.HashSet", "To support getMVCopy()");
          imports.addImport("java.util.HashSet", "To support getMVCopy()");
      case TREESET:
        if (td.getIsRefType()){
          if (td.getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() != null){
            if (useWrappedObjectRefs)
              imports.addImport("java.util.TreeSet", "To support getMVCopy()");
          imports.addImport("java.util.TreeSet", "To support getMVCopy()");
//    if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
//      Iterator<TypeDefinition> t  = iterables.values().iterator();
//      while(t.hasNext()){
//        TypeDefinition td =;
//        imports.addImport(td.getDmwIteratorImport(), "For multi-valued " + td.getName().getNameString());
////        if (td.getPrimitiveType() != null)
////          imports.addImport(td.getPrimitiveType(), "For multi-valued contains" + td.getName().getNameString());
//      }
//    }
    if (cd.getClassType() == ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT){
      imports.addImport(cd.getDmoImport(), "Abstract class");

    if (cd.getDerivedFrom() == null){
      if (cd.getIsNamedBy() == null){
        imports.addImport(baseWrapperImport, "Unnamed object wrapper");
        if (cd.getIsNamedBy().getType().getIsHierarchicName()){
          imports.addImport(hierarchicWrapperImport, "Hierarchic object wrapper");
          imports.addImport(namedWrapperImport, "Named object wrapper");
      imports.addImport(cd.getDerivedFrom().getJavaClass(), "Derived class");
    if ((cd.getClassType() != ClassTypeEnum.AUXILIARY) && (cd.getClassType() != ClassTypeEnum.ABSTRACT)){
      imports.addImport(cd.getDmoImport(), "Class not auxiliary or abstract");
//    sb.append(imports.getFormattedImports());
//  void addImport(TreeMap<String,String> map, IntegerVar longest, String i, String c){
//    if (i.length() > longest.intValue())
//      longest.set(i.length());
//    map.put(i,c + " - " + DebugInfo.getShortWhereWeWereCalledFrom());
//  }

//  String formatImports(TreeMap<String,String> map, int longest){
//    int padding = longest+17;
//    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
//    PrintfFormat format = new PrintfFormat("%-" + padding + "s");
//    sb.append("// Generated from: " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
//    Iterator<String> keys = map.keySet().iterator();
//    while(keys.hasNext()){
//      String key =;
//      sb.append(format.sprintf("import " + key + ";") + "// " + map.get(key) + "\n");
//    }
//    sb.append("\n");
//    return(sb.toString());
//  }
  String getAccessFunctions(ClassDefinition cd, ImportManager imports){
    StringBuffer sb  = new StringBuffer();
    // provide the getObjectName() method to support DmcNamedObjectIF
    if (cd.getIsNamedBy() != null){
      AttributeDefinition isNamedBy = cd.getIsNamedBy();
      String nameType = isNamedBy.getType().getName().getNameString();
        StringBuffer   attrNameCapped   = new StringBuffer();
        String dmocast = "((" + cd.getName() + "DMO) core)";
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public " + nameType + " getObjectName(){\n");
      sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + attrNameCapped.toString() + "());\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    public int hashCode(){\n");
      sb.append("        return(getObjectName().hashCode());\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> getObjectNameAttribute(){\n");
      sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".getObjectNameAttribute());\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    public boolean equals(Object obj){\n");
      sb.append("        if (obj instanceof " + cd.getName()+ genSuffix + "){\n");
      sb.append("            return( getObjectName().equals( ((" + cd.getName() + genSuffix + ") obj).getObjectName()) );\n");
      sb.append("        }\n");
      sb.append("        return(false);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

          if (cd.getIsNamedBy().getType().getIsHierarchicName()){
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public " + nameType + " getHierarchicObjectName(){\n");
          sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + attrNameCapped.toString() + "());\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
    for(AttributeDefinition ad : allAttr){
      case SINGLE:
      case MULTI:
      case HASHSET:
      case TREESET:
      case HASHMAPPED:
      case TREEMAPPED:
        formatMAPPED(cd, ad, sb,imports);
  void formatSV(ClassDefinition cd, AttributeDefinition ad, StringBuffer sb, ImportManager imports){
      String typeClassName = ad.getType().getTypeClassName();
      String attrType = "DmcType" + ad.getType().getName();
      String typeName = ad.getType().getName().getNameString();
      String genericArgs    = ad.getGenericArgs();
      if (genericArgs == null)
        genericArgs = "<?>";
      // Complicated stuff. When we're referring to wrapped objects through a reference
      // attribute we can have two cases. Either, we have a straight wrapper e.g. generated.dmw.classDMW
      // or, the generated wrapper has been extended e.g.  extended.class
      // So, we need to handle both of these cases and the internally generated type gives us
      // this info via the auxHolderType
      // But - a bit more complicated, we have to take into account where we're generating the wrappers.
      // We don't always generate them in the same location where we generate the DMOs i.e. we might
      // be generating wrappers for use on the server only, or for use on the client only. So, we have to
      // take this into account.
      String auxHolderClass = ad.getType().getAuxHolderClass();

      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
        attrType = attrType + "REF";
        typeName = typeName + "REF";

      if (typeClassName != null){
        int lastPeriod = typeClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (lastPeriod != -1){
          attrType = typeClassName.substring(lastPeriod + 1);
      String dmocast = "((" + cd.getName() + "DMO) core)";
      // getter

      StringBuffer   functionName   = new StringBuffer();
      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
        if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() == null){
          String cname = null;

          if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED)
            cname = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString();
            cname = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString() + genSuffix;
          sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * @return A " + cname + " object.\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public " + cname + " get" + functionName + "(){\n");
        sb.append("        " + ad.getType().getName() + "DMO dmo = " + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "();\n");
        sb.append("        if (dmo == null)\n");
        sb.append("            return(null);\n");
        sb.append("        \n");
        sb.append("        return((" + cname + ")dmo.getContainer());\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
//          if (ad.getType().getName().equals("AttributeDefinition")){
//            DebugInfo.debugWithTrace("HERE");
//          }
          String suffix = "";
          if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED)
            suffix = "";
            suffix = genSuffix;
          String REF = "REF";
          if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType())
            REF = "";
          if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
          if (ad.getType().getPrimitiveType() != null){
            if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType())
              imports.addImport(ad.getType().getPrimitiveType(), "For get() of " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString());

          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * @return A " + ad.getType().getName() + suffix + " object.\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getName() + suffix  + " get" + functionName + "(){\n");
          sb.append("        " + ad.getType().getName() + REF + " ref = " + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "();\n");
          sb.append("        if (ref == null)\n");
          sb.append("            return(null);\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        if (ref.getObject() == null)\n");
          sb.append("            return(null);\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        return((" + ad.getType().getName() + suffix + ")ref.getObject().getContainer());\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
            sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * @return A reference to a " + ad.getType().getName() + " object.\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getName() + REF  + " get" + functionName + "(){\n");
          sb.append("        " + ad.getType().getName() + REF + " ref = " + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "();\n");
          sb.append("        if (ref == null)\n");
          sb.append("            return(null);\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        return(ref);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
//            sb.append("    /**\n");
//          sb.append("     * @return A reference to a " + ad.getType().getName() + " object.\n");
//          sb.append("     */\n");
//          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
//          sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getName() + "REF"  + " get" + functionName + "(){\n");
//          sb.append("        " + ad.getType().getName() + "REF ref = " + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "();\n");
//          sb.append("        if (ref == null)\n");
//          sb.append("            return(null);\n");
//          sb.append("        \n");
//          sb.append("        return(ref);\n");
//          sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      if (typeName.equals("DmcAttribute")){
        sb.append("    public DmcAttribute" + genericArgs + " get" + functionName + "(){\n");
        sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "());\n");
      else if (typeName.equals("Boolean")){
        sb.append("    public " + typeName + " is" + functionName + "(){\n");
        sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".is" + functionName + "());\n");
        sb.append("    public " + typeName + " get" + functionName + "(){\n");
        sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "());\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
      // setter
      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
          if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + ad.getType().getName() + "\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(" + ad.getType().getName() + " value) {\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + ad.getType().getName() + "\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(" + auxHolderClass + " value) {\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value.getDMO());\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
          if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + ad.getType().getName() + "\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(" + ad.getType().getName() + " value) {\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + ad.getType().getName() + "DMO\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(" + ad.getType().getName() + "DMO value) {\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + ad.getType().getName() + "\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
          sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        if (genericArgs.equals("<DmcObjectName>")){
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Sets " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with DmcObjectName\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(DmcObjectName value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
            sb.append("        DmcAttribute<DmcObjectName>  nameattr = DmwOmni.instance().getNameAttribute(value);\n");
            sb.append("        nameattr.set(value);\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".setObjName(nameattr);\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Sets " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + attrType + "\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Sets " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value " + typeName + "\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      if (typeName.equals("DmcAttribute")){
        sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(DmcAttribute" + genericArgs + " value){\n");
        sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(" + typeName + " value){\n");
        sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");   
        if (ad.getType().getAltType() != null){
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Sets " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value " + typeName + "\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public void set" + functionName + "(" + ad.getType().getAltType() + " value){\n");
          sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".set" + functionName + "(value);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");   
      // remover
    sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * Removes the " + ad.getName() + " attribute value.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    public void rem" + functionName + "(){\n");
    sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".rem" + functionName + "();\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");

   * @param ad The attribute definition we're creating the access functions for.
   * @param sb Where we're appending the functions.
  void formatMV(ClassDefinition cd, AttributeDefinition ad, StringBuffer sb, ImportManager imports){
    // The fully qualified name of the DmcType for the attribute
      String typeClassName = ad.getType().getTypeClassName();
      // The last part typeClassName
      String attrType = "DmcType" + ad.getType().getName();
      String typeName = ad.getType().getName().getNameString();
      // Complicated stuff. When we're referring to wrapped objects through a reference
      // attribute we can have two cases. Either, we have a straight wrapper e.g. generated.dmw.classDMW
      // or, the generated wrapper has been extended e.g.  extended.class
      // So, we need to handle both of these cases and the internally generated type gives us
      // this info via the auxHolderType
      String auxHolderClass = ad.getType().getAuxHolderClass();
      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
        attrType = attrType + "REF";

      if (typeClassName != null){
        int lastPeriod = typeClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (lastPeriod != -1){
          attrType = typeClassName.substring(lastPeriod + 1);

      StringBuffer   functionName   = new StringBuffer();
      String dmocast = "((" + cd.getName() + "DMO) core)";

      // convenience functions
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * @return The number of " + typeName + " items.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    public int get" + functionName + "Size(){\n");
    sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "Size());\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * @return true if there are no " + typeName + "DMO items.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    public boolean get" + functionName + "IsEmpty(){\n");
    sb.append("        if (" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "Size() == 0)\n");
    sb.append("            return(true);\n");
    sb.append("        return(false);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * @return true if there are any " + typeName + "DMO items.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    public boolean get" + functionName + "HasValue(){\n");
    sb.append("        if (" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "Size() == 0)\n");
    sb.append("            return(false);\n");
    sb.append("        return(true);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");
      // getter

    if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
      String justdmo = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString() + "DMO";
      String itClass = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwIteratorClass();
      if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
        itClass = ad.getType().getName().getNameString() + "IterableDMW";
      if (ad.getIndexSize() == null){
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
          imports.addImport(ad.getType().getDmwIteratorImport(), "For multi-valued " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString());
          imports.addImport(ad.getDefinedIn().getDMSASGImport(), "Attribute from the " + ad.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema");

          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName + "DMO objects.\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
//          sb.append("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public " + itClass + " get" + functionName + "Iterable(){\n");
//          sb.append("        DmcAttribute attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
          sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = core.get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
          sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
          sb.append("            return(" + itClass+ ".emptyList);\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        return(new " + itClass + "(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "()));\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
          imports.addImport("java.util.Iterator", "Multi-valued attribute access");
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName + "DMO objects.\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
//          sb.append("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() == null)
            sb.append("    public Iterator<" + typeName + "DMO> get" + functionName + "(){\n");
            if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
              imports.addImport(ad.getType().getPrimitiveType(), "Multi-valued attribute access");
              sb.append("    public Iterator<" + typeName + "> get" + functionName + "(){\n");
              sb.append("    public Iterator<" + typeName + "REF> get" + functionName + "(){\n");
          sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "());\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
          // adder
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
          if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()  ){
            imports.addImport(ad.getType().getPrimitiveType(), "For addition of MV " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString());

            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName + "(" + ad.getType().getName().getNameString() + " value){\n");
              sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value);\n");
              sb.append("        return(attr);\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
            if (ad.getType().getPrimitiveType() != null)
              imports.addImport(ad.getType().getPrimitiveType(), "For multi-valued adds of " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString());

            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName + "(" + auxHolderClass + " value){\n");
              sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(((" + justdmo + ")value.getDmcObject()));\n");
              sb.append("        return(attr);\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
          if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
            imports.addImport(ad.getType().getPrimitiveType(), "Extended ref type");
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName + "(" + typeName + " value){\n");
              sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value));\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "DMO\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName + "(" + typeName + "DMO value){\n");
              sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value));\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
          // deleter
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
          if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(" + typeName + " value){\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value);\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(" + auxHolderClass + " value){\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value.getDMO());\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
          if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(" + typeName + " value){\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value);\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(" + typeName + "DMO value){\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value);\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
          // collection
        if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() != null){
          String collectionClass   = null;
          String dmwClass      = null;
          boolean isMULTI = false;
          if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED)
            dmwClass = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString();
            dmwClass = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString() + genSuffix;
          case MULTI:
            collectionClass = "ArrayList";
            isMULTI = true;
          case HASHSET:
            collectionClass = "HashSet";
          case TREESET:
            collectionClass = "TreeSet";
          if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
            imports.addImport(ad.getType().getDmwIteratorImport(), "For multi-valued " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString());

            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * @return A COPY of the collection of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public " + collectionClass + "<" + dmwClass + ">" + " get" + functionName + "Copy(){\n");
            sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
            sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
            sb.append("            return(new " + collectionClass + "<" + dmwClass + ">());\n");
            sb.append("        \n");
            if (isMULTI)
              sb.append("        " + collectionClass + "<" + dmwClass + "> rc = new " + collectionClass + "<" + dmwClass + ">(attr.getMVSize());\n");
              sb.append("        " + collectionClass + "<" + dmwClass + "> rc = new " + collectionClass + "<" + dmwClass + ">();\n");
            sb.append("        \n");
            sb.append("        " + itClass + " it = get" + functionName + "Iterable();\n");
            sb.append("        while(it.hasNext()){\n");
            sb.append("            rc.add(;\n");
            sb.append("        }\n");
            sb.append("        \n");
            sb.append("        return(rc);\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
          // Not bothering with this in the GXT environment
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
          imports.addImport(ad.getType().getPrimitiveType(), "For setNth of " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString());
          if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " value at the specified index.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString() + "\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> setNth" + functionName + "(int index, " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString() + " value){\n");
              sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".setNth" + functionName + "(index, value));\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " value at the specified index.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> setNth" + functionName + "(int index, " + auxHolderClass + " value){\n");
              sb.append("        if (value == null)\n");
              sb.append("            return(" + dmocast + ".setNth" + functionName + "(index, null));\n");
              sb.append("        else\n");
              sb.append("            return(" + dmocast + ".setNth" + functionName + "(index, ((" + justdmo + ")value.getDmcObject())));\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
          if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " value at the specified index.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> setNth" + functionName + "(int index, " + typeName + " value){\n");
              sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".setNth" + functionName + "(index, value));\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
            sb.append("    /**\n");
            sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " value at the specified index.\n");
            sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
            sb.append("     */\n");
            sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
            sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> setNth" + functionName + "(int index, " + justdmo + " value){\n");
              sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".setNth" + functionName + "(index, value));\n");
            sb.append("    }\n\n");
          if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
            if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() == null){
              String cname = null;
              if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED)
                cname = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString();
                cname = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString() + "DMW";
              if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
                sb.append("    /**\n");
              sb.append("     * @return The " + cname + " object at the specified index.\n");
              sb.append("     */\n");
              sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
              sb.append("    public " + cname + " getNth" + functionName + "(int index){\n");
              sb.append("        " + ad.getType().getName() + "DMO dmo = " + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "(index);\n");
              sb.append("        if (dmo == null)\n");
              sb.append("            return(null);\n");
              sb.append("        \n");
              sb.append("        return((" + cname + ")dmo.getContainer());\n");
              sb.append("    }\n\n");
                sb.append("    /**\n");
              sb.append("     * @return The " + cname + " object at the specified index.\n");
              sb.append("     */\n");
              sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
              sb.append("    public " + typeName + "DMO getNth" + functionName + "(int index){\n");
              sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "(index));\n");
              sb.append("    }\n\n");
              String suffix = "";
              if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED)
                suffix = "";
                suffix = genSuffix;
            if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
                if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
                  String refType = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString() + "DMW";
                  if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED)
                    refType = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString();
                  sb.append("    /**\n");
                sb.append("     * @return The " + ad.getType().getName() + suffix + " object at the specified index.\n");
                sb.append("     */\n");
                sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
                sb.append("    public " + refType  + " getNth" + functionName + "(int index){\n");
                sb.append("        " + ad.getType().getName() + " ref = " + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "(index);\n");
                sb.append("        if (ref == null)\n");
                sb.append("            return(null);\n");
                sb.append("        \n");
                sb.append("        if (ref.getObject() == null)\n");
                sb.append("            return(null);\n");
                sb.append("        \n");
                sb.append("        return((" + refType + ")ref.getObject().getContainer());\n");
                sb.append("    }\n\n");
                  sb.append("    /**\n");
                sb.append("     * @return The " + ad.getType().getName() + suffix + " object at the specified index.\n");
                sb.append("     */\n");
                sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
                sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getName() + suffix  + " getNth" + functionName + "(int index){\n");
                sb.append("        " + ad.getType().getName() + "REF ref = " + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "(index);\n");
                sb.append("        if (ref == null)\n");
                sb.append("            return(null);\n");
                sb.append("        \n");
                sb.append("        if (ref.getObject() == null)\n");
                sb.append("            return(null);\n");
                sb.append("        \n");
                sb.append("        return((" + ad.getType().getName() + suffix + ")ref.getObject().getContainer());\n");
                sb.append("    }\n\n");
                if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
                  sb.append("    /**\n");
                sb.append("     * @return The reference to the " + ad.getType().getName() + " object at the specified index.\n");
                sb.append("     */\n");
                sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
                sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getName()  + " getNth" + functionName + "(int index){\n");
                sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "(index));\n");
                sb.append("    }\n\n");
            if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
              if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
                  sb.append("    /**\n");
                sb.append("     * @return The reference to the " + ad.getType().getName() + " object at the specified index.\n");
                sb.append("     */\n");
                sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
                sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getName() + " getNth" + functionName + "REF(int index){\n");
                sb.append("        " + ad.getType().getName() + " ref = " + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "REF(index);\n");
                sb.append("        return(ref);\n");
                sb.append("    }\n\n");
                  sb.append("    /**\n");
                sb.append("     * @return The reference to the " + ad.getType().getName() + suffix + " object at the specified index.\n");
                sb.append("     */\n");
                sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
                sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getName() + suffix  + "REF getNth" + functionName + "REF(int index){\n");
                sb.append("        " + ad.getType().getName() + "REF ref = " + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "REF(index);\n");
                sb.append("        return(ref);\n");
                sb.append("    }\n\n");
              if (ad.getType().getIsExtendedRefType()){
                  sb.append("    /**\n");
                sb.append("     * @return The reference to the " + ad.getType().getName() + " object at the specified index.\n");
                sb.append("     */\n");
                sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
                sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getName()  + " getNth" + functionName + "REF(int index){\n");
                sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "REF(index));\n");
                sb.append("    }\n\n");
                  sb.append("    /**\n");
                sb.append("     * @return The reference to the " + ad.getType().getName() + " object at the specified index.\n");
                sb.append("     */\n");
                sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
                sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getName()  + "REF getNth" + functionName + "REF(int index){\n");
                sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "REF(index));\n");
                sb.append("    }\n\n");
      if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
        String itClass = ad.getType().getDmwIteratorClass();

        imports.addImport(ad.getType().getDmwIteratorImport(), "For multi-valued " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString());
          sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public " + itClass + " get" + functionName + "Iterable(){\n");
        sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = core.get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
        sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
        sb.append("            return(" + itClass+ ".emptyList);\n");
        sb.append("        \n");
        sb.append("        return(new " + itClass + "(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "()));\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
          sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public Iterator<" + typeName + "> get" + functionName + "(){\n");
        sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "());\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // adder

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public void add" + functionName + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
      if (ad.getIndexSize() == null){
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public void add" + functionName + "(" + typeName + " value){\n");
          sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value);\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Sets a " + ad.getName() + " value at the specified index.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param index The index to set.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public void setNth" + functionName + "(int index, " + typeName + " value){\n");
          sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".setNth" + functionName + "(index, value);\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Gets the " + ad.getName() + " value at the specified index.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param index The index to retreive.\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public " + typeName + " getNth" + functionName + "(int index){\n");
          sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".getNth" + functionName + "(index));\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
      if (ad.getType().getAltType() != null){
        String alt = ad.getType().getAltType();
        if (ad.getIndexSize() == null){
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Adds another " + alt + " value.\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + alt + "\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public void add" + functionName + "(" + alt + " value){\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Sets a " + alt + " value at the specified index\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + alt + "\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public void setNth" + functionName + "(int index, " + alt + " value){\n");
            sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".setNth" + functionName + "(index,value);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // contains
      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Returns true if the collection contains the " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public boolean " + ad.getName() + "Contains(" + typeName + " value){\n");
        sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + "." + ad.getName() + "Contains(value));\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
      if (ad.getType().getAltType() != null){
        String alt = ad.getType().getAltType();
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Returns true if the collection contains the " + alt + " value.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + alt + "\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public boolean " + ad.getName() + "Contains(" + alt + " value){\n");
          sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + "." + ad.getName() + "Contains(value));\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // collection
      String collectionClass = null;
      boolean supportsSize = false;
      case MULTI:
        collectionClass = "ArrayList";
        imports.addImport("java.util.ArrayList", "Support for MULTI attribute");
        supportsSize = true;
      case HASHSET:
        collectionClass = "HashSet";
        supportsSize = true;
      case TREESET:
        collectionClass = "TreeSet";
      imports.addImport("java.util.Iterator", "Support copy of MV objects");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * @return A COPY of the collection of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
      sb.append("    public " + collectionClass + "<" + ad.getType().getName() + ">" + " get" + functionName + "Copy(){\n");
      sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = core.get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
      sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
      sb.append("            return(new " + collectionClass + "<" + ad.getType().getName() + ">());\n");
      sb.append("        \n");
      if (supportsSize)
        sb.append("        " + collectionClass + "<" + ad.getType().getName() + "> rc = new " + collectionClass + "<" + ad.getType().getName() + ">(attr.getMVSize());\n");
        sb.append("        " + collectionClass + "<" + ad.getType().getName() + "> rc = new " + collectionClass + "<" + ad.getType().getName() + ">();\n");
      sb.append("        \n");
      sb.append("        Iterator<" + ad.getType().getName() + "> it = (Iterator<" + ad.getType().getName() + ">) attr.getMV();\n");
      sb.append("        while(it.hasNext()){\n");
      sb.append("            rc.add(;\n");
      sb.append("        }\n");
      sb.append("        \n");
      sb.append("        return(rc);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // deleter

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
      sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(" + typeName + " value){\n");
      sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

      // remover
    sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * Removes the " + ad.getName() + " attribute value.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    public void rem" + functionName + "(){\n");
    sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".rem" + functionName + "();\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");


   * @param ad The attribute definition we're creating the access functions for.
   * @param sb Where we're appending the functions.
  void formatMAPPED(ClassDefinition cd, AttributeDefinition ad, StringBuffer sb, ImportManager imports){
    // The fully qualified name of the DmcType for the attribute
      String typeClassName = ad.getType().getTypeClassName();
      // The last part typeClassName
      String attrType = "DmcType" + ad.getType().getName();
      String typeName = ad.getType().getName().getNameString();
      // Complicated stuff. When we're referring to wrapped objects through a reference
      // attribute we can have two cases. Either, we have a straight wrapper e.g. generated.dmw.classDMW
      // or, the generated wrapper has been extended e.g.  extended.class
      // So, we need to handle both of these cases and the internally generated type gives us
      // this info via the auxHolderType
      String auxHolderClass = ad.getType().getAuxHolderClass();
      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
        attrType = attrType + "REF";

      if (typeClassName != null){
        int lastPeriod = typeClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (lastPeriod != -1){
          attrType = typeClassName.substring(lastPeriod + 1);

      StringBuffer   functionName   = new StringBuffer();
      String dmocast = "((" + cd.getName() + "DMO) core)";

      // convenience functions
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * @return The number of " + typeName + "DMO items.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    public int get" + functionName + "Size(){\n");
    sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
    sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
    sb.append("            return(0);\n");
    sb.append("        \n");
    sb.append("        return(attr.getMVSize());\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * @return true if there are no " + typeName + "DMO items.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    public boolean get" + functionName + "IsEmpty(){\n");
    sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
    sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
    sb.append("            return(true);\n");
    sb.append("        \n");
    sb.append("        return(false);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * @return true if there are any " + typeName + "DMO items.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    public boolean get" + functionName + "HasValue(){\n");
    sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
    sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
    sb.append("            return(false);\n");
    sb.append("        \n");
    sb.append("        return(true);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");
      // getter by key
    if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
        sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * @return The keyed " + typeName + " object if it's available and null otherwise.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public " + typeName + " get" + functionName + "(Object key){\n");
      sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
      sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
      sb.append("            return(null);\n");
      sb.append("        \n");
      sb.append("        return((" + typeName + ")attr.getByKey(key));\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * @return The keyed " + typeName + " object if it's available and null otherwise.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType())
        sb.append("    public " + typeName + "REF get" + functionName + "(Object key){\n");
        sb.append("    public " + typeName + " get" + functionName + "(Object key){\n");
      sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "(key));\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
    if (ad.getValueType() == ValueTypeEnum.TREEMAPPED){
      String keyClass = ad.getType().getKeyClass();
      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
        imports.addImport(ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy().getType().getPrimitiveType(), "Name type");
        keyClass = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy().getType().getName().getNameString();
        sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * @return the first key of the map.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
//      sb.append("    public " + ad.getType().getKeyClass() + " get" + functionName + "FirstKey(){\n");
      sb.append("    public " + keyClass + " get" + functionName + "FirstKey(){\n");
      sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "FirstKey());\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

    if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
      String itClass = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwIteratorClass();
      if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() == null){
        DebugInfo.debug("NOT GENERATING cast Iterable of straight objects.");
          // getter
        imports.addImport("java.util.Iterator", "Support MV object get()");
//        imports.addImport("java.util.Iterator", "Retrieval of iterator over REFs");
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
            sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * @return An Iterable of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
//          sb.append("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public " + itClass + " get" + functionName + "Iterable(){\n");
          sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
          sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
          sb.append("            return(" + itClass+ ".emptyList);\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        Iterator<" + typeName + "REF> it = " + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "();\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        if (it == null)\n");
          sb.append("            return(" + itClass+ ".emptyList);\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        return(new " + itClass + "(it));\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
            sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName + "REFs.\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public Iterator<" + typeName + "REF> get" + functionName + "(){\n");
          sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "());\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // adder

      if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value " + typeName + genSuffix + "\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName + "(" + auxHolderClass + " value) {\n");
          sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value.getDMO()));\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value " + typeName + genSuffix + "\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName + "(" + typeName + "DMO value) {\n");
          sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value));\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");

        // deleter

      if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(" + auxHolderClass + " value){\n");
          sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value.getDMO());\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
        sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(" + typeName + "DMO value){\n");
          sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value);\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");

        // collection
      if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy() != null){
        String collectionClass   = null;
        String dmwClass      = null;
        String keyClass = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy().getType().getName().getNameString();
        if (ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwWrapperType(genContext) == WrapperTypeEnum.EXTENDED)
          dmwClass = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString();
          dmwClass = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName().getNameString() + genSuffix;
        case HASHMAPPED:
          collectionClass = "HashMap";
        case TREEMAPPED:
          collectionClass = "TreeMap";
        if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
          imports.addImport(ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getIsNamedBy().getType().getPrimitiveType(), "Name type");
            sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * @return A COPY of the collection of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
          sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    public " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + dmwClass + ">" + " get" + functionName + "Copy(){\n");
          sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
          sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
          sb.append("            return(new " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + dmwClass + ">());\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + dmwClass + "> rc = new " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + dmwClass + ">();\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        " + itClass + " it = get" + functionName + "Iterable();\n");
          sb.append("        while(it.hasNext()){\n");
          sb.append("            " + dmwClass + " obj =;\n");
          sb.append("            rc.put((" + keyClass + ") obj.getObjectName(),obj);\n");
          sb.append("        }\n");
          sb.append("        return(rc);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // Didn't bother with this for the GXT environment
      String itClass = ad.getType().getDmwIteratorClass();
      if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
        imports.addImport(ad.getType().getDmwIteratorImport(), "For multi-valued " + ad.getType().getName().getNameString());

        sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public " + itClass + " get" + functionName + "Iterable(){\n");
        sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
        sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
        sb.append("            return(" + itClass+ ".emptyList);\n");
        sb.append("        \n");
        sb.append("        return(new " + itClass + "(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "()));\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        imports.addImport("java.util.Iterator", "Multi-valued attribute access");
          sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    public Iterator<" + typeName + "> get" + functionName + "(){\n");
        sb.append("        return(" + dmocast + ".get" + functionName + "());\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // adder

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public void add" + functionName + "(Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value " + typeName + "\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public void add" + functionName + "(" + typeName+ " value) {\n");
        sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".add" + functionName + "(value);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // deleter

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(Object value){\n");
      sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    public void del" + functionName + "(" + ad.getType().getKeyClass() + " value){\n");
      sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".del" + functionName + "(value);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

        // collection
      String collectionClass = null;
      String keyClass = ad.getType().getKeyClass();
      boolean supportsSize = false;
      case HASHMAPPED:
        collectionClass = "HashMap";
        supportsSize = true;
      case TREEMAPPED:
        collectionClass = "TreeMap";
      if (useWrappedObjectRefs){
        imports.addImport("java.util.Iterator", "Support copy of MV objects");

          sb.append("    /**\n");
        sb.append("     * @return A COPY of the collection of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
        sb.append("     */\n");
        sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
        sb.append("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
        sb.append("    public " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + ad.getType().getName() + ">" + " get" + functionName + "Copy(){\n");
        sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = " + dmocast + ".get(" + ad.getDMSAGReference() + ");\n");
        sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
        sb.append("            return(new " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + ad.getType().getName() + ">());\n");
        sb.append("        \n");
        if (supportsSize)
          sb.append("        " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + ad.getType().getName() + "> rc = new " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + ad.getType().getName() + ">(attr.getMVSize());\n");
          sb.append("        " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + ad.getType().getName() + "> rc = new " + collectionClass + "<" + keyClass + "," + ad.getType().getName() + ">();\n");
        sb.append("        \n");
        sb.append("        Iterator<" + ad.getType().getName() + "> it = (Iterator<" + ad.getType().getName() + ">) attr.getMV();\n");
        sb.append("        while(it.hasNext()){\n");
        sb.append("            " + ad.getType().getName() + " obj =;\n");
        sb.append("            rc.put((" + keyClass + ")obj.getKey(),obj);\n");
        sb.append("        }\n");
        sb.append("        \n");
        sb.append("        return(rc);\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
      // Didn't bother with this in the GXT environment
      // contains
    // TODO: add support for containsKey in MAPPED attributes
//    sb.append("    /**\n");
//    sb.append("     * Returns true if the collection contains the " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
//    sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
//    sb.append("     */\n");
//    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
//    sb.append("    public boolean " + ad.getName() + "Contains(" + typeName + " value){\n");
//      sb.append("        return(mycore." + ad.getName() + "Contains(value));\n");
//    sb.append("    }\n\n");
      // remover
    sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * Removes the " + ad.getName() + " attribute value.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    public void rem" + functionName + "(){\n");
    sb.append("        " + dmocast + ".rem" + functionName + "();\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");


  String getCommonAUXFunctions(){
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * This method will check to see if the object has any of our attributes.\n");
    sb.append("     * If not, our aux class is automatically removed from the object.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    static private void removeAuxIfRequired(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
    sb.append("        boolean anyLeft = false;\n");
    for(AttributeDefinition ad : allAttr){
      sb.append("        if (corew.getDmcObject().get(__" + ad.getName() + ") != null)\n");
      sb.append("            anyLeft = true;\n");
    sb.append("        if (!anyLeft)\n");
    sb.append("            corew.removeAux(_auxClass);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n");
    sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * This method will check to see if the object has our aux class.\n");
    sb.append("     * If not, we add our aux class the object.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    static private void addAuxIfRequired(" + baseWrapper + " corew) throws DmcValueException {\n");
    sb.append("        if (!corew.hasAux(_auxClass))\n");
    sb.append("            corew.addAux(_auxClass);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n");

    sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * This method checks if the object has this auxiliary class.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    static public boolean hasAux(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
    sb.append("        if (corew == null)\n");
    sb.append("            return(false);\n");
    sb.append("        return(corew.hasAux(_auxClass));\n");
    sb.append("    }\n");
  String getAuxClassHeader(ClassDefinition cd, String where){
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        CodeFormatter.dumpCodeComment(cd.getDescription(),sb," * ");
        sb.append(" * <P>\n");
        sb.append(" * Generated from the " + cd.getDefinedIn().getName() + " schema at version " + cd.getDefinedIn().getVersion() + "\n");
        sb.append(" * <P>\n");
        sb.append(" * This code was auto-generated by the dmogenerator utility and shouldn't be alterred manually!\n");
        sb.append(" * Generated from: " + where + "\n");
        sb.append(" */\n");
    sb.append("public class ");
  String getAUXAccessFunctions(ClassDefinition cd){
    StringBuffer sb  = new StringBuffer();
    for(AttributeDefinition ad : allAttr){
      case SINGLE:
      case MULTI:
      case HASHMAPPED:
      case TREEMAPPED:
  void formatAUXSV(ClassDefinition cd, AttributeDefinition ad, StringBuffer sb){
      String typeClassName = ad.getType().getTypeClassName();
      String attrType = "DmcType" + ad.getType().getName();
      String typeName = ad.getType().getName().getNameString();
      String nullReturnValue = ad.getType().getNullReturnValue();
      String staticName = "__" + ad.getName();
      // Complicated stuff. When we're referring to wrapped objects through a reference
      // attribute we can have two cases. Either, we have a straight wrapper e.g. generated.dmw.classDMW
      // or, the generated wrapper has been extended e.g.  extended.class
      // So, we need to handle both of these cases and the internally generated type gives us
      // this info via the auxHolderType
      // But - a bit more complicated, we have to take into account where we're generating the wrappers.
      // We don't always generate them in the same location where we generate the DMOs i.e. we might
      // be generating wrappers for use on the server only, or for use on the client only. So, we have to
      // take this into account.
      String auxHolderClass = ad.getType().getAuxHolderClass();

      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
        attrType = attrType + "REF";
        typeName = typeName + "REF";

      if (typeClassName != null){
        int lastPeriod = typeClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (lastPeriod != -1){
          attrType = typeClassName.substring(lastPeriod + 1);
      StringBuffer   functionName   = new StringBuffer();
      attrType = attrType + "SV";
      // Remove attribute
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * Removes the " + ad.getName() + " attribute from the object.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    static public DmcAttribute<?> rem" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
    sb.append("        if (corew == null)\n");
    sb.append("            return(null);\n");
    sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> rc = corew.getDmcObject().rem(__" + ad.getName() + ");\n");
    sb.append("        removeAuxIfRequired(corew);\n");
    sb.append("        return(rc);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n");

      // getter

    if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
      String REF = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getName() + "REF";
        sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * @return A " + auxHolderClass + " object.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    static public " + auxHolderClass + " get" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
      sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = corew.getDmcObject().get(" + staticName + ");\n");
      sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
      sb.append("            return(null);\n");
      sb.append("        \n");
      sb.append("        " + REF + " ref = (" + REF + ") attr.getSV();\n");
      sb.append("        \n");
      sb.append("        return((" + auxHolderClass + ")ref.getObject().getContainer());\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    static public " + typeName + " get" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
      sb.append("        " + attrType + " attr = (" + attrType + ") corew.getDmcObject().get(__" + ad.getName() + ");\n");
      sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
        if (nullReturnValue == null)
          sb.append("            return(null);\n");
          sb.append("            return(" + nullReturnValue + ");\n");
        sb.append("        return(attr.getSV());\n");
        sb.append("    }\n\n");
      // setter
      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Sets the " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    static public void set" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew, Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = corew.getDmcObject().get(" + staticName + ");\n");
        sb.append("        if (attr == null){\n");
        sb.append("            attr = new " + attrType + "();\n");
      sb.append("            addAuxIfRequired(corew);\n");
      sb.append("        }\n\n");
        sb.append("        attr.set(value);\n");
        sb.append("        corew.getDmcObject().set(" + staticName + ", attr);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

          sb.append("    /**\n");
          sb.append("     * Sets " + ad.getName() + " to the specified value.\n");
          sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + attrType + "\n");
          sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
          sb.append("    static public void set" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew, Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
          sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = corew.getDmcObject().get(" + staticName + ");\n");
          sb.append("        if (attr == null){\n");
          sb.append("            attr = new " + attrType + "();\n");
      sb.append("            addAuxIfRequired(corew);\n");
      sb.append("        }\n");
          sb.append("        \n");
          sb.append("        attr.set(value);\n");
          sb.append("        corew.getDmcObject().set(" + staticName + ",attr);\n");
          sb.append("    }\n\n");
   * @param ad The attribute definition we're creating the access functions for.
   * @param sb Where we're appending the functions.
  void formatAUXMV(ClassDefinition cd, AttributeDefinition ad, StringBuffer sb){
    // The fully qualified name of the DmcType for the attribute
      String typeClassName = ad.getType().getTypeClassName();
      // The last part typeClassName
      String attrType = "DmcType" + ad.getType().getName();
      String typeName = ad.getType().getName().getNameString();
      // Complicated stuff. When we're referring to wrapped objects through a reference
      // attribute we can have two cases. Either, we have a straight wrapper e.g. generated.dmw.classDMW
      // or, the generated wrapper has been extended e.g.  extended.class
      // So, we need to handle both of these cases and the internally generated type gives us
      // this info via the auxHolderType
      String auxHolderClass = ad.getType().getAuxHolderClass();
      if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
        attrType = attrType + "REF";

      if (typeClassName != null){
        int lastPeriod = typeClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
        if (lastPeriod != -1){
          attrType = typeClassName.substring(lastPeriod + 1);

      StringBuffer   functionName   = new StringBuffer();
      attrType = attrType + "MV";
      // Remove attribute
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * Removes the " + ad.getName() + " attribute from the object.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    static public DmcAttribute<?> rem" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
    sb.append("        if (corew == null)\n");
    sb.append("            return(null);\n");
    sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> rc = corew.getDmcObject().rem(__" + ad.getName() + ");\n");
    sb.append("        removeAuxIfRequired(corew);\n");
    sb.append("        return(rc);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n");
      // convenience functions
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * @return The number of " + typeName + "DMO items.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    static public int get" + functionName + "Size(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
    sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = corew.getDmcObject().get(__" + ad.getName() + ");\n");
    sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
    sb.append("            return(0);\n");
    sb.append("        \n");
    sb.append("        return(attr.getMVSize());\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * @return true if there are no " + typeName + "DMO items.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    static public boolean get" + functionName + "IsEmpty(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
    sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = corew.getDmcObject().get(__" + ad.getName() + ");\n");
    sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
    sb.append("            return(true);\n");
    sb.append("        \n");
    sb.append("        return(false);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");
      sb.append("    /**\n");
    sb.append("     * @return true if there are any " + typeName + "DMO items.\n");
    sb.append("     */\n");
    sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
    sb.append("    static public boolean get" + functionName + "HasValue(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
    sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = corew.getDmcObject().get(__" + ad.getName() + ");\n");
    sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
    sb.append("            return(false);\n");
    sb.append("        \n");
    sb.append("        return(true);\n");
    sb.append("    }\n\n");

      // getter

    if (ad.getType().getIsRefType()){
      String itClass = ad.getType().getOriginalClass().getDmwIteratorClass();
        sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName + "DMO objects.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    static public " + itClass + " get" + functionName + "Iterable(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
      sb.append("        DmcAttribute attr = corew.getDmcObject().get(__" + ad.getName() + ");\n");
      sb.append("        if (attr == null)\n");
      sb.append("            return(" + itClass + ".emptyList);\n");
      sb.append("        \n");
      sb.append("        return(new " + itClass + "(attr.getMV()));\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

        // adder

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    static public DmcAttribute<?> add" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew, " + auxHolderClass + " value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        sb.append("        DmcAttribute<?> attr = corew.getDmcObject().get(__" + ad.getName() + ");\n");
        sb.append("        if (attr == null){\n");
        sb.append("            attr = new " + attrType+ "();\n");
        sb.append("            attr.add(value.getDmcObject());\n");
        sb.append("            addAuxIfRequired(corew);\n");
        sb.append("        }\n");
        sb.append("        else\n");
        sb.append("            attr.add(value);\n");
        sb.append("        \n");
        sb.append("        corew.getDmcObject().add(__" + ad.getName() + ",attr);\n");
        sb.append("        \n");
        sb.append("        return(attr);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

        // deleter

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    static public void del" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew, " + auxHolderClass + " value){\n");
      sb.append("        corew.getDmcObject().del(__" + ad.getName() + ", value);\n");
        sb.append("        removeAuxIfRequired(corew);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
        sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * @return An Iterator of " + typeName + " objects.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    static public Iterator<" + typeName + "> get" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew){\n");
      sb.append("        return(corew.getDmcObject().get(__" + ad.getName() + ");\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // adder

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Adds another " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value A value compatible with " + typeName + "\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    static public void add" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew, Object value) throws DmcValueException {\n");
        sb.append("        corew.getDmcObject().add(__" + ad.getName() + "(, value);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");
        // deleter

      sb.append("    /**\n");
      sb.append("     * Deletes a " + ad.getName() + " value.\n");
      sb.append("     * @param value The " + typeName + " to be deleted from set of attribute values.\n");
      sb.append("     */\n");
      sb.append("    // " + DebugInfo.getWhereWeAreNow() + "\n");
      sb.append("    static public void del" + functionName + "(" + baseWrapper + " corew, Object value){\n");
      sb.append("        corew.getDmcObject().del(__" + ad.getName() + ", value);\n");
        sb.append("        removeAuxIfRequired(corew);\n");
      sb.append("    }\n\n");

   * Creates the output directory structure for our code.
  protected void createIfRequired(String outdir){
    File dir = new File(outdir);
    if (!dir.exists())


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