
Source Code of

* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Oracle.  All rights reserved.


import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


* Tree implements the JE B+Tree.
* A note on tree search patterns:
* There's a set of* methods. Some clients of the tree use
* those search methods directly, whereas other clients of the tree
* tend to use methods built on top of search.
* The semantics of search* are
*   they leave you pointing at a BIN or IN
*   they don't tell you where the reference of interest is.
*   they traverse a single tree, to jump into the duplicate tree, the
*   caller has to take explicit action.
* The semantics of the get* methods are:
*   they leave you pointing at a BIN or IN
*   they return the index of the slot of interest
*   they traverse down to whatever level is needed -- they'll take care of
*   jumping into the duplicate tree.
*   they are built on top of search* methods.
* For the future:
* Over time, we need to clarify which methods are to be used by clients
* of the tree. Preferably clients that call the tree use get*, although
* their are cases where they need visibility into the tree structure. For
* example, tee cursors use search* because they want to add themselves to
* BIN before jumping into the duplicate tree.
* Also, search* should return the location of the slot to save us a
* second binary search.
public final class Tree implements Loggable {

    /* For debug tracing */
    private static final String TRACE_ROOT_SPLIT = "RootSplit:";
    private static final String TRACE_DUP_ROOT_SPLIT = "DupRootSplit:";
    private static final String TRACE_MUTATE = "Mut:";
    private static final String TRACE_INSERT = "Ins:";
    private static final String TRACE_INSERT_DUPLICATE = "InsD:";

    private DatabaseImpl database;
    private ChildReference root;
    private int maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode;
    private int maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode;

    /* Stats */
    private StatGroup stats;

    /* The number of tree root splited. */
    private IntStat rootSplits;
    /* The number of latch upgrades from shared to exclusive required. */
    private LongStat relatchesRequired;

     * Latch that must be held when using/accessing the root node.  Protects
     * against the root being changed out from underneath us by splitRoot.
    private SharedLatch rootLatch;

    private ThreadLocal<TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator> treeStatsAccumulatorTL =
        new ThreadLocal<TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator>();

     * We don't need the stack trace on this so always throw a static and
     * avoid the cost of Throwable.fillInStack() every time it's thrown.
     * [#13354].
    private static SplitRequiredException splitRequiredException =
        new SplitRequiredException();

     * Embodies an enum for the type of search being performed.  NORMAL means
     * do a regular search down the tree.  LEFT/RIGHT means search down the
     * left/right side to find the first/last node in the tree.
    public static class SearchType {
        /* Search types */
        public static final SearchType NORMAL = new SearchType();
        public static final SearchType LEFT   = new SearchType();
        public static final SearchType RIGHT  = new SearchType();

        /* No lock types can be defined outside this class. */
        private SearchType() {

    /* For unit tests */
    private TestHook waitHook; // used for generating race conditions
    private TestHook searchHook; // [#12736]
    private TestHook ckptHook; // [#13897]

     * Create a new tree.
    public Tree(DatabaseImpl database) {

     * Create a tree that's being read in from the log.
    public Tree() {
        maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode = 0;
        maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode = 0;

     * constructor helper
    private void init(DatabaseImpl database) {
        rootLatch = new SharedLatch("RootLatch");
        this.root = null;
        this.database = database;

        /* Do the stats definitions. */
        stats = new StatGroup(GROUP_NAME, GROUP_DESC);
        relatchesRequired = new LongStat(stats, BTREE_RELATCHES_REQUIRED);
        rootSplits = new IntStat(stats, BTREE_ROOT_SPLITS);

     * Set the database for this tree. Used by recovery when recreating an
     * existing tree.
    public void setDatabase(DatabaseImpl database) {
        this.database = database;
        maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode = database.getNodeMaxEntries();
        maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode = database.getNodeMaxDupTreeEntries();
        DbConfigManager configManager =

     * @return the database for this Tree.
    public DatabaseImpl getDatabase() {
        return database;

     * Set the root for the tree. Should only be called within the root latch.
    public void setRoot(ChildReference newRoot, boolean notLatched) {
        assert (notLatched || rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread());
        root = newRoot;

    public ChildReference makeRootChildReference(Node target,
                                                 byte[] key,
                                                 long lsn) {
        return new RootChildReference(target, key, lsn);

    private ChildReference makeRootChildReference() {
        return new RootChildReference();

     * A tree doesn't have a root if (a) the root field is null, or (b)
     * the root is non-null, but has neither a valid target nor a valid
     * LSN. Case (b) can happen if the dataabase is or was previously opened in
     * deferred write mode.
     * @return false if there is no real root.
    public boolean rootExists() {
        if (root == null) {
            return false;

        if ((root.getTarget() == null) &&
            (root.getLsn() == DbLsn.NULL_LSN)) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Perform a fast check to see if the root IN is resident.  No latching is
     * performed.  To ensure that the root IN is not loaded by another thread,
     * this method should be called while holding a write lock on the MapLN.
     * That will prevent opening the DB in another thread, and potentially
     * loading the root IN. [#13415]
    public boolean isRootResident() {
        return root != null && root.getTarget() != null;

     * Class that overrides fetchTarget() so that if the rootLatch is not
     * held exclusively when the root is fetched, we upgrade it to exclusive.
    private class RootChildReference extends ChildReference {

        private RootChildReference() {

        private RootChildReference(Node target, byte[] key, long lsn) {
            super(target, key, lsn);

        /* Caller is responsible for releasing rootLatch. */
        public Node fetchTarget(DatabaseImpl database, IN in)
            throws DatabaseException {

            if (getTarget() == null &&
                !rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread()) {

            return super.fetchTarget(database, in);

        public void setTarget(Node target) {
            assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread();

        public void clearTarget() {
            assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread();

        public void setLsn(long lsn) {
            assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread();

        void updateLsnAfterOptionalLog(DatabaseImpl dbImpl, long lsn) {
            assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread();
            super.updateLsnAfterOptionalLog(dbImpl, lsn);

     * Get LSN of the rootIN. Obtained without latching, should only be
     * accessed while quiescent.
    public long getRootLsn() {
        if (root == null) {
            return DbLsn.NULL_LSN;
        } else {
            return root.getLsn();

     * @return the TreeStats for this tree.
    int getTreeStats() {
        return rootSplits.get();

    private TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator getTreeStatsAccumulator() {
        if (EnvironmentImpl.getThreadLocalReferenceCount() > 0) {
            return treeStatsAccumulatorTL.get();
        } else {
            return null;

    public void setTreeStatsAccumulator(TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator tSA) {

    public IN withRootLatchedExclusive(WithRootLatched wrl)
        throws DatabaseException {

        try {
            return wrl.doWork(root);
        } finally {

    public IN withRootLatchedShared(WithRootLatched wrl)
        throws DatabaseException {

        try {
            return wrl.doWork(root);
        } finally {

     * Deletes a BIN specified by key from the tree. If the BIN resides in a
     * subtree that can be pruned away, prune as much as possible, so we
     * don't leave a branch that has no BINs.
     * It's possible that the targeted BIN will now have entries, or will
     * have resident cursors. Either will prevent deletion.
     * @param idKey - the identifier key of the node to delete.
     * @param localTracker is used for tracking obsolete node info.
    public void delete(byte[] idKey,
                       LocalUtilizationTracker localTracker)
        throws DatabaseException,
               CursorsExistException {

        IN subtreeRootIN = null;

         * A delete is a reverse split that must be propagated up to the root.
         * [#13501] Keep all nodes from the rootIN to the parent of the
         * deletable subtree latched as we descend so we can log the
         * IN deletion and cascade the logging up the tree. The latched
         * nodes are kept in order in the nodeLadder.
        ArrayList<SplitInfo> nodeLadder = new ArrayList<SplitInfo>();

        IN rootIN = null;
        boolean rootNeedsUpdating = false;
        try {
            if (!rootExists()) {
                /* no action, tree is deleted or was never persisted. */

            rootIN = (IN) root.fetchTarget(database, null);

            searchDeletableSubTree(rootIN, idKey, nodeLadder);
            if (nodeLadder.size() == 0) {

                 * The tree is empty, so do nothing.  Root compression is no
                 * longer supported.  Root compression has no impact on memory
                 * usage now that we evict the root IN.  It reduces log space
                 * taken by INs for empty (but not removed) databases, yet
                 * requires logging an INDelete and MapLN; this provides very
                 * little benefit, if any.  Because it requires extensive
                 * testing (which has not been done), this minor benefit is not
                 * worth the cost.  And by removing it we no longer log
                 * INDelete, which reduces complexity going forward. [#17546]
            } else {
                /* Detach this subtree. */
                SplitInfo detachPoint =
                    nodeLadder.get(nodeLadder.size() - 1);
                boolean deleteOk =
                assert deleteOk;

                /* Cascade updates upward, including writing the root IN. */
                rootNeedsUpdating = cascadeUpdates(nodeLadder, null, -1);
                subtreeRootIN = detachPoint.child;
        } finally {

            if (rootIN != null) {


        if (subtreeRootIN != null) {

            EnvironmentImpl envImpl = database.getDbEnvironment();
            if (rootNeedsUpdating) {

                 * modifyDbRoot will grab locks and we can't have the INList
                 * latches or root latch held while it tries to acquire locks.
                DbTree dbTree = envImpl.getDbTree();
                    (envImpl.getLogger(), database);

             * Count obsolete nodes after logging the delete. We can do
             * this without having the nodes of the subtree latched because the
             * subtree has been detached from the tree.
            INList inList = envImpl.getInMemoryINs();
            accountForSubtreeRemoval(inList, subtreeRootIN, localTracker);

    private void releaseNodeLadderLatches(ArrayList<SplitInfo> nodeLadder)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * Clear any latches left in the node ladder. Release from the
         * bottom up.
        ListIterator<SplitInfo> iter =
        while (iter.hasPrevious()) {
            SplitInfo info = iter.previous();

     * Update nodes for a delete, going upwards. For example, suppose a
     * node ladder holds:
     * INa, INb, index for INb in INa
     * INb, INc, index for INc in INb
     * INc, BINd, index for BINd in INc
     * When we enter this method, BINd has already been removed from INc. We
     * need to
     *  - log INc
     *  - update INb, log INb
     *  - update INa, log INa
     * @param nodeLadder List of SplitInfos describing each node pair on the
     * downward path
     * @param binRoot parent of the dup tree, or null if this is not for
     * dups.
     * @param index slot occupied by this din tree.
     * @return whether the DB root needs updating.
    private boolean cascadeUpdates(ArrayList<SplitInfo> nodeLadder,
                                   BIN binRoot,
                                   int index)
        throws DatabaseException {

        ListIterator<SplitInfo> iter =
        EnvironmentImpl envImpl = database.getDbEnvironment();
        LogManager logManager = envImpl.getLogManager();

        long newLsn = DbLsn.NULL_LSN;
        SplitInfo info = null;
        while (iter.hasPrevious()) {
            info = iter.previous();

            if (newLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                info.parent.updateEntry(info.index, newLsn);
            newLsn = info.parent.optionalLog(logManager);

        boolean rootNeedsUpdating = false;
        if (info != null) {
            /* We've logged the top of this subtree, record it properly. */
            if (info.parent.isDbRoot()) {
                /* We updated the rootIN of the database. */
                assert rootLatch.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread();
                root.updateLsnAfterOptionalLog(database, newLsn);
                rootNeedsUpdating = true;
            } else if ((binRoot != null) && info.parent.isRoot()) {
                /* We updated the DIN root of the database. */
                binRoot.updateEntry(index, newLsn);
            } else {
                assert false;
        return rootNeedsUpdating;

     * Delete a subtree of a duplicate tree.  Find the duplicate tree using
     * mainKey in the top part of the tree and idKey in the duplicate tree.
     * @param idKey the identifier key to be used in the duplicate subtree to
     * find the duplicate path.
     * @param mainKey the key to be used in the main tree to find the
     * duplicate subtree.
     * @param localTracker is used for tracking obsolete node info.
     * @return true if the delete succeeded, false if there were still cursors
     * present on the leaf DBIN of the subtree that was located.
    public void deleteDup(byte[] idKey,
                          byte[] mainKey,
                          LocalUtilizationTracker localTracker)
        throws DatabaseException,
               CursorsExistException {

        /* Find the BIN that is the parent of this duplicate tree. */
        IN in = search(mainKey, SearchType.NORMAL, Node.NULL_NODE_ID, null,

        IN deletedSubtreeRoot = null;
        try {
            assert in.isLatchOwnerForWrite();
            assert in instanceof BIN;
            assert in.getNEntries() > 0;

            /* Find the appropriate entry in this BIN. */
            int index = in.findEntry(mainKey, false, true);
            if (index >= 0) {
                deletedSubtreeRoot = deleteDupSubtree(idKey, (BIN) in, index);
        } finally {

        if (deletedSubtreeRoot != null) {
            EnvironmentImpl envImpl = database.getDbEnvironment();
                                     deletedSubtreeRoot, localTracker);

     * We enter and leave this method with 'bin' latched.
     * @return the root of the subtree we have deleted, so it can be
     * properly accounted for. May be null if nothing was deleted.
    private IN deleteDupSubtree(byte[] idKey,
                                BIN bin,
                                int index)
        throws DatabaseException,
               CursorsExistException {

        EnvironmentImpl envImpl = database.getDbEnvironment();
        DupCountLN dcl = null;
        BasicLocker locker = BasicLocker.createBasicLocker(envImpl);
        /* Don't allow this short-lived lock to be preempted/stolen. */

        /*  Latch the DIN root. */
        DIN duplicateRoot = (DIN) bin.fetchTarget(index);

        ArrayList<SplitInfo> nodeLadder = new ArrayList<SplitInfo>();
        IN subtreeRootIN = null;

        try {

             * Read lock the dup count LN to ascertain whether there are any
             * writers in the tree. TODO: This seems unnecessary now, revisit.
            ChildReference dclRef = duplicateRoot.getDupCountLNRef();
            dcl = (DupCountLN) dclRef.fetchTarget(database, duplicateRoot);

            LockResult lockResult = locker.nonBlockingLock(dcl.getNodeId(),
            if (lockResult.getLockGrant() == LockGrantType.DENIED) {
                throw CursorsExistException.CURSORS_EXIST;

             * We don't release the latch on bin before we search the
             * duplicate tree below because we might be deleting the whole
             * subtree from the IN and we want to keep it latched until we
             * know.
            searchDeletableSubTree(duplicateRoot, idKey, nodeLadder);

            if (nodeLadder.size() == 0) {
                /* We're deleting the duplicate root. */
                if (bin.nCursors() == 0) {
                    boolean deleteOk = bin.deleteEntry(index, true);
                    assert deleteOk;

                     * Use an INDupDeleteInfo to make it clear that this
                     * duplicate tree has been eradicated. This is analagous to
                     * deleting a root; we must be sure that we can overlay
                     * another subtree onto this slot at recovery redo.
                    INDupDeleteInfo info =
                        new INDupDeleteInfo(duplicateRoot.getNodeId(),
                    info.optionalLog(envImpl.getLogManager(), database);

                    subtreeRootIN = duplicateRoot;

                    if (bin.getNEntries() == 0) {
                            addToCompressorQueue(bin, null, false);
                } else {

                     * Cursors prevent us from deleting this dup tree, we'll
                     * have to retry.
                    throw CursorsExistException.CURSORS_EXIST;
            } else {

                /* We're deleting a portion of the duplicate tree. */
                SplitInfo detachPoint =
                    nodeLadder.get(nodeLadder.size() - 1);
                boolean deleteOk =
                assert deleteOk;

                 * Cascade updates upward, including writing the root
                 * DIN and parent BIN.
                cascadeUpdates(nodeLadder, bin, index);
                subtreeRootIN = detachPoint.child;
        } finally {


        return subtreeRootIN;

     * Find the leftmost node (IN or BIN) in the tree.  Do not descend into a
     * duplicate tree if the leftmost entry of the first BIN refers to one.
     * @return the leftmost node in the tree, null if the tree is empty.  The
     * returned node is latched and the caller must release it.
    public IN getFirstNode(CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return search(null, SearchType.LEFT, Node.NULL_NODE_ID, null,

     * Find the rightmost node (IN or BIN) in the tree.  Do not descend into a
     * duplicate tree if the rightmost entry of the last BIN refers to one.
     * @return the rightmost node in the tree, null if the tree is empty.  The
     * returned node is latched and the caller must release it.
    public IN getLastNode(CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return search(null, SearchType.RIGHT, Node.NULL_NODE_ID, null,

     * Find the leftmost node (DBIN) in a duplicate tree.
     * @return the leftmost node in the tree, null if the tree is empty.  The
     * returned node is latched and the caller must release it.
    public DBIN getFirstNode(DIN dupRoot, CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (dupRoot == null) {
            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                ("getFirstNode passed null root");

        assert dupRoot.isLatchOwnerForWrite();

        IN ret = searchSubTree(dupRoot, null, SearchType.LEFT,
                               Node.NULL_NODE_ID, null, cacheMode);
        return (DBIN) ret;

     * Find the rightmost node (DBIN) in a duplicate tree.
     * @return the rightmost node in the tree, null if the tree is empty.  The
     * returned node is latched and the caller must release it.
    public DBIN getLastNode(DIN dupRoot, CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (dupRoot == null) {
            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                ("getLastNode passed null root");

        assert dupRoot.isLatchOwnerForWrite();

        IN ret = searchSubTree(dupRoot, null, SearchType.RIGHT,
                               Node.NULL_NODE_ID, null, cacheMode);
        return (DBIN) ret;

     * GetParentNode without optional tracking.
    public SearchResult getParentINForChildIN(IN child,
                                              boolean requireExactMatch,
                                              CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getParentINForChildIN
            (child, requireExactMatch, cacheMode, -1 /*targetLevel*/, null);

     * Return a reference to the parent or possible parent of the child.  Used
     * by objects that need to take a standalone node and find it in the tree,
     * like the evictor, checkpointer, and recovery.
     * @param child The child node for which to find the parent.  This node is
     * latched by the caller and is released by this function before returning
     * to the caller.
     * @param requireExactMatch if true, we must find the exact parent, not a
     * potential parent.
     * @param cacheMode The CacheMode for affecting the hotness of the tree.
     * @param trackingList if not null, add the LSNs of the parents visited
     * along the way, as a debug tracing mechanism. This is meant to stay in
     * production, to add information to the log.
     * @return a SearchResult object. If the parent has been found,
     * result.foundExactMatch is true. If any parent, exact or potential has
     * been found, result.parent refers to that node.
    public SearchResult getParentINForChildIN(IN child,
                                              boolean requireExactMatch,
                                              CacheMode cacheMode,
                                              int targetLevel,
                                              List<TrackingInfo> trackingList)
        throws DatabaseException {

        /* Sanity checks */
        if (child == null) {
            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                ("getParentNode passed null");

        assert child.isLatchOwnerForWrite();

         * Get information from child before releasing latch.
        byte[] mainTreeKey = child.getMainTreeKey();
        byte[] dupTreeKey = child.getDupTreeKey();
        boolean isRoot = child.isRoot();

        return getParentINForChildIN(child.getNodeId(),

     * Return a reference to the parent or possible parent of the child.  Used
     * by objects that need to take a node id and find it in the tree,
     * like the evictor, checkpointer, and recovery.
     * @param requireExactMatch if true, we must find the exact parent, not a
     * potential parent.
     * @param cacheMode The CacheMode for affecting the hotness of the tree.
     * @param trackingList if not null, add the LSNs of the parents visited
     * along the way, as a debug tracing mechanism. This is meant to stay in
     * production, to add information to the log.
     * @param doFetch if false, stop the search if we run into a non-resident
     * child. Used by the checkpointer to avoid conflicting with work done
     * by the evictor.
     * @return a SearchResult object. If the parent has been found,
     * result.foundExactMatch is true. If any parent, exact or potential has
     * been found, result.parent refers to that node.
    public SearchResult getParentINForChildIN(long targetNodeId,
                                              boolean targetContainsDuplicates,
                                              boolean targetIsRoot,
                                              byte[] targetMainTreeKey,
                                              byte[] targetDupTreeKey,
                                              boolean requireExactMatch,
                                              CacheMode cacheMode,
                                              int targetLevel,
                                              List<TrackingInfo> trackingList,
                                              boolean doFetch)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * Use exclusive latching. Since the caller will be logging the child
         * IN, the parent IN must be latched exclusively. [#18567]
        IN rootIN = getRootINLatchedExclusive(cacheMode);

        SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
        if (rootIN != null) {
            /* The tracking list is a permanent tracing aid. */
            if (trackingList != null) {
                trackingList.add(new TrackingInfo(root.getLsn(),

            IN potentialParent = rootIN;
            boolean success = false;

            try {
                while (result.keepSearching) {

                     * [12736] Prune away oldBin.  Assert has intentional
                     * side effect.
                    assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(searchHook);

                    potentialParent = result.parent;
                success = true;

            } catch (RelatchRequiredException e) {
                /* Should never happen because we use exclusive latches. */
                throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedException(e);
            } finally {

                 * The only thing that can be latched at this point is
                 * potentialParent.
                if (!success) {
        return result;

     * Return a reference to the parent of this LN. This searches through the
     * main and duplicate tree and allows splits. Set the tree location to the
     * proper BIN parent whether or not the LN child is found. That's because
     * if the LN is not found, recovery or abort will need to place it within
     * the tree, and so we must point at the appropriate position.
     * <p>When this method returns with location.bin non-null, the BIN is
     * latched and must be unlatched by the caller.  Note that location.bin may
     * be non-null even if this method returns false.</p>
     * @param location a holder class to hold state about the location
     * of our search. Sort of an internal cursor.
     * @param mainKey key to navigate through main key
     * @param dupKey key to navigate through duplicate tree. May be null, since
     * deleted lns have no data.
     * @param ln the node instantiated from the log
     * @param splitsAllowed true if this method is allowed to cause tree splits
     * as a side effect. In practice, recovery can cause splits, but abort
     * can't.
     * @param searchDupTree true if a search through the dup tree looking for
     * a match on the ln's node id should be made (only in the case where
     * dupKey == null).  See SR 8984.
     * @param cacheMode The CacheMode for affecting the hotness of the tree.
     * @return true if node found in tree.
     * If false is returned and there is the possibility that we can insert
     * the record into a plausible parent we must also set
     * - location.bin (may be null if no possible parent found)
     * - location.lnKey (don't need to set if no possible parent).
    public boolean getParentBINForChildLN(TreeLocation location,
                                          byte[] mainKey,
                                          byte[] dupKey,
                                          LN ln,
                                          boolean splitsAllowed,
                                          boolean findDeletedEntries,
                                          boolean searchDupTree,
                                          CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * Find the BIN that either points to this LN or could be its
         * ancestor.
        IN searchResult = null;
        if (splitsAllowed) {
            searchResult = searchSplitsAllowed(mainKey, Node.NULL_NODE_ID,
        } else {
            searchResult = search(mainKey, SearchType.NORMAL,
                                  Node.NULL_NODE_ID, null, cacheMode);
        location.bin = (BIN) searchResult;

        if (location.bin == null) {
            return false;

         * If caller wants us to consider knownDeleted entries then do an
         * inexact search in findEntry since that will find knownDeleted
         * entries.  If caller doesn't want us to consider knownDeleted entries
         * then do an exact search in findEntry since that will not return
         * knownDeleted entries.
        boolean exactSearch = false;
        boolean indicateIfExact = true;
        if (!findDeletedEntries) {
            exactSearch = true;
            indicateIfExact = false;
        location.index =
            location.bin.findEntry(mainKey, indicateIfExact, exactSearch);

        boolean match = false;
        if (findDeletedEntries) {
            match = (location.index >= 0 &&
                     (location.index & IN.EXACT_MATCH) != 0);
            location.index &= ~IN.EXACT_MATCH;
        } else {
            match = (location.index >= 0);

        if (match) {

             * A BIN parent was found and a slot matches the key. See if we
             * have to search further into what may be a dup tree.
             * If this database doesn't support duplicates, no point in
             * incurring the potentially large cost of fetching in the child to
             * check for dup trees. In the future, we could optimize further by
             * storing state per slot as to whether a dup tree hangs below.
            if (!location.bin.isEntryKnownDeleted(location.index) &&
                database.getSortedDuplicates()) {
                Node childNode = location.bin.fetchTarget(location.index);
                try {
                    /* Is our target LN a regular record or a dup count? */
                    if (childNode == null) {
                        /* Child is a deleted cleaned LN. */
                    } else if (ln.containsDuplicates()) {
                        /* This is a duplicate count LN. */
                        return searchDupTreeForDupCountLNParent
                            (location, mainKey, childNode);
                    } else {

                         * This is a regular LN. If this is a dup tree, descend
                         * and search. If not, we've found the parent.
                        if (childNode.containsDuplicates()) {
                            if (dupKey == null) {

                                 * We are at a dup tree but our target LN has
                                 * no dup key because it's a deleted LN.  We've
                                 * encountered the case of SR 8984 where we are
                                 * searching for an LN that was deleted before
                                 * the conversion to a duplicate tree.
                                return searchDupTreeByNodeId
                                    (location, childNode, ln, searchDupTree,
                            } else {
                                return searchDupTreeForDBIN
                                    (location, dupKey, (DIN) childNode, ln,
                                     findDeletedEntries, indicateIfExact,
                                     exactSearch, splitsAllowed, cacheMode);
                } catch (DatabaseException e) {
                    throw e;

            /* We had a match, we didn't need to search the duplicate tree. */
            location.childLsn = location.bin.getLsn(location.index);
            return true;
        } else {
            location.lnKey = mainKey;
            return false;

     * For SR [#8984]: our prospective child is a deleted LN, and we're facing
     * a dup tree. Alas, the deleted LN has no data, and therefore nothing to
     * guide the search in the dup tree. Instead, we search by node id.  This
     * is very expensive, but this situation is a very rare case.
    private boolean searchDupTreeByNodeId(TreeLocation location,
                                          Node childNode,
                                          LN ln,
                                          boolean searchDupTree,
                                          CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (searchDupTree) {
            BIN oldBIN = location.bin;
            if (childNode.matchLNByNodeId
                (location, ln.getNodeId(), cacheMode)) {
                location.index &= ~IN.EXACT_MATCH;
                if (oldBIN != null) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {

             * This is called from undo() so this LN can
             * just be ignored.
            return false;

     * @return true if childNode is the DIN parent of this DupCountLN
    private boolean searchDupTreeForDupCountLNParent(TreeLocation location,
                                                     byte[] mainKey,
                                                     Node childNode) {

        location.lnKey = mainKey;
        if (childNode instanceof DIN) {
            DIN dupRoot = (DIN) childNode;
            location.childLsn = dupRoot.getDupCountLNRef().getLsn();
            return true;
        } else {

             * If we're looking for a DupCountLN but don't find a duplicate
             * tree, then the key now refers to a single datum.  This can
             * happen when all dups for a key are deleted, the compressor runs,
             * and then a single datum is inserted.  [#10597]
            return false;

     * Search the dup tree for the DBIN parent of this LN.
    private boolean searchDupTreeForDBIN(TreeLocation location,
                                         byte[] dupKey,
                                         DIN dupRoot,
                                         LN ln,
                                         boolean findDeletedEntries,
                                         boolean indicateIfExact,
                                         boolean exactSearch,
                                         boolean splitsAllowed,
                                         CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        assert dupKey != null;


        /* Make sure there's room for inserts. */
        if (maybeSplitDuplicateRoot(location.bin, location.index, cacheMode)) {
            dupRoot = (DIN) location.bin.fetchTarget(location.index);

         * Wait until after any duplicate root splitting to unlatch the BIN.

         * The dupKey is going to be the key that represents the LN in this BIN
         * parent.
        location.lnKey = dupKey;

        /* Search the dup tree */
        if (splitsAllowed) {
            try {
                location.bin = (BIN) searchSubTreeSplitsAllowed
                    (dupRoot, location.lnKey, ln.getNodeId(), cacheMode);
            } catch (RelatchRequiredException e) {
                /* Should never happen, we use exclusive latches on DINs. */
                throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedException(e);
            } catch (SplitRequiredException e) {

                 * Shouldn't happen; the only caller of this method which
                 * allows splits is from recovery, which is single
                 * threaded.
                throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedException(e);
        } else {
            location.bin = (BIN) searchSubTree
                (dupRoot, location.lnKey, SearchType.NORMAL,
                 ln.getNodeId(), null, cacheMode);

        /* Search for LN w/exact key. */
        location.index = location.bin.findEntry
            (location.lnKey, indicateIfExact, exactSearch);
        boolean match;
        if (findDeletedEntries) {
            match = (location.index >= 0 &&
                     (location.index & IN.EXACT_MATCH) != 0);
            location.index &= ~IN.EXACT_MATCH;
        } else {
            match = (location.index >= 0);

        if (match) {
            location.childLsn = location.bin.getLsn(location.index);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Return a reference to the adjacent BIN.
     * @param bin The BIN to find the next BIN for.  This BIN is latched.
     * @param traverseWithinDupTree if true, only search within the dup tree
     * and return null when the traversal runs out of duplicates.
     * @return The next BIN, or null if there are no more.  The returned node
     * is latched and the caller must release it.  If null is returned, the
     * argument BIN remains latched.
    public BIN getNextBin(BIN bin,
                          boolean traverseWithinDupTree,
                          CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getNextBinInternal(traverseWithinDupTree, bin, true, cacheMode);

     * Return a reference to the previous BIN.
     * @param bin The BIN to find the next BIN for.  This BIN is latched.
     * @param traverseWithinDupTree if true, only search within the dup tree
     * and return null when the traversal runs out of duplicates.
     * @return The previous BIN, or null if there are no more.  The returned
     * node is latched and the caller must release it.  If null is returned,
     * the argument bin remains latched.
    public BIN getPrevBin(BIN bin,
                          boolean traverseWithinDupTree,
                          CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getNextBinInternal(traverseWithinDupTree, bin,
                                  false, cacheMode);

     * Helper routine for above two routines to iterate through BIN's.
    private BIN getNextBinInternal(boolean traverseWithinDupTree,
                                   BIN bin,
                                   boolean forward,
                                   CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * Use the right most key (for a forward progressing cursor) or the
         * left most key (for a backward progressing cursor) as the idkey.  The
         * reason is that the BIN may get split while finding the next BIN so
         * it's not safe to take the BIN's identifierKey entry.  If the BIN
         * gets splits, then the right (left) most key will still be on the
         * resultant node.  The exception to this is that if there are no
         * entries, we just use the identifier key.
        byte[] idKey = null;

        if (bin.getNEntries() == 0) {
            idKey = bin.getIdentifierKey();
        } else if (forward) {
            idKey = bin.getKey(bin.getNEntries() - 1);
        } else {
            idKey = bin.getKey(0);

        IN next = bin;
        boolean nextIsLatched = false;

        assert LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 1:

         * Ascend the tree until we find a level that still has nodes to the
         * right (or left if !forward) of the path that we're on.  If we reach
         * the root level, we're done. If we're searching within a duplicate
         * tree, stay within the tree.
        IN parent = null;
        IN nextIN = null;
        boolean nextINIsLatched = false;
        try {
            while (true) {

                 * Move up a level from where we are now and check to see if we
                 * reached the top of the tree.
                SearchResult result = null;
                if (!traverseWithinDupTree) {
                    /* Operating on a regular tree -- get the parent. */
                    nextIsLatched = false;
                    result = getParentINForChildIN
                        (next, true /*requireExactMatch*/, cacheMode);
                    if (result.exactParentFound) {
                        parent = result.parent;
                    } else {
                        /* We've reached the root of the tree. */
                        assert (LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 0):
                        return null;
                } else {
                    /* This is a duplicate tree, stay within the tree.*/
                    if (next.isRoot()) {
                        /* We've reached the top of the dup tree. */
                        nextIsLatched = false;
                        return null;
                    } else {
                        nextIsLatched = false;
                        result = getParentINForChildIN
                            (next, true /*requireExactMatch*/, cacheMode);
                        if (result.exactParentFound) {
                            parent = result.parent;
                        } else {
                            return null;

                assert (LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 1) :

                 * Figure out which entry we are in the parent.  Add (subtract)
                 * 1 to move to the next (previous) one and check that we're
                 * still pointing to a valid child.  Don't just use the result
                 * of the parent.findEntry call in getParentNode, because we
                 * want to use our explicitly chosen idKey.
                int index = parent.findEntry(idKey, false, false);
                boolean moreEntriesThisBin = false;
                if (forward) {
                    if (index < parent.getNEntries()) {
                        moreEntriesThisBin = true;
                } else {
                    if (index > 0) {
                        moreEntriesThisBin = true;

                if (moreEntriesThisBin) {

                     * There are more entries to the right of the current path
                     * in parent.  Get the entry, and then descend down the
                     * left most path to a BIN.
                    nextIN = (IN) parent.fetchTargetWithExclusiveLatch(index);
                    nextINIsLatched = true;

                    assert (LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 2):

                    if (nextIN instanceof BIN) {
                        /* We landed at a leaf (i.e. a BIN). */
                        parent = null; // to avoid falsely unlatching parent
                        TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator treeStatsAccumulator =
                        if (treeStatsAccumulator != null) {

                        return (BIN) nextIN;
                    } else {

                         * We landed at an IN.  Descend down to the appropriate
                         * leaf (i.e. BIN) node.
                        IN ret = searchSubTree(nextIN, null,
                                               (forward ?
                                                SearchType.LEFT :
                        nextINIsLatched = false;
                        parent = null; // to avoid falsely unlatching parent

                        assert LatchSupport.countLatchesHeld() == 1:

                        if (ret instanceof BIN) {
                            return (BIN) ret;
                        } else {
                            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                                ("subtree did not have a BIN for leaf");

                /* Nothing at this level.  Ascend to a higher level. */
                next = parent;
                nextIsLatched = true;
                parent = null; // to avoid falsely unlatching parent below
        } catch (DatabaseException e) {

            if (next != null &&
                nextIsLatched) {

            if (parent != null) {

            if (nextIN != null &&
                nextINIsLatched) {

            throw e;

     * Split the root of the tree.
    private void splitRoot(CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * Create a new root IN, insert the current root IN into it, and then
         * call split.
        EnvironmentImpl env = database.getDbEnvironment();
        LogManager logManager = env.getLogManager();
        INList inMemoryINs = env.getInMemoryINs();

        IN curRoot = null;
        curRoot = (IN) root.fetchTarget(database, null);
        long curRootLsn = 0;
        long logLsn = 0;
        IN newRoot = null;
        try {

             * Make a new root IN, giving it an id key from the previous root.
            byte[] rootIdKey = curRoot.getKey(0);
            newRoot = new IN(database, rootIdKey, maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode,
                             curRoot.getLevel() + 1);

             * Make the new root IN point to the old root IN. Log the old root
             * provisionally, because we modified it so it's not the root
             * anymore, then log the new root. We are guaranteed to be able to
             * insert entries, since we just made this root.
            try {
                curRootLsn =
                    curRoot.optionalLogProvisional(logManager, newRoot);
                boolean insertOk = newRoot.insertEntry
                    (new ChildReference(curRoot, rootIdKey, curRootLsn));
                assert insertOk;

                logLsn = newRoot.optionalLog(logManager);
            } catch (DatabaseException e) {
                /* Something went wrong when we tried to log. */
                throw e;

             * Make the tree's root reference point to this new node. Now the
             * MapLN is logically dirty, but the change hasn't been logged.  Be
             * sure to flush the MapLN if we ever evict the root.
            root.updateLsnAfterOptionalLog(database, logLsn);
            curRoot.split(newRoot, 0, maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode, cacheMode);

        } finally {
            /* FindBugs ignore possible null pointer dereference of newRoot. */
        traceSplitRoot(Level.FINE, TRACE_ROOT_SPLIT, newRoot, logLsn,
                       curRoot, curRootLsn);

     * Search the tree, starting at the root.  Depending on search type either
     * search using key, or search all the way down the right or left sides.
     * Stop the search either when the bottom of the tree is reached, or a node
     * matching nid is found (see below) in which case that node's parent is
     * returned.
     * Preemptive splitting is not done during the search.
     * @param key - the key to search for, or null if searchType is LEFT or
     * RIGHT.
     * @param searchType - The type of tree search to perform.  NORMAL means
     * we're searching for key in the tree.  LEFT/RIGHT means we're descending
     * down the left or right side, resp.  DELETE means we're descending the
     * tree and will return the lowest node in the path that has > 1 entries.
     * @param nid - The nodeid to search for in the tree.  If found, returns
     * its parent.  If the nodeid of the root is passed, null is returned.
     * @param binBoundary - If non-null, information is returned about whether
     * the BIN found is the first or last BIN in the database.
     * @return - the Node that matches the criteria, if any.  This is the node
     * that is farthest down the tree with a match.  Returns null if the root
     * is null.  Node is latched (unless it's null) and must be unlatched by
     * the caller.  Only IN's and BIN's are returned, not LN's.  In a NORMAL
     * search, It is the caller's responsibility to do the findEntry() call on
     * the key and BIN to locate the entry that matches key.  The return value
     * node is latched upon return and it is the caller's responsibility to
     * unlatch it.
    public IN search(byte[] key,
                     SearchType searchType,
                     long nid,
                     BINBoundary binBoundary,
                     CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        IN rootIN = getRootIN(cacheMode);

        if (rootIN != null) {
            return searchSubTree
                (rootIN, key, searchType, nid, binBoundary, cacheMode);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Do a key based search, permitting pre-emptive splits. Returns the
     * target node's parent.
    public IN searchSplitsAllowed(byte[] key, long nid, CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        IN insertTarget = null;
        while (insertTarget == null) {
            boolean rootLatched = true;
            boolean rootLatchedExclusive = false;
            boolean rootINLatched = false;
            boolean success = false;
            IN rootIN = null;
            try {
                while (true) {
                    if (rootExists()) {
                        rootIN = (IN) root.fetchTarget(database, null);

                        /* Check if root needs splitting. */
                        if (rootIN.needsSplitting()) {
                            if (!rootLatchedExclusive) {
                                rootIN = null;
                                rootLatchedExclusive = true;

                             * We can't hold any latches while we lock.  If the
                             * root splits again between latch release and
                             * DbTree.db lock, no problem.  The latest root
                             * will still get written out.
                            rootLatched = false;
                            EnvironmentImpl env = database.getDbEnvironment();
                            rootLatched = true;
                            rootIN = (IN) root.fetchTarget(database, null);
                        } else {
                        rootINLatched = true;
                success = true;
            } finally {
                if (!success && rootINLatched) {
                if (rootLatched) {

            /* Don't loop forever if the root is null. [#13897] */
            if (rootIN == null) {

            try {
                assert rootINLatched;
                while (true) {
                    try {
                        insertTarget =
                            searchSubTreeSplitsAllowed(rootIN, key,
                                                       nid, cacheMode);
                    } catch (RelatchRequiredException RRE) {
                        rootIN = (IN) root.fetchTarget(database, null);
            } catch (SplitRequiredException e) {

                 * The last slot in the root was used at the point when this
                 * thread released the rootIN latch in order to force splits.
                 * Retry. SR [#11147].

        return insertTarget;

    public void loadStats(StatsConfig config, BtreeStats btreeStats) {
        /* Add the tree statistics to BtreeStats. */

        if (config.getClear()) {

     * Wrapper for searchSubTreeInternal that does a restart if a
     * RelatchRequiredException is thrown (i.e. a relatch of the root is
     * needed).
    public IN searchSubTree(IN parent,
                            byte[] key,
                            SearchType searchType,
                            long nid,
                            BINBoundary binBoundary,
                            CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * Max of two iterations required.  First is root latched shared, and
         * second is root latched exclusive.
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            try {
                return searchSubTreeInternal(parent, key, searchType, nid,
                                             binBoundary, cacheMode);
            } catch (RelatchRequiredException RRE) {

                 * The original parent param was the DB root IN if this
                 * exception occurs, so latch it exclusively and retry.  If a
                 * DIN root or an intermediate IN (from getNextBinInternal) was
                 * originally passed, it was latched exclusively and this can't
                 * happen.  However, we cannot assert here that the original
                 * parent is the root IN because no latches are held and a
                 * split can happen concurrently.
                parent = getRootINLatchedExclusive(cacheMode);

        throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
            ("searchSubTreeInternal should have completed in two tries");

     * Searches a portion of the tree starting at parent using key.  If during
     * the search a node matching a non-null nid argument is found, its parent
     * is returned.  If searchType is NORMAL, then key must be supplied to
     * guide the search.  If searchType is LEFT (or RIGHT), then the tree is
     * searched down the left (or right) side to find the first (or last) leaf,
     * respectively.
     * <p>
     * Enters with parent latched, assuming it's not null.  Exits with the
     * return value latched, assuming it's not null.
     * <p>
     * @param parent - the root of the subtree to start the search at.  This
     * node should be latched by the caller and will be unlatched prior to
     * return.
     * @param key - the key to search for, unless searchType is LEFT or RIGHT
     * @param searchType - NORMAL means search using key and, optionally, nid.
     *                     LEFT means find the first (leftmost) leaf
     *                     RIGHT means find the last (rightmost) leaf
     * @param nid - The nodeid to search for in the tree.  If found, returns
     * its parent.  If the nodeid of the root is passed, null is returned.
     * Pass Node.NULL_NODE_ID if no nodeid based search is desired.
     * @return - the node matching the argument criteria, or null.  The node is
     * latched and must be unlatched by the caller.  The parent argument and
     * any other nodes that are latched during the search are unlatched prior
     * to return.
     * @throws RelatchRequiredException if the root node (parent) must be
     * relatched exclusively because a null target was encountered (i.e. a
     * fetch must be performed on parent's child and the parent is latched
     * shared.
    private IN searchSubTreeInternal(IN parent,
                                     byte[] key,
                                     SearchType searchType,
                                     long nid,
                                     BINBoundary binBoundary,
                                     CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws RelatchRequiredException, DatabaseException {

        /* Return null if we're passed a null arg. */
        if (parent == null) {
            return null;

        if ((searchType == SearchType.LEFT ||
             searchType == SearchType.RIGHT) &&
            key != null) {

             * If caller is asking for a right or left search, they shouldn't
             * be passing us a key.
            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                ("searchSubTree passed key and left/right search");

        assert parent.isLatchOwnerForRead();

        if (parent.getNodeId() == nid) {
            return null;

        if (binBoundary != null) {
            binBoundary.isLastBin = true;
            binBoundary.isFirstBin = true;

        int index;
        IN child = null;
        IN grandParent = null;
        boolean childIsLatched = false;
        boolean grandParentIsLatched = false;
        boolean maintainGrandParentLatches = !parent.isLatchOwnerForWrite();

        TreeWalkerStatsAccumulator treeStatsAccumulator =

        boolean success = false;
        try {
            do {
                if (treeStatsAccumulator != null) {

                if (parent.getNEntries() == 0) {
                    /* No more children, can't descend anymore. */
                    success = true;
                    return parent;
                } else if (searchType == SearchType.NORMAL) {
                    /* Look for the entry matching key in the current node. */
                    index = parent.findEntry(key, false, false);
                } else if (searchType == SearchType.LEFT) {
                    /* Left search, always take the 0th entry. */
                    index = 0;
                } else if (searchType == SearchType.RIGHT) {
                    /* Right search, always take the highest entry. */
                    index = parent.getNEntries() - 1;
                } else {
                    throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                        ("Invalid value of searchType: " + searchType);

                assert index >= 0;

                if (binBoundary != null) {
                    if (index != parent.getNEntries() - 1) {
                        binBoundary.isLastBin = false;
                    if (index != 0) {
                        binBoundary.isFirstBin = false;

                 * Get the child node.  If target is null, and we don't have
                 * parent latched exclusively, then we need to relatch this
                 * parent so that we can fill in the target.  Fetching a target
                 * is a write to a node so it must be exclusively latched.
                 * Once we have the parent relatched exclusively, then we can
                 * release the grand parent.
                if (maintainGrandParentLatches &&
                    parent.getTarget(index) == null &&
                    !parent.isAlwaysLatchedExclusively()) {

                    if (grandParent == null) {

                         * grandParent is null which implies parent is the root
                         * so throw RelatchRequiredException.
                    } else {
                        /* Release parent shared and relatch exclusive. */

                     * Once parent has been re-latched exclusive we can release
                     * grandParent now (sooner), rather than after the
                     * fetchTarget (later).
                    if (grandParent != null) {
                        grandParentIsLatched = false;
                        grandParent = null;
                child = (IN) parent.fetchTarget(index);

                 * We know we're done with grandParent for sure, so release
                 * now.
                if (grandParent != null) {
                    grandParentIsLatched = false;

                /* See if we're even using shared latches. */
                if (maintainGrandParentLatches) {
                } else {
                childIsLatched = true;

                if (treeStatsAccumulator != null) {

                 * If this child matches nid, then stop the search and return
                 * the parent.
                if (child.getNodeId() == nid) {
                    childIsLatched = false;
                    success = true;
                    return parent;

                /* Continue down a level */
                if (maintainGrandParentLatches) {
                    grandParent = parent;
                    grandParentIsLatched = true;
                } else {
                parent = child;
            } while (!(parent instanceof BIN));

            success = true;
            return child;
        } finally {
            if (!success) {

                 * In [#14903] we encountered a latch exception below and the
                 * original exception was lost.  Print the stack trace and
                 * allow the original exception to be thrown if this happens
                 * again, to get more information about the problem.
                try {
                    if (child != null &&
                        childIsLatched) {

                    if (parent != child) {
                } catch (Exception t2) {

            if (grandParent != null &&
                grandParentIsLatched) {
                grandParentIsLatched = false;

     * Search down the tree using a key, but instead of returning the BIN that
     * houses that key, find the point where we can detach a deletable
     * subtree. A deletable subtree is a branch where each IN has one child,
     * and the bottom BIN has no entries and no resident cursors. That point
     * can be found by saving a pointer to the lowest node in the path with
     * more than one entry.
     *              INa
     *             /   \
     *          INb    INc
     *          |       |
     *         INd     ..
     *         / \
     *      INe  ..
     *       |
     *     BINx (suspected of being empty)
     * In this case, we'd like to prune off the subtree headed by INe. INd
     * is the parent of this deletable subtree. As we descend, we must keep
     * latches for all the nodes that will be logged. In this case, we
     * will need to keep INa, INb and INd latched when we return from this
     * method.
     * The method returns a list of parent/child/index structures. In this
     * example, the list will hold:
     *  INa/INb/index
     *  INb/INd/index
     *  INd/INe/index
     * Every node is latched, and every node except for the bottom most child
     * (INe) must be logged.
    public void searchDeletableSubTree(IN parent,
                                       byte[] key,
                                       ArrayList<SplitInfo> nodeLadder)
        throws DatabaseException,
               CursorsExistException {

        assert (parent!=null);
        assert (key!= null);
        assert parent.isLatchOwnerForWrite();

        int index;
        IN child = null;

        /* Save the lowest IN in the path that has multiple entries. */
        IN lowestMultipleEntryIN = null;

        do {
            if (parent.getNEntries() == 0) {

            /* Remember if this is the lowest multiple point. */
            if (parent.getNEntries() > 1) {
                lowestMultipleEntryIN = parent;

            index = parent.findEntry(key, false, false);
            assert index >= 0;

            /* Get the child node that matches. */
            child = (IN) parent.fetchTargetWithExclusiveLatch(index);
            nodeLadder.add(new SplitInfo(parent, child, index));

            /* Continue down a level */
            parent = child;
        } while (!(parent instanceof BIN));

         * See if there is a reason we can't delete this BIN -- i.e.
         * new items have been inserted, or a cursor exists on it.
        if ((child != null) && (child instanceof BIN)) {
            if (child.getNEntries() != 0) {
                throw NodeNotEmptyException.NODE_NOT_EMPTY;

             * This case can happen if we are keeping a BIN on an empty
             * cursor as we traverse.
            if (((BIN) child).nCursors() > 0) {
                throw CursorsExistException.CURSORS_EXIST;

        if (lowestMultipleEntryIN != null) {

             * Release all nodes up to the pair that holds the detach
             * point. We won't be needing those nodes, since they'll be
             * pruned and won't need to be updated.
            ListIterator<SplitInfo> iter =
            while (iter.hasPrevious()) {
                SplitInfo info = iter.previous();
                if (info.parent == lowestMultipleEntryIN) {
                } else {
        } else {

             * We actually have to prune off the entire tree. Release
             * all latches, and clear the node ladder.

     * Search the portion of the tree starting at the parent, permitting
     * preemptive splits.
     * When this returns, parent will be unlatched unless parent is the
     * returned IN.
    private IN searchSubTreeSplitsAllowed(IN parent,
                                          byte[] key,
                                          long nid,
                                          CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws RelatchRequiredException,
               SplitRequiredException {

        if (parent != null) {

             * Search downward until we hit a node that needs a split. In that
             * case, retreat to the top of the tree and force splits downward.
            while (true) {
                try {
                    return searchSubTreeUntilSplit
                        (parent, key, nid, cacheMode);
                } catch (SplitRequiredException e) {
                    /* SR [#11144]*/
                    assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(waitHook);

                     * ForceSplit may itself throw SplitRequiredException if it
                     * finds that the parent doesn't have room to hold an extra
                     * entry. Allow the exception to propagate up to a place
                     * where it's safe to split the parent. We do this rather
                     * than
                    parent = forceSplit(parent, key, cacheMode);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Search the subtree, but throw an exception when we see a node
     * that has to be split.
     * When this returns, parent will be unlatched unless parent is the
     * returned IN.
    private IN searchSubTreeUntilSplit(IN parent,
                                       byte[] key,
                                       long nid,
                                       CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws RelatchRequiredException,
               SplitRequiredException {

        boolean latchingIsExclusive = parent.isLatchOwnerForWrite();

        if (parent.getNodeId() == nid) {
            return null;

        int index;
        IN child = null;
        boolean childIsLatched = false;
        boolean success = false;

        try {
            do {
                if (parent.getNEntries() == 0) {
                    /* No more children, can't descend anymore. */
                    success = true;
                    return parent;
                } else {
                    /* Look for the entry matching key in the current node. */
                    index = parent.findEntry(key, false, false);

                assert index >= 0;

                /* Get the child node that matches. */
                child = (IN) parent.fetchTarget(index);
                if (latchingIsExclusive ||
                    child.isAlwaysLatchedExclusively()) {
                } else {
                childIsLatched = true;

                /* Throw if we need to split. */
                if (child.needsSplitting()) {
                    /* Let the finally clean up child and parent latches. */
                    throw splitRequiredException;

                 * If this child matches nid, then stop the search and return
                 * the parent.
                if (child.getNodeId() == nid) {
                    childIsLatched = false;
                    success = true;
                    return parent;

                /* Continue down a level */
                parent = child;
            } while (!(parent instanceof BIN));
            success = true;
            return parent;
        } finally {
            if (!success) {
                if (child != null &&
                    childIsLatched) {
                if (parent != child) {

     * Do pre-emptive splitting in the subtree topped by the "parent" node.
     * Search down the tree until we get to the BIN level, and split any nodes
     * that fit the splittable requirement.
     * Note that more than one node in the path may be splittable. For example,
     * a tree might have a level2 IN and a BIN that are both splittable, and
     * would be encountered by the same insert operation.
     * @return the parent to use for retrying the search, which may be
     * different than the parent parameter passed if the root IN has been
     * evicted.
    private IN forceSplit(IN parent, byte[] key, CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException, SplitRequiredException {

        ArrayList<SplitInfo> nodeLadder = new ArrayList<SplitInfo>();

        boolean allLeftSideDescent = true;
        boolean allRightSideDescent = true;
        int index;
        IN child = null;
        IN originalParent = parent;
        ListIterator<SplitInfo> iter = null;

        boolean isRootLatched = false;
        boolean success = false;
        try {

             * Latch the root in order to update the root LSN when we're done.
             * Latch order must be: root, root IN.  We'll leave this method
             * with the original parent latched.
             * Although we are checking isDbRoot without latching, if it
             * changes (if the root is split) we'll detect this below and throw
             * splitRequiredException.  Note that this property can change from
             * true to false, but never from false to true.
            if (originalParent.isDbRoot()) {
                isRootLatched = true;
                /* The root IN may have been evicted. [#16173] */
                parent = (IN) root.fetchTarget(database, null);
                originalParent = parent;

             * Another thread may have crept in and
             *  - used the last free slot in the parent, making it impossible
             *    to correctly progagate the split.
             *  - actually split the root, in which case we may be looking at
             *    the wrong subtree for this search.
             * If so, throw and retry from above. SR [#11144]
            if (originalParent.needsSplitting() || !originalParent.isRoot()) {
                throw splitRequiredException;

             * Search downward to the BIN level, saving the information
             * needed to do a split if necessary.
            do {
                if (parent.getNEntries() == 0) {
                    /* No more children, can't descend anymore. */
                } else {
                    /* Look for the entry matching key in the current node. */
                    index = parent.findEntry(key, false, false);
                    if (index != 0) {
                        allLeftSideDescent = false;
                    if (index != (parent.getNEntries() - 1)) {
                        allRightSideDescent = false;

                assert index >= 0;

                 * Get the child node that matches. We only need to work on
                 * nodes in residence.
                child = (IN) parent.getTarget(index);
                if (child == null) {
                } else {
                    nodeLadder.add(new SplitInfo(parent, child, index));

                /* Continue down a level */
                parent = child;
            } while (!(parent instanceof BIN));

            boolean startedSplits = false;
            LogManager logManager =

             * Process the accumulated nodes from the bottom up. Split each
             * node if required. If the node should not split, we check if
             * there have been any splits on the ladder yet. If there are none,
             * we merely release the node, since there is no update.  If splits
             * have started, we need to propagate new LSNs upward, so we log
             * the node and update its parent.
             * Start this iterator at the end of the list.
            iter = nodeLadder.listIterator(nodeLadder.size());
            long lastParentForSplit = Node.NULL_NODE_ID;
            while (iter.hasPrevious()) {
                SplitInfo info = iter.previous();

                 * Get rid of current entry on nodeLadder so it doesn't get
                 * unlatched in the finally clause.
                child = info.child;
                parent = info.parent;
                index = info.index;

                /* Opportunistically split the node if it is full. */
                if (child.needsSplitting()) {
                    int maxEntriesPerNode = (child.containsDuplicates() ?
                                             maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode :
                    if (allLeftSideDescent || allRightSideDescent) {
                    } else {
                        child.split(parent, index, maxEntriesPerNode,
                    lastParentForSplit = parent.getNodeId();
                    startedSplits = true;

                     * If the DB root IN was logged, update the DB tree's child
                     * reference.  Now the MapLN is logically dirty, but the
                     * change hasn't been logged. Set the rootIN to be dirty
                     * again, to force flushing the rootIN and mapLN in the
                     * next checkpoint. Be sure to flush the MapLN
                     * if we ever evict the root.
                    if (parent.isDbRoot()) {
                        assert isRootLatched;
                } else {
                    if (startedSplits) {
                        long newLsn = 0;

                         * If this child was the parent of a split, it's
                         * already logged by the split call. We just need to
                         * propagate the logging upwards. If this child is just
                         * a link in the chain upwards, log it.
                        if (lastParentForSplit == child.getNodeId()) {
                            newLsn = child.getLastFullVersion();
                        } else {
                            newLsn = child.optionalLog(logManager);
                        parent.updateEntry(index, newLsn);
                child = null;
            success = true;
        } finally {
            if (!success) {

                 * This will only happen if an exception is thrown and we leave
                 * things in an intermediate state.
                if (child != null) {

                if (nodeLadder.size() > 0) {
                    iter = nodeLadder.listIterator(nodeLadder.size());
                    while (iter.hasPrevious()) {
                        SplitInfo info = iter.previous();


            if (isRootLatched) {
        return originalParent;

     * Helper to obtain the root IN with shared root latching.  Optionally
     * updates the generation of the root when latching it.
    public IN getRootIN(CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getRootINInternal(cacheMode, false/*exclusive*/);

     * Helper to obtain the root IN with exclusive root latching.  Optionally
     * updates the generation of the root when latching it.
    public IN getRootINLatchedExclusive(CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getRootINInternal(cacheMode, true/*exclusive*/);

    private IN getRootINInternal(CacheMode cacheMode, boolean exclusive)
        throws DatabaseException {

        IN rootIN = null;
        try {
            if (rootExists()) {
                rootIN = (IN) root.fetchTarget(database, null);
                if (exclusive) {
                } else {
            return rootIN;
        } finally {

    public IN getResidentRootIN(boolean latched)
        throws DatabaseException {

        IN rootIN = null;
        if (rootExists()) {
            rootIN = (IN) root.getTarget();
            if (rootIN != null && latched) {
        return rootIN;

     * Inserts a new LN into the tree.
     * @param ln The LN to insert into the tree.
     * @param key Key value for the node
     * @param allowDuplicates whether to allow duplicates to be inserted
     * @param cursor the cursor to update to point to the newly inserted
     * key/data pair, or null if no cursor should be updated.
     * @return true if LN was inserted, false if it was a duplicate
     * duplicate or if an attempt was made to insert a duplicate when
     * allowDuplicates was false.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException via db/cursor put methods
    public boolean insert(LN ln,
                          byte[] key,
                          boolean allowDuplicates,
                          CursorImpl cursor,
                          LockResult lnLock,
                          ReplicationContext repContext)
        throws DatabaseException {

        EnvironmentImpl env = database.getDbEnvironment();
        LogManager logManager = env.getLogManager();
        INList inMemoryINs = env.getInMemoryINs();

        /* Find and latch the relevant BIN. */
        BIN bin = null;
        try {
            bin = findBinForInsert(key, logManager, inMemoryINs, cursor);
            assert bin.isLatchOwnerForWrite();

            /* Make a child reference as a candidate for insertion. */
            ChildReference newLNRef =
                new ChildReference(ln, key, DbLsn.NULL_LSN);

             * If we're doing a put that is not a putCurrent, then the cursor
             * passed in may not be pointing to BIN (it was set to the BIN that
             * the search landed on which may be different than BIN).  Set the
             * BIN correctly here so that adjustCursorsForInsert doesn't blow
             * an assertion.  We'll finish the job by setting the index below.

            int index = bin.insertEntry1(newLNRef);
            if ((index & IN.INSERT_SUCCESS) != 0) {

                 * Update the cursor to point to the entry that has been
                 * successfully inserted.
                index &= ~IN.INSERT_SUCCESS;
                cursor.updateBin(bin, index);

                /* Log the new LN. */
                long newLsn = DbLsn.NULL_LSN;

                try {
                    newLsn = ln.optionalLog
                        (env, database, key, DbLsn.NULL_LSN,
                         cursor.getLocker(), repContext);
                } finally {
                    if ((newLsn == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) &&
                        !database.isDeferredWriteMode()) {

                         * Possible buffer overflow, out-of-memory, or I/O
                         * exception during logging.  The BIN entry will
                         * contain a NULL_LSN.  To prevent an exception during
                         * a fetch, we set the KnownDeleted flag.  We do not
                         * call BIN.deleteEntry because cursors will not be
                         * adjusted.  We do not add this entry to the
                         * compressor queue to avoid complexity (this is rare).
                         * [13126, 12605, 11271]
                lnLock.setAbortLsn(DbLsn.NULL_LSN, true, true);
                bin.updateEntry(index, newLsn);

                traceInsert(Level.FINER, env, bin, ln, newLsn, index);
                return true;
            } else {

                 * Entry may have been a duplicate. Insertion was not
                 * successful.
                index &= ~IN.EXACT_MATCH;
                cursor.updateBin(bin, index);

                 * The key in the BIN slot and the key of the new LN may be
                 * non-identical but compare as equal by the btree comparator.
                 * This is disallowed for databases with duplicates configured.
                 * [#15704]
                if (database.getSortedDuplicates() &&
                    database.getBtreeComparator() != null &&
                    !Arrays.equals(key, bin.getKey(index))) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException
                        ("Custom Btree comparator matches two non-identical " +
                         "keys in a Database with duplicates configured");

                LN currentLN = null;
                boolean isDup = false;
                Node n = bin.fetchTarget(index);
                if (n == null || n instanceof LN) {
                    currentLN = (LN) n;
                } else {
                    isDup = true;

                /* If an LN is present, lock it and check deleted-ness. */
                boolean isDeleted = false;
                LockResult currentLock = null;

                if (!isDup) {
                    if (currentLN == null) {
                        /* The LN was cleaned. */
                        isDeleted = true;
                    } else {
                        currentLock = cursor.lockLNDeletedAllowed
                            (currentLN, LockType.WRITE);
                        currentLN = currentLock.getLN();
                        /* The BIN/index may have changed while locking. */
                        bin = cursor.getBIN();
                        index = cursor.getIndex();
                        if (cursor.getDupBIN() != null) {

                             * A dup tree appeared during locking.  We will
                             * position to a different dup tree entry later in
                             * insertDuplicate, so we must remove the cursor
                             * from this dup tree entry.  This is a rare case
                             * so performance is not an issue.
                            cursor.clearDupBIN(true /*alreadyLatched*/);
                            isDup = true;
                        } else if (bin.isEntryKnownDeleted(index) ||
                                   currentLN == null ||
                                   currentLN.isDeleted()) {
                            /* The current LN is deleted/cleaned. */
                            isDeleted = true;

                if (isDeleted) {

                     * Set the abort LSN to that of the lock held on the
                     * current LN, if the current LN was previously locked by
                     * this txn.  This is needed when we change the node ID of
                     * this slot.
                     * If reusing a slot with a deleted LN deleted in a prior
                     * transaction (the LockGrantType is NEW or UPGRADE),
                     * always set abortKnownDeleted=true.  It may be that the
                     * existing slot is PENDING_DELETED, but we restore to
                     * KNOWN_DELETED in the event of an abort.
                    long abortLsn = bin.getLsn(index);
                    boolean abortKnownDeleted = true;
                    if (currentLN != null &&
                        currentLock.getLockGrant() == LockGrantType.EXISTING) {
                        long nodeId = currentLN.getNodeId();
                        Locker locker = cursor.getLocker();
                        WriteLockInfo info = locker.getWriteLockInfo(nodeId);
                        abortLsn = info.getAbortLsn();
                        abortKnownDeleted = info.getAbortKnownDeleted();
                        /* Copy the size/DatabaseImpl of the existing lock. */
                    lnLock.setAbortLsn(abortLsn, abortKnownDeleted);

                     * Current entry is a deleted entry. Replace it with LN.
                     * Pass NULL_LSN for the oldLsn parameter of the log()
                     * method because the old LN was counted obsolete when it
                     * was deleted.
                    long newLsn = ln.optionalLog(env,

                     * When reusing a slot, the key is replaced in the BIN
                     * slot.  This ensures that the correct key value is used
                     * when the new key is non-identical to the key in the slot
                     * but is considered equal by the btree comparator.
                     * [#15704]
                    bin.updateEntry(index, ln, newLsn, key);

                    traceInsert(Level.FINER, env, bin, ln, newLsn, index);
                    return true;
                } else {

                     * Attempt to insert a duplicate in an existing dup tree
                     * or create a dup tree if none exists.
                    return insertDuplicate
                        (key, bin, ln, logManager, inMemoryINs, cursor, lnLock,
                         allowDuplicates, repContext);
        } finally {

     * Attempts to insert a duplicate at the current cursor BIN position.  If
     * an existing dup tree exists, insert into it; otherwise, create a new
     * dup tree and place the new LN and the existing LN into it.  If the
     * current BIN entry contains an LN, the caller guarantees that it is not
     * deleted.
     * @return true if duplicate inserted successfully, false if it was a
     * duplicate duplicate, false if a there is an existing LN and
     * allowDuplicates is false.
    private boolean insertDuplicate(byte[] key,
                                    BIN bin,
                                    LN newLN,
                                    LogManager logManager,
                                    INList inMemoryINs,
                                    CursorImpl cursor,
                                    LockResult lnLock,
                                    boolean allowDuplicates,
                                    ReplicationContext repContext)
        throws DatabaseException {

        EnvironmentImpl env = database.getDbEnvironment();
        int index = cursor.getIndex();
        boolean successfulInsert = false;

        DIN dupRoot = null;
        Node n = bin.fetchTarget(index);
        long binNid = bin.getNodeId();

        if (n instanceof DIN) {
            DBIN dupBin = null;

             * A duplicate tree exists.  Find the relevant DBIN and insert the
             * new entry into it.
            try {
                CacheMode cacheMode = cursor.getCacheMode();
                dupRoot = (DIN) n;

                /* Lock the DupCountLN before logging any LNs. */
                LockResult dclLockResult =
                    cursor.lockDupCountLN(dupRoot, LockType.WRITE);
                /* The BIN/index may have changed during locking. */
                bin = cursor.getBIN();
                index = cursor.getIndex();

                 * Do not proceed if duplicates are not allowed and there are
                 * one or more duplicates already present.  Note that if the
                 * dup count is zero, we allow the insert.
                if (!allowDuplicates) {

                     * dupRoot could have been changed during the dcl lock so
                     * we need to grab it again here so that we release the
                     * latch on the correct dupRoot in the finally below.
                    dupRoot = (DIN) bin.fetchTarget(index);
                    DupCountLN dcl = (DupCountLN) dclLockResult.getLN();
                    if (dcl.getDupCount() > 0) {
                        return false;

                 * Split the dup root if necessary.  The dup root may have
                 * changed during locking above or by the split, so refetch it.
                 * In either case it will be latched.
                maybeSplitDuplicateRoot(bin, index, cacheMode);
                dupRoot = (DIN) bin.fetchTarget(index);

                 * Search the duplicate tree for the right place to insert this
                 * new record. Releases the latch on duplicateRoot. If the
                 * duplicateRoot got logged as a result of some splitting,
                 * update the BIN's LSN information. The SortedLSNTreeWalker
                 * relies on accurate LSNs in the in-memory tree.
                byte[] newLNKey = newLN.getData();
                long previousLsn = dupRoot.getLastFullVersion();
                try {
                    dupBin = (DBIN) searchSubTreeSplitsAllowed
                        (dupRoot, newLNKey, Node.NULL_NODE_ID, cacheMode);
                } catch (RelatchRequiredException e) {
                    /* Should never happen, we use exclusive latches on DINs.*/
                    throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedException(e);
                } catch (SplitRequiredException e) {

                     * Shouldn't happen -- we have the DIN in the root of the
                     * dup tree latched during this insert, so there should be
                     * no possibility of being unable to insert a new entry
                     * into the DIN root of the dup tree.
                    throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedException(e);

                long currentLsn = dupRoot.getLastFullVersion();
                if (currentLsn != previousLsn) {
                    bin.updateEntry(index, currentLsn);

                /* Release the BIN latch to increase concurrency. */
                bin = null;

                /* The search above released the dup root latch. */
                dupRoot = null;

                 * Try to insert a new reference object. If successful, we'll
                 * log the LN and update the LSN in the reference.
                ChildReference newLNRef =
                    new ChildReference(newLN, newLNKey, DbLsn.NULL_LSN);

                int dupIndex = dupBin.insertEntry1(newLNRef);
                if ((dupIndex & IN.INSERT_SUCCESS) != 0) {

                     * Update the cursor to point to the entry that has been
                     * successfully inserted.
                    dupIndex &= ~IN.INSERT_SUCCESS;
                    cursor.updateDBin(dupBin, dupIndex);

                    /* Log the new LN. */
                    long newLsn = DbLsn.NULL_LSN;
                    try {
                        newLsn = newLN.optionalLog
                            (env, database, key, DbLsn.NULL_LSN,
                             cursor.getLocker(), repContext);
                    } finally {
                        if ((newLsn == DbLsn.NULL_LSN) &&
                            (!database.isDeferredWriteMode())) {

                             * See Tree.insert for an explanation of handling
                             * of IOException and OOME.

                    lnLock.setAbortLsn(DbLsn.NULL_LSN, true, true);

                     * Use updateEntry to be sure to mark the dupBin as dirty.
                    dupBin.updateEntry(dupIndex, newLsn);

                                         dupBin, newLN, newLsn, binNid);
                    successfulInsert = true;
                } else {

                     * The insert was not successful. Either this is a
                     * duplicate duplicate or there is an existing entry but
                     * that entry is deleted.
                    dupIndex &= ~IN.EXACT_MATCH;
                    cursor.updateDBin(dupBin, dupIndex);
                    LN currentLN = (LN) dupBin.fetchTarget(dupIndex);

                    /* If an LN is present, lock it and check deleted-ness. */
                    boolean isDeleted = false;
                    LockResult currentLock = null;
                    if (currentLN == null) {
                        /* The LN was cleaned. */
                        isDeleted = true;
                    } else {
                        currentLock = cursor.lockLNDeletedAllowed
                            (currentLN, LockType.WRITE);
                        currentLN = currentLock.getLN();

                         * The BIN may have been latched while locking above.
                         * Release the latch here because we released it above
                         * to improve concurrency, and we will latch it again
                         * below to increment the duplicate count. [#15574]

                        /* The DBIN/index may have changed while locking. */
                        dupBin = cursor.getDupBIN();
                        dupIndex = cursor.getDupIndex();
                        if (dupBin.isEntryKnownDeleted(dupIndex) ||
                            currentLN == null ||
                            currentLN.isDeleted()) {
                            /* The current LN is deleted/cleaned. */
                            isDeleted = true;

                    if (isDeleted) {
                        /* See Tree.insert for an explanation. */
                        long abortLsn = dupBin.getLsn(dupIndex);
                        boolean abortKnownDeleted = true;
                        if (currentLN != null &&
                            currentLock.getLockGrant() ==
                            LockGrantType.EXISTING) {
                            long nodeId = currentLN.getNodeId();
                            Locker locker = cursor.getLocker();
                            WriteLockInfo info =
                            abortLsn = info.getAbortLsn();
                            abortKnownDeleted = info.getAbortKnownDeleted();
                            /* Copy size/DatabaseImpl of the existing lock. */
                        lnLock.setAbortLsn(abortLsn, abortKnownDeleted);

                         * Current entry is a deleted entry. Replace it with
                         * LN.  Pass NULL_LSN for the oldLsn parameter of the
                         * log() method because the old LN was counted obsolete
                         * when it was deleted.
                        long newLsn = newLN.optionalLog
                            (env, database, key, DbLsn.NULL_LSN,
                             cursor.getLocker(), repContext);

                         * When reusing a slot, the key is replaced in the DBIN
                         * slot.  This ensures that the correct key value is
                         * used when the new key is non-identical to the key in
                         * the slot but is considered equal by the duplicate
                         * comparator.  [#15704]
                        dupBin.updateEntry(dupIndex, newLN, newLsn, newLNKey);

                                             dupBin, newLN, newLsn, binNid);
                        successfulInsert = true;
                    } else {
                        /* Duplicate duplicate. */
                        successfulInsert = false;

                 * To avoid latching out of order (up the tree), release the
                 * DBIN latch before latching the BIN and dup root.
                dupBin = null;

                if (successfulInsert) {
                    dupRoot =
                        cursor.getLatchedDupRoot(false /*isDBINLatched*/);
                        (dclLockResult, key, cursor.getLocker(),
                         true /*increment*/);
            } finally {
                if (dupBin != null) {

                if (dupRoot != null) {
        } else if (n instanceof LN) {

             * There is no duplicate tree yet.  The existing LN is guaranteed
             * to be non-deleted, so to insert we must create a dup tree.
            if (!allowDuplicates) {
                return false;

             * Mutate the current BIN/LN pair into a BIN/DupCountLN/DIN/DBIN/LN
             * duplicate tree.  Log the new entries.
            try {
                lnLock.setAbortLsn(DbLsn.NULL_LSN, true, true);
                dupRoot = createDuplicateTree
                    (key, logManager, inMemoryINs, newLN, cursor, repContext);
            } finally {
                if (dupRoot != null) {
                    successfulInsert = true;
                } else {
                    successfulInsert = false;
        } else {
            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                ("neither LN or DIN found in BIN");

        return successfulInsert;

     * Check if the duplicate root needs to be split.  The current duplicate
     * root is latched.  Exit with the new root (even if it's unchanged)
     * latched and the old root (unless the root is unchanged) unlatched.
     * @param bin the BIN containing the duplicate root.
     * @param index the index of the duplicate root in bin.
     * @return true if the duplicate root was split.
    private boolean maybeSplitDuplicateRoot(BIN bin,
                                            int index,
                                            CacheMode cacheMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        DIN curRoot = (DIN) bin.fetchTarget(index);

        if (curRoot.needsSplitting()) {

            EnvironmentImpl env = database.getDbEnvironment();
            LogManager logManager = env.getLogManager();
            INList inMemoryINs = env.getInMemoryINs();

             * Make a new root DIN, giving it an id key from the previous root.
            byte[] rootIdKey = curRoot.getKey(0);
            DIN newRoot = new DIN(database,
                                  curRoot.getLevel() + 1);

            long curRootLsn = 0;
            long logLsn = 0;
            try {

                 * Make the new root DIN point to the old root DIN, and then
                 * log. We should be able to insert into the root because the
                 * root is newly created.
                try {
                    curRootLsn =
                        curRoot.optionalLogProvisional(logManager, newRoot);
                    boolean insertOk = newRoot.insertEntry
                        (new ChildReference(curRoot, rootIdKey,
                    assert insertOk;

                    logLsn = newRoot.optionalLog(logManager);
                } catch (DatabaseException e) {

                    /* Something went wrong when we tried to log. */
                    throw e;

                bin.updateNode(index, newRoot, logLsn, null /*lnSlotKey*/);
                curRoot.split(newRoot, 0, maxDupTreeEntriesPerNode, cacheMode);
            } finally {
            traceSplitRoot(Level.FINE, TRACE_DUP_ROOT_SPLIT,
                           newRoot, logLsn, curRoot, curRootLsn);
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Convert an existing BIN entry from a single (non-duplicate) LN to a new
     * DIN/DupCountLN->DBIN->LN subtree.
     * @param key the key of the entry which will become the duplicate key
     * for the duplicate subtree.
     * @param logManager the logManager
     * @param inMemoryINs the in memory IN list
     * @param newLN the new record to be inserted
     * @param cursor points to the target position for this new dup tree.
     * @return the new duplicate subtree root (a DIN).  It is latched
     * when it is returned and the caller should unlatch it.  If new entry
     * to be inserted is a duplicate of the existing LN, null is returned.
    private DIN createDuplicateTree(byte[] key,
                                    LogManager logManager,
                                    INList inMemoryINs,
                                    LN newLN,
                                    CursorImpl cursor,
                                    ReplicationContext repContext)
        throws DatabaseException {

        EnvironmentImpl env = database.getDbEnvironment();
        DIN dupRoot = null;
        DBIN dupBin = null;
        boolean dupBinIsLatched = false;
        BIN bin = cursor.getBIN();
        int index = cursor.getIndex();

         * fetchTarget returned an LN before this method was called, and we're
         * still latched, so the target should never be null here.
        LN existingLN = (LN) bin.fetchTarget(index);
        boolean existingLNIsDeleted = bin.isEntryKnownDeleted(index) ||
        assert existingLN != null;

        byte[] existingKey = existingLN.getData();
        byte[] newLNKey = newLN.getData();

        /* Check for duplicate duplicates. */
        boolean keysEqual = Key.compareKeys
            (newLNKey, existingKey, database.getDuplicateComparator()) == 0;
        if (keysEqual) {
            return null;

         * Replace the existing LN with a duplicate tree.
         * Once we create a dup tree, we don't revert back to the LN.  Create
         * a DupCountLN to hold the count for this dup tree. Since we don't
         * roll back the internal nodes of a duplicate tree, we need to create
         * a pre-transaction version of the DupCountLN. This version must hold
         * a count of either 0 or 1, depending on whether the current
         * transaction created the exising lN or not. If the former, the count
         * must roll back to 0, if the latter, the count must roll back to 1.
         * Note that we are logging a sequence of nodes and must make sure the
         * log can be correctly recovered even if the entire sequence doesn't
         * make it to the log. We need to make all children provisional to the
         * DIN. This works:
         * Entry 1: (provisional) DupCountLN (first version)
         * Entry 2: (provisional) DupBIN
         * Entry 3: DIN
         * Entry 4: DupCountLN (second version, incorporating the new count.
         *           This can't be provisional because we need to possibly
         *            roll it back.)
         * Entry 5: new LN.
         * See [SR #10203] for a description of the bug that existed before
         * this change.

        /* Create the first version of DupCountLN and log it. (Entry 1). */
        Locker locker = cursor.getLocker();
        long nodeId = existingLN.getNodeId();

         * If the existing entry is known to be deleted or was created by this
         * transaction, then the DCL should get rolled back to 0, not 1.
         * [13726].
        int startingCount =
            (locker.createdNode(nodeId) ||
             existingLNIsDeleted ||
             locker.getWriteLockInfo(nodeId).getAbortKnownDeleted()) ?
            0 : 1;

        DupCountLN dupCountLN = new DupCountLN(database.getDbEnvironment(),
        long firstDupCountLNLsn = dupCountLN.optionalLogProvisional
            (env, database, key, DbLsn.NULL_LSN,

        /* Make the duplicate root and DBIN. */
        dupRoot = new DIN(database,
                          existingKey,                   // idkey
                          key,                           // dup key
                          new ChildReference
                          (dupCountLN, key, firstDupCountLNLsn),
                          2);                            // level
        CacheMode cacheMode = cursor.getCacheMode();

        dupBin = new DBIN(database,
                          existingKey,                   // idkey
                          key,                           // dup key
                          1);                            // level
        dupBinIsLatched = true;

         * Attach the existing LN child to the duplicate BIN. Since this is a
         * newly created BIN, insertEntry will be successful.
        ChildReference newExistingLNRef = new ChildReference
            (existingLN, existingKey, bin.getLsn(index), bin.getState(index));

        boolean insertOk = dupBin.insertEntry(newExistingLNRef);
        assert insertOk;

        try {

            /* Entry 2: DBIN. */
            long dbinLsn = dupBin.optionalLogProvisional(logManager, dupRoot);

            /* Attach the duplicate BIN to the duplicate IN root. */
            dupRoot.setEntry(0, dupBin, dupBin.getKey(0),
                             dbinLsn, dupBin.getState(0));

            /* Entry 3:  DIN */
            long dinLsn = dupRoot.optionalLog(logManager);

             * Now that the DIN is logged, we've created a duplicate tree that
             * holds the single, preexisting LN. We can safely create the non
             * provisional LNs that pertain to this insert -- the new LN and
             * the new DupCountLN.
             * We request a lock while holding latches which is usually
             * forbidden, but safe in this case since we know it will be
             * immediately granted (we just created dupCountLN above).
            LockResult lockResult = locker.lock
                (dupCountLN.getNodeId(), LockType.WRITE, false /*noWait*/,
            lockResult.setAbortLsn(firstDupCountLNLsn, false);

            long dupCountLsn = dupCountLN.optionalLog
                (env, database, key, firstDupCountLNLsn, locker,

            /* Add the newly created LN. */
            long newLsn = newLN.optionalLog
                (env, database, key, DbLsn.NULL_LSN, locker, repContext);
            int dupIndex = dupBin.insertEntry1
                (new ChildReference(newLN, newLNKey, newLsn));
            dupIndex &= ~IN.INSERT_SUCCESS;
            cursor.updateDBin(dupBin, dupIndex);

             * Adjust any cursors positioned on the mutated BIN entry to point
             * to the DBIN at the location of the entry we moved there.  The
             * index of the moved entry is 1 or 0, the XOR of the index of the
             * new entry.
            bin.adjustCursorsForMutation(index, dupBin, dupIndex ^ 1, cursor);
            dupBinIsLatched = false;

             * Update the "regular" BIN to point to the new duplicate tree
             * instead of the existing LN.  Clear the MIGRATE flag since it
             * applies only to the original LN.
            bin.updateNode(index, dupRoot, dinLsn, null /*lnSlotKey*/);
            bin.setMigrate(index, false);

            traceMutate(Level.FINE, bin, existingLN, newLN, newLsn,
                        dupCountLN, dupCountLsn, dupRoot, dinLsn,
                        dupBin, dbinLsn);
        } catch (DatabaseException e) {

             * Strictly speaking, it's not necessary to release latches,
             * because if we fail to log the entries, we just throw them away,
             * but our unit tests check for 0 latches held in the event of a
             * logging error.
            if (dupBinIsLatched) {
            throw e;
        return dupRoot;

     * Find the BIN that is relevant to the insert.  If the tree doesn't exist
     * yet, then create the first IN and BIN.
     * @return the BIN that was found or created and return it latched.
    private BIN findBinForInsert(byte[] key,
                                 LogManager logManager,
                                 INList inMemoryINs,
                                 CursorImpl cursor)
        throws DatabaseException {

        BIN bin;

        /* First try using the BIN at the cursor position to avoid a search. */
        bin = cursor.latchBIN();
        if (bin != null) {
            if (!bin.needsSplitting() && bin.isKeyInBounds(key)) {
                return bin;
            } else {

        boolean rootLatchIsHeld = false;
        try {
            long logLsn;

             * We may have to try several times because of a small
             * timing window, explained below.
            while (true) {
                rootLatchIsHeld = true;
                if (!rootExists()) {
                    if (rootExists()) {
                        rootLatchIsHeld = false;

                    CacheMode cacheMode = cursor.getCacheMode();

                     * This is an empty tree, either because it's brand new
                     * tree or because everything in it was deleted. Create an
                     * IN and a BIN.  We could latch the rootIN here, but
                     * there's no reason to since we're just creating the
                     * initial tree and we have the rootLatch held. Log the
                     * nodes as soon as they're created, but remember that
                     * referred-to children must come before any references to
                     * their LSNs.
                    /* First BIN in the tree, log provisionally right away. */
                    bin = new BIN(database, key, maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode, 1);
                    logLsn = bin.optionalLogProvisional(logManager, null);

                     * Log the root right away. Leave the root dirty, because
                     * the MapLN is not being updated, and we want to avoid
                     * this scenario from [#13897], where the LN has no
                     * possible parent.
                     *  provisional BIN
                     *  root IN
                     *  checkpoint start
                     *  LN is logged
                     *  checkpoint end
                     *  BIN is dirtied, but is not part of checkpoint

                    IN rootIN =
                        new IN(database, key, maxMainTreeEntriesPerNode, 2);

                     * OK to latch the root after a child BIN because it's
                     * during creation.

                    boolean insertOk = rootIN.insertEntry
                        (new ChildReference(bin, key, logLsn));
                    assert insertOk;

                    logLsn = rootIN.optionalLog(logManager);
                    rootIN.setDirty(true)/*force re-logging, see [#13897]*/

                    root = makeRootChildReference(rootIN,
                                                  new byte[0],


                    /* Add the new nodes to the in memory list. */
                    rootLatchIsHeld = false;

                } else {
                    rootLatchIsHeld = false;

                     * There's a tree here, so search for where we should
                     * insert. However, note that a window exists after we
                     * release the root latch. We release the latch because the
                     * search method expects to take the latch. After the
                     * release and before search, the INCompressor may come in
                     * and delete the entire tree, so search may return with a
                     * null.
                    IN in = searchSplitsAllowed(key, Node.NULL_NODE_ID,
                    if (in == null) {
                        /* The tree was deleted by the INCompressor. */
                    } else {
                        /* search() found a BIN where this key belongs. */
                        bin = (BIN) in;
        } finally {
            if (rootLatchIsHeld) {

        /* testing hook to insert item into log. */
        assert TestHookExecute.doHookIfSet(ckptHook);

        return bin;

     * Given a subtree root (an IN), remove it and all of its children from the
     * in memory IN list. Also count removed nodes as obsolete and gather the
     * set of file summaries that should be logged. The localTracker will be
     * flushed to the log later.
    private void accountForSubtreeRemoval(INList inList,
                                          IN subtreeRoot,
                                          LocalUtilizationTracker localTracker)
        throws DatabaseException {

        subtreeRoot.accountForSubtreeRemoval(inList, localTracker);

        LoggerUtils.envLogMsg(Level.FINE, database.getDbEnvironment(),
                           "SubtreeRemoval: subtreeRoot = " +

     * Logging support

     * @see Loggable#getLogSize
    public int getLogSize() {
        int size = 1;                          // rootExists
        if (root != null) {
            size += root.getLogSize();
        return size;

     * @see Loggable#writeToLog
    public void writeToLog(ByteBuffer logBuffer) {
        byte booleans = (byte) ((root != null) ? 1 : 0);
        if (root != null) {

     * @see Loggable#readFromLog
    public void readFromLog(ByteBuffer itemBuffer, int entryVersion) {
        boolean rootExists = false;
        byte booleans = itemBuffer.get();
        rootExists = (booleans & 1) != 0;
        if (rootExists) {
            root = makeRootChildReference();
            root.readFromLog(itemBuffer, entryVersion);

     * @see Loggable#dumpLog
    public void dumpLog(StringBuilder sb, boolean verbose) {
        if (root != null) {
            root.dumpLog(sb, verbose);

     * @see Loggable#getTransactionId
    public long getTransactionId() {
        return 0;

     * @see Loggable#logicalEquals
     * Always return false, this item should never be compared.
    public boolean logicalEquals(Loggable other) {
        return false;

     * rebuildINList is used by recovery to add all the resident nodes to the
     * IN list.
    public void rebuildINList()
        throws DatabaseException {

        INList inMemoryList = database.getDbEnvironment().getInMemoryINs();

        if (root != null) {
            try {
                Node rootIN = root.getTarget();
                if (rootIN != null) {
            } finally {

     * Debugging stuff.
    public void dump() {

    public String dumpString(int nSpaces) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if (root != null) {
            sb.append(DbLsn.dumpString(root.getLsn(), nSpaces));
            IN rootIN = (IN) root.getTarget();
            if (rootIN == null) {
            } else {
        return sb.toString();

     * Unit test support to validate subtree pruning. Didn't want to make root
     * access public.
    boolean validateDelete(int index)
        throws DatabaseException {

        try {
            IN rootIN = (IN) root.fetchTarget(database, null);
            return rootIN.validateSubtreeBeforeDelete(index);
        } finally {

     * Debugging check that all resident nodes are on the INList and no stray
     * nodes are present in the unused portion of the IN arrays.
    public void validateINList(IN parent)
        throws DatabaseException {

        if (parent == null) {
            parent = (IN) root.getTarget();
        if (parent != null) {
            INList inList = database.getDbEnvironment().getInMemoryINs();
            if (!inList.contains(parent)) {
                throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                    ("IN " + parent.getNodeId() + " missing from INList");
            for (int i = 0;; i += 1) {
                try {
                    Node node = parent.getTarget(i);
                    if (i >= parent.getNEntries()) {
                        if (node != null) {
                            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                                ("IN " + parent.getNodeId() +
                                 " has stray node " + node.getNodeId() +
                                 " at index " + i);
                        byte[] key = parent.getKey(i);
                        if (key != null) {
                            throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState
                                ("IN " + parent.getNodeId() +
                                 " has stray key " + key +
                                 " at index " + i);
                    if (node instanceof IN) {
                        validateINList((IN) node);
                } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

    /* For unit testing only. */
    public void setWaitHook(TestHook hook) {
        waitHook = hook;

    /* For unit testing only. */
    public void setSearchHook(TestHook hook) {
        searchHook = hook;

    /* For unit testing only. */
    public void setCkptHook(TestHook hook) {
        ckptHook = hook;

     * Send trace messages to the java.util.logger. Don't rely on the logger
     * alone to conditionalize whether we send this message, we don't even want
     * to construct the message if the level is not enabled.
    private void traceSplitRoot(Level level,
                                String splitType,
                                IN newRoot,
                                long newRootLsn,
                                IN oldRoot,
                                long oldRootLsn) {
        Logger logger = database.getDbEnvironment().getLogger();
        if (logger.isLoggable(level)) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append(" newRoot=").append(newRoot.getNodeId());
            sb.append(" newRootLsn=").
            sb.append(" oldRoot=").append(oldRoot.getNodeId());
            sb.append(" oldRootLsn=").
                (logger, database.getDbEnvironment(), level, sb.toString());

     * Send trace messages to the java.util.logger. Don't rely on the logger
     * alone to conditionalize whether we send this message, we don't even want
     * to construct the message if the level is not enabled.
    private void traceMutate(Level level,
                             BIN theBin,
                             LN existingLn,
                             LN newLn,
                             long newLsn,
                             DupCountLN dupCountLN,
                             long dupRootLsn,
                             DIN dupRoot,
                             long ddinLsn,
                             DBIN dupBin,
                             long dbinLsn) {
        Logger logger = database.getDbEnvironment().getLogger();
        if (logger.isLoggable(level)) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append(" existingLn=");
            sb.append(" newLn=");
            sb.append(" newLnLsn=");
            sb.append(" dupCountLN=");
            sb.append(" dupRootLsn=");
            sb.append(" rootdin=");
            sb.append(" ddinLsn=");
            sb.append(" dbin=");
            sb.append(" dbinLsn=");
            sb.append(" bin=");

                (logger, database.getDbEnvironment(), level, sb.toString());

     * Send trace messages to the java.util.logger. Don't rely on the logger
     * alone to conditionalize whether we send this message, we don't even want
     * to construct the message if the level is not enabled.
    private void traceInsert(Level level,
                             EnvironmentImpl env,
                             BIN insertingBin,
                             LN ln,
                             long lnLsn,
                             int index) {
        Logger logger = env.getLogger();
        if (logger.isLoggable(level)) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append(" bin=");
            sb.append(" ln=");
            sb.append(" lnLsn=");
            sb.append(" index=");

            LoggerUtils.logMsg(logger, env, level, sb.toString());

     * Send trace messages to the java.util.logger. Don't rely on the logger
     * alone to conditionalize whether we send this message, we don't even want
     * to construct the message if the level is not enabled.
    private void traceInsertDuplicate(Level level,
                                      EnvironmentImpl env,
                                      BIN insertingDBin,
                                      LN ln,
                                      long lnLsn,
                                      long binNid) {
        Logger logger = env.getLogger();
        if (logger.isLoggable(level)) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append(" dbin=");
            sb.append(" bin=");
            sb.append(" ln=");
            sb.append(" lnLsn=");

            LoggerUtils.logMsg(logger, env, level, sb.toString());

    private static class SplitInfo {
        IN parent;
        IN child;
        int index;

        SplitInfo(IN parent, IN child, int index) {
            this.parent = parent;
            this.child = child;
            this.index = index;

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