Package de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse

Source Code of de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.EvaluateIntegrator

* Created on Mar 30, 2003
package de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import de.torstennahm.integrate.IntegrationFailedException;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.IntegrationInfo;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.IntegrationResult;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.Integrator;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.StopCondition;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.evaluateindex.Evaluator;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.index.FastIndex;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.index.Index;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.visualize.IndexContribution;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.visualize.IndexStatus;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualize.Visualizer;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualize.Visualizers;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualizerdata.Integrand;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualizerdata.NewResult;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualizerdata.StartIntegration;
import de.torstennahm.integrate.visualizerdata.StopIntegration;
import de.torstennahm.math.IntEntry;
import de.torstennahm.math.MathTN;

* Sparse grid integrator that uses a hybrid of
* non-adaptive simplicial and adaptive greedy strategies.
* The controller will also intercalate indices from the standard simplex.
* This increases robustness for difficult functions. The quota of
* these simplicial indices may be set between 0 and 1. The quota
* sets the relative amout of simplicial indices to be used. A quota
* of 1 thus makes the controller default to standard non-adaptive
* sparse grid integration.
* Note that although the valid indices whose contributions have been
* calculated are not formally part of the index set, their contributions
* still are used for the integral value, as this can only improve
* accuracy.
* This class is thread-safe.
* @author Torsten Nahm
* @see de.torstennahm.integrate.Integrator
* @see de.torstennahm.integrate.IntegrationResult
* @see de.torstennahm.integrate.sparse.evaluateindex.Evaluator
* @see de.torstennahm.integrate.visualize.Visualizer

public class EvaluateIntegrator extends Integrator<Evaluator> {
   * Factor for balance between greedy and work
  protected final double simplexQuota;
   * Constructs the weighted sparse integrator with the default settings.
   * The constructor has the same result as using a simplex quota of 0.2
   * in <code>EvaluateIntegrator(double)</code>.
   * @see #EvaluateIntegrator(double)
  public EvaluateIntegrator() {
   * Construct the sparse integrator with the specified simplex quota.
   * For work quota 0, only the calculated contribution for an index is used
   * (the greedy approach). For work quota 1, only indices in order of
   * increasing work are used. In many cases, this defaults to
   * standard non-adaptive sparse grid integration.
   * @param workQuota quota of simplicial indices used, must be between 0 and 1
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the quota is out of range
  public EvaluateIntegrator(double workQuota) {
    if (! (workQuota >= 0.0 && workQuota <= 1.0)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Work quota must be between 0 and 1");
    this.simplexQuota = workQuota;
  public IntegrationResult integrate(Evaluator evaluator, StopCondition condition, List<Visualizer> visualizers) throws IntegrationFailedException {
    InternalIntegrator internalIntegrator = new InternalIntegrator(evaluator, condition, visualizers);
    return internalIntegrator.integrate();
  protected class InternalIntegrator {
    protected final Evaluator evaluator;
    protected final StopCondition condition;
    protected final List<Visualizer> visualizers;
    protected final int dimension;
    protected int currentDimension;
    protected HybridManager hybridManager;
    protected int higherThanEstimate = 0;
    protected double higherContributions = 0.0;
    protected Map<Index, EvalData> indexMap;
    protected double errorEstimate;
    protected int primaryIndices;
    protected boolean primaryCompleted;
    protected SparseResult result;
    InternalIntegrator(Evaluator evaluator, StopCondition condition, List<Visualizer> visualizers) {
      this.evaluator = evaluator;
      this.condition = condition;
      this.visualizers = visualizers;
      dimension = evaluator.dimension();
      hybridManager = new HybridManager(simplexQuota);
      indexMap = new HashMap<Index, EvalData>();
      errorEstimate = 0.0;
      primaryCompleted = false;
    IntegrationResult integrate() throws IntegrationFailedException {
      result = new SparseResult();
      Index zeroIndex = new FastIndex();
      Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new Integrand(evaluator));
      Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new StartIntegration());
      if (dimension == 0) {
        currentDimension = 1;
      } else {
        currentDimension = dimension;
      if (! condition.stop(result)) {
        activateIndex(zeroIndex, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
      while (! condition.stop(result)) {
        Index index = hybridManager.nextIndex();
        if (index == null) {
          throw new IntegrationFailedException("Could not expand index set");
        EvalData evalData = indexMap.get(index);
        evalData.completed = true;
        double estimate = index.equals(zeroIndex) ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Math.abs(evalData.contribution);
        boolean couldExpandFully = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < currentDimension; i++) {
          Index succIndex = index.add(i, 1);
          if (isValid(indexMap, succIndex)) {
            if (evaluator.canEvaluate(succIndex)) {
              activateIndex(succIndex, estimate);
            } else {
              couldExpandFully = false;
              IntegrationInfo info = new CouldNotEvaluateInfo(evaluator, succIndex);
        if (dimension == 0 && index.lastEntry() == currentDimension - 1) {
          activateIndex(zeroIndex.set(currentDimension - 1, 1), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
        if (couldExpandFully) {
          errorEstimate -= Math.abs(evalData.contribution);
        if (! primaryCompleted && index.sum() == 1) {
          if (dimension == 0) {
            if (primaryIndices == 2) {
              primaryCompleted = true;
          } else {
            if (primaryIndices == dimension) {
              primaryCompleted = true;
        if (primaryCompleted) {
          result.errorEstimate = errorEstimate;
        Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new IndexStatus(index, "expanded"));
      result.supplementalInfo.add(new IntegrationInfo("Indices higher than estimate: " + higherThanEstimate +
          " contribution: " + higherContributions));
      Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new StopIntegration(result));
      return result;
    private void activateIndex(Index index, double estimate) throws IntegrationFailedException {
      EvalData evalData = new EvalData();
      indexMap.put(index, evalData);
      double contribution = evaluator.deltaEvaluate(index);
      int calls = evaluator.pointsForIndex(index);
      evalData.contribution = contribution;
      evalData.calls = calls;
      result.value += contribution;
      result.calls += calls;
      errorEstimate += Math.abs(contribution);
      if (Math.abs(contribution) > estimate
      &&  Math.abs(contribution) > MathTN.FUDGE * Math.abs(result.value)) {
        Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new IndexStatus(index, ">estimate"));
//        errorEstimate = Double.NaN;    // TODO detection of underestimation should temporarily increase the error estimate
        higherContributions += Math.abs(contribution);
      hybridManager.enqueue(index, Math.abs(contribution) / calls, calls);
      Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new NewResult(result));
      Visualizers.submitToList(visualizers, new IndexContribution(index, contribution));
    private boolean isCompleted(Index index) {
      EvalData evalData = indexMap.get(index);
      return evalData != null && evalData.completed;
    private boolean isValid(Map<Index, EvalData> indexMap, Index index) {
      for (IntEntry entry : index) {
        Index pred = index.add(entry.getNumber(), -1);
        if (! isCompleted(pred)) {
          return false;
      return true;
  static protected class EvalData {
    protected boolean completed;
    protected double contribution;
    protected long calls;
  public String toString() {
    return "EvaluateIntegrator with simplex quota " + simplexQuota;

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