
Source Code of$ISMatTag


import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.jmatio.common.MatDataTypes;
import com.jmatio.types.ByteStorageSupport;
import com.jmatio.types.MLArray;
import com.jmatio.types.MLCell;
import com.jmatio.types.MLChar;
import com.jmatio.types.MLDouble;
import com.jmatio.types.MLNumericArray;
import com.jmatio.types.MLSparse;
import com.jmatio.types.MLStructure;
import com.jmatio.types.MLUInt8;

* MAT-file reader. Reads MAT-file into <code>MLArray</code> objects.
* Usage:
* <pre><code>
* //read in the file
* MatFileReader mfr = new MatFileReader( "mat_file.mat" );
* //get array of a name "my_array" from file
* MLArray mlArrayRetrived = mfr.getMLArray( "my_array" );
* //or get the collection of all arrays that were stored in the file
* Map content = mfr.getContent();
* </pre></code>
* @see
* @author Wojciech Gradkowski (<a href=""></a>)
* @author Wojciech Gradkowski (<a href=""></a>)
public class MatFileReader
     * MAT-file header
    private MatFileHeader matFileHeader;
     * Container for read <code>MLArray</code>s
    private Map<String, MLArray> data;
     * Tells how bytes are organized in the buffer.
    private ByteOrder byteOrder;
     * Array name filter
    private MatFileFilter filter;
     * Creates instance of <code>MatFileReader</code> and reads MAT-file
     * from location given as <code>fileName</code>.
     * This method reads MAT-file without filtering.
     * @param fileName the MAT-file path <code>String</code>
     * @throws IOException when error occurred while processing the file.
    public MatFileReader(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        this ( new File(fileName), new MatFileFilter() );
     * Creates instance of <code>MatFileReader</code> and reads MAT-file
     * from location given as <code>fileName</code>.
     * Results are filtered by <code>MatFileFilter</code>. Arrays that do not meet
     * filter match condition will not be available in results.
     * @param fileName the MAT-file path <code>String</code>
     * @param MatFileFilter array name filter.
     * @throws IOException when error occurred while processing the file.
    public MatFileReader(String fileName, MatFileFilter filter ) throws IOException
        this( new File(fileName), filter );
     * Creates instance of <code>MatFileReader</code> and reads MAT-file
     * from <code>file</code>.
     * This method reads MAT-file without filtering.
     * @param file the MAT-file
     * @throws IOException when error occurred while processing the file.
    public MatFileReader(File file) throws IOException
        this ( file, new MatFileFilter() );
     * Creates instance of <code>MatFileReader</code> and reads MAT-file
     * from <code>file</code>.
     * Results are filtered by <code>MatFileFilter</code>. Arrays that do not meet
     * filter match condition will not be available in results.
     * @param file the MAT-file
     * @param MatFileFilter array name filter.
     * @throws IOException when error occurred while processing the file.
    public MatFileReader(File file, MatFileFilter filter) throws IOException
        this.filter = filter;
        data = new LinkedHashMap<String, MLArray>();
        //Create a read-only memory-mapped file
        FileChannel roChannel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel();
        ByteBuffer buf =, 0, (int)roChannel.size());       
        //read in file header
        while ( buf.remaining() > 0 )
            readData( buf );
        //close file channel
     * Gets MAT-file header
     * @return - a <code>MatFileHeader</code> object
    public MatFileHeader getMatFileHeader()
        return matFileHeader;
     * Returns list of <code>MLArray</code> objects that were inside MAT-file
     * @return - a <code>ArrayList</code>
     * @deprecated use <code>getContent</code> which returns a Map to provide
     *             easier access to <code>MLArray</code>s contained in MAT-file
    public ArrayList<MLArray> getData()
        return new ArrayList<MLArray>( data.values() );
     * Returns the value to which the read file maps the specified array name.
     * Returns <code>null</code> if the file contains no content for this name.
     * @param - array name
     * @return - the <code>MLArray</code> to which this file maps the specified name,
     *           or null if the file contains no content for this name.
    public MLArray getMLArray( String name )
        return data.get( name );
     * Returns a map of <code>MLArray</code> objects that were inside MAT-file.
     * MLArrays are mapped with MLArrays' names
     * @return - a <code>Map</code> of MLArrays mapped with their names.
    public Map<String, MLArray> getContent()
        return data;
     * Decompresses (inflates) bytes from input stream.
     * Stream marker is being set at +<code>numOfBytes</code> position of the
     * stream.
     * @param is -
     *            input byte buffer
     * @param numOfBytes -
     *            number of bytes to be read
     * @return - new <code>ByteBuffer</code> with inflated block of data
     * @throws IOException
     *             when error occurs while reading or inflating the buffer .
    private ByteBuffer inflate(final ByteBuffer buf, final int numOfBytes) throws IOException
        if ( buf.remaining() < numOfBytes )
            throw new MatlabIOException("Compressed buffer length miscalculated!");
        //instead of standard Inflater class instance, use an inflater input
        //stream... gives a great boost to the performance
        InflaterInputStream iis = new InflaterInputStream( new InputStream() {

            int limit = numOfBytes;
            public synchronized int read() throws IOException
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented");
            public synchronized int read(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws IOException {
                if ( !(limit > 0) )
                    return -1;
                len = Math.min(len, limit);
                // Read only what's left
                buf.get(bytes, off, len);
                limit -= len;
                return len;
        //process data decompression
        byte[] result = new byte[128];
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        int i;
                i =, 0, result.length);
                int len = Math.max(0, i);
                baos.write(result, 0, len);
            while ( i > 0 );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new MatlabIOException("Could not decompress data: " + e );
        //create a ByteBuffer from the deflated data
        ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.wrap( baos.toByteArray() );
        //with proper byte ordering
        out.order( byteOrder );
        return out;
     * Reads data form byte buffer. Searches for either
     * <code>miCOMPRESSED</code> data or <code>miMATRIX</code> data.
     * Compressed data are inflated and the product is recursively passed back
     * to this same method.
     * Modifies <code>buf</code> position.
     * @param buf -
     *            input byte buffer
     * @throws IOException when error occurs while reading the buffer.
    private void readData( ByteBuffer buf ) throws IOException
        //read data
        ISMatTag tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
        switch ( tag.type )
            case MatDataTypes.miCOMPRESSED:
                //inflate and recur
                readData( inflate(buf, tag.size)  );
            case MatDataTypes.miMATRIX:
                //read in the matrix
                int pos = buf.position();
                MLArray element = readMatrix( buf, true );
                if ( element != null )
                    data.put( element.getName(), element );
                    int readedBytes = buf.position() - pos;
                    int toread = tag.size - readedBytes;
                    buf.position( buf.position() + toread );
                int readedBytes = buf.position() - pos;

                int toread = tag.size - readedBytes;
                if ( toread != 0 )
                    throw new MatlabIOException("Matrix was not readed fully! " + toread + " remaining in the buffer.");
                throw new MatlabIOException("Incorrect data tag: " + tag);
     * Reads miMATRIX from from input stream.
     * If reading was not finished (which is normal for filtered results)
     * returns <code>null</code>.
     * Modifies <code>buf</code> position to the position when reading
     * finished.
     * Uses recursive processing for some ML**** data types.
     * @param buf -
     *            input byte buffer
     * @param isRoot -
     *            when <code>true</code> informs that if this is a top level
     *            matrix
     * @return - <code>MLArray</code> or <code>null</code> if matrix does
     *         not match <code>filter</code>
     * @throws IOException when error occurs while reading the buffer.
    private MLArray readMatrix(ByteBuffer buf, boolean isRoot ) throws IOException
        MLArray mlArray;
        ISMatTag tag;
        //read flags
        int[] flags = readFlags(buf);
        int attributes = ( flags.length != 0 ) ? flags[0] : 0;
        int nzmax = ( flags.length != 0 ) ? flags[1] : 0;
        int type = attributes & 0xff;
        //read Array dimension
        int[] dims = readDimension(buf);
        //read array Name
        String name = readName(buf);
        //if this array is filtered out return immediately
        if ( isRoot && !filter.matches(name) )
            return null;

        //read data >> consider changing it to stategy pattern
        switch ( type )
            case MLArray.mxSTRUCT_CLASS:
                MLStructure struct = new MLStructure(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //field name length - this subelement always uses the compressed data element format
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                int maxlen = buf.getInt(); //maximum field length

                //////  read fields data as Int8
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                //calculate number of fields
                int numOfFields = tag.size/maxlen;
                //padding after field names
                int padding = (tag.size%8) != 0 ? 8-(tag.size%8) : 0;

                String[] fieldNames = new String[numOfFields];
                for ( int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++ )
                    byte[] names = new byte[maxlen];
                    fieldNames[i] = zeroEndByteArrayToString(names);
                buf.position( buf.position() + padding );
                //read fields
                for ( int index = 0; index < struct.getM()*struct.getN(); index++ )
                    for ( int i = 0; i < numOfFields; i++ )
                        //read matrix recursively
                        tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                        MLArray fieldValue = readMatrix( buf, false);
                        struct.setField(fieldNames[i], fieldValue, index);
                mlArray = struct;
            case MLArray.mxCELL_CLASS:
                MLCell cell = new MLCell(name, dims, type, attributes);
                for ( int i = 0; i < cell.getM()*cell.getN(); i++ )
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    //read matrix recursively
                    MLArray cellmatrix = readMatrix( buf, false);
                    cell.set(cellmatrix, i);
                mlArray = cell;
            case MLArray.mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLDouble(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.readToByteBuffer( ((MLNumericArray) mlArray).getRealByteBuffer(),
                                            (MLNumericArray) mlArray );
                //read complex
                if ( mlArray.isComplex() )
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.readToByteBuffer( ((MLNumericArray) mlArray).getImaginaryByteBuffer(),
                            (MLNumericArray) mlArray );
            case MLArray.mxUINT8_CLASS:
                mlArray = new MLUInt8(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                tag.readToByteBuffer( ((MLNumericArray) mlArray).getRealByteBuffer(),
                                            (MLNumericArray) mlArray );
                //read complex
                if ( mlArray.isComplex() )
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    tag.readToByteBuffer( ((MLNumericArray) mlArray).getImaginaryByteBuffer(),
                            (MLNumericArray) mlArray );
            case MLArray.mxCHAR_CLASS:
                MLChar mlchar = new MLChar(name, dims, type, attributes);
                //read real
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                char[] ac = tag.readToCharArray();
                for ( int i = 0; i < ac.length; i++ )
                    mlchar.setChar( ac[i], i );
                mlArray = mlchar;
            case MLArray.mxSPARSE_CLASS:
                MLSparse sparse = new MLSparse(name, dims, attributes, nzmax);
                //read ir (row indices)
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                int[] ir = tag.readToIntArray();
                //read jc (column indices)
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                int[] jc = tag.readToIntArray();
                //read pr (real part)
                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                double[] ad1 = tag.readToDoubleArray();
                int n = 0;
                for ( int i = 0; i < ir.length; i++)
                    if ( i < sparse.getN() )
                        n = jc[i];
                    sparse.setReal(ad1[i], ir[i], n);
                //read pi (imaginary part)
                if ( sparse.isComplex() )
                    tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
                    double[] ad2 = tag.readToDoubleArray();
                    //TODO: check if I should throw MatlabIOException
                    int n1 = 0;
                    for ( int i = 0; i < ir.length; i++)
                        if ( i < sparse.getN() )
                            n1 = jc[i];
                        sparse.setImaginary(ad2[i], ir[i], n1);
                mlArray = sparse;
//            case MLArray.mxOPAQUE_CLASS:
//                //read ir (row indices)
//                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
//                bytes = new byte[tag.size];
////                //buf.get(bytes);
//                System.out.println( "Class name: " + new String(tag.readToCharArray()));
//                System.out.println( "Array name: " + name );
//                System.out.println( "Array type: " + type);
//                byte[] nn = new byte[dims.length];
//                for ( int i = 0; i < dims.length; i++ )
//                {
//                    nn[i] = (byte)dims[i];
//                }
//                System.out.println( "Array name: " + new String ( nn ) );
//                readData(buf);
//                mlArray = null;
//                break;
//            case MLArray.mxUINT8_CLASS:
//                tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
//                //System.out.println( "Array name: " + name );
//                System.out.println( "Array type: " + type);
//                System.out.println( "Array size: " + tag);
//                System.out.println( "Array flags: " + Arrays.toString(flags));
//                System.out.println( "Array attributes: " + attributes);
//                char[] chars = tag.readToCharArray();
//                byte[] bytes = new byte[chars.length];
//                for ( int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++ )
//                {
//                    bytes[i] = (byte)chars[i];
//                }
//                try
//                {
//                    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes) );
//                    System.out.println( ois.readObject() );
//                }
//                catch (Exception e)
//                {
//                    System.out.println(chars);
//                    //System.out.println(Arrays.toString(chars));
//                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
//                    //e.printStackTrace();
//                }
//                mlArray = null;
//                break;
                throw new MatlabIOException("Incorrect matlab array class: " + MLArray.typeToString(type) );
        return mlArray;
    byte[] bytes;
     * Converts byte array to <code>String</code>.
     * It assumes that String ends with \0 value.
     * @param bytes byte array containing the string.
     * @return String retrieved from byte array.
     * @throws IOException if reading error occurred.
    private String zeroEndByteArrayToString(byte[] bytes) throws IOException
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream( baos );
        for ( int i = 0; i < bytes.length && bytes[i] != 0; i++ )
        return baos.toString();
     * Reads Matrix flags.
     * Modifies <code>buf</code> position.
     * @param buf <code>ByteBuffer</code>
     * @return flags int array
     * @throws IOException if reading from buffer fails
    private int[] readFlags(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException
        ISMatTag tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
        int[] flags = tag.readToIntArray();
        return flags;
     * Reads Matrix dimensions.
     * Modifies <code>buf</code> position.
     * @param buf <code>ByteBuffer</code>
     * @return dimensions int array
     * @throws IOException if reading from buffer fails
    private int[] readDimension(ByteBuffer buf ) throws IOException
        ISMatTag tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
        int[] dims = tag.readToIntArray();
        return dims;
     * Reads Matrix name.
     * Modifies <code>buf</code> position.
     * @param buf <code>ByteBuffer</code>
     * @return name <code>String</code>
     * @throws IOException if reading from buffer fails
    private String readName(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException
        String s;
        ISMatTag tag = new ISMatTag(buf);
        char[] ac = tag.readToCharArray();
        s = new String(ac);

        return s;
     * Reads MAT-file header.
     * Modifies <code>buf</code> position.
     * @param buf
     *            <code>ByteBuffer</code>
     * @throws IOException
     *             if reading from buffer fails or if this is not a valid
     *             MAT-file
    private void readHeader(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException
        //header values
        String description;
        int version;
        byte[] endianIndicator = new byte[2];
        //descriptive text 116 bytes
        byte[] descriptionBuffer = new byte[116];
        description = zeroEndByteArrayToString(descriptionBuffer);
        if ( !description.matches("MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file.*") )
            throw new MatlabIOException("This is not a valid MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file.");
        //subsyst data offset 8 bytes
        buf.position( buf.position() + 8);
        byte[] bversion = new byte[2];
        //version 2 bytes
        //endian indicator 2 bytes
        //program reading the MAT-file must perform byte swapping to interpret the data
        //in the MAT-file correctly
        if ( (char)endianIndicator[0] == 'I' && (char)endianIndicator[1] == 'M')
            byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
            version = bversion[1] & 0xff | bversion[0] << 8;
            byteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
            version = bversion[0] & 0xff | bversion[1] << 8;
        buf.order( byteOrder );
        matFileHeader = new MatFileHeader(description, version, endianIndicator);
     * TAG operator. Facilitates reading operations.
     * <i>Note: reading from buffer modifies it's position</i>
     * @author Wojciech Gradkowski (<a href=""></a>)
    private class ISMatTag extends MatTag
        public ByteBuffer buf;
        private int padding;
        public ISMatTag(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException
            //must call parent constructor
            this.buf = buf;
            int tmp = buf.getInt();
            boolean compressed;
            //data not packed in the tag
            if ( tmp >> 16 == 0 )
                type = tmp;
                size = buf.getInt();
                compressed = false;
            else //data _packed_ in the tag (compressed)
                size = tmp >> 16; // 2 more significant bytes
                type = tmp & 0xffff; // 2 less significant bytes;
                compressed = true;
            padding = getPadding(size, compressed);
        public void readToByteBuffer( ByteBuffer buff, ByteStorageSupport storage ) throws IOException
            MatFileInputStream mfis = new MatFileInputStream( buf, type );
            int elements = size/sizeOf();
            mfis.readToByteBuffer( buff, elements, storage );
            //skip padding
            if ( padding > 0 )
                buf.position( buf.position() + padding );
        public byte[] readToByteArray() throws IOException
            //allocate memory for array elements
            int elements = size/sizeOf();
            byte[] ab = new byte[elements];
            MatFileInputStream mfis = new MatFileInputStream( buf, type );

            for ( int i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
                ab[i] = mfis.readByte();
            //skip padding
            if ( padding > 0 )
                buf.position( buf.position() + padding );
            return ab;
        public double[] readToDoubleArray() throws IOException
            //allocate memory for array elements
            int elements = size/sizeOf();
            double[] ad = new double[elements];
            MatFileInputStream mfis = new MatFileInputStream( buf, type );

            for ( int i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
                ad[i] = mfis.readDouble();
            //skip padding
            if ( padding > 0 )
                buf.position( buf.position() + padding );
            return ad;
        public int[] readToIntArray() throws IOException
            //allocate memory for array elements
            int elements = size/sizeOf();
            int[] ai = new int[elements];
            MatFileInputStream mfis = new MatFileInputStream( buf, type );

            for ( int i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
                ai[i] = mfis.readInt();
            //skip padding
            if ( padding > 0 )
                buf.position( buf.position() + padding );
            return ai;
        public char[] readToCharArray() throws IOException
            //allocate memory for array elements
            int elements = size/sizeOf();
            char[] ac = new char[elements];
            MatFileInputStream mfis = new MatFileInputStream( buf, type );

            for ( int i = 0; i < elements; i++ )
                ac[i] = mfis.readChar();
            //skip padding
            if ( padding > 0 )
                buf.position( buf.position() + padding );
            return ac;

Related Classes of$ISMatTag

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