
Source Code of$qq_Resolver


import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;

import DisplayProject.binding.beans.ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport;
import DisplayProject.binding.beans.Observable;
import Framework.Constants;
import Framework.DataValue;
import Framework.ErrorMgr;
import Framework.FrameworkUtils;
import Framework.GenericException;
import Framework.ImplementationException;
import Framework.LogMgr;
import Framework.MsgCatalog;
import Framework.RuntimeProperties;
import Framework.TextData;
import Framework.UsageException;

* This class appears in the project, but is for internal use only and is not documented.
* <p>
* @author ITerative Consulting
* @since  26-Feb-2008
@RuntimeProperties(isDistributed=false, isAnchored=false, isShared=false, isTransactional=false)
@SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "deprecation" })
public class Error
        implements Serializable, Observable

    // ---------
    // Constants
    // ---------
    public static final int B_CANT_DELETE = 4;
    public static final int B_CANT_UPDATE = 6;
    public static final int B_ILLEGAL_ATTR = 5;
    public static final int B_INCONSISTENT_STATE = 7;
    public static final int BC_CANNOT_REVERT = 16;
    public static final int BC_CANNOT_SAVE = 26;
    public static final int BC_HAS_MGR = 10;
    public static final int BC_NIL_SOURCE = 11;
    public static final int BC_NOT_REVERTABLE = 12;
    public static final int BC_TOO_LATE_TO_SAVEFORREVERT = 28;
    public static final int BM_CANT_CHANGE_DB = 14;
    public static final int BM_CANT_UPDATE = 18;
    public static final int BM_ILLEGAL_ATTR_IN_KEY = 308;
    public static final int BM_NEED_FOREIGN_KEY = 13;
    public static final int BM_NO_UPDATE = 315;
    public static final int BM_TOO_MANY_ROWS = 317;
    public static final int BQ_ATTR_NOT_FOREIGN = 19;
    public static final int BQ_ATTR_NOT_SIMPLE = 15;
    public static final int BQ_CANT_RESET = 22;
    public static final int BQ_CANT_RESET_OP = 20;
    public static final int BQ_CONS_CANT_USE_DATE_WITH_IN = 21;
    public static final int BQ_CONS_DUP_ORDERBY_ATTR = 23;
    public static final int BQ_CONS_ILLEGAL = 29;
    public static final int BQ_CONS_ILLEGAL_OP = 51;
    public static final int BQ_CONS_ONLYNOT = 25;
    public static final int BQ_CONS_OP_NEEDS_VALUE = 27;
    public static final int BQ_CONS_OP_PROHIBITS_VALUE = 53;
    public static final int BQ_ILLEGAL_ACTION_FOR_OP = 24;
    public static final int BQ_ILLEGAL_ATTR = 57;
    public static final int BQ_ILLEGAL_FOREIGN_OP = 31;
    public static final int BQ_ILLEGAL_OPERATION = 35;
    public static final int BQ_ILLEGAL_TABLE_INDEX = 33;
    public static final int BQ_INCONSISTENT_OP = 34;
    public static final int BQ_NEED_QUERY = 17;
    public static final int BQ_PARENT_ATTR_NOT_SET = 36;
    public static final int BQ_SETOP_NEED_KEY_FOR_UPDATE = 37;
    public static final int BQ_SETOP_NO_KEY_ON_INSERT = 39;
    public static final int BQ_SETOP_NO_KEY_ON_SELECT = 41;
    public static final int BQ_WRONG_ENTITY = 45;
    public static final int BS_ILLEGAL_BM = 59;
    public static final int BS_UNKNOWN_BM = 314;
    public static final int CC_CACHE_ILLEGAL = 43;
    public static final int CC_HAS_MGR = 42;
    public static final int CC_ILLEGAL_CLIENTID = 40;
    public static final int CC_ILLEGAL_TRANS_MODE = 49;
    public static final int CC_NEEDS_MGR = 44;
    public static final int CM_AGGREGATE_CHANGED = 38;
    public static final int CM_AGGREGATES_INSERTED = 50;
    public static final int CM_CANNOT_CHANGE_MODE = 303;
    public static final int CM_CLASS_CHANGED = 46;
    public static final int CM_DROPPING_LOCKED_KEY = 307;
    public static final int CM_ILLEGAL_CACHE_MODE = 301;
    public static final int CM_ILLEGAL_CLIENT_ID = 304;
    public static final int CM_ILLEGAL_CONCURRENCY_MODE = 302;
    public static final int CM_KEY_NOT_UNIQUE = 54;
    public static final int CM_NEGATIVE_REF_COUNT = 306;
    public static final int CM_NO_ORIGINAL = 52;
    public static final int CM_NO_TRANSACTION = 30;
    public static final int CM_TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS = 32;
    public static final int GEN_NIL_PARAMETER = 61;
    public static final int GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED = 1;
    public static final int LAST_ERROR = 81;
    public static final int NIL_PARAMETER = 48;
    public static final int QC_CONSTRAINT_STACK_EMPTY = 310;
    public static final int QC_CUSTOM_AND_DB_ATTR = 305;
    public static final int QC_ILLEGAL_CONSTRAINT_NODE = 309;
    public static final int QC_ILLEGAL_TABLE_INDEX = 318;
    public static final int QC_NEED_ATTR_NODE = 311;
    public static final int QC_NEED_OPERATION_NODE = 316;
    public static final int QC_NEED_SQLDATA_NODE = 313;
    public static final int QC_NEED_VALUE_NODE = 312;
    public static final int SQL_ILLEGAL_CONSTRAINT_OPERATOR = 65;
    public static final int SQL_ILLEGAL_FOR_OPERATION = 56;
    public static final int SQL_NEED_VALUE = 55;
    public static final int SQL_OPERATION_UNINITIALIZED = 66;
    public static final int SS_CACHE_IN_USE = 74;
    public static final int SVC_MSGSET_ID = 3;

    // ----------
    // Attributes
    // ----------
    public PropertyChangeSupport qq_Listeners = new ExtendedPropertyChangeSupport(this, true);
    private int error;
    private String methodName;
    private Object originator;
    private Object param1;
    private Object param2;
    private int msgSetID;
    private MsgCatalog _Catalog;

    // ------------
    // Constructors
    // ------------
    public Error() {
        // Explicitly call the superclass constructor to prevent the implicit call
        this.error = 0;
        this.methodName = null;
        this.originator = null;
        this.param1 = null;
        this.param2 = null;
        this.msgSetID = 0;
        this._Catalog = null;

    public static class qq_Resolver {
      public static final int cERROR_METHODNAME_ORIGINATOR = 1;
        public static final int cERROR_METHODNAME_ORIGINATOR_PARAM1 = 2;
        public static final int cERROR_METHODNAME_ORIGINATOR_PARAM2 = 3;
        public static final int cERROR_METHODNAME_ORIGINATOR_PARAM1_PARAM2 = 4;
        public static final int cEND = 5;

    public Error(int pError, String pMethodName, Object pOriginator) {
        this.setError( pError );
        this.setMethodName( pMethodName );
        this.setOriginator( pOriginator );

    public Error(int pError, String pMethodName, Object pOriginator, int pResolver) {
        if (pResolver == Error.qq_Resolver.cERROR_METHODNAME_ORIGINATOR) {
          this.setError( pError );
          this.setMethodName( pMethodName );
          this.setOriginator( pOriginator );

    public Error(int pParam1, String pParam2, Object pParam3, Object pParam4, int pResolver) {
        if (pResolver == Error.qq_Resolver.cERROR_METHODNAME_ORIGINATOR_PARAM1) {
            this.setError( pParam1 );
            this.setMethodName( pParam2 );
            this.setOriginator( pParam3 );
            this.setParam1( pParam4 );
        else if (pResolver == Error.qq_Resolver.cERROR_METHODNAME_ORIGINATOR_PARAM2) {
            this.setError( pParam1 );
            this.setMethodName( pParam2 );
            this.setOriginator( pParam3 );
            this.setParam2( pParam4 );

    public Error(int pError, String pMethodName, Object pOriginator, Object pParam1, Object pParam2) {
        this.setError( pError );
        this.setMethodName( pMethodName );
        this.setOriginator( pOriginator );
        this.setParam1( pParam1 );
        this.setParam2( pParam2 );

    public Error(int pError, String pMethodName, Object pOriginator,
        Object pParam1, Object pParam2,
      int pResolver) {
    if (pResolver == Error.qq_Resolver.cERROR_METHODNAME_ORIGINATOR_PARAM1_PARAM2) {
         this.setError( pError );
            this.setMethodName( pMethodName );
            this.setOriginator( pOriginator );
            this.setParam1( pParam1 );
            this.setParam2( pParam2 );

  // ----------------------
    // Accessors and Mutators
    // ----------------------
    public void setError(int error) {
        int oldValue = this.error;
        this.error = error;
        this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("error", oldValue, this.error);

    public int getError() {
        return this.error;

    public void setMethodName(String methodName) {
        String oldValue = this.methodName;
        this.methodName = methodName;
        this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("methodName", oldValue, this.methodName);

    public String getMethodName() {
        return this.methodName;

    public void setOriginator(Object originator) {
        Object oldValue = this.originator;
        this.originator = originator;
        this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("originator", oldValue, this.originator);

    public Object getOriginator() {
        return this.originator;

    public void setParam1(Object param1) {
        Object oldValue = this.param1;
        this.param1 = param1;
        this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("param1", oldValue, this.param1);

    public Object getParam1() {
        return this.param1;

    public void setParam2(Object param2) {
        Object oldValue = this.param2;
        this.param2 = param2;
        this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("param2", oldValue, this.param2);

    public Object getParam2() {
        return this.param2;

    public void setMsgSetID(int msgSetID) {
        int oldValue = this.msgSetID;
        this.msgSetID = msgSetID;
        this.qq_Listeners.firePropertyChange("msgSetID", oldValue, this.msgSetID);

    public int getMsgSetID() {
        return this.msgSetID;

    // ------------------
    // Virtual attributes
    // ------------------
    // -------------------------------------------------
    // (Virtual) Attribute Catalog
    // -------------------------------------------------
    public MsgCatalog getCatalog() {
        return this.qq_getCatalog();

    // -------
    // Methods
    // -------
    public void addPropertyChangeListener(String property, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
        qq_Listeners.addPropertyChangeListener(property, listener);

    public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

    public void removePropertyChangeListener(String property, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
        qq_Listeners.removePropertyChangeListener(property, listener);

    public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

     * qq_getCatalog<p>
     * Method renamed by jcTOOL from GetCatalog to qq_getCatalog
     * because it conflicted with an attribute<p>
     * <p>
     * @return MsgCatalog
    public MsgCatalog qq_getCatalog() {
        if (this._Catalog == null) {
            this._Catalog = MsgCatalog.getInstance("exmsg");

        return this._Catalog;

     * getCatalogMessage<p>
     * <p>
     * @param error Type: int
     * @return String
    public String getCatalogMessage(int error) {
        String message = this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), error, "qqUNKNOWN_MSG");

        if ("qqUNKNOWN_MSG".equals(message)) {
            message = this.getMessage(error);

        return message;

     * getException<p>
     * GetException<br>
     *     The GetException method returns an exception based upon the attributes<br>
     *     of the Error class.<br>
     * <p>
     *     Attribute  Use<br>
     *     ---------  ---<br>
     *     Error    A unique index which specifies details about the error to<br>
     *           be raised like the text of the error message, exception<br>
     *           class, etc.  Error > 300 are given the reasonCode<br>
     *           SP_ER_UNKNOWN.  Odd errors < 300 are given the reasonCode<br>
     *           SP_ER_PARAMETERERROR.  Even errors < 300 are given the<br>
     *           reasonCode SP_ER_INVALIDSTATE<br>
     *     MethodName  The name of the method raising the error.<br>
     *     Originator  The object raising the error.<br>
     *     Param1    A parameter to be substituted into the text of the error<br>
     *           message.<br>
     *     Param2    Another parameter to be substituted into the text of the<br>
     *           error message.<br>
     * <p>
     *     Returns<br>
     *       The exception instantiated.<br>
     * <p>
     *   Unused codes:<br>
     *    58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73<br>
     * <p>
     * @return GenericException
    public GenericException getException() {
        GenericException e = null;
        int severity = Constants.SP_ER_ERROR;
        int reasonCode = 0;
        String message = null;
        TextData key = null, status = null;
        DataValue p1 = null, p2 = null;

        if (this.getMsgSetID() == 0) {

        if (this.getParam1() != null && this.getParam1() instanceof DataValue) {
            p1 = (DataValue)this.getParam1();

        if (this.getParam2() != null && this.getParam2() instanceof DataValue) {
            p2 = (DataValue)this.getParam2();

        if (this.getOriginator() != null && this.getOriginator() instanceof BusinessClass) {
            status = ((BusinessClass)this.getOriginator()).statusAsTextData();
            if (((BusinessClass)this.getOriginator()).getInstanceKey() != null) {
                key = ((BusinessClass)this.getOriginator()).getInstanceKey().asTextData();
        else if (this.getParam1() != null && this.getParam1() instanceof BusinessClass) {
            status = ((BusinessClass)this.getParam1()).statusAsTextData();
            if (((BusinessClass)this.getParam1()).getInstanceKey() != null) {
                key = ((BusinessClass)this.getParam1()).getInstanceKey().asTextData();

        reasonCode = Constants.SP_ER_INVALIDSTATE;
        if (this.getError() > 300) {
            reasonCode = 0;
        else if ((this.getError()&1) > 0) {
            reasonCode = Constants.SP_ER_PARAMETERERROR;

        message = this.getCatalogMessage(this.getError());

        if (message == null) {
            e = new UsageException();
            if (this.getParam2() != null) {
                message = this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 75, this.getMessage(75));
            else if (this.getParam1() != null) {
                message = this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 76, this.getMessage(76));
            else {
                message = this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 77, this.getMessage(77));

        if (this.getMsgSetID() == Error.SVC_MSGSET_ID) {
            switch (this.getError()) {

                case Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED: {
                    e = new ImplementationException();
                    if (this.getParam1() != null) {
                        message = this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 2, this.getMessage(2));
                    if (this.getMethodName() == null) {
                        p1 = new TextData(this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 3, this.getMessage(3)));
                    else {
                        p1 = new TextData(this.getMethodName());

                case Error.B_CANT_DELETE: {
                    p1 = key;
                    p2 = status;

                case Error.B_CANT_UPDATE: {
                    p1 = key;
                    p2 = status;

                case Error.B_ILLEGAL_ATTR: {
                    p1 = key;

                case Error.B_INCONSISTENT_STATE: {
                    e = new ImplementationException();
                    p1 = key;
                    p2 = status;
                    if (this.getOriginator() != null && this.getOriginator() instanceof BusinessClass) {
                        if (((BusinessClass)this.getOriginator()).getUpdateQuery() == null) {
                            message = this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 8, this.getMessage(8));
                        else {
                            message = this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 9, this.getMessage(9));

                case Error.BC_NOT_REVERTABLE: {

                case Error.BC_CANNOT_REVERT: {

                case Error.BC_CANNOT_SAVE: {
                    p1 = key;
                    p2 = status;

                case Error.BC_TOO_LATE_TO_SAVEFORREVERT: {
                    p1 = key;
                    p2 = status;

                case Error.BM_NO_UPDATE: {
                    if (this.getParam1() != null && this.getParam1() instanceof BusinessKey) {
                        p1 = ((BusinessKey)this.getParam1()).asTextData();
                    if (this.getParam2() == null) {
                        p2 = new TextData();

                case Error.BS_UNKNOWN_BM: {
                    p2 = new TextData(this.getOriginator().getClass().getSimpleName());

                case Error.CM_CLASS_CHANGED: {
                    e = new ExpressConcurrencyException(reasonCode);
                    if (this.getParam1() != null && this.getParam1() instanceof BusinessKey) {
                        p1 = ((BusinessKey)this.getParam1()).asTextData();
                    if (this.getParam2() == null) {
                        p2 = new TextData();

                case Error.CM_AGGREGATE_CHANGED: {
                    if (key != null) {
                        p1 = key;
                    else {
                        p1 = this.getCatalog().getTextData(this.getMsgSetID(), Error.NIL_PARAMETER, new TextData(this.getMessage(Error.NIL_PARAMETER)));

                case Error.CM_NO_ORIGINAL: {
                    if (this.getParam1() != null && this.getParam1() instanceof BusinessQuery && ((BusinessQuery)this.getParam1()).getKey() != null) {
                        p1 = ((BusinessQuery)this.getParam1()).getKey().asTextData();
                    else {
                        p1 = this.getCatalog().getTextData(this.getMsgSetID(), Error.NIL_PARAMETER, new TextData(this.getMessage(Error.NIL_PARAMETER)));

                case Error.CM_KEY_NOT_UNIQUE: {
                    if (this.getParam1() != null && this.getParam1() instanceof BusinessKey) {
                        p1 = ((BusinessKey)this.getParam1()).asTextData();
                    else {
                        p1 = this.getCatalog().getTextData(this.getMsgSetID(), Error.NIL_PARAMETER, new TextData(this.getMessage(Error.NIL_PARAMETER)));

                case Error.CM_NEGATIVE_REF_COUNT: {
                    if (this.getParam2() != null && this.getParam2() instanceof BusinessKey) {
                        p2 = ((BusinessKey)this.getParam2()).asTextData();
                    else {
                        p2 = this.getCatalog().getTextData(this.getMsgSetID(), Error.NIL_PARAMETER, new TextData(this.getMessage(Error.NIL_PARAMETER)));

                case Error.CM_DROPPING_LOCKED_KEY: {
                    if (this.getParam2() != null && this.getParam2() instanceof BusinessKey) {
                        p2 = ((BusinessKey)this.getParam2()).asTextData();
                    else {
                        p2 = this.getCatalog().getTextData(this.getMsgSetID(), Error.NIL_PARAMETER, new TextData(this.getMessage(Error.NIL_PARAMETER)));


        if (e == null) {
            e = new UsageException(reasonCode, UsageException.qq_Resolver.cREASONCODE);

        if (p1 == null && this.getParam1() != null) {
            if (this.getParam1() instanceof DataValue) {
                p1 = (DataValue)this.getParam1();
            else {
                p1 = new TextData(this.getParam1().getClass().getSimpleName());

        if (p2 == null && this.getParam2() != null) {
            if (this.getParam2() instanceof DataValue) {
                p2 = (DataValue)this.getParam2();
            else {
                p2 = new TextData(this.getParam2().getClass().getSimpleName());

        e.setWithParams(severity, new TextData(message), p1, p2);

        TextData detectingMethod = new TextData();
        if (this.getOriginator() != null) {
            detectingMethod.concat(this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 78, this.getMessage(78)));
        else {
            detectingMethod.concat(this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 79, this.getMessage(79)));
        if (this.getMethodName() != null) {
        else {
            detectingMethod.concat(this.getCatalog().getString(this.getMsgSetID(), 80, this.getMessage(80)));

        if (LogMgr.getInstance().test(Constants.SP_MT_CONFIGURATION, Constants.SP_ST_EX, Trace.CFG_ADDSTACKTRACE, 1) && !(LogMgr.getInstance().test(Constants.SP_MT_CONFIGURATION, 2, 1, 1))) {


        return e;

     * getMessage<p>
     * <p>
     * @param error Type: int
     * @return String
    public String getMessage(int error) {
        switch (error) {

            case Error.GEN_UNIMPLEMENTED: {
                return "The method %1 is unimplemented.  It should be implemented in a generated class.";

            case 2: {
                return "The method %1 with parameters (%2) is unimplemented.  It should be implemented in a generated class.";

            case 3: {
                return "<unknown>";

            case Error.B_CANT_DELETE: {
                return "A BusinessClass with Key = %1 has Status = %2 and cannot be deleted.";

            case Error.B_ILLEGAL_ATTR: {
                return "The attribute %2 is illegal for BusinessClass with Key = %1";

            case Error.B_CANT_UPDATE: {
                return "A BusinessClass with Key = %1 has Status = %2 and cannot be updated.";

            case Error.B_INCONSISTENT_STATE: {
                return "A BusinessClass with Key = %1 is in an inconsistent state.  Status = %2.";

            case 8: {
                return "A BusinessClass with Key = %1 is in an inconsistent state.  Status = %2 but it should be ST_EMPTY, ST_READONLY, or ST_READWRITE.";

            case 9: {
                return "A BusinessClass with Key = %1 is in an inconsistent state.  Status = %2 but it should be ST_INSERT, ST_UPDATE, or ST_DELETE.";

            case Error.BC_HAS_MGR: {
                return "SetMgr can only be invoked once.  This should be done automatically by the BusinessClient.  Check to make sure that you are using a BusinessClient.";

            case Error.BC_NIL_SOURCE: {
                return "The source parameter is NIL.  It should contain a BusinessClass.";

            case Error.BC_NOT_REVERTABLE: {
                return "%1 is not revertable.  The Revert method cannot be used unless the Revertable attribute is set and it must be set before you attempt to modify a BusinessClass using the LogAttr or Delete methods.";

            case Error.BM_NEED_FOREIGN_KEY: {
                return "Your query referenced the foreign attribute %1, but did not request all the attributes which comprise the foreign key for that foreign attribute.  Attribute %2 must be added to your query (e.g. query.AddAttr(attr=%2)).";

            case Error.BM_CANT_CHANGE_DB: {
                return "Once a BusinessMgr has been assigned a DB Session it can't be changed.";

            case Error.BQ_ATTR_NOT_SIMPLE: {
                return "The attribute index %1 is not for a simple attribute.  A foreign attribute may not be used in this context.";

            case Error.BC_CANNOT_REVERT: {
                return "%1 cannot revert an element of the source array.  %1 probably did not have the Revertable attribute set when the element was modified.  Revertable must be set before you attempt to modify a BusinessClass using the LogAttr or Delete methods.";

            case Error.BQ_NEED_QUERY: {
                return "You must speicfy a query parameter for the foreign attribute %1.";

            case Error.BM_CANT_UPDATE: {
                return "Foreign classes cannot be updated.";

            case Error.BQ_ATTR_NOT_FOREIGN: {
                return "The attribute index %1 is not for a foreign attribute.  A foreign attribute must be used in this context.";

            case Error.BQ_CANT_RESET_OP: {
                return "SetOperation can only be invoked once.  The operation is already set to %1 and cannot be set to %2.";

            case Error.BQ_CONS_CANT_USE_DATE_WITH_IN: {
                return "Cannot use dates with the \"in\" operator.";

            case Error.BQ_CANT_RESET: {
                return "Only querries for Select can be reset.";

            case Error.BQ_CONS_DUP_ORDERBY_ATTR: {
                return "The attribute index %1 being added as an \"order by\" constraint has already been added.";

            case Error.BQ_ILLEGAL_ACTION_FOR_OP: {
                return "The method being invoked is not allowed on BusinessQuery's of type %1.";

            case Error.BQ_CONS_ONLYNOT: {
                return "The constraint \"%1\" ends in \"not\".  \"not\" must be followed by a value.";

            case Error.BC_CANNOT_SAVE: {
                return "Cannot use SaveForRevert on the BusinessClass with key %1 because it is in the %2 state.";

            case Error.BQ_CONS_OP_NEEDS_VALUE: {
                return "The operator specified (%1) for attribute %2 requires a value.  Only ConstraintOperation values: OP_ORDERBY, OP_ORDERBY_DESC, OP_NULL, and OP_NOTNULL can be specified without a value.";

            case Error.BC_TOO_LATE_TO_SAVEFORREVERT: {
                return "It is too late to use SaveForRevert on the BusinessClass with key %1 because it is in the %2 state.  You must use SaveForRevert before the class has been modified.";

            case Error.BQ_CONS_ILLEGAL: {
                return "Illegal or unparsable constraint text \"%1\".";

            case Error.CM_NO_TRANSACTION: {
                return "Client with clientID %1 attempted an operation while no transaction was active.";

            case Error.BQ_ILLEGAL_FOREIGN_OP: {
                return "The value of the operation attribute of the query given is %1 which is illegal for a foreign query.  It must be OP_SELECT.";

            case Error.CM_TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS: {
                return "Client with clientID %1 is attemping to start a transaction when one is already in progress.";

            case Error.BQ_ILLEGAL_TABLE_INDEX: {
                return "The table index specified is %1 which is illegal.  It must be between 1 and %2.";

            case Error.BQ_INCONSISTENT_OP: {
                return "The operation specified for the query being added is %1 which is inconsistent with the operation %2.";

            case Error.BQ_ILLEGAL_OPERATION: {
                return "Illegal value for the operation parameter.  It must be one of OP_SELECT, OP_INSERT, OP_UPDATE, or OP_DELETE.";

            case Error.BQ_PARENT_ATTR_NOT_SET: {
                return "ParentAttr not set in foreign entity query.";

            case Error.BQ_SETOP_NEED_KEY_FOR_UPDATE: {
                return "You must speicfy a key parameter for the OP_DELETE or OP_UPDATE operations.";

            case Error.CM_AGGREGATE_CHANGED: {
                return "The aggregate BusinessClass %2 with Key = %1 in the select list has been updated since it was selected.  You will have to restart your transaction before you can update it.";

            case Error.BQ_SETOP_NO_KEY_ON_INSERT: {
                return "The key parameter cannot be used for the OP_INSERT operation -- specify the values to be inserted as constraints.";

            case Error.CC_ILLEGAL_CLIENTID: {
                return "The clientID specified, %1, is illegal for the concurrency mode in use.";

            case Error.BQ_SETOP_NO_KEY_ON_SELECT: {
                return "The key parameter cannot be used for the OP_SELECT operation.  If you want to constrain the query by the key constraints for all its attributes.";

            case Error.CC_HAS_MGR: {
                return "SetConcurrency can only be invoked once.";

            case Error.CC_CACHE_ILLEGAL: {
                return "Caching requires the CO_EXPRESS concurrency mode.";

            case Error.CC_NEEDS_MGR: {
                return "The concurrency mode specified, %1, requires a ConcurrencyMgr object but none was provided.";

            case Error.BQ_WRONG_ENTITY: {
                return "The entity passed is not for this BusinessQuery object.";

            case Error.CM_CLASS_CHANGED: {
                return "The BusinessClass %2 with Key = %1 in the select list has been updated since it was selected.  You will have to restart your transaction before you can update it.";

            case Error.NIL_PARAMETER: {
                return "<NIL>";

            case Error.CC_ILLEGAL_TRANS_MODE: {
                return "The transactionMode specified %1 is illegal";

            case Error.CM_AGGREGATES_INSERTED: {
                return "%1 class which are aggregates of class %2 have been inserted or deleted since this transaction started.  You will have to restart your transaction before you can update it.";

            case Error.BQ_CONS_ILLEGAL_OP: {
                return "The operator \"%2\" in the constraint \"%1\" is illegal.";

            case Error.CM_NO_ORIGINAL: {
                return "The BusinessClass %2 with Key = %1 in an update request has no before-update copy associated with it which the concurrency mode you have chosen requires.";

            case Error.BQ_CONS_OP_PROHIBITS_VALUE: {
                return "The operator specified (%1) for attribute %2 does not take a value.  Only ConstraintOperation values: OP_ORDERBY, OP_ORDERBY_DESC, OP_NULL, and OP_NOTNULL can be specified without a value.";

            case Error.CM_KEY_NOT_UNIQUE: {
                return "More than one record with Key = %1 for BusinessClass %2 exists in the database.  Express applications will not work if the primary key is not unique.  Correct your database schema.";

            case Error.SQL_NEED_VALUE: {
                return "The value parameter is NIL.";

            case Error.SQL_ILLEGAL_FOR_OPERATION: {
                return "This form of this method cannot be used when the Operation = %1.";

            case Error.BQ_ILLEGAL_ATTR: {
                return "The attribute index %1 is illegal.";

            case Error.BS_ILLEGAL_BM: {
                return "The BusinessMgr for the BusinessQuery %1 is not available.  It is probably a manager for an aggregate BusinessClass.  BusinessQueries for aggregate BusinessClasses cannot be given directly to the BusinessClient.  A modification to an aggregate class must be done as part of a modification to the parent class.";

            case Error.GEN_NIL_PARAMETER: {
                return "The %1 parameter is NIL.";

                return "The constraint operator %1 used for this query is not supported.";

            case Error.SQL_OPERATION_UNINITIALIZED: {
                return "An object of the class SqlQuery was used before its Operation attribute was set.";

            case Error.SS_CACHE_IN_USE: {
                return "The SqlStatmentCache is in use and cannot be re-setup.";

            case 75: {
                return "Unknown error has parameters: %1, %2";

            case 76: {
                return "Unknown error has parameters: %1.";

            case 77: {
                return "Unknown error";

            case 78: {
                return ".";

            case 79: {
                return "<unknown class>.";

            case 80: {
                return "<unknown method>";

            case 81: {
                return "\n\tStacktrace:";

            case Error.CM_ILLEGAL_CACHE_MODE: {
                return "The Cache mode %1 is illegal.  It must be CA_NONE or CA_WRITETHRU.";

            case Error.CM_ILLEGAL_CONCURRENCY_MODE: {
                return "The Concurrency mode %1 is illegal.  It must be CO_NONE, CO_DB_NATIVE, CO_DB_EXPLICIT, CO_OPT_VERIFY or CO_OPT_EXPRESS.";

            case Error.CM_CANNOT_CHANGE_MODE: {
                return "The Concurrency mode has already been set to %1 and cannot be changed to %2.";

            case Error.CM_ILLEGAL_CLIENT_ID: {
                return "The clientID %1 is illegal.";

            case Error.QC_CUSTOM_AND_DB_ATTR: {
                return "The expression \"%1\" referenced both a custom and a database attribute which is illegal.";

            case Error.CM_NEGATIVE_REF_COUNT: {
                return "Client with clientID %1 caused negative reference count for BusinessClass with key %2.";

            case Error.CM_DROPPING_LOCKED_KEY: {
                return "Client with clientID %1 removing locked BusinessClass with key %2.";

            case Error.BM_ILLEGAL_ATTR_IN_KEY: {
                return "A NewKey operation was attempted but the class contains an attribute of type %1 which is not a sub-class of the types:  IntegerData, TextData, NumericData, or BooleanData.";

            case Error.QC_ILLEGAL_CONSTRAINT_NODE: {
                return "Illegal constraint node in QueryConstraint stack.";

            case Error.QC_CONSTRAINT_STACK_EMPTY: {
                return "The constraint stack is empty  not enough values for the number of operators.";

            case Error.QC_NEED_ATTR_NODE: {
                return "Error in the constraint stack.  An attribute description is expected.";

            case Error.QC_NEED_VALUE_NODE: {
                return "Error in the constraint stack.  A value is expected.";

            case Error.QC_NEED_SQLDATA_NODE: {
                return "Error in the constraint stack.  A SqlData node is expected.";

            case Error.BS_UNKNOWN_BM: {
                return "The BusinessMgr for the BusinessQuery %1 is not known by the BusinessService %2.  You may be using the wrong BusinessClient.";

            case Error.BM_NO_UPDATE: {
                return "The BusinessClass %2 with Key = %1 was not updated.";

            case Error.QC_NEED_OPERATION_NODE: {
                return "Error in the constraint stack.  An operation is expected.";

            case Error.BM_TOO_MANY_ROWS: {
                return "The one-to-one or optional association whose attributeID is %2 from the business class %1 produced more than one row.";

            case Error.QC_ILLEGAL_TABLE_INDEX: {
                return "The table index specified is %1 which is illegal.  It must be between 1 and %2.";


            default: {
                return null;

// end class Error
// c Pass 2 Conversion Time: 1985 milliseconds

Related Classes of$qq_Resolver

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