Package org.thechiselgroup.choosel.visualization_component.heat_bars.client

Source Code of org.thechiselgroup.choosel.visualization_component.heat_bars.client.HeatBars$DataPair

package org.thechiselgroup.choosel.visualization_component.heat_bars.client;

import java.util.Date;

import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.core.client.ui.Color;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.core.client.ui.Colors;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.core.client.util.DataType;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.core.client.util.collections.LightweightList;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.core.client.visualization.model.Slot;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.core.client.visualization.model.VisualItem;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.core.client.visualization.model.VisualItem.Subset;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.PV;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.PVAlignment;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.PVColor;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.PVEventHandler;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.PVLinearScale;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.PVMark;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.PVOrdinalScale;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.PVPanel;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.jsutil.JsArgs;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.jsutil.JsArrayGeneric;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.jsutil.JsDoubleFunction;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.jsutil.JsFunction;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.jsutil.JsStringFunction;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.protovis.client.jsutil.JsUtils;
import org.thechiselgroup.choosel.visualization_component.chart.client.ChartViewContentDisplay;


//TODO each bar is represented by a visualItem.  Ideally this would change some time in the future.
public class HeatBars extends ChartViewContentDisplay {

    private class DataPair {

        private double binVal;

        private int index;

        public DataPair(int index, double binVal) {
            this.binVal = binVal;
            this.index = index;

        public int getIndex() {
            return index;

        public double getBinVal() {
            return binVal;


    private static final int MAX_BAR_LABEL_LENGTH = 15;

    private PVPanel invisibleInteractionBar;

    // TODO move to protovis (events)
    public static final String ALL = "all";

    // TODO move to protovis (cursor)
    public static final String POINTER = "pointer";

    public final static Slot LABEL = new Slot("label", "Label", DataType.TEXT);

    public final static Slot ZERO_COLOR = new Slot("zeroColor", "0 Color",

    public final static Slot LOW_COLOR = new Slot("lowColor", "Low Color",

    public final static Slot MIDDLE_COLOR = new Slot("middleColor",
            "Middle Color", DataType.COLOR);

    public final static Slot HIGH_COLOR = new Slot("highColor", "High Color",

    // this is always done by count, and is not really a slot right now
    public final static Slot BINNING_VALUE = new Slot("slice intensity",
            "Slice Intensity", DataType.NUMBER);

    public static final Slot[] SLOTS = new Slot[] { LABEL, ZERO_COLOR,

    public final static String ID = "org.thechiselgroup.choosel.visualization_component.heat_bars.client.HeatBars";

    public int calculateNumDataItemsPerBar() {
        return totalBarWidth;

    private final int SLICE_WIDTH = 1;

    private final int LEFT_LABEL_PADDING = 50;

    private JsArrayGeneric<JsArrayGeneric<DataPair>> dataPairs;

    private JsFunction<PVColor> colorFunction = new JsFunction<PVColor>() {
        public PVColor f(JsArgs args) {
            // figure out which visualItem this data point maps to
            PVMark _this = args.getThis();
            VisualItem visualItem = visualItemsJsArray.get(_this.parent()

            DataPair dp = args.getObject();
            // calculate the color based on the resolvers and the binCount
            double value = dp.getBinVal();

            return PV.color(calculateColor(
                    (Color) visualItem.getValue(ZERO_COLOR),
                    (Color) visualItem.getValue(LOW_COLOR),
                    (Color) visualItem.getValue(MIDDLE_COLOR),
                    (Color) visualItem.getValue(HIGH_COLOR), value));

    private JsFunction<PVColor> barBorderColorFunction = new JsFunction<PVColor>() {
        public PVColor f(JsArgs args) {
            int index = args.<PVMark> getThis().index();
            VisualItem visualItem = getVisualItem(index);

            if (!visualItem.getResources(Subset.HIGHLIGHTED).isEmpty()) {
                return PV.color(Colors.YELLOW);
            } else if (!visualItem.getResources(Subset.SELECTED).isEmpty()) {
                return PV.color(Colors.ORANGE);
            } else {
                return PV.color(Colors.WHITE);

    int totalBarWidth;

    int chartHeight;

    JsDoubleFunction totalBarWidthFunction = new JsDoubleFunction() {
        public double f(JsArgs args) {
            return totalBarWidth;

    public PVOrdinalScale barBinScale;

    JsDoubleFunction panelTopFunction = new JsDoubleFunction() {
        public double f(JsArgs args) {
            return barBinScale.fd(args.<PVMark> getThis().index());

    JsDoubleFunction panelHeightFunction = new JsDoubleFunction() {
        public double f(JsArgs args) {
            return barBinScale.rangeBand();

    JsDoubleFunction sliceWidthFunction = new JsDoubleFunction() {
        public double f(JsArgs args) {
            return SLICE_WIDTH;

    JsDoubleFunction sliceLeftFunction = new JsDoubleFunction() {
        public double f(JsArgs args) {

            DataPair dp = args.getObject();
            return slicePositionScale.fd(dp.getIndex());

    JsStringFunction tickLabelFunction = new JsStringFunction() {
        public String f(JsArgs args) {
            DateTimeFormat format = DateTimeFormat
                    .getFormat("MMMM dd yyyy HH aa");

            Date date = new Date(new Double(tickLabelValueScale.fd(args

            return format.format(date);

    JsStringFunction panelLabelFunction = new JsStringFunction() {
        public String f(JsArgs args) {

            PVMark _this = args.getThis();
            int index = _this.parent().index();

            String labelValue = visualItemsJsArray.get(index).getValue(LABEL);

            if (labelValue.length() > MAX_BAR_LABEL_LENGTH) {
                labelValue = labelValue.substring(0, MAX_BAR_LABEL_LENGTH);

            return labelValue;

    JsFunction<JsArrayGeneric<DataPair>> childDataFunction = new JsFunction<JsArrayGeneric<DataPair>>() {
        public JsArrayGeneric<DataPair> f(JsArgs args) {
            return args.getObject();

    private final int CHART_BOTTOM_PADDING = 10;

    private final int CHART_RIGHT_PADDING = 25;

    private PVOrdinalScale slicePositionScale;

     * represents the lowest possible date value for the data
    private double barScaleStart;

     * represents the highest possible date value for the data
    private double barScaleEnd;

     * represents the highest count in any bin, we assume that zero is the
     * lowest
    private double maxBinCount;

    private PVLinearScale tickLabelValueScale;

    private int calculateNumBars() {
        return visualItemsJsArray.length();

     * XXX Overriding this method so that we can ensure that the chart is
     * rebuilt wven when viewItems are updated. This introduces a problem, in
     * that it will also rebuild on highlight. Find a way to optimize this so
     * that it only rebuilds on any view item delta.
    protected void setUpChartForRendering(boolean structuralChange) {
        if (visualItemsJsArray.length() == 0) {
        } else {

    protected void buildChart() {

        assert visualItemsJsArray.length() >= 1;

        /* Initialize the chart dimension variables */
        initChartDimensions(height, width);

        /* calculate the data values for each bin before we build */

        /* Scale that maps bar indexes onto bar positions */
        barBinScale = PV.Scale.ordinal(PV.range(calculateNumBars()))
                .splitBanded(0, chartHeight, .8);

        /* Scale that maps slice index onto slice position */
        slicePositionScale = PV.Scale.ordinal(PV.range(totalBarWidth))
                .splitBanded(0, totalBarWidth);

        /* This maps an index to a value that it represents in the graph range */
        tickLabelValueScale = PV.Scale.linear(0, totalBarWidth).range(
                barScaleStart, barScaleEnd);

        /* A scale that maps 0 - 1000 to 50 - 1050 */
        PVLinearScale tickPositionScale = PV.Scale.linear(0, totalBarWidth)
                .range(LEFT_LABEL_PADDING, totalBarWidth + LEFT_LABEL_PADDING);

        /* Root panel */
        PVPanel vis = chartWidget
                .width(totalBarWidth + LEFT_LABEL_PADDING + CHART_RIGHT_PADDING)
                .height(chartHeight + CHART_BOTTOM_PADDING);

        /* Add one panel for each horizontal bar */
        PVPanel panel = vis.add(PV.Panel).data(dataPairs).top(panelTopFunction)

        /* an invisible panel that will handle mouse events */
        invisibleInteractionBar = vis.add(PV.Panel).data(visualItemsJsArray)

        /* Add a label to each panel */

        PVPanel innerPanel = panel.add(PV.Panel).left(LEFT_LABEL_PADDING)

        /* Add many vertical bars (slices) to each horizontal Panel (bar) */

        /* Add X axis ticks with number labels */

     * Each tick should be spaced enough to include one full date label
    private int calculateNumTicks() {
        return new Double(Math.ceil(totalBarWidth / 200.0)).intValue();

     * Calculates certain variables based on the height and width provided for
     * the chart
    public void initChartDimensions(int totalHeight, int totalWidth) {
        chartHeight = totalHeight - CHART_BOTTOM_PADDING;
        totalBarWidth = totalWidth - LEFT_LABEL_PADDING - CHART_RIGHT_PADDING;

    public String calculateColor(Color zeroColor, Color lowColor,
            Color middleColor, Color highColor, double value) {

        double lowCutOff = calculateLowCutOff();
        double middleCutOff = calculateMiddleCutOff();
        double highCutOff = calculateHighCutOff();

        if (value == 0) {
            return zeroColor.toHex();
        } else if (value > 0 && value <= lowCutOff) {
            double blendFactor = value / (lowCutOff - 0.0);
            return middleColor.interpolateWith(lowColor, blendFactor).toHex();
        } else if (value > lowCutOff && value <= middleCutOff) {
            double blendFactor = (value - lowCutOff)
                    / (middleCutOff - lowCutOff);
            return lowColor.interpolateWith(middleColor, blendFactor).toHex();
        } else if (value > middleCutOff && value < highCutOff) {
            double blendFactor = (value - middleCutOff)
                    / (highCutOff - middleCutOff);
            return middleColor.interpolateWith(highColor, blendFactor).toHex();
        } else {
            return highColor.toHex();

    // TODO this should be done with resolvers
    public double calculateHighCutOff() {
        return maxBinCount;

    // TODO this should be done with resolvers
    public double calculateMiddleCutOff() {
        return (2.0 / 3.0) * maxBinCount;

    // TODO this should be done with resolvers
    public double calculateLowCutOff() {
        return (1.0 / 3.0) * maxBinCount;

    public String getName() {
        return "HeatBars";

    public Slot[] getSlots() {
        return SLOTS;

     * This method defines what pieces of the visualization should trigger
     * events
    protected void registerEventHandler(String eventType, PVEventHandler handler) {
        invisibleInteractionBar.event(eventType, handler);

    protected void afterRender() {

    protected void beforeRender() {

     * This method converts the visualItems that are in the view, which
     * representBars, into a two dimensional JavaScript friendly arrays of
     * DataPairs
     * It also calculates the minimum and maximum bar scale, and the
     * maximumBinCount
    private void calculateDataArrayFromVisualItems() {
        // reset data

     * This is a hack method for testing purposes only
    private void calculateDataArrayFromVisualItemsFAKETESTDATA() {
        // TODO wat are my barScale start and end


     * This is a hack method for testing purposes only
    private void createFakeDataPairs() {
        maxBinCount = 0;

        int numBars = visualItemsJsArray.length();

        double[][] data = new double[numBars][calculateNumDataItemsPerBar()];

        for (int i = 0; i < numBars; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
                int index = new Double(Math.random()
                        * calculateNumDataItemsPerBar()).intValue();

                double val = ++data[i][index];
                maxBinCount = Math.max(val, maxBinCount);

        if (numBars <= 0) {


    private void setDataPairsFromBinning(double[][] data) {
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
                double val = data[i][j];
                if (val != 0) {
                    dataPairs.get(i).push(new DataPair(j, val));

    private double[][] doBinning() {
        maxBinCount = 0;
        double[][] data = new double[visualItemsJsArray.length()][calculateNumDataItemsPerBar()];

        for (int i = 0; i < visualItemsJsArray.length(); i++) {
            // each visualItem represents one bar
            VisualItem visualItem = visualItemsJsArray.get(i);

            // This is the date of the work item
            for (Double binValue : visualItem
                    .<LightweightList<Double>> getValue(BINNING_VALUE)) {

                if (barScaleEnd == barScaleStart) {
                    // all of the elements are the same, and there can not rly
                    // be a graph
                    return data;
                } else {
                    int index = (int) ((binValue - barScaleStart)
                            / (barScaleEnd - barScaleStart) * (totalBarWidth - 1));

                    data[i][index] = data[i][index] + 1;
                    maxBinCount = Math.max(maxBinCount, data[i][index]);
        return data;

     * This method resets the data array to an array of all zeros
    public void resetDataPairs() {
        dataPairs = JsUtils.createJsArrayGeneric();
        for (int i = 0; i < calculateNumBars(); i++) {
            dataPairs.set(i, JsUtils.<DataPair> createJsArrayGeneric());

    private void calculateStartAndEndOfBarScale() {

        if (visualItemsJsArray.length() == 0) {
            barScaleStart = 0.0;
            barScaleEnd = 0.0;

        barScaleEnd = getFirstBinValueFromVisualItems();
        barScaleStart = barScaleEnd;

        for (int i = 0; i < visualItemsJsArray.length(); i++) {
            VisualItem visualItem = visualItemsJsArray.get(i);
            LightweightList<Double> values = visualItem.getValue(BINNING_VALUE);
            assert values.size() > 0;

            for (double binVal : values) {
                if (binVal > barScaleEnd) {
                    barScaleEnd = binVal;
                if (binVal < barScaleStart) {
                    barScaleStart = binVal;

    public Double getFirstBinValueFromVisualItems() {
        LightweightList<Double> values = visualItemsJsArray.get(0).getValue(
        return (values).get(0);

Related Classes of org.thechiselgroup.choosel.visualization_component.heat_bars.client.HeatBars$DataPair

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