Package gov.nasa.worldwind.render

Source Code of gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polyline$ExtentInfo

* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.

package gov.nasa.worldwind.render;

import gov.nasa.worldwind.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Cylinder;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.Layer;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.pick.PickSupport;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.LengthMeasurer;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;

* @author tag
* @version $Id: 1171 2013-02-11 21:45:02Z dcollins $
public class Polyline extends AVListImpl implements Renderable, OrderedRenderable, Movable, Restorable,
        MeasurableLength, ExtentHolder

   public final static int GREAT_CIRCLE = WorldWind.GREAT_CIRCLE;

   public final static int LINEAR = WorldWind.LINEAR;

   public final static int RHUMB_LINE = WorldWind.RHUMB_LINE;

   public final static int LOXODROME = RHUMB_LINE;

   public final static int ANTIALIAS_DONT_CARE = WorldWind.ANTIALIAS_DONT_CARE;

   public final static int ANTIALIAS_FASTEST = WorldWind.ANTIALIAS_FASTEST;

   public final static int ANTIALIAS_NICEST = WorldWind.ANTIALIAS_NICEST;

   protected ArrayList<Position> positions;

   protected Vec4 referenceCenterPoint;

   protected int antiAliasHint = GL.GL_FASTEST;

   protected Color _color = Color.WHITE;

   protected double lineWidth = 1;

   protected boolean filled = false; // makes it a polygon

   protected boolean closed = false; // connect last point to first

   protected boolean followTerrain = false;

   protected double offset = 0;

   protected double terrainConformance = 10;

   protected int pathType = GREAT_CIRCLE;

   protected List<List<Vec4>> currentSpans;

   protected short stipplePattern = (short) 0xAAAA;

   protected int stippleFactor = 0;

   protected int numSubsegments = 10;

   protected boolean highlighted = false;

   protected Color highlightColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f);

   protected Object delegateOwner;

   protected LengthMeasurer measurer = new LengthMeasurer();

   protected long geomGenTimeStamp = -Long.MAX_VALUE;

   protected double geomGenVE = 1;

   protected double eyeDistance;

   protected PickSupport pickSupport = new PickSupport();

   protected long frameNumber = -1; // identifies frame used to calculate these values

   protected Layer pickLayer;

   // Manage an extent for each globe the polyline's associated with.
   protected static class ExtentInfo
      // The extent depends on the state of the globe used to compute it, and the vertical exaggeration.

      protected Extent extent;

      protected double verticalExaggeration;

      protected Globe globe;

      protected Object globeStateKey;

      public ExtentInfo(Extent extent, DrawContext dc)
         this.extent = extent;
         this.verticalExaggeration = dc.getVerticalExaggeration();
         this.globe = dc.getGlobe();
         this.globeStateKey = dc.getGlobe().getStateKey(dc);

      protected boolean isValid(DrawContext dc)
         return this.verticalExaggeration == dc.getVerticalExaggeration() && this.globe == dc.getGlobe()
                 && globeStateKey.equals(dc.getGlobe().getStateKey(dc));

   protected HashMap<Globe, ExtentInfo> extents = new HashMap<Globe, ExtentInfo>(2); // usually only 1, but few at most

   public Polyline()

   public Polyline(Iterable<? extends Position> positions)

   public Polyline(Iterable<? extends LatLon> positions, double elevation)
      this.setPositions(positions, elevation);

   private void reset()
      if (this.currentSpans != null)
      this.currentSpans = null;

   public Color getColor()
      return _color;

   public void setColor(Color color)
      if (color == null)
         String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ColorIsNull");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

      this._color = color;

   public int getAntiAliasHint()
      return antiAliasHint;

   public void setAntiAliasHint(int hint)
      if (!(hint == ANTIALIAS_DONT_CARE || hint == ANTIALIAS_FASTEST || hint == ANTIALIAS_NICEST))
         String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.InvalidHint");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

      this.antiAliasHint = hint;

   public boolean isFilled()
      return filled;

   public void setFilled(boolean filled)
      this.filled = filled;

   public int getPathType()
      return pathType;

   public String getPathTypeString()
      return this.getPathType() == GREAT_CIRCLE ? AVKey.GREAT_CIRCLE
              : this.getPathType() == RHUMB_LINE ? AVKey.RHUMB_LINE : AVKey.LINEAR;

    * Sets the type of path to draw, one of {@link #GREAT_CIRCLE}, which draws each segment of the path as a great
    * circle, {@link #LINEAR}, which determines the intermediate positions between segments by interpolating the
    * segment endpoints, or {@link #RHUMB_LINE}, which draws each segment of the path as a line of constant heading.
    * @param pathType the type of path to draw.
    * @see <a href="{@docRoot}/overview-summary.html#path-types">Path Types</a>
   public void setPathType(int pathType)
      this.pathType = pathType;

    * Sets the type of path to draw, one of {@link AVKey#GREAT_CIRCLE}, which draws each segment of the path as a great
    * circle, {@link AVKey#LINEAR}, which determines the intermediate positions between segments by interpolating the
    * segment endpoints, or {@link AVKey#RHUMB_LINE}, which draws each segment of the path as a line of constant
    * heading.
    * @param pathType the type of path to draw.
    * @see <a href="{@docRoot}/overview-summary.html#path-types">Path Types</a>
   public void setPathType(String pathType)
      if (pathType == null)
         String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PathTypeIsNull");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

      this.setPathType(pathType.equals(AVKey.GREAT_CIRCLE) ? GREAT_CIRCLE
              : pathType.equals(AVKey.RHUMB_LINE) || pathType.equals(AVKey.LOXODROME) ? RHUMB_LINE : LINEAR);

   public boolean isFollowTerrain()
      return followTerrain;

    * Indicates whether the path should follow the terrain's surface. If the value is <code>true</code>, the elevation
    * values in this path's positions are ignored and the path is drawn on the terrain surface. Otherwise the path is
    * drawn according to the elevations given in the path's positions. If following the terrain, the path may also have
    * an offset. See {@link #setOffset(double)};
    * @param followTerrain <code>true</code> to follow the terrain, otherwise <code>false</code>.
   public void setFollowTerrain(boolean followTerrain)
      this.followTerrain = followTerrain;

   public double getOffset()
      return offset;

    * Specifies an offset, in meters, to add to the path points when the path's follow-terrain attribute is true. See
    * {@link #setFollowTerrain(boolean)}.
    * @param offset the path pffset in meters.
   public void setOffset(double offset)
      this.offset = offset;

   public double getTerrainConformance()
      return terrainConformance;

    * Specifies the precision to which the path follows the terrain when the follow-terrain attribute is true. The
    * conformance value indicates the approximate length of each sub-segment of the path as it's drawn, in pixels.
    * Lower values specify higher precision, but at the cost of performance.
    * @param terrainConformance the path conformance in pixels.
   public void setTerrainConformance(double terrainConformance)
      this.terrainConformance = terrainConformance;

   public double getLineWidth()
      return lineWidth;

   public void setLineWidth(double lineWidth)
      this.lineWidth = lineWidth;

    * Returns the length of the line as drawn. If the path follows the terrain, the length returned is the distance one
    * would travel if on the surface. If the path does not follow the terrain, the length returned is the distance
    * along the full length of the path at the path's elevations and current path type.
    * @return the path's length in meters.
   public double getLength()
      Iterator<ExtentInfo> infos = this.extents.values().iterator();
      return infos.hasNext() ? this.measurer.getLength( : 0;

   public double getLength(Globe globe)
      // The length measurer will throw an exception and log the error if globe is null
      return this.measurer.getLength(globe);

   public LengthMeasurer getMeasurer()
      return this.measurer;

   public short getStipplePattern()
      return stipplePattern;

    * Sets the stipple pattern for specifying line types other than solid. See the OpenGL specification or programming
    * guides for a description of this parameter. Stipple is also affected by the path's stipple factor, {@link
    * #setStippleFactor(int)}.
    * @param stipplePattern the stipple pattern.
   public void setStipplePattern(short stipplePattern)
      this.stipplePattern = stipplePattern;

   public int getStippleFactor()
      return stippleFactor;

    * Sets the stipple factor for specifying line types other than solid. See the OpenGL specification or programming
    * guides for a description of this parameter. Stipple is also affected by the path's stipple pattern, {@link
    * #setStipplePattern(short)}.
    * @param stippleFactor the stipple factor.
   public void setStippleFactor(int stippleFactor)
      this.stippleFactor = stippleFactor;

   public int getNumSubsegments()
      return numSubsegments;

    * Specifies the number of intermediate segments to draw for each segment between positions. The end points of the
    * intermediate segments are calculated according to the current path type and follow-terrain setting.
    * @param numSubsegments the number of intermediate subsegments.
   public void setNumSubsegments(int numSubsegments)
      this.numSubsegments = numSubsegments;

   public boolean isHighlighted()
      return highlighted;

   public void setHighlighted(boolean highlighted)
      this.highlighted = highlighted;

   public Color getHighlightColor()
      return this.highlightColor;

   public void setHighlightColor(Color highlightColor)
      if (highlightColor == null)
         String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ColorIsNull");
         throw new IllegalStateException(message);

      this.highlightColor = highlightColor;

    * Specifies the path's positions.
    * @param inPositions the path positions.
   public void setPositions(Iterable<? extends Position> inPositions)
      this.positions = new ArrayList<Position>();
      if (inPositions != null)
         for (Position position : inPositions)

      if ((this.filled && this.positions.size() < 3))
         String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.InsufficientPositions");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    * Sets the paths positions as latitude and longitude values at a constant altitude.
    * @param inPositions the latitudes and longitudes of the positions.
    * @param altitude    the elevation to assign each position.
   public void setPositions(Iterable<? extends LatLon> inPositions, double altitude)
      this.positions = new ArrayList<Position>();
      if (inPositions != null)
         for (LatLon position : inPositions)
            this.positions.add(new Position(position, altitude));

      if (this.filled && this.positions.size() < 3)
         String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.InsufficientPositions");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

   public Iterable<Position> getPositions()
      return this.positions;

   public boolean isClosed()
      return closed;

   public void setClosed(boolean closed)
      this.closed = closed;

    * Returns the delegate owner of this Polyline. If non-null, the returned object replaces the Polyline as the
    * pickable object returned during picking. If null, the Polyline itself is the pickable object returned during
    * picking.
    * @return the object used as the pickable object returned during picking, or null to indicate that the Polyline is
    *         returned during picking.
   public Object getDelegateOwner()
      return this.delegateOwner;

    * Specifies the delegate owner of this Polyline. If non-null, the delegate owner replaces the Polyline as the
    * pickable object returned during picking. If null, the Polyline itself is the pickable object returned during
    * picking.
    * @param owner the object to use as the pickable object returned during picking, or null to return the Polyline.
   public void setDelegateOwner(Object owner)
      this.delegateOwner = owner;

    * Returns this Polyline's enclosing volume as an {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Extent} in model coordinates, given
    * a specified {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe} and vertical exaggeration (see {@link
    * gov.nasa.worldwind.SceneController#getVerticalExaggeration()}.
    * @param globe                the Globe this Polyline is related to.
    * @param verticalExaggeration the vertical exaggeration to apply.
    * @return this Polyline's Extent in model coordinates.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Globe is null.
   public Extent getExtent(Globe globe, double verticalExaggeration)
      if (globe == null)
         String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.GlobeIsNull");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

      return this.computeExtent(globe, verticalExaggeration);

    * Returns this Polyline's enclosing volume as an {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Extent} in model coordinates, given
    * a specified {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.render.DrawContext}. The returned Extent may be different than the Extent
    * returned by calling {@link #getExtent(gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe, double)} with the DrawContext's Globe and
    * vertical exaggeration. Additionally, this may cache the computed extent and is therefore potentially faster than
    * calling {@link #getExtent(gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe, double)}.
    * @param dc the current DrawContext.
    * @return this Polyline's Extent in model coordinates.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the DrawContext is null, or if the Globe held by the DrawContext is null.
   public Extent getExtent(DrawContext dc)
      if (dc == null)
         String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

      if (dc.getGlobe() == null)
         String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawingContextGlobeIsNull");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

      ExtentInfo extentInfo = this.extents.get(dc.getGlobe());
      if (extentInfo != null && extentInfo.isValid(dc))
         return extentInfo.extent;
         extentInfo = new ExtentInfo(this.computeExtent(dc), dc);
         this.extents.put(dc.getGlobe(), extentInfo);
         return extentInfo.extent;

   protected Extent computeExtent(Globe globe, double verticalExaggeration)
      Sector sector = Sector.boundingSector(this.getPositions());

      double[] minAndMaxElevations;
      if (this.isFollowTerrain())
         minAndMaxElevations = globe.getMinAndMaxElevations(sector);
         minAndMaxElevations = computeElevationExtremes(this.getPositions());
      minAndMaxElevations[0] += this.getOffset();
      minAndMaxElevations[1] += this.getOffset();

      return Sector.computeBoundingBox(globe, verticalExaggeration, sector, minAndMaxElevations[0],

   protected Extent computeExtent(DrawContext dc)
      return this.computeExtent(dc.getGlobe(), dc.getVerticalExaggeration());

   protected static double[] computeElevationExtremes(Iterable<? extends Position> positions)
      double[] extremes = new double[]
         Double.MAX_VALUE, -Double.MAX_VALUE
      for (Position pos : positions)
         if (extremes[0] > pos.getElevation())
            extremes[0] = pos.getElevation(); // min
         if (extremes[1] < pos.getElevation())
            extremes[1] = pos.getElevation(); // max

      return extremes;

   public double getDistanceFromEye()
      return this.eyeDistance;

   public void pick(DrawContext dc, Point pickPoint)
      // This method is called only when ordered renderables are being drawn.
      // Arg checked within call to render.

         this.pickSupport.resolvePick(dc, pickPoint, this.pickLayer);
   public void render(DrawContext dc)
      // This render method is called three times during frame generation. It's first called as a {@link Renderable}
      // during <code>Renderable</code> picking. It's called again during normal rendering. And it's called a third
      // time as an OrderedRenderable. The first two calls determine whether to add the polyline to the ordered
      // renderable list during pick and render. The third call just draws the ordered renderable.
      if (dc == null)
         String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

      if (dc.getSurfaceGeometry() == null)


    * If the scene controller is rendering ordered renderables, this method draws this placemark's image as an ordered
    * renderable. Otherwise the method determines whether this instance should be added to the ordered renderable
    * list.
    * <p/>
    * The Cartesian and screen points of the placemark are computed during the first call per frame and re-used in
    * subsequent calls of that frame.
    * @param dc the current draw context.
   protected void draw(DrawContext dc)
      if (dc.isOrderedRenderingMode())

      // The rest of the code in this method determines whether to queue an ordered renderable for the polyline.

      if (this.positions.size() < 2)

      // vertices potentially computed every frame to follow terrain changes
      if (this.currentSpans == null || (this.followTerrain && this.geomGenTimeStamp != dc.getFrameTimeStamp())
              || this.geomGenVE != dc.getVerticalExaggeration())
         // Reference center must be computed prior to computing vertices.
         this.eyeDistance = this.referenceCenterPoint.distanceTo3(dc.getView().getEyePoint());
         this.geomGenTimeStamp = dc.getFrameTimeStamp();
         this.geomGenVE = dc.getVerticalExaggeration();

      if (this.currentSpans == null || this.currentSpans.size() < 1)

      if (this.intersectsFrustum(dc))
         if (dc.isPickingMode())
            this.pickLayer = dc.getCurrentLayer();

         dc.addOrderedRenderable(this); // add the ordered renderable

   protected void drawOrderedRenderable(DrawContext dc)
      GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.

      int attrBits = GL2.GL_HINT_BIT | GL2.GL_CURRENT_BIT | GL2.GL_LINE_BIT;
      if (!dc.isPickingMode())
         if (this._color.getAlpha() != 255)
            attrBits |= GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;

      dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, this.referenceCenterPoint);

      boolean projectionOffsetPushed = false; // keep track for error recovery

         if (!dc.isPickingMode())
            if (this._color.getAlpha() != 255)
               gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
            gl.glColor4ub((byte) this._color.getRed(), (byte) this._color.getGreen(),
                    (byte) this._color.getBlue(), (byte) this._color.getAlpha());
            // We cannot depend on the layer to set a pick color for us because this Polyline is picked during ordered
            // rendering. Therefore we set the pick color ourselves.
            Color pickColor = dc.getUniquePickColor();
            Object userObject = this.getDelegateOwner() != null ? this.getDelegateOwner() : this;
            this.pickSupport.addPickableObject(pickColor.getRGB(), userObject, null);
            gl.glColor3ub((byte) pickColor.getRed(), (byte) pickColor.getGreen(), (byte) pickColor.getBlue());

         if (this.stippleFactor > 0)
            gl.glLineStipple(this.stippleFactor, this.stipplePattern);

         int hintAttr = GL2.GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT;
         if (this.filled)
            hintAttr = GL2.GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT;
         gl.glHint(hintAttr, this.antiAliasHint);

         int primType = GL2.GL_LINE_STRIP;
         if (this.filled)
            primType = GL2.GL_POLYGON;

         if (dc.isPickingMode())
            gl.glLineWidth((float) this.lineWidth + 8);
            gl.glLineWidth((float) this.lineWidth);

         if (this.followTerrain)
            projectionOffsetPushed = true;

         if (this.currentSpans == null)

         for (List<Vec4> span : this.currentSpans)
            if (span == null)

            // Since segments can very often be very short -- two vertices -- use explicit rendering. The
            // overhead of batched rendering, e.g., gl.glDrawArrays, is too high because it requires copying
            // the vertices into a DoubleBuffer, and DoubleBuffer creation and access performs relatively poorly.
            for (Vec4 p : span)
               gl.glVertex3d(p.x, p.y, p.z);

         if (this.highlighted)
            if (!dc.isPickingMode())
               if (this.highlightColor.getAlpha() != 255)
                  gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
               gl.glColor4ub((byte) this.highlightColor.getRed(), (byte) this.highlightColor.getGreen(),
                       (byte) this.highlightColor.getBlue(), (byte) this.highlightColor.getAlpha());

               gl.glLineWidth((float) this.lineWidth + 2);
               for (List<Vec4> span : this.currentSpans)
                  if (span == null)

                  for (Vec4 p : span)
                     gl.glVertex3d(p.x, p.y, p.z);
         if (projectionOffsetPushed)


    * Indicates whether the shape is visible in the current view.
    * @param dc the draw context.
    * @return true if the shape is visible, otherwise false.
   protected boolean intersectsFrustum(DrawContext dc)
      Extent extent = this.getExtent(dc);
      if (extent == null)
         return true; // don't know the visibility, shape hasn't been computed yet

      if (dc.isPickingMode())
         return dc.getPickFrustums().intersectsAny(extent);

      return dc.getView().getFrustumInModelCoordinates().intersects(extent);

   protected void makeVertices(DrawContext dc)
      if (this.currentSpans == null)
         this.currentSpans = new ArrayList<List<Vec4>>();

      if (this.positions.size() < 1)

      Position posA = this.positions.get(0);
      Vec4 ptA = this.computePoint(dc, posA, true);
      for (int i = 1; i <= this.positions.size(); i++)
         Position posB;
         if (i < this.positions.size())
            posB = this.positions.get(i);
         else if (this.closed)
            posB = this.positions.get(0);

         Vec4 ptB = this.computePoint(dc, posB, true);

         if (this.followTerrain && !this.isSegmentVisible(dc, posA, posB, ptA, ptB))
            posA = posB;
            ptA = ptB;

         ArrayList<Vec4> span;
         span = this.makeSegment(dc, posA, posB, ptA, ptB);

         if (span != null)

         posA = posB;
         ptA = ptB;

   protected void addSpan(ArrayList<Vec4> span)
      if (span != null && span.size() > 0)

   protected boolean isSegmentVisible(DrawContext dc, Position posA, Position posB, Vec4 ptA, Vec4 ptB)
      Frustum f = dc.getView().getFrustumInModelCoordinates();

      if (f.contains(ptA))
         return true;

      if (f.contains(ptB))
         return true;

      if (ptA.equals(ptB))
         return false;

      Position posC = Position.interpolateRhumb(0.5, posA, posB);
      Vec4 ptC = this.computePoint(dc, posC, true);
      if (f.contains(ptC))
         return true;

      double r = Line.distanceToSegment(ptA, ptB, ptC);
      Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder(ptA, ptB, r == 0 ? 1 : r);
      return cyl.intersects(dc.getView().getFrustumInModelCoordinates());

   protected Vec4 computePoint(DrawContext dc, Position pos, boolean applyOffset)
      if (this.followTerrain)
         double height = !applyOffset ? 0 : this.offset;
         // computeTerrainPoint will apply vertical exaggeration
         return dc.computeTerrainPoint(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), height);
         double height = pos.getElevation() + (applyOffset ? this.offset : 0);
         return dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(),
                 height * dc.getVerticalExaggeration());

   protected double computeSegmentLength(DrawContext dc, Position posA, Position posB)
      LatLon llA = new LatLon(posA.getLatitude(), posA.getLongitude());
      LatLon llB = new LatLon(posB.getLatitude(), posB.getLongitude());

      Angle ang = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(llA, llB);

      if (this.followTerrain)
         return ang.radians * (dc.getGlobe().getRadius() + this.offset * dc.getVerticalExaggeration());
         double height = this.offset + 0.5 * (posA.getElevation() + posB.getElevation());
         return ang.radians * (dc.getGlobe().getRadius() + height * dc.getVerticalExaggeration());

   protected ArrayList<Vec4> makeSegment(DrawContext dc, Position posA, Position posB, Vec4 ptA, Vec4 ptB)
      ArrayList<Vec4> span = null;

      double arcLength = this.computeSegmentLength(dc, posA, posB);
      if (arcLength <= 0) // points differing only in altitude
         span = this.addPointToSpan(ptA, span);
         if (!ptA.equals(ptB))
            span = this.addPointToSpan(ptB, span);
         return span;
      // Variables for great circle and rhumb computation.
      Angle segmentAzimuth = null;
      Angle segmentDistance = null;

      for (double s = 0, p = 0; s < 1;)
         if (this.followTerrain)
            p += this.terrainConformance * dc.getView().computePixelSizeAtDistance(
            p += arcLength / this.numSubsegments;

         s = p / arcLength;

         Position pos;
         if (s >= 1)
            pos = posB;
         else if (this.pathType == LINEAR)
            if (segmentAzimuth == null)
               segmentAzimuth = LatLon.linearAzimuth(posA, posB);
               segmentDistance = LatLon.linearDistance(posA, posB);
            Angle distance = Angle.fromRadians(s * segmentDistance.radians);
            LatLon latLon = LatLon.linearEndPosition(posA, segmentAzimuth, distance);
            pos = new Position(latLon, (1 - s) * posA.getElevation() + s * posB.getElevation());
         else if (this.pathType
                 == RHUMB_LINE) // or LOXODROME (note that loxodrome is translated to RHUMB_LINE in setPathType)
            if (segmentAzimuth == null)
               segmentAzimuth = LatLon.rhumbAzimuth(posA, posB);
               segmentDistance = LatLon.rhumbDistance(posA, posB);
            Angle distance = Angle.fromRadians(s * segmentDistance.radians);
            LatLon latLon = LatLon.rhumbEndPosition(posA, segmentAzimuth, distance);
            pos = new Position(latLon, (1 - s) * posA.getElevation() + s * posB.getElevation());
         else // GREAT_CIRCLE
            if (segmentAzimuth == null)
               segmentAzimuth = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(posA, posB);
               segmentDistance = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(posA, posB);
            Angle distance = Angle.fromRadians(s * segmentDistance.radians);
            LatLon latLon = LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(posA, segmentAzimuth, distance);
            pos = new Position(latLon, (1 - s) * posA.getElevation() + s * posB.getElevation());

         ptB = this.computePoint(dc, pos, true);
         span = this.clipAndAdd(dc, ptA, ptB, span);

         ptA = ptB;

      return span;

   protected ArrayList<Vec4> clipAndAdd(DrawContext dc, Vec4 ptA, Vec4 ptB, ArrayList<Vec4> span)
      // Line clipping appears to be useful only for long lines with few segments. It's costly otherwise.
      // TODO: Investigate trade-off of line clipping.
//        if (Line.clipToFrustum(ptA, ptB, dc.getView().getFrustumInModelCoordinates()) == null)
//        {
//            if (span != null)
//            {
//                this.addSpan(span);
//                span = null;
//            }
//            return span;
//        }

      if (span == null)
         span = this.addPointToSpan(ptA, span);

      return this.addPointToSpan(ptB, span);

   protected ArrayList<Vec4> addPointToSpan(Vec4 p, ArrayList<Vec4> span)
      if (span == null)
         span = new ArrayList<Vec4>();


      return span;

   protected void computeReferenceCenter(DrawContext dc)
      // The reference position is null if this Polyline has no positions. In this case computing the Polyline's
      // Cartesian reference point is meaningless because the Polyline has no geographic location. Therefore we exit
      // without updating the reference point.
      Position refPos = this.getReferencePosition();
      if (refPos == null)

      this.referenceCenterPoint = dc.computeTerrainPoint(refPos.getLatitude(), refPos.getLongitude(),
   public Position getReferencePosition()
      if (this.positions.size() < 1)
         return null;
      else if (this.positions.size() < 3)
         return this.positions.get(0);
         return this.positions.get(this.positions.size() / 2);
   public void move(Position delta)
      if (delta == null)
         String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PositionIsNull");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

      Position refPos = this.getReferencePosition();

      // The reference position is null if this Polyline has no positions. In this case moving the Polyline by a
      // relative delta is meaningless because the Polyline has no geographic location. Therefore we fail softly by
      // exiting and doing nothing.
      if (refPos == null)

   public void moveTo(Position position)
      if (position == null)
         String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PositionIsNull");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);


      Position oldRef = this.getReferencePosition();

      // The reference position is null if this Polyline has no positions. In this case moving the Polyline to a new
      // reference position is meaningless because the Polyline has no geographic location. Therefore we fail softly
      // by exiting and doing nothing.
      if (oldRef == null)

      double elevDelta = position.getElevation() - oldRef.getElevation();

      for (int i = 0; i < this.positions.size(); i++)
         Position pos = this.positions.get(i);

         Angle distance = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(oldRef, pos);
         Angle azimuth = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(oldRef, pos);
         LatLon newLocation = LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(position, azimuth, distance);
         double newElev = pos.getElevation() + elevDelta;

         this.positions.set(i, new Position(newLocation, newElev));

    * Returns an XML state document String describing the public attributes of this Polyline.
    * @return XML state document string describing this Polyline.
   public String getRestorableState()
      RestorableSupport rs = RestorableSupport.newRestorableSupport();
      // Creating a new RestorableSupport failed. RestorableSupport logged the problem, so just return null.
      if (rs == null)
         return null;

      if (this._color != null)
         String encodedColor = RestorableSupport.encodeColor(this._color);
         if (encodedColor != null)
            rs.addStateValueAsString("color", encodedColor);

      if (this.highlightColor != null)
         String encodedColor = RestorableSupport.encodeColor(this.highlightColor);
         if (encodedColor != null)
            rs.addStateValueAsString("highlightColor", encodedColor);

      if (this.positions != null)
         // Create the base "positions" state object.
         RestorableSupport.StateObject positionsStateObj = rs.addStateObject("positions");
         if (positionsStateObj != null)
            for (Position p : this.positions)
               // Save each position only if all parts (latitude, longitude, and elevation) can be
               // saved. We will not save a partial iconPosition (for example, just the elevation).
               if (p != null && p.getLatitude() != null && p.getLongitude() != null)
                  // Create a nested "position" element underneath the base "positions".
                  RestorableSupport.StateObject pStateObj =
                          rs.addStateObject(positionsStateObj, "position");
                  if (pStateObj != null)
                     rs.addStateValueAsDouble(pStateObj, "latitudeDegrees",
                     rs.addStateValueAsDouble(pStateObj, "longitudeDegrees",
                     rs.addStateValueAsDouble(pStateObj, "elevation",

      rs.addStateValueAsInteger("antiAliasHint", this.antiAliasHint);
      rs.addStateValueAsBoolean("filled", this.filled);
      rs.addStateValueAsBoolean("closed", this.closed);
      rs.addStateValueAsBoolean("highlighted", this.highlighted);
      rs.addStateValueAsInteger("pathType", this.pathType);
      rs.addStateValueAsBoolean("followTerrain", this.followTerrain);
      rs.addStateValueAsDouble("offset", this.offset);
      rs.addStateValueAsDouble("terrainConformance", this.terrainConformance);
      rs.addStateValueAsDouble("lineWidth", this.lineWidth);
      rs.addStateValueAsInteger("stipplePattern", this.stipplePattern);
      rs.addStateValueAsInteger("stippleFactor", this.stippleFactor);
      rs.addStateValueAsInteger("numSubsegments", this.numSubsegments);

      RestorableSupport.StateObject so = rs.addStateObject(null, "avlist");
      for (Map.Entry<String, Object> avp : this.getEntries())
         this.getRestorableStateForAVPair(avp.getKey(), avp.getValue() != null ? avp.getValue() : "", rs, so);

      return rs.getStateAsXml();

    * Restores publicly settable attribute values found in the specified XML state document String. The document
    * specified by <code>stateInXml</code> must be a well formed XML document String, or this will throw an
    * IllegalArgumentException. Unknown structures in <code>stateInXml</code> are benign, because they will simply be
    * ignored.
    * @param stateInXml an XML document String describing a Polyline.
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException If <code>stateInXml</code> is null, or if <code>stateInXml</code> is not a well
    *                                  formed XML document String.
   public void restoreState(String stateInXml)
      if (stateInXml == null)
         String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.StringIsNull");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

      RestorableSupport restorableSupport;
         restorableSupport = RestorableSupport.parse(stateInXml);
      catch (Exception e)
         // Parsing the document specified by stateInXml failed.
         String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionAttemptingToParseStateXml", stateInXml);
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(message, e);

      String colorState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsString("color");
      if (colorState != null)
         Color color = RestorableSupport.decodeColor(colorState);
         if (color != null)

      colorState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsString("highlightColor");
      if (colorState != null)
         Color color = RestorableSupport.decodeColor(colorState);
         if (color != null)

      // Get the base "positions" state object.
      RestorableSupport.StateObject positionsStateObj = restorableSupport.getStateObject("positions");
      if (positionsStateObj != null)
         ArrayList<Position> newPositions = new ArrayList<Position>();
         // Get the nested "position" states beneath the base "positions".
         RestorableSupport.StateObject[] positionStateArray =
                 restorableSupport.getAllStateObjects(positionsStateObj, "position");
         if (positionStateArray != null && positionStateArray.length != 0)
            for (RestorableSupport.StateObject pStateObj : positionStateArray)
               if (pStateObj != null)
                  // Restore each position only if all parts are available.
                  // We will not restore a partial position (for example, just the elevation).
                  Double latitudeState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsDouble(pStateObj, "latitudeDegrees");
                  Double longitudeState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsDouble(pStateObj, "longitudeDegrees");
                  Double elevationState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsDouble(pStateObj, "elevation");
                  if (latitudeState != null && longitudeState != null && elevationState != null)
                     newPositions.add(Position.fromDegrees(latitudeState, longitudeState, elevationState));

         // Even if there are no actual positions specified, we set positions as an empty list.
         // An empty set of positions is still a valid state.

      Integer antiAliasHintState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsInteger("antiAliasHint");
      if (antiAliasHintState != null)

      Boolean isFilledState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsBoolean("filled");
      if (isFilledState != null)

      Boolean isClosedState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsBoolean("closed");
      if (isClosedState != null)

      Boolean isHighlightedState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsBoolean("highlighted");
      if (isHighlightedState != null)

      Integer pathTypeState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsInteger("pathType");
      if (pathTypeState != null)

      Boolean isFollowTerrainState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsBoolean("followTerrain");
      if (isFollowTerrainState != null)

      Double offsetState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsDouble("offset");
      if (offsetState != null)

      Double terrainConformanceState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsDouble("terrainConformance");
      if (terrainConformanceState != null)

      Double lineWidthState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsDouble("lineWidth");
      if (lineWidthState != null)

      Integer stipplePatternState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsInteger("stipplePattern");
      if (stipplePatternState != null)

      Integer stippleFactorState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsInteger("stippleFactor");
      if (stippleFactorState != null)

      Integer numSubsegmentsState = restorableSupport.getStateValueAsInteger("numSubsegments");
      if (numSubsegmentsState != null)

      RestorableSupport.StateObject so = restorableSupport.getStateObject(null, "avlist");
      if (so != null)
         RestorableSupport.StateObject[] avpairs = restorableSupport.getAllStateObjects(so, "");
         if (avpairs != null)
            for (RestorableSupport.StateObject avp : avpairs)
               if (avp != null)
                  this.setValue(avp.getName(), avp.getValue());


Related Classes of gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Polyline$ExtentInfo

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