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* Copyright 1999-2011 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

import junit.framework.TestCase;


* @author yako 2014年10月21日 下午5:07:37
public class WallPerformanceTest_1 extends TestCase {

    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        // 预热
        WallProvider provider = new MySqlWallProvider();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000 * 100; i++) {
            provider.checkValid("select sum(payment_ft) from order_goods where order_id=1 AND (SELECT 4552 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(CHAR(58,107,98,119,58),(SELECT (CASE WHEN (4552=4552) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)),CHAR(58,98,105,101,58),FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM information_schema.tables GROUP BY x)a)");

    public void test_1() throws Exception {
        String sql = "SELECT plaza_id,plaza_name,plaza_logo,plaza_address,plaza_averageMoney,plaza_discount,2*ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(PI()*(22.54605355-plaza_latitude)/360),2)+COS(PI()*22.54605355/180)*COS(plaza_latitude*PI()/180)*POW(SIN(PI()*(114.02597366-plaza_longitude)/360),2)))*6378.137*1000 as jl FROM plaza where 2*ASIN(SQRT(POW(SIN(PI()*(22.54605355-plaza_latitude)/360),2)+COS(PI()*22.54605355/180)*COS(plaza_latitude*PI()/180)*POW(SIN(PI()*(114.02597366-plaza_longitude)/360),2)))*6378.137*1000<= 5000 and plaza_check=2 ORDER BY jl ASC";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.MYSQL));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--1--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mysql", 1000l));

    public void test_2() throws Exception {
        String sql = "SELECT TECH_ID, NAME, ALIAS_NAME, GENDER, MOBILE, PASSWORD, CITY_NAME,  ADDRESS,  LONGITUDE,  LATITUDE, HEAD_PORTRAIT_URL,  ID_CARD,  ID_BEFORE_URL,  ID_BACK_URL,  DATE_FORMAT(CREATE_TIME, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s'), DATE_FORMAT(OPERATION_TIME, '%Y%m%d%H%i%s'),  STATE,  REMARK, CONVERT(SERVICE_RANGE,char),  CONVERT(round(DISTANCE),char),  CONVERT(INTEGRAL,char), CONVERT(SUCCESS_MONEY,char),  CONVERT(success_orders,char), CONVERT(round(success_money/success_orders),char) avg_money,  PRODUCT_NUMS  from (  SELECT  a.*,  b.INTEGRAL, b.SUCCESS_MONEY,  b.success_orders, acos(sin('NULL'    * PI() / 180) * sin(latitude * PI() / 180) + cos('NULL'    * PI() / 180) * cos(latitude * PI() / 180) * cos('NULL'  * PI() / 180 - longitude * PI() / 180)) * 6371000 distance,  CONVERT(count(c.tech_id),char) PRODUCT_NUMS FROM tech_info a, tech_account_book b, tech_service_product_info c,tech_service_type_info d WHERE a.latitude <= ('NULL'    * PI() / 180 + 'NULL'  / 6371000) * 180 / PI() AND a.latitude >= ('NULL'    * PI() / 180 - 'NULL'  / 6371000) * 180 / PI() AND a.longitude <= ('NULL'   * PI() / 180 + ASIN(SIN('NULL'  / 6371000) / COS('NULL'    * PI() / 180))) * 180 / PI()  AND a.longitude >= ('NULL'   * PI() / 180 - ASIN(SIN('NULL'  / 6371000) / COS('NULL'    * PI() / 180))) * 180 / PI()  AND a.tech_id = b.tech_id and a.tech_id=c.tech_id and c.state=1 and a.tech_id=d.tech_id and d.service_type_id='NULL'   and c.service_type_id='NULL'   GROUP BY a.tech_id) T  order by distance limit 0,20";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.MYSQL));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--2--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mysql", 1000l));

    public void test_3() throws Exception {
        String sql = "create table EcOrder736ad4 ( [St_flag]  int not null default(0), [Cust_flag]  int not null default(0), [Pj_id]  bigint not null default(0), [Store_id]  bigint not null default(0), [Rtn]  int not null default(0), [Ec_type]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Ec_nick]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Cust_no]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Ship_to_no]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Ship_to]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Ec_order_no]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Ec_order_line_no]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Ec_ref_order_no]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Ec_ref_order_line_no]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Sku_key]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Sku_cd]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Cust_name]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [District]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Address]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [City]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Province]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Country]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Zip]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Phone]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Mobile]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''), [Email]  nvarchar(4000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS  not null default(''))";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.SQL_SERVER));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--3--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mssql", 1000l));

    public void test_4() throws Exception {
        String sql = "select top 1 '210002428' as currentMaterialid, inventory.warehouse,commoditysummary.materialname,commoditysummary.goodsname,inventory.customname,inboundnbr,commoditysummary.costunitprice from inventory  left join commoditysummary on commoditysummary.materialname=inventory.materialid and commoditysummary.customname=inventory.customname where (materialid='210002428' or CommoditySummary.KeyWord = (select keyword from commoditysummarykeyword where materialid = '210002428' and bak in('苏泊尔官方旗舰店') )) and inventory.customname in('苏泊尔官方旗舰店') and warehouse not in(select warehousename from logisticswarehouse where warehousetype ='物流宝仓' ) and dynamicsum >= 1 union select top 1 '运费' as currentMaterialid, inventory.warehouse,commoditysummary.materialname,commoditysummary.goodsname,inventory.customname,inboundnbr,commoditysummary.costunitprice from inventory  left join commoditysummary on commoditysummary.materialname=inventory.materialid and commoditysummary.customname=inventory.customname where (materialid='运费' or CommoditySummary.KeyWord = (select keyword from commoditysummarykeyword where materialid = '运费' and bak in('苏泊尔官方旗舰店') )) and inventory.customname in('苏泊尔官方旗舰店') and warehouse not in(select warehousename from logisticswarehouse where warehousetype ='物流宝仓' ) and dynamicsum >= 1 union select top 1 'ZPCGJ002' as currentMaterialid, inventory.warehouse,commoditysummary.materialname,commoditysummary.goodsname,inventory.customname,inboundnbr,commoditysummary.costunitprice from inventory  left join commoditysummary on commoditysummary.materialname=inventory.materialid and commoditysummary.customname=inventory.customname where (materialid='ZPCGJ002' or CommoditySummary.KeyWord = (select keyword from commoditysummarykeyword where materialid = 'ZPCGJ002' and bak in('苏泊尔官方旗舰店') )) and inventory.customname in('苏泊尔官方旗舰店') and warehouse not in(select warehousename from logisticswarehouse where warehousetype ='物流宝仓' ) and dynamicsum >= 1 union select top 1 'ZPXWB001' as currentMaterialid, inventory.warehouse,commoditysummary.materi";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.SQL_SERVER));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--4--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mssql", 1000l));

    public void test_5() throws Exception {
        String sql = "select a.Store_id,a.Ec_order_no,a.Ec_order_line_no,a.Pj_id,  Usm_sku_id=isnull(usm.Sku_id,0),Cu_unit_id=isnull(cu.Unit_id,0),Sp_unit_id=isnull(sp.Unit_id,0), oh.Order_head_id,oh.Order_status,oh.Order_no,Cust_id=oh.Cust_id,Ship_to_id=oh.Ship_to_id,Od_ref_order_id=oh.Ref_order_id,  oh.add_name,oh.Phone,oh.Fax,oh.Country,oh.Province,oh.City,oh.Area_or_loc,oh.Address_1,oh.Zip,oh.Address_2,  ol.Order_line_id,ol.Order_line_status,Sku_id=ol.Sku_id,P_discount_price=ol.P_discount_price,ol.Dn_if_id,Od_ref_order_line_id=ol.Ref_order_line_id from [EcOrder55be71] a              left  join Unit cu with(nolock) on cu.Pj_id = a.Pj_id and cu.Unit_no = a.Cust_no and cu.Unit_status>=0 and Unit_type='CU'  left  join Unit_sku_master usm with(nolock) on usm.Orig_unit_id=a.Store_id and usm.Unit_sku_cd=a.Sku_key and usm.Status>=0 and Io_type='IN'  left  join Unit sp with(nolock) on a.Store_id = sp.Parent_unit_id and a.Ship_to_no = sp.Unit_no and sp.Unit_status>=0  left  join Scm_order_head oh with(nolock) on oh.Rtn=a.Rtn and oh.Orig_order_no=a.Ec_order_no and oh.Supp_id=a.Store_id and oh.import_type='IFS' and oh.Order_status>=0  left  join Scm_order_line ol with(nolock) on ol.Order_head_id = oh.Order_head_id and ol.Order_line_no=a.Ec_order_line_no and ol.Order_line_status >= 0 order by a.Store_id,a.Ec_order_no,a.Ec_order_line_no,ol.create_time";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.SQL_SERVER));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--5--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mssql", 1000l));

    public void test_6() throws Exception {
        String sql = "select shoplocati0_.shop_location_id as shop1_25_0_, as id9_1_, shoplocati0_.latitude as latitude25_0_, shoplocati0_.longitude as longitude25_0_, shoplocati0_.remark as remark25_0_, shoplocati0_.shop_id as shop5_25_0_, promotionp1_.product_id as product5_9_1_, promotionp1_.remark as remark9_1_, promotionp1_.save_time as save3_9_1_, promotionp1_.status as status9_1_ from eShop.shop_location shoplocati0_, eShop.promotion_product promotionp1_, eShop.v_product_positive_ratio vproductpo2_, eShop.v_product_evaluate_num vproductev3_, eShop.product product4_, shop5_ where promotionp1_.product_id=product4_.product_id and shoplocati0_.shop_id=shop5_.shop_id and shoplocati0_.shop_id=product4_.shop_id and promotionp1_.product_id=vproductpo2_.product_id and promotionp1_.product_id=vproductev3_.product_id and shop5_.status='1' and product4_.status='1' and promotionp1_.status='1' and vproductev3_.total_num>='10' and acos(sin(36.686290*3.1415/180)*sin(shoplocati0_.latitude*3.1415/180)+cos(36.686290*3.1415/180)*cos(shoplocati0_.latitude*3.1415/180)*cos(117.080900*3.1415/180-(shoplocati0_.longitude*3.1415/180)))*6380<=15.000000 and vproductpo2_.positive_ratio>=1.000000 order by acos(sin(36.686290*3.1415/180)*sin(shoplocati0_.latitude*3.1415/180)+cos(36.686290*3.1415/180)*cos(shoplocati0_.latitude*3.1415/180)*cos(117.080900*3.1415/180-(shoplocati0_.longitude*3.1415/180)))*6380 asc, desc limit 10";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.MYSQL));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--6--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mysql", 1000l));

    public void test_7() throws Exception {
        String sql = "select * from( select  a.*,(select WorkOrderName from  WorkOrder where WorkOrder.WorkOrderID=a.WorkOrderID) as WorkOrderName, (select TrainName from  Train where Train.TrainID=a.TrainID) as TrainName, (select MemberName from  MemberInfo where MemberInfo.MemberID=a.MemberID) as MemberName, (select UserName from  SYS_UserInfo where SYS_UserInfo.UserID=a.TaskCreaterID) as UserInfo_UserName, (select ProcessName from  SYS_ProcessDefine where SYS_ProcessDefine.ProcessID=a.ProcessID) as ProcessName, (select ShopName from  shop where shop.ShopID=a.ShopID) as ShopName, (select UserName from  SYS_UserInfo where SYS_UserInfo.UserID=a.AssessID) as Assess_UserName, (select UserName from  SYS_UserInfo where SYS_UserInfo.UserID=a.Executuserid) as Executuser_UserName,  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by a.TaskID desc,a.TaskCreateDate asc) as row  from  [Task] as a where AccountID=48  and  (( a.TaskExecutorID = 12 and  a.TaskStatus !='2' and IFValid=1  ) or a.TaskID in   (select   a.TaskID  from  [Task] as a ,WorkOLDTaskMould as b where   a.TaskMouldOLDID=b.TaskMouldOLDID and  a.TaskExecutorID=0 and a.TaskStatus=0    and (  b.Deal_User like '%,12,%'     or b.Deal_Dept   like '%,18,%'  or b.Deal_Dept   like '%,53,%'  or b.Deal_Dept   like '%,129,%'  or b.Deal_Dept   like '%,151,%'  or b.Deal_Dept   like '%,79,%'  or b.Deal_Dept   like '%,116,%'  or b.Deal_Dept   like '%,117,%'  or b.Deal_Post  like '%,52,%'  or b.Deal_Post  like '%,6,%'  or b.Deal_Post  like '%,12,%'  or b.Deal_Post  like '%,13,%'  or b.Deal_Post  like '%,30,%'  or b.Deal_Post  like '%,64,%'  or b.Deal_Post  like '%,56,%'  or b.Deal_Group   like '%,6,%'  or b.Deal_Group   like '%,12,%'  or b.Deal_Group   like '%,14,%' ))) ) a where row between  1  and 100";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.MYSQL));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--7--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mysql", 1000l));

    public void test_8() throws Exception {
        String sql = "SELECT pr.order_no,pr.receipt_no,pr.datetime, pt.type_name,pr.amount,u.username FROM   payments_record  pr  inner join  tasks t on t.order_no= pr.order_no  inner join orders o on o.order_number=t.order_no inner join pay_type pt on inner join users u on where t.order_no=o.order_number  and o.order_status=4 and t.task_status=6 and o.station_collection=1  and pr.client_status='success'  and pr.operator_id=29 and ( or and pr.datetime between '2014-10-22 00:00:00' and '2014-10-22 23:59:59'";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.MYSQL));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--8--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mysql", 1000l));

    public void test_9() throws Exception {
        String sql = "SELECT  COUNT(*)  FROM  ReportSalesOrderList t0 LEFT JOIN ReportProductList t1 ON t0.SkuCode = t1.SkuCode WHERE  (ShopId = 0 OR 0 = 0) AND (ShopOrderNo = '' OR '' = '') AND (CustomerName LIKE CONCAT ('%', '', '%') OR '' = '')AND (t0.OrderType = '0' OR '0' = '0')AND (     (t0.orderStatus >0 AND t0.orderStatus <=45 AND 10 = 20 ) OR      (t0.orderStatus >45 AND t0.orderStatus <= 60 AND 10 = 30 ) OR     (t0.orderStatus >60 AND t0.orderStatus <= 70 AND 10 = 40 ) OR      (t0.orderStatus >70 AND t0.orderStatus <= 90 AND 10 = 50 )OR 10 = 10 ) AND (     ('30' = '10' AND t0.ShopPayTime >= '2014-10-01 00:00:00 ' AND t0.ShopPayTime < '2014-10-23 00:00:00 ' ) OR      ('30' = '20' AND t0.DeliveryTime >= '2014-10-01 00:00:00 ' AND t0.DeliveryTime < '2014-10-23 00:00:00 ' ) OR      ('30' = '30' AND t0.EndTime >= '2014-10-01 00:00:00 ' AND t0.EndTime < '2014-10-23 00:00:00 ' ) OR      ('30' = '40' AND t0.RefundTime >= '2014-10-01 00:00:00 ' AND t0.RefundTime < '2014-10-23 00:00:00 ' ) ) GROUP BY t0.OrderNo HAVING  ( GROUP_CONCAT(t1.ItemCode) LIKE CONCAT ('%', '', '%') OR GROUP_CONCAT(t1.ItemName) LIKE CONCAT ('%', '', '%') OR GROUP_CONCAT(t1.SkuCode)  LIKE CONCAT ('%', '', '%') OR GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT t1.SkuName) LIKE CONCAT ('%', '', '%')  OR '' = '') AND (GROUP_CONCAT(t1.BrandName)  LIKE CONCAT ('%', '', '%') Or '' = '')AND ('10' = '10' OR      ('10'= '20' AND GROUP_CONCAT(t0.RefundType) IS NULL )     OR('10' = '30' AND GROUP_CONCAT(t0.RefundType) != ''))";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.MYSQL));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--9--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mysql", 1000l));

    public void test_10() throws Exception {
        String sql = "insert into  saleB_63ceb9cbab074f3f91dda04a3fe79a57_z (billid,tblastmodate,seller_CourierId,r3_billtype,tags_color,seller_momo,buyer_momo,buyer_province,buyer_city,buyer_area,buyer_mail_code,post_fee,ele_shopname,ele_sordercode,type,codfee,codfamt,ExpressCode,PointFee,invoiceType,invoicePayer,invoiceContent) select 719685,Modified,0,isnull(r3_billtype,''),isnull(SellerFlag,''),isnull(SellerMemo,''),isnull(BuyerMessage,''),isnull(ReceiverState,''),isnull(ReceiverCity,''),isnull(ReceiverDistrict,''),isnull(ReceiverZip,''),isnull(PostFee,''),isnull(Title,''),isnull(Tid,''),isnull(type,''),isnull(codfee,''),isnull(ExpressAgencyFee,''),isnull(Ext5,''),isnull(PointFee,''),isnull(Ext1,''),isnull(Ext2,''),isnull(Ext3,'') from taobao_order where r3_billid=837361947087831 and shopConfigid=2";
        // System.out.println("sql: \n" + ParameterizedOutputVisitorUtils.parameterize(sql, JdbcUtils.MYSQL));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--10--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mssql", 1000l));

    public void test_11() throws Exception {
        String sql = "create view tempview_CTbillflow_material as SELECT billflow.billtype, billflow.billid, billflow.itemno, billflow.MaterialID, billflow.quantity,  billflow.ioflag, billflow.storeid, content.CT1, content.CT2 FROM billflow INNER JOIN content ON billflow.billtype = content.tableid AND billflow.billid = content.billid AND  billflow.itemno = content.itemno WHERE billflow.billflowid>0  and billflow.storeid<>1 and billflow.storeid<>2 and billflow.storeid<>3 and billflow.storeid<>5 and billflow.storeid<>7 and billflow.storeid<>8 and billflow.storeid<>9 and billflow.storeid<>10 and billflow.storeid<>11 and (1=2 or billflow.MaterialID=893 or billflow.MaterialID=904 or billflow.MaterialID=80 or billflow.MaterialID=8 or billflow.MaterialID=8) UNION ALL SELECT billflow.billtype, billflow.billid, billflow.itemno, billflow.MaterialID, billflow.quantity,  billflow.ioflag, billflow.storeid, content.CT1, content.CT2 FROM billflow INNER JOIN content ON billflow.billtype = content.tableid AND billflow.billid = content.billid AND  billflow.itemno = content.itemno inner join Material on billflow.MaterialID=Material.MaterialID and Material.feature=1 WHERE billflow.billflowid< 0 and (1=2 or content.CT1<>'' or content.CT2<>'')  and billflow.storeid<>1 and billflow.storeid<>2 and billflow.storeid<>3 and billflow.storeid<>5 and billflow.storeid<>7 and billflow.storeid<>8 and billflow.storeid<>9 and billflow.storeid<>10 and billflow.storeid<>11 and (1=2 or billflow.MaterialID=893 or billflow.MaterialID=904 or billflow.MaterialID=80 or billflow.MaterialID=8 or billflow.MaterialID=8) UNION ALL SELECT billflow.billtype, billflow.billid, billflow.itemno, billflow.MaterialID, billflow.quantity,  billflow.ioflag, billflow.storeid, content.CT1, content.CT2 FROM billflow INNER JOIN content ON billflow.billtype = content.tableid AND billflow.billid = content.billid AND  billflow.itemno = content.itemno inner join Material on billflow.MaterialID=Material.MaterialID and Mater";
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--11--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mssql", 1000l));

    public void test_12() throws Exception {
        String sql = "select b.*,c.county,c.shangquan,c.naturevar,directionsvar,fitmentvar,c.villagename,c.titles,c.address,c.smallpath,c.imgcount,c.hall,c.layer,c.totallayer,c.tags from (select * from(select rentid,room,updatetime,minarea,minprice,avgprice,labelstate,unixdate,isimgs,zongdianid,mendianid,zongdianval,mendianval, Row_Number() over(order by minarea desc,rentid desc) as RowID from house_rent_search_kunshan  where isaudit=0 and isdel=0 and state=0 and countyid=@countyid and nature=@nature and directions=@directions) as a where RowID>=1 and RowID<=20) as b inner join house_rent_list_kunshan as c on b.rentid=c.rentid order by minarea desc,rentid desc";
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--12--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mssql", 1000l));

    public void test_13() throws Exception {
        String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) cn1 FROM KUKA_SystemOrder   WHERE  1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  AND 1=1  ";
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            System.out.println("--13--use time:" + this.evaluate(sql, "mssql", 1000l));

    public Long evaluate(String sql, String dbType, Long num) {
        if (sql == null || dbType == null) {
            return new Long(-1);

        try {
            WallProvider provider = null;
            if ("mssql".equalsIgnoreCase(dbType)) {
                provider = new SQLServerWallProvider();
            } else if ("mysql".equalsIgnoreCase(dbType)) {
                provider = new MySqlWallProvider();
            } else {
                return new Long(-1);


            // provider.getConfig().setSelectUnionCheck(false);

            // add by yanhui.liyh

            long time = System.nanoTime();
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {

            return (System.nanoTime() - time) / num / 1000;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return new Long(-1);



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