
Source Code of$ItemCheckMappingFunction


* A ItemChecker implements the item type checking of "treat as": that is,
* it returns the supplied sequence, checking that all its items are of the correct type

public final class ItemChecker extends UnaryExpression {

    private ItemType requiredItemType;
    private RoleLocator role;

     * Constructor
     * @param sequence the expression whose value we are checking
     * @param itemType the required type of the items in the sequence
     * @param role information used in constructing an error message

    public ItemChecker(Expression sequence, ItemType itemType, RoleLocator role) {
        requiredItemType = itemType;
        this.role = role;

     * Get the required type
     * @return the required type of the items in the sequence

    public ItemType getRequiredType() {
        return requiredItemType;

     * Get the RoleLocator (used to construct error messages)
     * @return the RoleLocator

    public RoleLocator getRoleLocator() {
        return role;

    * Simplify an expression
     * @param visitor an expression visitor

     public Expression simplify(ExpressionVisitor visitor) throws XPathException {
        operand = visitor.simplify(operand);
        if (requiredItemType instanceof AnyItemType) {
            return operand;
        return this;

    * Type-check the expression

    public Expression typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType) throws XPathException {
        operand = visitor.typeCheck(operand, contextItemType);
        // When typeCheck is called a second time, we might have more information...

        final TypeHierarchy th = visitor.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
        int card = operand.getCardinality();
        if (card == StaticProperty.EMPTY) {
            //value is always empty, so no item checking needed
            return operand;
        ItemType supplied = operand.getItemType(th);
        int relation = th.relationship(requiredItemType, supplied);
        if (relation == TypeHierarchy.SAME_TYPE || relation == TypeHierarchy.SUBSUMES) {
            return operand;
        } else if (relation == TypeHierarchy.DISJOINT) {
            final NamePool namePool = visitor.getConfiguration().getNamePool();
            if (Cardinality.allowsZero(card)) {

                String message = role.composeErrorMessage(
                        requiredItemType, operand.getItemType(th), namePool);
                visitor.getStaticContext().issueWarning("The only value that can pass type-checking is an empty sequence. " +
                        message, getSourceLocator());
            } else if (requiredItemType.equals(BuiltInAtomicType.STRING) && th.isSubType(supplied, BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_URI)) {
                // URI promotion will take care of this at run-time
                return operand;
            } else {
                String message = role.composeErrorMessage(requiredItemType, operand.getItemType(th), namePool);
                typeError(message, role.getErrorCode(), null);
        return this;

     * An implementation of Expression must provide at least one of the methods evaluateItem(), iterate(), or process().
     * This method indicates which of these methods is provided. This implementation provides both iterate() and
     * process() methods natively.

    public int getImplementationMethod() {
        int m = ITERATE_METHOD;
        if (!Cardinality.allowsMany(getCardinality())) {
            m |= EVALUATE_METHOD;
        return m;

    * Iterate over the sequence of values

    public SequenceIterator iterate(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        SequenceIterator base = operand.iterate(context);
        return new ItemMappingIterator(base, getMappingFunction(context), true);

     * Get the mapping function used to implement this item check. This mapping function is applied
     * to each item in the input sequence.
     * @param context The dynamic context used to evaluate the mapping function
     * @return the mapping function. This will be an identity mapping: the output sequence is the same
     * as the input sequence, unless the dynamic type checking reveals an error.
     * @throws XPathException

    public ItemMappingFunction getMappingFunction(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        ItemCheckMappingFunction map = new ItemCheckMappingFunction();
        map.externalContext = context;
        return map;

     * Mapping function. This is an identity mapping: either the input items are returned unchanged,
     * or an error is thrown
    private class ItemCheckMappingFunction implements ItemMappingFunction {
        public XPathContext externalContext;
        public Item mapItem(Item item) throws XPathException {
            testConformance(item, externalContext);
            return item;

    * Evaluate as an Item.

    public Item evaluateItem(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        Item item = operand.evaluateItem(context);
        if (item==null) return null;
        testConformance(item, context);
        return item;

    private void testConformance(Item item, XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
        if (!requiredItemType.matchesItem(item, true, (context == null ? null : context.getConfiguration()))) {
            String message;
            if (context == null) {
                // no name pool available
                message = "Supplied value of type " + Type.displayTypeName(item) +
                        " does not match the required type of " + role.getMessage();
            } else {
                final NamePool pool = context.getNamePool();
                final TypeHierarchy th = context.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
                message = role.composeErrorMessage(requiredItemType, Value.asValue(item).getItemType(th), pool);
            String errorCode = role.getErrorCode();
            if ("XPDY0050".equals(errorCode)) {
                // error in "treat as" assertion
                dynamicError(message, errorCode, context);
            } else {
                typeError(message, errorCode, context);

     * Determine the data type of the items returned by the expression
     * @param th the type hierarchy cache

  public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) {
        ItemType operandType = operand.getItemType(th);
        int relationship = th.relationship(requiredItemType, operandType);
        switch (relationship) {
            case TypeHierarchy.OVERLAPS:
                if (requiredItemType instanceof NodeTest && operandType instanceof NodeTest) {
                    return new CombinedNodeTest((NodeTest)requiredItemType, Token.INTERSECT, (NodeTest)operandType);
                } else {
                    // we don't know how to intersect atomic types, it doesn't actually happen
                    return requiredItemType;

            case TypeHierarchy.SUBSUMES:
            case TypeHierarchy.SAME_TYPE:
                // shouldn't happen, but it doesn't matter
                return operandType;
            case TypeHierarchy.SUBSUMED_BY:
                return requiredItemType;

     * Is this expression the same as another expression?

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        return super.equals(other) &&
                requiredItemType == ((ItemChecker)other).requiredItemType;

     * get HashCode for comparing two expressions. Note that this hashcode gives the same
     * result for (A op B) and for (B op A), whether or not the operator is commutative.

    public int hashCode() {
        return super.hashCode() ^ requiredItemType.hashCode();


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