Package siena.gae

Source Code of siena.gae.GaeMappingUtils

package siena.gae;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

import siena.ClassInfo;
import siena.Id;
import siena.Json;
import siena.Query;
import siena.QueryAggregated;
import siena.QueryOwned;
import siena.SienaException;
import siena.SienaRestrictedApiException;
import siena.Util;
import siena.core.DecimalPrecision;
import siena.core.Relation;
import siena.core.RelationMode;
import siena.embed.Embedded;
import siena.embed.JavaSerializer;
import siena.embed.JsonSerializer;


public class GaeMappingUtils {
  public static Entity createEntityInstance(Field idField, ClassInfo info, Object obj){
    Entity entity = null;
    Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class);
    Class<?> type = idField.getType();

    if(id != null){
      switch(id.value()) {
      case NONE:
        Object idVal = null;
        idVal = Util.readField(obj, idField);
        if(idVal == null)
          throw new SienaException("Id Field " + idField.getName() + " value null");
        String keyVal = Util.toString(idField, idVal);       
        entity = new Entity(info.tableName, keyVal);
      case AUTO_INCREMENT:
        // manages String ID as not long!!!
        if(Long.TYPE == type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
          entity = new Entity(info.tableName);
        }else {
          Object idStringVal = null;
          idStringVal = Util.readField(obj, idField);
          if(idStringVal == null)
            throw new SienaException("Id Field " + idField.getName() + " value null");
          String keyStringVal = Util.toString(idField, idStringVal);       
          entity = new Entity(info.tableName, keyStringVal);
      case UUID:
        entity = new Entity(info.tableName, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
        throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "createEntityInstance", "Id Generator "+id.value()+ " not supported");
    else throw new SienaException("Field " + idField.getName() + " is not an @Id field");
    return entity;
  public static Entity createEntityInstanceForUpdate(ClassInfo info, Object obj){
    Key key = makeKey(info, obj);
    Entity entity = new Entity(key);
    return entity;
  public static Entity createEntityInstanceForUpdateFromParent(ClassInfo info, Object obj, Key parentKey, ClassInfo parentInfo, Field parentField){
    Key key = makeKeyFromParent(info, obj, parentKey, parentInfo, parentField);
    Entity entity = new Entity(key);
    return entity;
  public static String getKindWithAncestorField(ClassInfo childInfo, ClassInfo parentInfo, Field field){
    return childInfo.tableName + ":" + parentInfo.tableName + ":" + ClassInfo.getSingleColumnName(field);
  public static Entity createEntityInstanceFromParent(
      Field idField, ClassInfo info, Object obj,
      Key parentKey, ClassInfo parentInfo, Field parentField){
    Entity entity = null;
    Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class);
    Class<?> type = idField.getType();

    if(id != null){
      switch(id.value()) {
      case NONE:
        Object idVal = null;
        idVal = Util.readField(obj, idField);
        if(idVal == null)
          throw new SienaException("Id Field " + idField.getName() + " value null");
        String keyVal = Util.toString(idField, idVal);       
        entity = new Entity(getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField), keyVal, parentKey);
      case AUTO_INCREMENT:
        // manages String ID as not long!!!
        if(Long.TYPE == type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
          entity = new Entity(getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField), parentKey);
        }else {
          Object idStringVal = null;
          idStringVal = Util.readField(obj, idField);
          if(idStringVal == null)
            throw new SienaException("Id Field " + idField.getName() + " value null");
          String keyStringVal = Util.toString(idField, idStringVal);       
          entity = new Entity(getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField), keyStringVal, parentKey);
      case UUID:
        entity = new Entity(getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), parentKey);
        throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "createEntityInstance", "Id Generator "+id.value()+ " not supported");
    else throw new SienaException("Field " + idField.getName() + " is not an @Id field");
    return entity;
  public static void setIdFromKey(Field idField, Object obj, Key key) {
    Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class);
    Class<?> type = idField.getType();
    if(id != null){
      switch(id.value()) {
      case NONE:
        Object val = null;
        if (Long.TYPE==type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
          val = Long.parseLong((String) key.getName());
        else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
          val = key.getName();
          throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "setKey", "Id Type "+idField.getType()+ " not supported");
        Util.setField(obj, idField, val);
      case AUTO_INCREMENT:
        // Long value means key.getId()
        if (Long.TYPE==type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(idField.getType())){
          Util.setField(obj, idField, key.getId());
        }else {
          Object val2 = null;
          if (Long.TYPE==type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(idField.getType())){
            val = Long.parseLong((String) key.getName());
          else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(idField.getType())){
            val = key.getName();
            throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "setKey", "Id Type "+idField.getType()+ " not supported");
          Util.setField(obj, idField, val2);
      case UUID:
        Util.setField(obj, idField, key.getName());
        throw new SienaException("Id Generator "+id.value()+ " not supported");
    else throw new SienaException("Field " + idField.getName() + " is not an @Id field");
  public static Key getKey(Object obj) {
    Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass();
    ClassInfo info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz);
    try {
      Field idField = info.getIdField();
      Object value = Util.readField(obj, idField);
      // TODO verify that returning NULL is not a bad thing
      if(value == null) return null;
      Class<?> type = idField.getType();
        Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class);
        switch(id.value()) {
        case NONE:
          // long or string goes toString
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
        case AUTO_INCREMENT:
          // as a string with auto_increment can't exist, it is not cast into long
          if (Long.TYPE == type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
            return KeyFactory.createKey(
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
        case UUID:
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
          throw new SienaException("Id Generator "+id.value()+ " not supported");
      else throw new SienaException("Field " + idField.getName() + " is not an @Id field");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SienaException(e);
  public static Key getKeyFromParent(Object obj, Key parentKey, ClassInfo parentInfo, Field parentField) {
    Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass();
    ClassInfo info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz);
    try {
      Field idField = info.getIdField();
      Object value = Util.readField(obj, idField);
      // TODO verify that returning NULL is not a bad thing
      if(value == null) return null;
      Class<?> type = idField.getType();
        Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class);
        switch(id.value()) {
        case NONE:
          // long or string goes toString
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
              getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField),
        case AUTO_INCREMENT:
          // as a string with auto_increment can't exist, it is not cast into long
          if (Long.TYPE == type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
            return KeyFactory.createKey(
                getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField),
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
              getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField),
        case UUID:
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
              getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField),
          throw new SienaException("Id Generator "+id.value()+ " not supported");
      else throw new SienaException("Field " + idField.getName() + " is not an @Id field");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SienaException(e);
  public static Key makeKeyFromId(Class<?> clazz, Object idVal) {
    if(idVal == null)
      throw new SienaException("makeKeyFromId with Id null");
    ClassInfo info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz);
    try {
      Field idField = info.getIdField();
        Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class);
        switch(id.value()) {
        case NONE:
          // long or string goes toString
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
        case AUTO_INCREMENT:
          Class<?> type = idField.getType();
          // as a string with auto_increment can't exist, it is not cast into long
          if (Long.TYPE==type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
            return KeyFactory.createKey(
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
        case UUID:
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
          throw new SienaException("Id Generator "+id.value()+ " not supported");
      else throw new SienaException("Field " + idField.getName() + " is not an @Id field");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SienaException(e);
  public static Key makeKey(Object object) {
    return makeKey(ClassInfo.getClassInfo(object.getClass()), object);
  public static Key makeKey(ClassInfo info, Object object) {
    Field idField = info.getIdField();
    Object idVal = Util.readField(object, idField);
    if(idVal == null)
      throw new SienaException("Id Field " + idField.getName() + " value null");

    return makeKeyFromId(object.getClass(), idVal);

  public static Key makeKeyFromParent(ClassInfo info, Object object, Key parentKey, ClassInfo parentInfo, Field parentField) {
    try {
      Field idField = info.getIdField();
      Object idVal = Util.readField(object, idField);
      if(idVal == null)
        throw new SienaException("Id Field " + idField.getName() + " value null");
        Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class);
        switch(id.value()) {
        case NONE:
          // long or string goes toString
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
              getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField),
        case AUTO_INCREMENT:
          Class<?> type = idField.getType();
          // as a string with auto_increment can't exist, it is not cast into long
          if (Long.TYPE==type || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type)){
            return KeyFactory.createKey(
              getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField),
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
              getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField),
        case UUID:
          return KeyFactory.createKey(
              getKindWithAncestorField(info, parentInfo, parentField),
          throw new SienaException("Id Generator "+id.value()+ " not supported");
      else throw new SienaException("Field " + idField.getName() + " is not an @Id field");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SienaException(e);
  public static void fillEntity(Object obj, Entity entity) {
    Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass();

    for (Field field : ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz).updateFields) {
      String property = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(field)[0];
      Object value = Util.readField(obj, field);
      Class<?> fieldClass = field.getType();
      if (ClassInfo.isModel(fieldClass)
          && !ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)
          /*&& !ClassInfo.isAggregated(field)
          && !ClassInfo.isOwned(field)*/) {
        if (value == null) {
          entity.setProperty(property, null);
        } else {
          Key key = getKey(value);
          entity.setProperty(property, key);
      } else {
        if (value != null) {
          if (fieldClass == Json.class) {
            value = value.toString();
          } else if (value instanceof String) {
            String s = (String) value;
            if (s.length() > 500)
              value = new Text(s);
          } else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
            byte[] arr = (byte[]) value;
            // GAE Blob doesn't accept more than 1MB
            if (arr.length < 1000000)
              value = new Blob(arr);
              value = new Blob(Arrays.copyOf(arr, 1000000));
          else if (ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) {
            Embedded embed = field.getAnnotation(Embedded.class);
            case SERIALIZE_JSON:
              value = JsonSerializer.serialize(value).toString();
              String s = (String) value;
              if (s.length() > 500)
                value = new Text(s);
            case SERIALIZE_JAVA:
              // this embedding mode doesn't manage @EmbedIgnores
              try {
                byte[] b = JavaSerializer.serialize(value);
                // if length is less than 1Mb, can store in a blob else???
                if(b.length <= 1000000){
                  value = new Blob(b);
                  throw new SienaException("object can be java serialized because it's too large >1mb");
              catch(IOException ex) {
                throw new SienaException(ex);
            case NATIVE:
              GaeNativeSerializer.embed(entity, ClassInfo.getSingleColumnName(field), value, 0);
              // has set several new properties in entity so go to next field
          /*else if (ClassInfo.isAggregated(field)){
            // can't save it now as it requires its parent key to be mapped
            // so don't do anything for the time being
          else if (ClassInfo.isOwned(field)){
            // can't save it now as it requires its parent key to be mapped
            // so don't do anything for the time being
          else if (fieldClass == BigDecimal.class){
            DecimalPrecision ann = field.getAnnotation(DecimalPrecision.class);
            if(ann == null) {
              value = ((BigDecimal)value).toPlainString();
            }else {
              case DOUBLE:
                value = ((BigDecimal)value).doubleValue();
              case STRING:
              case NATIVE:
                value = ((BigDecimal)value).toPlainString();
          // enum is after embedded because an enum can be embedded
          // don't know if anyone will use it but it will work :)
          else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
            value = value.toString();
        Unindexed ui = field.getAnnotation(Unindexed.class);
        if (ui == null) {
          entity.setProperty(property, value);
        } else {
          entity.setUnindexedProperty(property, value);

  public static void fillModel(Object obj, Entity entity) {
    Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass();

    for (Field field : ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz).updateFields) {
      String property = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(field)[0];
      try {
        Class<?> fieldClass = field.getType();
        if (ClassInfo.isModel(fieldClass) && !ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) {
            Key key = (Key) entity.getProperty(property);
            if (key != null) {
              Object value = Util.createObjectInstance(fieldClass);
              Field id = ClassInfo.getIdField(fieldClass);
              setIdFromKey(id, value, key);
              Util.setField(obj, field, value);
        /*else if(ClassInfo.isAggregated(field)){
          // does nothing for the time being
        else if (ClassInfo.isOwned(field)){
          // does nothing for the time being
        else if(ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field) && field.getAnnotation(Embedded.class).mode() == Embedded.Mode.NATIVE){
          Object value = GaeNativeSerializer.unembed(
              field.getType(), ClassInfo.getSingleColumnName(field), entity, 0);
          Util.setField(obj, field, value);
        else {
          setFromObject(obj, field, entity.getProperty(property));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SienaException(e);

  public static void fillModelAndKey(Object obj, Entity entity) {
    Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass();
    ClassInfo info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz);
    Field id = info.getIdField();
    Class<?> fieldClass = id.getType();
    Key key = entity.getKey();
    if (key != null) {
      setIdFromKey(id, obj, key);

    for (Field field : info.updateFields) {
      String property = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(field)[0];
      try {
        fieldClass = field.getType();
        if (ClassInfo.isModel(fieldClass)
            && !ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) {
            key = (Key) entity.getProperty(property);
            if (key != null) {
              Object value = Util.createObjectInstance(fieldClass);
              id = ClassInfo.getIdField(fieldClass);
              setIdFromKey(id, value, key);
              Util.setField(obj, field, value);
        else if(ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field) && field.getAnnotation(Embedded.class).mode() == Embedded.Mode.NATIVE){
          Object value = GaeNativeSerializer.unembed(
                field.getType(), ClassInfo.getSingleColumnName(field), entity, 0);
          Util.setField(obj, field, value);
        /*else if(ClassInfo.isAggregated(field)){
          // does nothing for the time being
        else if (ClassInfo.isOwned(field)){
          // does nothing for the time being
        else {
          setFromObject(obj, field, entity.getProperty(property));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SienaException(e);
  public static void setFromObject(Object object, Field f, Object value)
      throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
    if(value != null){
        value = ((Text) value).getValue();
      else if(Blob.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
        if(f.getType() == byte[].class) {
          value = ((Blob) value).getBytes();
        else {
          Embedded embed = f.getAnnotation(Embedded.class);
          if(embed != null) {
            case SERIALIZE_JSON:
            case SERIALIZE_JAVA:
              value = ((Blob) value).getBytes();
            case NATIVE:
              // shouldn't happen
      else if(f.getType() == BigDecimal.class){
        DecimalPrecision ann = f.getAnnotation(DecimalPrecision.class);
        if(ann == null) {
          value = new BigDecimal((String)value);
        }else {
          case DOUBLE:
            value = BigDecimal.valueOf((Double)value);
          case STRING:
          case NATIVE:
            value = new BigDecimal((String)value);
    Util.setFromObject(object, f, value);
  public static <T> T mapEntityKeysOnly(Entity entity, Class<T> clazz) {
    Field id = ClassInfo.getIdField(clazz);
    T obj;
    try {
      obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz);
      setIdFromKey(id, obj, entity.getKey());
    } catch (SienaException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SienaException(e);
    return obj;
  public static <T> List<T> mapEntitiesKeysOnly(List<Entity> entities,
      Class<T> clazz) {
    Field id = ClassInfo.getIdField(clazz);
    List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(entities.size());
    for (Entity entity : entities) {
      T obj;
      try {
        obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz);
        setIdFromKey(id, obj, entity.getKey());
      } catch (SienaException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SienaException(e);
    return list;

  public static <T> List<T> mapEntitiesKeysOnly(Iterable<Entity> entities,
      Class<T> clazz) {
    Field id = ClassInfo.getIdField(clazz);
    List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
    for (Entity entity : entities) {
      T obj;
      try {
        obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz);
        setIdFromKey(id, obj, entity.getKey());
      } catch (SienaException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SienaException(e);
    return list;
  public static <T> T mapEntity(Entity entity, Class<T> clazz) {
    Field id = ClassInfo.getIdField(clazz);
    T obj = null;
    // try to find a constructor
      if(entity != null){
        obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz);
        fillModel(obj, entity);
        setIdFromKey(id, obj, entity.getKey());
    } catch (SienaException e) {
      throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new SienaException(e);
    return obj;
  public static <T> List<T> mapEntities(List<Entity> entities,
      Class<T> clazz) {
    Field id = ClassInfo.getIdField(clazz);
    List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(entities.size());
    for (Entity entity : entities) {
      T obj;
      try {
        obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz);
        fillModel(obj, entity);
        setIdFromKey(id, obj, entity.getKey());
      } catch (SienaException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SienaException(e);
    return list;

  public static <T> List<T> mapEntities(Iterable<Entity> entities,
      Class<T> clazz) {
    Field id = ClassInfo.getIdField(clazz);
    List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
    for (Entity entity : entities) {
      T obj;
      try {
        obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz);
        fillModel(obj, entity);
        setIdFromKey(id, obj, entity.getKey());
      } catch (SienaException e) {
        throw e;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SienaException(e);
    return list;
  public static <T> T mapRelation(Query<T> query, T obj, ClassInfo info) {
    // aggregators/owners
    List<QueryAggregated> aggregs = query.getAggregatees();
    List<QueryOwned> ownees = query.getOwnees();

    if(aggregs.isEmpty() && ownees.isEmpty()){
      return obj;

    if(aggregs.size() == 1){
      // aggregators
      QueryAggregated aggreg = aggregs.get(0);     
      Relation rel =
        new Relation(RelationMode.AGGREGATION, aggreg.aggregator, aggreg.field);
      Util.setField(obj, info.aggregator, rel);
    else if(aggregs.size() > 1){
      throw new SienaException("Only one aggregation per query allowed");
    if(ownees.size() == 1){
      // owners
      QueryOwned ownee = ownees.get(0);       
      Util.setField(obj, ownee.field, ownee.owner);
    else if(ownees.size() > 1){
      throw new SienaException("Only one owner per query allowed");
    return obj;

  public static <T> List<T> mapRelations(Query<T> query, List<T> objs, ClassInfo info) {
    List<QueryAggregated> aggregs = query.getAggregatees();
    List<QueryOwned> ownees = query.getOwnees();

    if(aggregs.isEmpty() && ownees.isEmpty()){
      return objs;
    if(aggregs.size() == 1){
      QueryAggregated aggreg = aggregs.get(0);
      Relation rel =
        new Relation(RelationMode.AGGREGATION, aggreg.aggregator, aggreg.field);
      for(T obj: objs){
        Util.setField(obj, info.aggregator, rel);
    else if(aggregs.size() > 1){
      throw new SienaException("Only one aggregation per query allowed");
    if(ownees.size() == 1){
      // owners
      QueryOwned ownee = ownees.get(0);
      for(T obj: objs){
        Util.setField(obj, ownee.field, ownee.owner);
    else if(ownees.size() > 1){
      throw new SienaException("Only one owner per query allowed");
    return objs;

Related Classes of siena.gae.GaeMappingUtils

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