Package com.samaxes.maven.minify.plugin

Source Code of com.samaxes.maven.minify.plugin.MinifyMojo

* Minify Maven Plugin
* Copyright (c) 2009
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.samaxes.maven.minify.plugin;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;

import com.samaxes.maven.minify.common.ClosureConfig;
import com.samaxes.maven.minify.common.YuiConfig;

* Goal for combining and minifying CSS and JavaScript files.
@Mojo(name = "minify", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PROCESS_RESOURCES, threadSafe = true)
public class MinifyMojo extends AbstractMojo {

     * Engine used for minification
    public static enum Engine {
        /** YUI Compressor */
        /** Google Closure Compiler */

    /* ************** */
    /* Global Options */
    /* ************** */

     * Show source file paths in log output.
     * @since 1.5.2
     * @deprecated Use {@link #verbose} instead.
    @Parameter(property = "debug")
    private Boolean debug;

     * Display additional informational messages and warnings.
    @Parameter(property = "verbose", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean verbose;

     * Size of the buffer used to read source files.
    @Parameter(property = "bufferSize", defaultValue = "4096")
    private int bufferSize;

     * If a supported character set is specified, it will be used to read the input file. Otherwise, it will assume that
     * the platform's default character set is being used. The output file is encoded using the same character set.<br/>
     * See the <a href="">IANA Charset Registry</a> for a list of valid
     * encoding types.
     * @since 1.3.2
    @Parameter(property = "charset", defaultValue = "${}")
    private String charset;

     * The output file name suffix.
     * @since 1.3.2
    @Parameter(property = "suffix", defaultValue = "min")
    private String suffix;

     * Do not append a suffix to the minified output file name, independently of the value in the {@code suffix}
     * parameter.<br/>
     * <strong>Warning:</strong> when both the options {@code nosuffix} and {@code skipMerge} are set to {@code true},
     * the plugin execution phase needs to be set to {@code package}, otherwise the output files will be overridden by
     * the source files during the packaging.
     * @since 1.7
    @Parameter(property = "nosuffix", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean nosuffix;

     * Skip the merge step. Minification will be applied to each source file individually.
     * @since 1.5.2
    @Parameter(property = "skipMerge", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean skipMerge;

     * Skip the minify step. Useful when merging files that are already minified.
     * @since 1.5.2
    @Parameter(property = "skipMinify", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean skipMinify;

     * Webapp source directory.
    @Parameter(property = "webappSourceDir", defaultValue = "${basedir}/src/main/webapp")
    private String webappSourceDir;

     * Webapp target directory.
    @Parameter(property = "webappTargetDir", defaultValue = "${}/${}")
    private String webappTargetDir;

    /* *********** */
    /* CSS Options */
    /* *********** */

     * CSS source directory.
    @Parameter(property = "cssSourceDir", defaultValue = "css")
    private String cssSourceDir;

     * CSS source file names list.
    @Parameter(property = "cssSourceFiles", alias = "cssFiles")
    private ArrayList<String> cssSourceFiles;

     * CSS files to include. Specified as fileset patterns which are relative to the CSS source directory.
     * @since 1.2
    @Parameter(property = "cssSourceIncludes", alias = "cssIncludes")
    private ArrayList<String> cssSourceIncludes;

     * CSS files to exclude. Specified as fileset patterns which are relative to the CSS source directory.
     * @since 1.2
    @Parameter(property = "cssSourceExcludes", alias = "cssExcludes")
    private ArrayList<String> cssSourceExcludes;

     * CSS target directory. Takes the same value as {@code cssSourceDir} when empty.
     * @since 1.3.2
    @Parameter(property = "cssTargetDir")
    private String cssTargetDir;

     * CSS output file name.
    @Parameter(property = "cssFinalFile", defaultValue = "style.css")
    private String cssFinalFile;

     * Define the CSS compressor engine to use.<br/>
     * Possible values are:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code YUI}: <a href="">YUI Compressor</a></li>
     * </ul>
     * @since 1.7.1
    @Parameter(property = "cssEngine", defaultValue = "YUI")
    private Engine cssEngine;

    /* ****************** */
    /* JavaScript Options */
    /* ****************** */

     * JavaScript source directory.
    @Parameter(property = "jsSourceDir", defaultValue = "js")
    private String jsSourceDir;

     * JavaScript source file names list.
    @Parameter(property = "jsSourceFiles", alias = "jsFiles")
    private ArrayList<String> jsSourceFiles;

     * JavaScript files to include. Specified as fileset patterns which are relative to the JavaScript source directory.
     * @since 1.2
    @Parameter(property = "jsSourceIncludes", alias = "jsIncludes")
    private ArrayList<String> jsSourceIncludes;

     * JavaScript files to exclude. Specified as fileset patterns which are relative to the JavaScript source directory.
     * @since 1.2
    @Parameter(property = "jsSourceExcludes", alias = "jsExcludes")
    private ArrayList<String> jsSourceExcludes;

     * JavaScript target directory. Takes the same value as {@code jsSourceDir} when empty.
     * @since 1.3.2
    @Parameter(property = "jsTargetDir")
    private String jsTargetDir;

     * JavaScript output file name.
    @Parameter(property = "jsFinalFile", defaultValue = "script.js")
    private String jsFinalFile;

     * Define the JavaScript compressor engine to use.<br/>
     * Possible values are:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code YUI}: <a href="">YUI Compressor</a></li>
     * <li>{@code CLOSURE}: <a href="">Google Closure Compiler</a></li>
     * </ul>
     * @since 1.6
    @Parameter(property = "jsEngine", defaultValue = "YUI")
    private Engine jsEngine;

    /* *************************** */
    /* YUI Compressor Only Options */
    /* *************************** */

     * Some source control tools don't like files containing lines longer than, say 8000 characters. The line-break
     * option is used in that case to split long lines after a specific column. It can also be used to make the code
     * more readable and easier to debug. Specify {@code 0} to get a line break after each semi-colon in JavaScript, and
     * after each rule in CSS. Specify {@code -1} to disallow line breaks.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #yuiLineBreak} instead.
    @Parameter(property = "linebreak")
    private Integer linebreak;

     * Some source control tools don't like files containing lines longer than, say 8000 characters. The line-break
     * option is used in that case to split long lines after a specific column. It can also be used to make the code
     * more readable and easier to debug. Specify {@code 0} to get a line break after each semi-colon in JavaScript, and
     * after each rule in CSS. Specify {@code -1} to disallow line breaks.
    @Parameter(property = "yuiLineBreak", defaultValue = "-1")
    private int yuiLineBreak;

     * Obfuscate local symbols in addition to minification.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #yuiNoMunge} instead.
    @Parameter(property = "munge")
    private Boolean munge;

     * Minify only. Do not obfuscate local symbols.
    @Parameter(property = "yuiNoMunge", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean yuiNoMunge;

     * Preserve unnecessary semicolons (such as right before a '}'). This option is useful when compressed code has to
     * be run through JSLint.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #yuiPreserveSemicolons} instead.
    @Parameter(property = "preserveAllSemiColons")
    private Boolean preserveAllSemiColons;

     * Preserve unnecessary semicolons (such as right before a '}'). This option is useful when compressed code has to
     * be run through JSLint.
    @Parameter(property = "yuiPreserveSemicolons", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean yuiPreserveSemicolons;

     * Disable all the built-in micro-optimizations.
     * @deprecated Use {@link #yuiDisableOptimizations} instead.
    @Parameter(property = "disableOptimizations")
    private Boolean disableOptimizations;

     * Disable all the built-in micro-optimizations.
    @Parameter(property = "yuiDisableOptimizations", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean yuiDisableOptimizations;

    /* ************************************ */
    /* Google Closure Compiler Only Options */
    /* ************************************ */

     * Refers to which version of ECMAScript to assume when checking for errors in your code.<br/>
     * Possible values are:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code ECMASCRIPT3}: Checks code assuming ECMAScript 3 compliance, and gives errors for code using features
     * only present in ECMAScript 5.</li>
     * <li>{@code ECMASCRIPT5}: Checks code assuming ECMAScript 5 compliance, allowing new features not present in
     * ECMAScript 3.</li>
     * <li>{@code ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT}: Like {@code ECMASCRIPT5} but assumes compliance with strict mode ('use strict';).
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * @since 1.7.2
    @Parameter(property = "closureLanguageIn", defaultValue = "ECMASCRIPT3")
    private LanguageMode closureLanguage;

     * The degree of compression and optimization to apply to your JavaScript.<br/>
     * There are three possible compilation levels:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@code WHITESPACE_ONLY}: Just removes whitespace and comments from your JavaScript.</li>
     * <li>{@code SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS}: Performs compression and optimization that does not interfere with the
     * interaction between the compiled JavaScript and other JavaScript. This level renames only local variables.</li>
     * <li>{@code ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS}: Achieves the highest level of compression by renaming symbols in your
     * JavaScript. When using {@code ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS} compilation you must perform extra steps to preserve
     * references to external symbols. See <a href="/closure/compiler/docs/api-tutorial3">Advanced Compilation and
     * Externs</a> for more information about {@code ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS}.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @since 1.7.2
    @Parameter(property = "closureCompilationLevel", defaultValue = "SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS")
    private CompilationLevel closureCompilationLevel;

     * List of JavaScript files containing code that declares function names or other symbols. Use
     * {@code closureExterns} to preserve symbols that are defined outside of the code you are compiling. The
     * {@code closureExterns} parameter only has an effect if you are using a {@code CompilationLevel} of
     * {@code ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS}.<br/>
     * These file names are relative to {@link #webappSourceDir} directory.
     * @since 1.7.2
    @Parameter(property = "closureExterns")
    private ArrayList<String> closureExterns;

     * <p>
     * Use default externs provided with Closure Compiler.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * For the complete list of externs please visit:<br />
     * <a href="">
     * compiler/tree/master/externs</a>
     * </p>
     * @since 1.7.4
    @Parameter(property = "closureUseDefaultExterns", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean closureUseDefaultExterns;

     * <p>
     * Collects information mapping the generated (compiled) source back to its original source for debugging purposes.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Please visit <a
     * href="">Source Map Revision 3
     * Proposal</a> for more information.
     * </p>
     * @since 1.7.3
    @Parameter(property = "closureCreateSourceMap", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean closureCreateSourceMap;

     * <p>
     * Enables or disables sorting mode for Closure Library dependencies.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If true, automatically sort dependencies so that a file that {@code goog.provides} symbol X will always come
     * before a file that {@code goog.requires} symbol X.
     * </p>
     * @since 1.7.4
    @Parameter(property = "closureSortDependencies", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean closureSortDependencies;

     * Generate {@code $inject} properties for AngularJS for functions annotated with {@code @ngInject}.
     * @since 1.7.3
    @Parameter(property = "closureAngularPass", defaultValue = "false")
    private boolean closureAngularPass;

     * Executed when the goal is invoked, it will first invoke a parallel lifecycle, ending at the given phase.
    public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {

        if (skipMerge && skipMinify) {
            getLog().warn("Both merge and minify steps are configured to be skipped.");

        YuiConfig yuiConfig = fillYuiConfig();
        ClosureConfig closureConfig = fillClosureConfig();

        Collection<ProcessFilesTask> processFilesTasks = new ArrayList<ProcessFilesTask>();
        try {
            processFilesTasks.add(new ProcessCSSFilesTask(getLog(), debug, bufferSize, charset, suffix, nosuffix,
                    skipMerge, skipMinify, webappSourceDir, webappTargetDir, cssSourceDir, cssSourceFiles,
                    cssSourceIncludes, cssSourceExcludes, cssTargetDir, cssFinalFile, cssEngine, yuiConfig));
            processFilesTasks.add(new ProcessJSFilesTask(getLog(), debug, bufferSize, charset, suffix, nosuffix,
                    skipMerge, skipMinify, webappSourceDir, webappTargetDir, jsSourceDir, jsSourceFiles,
                    jsSourceIncludes, jsSourceExcludes, jsTargetDir, jsFinalFile, jsEngine, yuiConfig, closureConfig));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            throw new MojoFailureException(e.getMessage(), e);

        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
        try {
            List<Future<Object>> futures = executor.invokeAll(processFilesTasks);
            for (Future<Object> future : futures) {
                try {
                } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                    throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);

    private void checkDeprecatedOptions() {
        if (debug == null) {
            debug = verbose;
        } else {
                    "The option 'debug' is deprecated and will be removed on the next version. Use 'verbose' instead.");
        if (linebreak == null) {
            linebreak = yuiLineBreak;
        } else {
                    "The option 'linebreak' is deprecated and will be removed on the next version. Use 'yuiLineBreak' instead.");
        if (munge == null) {
            munge = !yuiNoMunge;
        } else {
                    "The option 'munge' is deprecated and will be removed on the next version. Use 'yuiNoMunge' instead.");
        if (preserveAllSemiColons == null) {
            preserveAllSemiColons = yuiPreserveSemicolons;
        } else {
                    "The option 'preserveAllSemiColons' is deprecated and will be removed on the next version. Use 'yuiPreserveSemicolons' instead.");
        if (disableOptimizations == null) {
            disableOptimizations = yuiDisableOptimizations;
        } else {
                    "The option 'disableOptimizations' is deprecated and will be removed on the next version. Use 'yuiDisableOptimizations' instead.");

    private void fillOptionalValues() {
        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cssTargetDir)) {
            cssTargetDir = cssSourceDir;
        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(jsTargetDir)) {
            jsTargetDir = jsSourceDir;
        if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(charset)) {
            charset = Charset.defaultCharset().name();

    private YuiConfig fillYuiConfig() {
        return new YuiConfig(linebreak, munge, preserveAllSemiColons, disableOptimizations);

    private ClosureConfig fillClosureConfig() {
        DependencyOptions dependencyOptions = new DependencyOptions();

        List<SourceFile> externs = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String extern : closureExterns) {
            externs.add(SourceFile.fromFile(webappSourceDir + File.separator + extern, Charset.forName(charset)));

        return new ClosureConfig(closureLanguage, closureCompilationLevel, dependencyOptions, externs,
                closureUseDefaultExterns, closureCreateSourceMap, closureAngularPass);

Related Classes of com.samaxes.maven.minify.plugin.MinifyMojo

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