Package edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface

Source Code of edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface.GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass$LabelWithSeedWords

package edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;

import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonArray;
import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder;
import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder;
import javax.json.JsonReader;
import javax.json.JsonValue;

import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface.ConstantsAndVariables.ScorePhraseMeasures;
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counters;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.TwoDimensionalCounter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree;
import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArrayUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionValuedMap;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.EditDistance;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Execution;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.PriorityQueue;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.TypesafeMap;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.TypesafeMap.Key;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import org.joda.time.Period;

* Given text and a seed list, this class gives more words like the seed words
* by learning surface word patterns.
* <p>
* The multi-threaded class (<code>nthread</code> parameter for number of
* threads) takes as input.
* To use the default options, run
* <p>
* <code>java -mx1000m edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface.GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass -file text_file -seedWordsFiles label1,seedwordlist1;label2,seedwordlist2;... -outDir output_directory (optional)</code>
* <p>
* <code>fileFormat</code>: (Optional) Default is text. Valid values are text
* (or txt) and ser, where the serialized file is of the type <code>Map&lt;String,
* List&lt;CoreLabel&gt;&gt;</code>.
* <p>
* <code>file</code>: (Required) Input file(s) (default assumed text). Can be
* one or more of (concatenated by comma or semi-colon): file, directory, files
* with regex in the filename (for example: "mydir/health-.*-processed.txt")
* <p>
* <code>seedWordsFiles</code>: (Required)
* label1,file_seed_words1;label2,file_seed_words2;... where file_seed_words are
* files with list of seed words, one in each line
* <p>
* <code>outDir</code>: (Optional) output directory where visualization/output
* files are stored
* <p>
* For other flags, see individual comments for each flag.
* <p>
* To use a properties file, see
* projects/core/data/edu/stanford/nlp/patterns/surface/ or patterns/ (depends on which codebase you are using)
* as an example for the flags and their brief descriptions. Run the code as:
* <code>java -mx1000m -cp classpath edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface.GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass -props dir-as-above/</code>
* <p>
* IMPORTANT: Many flags are described in the classes
* {@link ConstantsAndVariables}, {@link CreatePatterns}, and
* {@link PhraseScorer}.
* @author Sonal Gupta (

public class GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass<E extends Pattern> implements Serializable {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  //public Map<String, Map<Integer, Set<E>>> patternsForEachToken = null;

  private PatternsForEachToken<E> patsForEachToken = null;

  public Map<String, Set<String>> wordsForOtherClass = null;

  // String channelNameLogger = "patterns";
   * RlogF is from Riloff 1996, when R's denominator is (pos+neg+unlabeled)
   * <p>
   * RlogFPosNeg is when the R's denominator is just (pos+negative) examples
   * <p>
   * PosNegOdds is just the ratio of number of positive words to number of
   * negative
   * <p>
   * PosNegUnlabOdds is just the ratio of number of positive words to number of
   * negative (unlabeled words + negative)
   * <p>
   * RatioAll is pos/(neg+pos+unlabeled)
   * <p>
   * YanGarber02 is the modified version presented in
   * "Unsupervised Learning of Generalized Names"
   * <p>
   * LOGREG is learning a logisitic regression classifier to combine weights to
   * score a phrase (Same as PhEvalInPat, except score of an unlabeled phrase is
   * computed using a logistic regression classifier)
   * <p>
   * LOGREGlogP is learning a logisitic regression classifier to combine weights
   * to score a phrase (Same as PhEvalInPatLogP, except score of an unlabeled
   * phrase is computed using a logistic regression classifier)
   * <p>
   * SqrtAllRatio is the pattern scoring used in Gupta et al. JAMIA 2014 paper
   * <p>
   * Below F1SeedPattern and BPB based on paper
   * "Unsupervised Method for Automatics Construction of a disease dictionary..."
   * <p>
   * Precision, Recall, and FMeasure (controlled by fbeta flag) is ranking the patterns using
   * their precision, recall and F_beta measure
  public enum PatternScoring {
    F1SeedPattern, RlogF, RlogFPosNeg, RlogFUnlabNeg, RlogFNeg, PhEvalInPat, PhEvalInPatLogP, PosNegOdds,
    YanGarber02, PosNegUnlabOdds, RatioAll, LOGREG, LOGREGlogP, SqrtAllRatio, LinICML03, kNN, Precision, Recall, FMeasure

  enum WordScoring {

  Map<String, Boolean> writtenPatInJustification = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();

  Map<String, Counter<E>> learnedPatterns = new HashMap<String, Counter<E>>();
  Map<String, Counter<String>> learnedWords = new HashMap<String, Counter<String>>();

  public Map<String, TwoDimensionalCounter<String, E>> wordsPatExtracted = new HashMap<String, TwoDimensionalCounter<String, E>>();

  Properties props;
  public ScorePhrases scorePhrases;
  public ConstantsAndVariables<E> constVars;
  public CreatePatterns createPats;

  DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");

  private boolean notComputedAllPatternsYet = true;
   * when there is only one label
  public GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass(Properties props, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Set<String> seedSet, boolean labelUsingSeedSets,
      String answerLabel) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException,
      NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, ClassNotFoundException {
    this(props, sents, seedSet, labelUsingSeedSets, PatternsAnnotations.PatternLabel1.class, answerLabel);

  public GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass(Properties props, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Set<String> seedSet, boolean labelUsingSeedSets,
      Class answerClass, String answerLabel) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
      InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, ClassNotFoundException {
    this.props = props;
    Map<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>> ansCl = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>>();
    ansCl.put(answerLabel, answerClass);

    Map<String, Class> generalizeClasses = new HashMap<String, Class>();

    Map<String, Map<Class, Object>> ignoreClasses = new HashMap<String, Map<Class, Object>>();
    ignoreClasses.put(answerLabel, new HashMap<Class, Object>());

    Map<String, Set<String>> seedSets = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
    seedSets.put(answerLabel, seedSet);
    setUpConstructor(sents, seedSets, labelUsingSeedSets, ansCl, generalizeClasses, ignoreClasses);


  public GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass(Properties props, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Set<String> seedSet, boolean labelUsingSeedSets,
      String answerLabel, Map<String, Class> generalizeClasses, Map<Class, Object> ignoreClasses) throws IOException, InstantiationException,
      IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InterruptedException,
      ExecutionException, ClassNotFoundException {
    this(props, sents, seedSet, labelUsingSeedSets, PatternsAnnotations.PatternLabel1.class, answerLabel, generalizeClasses, ignoreClasses);

  public GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass(Properties props, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Set<String> seedSet, boolean labelUsingSeedSets,
      Class answerClass, String answerLabel, Map<String, Class> generalizeClasses, Map<Class, Object> ignoreClasses) throws IOException,
      InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException,
      InterruptedException, ExecutionException, ClassNotFoundException {
    this.props = props;
    Map<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>> ansCl = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>>();
    ansCl.put(answerLabel, answerClass);

    Map<String, Map<Class, Object>> iC = new HashMap<String, Map<Class, Object>>();
    iC.put(answerLabel, ignoreClasses);

    Map<String, Set<String>> seedSets = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
    seedSets.put(answerLabel, seedSet);
    setUpConstructor(sents, seedSets, labelUsingSeedSets, ansCl, generalizeClasses, iC);

  public GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass(Properties props, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Map<String, Set<String>> seedSets,
      boolean labelUsingSeedSets) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
      InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
    this.props = props;
    Map<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>> ansCl = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>>();
    Map<String, Class> gC = new HashMap<String, Class>();
    Map<String, Map<Class, Object>> iC = new HashMap<String, Map<Class, Object>>();
    int i = 1;
    for (String label : seedSets.keySet()) {
      String ansclstr = "edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface.PatternsAnnotations$PatternLabel" + i;
      ansCl.put(label, (Class<? extends Key<String>>) Class.forName(ansclstr));
      iC.put(label, new HashMap<Class, Object>());

    setUpConstructor(sents, seedSets, labelUsingSeedSets, ansCl, gC, iC);

  public GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass(Properties props, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Map<String, Set<String>> seedSets,
      boolean labelUsingSeedSets, Map<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>> answerClass) throws IOException, InstantiationException,
      IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InterruptedException,
      ExecutionException, ClassNotFoundException {
    this(props, sents, seedSets, labelUsingSeedSets, answerClass, new HashMap<String, Class>(), new HashMap<String, Map<Class, Object>>());

   * generalize classes basically maps label strings to a map of generalized
   * strings and the corresponding class ignoreClasses have to be boolean
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws SecurityException
   * @throws NoSuchMethodException
   * @throws InvocationTargetException
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
   * @throws IllegalAccessException
   * @throws InstantiationException
   * @throws ExecutionException
   * @throws InterruptedException
   * @throws ClassNotFoundException
  public GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass(Properties props, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Map<String, Set<String>> seedSets,
      boolean labelUsingSeedSets, Map<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>> answerClass, Map<String, Class> generalizeClasses,
      Map<String, Map<Class, Object>> ignoreClasses) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
      InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, ClassNotFoundException {
    this.props = props;

    if (ignoreClasses.isEmpty()) {
      for (String label : seedSets.keySet())
        ignoreClasses.put(label, new HashMap<Class, Object>());
    setUpConstructor(sents, seedSets, labelUsingSeedSets, answerClass, generalizeClasses, ignoreClasses);

  private void setUpConstructor(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Map<String, Set<String>> seedSets, boolean labelUsingSeedSets,
      Map<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>> answerClass, Map<String, Class> generalizeClasses,
      Map<String, Map<Class, Object>> ignoreClasses) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,
      InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, ClassNotFoundException {

    Data.sents = sents;
    Execution.fillOptions(Data.class, props);
    Execution.fillOptions(ConstantsAndVariables.class, props);

    constVars = new ConstantsAndVariables<E>(props, seedSets, answerClass, generalizeClasses, ignoreClasses);

    //Execution.fillOptions(constVars, props);
    //constVars.ignoreWordswithClassesDuringSelection = ignoreClasses;

    if (constVars.writeMatchedTokensFiles && constVars.batchProcessSents) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "writeMatchedTokensFiles and batchProcessSents cannot be true at the same time (not implemented; also doesn't make sense to save a large sentences json file)");

    if (constVars.debug < 1) {

    if (constVars.debug < 2) {
    constVars.justify = true;
    if (constVars.debug < 3) {
      constVars.justify = false;
    if (constVars.debug < 4) {

    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Running with debug output");
    Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Running with extreme debug output");

    wordsPatExtracted = new HashMap<String, TwoDimensionalCounter<String, E>>();

    //File invIndexDir = null;
    //boolean createInvIndex = true;
//    if (constVars.loadInvertedIndexDir != null) {
//      createInvIndex = false;
//      constVars.invertedIndex = InvertedIndexByTokens.loadIndex(constVars.loadInvertedIndexDir);
//      if (constVars.invertedIndex.isBatchProcessed() != constVars.batchProcessSents) {
//        throw new RuntimeException("The index was created with batchProcessSents as " + constVars.invertedIndex.isBatchProcessed()
//            + ". Use the same flag or create a new index");
//      }
//      Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Loaded index from " + constVars.loadInvertedIndexDir);
//    }
    // else if(constVars.saveInvertedIndexDir != null){

    // if(constVars.diskBackedInvertedIndex){
    // invIndexDir = new File(constVars.saveInvertedIndexDir+"/cache");
    // IOUtils.deleteDirRecursively(invIndexDir);
    // IOUtils.ensureDir(invIndexDir);
    // }}

//    else if (constVars.saveInvertedIndexDir == null) {
//      String dir = System.getProperty("");
//      invIndexDir = File.createTempFile(dir, ".dir");
//      invIndexDir.delete();
//      invIndexDir.deleteOnExit();
//    }

//    Set<String> specialwords4Index = new HashSet<String>();
//    specialwords4Index.addAll(Arrays.asList("fw", "FW", "sw", "SW", "OTHERSEM", "othersem"));

    for (String label : answerClass.keySet()) {
      wordsPatExtracted.put(label, new TwoDimensionalCounter<String, E>());
//      specialwords4Index.add(label);
//      specialwords4Index.add(label.toLowerCase());

    scorePhrases = new ScorePhrases(props, constVars);
    createPats = new CreatePatterns(props, constVars);
    assert !(constVars.doNotApplyPatterns && (PatternFactory.useStopWordsBeforeTerm || PatternFactory.numWordsCompound > 1)) : " Cannot have both doNotApplyPatterns and (useStopWordsBeforeTerm true or numWordsCompound > 1)!";

//    String prefixFileForIndex = null;
//    if (constVars.usingDirForSentsInIndex) {
//      prefixFileForIndex = constVars.saveSentencesSerDir;
//    }

    //  constVars.invertedIndex = new SentenceIndex(constVars.matchLowerCaseContext, constVars.getStopWords(), specialwords4Index,
     //   constVars.batchProcessSents);
      // new InvertedIndexByTokens(constVars.matchLowerCaseContext, constVars.getStopWords(), specialwords4Index,
      //    constVars.batchProcessSents, prefixFileForIndex);

    if(constVars.invertedIndexDirectory == null){
      File f  = File.createTempFile("inv","index");
      constVars.invertedIndexDirectory = f.getAbsolutePath();

    Set<String> extremelySmallStopWordsList = CollectionUtils.asSet(new String[]{".", ",", "in", "on", "of", "a", "the", "an"});

    //Function to use to how to add corelabels to index
    Function transformCoreLabelToString = new Function<CoreLabel, Map<String, String>>() {
      public Map<String, String> apply(CoreLabel l) {
        Map<String, String> add = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for(Class gn: constVars.getGeneralizeClasses().values()){
          Object b  = l.get(gn);
          if(b != null && !b.toString().equals(constVars.backgroundSymbol)){
        return add;

    boolean createIndex = false;
      constVars.invertedIndex = SentenceIndex.loadIndex(constVars.invertedIndexClass, props, extremelySmallStopWordsList, constVars.invertedIndexDirectory, transformCoreLabelToString);
    else {
      constVars.invertedIndex = SentenceIndex.createIndex(constVars.invertedIndexClass, null, props, extremelySmallStopWordsList, constVars.invertedIndexDirectory, transformCoreLabelToString);
      createIndex = true;

    int totalNumSents = 0;

    boolean computeDataFreq = false;
    if (Data.rawFreq == null) {
      Data.rawFreq = new ClassicCounter<String>();
      computeDataFreq = true;

    if (constVars.batchProcessSents) {
        for (File f : Data.sentsFiles) {

            throw new RuntimeException("File " + f + " does not exist. Something is wrong. Contact the author with full details.");

          Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Reading file from " + f.getAbsolutePath());

          Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sentsf = IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f);

          for(Entry<String, List<CoreLabel>> en: sentsf.entrySet()){
            Data.sentId2File.put(en.getKey(), f);

          totalNumSents += sentsf.size();

            Data.computeRawFreqIfNull(sentsf, PatternFactory.numWordsCompound);

          Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Initializing sents from " + f + " with " + sentsf.size()
              + " sentences, either by labeling with the seed set or just setting the right classes");
          for (String l : constVars.getAnswerClass().keySet()) {

            Set<String> seed = seedSets == null || !labelUsingSeedSets ? new HashSet<String>() : (seedSets.containsKey(l) ? seedSets.get(l)
                : new HashSet<String>());

            runLabelSeedWords(sentsf, constVars.getAnswerClass().get(l), l, seed, constVars);

            if (constVars.addIndvWordsFromPhrasesExceptLastAsNeg) {
              Set<String> otherseed = new HashSet<String>();
              for (String s : seed) {
                String[] t = s.split("\\s+");
                for (int i = 0; i < t.length - 1; i++) {
                  if (!seed.contains(t[i])) {
              runLabelSeedWords(sentsf, PatternsAnnotations.OtherSemanticLabel.class, "OTHERSEM", otherseed, constVars);


          if (constVars.getOtherSemanticClassesWords() != null)
            runLabelSeedWords(sentsf, PatternsAnnotations.OtherSemanticLabel.class, "OTHERSEM", constVars.getOtherSemanticClassesWords(), constVars);


          constVars.invertedIndex.add(sentsf, true);

          Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Saving the labeled seed sents (if given the option) to the same file " + f);
          IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sentsf, f);

    } else {

      //not batch processing sentences

      totalNumSents = Data.sents.size();

        Data.computeRawFreqIfNull(Data.sents, PatternFactory.numWordsCompound);

      Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Initializing sents " + Data.sents.size()
          + " sentences, either by labeling with the seed set or just setting the right classes");
      for (String l : constVars.getAnswerClass().keySet()) {

        Set<String> seed = seedSets == null || !labelUsingSeedSets ? new HashSet<String>() : (seedSets.containsKey(l) ? seedSets.get(l)
            : new HashSet<String>());

        runLabelSeedWords(Data.sents, constVars.getAnswerClass().get(l), l, seed, constVars);

        if (constVars.addIndvWordsFromPhrasesExceptLastAsNeg) {
          Set<String> otherseed = new HashSet<String>();
          for (String s : seed) {
            String[] t = s.split("\\s+");
            for (int i = 0; i < t.length - 1; i++) {
              if (!seed.contains(t[i])) {
          runLabelSeedWords(Data.sents, PatternsAnnotations.OtherSemanticLabel.class, "OTHERSEM", otherseed, constVars);

      if (constVars.getOtherSemanticClassesWords() != null)
        runLabelSeedWords(Data.sents, PatternsAnnotations.OtherSemanticLabel.class, "OTHERSEM", constVars.getOtherSemanticClassesWords() , constVars);


        constVars.invertedIndex.add(Data.sents, true);


//    if (constVars.saveInvertedIndexDir != null) {
//      IOUtils.ensureDir(new File(constVars.saveInvertedIndexDir));
//      constVars.invertedIndex.saveIndex(constVars.saveInvertedIndexDir);
//    }

    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Done loading/creating inverted index of tokens and labeling data with total of "
        + constVars.invertedIndex.size() + " sentences");

    if (constVars.usePatternEvalWordClass || constVars.usePhraseEvalWordClass) {

      if (constVars.externalFeatureWeightsFile == null) {
        File f = File.createTempFile("tempfeat", ".txt");
        constVars.externalFeatureWeightsFile = f.getAbsolutePath();

      for (String label : seedSets.keySet()) {
        String externalFeatureWeightsFileLabel = constVars.externalFeatureWeightsFile + "_" + label;
        File f = new File(externalFeatureWeightsFileLabel);
        if (!f.exists()) {
          Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "externalweightsfile for the label " + label + " does not exist: learning weights!");
          LearnImportantFeatures lmf = new LearnImportantFeatures();
          // if (answerClass.size() > 1 || this.labelDictionary.size() > 1)
          // throw new RuntimeException("not implemented");
          Execution.fillOptions(lmf, props);
          lmf.answerClass = answerClass.get(label);
          lmf.answerLabel = label;
          lmf.getTopFeatures(new ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator(constVars.batchProcessSents), constVars.perSelectRand, constVars.perSelectNeg,

        Counter<Integer> distSimWeightsLabel = new ClassicCounter<Integer>();
        for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(externalFeatureWeightsFileLabel)) {
          String[] t = line.split(":");
          if (!t[0].startsWith("Cluster"))
          String s = t[0].replace("Cluster-", "");
          Integer clusterNum = Integer.parseInt(s);
          distSimWeightsLabel.setCount(clusterNum, Double.parseDouble(t[1]));
        constVars.distSimWeights.put(label, distSimWeightsLabel);

    // computing semantic odds values
    if (constVars.usePatternEvalSemanticOdds || constVars.usePhraseEvalSemanticOdds) {
      Counter<String> dictOddsWeightsLabel = new ClassicCounter<String>();
      Counter<String> otherSemanticClassFreq = new ClassicCounter<String>();
      for (String s : constVars.getOtherSemanticClassesWords()) {
        for (String s1 : StringUtils.getNgrams(Arrays.asList(s.split("\\s+")), 1, PatternFactory.numWordsCompound))
      otherSemanticClassFreq = Counters.add(otherSemanticClassFreq, 1.0);
      // otherSemanticClassFreq.setDefaultReturnValue(1.0);

      Map<String, Counter<String>> labelDictNgram = new HashMap<String, Counter<String>>();
      for (String label : seedSets.keySet()) {
        Counter<String> classFreq = new ClassicCounter<String>();
        for (String s : seedSets.get(label)) {
          for (String s1 : StringUtils.getNgrams(Arrays.asList(s.split("\\s+")), 1, PatternFactory.numWordsCompound))
        classFreq = Counters.add(classFreq, 1.0);
        labelDictNgram.put(label, classFreq);
        // classFreq.setDefaultReturnValue(1.0);

      for (String label : seedSets.keySet()) {
        Counter<String> otherLabelFreq = new ClassicCounter<String>();
        for (String label2 : seedSets.keySet()) {
          if (label.equals(label2))
        dictOddsWeightsLabel = Counters.divisionNonNaN(labelDictNgram.get(label), otherLabelFreq);
        constVars.dictOddsWeights.put(label, dictOddsWeightsLabel);

  public PatternsForEachToken getPatsForEachToken() {
    return patsForEachToken;

   * If a token is labeled for two or more labels, then keep the one that has the longest matching phrase. For example, "lung" as BODYPART label and "lung cancer" as DISEASE label,
   * keep only the DISEASE label for "lung". For this to work, you need to have <code>PatternsAnnotations.Ln</code> set, which is already done in runLabelSeedWords function.
  public void removeOverLappingLabels(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents){
    for(Map.Entry<String, List<CoreLabel>> sentEn: sents.entrySet()){

      for(CoreLabel l : sentEn.getValue()){
        Map<String, String> longestMatchingMap = l.get(PatternsAnnotations.LongestMatchedPhraseForEachLabel.class);
        String longestMatchingString = "";
        String longestMatchingLabel = null;
        for(Map.Entry<String, String> en: longestMatchingMap.entrySet()){
          if(en.getValue().length() > longestMatchingString.length()){
              longestMatchingLabel = en.getKey();
              longestMatchingString = en.getValue();

        if(longestMatchingLabel  != null){

             l.set(PatternsAnnotations.OtherSemanticLabel.class, constVars.backgroundSymbol);

          for(Entry<String, Class<? extends Key<String>>> en: constVars.getAnswerClass().entrySet()) {
            if (!en.getKey().equals(longestMatchingLabel)){
              l.set(en.getValue(), constVars.backgroundSymbol);
              l.set(en.getValue(), en.getKey());

  public static Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> runPOSNEROnTokens(List<CoreMap> sentsCM, String posModelPath, boolean useTargetNERRestriction,
      String prefix, boolean useTargetParserParentRestriction, String numThreads) {
    Annotation doc = new Annotation(sentsCM);

    Properties props = new Properties();
    List<String> anns = new ArrayList<String>();

    if (useTargetParserParentRestriction) {

    if (useTargetNERRestriction) {

    props.setProperty("annotators", StringUtils.join(anns, ","));
    props.setProperty("parse.maxlen", "80");
    props.setProperty("nthreads", numThreads);
    props.setProperty("threads", numThreads);

    // props.put( "tokenize.options",
    // "ptb3Escaping=false,normalizeParentheses=false,escapeForwardSlashAsterisk=false");

    if (posModelPath != null) {
      props.setProperty("pos.model", posModelPath);
    StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props, false);

    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Annotating text");
    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Done annotating text");

    Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents = new HashMap<String, List<CoreLabel>>();

    for (CoreMap s : doc.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
      if (useTargetParserParentRestriction)
      sents.put(prefix + s.get(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class), s.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class));

    return sents;

  static StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = null;

  public static int tokenize(Iterator<String> textReader, String posModelPath, boolean lowercase, boolean useTargetNERRestriction, String sentIDPrefix,
                             boolean useTargetParserParentRestriction, String numThreads, boolean batchProcessSents, int numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile,
                             File saveSentencesSerDirFile, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, int numFilesTillNow) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException,
    IOException {
    if (pipeline == null) {
      Properties props = new Properties();
      List<String> anns = new ArrayList<String>();

      if (useTargetParserParentRestriction) {
      if (useTargetNERRestriction) {

      props.setProperty("annotators", StringUtils.join(anns, ","));
      props.setProperty("parse.maxlen", "80");
      props.setProperty("threads", numThreads);

      props.put("tokenize.options", "ptb3Escaping=false,normalizeParentheses=false,escapeForwardSlashAsterisk=false");

      if (posModelPath != null) {
        props.setProperty("pos.model", posModelPath);
      pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);

    String text = "";
    int numLines = 0;
    while(textReader.hasNext()) {
      String line =;
      numLines ++;
      if (batchProcessSents && numLines > numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile) {
      if (lowercase)
        line = line.toLowerCase();
      text += line+"\n";

    Annotation doc = new Annotation(text);
    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Done annotating text");

    int i = -1;
    for (CoreMap s : doc.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
      if (useTargetParserParentRestriction)
      sents.put(sentIDPrefix + i, s.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class));

//      if (batchProcessSents && sents.size() >= numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile) {
//        numFilesTillNow++;
//        File file = new File(saveSentencesSerDirFile + "/sents_" + numFilesTillNow);
//        IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sents, file);
//        sents = new HashMap<String, List<CoreLabel>>();
//        Data.sentsFiles.add(file);
//      }

    if (sents.size() > 0 && batchProcessSents) {
      File file = new File(saveSentencesSerDirFile + "/sents_" + numFilesTillNow);
      IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sents, file);

      for(String sentid: sents.keySet()) {
        assert !Data.sentId2File.containsKey(sentid) : "Data.sentId2File already contains " + sentid + ". Make sure sentIds are unique!";
        Data.sentId2File.put(sentid, file);
    // not lugging around sents if batch processing
    if (batchProcessSents)
      sents = null;
    return numFilesTillNow;

  public static int tokenize(String text, String posModelPath, boolean lowercase, boolean useTargetNERRestriction, String sentIDPrefix,
      boolean useTargetParserParentRestriction, String numThreads, boolean batchProcessSents, int numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile,
      File saveSentencesSerDirFile, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, int numFilesTillNow) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException,
      IOException {
    if (pipeline == null) {
      Properties props = new Properties();
      List<String> anns = new ArrayList<String>();

      if (useTargetParserParentRestriction) {
      if (useTargetNERRestriction) {

      props.setProperty("annotators", StringUtils.join(anns, ","));
      props.setProperty("parse.maxlen", "80");
      props.setProperty("threads", numThreads);

      props.put("tokenize.options", "ptb3Escaping=false,normalizeParentheses=false,escapeForwardSlashAsterisk=false");

      if (posModelPath != null) {
        props.setProperty("pos.model", posModelPath);
      pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);
    if (lowercase)
      text = text.toLowerCase();

    Annotation doc = new Annotation(text);
    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Done annotating text");

    int i = -1;
    for (CoreMap s : doc.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class)) {
      if (useTargetParserParentRestriction)
      sents.put(sentIDPrefix + i, s.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class));
      if (batchProcessSents && sents.size() >= numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile) {
        File file = new File(saveSentencesSerDirFile + "/sents_" + numFilesTillNow);
        IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sents, file);
        sents = new HashMap<String, List<CoreLabel>>();

    if (sents.size() > 0 && batchProcessSents) {
      File file = new File(saveSentencesSerDirFile + "/sents_" + numFilesTillNow);
      IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sents, file);
    // not lugging around sents if batch processing
    if (batchProcessSents)
      sents = null;
    return numFilesTillNow;
  static void inferParentParseTag(Tree tree) {

    String grandstr = tree.value();
    for (Tree child : tree.children()) {
      for (Tree grand : child.children()) {
        if (grand.isLeaf()) {
          ((CoreLabel) grand.label()).set(CoreAnnotations.GrandparentAnnotation.class, grandstr);


   * If l1 is a part of l2, it finds the starting index of l1 in l2 If l1 is not
   * a sub-array of l2, then it returns -1 note that l2 should have the exact
   * elements and order as in l1
   * @param l1
   *          array you want to find in l2
   * @param l2
   * @return starting index of the sublist
  public static List<Integer> getSubListIndex(String[] l1, String[] l2, String[] subl2, Set<String> englishWords, HashSet<String> seenFuzzyMatches,
      int minLen4Fuzzy) {
    if (l1.length > l2.length)
      return null;
    EditDistance editDistance = new EditDistance(true);
    List<Integer> allIndices = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    boolean matched = false;
    int index = -1;
    int lastUnmatchedIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < l2.length;) {

      for (int j = 0; j < l1.length;) {
        boolean d1 = false, d2 = false;
        boolean compareFuzzy = true;
        if (englishWords.contains(l2[i]) || englishWords.contains(subl2[i]) || l2[i].length() <= minLen4Fuzzy || subl2[i].length() <= minLen4Fuzzy)
          compareFuzzy = false;
        if (compareFuzzy == false || l1[j].length() <= minLen4Fuzzy) {
          d1 = l1[j].equals(l2[i]) ? true : false;
          if (!d1)
            d2 = subl2[i].equals(l1[j]) ? true : false;
        } else {
          String combo = l1[j] + "#" + l2[i];
          if (l1[j].equals(l2[i]) || seenFuzzyMatches.contains(combo))
            d1 = true;
          else {
            d1 = editDistance.score(l1[j], l2[i]) <= 1;
            if (!d1) {
              String combo2 = l1[j] + "#" + subl2[i];
              if (l1[j].equals(subl2[i]) || seenFuzzyMatches.contains(combo2))
                d2 = true;
              else {
                d2 = editDistance.score(l1[j], subl2[i]) <= 1;
                if (d2) {
                  // System.out.println(l1[j] + " matched with " + subl2[i]);
            } else if (d1) {
              // System.out.println(l1[j] + " matched with " + l2[i]);
        // if (l1[j].equals(l2[i]) || subl2[i].equals(l1[j])) {
        if (d1 || d2) {

          index = i;
          if (j == l1.length) {
            matched = true;
        } else {
          j = 0;
          i = lastUnmatchedIndex + 1;
          lastUnmatchedIndex = i;
          index = -1;
          if (lastUnmatchedIndex == l2.length)
        if (i >= l2.length) {
          index = -1;
      if (i == l2.length || matched) {
        if (index >= 0)
          // index = index - l1.length + 1;
          allIndices.add(index - l1.length + 1);
        matched = false;
        lastUnmatchedIndex = index;

        // break;
    // get starting point

    return allIndices;

  public static void runLabelSeedWords(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Class answerclass, String label, Set<String> seedWords, ConstantsAndVariables constVars)
      throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {

    //if matchcontextlowercase is on, transform that. escape the word etc. Useful for pattern matching later on
    Function<CoreLabel, String> stringTransformationFunction = new Function<CoreLabel, String>() {
      public String apply(CoreLabel l) {
        String s;
          s = l.lemma();
          s= l.word();
          s = s.toLowerCase();
        return s;

    List<String> keyset = new ArrayList<String>(sents.keySet());

    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Labeling " + keyset.size() + " sentences with " + seedWords.size() + " seeds for the label " + label);

    int num;
    if (constVars.numThreads == 1)
      num = keyset.size();
      num = keyset.size() / (constVars.numThreads - 1);
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(constVars.numThreads);
    Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "keyset size is " + keyset.size());
    List<Future<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>>> list = new ArrayList<Future<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < constVars.numThreads; i++) {
      List<String> keys = keyset.subList(i * num, Math.min(keyset.size(), (i + 1) * num));
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "assigning from " + i * num + " till " + Math.min(keyset.size(), (i + 1) * num));

      Callable<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>> task = new LabelWithSeedWords(seedWords, sents, keys, answerclass, label, constVars.minLen4FuzzyForPattern, constVars.backgroundSymbol, constVars.getEnglishWords(), stringTransformationFunction);
      Future<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>> submit = executor.submit(task);

    // Now retrieve the result

    for (Future<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>> future : list) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

  public static class LabelWithSeedWords implements Callable<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>> {
    Set<String[]> seedwordsTokens = new HashSet<String[]>();
    Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents;
    List<String> keyset;
    Class labelClass;
    HashSet<String> seenFuzzyMatches = new HashSet<String>();
    String label;
    int minLen4FuzzyForPattern;
    String backgroundSymbol = "O";
    Set<String> dictWords = null;
    Function<CoreLabel, String> stringTransformation;

    public LabelWithSeedWords(Set<String> seedwords, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, List<String> keyset, Class labelclass, String label, int minLen4FuzzyForPattern, String backgroundSymbol, Set<String> dictWords, Function<CoreLabel, String> stringTransformation) {
      for (String s : seedwords)
      this.sents = sents;
      this.keyset = keyset;
      this.labelClass = labelclass;
      this.label = label;
      this.minLen4FuzzyForPattern= minLen4FuzzyForPattern;
      this.backgroundSymbol = backgroundSymbol;
      this.dictWords = dictWords;
      this.stringTransformation = stringTransformation;

    public Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> call() throws Exception {
      Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> newsent = new HashMap<String, List<CoreLabel>>();
      for (String k : keyset) {
        List<CoreLabel> sent = sents.get(k);
        String[] tokens = new String[sent.size()];
        String[] tokenslemma = new String[sent.size()];
        int num = 0;
        for (CoreLabel l : sent) {

          //Setting the processedTextAnnotation, used in indexing and pattern matching
          l.set(PatternsAnnotations.ProcessedTextAnnotation.class, stringTransformation.apply(l));

          tokens[num] = l.word();
          if (l.lemma() == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("how come lemma is null");
          tokenslemma[num] = l.lemma();
        boolean[] labels = new boolean[tokens.length];

        CollectionValuedMap<Integer, String> matchedPhrases = new CollectionValuedMap<Integer, String>();
        Map<Integer, String> longestMatchedPhrases = new HashMap<Integer, String>();

        for (String[] s : seedwordsTokens) {
          List<Integer> indices = getSubListIndex(s, tokens, tokenslemma, dictWords, seenFuzzyMatches,
          if (indices != null && !indices.isEmpty())
            for (int index : indices)
              for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
                String ph = StringUtils.join(s, " ");
                matchedPhrases.add(index + i, ph);

                String longPh = longestMatchedPhrases.get(index+i);
                longPh = longPh != null && longPh.length() > ph.length() ? longPh: ph;
                longestMatchedPhrases.put(index+i, longPh);

                labels[index + i] = true;
        int i = -1;
        for (CoreLabel l : sent) {

          //The second clause is for old sents ser files compatibility reason
          if (!l.containsKey(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPhrases.class) || !(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPhrases.class.isInstance(l.get(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPhrases.class))))
            l.set(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPhrases.class, new CollectionValuedMap<String, String>());

            l.set(PatternsAnnotations.LongestMatchedPhraseForEachLabel.class, new HashMap<String, String>());

          if (labels[i]) {
            l.set(labelClass, label);

            //set whether labeled by the seeds or not
              l.set(PatternsAnnotations.SeedLabeledOrNot.class, new HashMap<Class, Boolean>());
            l.get(PatternsAnnotations.SeedLabeledOrNot.class).put(labelClass, true);

            String longestMatching = l.get(PatternsAnnotations.LongestMatchedPhraseForEachLabel.class).get(label);
            longestMatching = (longestMatching != null && (longestMatching.length() > longestMatchedPhrases.get(i).length())) ? longestMatching : longestMatchedPhrases.get(i);
            l.get(PatternsAnnotations.LongestMatchedPhraseForEachLabel.class).put(label, longestMatching);
            l.get(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPhrases.class).addAll(label, matchedPhrases.get(i));

            Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "labeling " + l.word() + " or its lemma " + l.lemma() + " as " + label
              + " because of the dict phrases " + (Set<String>) matchedPhrases.get(i));

          } else
            l.set(labelClass, backgroundSymbol);

        newsent.put(k, sent);
      return newsent;

  public Map<String, TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>> patternsandWords = null;
  //public Map<String, TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>> allPatternsandWords = null;
  public Map<String, Counter<E>> currentPatternWeights = null;

  //deleteExistingIndex is def false for the second call to this function
  public void processSents(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Boolean deleteExistingIndex) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

    if (constVars.computeAllPatterns) {
        props.setProperty("createTable", deleteExistingIndex.toString());
        props.setProperty("deleteExisting", deleteExistingIndex.toString());
        props.setProperty("createPatLuceneIndex", deleteExistingIndex.toString());
        Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Computing all patterns");
        createPats.getAllPatterns(sents, props, constVars.storePatsForEachToken);
      Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Reading patterns from existing dir");

    props.setProperty("createTable", "false");


  void readSavedPatternsAndIndex() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    if(!constVars.computeAllPatterns) {
      assert constVars.allPatternsDir != null : "allPatternsDir flag cannot be emoty if computeAllPatterns is false!";
      //constVars.setPatternIndex(PatternIndex.load(constVars.allPatternsDir, constVars.storePatsIndex));

  @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
  public Counter<E> getPatterns(String label, Set<E> alreadyIdentifiedPatterns, E p0, Counter<String> p0Set,
      Set<E> ignorePatterns) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

    TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> patternsandWords4Label = new TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>();
    TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> negPatternsandWords4Label = new TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>();
    //TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> posnegPatternsandWords4Label = new TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>();
    TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label = new TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>();
    //TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> negandUnLabeledPatternsandWords4Label = new TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>();
    //TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> allPatternsandWords4Label = new TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>();
    Set<String> allCandidatePhrases = new HashSet<String>();

    ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator sentsIter = new ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator(constVars.batchProcessSents);

    boolean firstCallToProcessSents = true;
      Pair<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>, File> sentsPair =;
        //in the first iteration
        processSents(sentsPair.first(), firstCallToProcessSents);
        firstCallToProcessSents = false;
        if(patsForEachToken == null){
          //in the first iteration, for the first file
          patsForEachToken = PatternsForEachToken.getPatternsInstance(props, constVars.storePatsForEachToken);
      this.calculateSufficientStats(sentsPair.first(), patsForEachToken, label, patternsandWords4Label, negPatternsandWords4Label, unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, allCandidatePhrases);
      if (!constVars.batchProcessSents) {

          // if not batch processing
          patsForEachToken = PatternsForEachToken.getPatternsInstance(props, constVars.storePatsForEachToken);
          System.out.println("size of pats for each token is " + patsForEachToken.size());

       this.calculateSufficientStats(Data.sents, patsForEachToken, label, patternsandWords4Label, negPatternsandWords4Label, unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, allCandidatePhrases);

      }// batch processing sentences
      else {
        for (File f : Data.sentsFiles) {
          Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, (constVars.computeAllPatterns ? "Creating patterns and " : "") + "calculating sufficient statistics from " + f);
          Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents = IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f);

            //in the first iteration
            if(patsForEachToken == null){
              //in the first iteration, for the first file
              patsForEachToken = PatternsForEachToken.getPatternsInstance(props, constVars.storePatsForEachToken);
          this.calculateSufficientStats(sents, patsForEachToken, label, patternsandWords4Label, negPatternsandWords4Label, unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, allCandidatePhrases);
    notComputedAllPatternsYet = false;

    if (constVars.computeAllPatterns){


    //This is important. It makes sure that we don't recompute patterns in every iteration!
    constVars.computeAllPatterns = false;

    if (patternsandWords == null)
      patternsandWords = new HashMap<String, TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>>();
//    if (allPatternsandWords == null)
//      allPatternsandWords = new HashMap<String, TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String>>();
    if (currentPatternWeights == null)
      currentPatternWeights = new HashMap<String, Counter<E>>();

    Counter<E> currentPatternWeights4Label = new ClassicCounter<E>();

    Set<E> removePats = enforceMinSupportRequirements(patternsandWords4Label, unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label);
    Counters.removeKeys(patternsandWords4Label, removePats);
    Counters.removeKeys(unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, removePats);
//    Counters.removeKeys(negandUnLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, removePats);
//    Counters.removeKeys(allPatternsandWords4Label, removePats);
//    Counters.removeKeys(posnegPatternsandWords4Label, removePats);
    Counters.removeKeys(negPatternsandWords4Label, removePats);

    // Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug,
    // "Patterns around positive words in the label " + label + " are " +
    // patternsandWords4Label);
    ScorePatterns scorePatterns;

    Class<?> patternscoringclass = getPatternScoringClass(constVars.patternScoring);

    if (patternscoringclass != null && patternscoringclass.equals(ScorePatternsF1.class)) {
      scorePatterns = new ScorePatternsF1(constVars, constVars.patternScoring, label, allCandidatePhrases, patternsandWords4Label, negPatternsandWords4Label,
          unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, props, p0Set, p0);
      Counter<E> finalPat = scorePatterns.score();
      Counters.removeKeys(finalPat, alreadyIdentifiedPatterns);
      Counters.retainTop(finalPat, 1);
      if (Double.isNaN(Counters.max(finalPat)))
        throw new RuntimeException("how is the value NaN");
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Selected Pattern: " + finalPat);
      return finalPat;

    } else if (patternscoringclass != null && patternscoringclass.equals(ScorePatternsRatioModifiedFreq.class)) {
      scorePatterns = new ScorePatternsRatioModifiedFreq(constVars, constVars.patternScoring, label, allCandidatePhrases, patternsandWords4Label,
          negPatternsandWords4Label, unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, phInPatScoresCache, scorePhrases, props);

    } else if (patternscoringclass != null && patternscoringclass.equals(ScorePatternsFreqBased.class)) {
      scorePatterns = new ScorePatternsFreqBased(constVars, constVars.patternScoring, label, allCandidatePhrases, patternsandWords4Label, negPatternsandWords4Label,
          unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, props);

    } else if (constVars.patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.kNN)) {
      try {
        Class<? extends ScorePatterns> clazz = (Class<? extends ScorePatterns>) Class.forName("edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface.ScorePatternsKNN");
        Constructor<? extends ScorePatterns> ctor = clazz.getConstructor(ConstantsAndVariables.class, PatternScoring.class, String.class, Set.class,
            TwoDimensionalCounter.class, TwoDimensionalCounter.class, TwoDimensionalCounter.class, ScorePhrases.class, Properties.class);
        scorePatterns = ctor.newInstance(constVars, constVars.patternScoring, label, allCandidatePhrases, patternsandWords4Label, negPatternsandWords4Label,
            unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, scorePhrases, props);

      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("kNN pattern scoring is not released yet. Stay tuned.");
      } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("newinstance of kNN not created", e);
      } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("newinstance of kNN not created", e);
      } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("newinstance of kNN not created", e);
      } catch (InstantiationException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("newinstance of kNN not created", e);
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException(constVars.patternScoring + " is not implemented (check spelling?). ");

    currentPatternWeights4Label = scorePatterns.score();

    Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "patterns counter size is " + currentPatternWeights4Label.size());

    if (ignorePatterns != null && !ignorePatterns.isEmpty()) {
      Counters.removeKeys(currentPatternWeights4Label, ignorePatterns);
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Removing patterns from ignorePatterns of size  " + ignorePatterns.size()
          + ". New patterns size " + currentPatternWeights4Label.size());

    if (alreadyIdentifiedPatterns != null && !alreadyIdentifiedPatterns.isEmpty()) {
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Patterns size is " + currentPatternWeights4Label.size());
        Counters.removeKeys(currentPatternWeights4Label, alreadyIdentifiedPatterns);
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Removing already identified patterns of size  " + alreadyIdentifiedPatterns.size()
          + ". New patterns size " + currentPatternWeights4Label.size());

    PriorityQueue<E> q = Counters.toPriorityQueue(currentPatternWeights4Label);
    int num = 0;

    Counter<E> chosenPat = new ClassicCounter<E>();

    Set<E> removePatterns = new HashSet<E>();
    Set<E> removeIdentifiedPatterns = null;
    while (num < constVars.numPatterns && !q.isEmpty()) {
      E pat = q.removeFirst();
      //E pat = constVars.getPatternIndex().get(patindex);

      if (currentPatternWeights4Label.getCount(pat) < constVars.thresholdSelectPattern) {
        Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "The max weight of candidate patterns is " + df.format(currentPatternWeights4Label.getCount(pat))
            + " so not adding anymore patterns");
      boolean notchoose = false;
      if (!unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label.containsFirstKey(pat) || unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label.getCounter(pat).isEmpty()) {
        Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Removing pattern " + pat + " because it has no unlab support; pos words: "
            + patternsandWords4Label.getCounter(pat));
        notchoose = true;

      Set<E> removeChosenPats = null;

      if (!notchoose) {
        if (alreadyIdentifiedPatterns != null) {
          for (E p : alreadyIdentifiedPatterns) {
            if (Pattern.subsumes(constVars.patternType, pat, p)) {
              // if (pat.getNextContextStr().contains(p.getNextContextStr()) &&
              // pat.getPrevContextStr().contains(p.getPrevContextStr())) {
              Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Not choosing pattern " + pat
                  + " because it is contained in or contains the already chosen pattern " + p);
              notchoose = true;

            int rest = pat.equalContext(p);
            // the contexts dont match
            if (rest == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            // if pat is less restrictive, remove p and add pat!
            if (rest < 0) {
              if(removeIdentifiedPatterns == null)
                removeIdentifiedPatterns = new HashSet<E>();
            } else {
              notchoose = true;

      // In this iteration:
      if (!notchoose) {
        for (Pattern p : chosenPat.keySet()) {
          //E p = constVars.getPatternIndex().get(pindex);

          boolean removeChosenPatFlag = false;
          if (Pattern.sameGenre(constVars.patternType, pat, p)) {
            if(Pattern.subsumes(constVars.patternType, pat, p)){
              Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Not choosing pattern " + pat
                  + " because it is contained in or contains the already chosen pattern " + p);
              notchoose = true;
            else if (E.subsumes(constVars.patternType, p, pat)) {
              //subsume is true even if equal context
              //check if equal context
              int rest = pat.equalContext(p);

              // the contexts do not match
              if (rest == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Not choosing pattern " + p
                    + " because it is contained in or contains another chosen pattern in this iteration " + pat)
                removeChosenPatFlag = true;
              // if pat is less restrictive, remove p from chosen patterns and
              // add pat!
              else if (rest < 0) {
                removeChosenPatFlag = true;
              } else {
                notchoose = true;

            if (removeChosenPatFlag) {
              if(removeChosenPats == null)
                removeChosenPats = new HashSet<E>();

      if (notchoose) {
        Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Not choosing " + pat + " for whatever reason!");

      if (removeChosenPats != null) {
        Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Removing already chosen patterns in this iteration " + removeChosenPats + " in favor of "
            + pat);
        Counters.removeKeys(chosenPat, removeChosenPats);
      if (removeIdentifiedPatterns != null) {
        Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Removing already identified patterns " + removeIdentifiedPatterns + " in favor of " + pat);

      chosenPat.setCount(pat, currentPatternWeights4Label.getCount(pat));

    this.removeLearnedPatterns(label, removePatterns);

    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "final size of the patterns is " + chosenPat.size());
    Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "\n\n## Selected Patterns for " + label + "##\n");
    List<Pair<E, Double>> chosenPatSorted = Counters.toSortedListWithCounts(chosenPat);
    for (Pair<E, Double> en : chosenPatSorted)
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, en.first().toString() + ":" + df.format(en.second) + "\n");

    if (constVars.outDir != null && !constVars.outDir.isEmpty()) {
      CollectionValuedMap<E, String> posWords = new CollectionValuedMap<E, String>();
      for (Entry<E, ClassicCounter<String>> en : patternsandWords4Label.entrySet()) {
        posWords.addAll(en.getKey(), en.getValue().keySet());

      CollectionValuedMap<E, String> negWords = new CollectionValuedMap<E, String>();
      for (Entry<E, ClassicCounter<String>> en : negPatternsandWords4Label.entrySet()) {
        negWords.addAll(en.getKey(), en.getValue().keySet());
      CollectionValuedMap<E, String> unlabWords = new CollectionValuedMap<E, String>();
      for (Entry<E, ClassicCounter<String>> en : unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label.entrySet()) {
        unlabWords.addAll(en.getKey(), en.getValue().keySet());
      String outputdir = constVars.outDir + "/" + constVars.identifier + "/" + label;
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Saving output in " + outputdir);

      IOUtils.ensureDir(new File(outputdir));

      String filename = outputdir + "/patterns" + ".json";

      JsonArrayBuilder obj = Json.createArrayBuilder();
      if (writtenPatInJustification.containsKey(label) && writtenPatInJustification.get(label)) {
        JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename)));
        JsonArray objarr = jsonReader.readArray();
        for (JsonValue o : objarr)
      } else
        obj = Json.createArrayBuilder();

      JsonObjectBuilder objThisIter = Json.createObjectBuilder();
      for (Pair<E, Double> pat : chosenPatSorted) {
        JsonObjectBuilder o = Json.createObjectBuilder();
        JsonArrayBuilder pos = Json.createArrayBuilder();
        JsonArrayBuilder neg = Json.createArrayBuilder();
        JsonArrayBuilder unlab = Json.createArrayBuilder();

        for (String w : posWords.get(pat.first()))
        for (String w : negWords.get(pat.first()))
        for (String w : unlabWords.get(pat.first()))

        o.add("Positive", pos);
        o.add("Negative", neg);
        o.add("Unlabeled", unlab);
        o.add("Score", pat.second());

        objThisIter.add(pat.first().toStringSimple(), o);

      IOUtils.ensureDir(new File(filename).getParentFile());
      IOUtils.writeStringToFile(, filename, "utf8");
      writtenPatInJustification.put(label, true);

    if (constVars.justify) {
      Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Justification for Patterns:");
      for (E key : chosenPat.keySet()) {
        Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "\nPattern: " + key.toString());
            "Positive Words:"
                + Counters.toSortedString(patternsandWords4Label.getCounter(key), patternsandWords4Label.getCounter(key).size(), "%1$s:%2$f", ";"));

            "Negative Words:"
                + Counters.toSortedString(negPatternsandWords4Label.getCounter(key), negPatternsandWords4Label.getCounter(key).size(), "%1$s:%2$f",

            "Unlabeled Words:"
                + Counters.toSortedString(unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label.getCounter(key), unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label.getCounter(key).size(),
                    "%1$s:%2$f", ";"));
    //allPatternsandWords.put(label, allPatternsandWords4Label);
    patternsandWords.put(label, patternsandWords4Label);
    currentPatternWeights.put(label, currentPatternWeights4Label);

    return chosenPat;


//  private void savePatternIndex(String dir ) throws IOException {
//    if(dir != null) {
//      IOUtils.ensureDir(new File(dir));
//      constVars.getPatternIndex().save(dir);
//    }
//    //patsForEachToken.savePatternIndex(constVars.getPatternIndex(), dir);
//  }

  public static Class getPatternScoringClass(PatternScoring patternScoring) {
    if (patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.F1SeedPattern)) {
      return ScorePatternsF1.class;
    } else if (patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.PosNegUnlabOdds) || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.PosNegOdds)
        || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.RatioAll) || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.PhEvalInPat)
        || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.PhEvalInPatLogP) || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.LOGREG)
        || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.LOGREGlogP) || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.SqrtAllRatio)) {

      return ScorePatternsRatioModifiedFreq.class;

    } else if (patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.RlogF) || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.RlogFPosNeg)
        || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.RlogFUnlabNeg) || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.RlogFNeg)
        || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.YanGarber02) || patternScoring.equals(PatternScoring.LinICML03)) {
      return ScorePatternsFreqBased.class;

    } else {
      return null;

  static AtomicInteger numCallsToCalStats = new AtomicInteger();

  public static <E> List<List<E>> splitIntoNumThreads(List<E> c, int n, int numThreads) {
    if (n < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("n < 0: " + n);
    if (n > c.size())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("n > size of collection: " + n + ", " + c.size());
    List<List<E>> resultAll = new ArrayList<List<E>>(numThreads);
    int num;

    if (numThreads == 1)
      num = n;
      num = n / (numThreads - 1);

    //Collections.shuffle(c, new Random(numCallsToCalStats.getAndIncrement()));
    System.out.println("shuffled " + c.size() + " sentences and selecting " + num  + " sentences per thread");
    List<E> result = new ArrayList<E>(num);
    int totalitems = 0;
    int nitem = 0;
    Random r = new Random(numCallsToCalStats.incrementAndGet());
    boolean[] added = new boolean[c.size()];
    Arrays.fill(added, false);
    while(totalitems < n){

      //find the new sample index
      int index;

        index =  r.nextInt(c.size());
      added[index] = true;

      E c1 = c.get(index);

      if(nitem == num){
        result = new ArrayList<E>(num);
        nitem= 0;
      nitem ++;

    return resultAll;

  private void calculateSufficientStats(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents,
                                        PatternsForEachToken patternsForEachToken, String label,
                                        TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> patternsandWords4Label,
                                        TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> negPatternsandWords4Label,
                                        TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, Set<String> allCandidatePhrases) {

    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG,"calculating sufficient stats");
    // calculating the sufficient statistics
    Class answerClass4Label = constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label);
    int sampleSize = constVars.sampleSentencesForSufficientStats == 1.0?sents.size():(int) Math.round(constVars.sampleSentencesForSufficientStats*sents.size());
    List<List<String>> sampledSentIds = splitIntoNumThreads(CollectionUtils.toList(sents.keySet()),sampleSize, constVars.numThreads);
    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG,"sampled " + sampleSize + " sentences (" + constVars.sampleSentencesForSufficientStats*100 + "%)");

    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(constVars.numThreads);

    List<Future<Triple<List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>>>> list = new ArrayList<Future<Triple<List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>>>>();
    for (List<String> sampledSents : sampledSentIds) {

      Callable<Triple<List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>>> task = new CalculateSufficientStatsThreads(patternsForEachToken, sampledSents, sents, label, answerClass4Label);
      Future<Triple<List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>>> submit = executor.submit(task);

    // Now retrieve the result
    for (Future<Triple<List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>>> future : list) {
      try {
        Triple<List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>, List<Pair<E, String>>> stats = future.get();
        addStats(patternsandWords4Label, stats.first());
        addStats(negPatternsandWords4Label, stats.second());
        addStats(unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label, stats.third());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);


  private void addStats(TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> pw, List<Pair<E, String>> v) {
    for(Pair<E, String> w: v){
      pw.incrementCount(w.first(), w.second());

  private class CalculateSufficientStatsThreads implements Callable{

    private final Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents;
    private final PatternsForEachToken patternsForEachToken;
    private final Collection<String> sentIds;
    private final String label;
    private final Class answerClass4Label;

    public CalculateSufficientStatsThreads(PatternsForEachToken patternsForEachToken, Collection<String> sentIds, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents,String label, Class answerClass4Label){
      this.patternsForEachToken = patternsForEachToken;
      this.sentIds = sentIds;
      this.sents = sents;
      this.label = label;
      this.answerClass4Label = answerClass4Label;

    public Triple<List<Pair<Integer, String>>, List<Pair<Integer, String>>, List<Pair<Integer, String>>> call() throws Exception {

      List<Pair<E, String>> posWords = new ArrayList<Pair<E, String>>();
      List<Pair<E, String>> negWords = new ArrayList<Pair<E, String>>();
      List<Pair<E, String>> unlabWords = new ArrayList<Pair<E, String>>();
      for(String sentId: sentIds){
        Map<Integer, Set<E>> pat4Sent = patternsForEachToken.getPatternsForAllTokens(sentId);
        if (pat4Sent == null) {
          throw new RuntimeException("How come there are no patterns for " + sentId);
        List<CoreLabel> sent = sents.get(sentId);
        for (int i = 0; i < sent.size(); i++) {
          CoreLabel token = sent.get(i);
          //Map<String, Set<String>> matchedPhrases = token.get(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPhrases.class);

          String tokenWordOrLemma = token.word();
          String longestMatchingPhrase = null;

          if (constVars.useMatchingPhrase) {
            Map<String, String> longestMatchingPhrases = token.get(PatternsAnnotations.LongestMatchedPhraseForEachLabel.class);
            longestMatchingPhrase = longestMatchingPhrases.get(label);
            longestMatchingPhrase = (longestMatchingPhrase !=null && (longestMatchingPhrase.length() > tokenWordOrLemma.length()))? longestMatchingPhrase : tokenWordOrLemma;
          /*if (matchedPhrases != null && !matchedPhrases.isEmpty()) {
            for (String s : matchedPhrases) {
              if (s.equals(tokenWordOrLemma)) {
                longestMatchingPhrase = tokenWordOrLemma;
              if (longestMatchingPhrase == null || longestMatchingPhrase.length() > s.length()) {
                longestMatchingPhrase = s;
          } else {
            longestMatchingPhrase = tokenWordOrLemma;

          } else
            longestMatchingPhrase = tokenWordOrLemma;

          Set<E> pats = pat4Sent.get(i);
          if (pats == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("Why are patterns null for sentence " + sentId + " and token " + i +". pat4Sent has token ids " + pat4Sent.keySet() + (constVars.batchProcessSents ? "" : ". The sentence is " + Data.sents.get(sentId))+". If you have switched batchProcessSents, recompute the patterns.");

//        Set<E> prevPat = pat.first();
//        Set<E> nextPat = pat.second();
//        Set<E> prevnextPat = pat.third();
          if (PatternFactory.ignoreWordRegex.matcher(token.word()).matches())

          // if the target word/phrase does not satisfy the POS requirement
          String tag = token.tag();
          if (constVars.allowedTagsInitials != null && constVars.allowedTagsInitials.containsKey(label)) {
            boolean use = false;
            for (String allowed : constVars.allowedTagsInitials.get(label)) {
              if (tag.startsWith(allowed)) {
                use = true;
            if (!use)

          // if the target word/phrase does not satisfy the NER requirements
          String nertag = token.ner();
          if (constVars.allowedNERsforLabels != null && constVars.allowedNERsforLabels.containsKey(label)) {
            if (!constVars.allowedNERsforLabels.get(label).contains(nertag)) {
          if (token.get(answerClass4Label).equals(label)) {
            // Positive
            for (E s : pats) {
              //E s = constVars.patternIndex.get(sindex);

              posWords.add(new Pair<E, String>(s, longestMatchingPhrase));

          } else {
            // Negative or unlabeled
            boolean negToken = false;
            Map<Class, Object> ignore = constVars.getIgnoreWordswithClassesDuringSelection().get(label);
            for (Class igCl : ignore.keySet())
              if ((Boolean) token.get(igCl)) {
                negToken = true;
            if (!negToken)
              if (constVars.getOtherSemanticClassesWords().contains(token.word()) || constVars.getOtherSemanticClassesWords().contains(token.lemma()))
                negToken = true;

            for (E sindex : pats) {
              //E s = constVars.patternIndex.get(sindex);
              if (negToken) {
                negWords.add(new Pair<E, String>(sindex, tokenWordOrLemma));
              } else {
                unlabWords.add(new Pair<E, String>(sindex, tokenWordOrLemma));
              //allPatternsandWords4Label.incrementCount(sindex, tokenWordOrLemma);
      return new Triple(posWords, negWords, unlabWords);

  private Set<E> enforceMinSupportRequirements(TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> patternsandWords4Label,
      TwoDimensionalCounter<E, String> unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label) {
    Set<E> remove = new HashSet<E>();
    for (Entry<E, ClassicCounter<String>> en : patternsandWords4Label.entrySet()) {
      if (en.getValue().size() < constVars.minPosPhraseSupportForPat) {

    int numRemoved = remove.size();
    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Removing " + numRemoved + " patterns that do not meet minPosPhraseSupportForPat requirement of >= "
        + constVars.minPosPhraseSupportForPat);

    for (Entry<E, ClassicCounter<String>> en : unLabeledPatternsandWords4Label.entrySet()) {
      if (en.getValue().size() < constVars.minUnlabPhraseSupportForPat) {
    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Removing " + (remove.size() - numRemoved) + " patterns that do not meet minUnlabPhraseSupportForPat requirement of >= "
        + constVars.minUnlabPhraseSupportForPat);
    return remove;

  void removeLearnedPattern(String label, E p) {
    if (wordsPatExtracted.containsKey(label))
      for (Entry<String, ClassicCounter<E>> en : this.wordsPatExtracted.get(label).entrySet()) {

  void removeLearnedPatterns(String label, Collection<E> pats) {
    Counters.removeKeys(this.learnedPatterns.get(label), pats);
    if (wordsPatExtracted.containsKey(label))
      for (Entry<String, ClassicCounter<E>> en : this.wordsPatExtracted.get(label).entrySet()) {
        Counters.removeKeys(en.getValue(), pats);

  public static Counter<String> normalizeSoftMaxMinMaxScores(Counter<String> scores, boolean minMaxNorm, boolean softmax, boolean oneMinusSoftMax) {
    double minScore = Double.MAX_VALUE, maxScore = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    Counter<String> newscores = new ClassicCounter<String>();
    if (softmax) {
      for (Entry<String, Double> en : scores.entrySet()) {
        Double score = null;
        if (oneMinusSoftMax)
          score = (1 / (1 + Math.exp(Math.min(7, en.getValue()))));
          score = (1 / (1 + Math.exp(-1 * Math.min(7, en.getValue()))));
        if (score < minScore)
          minScore = score;
        if (score > maxScore)
          maxScore = score;
        newscores.setCount(en.getKey(), score);
    } else {
      minScore = Counters.min(newscores);
      maxScore = Counters.max(newscores);

    if (minMaxNorm) {
      for (Entry<String, Double> en : newscores.entrySet()) {
        double score;
        if (minScore == maxScore)
          score = minScore;
          score = (en.getValue() - minScore + 1e-10) / (maxScore - minScore);
        newscores.setCount(en.getKey(), score);
    return newscores;

  public TwoDimensionalCounter<String, ScorePhraseMeasures> phInPatScoresCache = new TwoDimensionalCounter<String, ScorePhraseMeasures>();

  // TODO: this right now doesn't work for matchPatterns because of
  // DictAnnotationDTorSC. we are not setting DT, SC thing in the test sentences
  // Update: (may be this comment is not relevant anymore.)

  public void labelWords(String label, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, Set<String> identifiedWords, String outFile,
      CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>> matchedTokensByPat) throws IOException {

    Date startTime = new Date();
    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Labeling " + sents.size() + " sentences with " + identifiedWords.size() + " phrases for label " + label);

    CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer> tokensMatchedPatterns = null;
    if (constVars.restrictToMatched) {
      tokensMatchedPatterns = new CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>();
      for (Entry<E, Collection<Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>> en : matchedTokensByPat.entrySet()) {
        for (Triple<String, Integer, Integer> en2 : en.getValue()) {
          for (int i = en2.second(); i <= en2.third(); i++) {
            tokensMatchedPatterns.add(en2.first(), i);

    Map<String, Map<Integer, Set<E>>> tempPatsForSents = new HashMap<String, Map<Integer, Set<E>>>();

    for (Entry<String, List<CoreLabel>> sentEn : sents.entrySet()) {
      boolean sentenceChanged = false;
      Set<String[]> identifiedWordsTokens = new HashSet<String[]>();
      for (String s : identifiedWords) {
        String[] toks = s.split("\\s+");
      String[] sent = new String[sentEn.getValue().size()];
      int i = 0;

      Set<Integer> contextWordsRecalculatePats = new HashSet<Integer>();

      for (CoreLabel l : sentEn.getValue()) {
        sent[i] = l.word();
      for (String[] ph : identifiedWordsTokens) {
        List<Integer> ints = ArrayUtils.getSubListIndex(ph, sent);
        if (ints == null)

        for (Integer idx : ints) {
          boolean donotuse = false;
          if (constVars.restrictToMatched) {
            for (int j = 0; j < ph.length; j++) {
              if (!tokensMatchedPatterns.get(sentEn.getKey()).contains(idx + j)) {
                Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "not labeling " + sentEn.getValue().get(idx + j).word());
                donotuse = true;
          if (donotuse == false) {
            String phStr = StringUtils.join(ph, " ");
            Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug,"Labeling because of phrase " + phStr);
            for (int j = 0; j < ph.length; j++) {
              int index = idx + j;
              CoreLabel l = sentEn.getValue().get(index);
              if (constVars.usePatternResultAsLabel) {
                sentenceChanged = true;
                l.set(constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label), label);

                CollectionValuedMap<String, String> matched = new CollectionValuedMap<String, String>();
                matched.add(label, phStr);
                  l.set(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPhrases.class, matched);

                for (int k = Math.max(0, index - PatternFactory.numWordsCompound); k < sentEn.getValue().size()
                    && k <= index + PatternFactory.numWordsCompound + 1; k++) {


      if (patsForEachToken != null )//&& patsForEachToken.containsSentId(sentEn.getKey()))
        for (int index : contextWordsRecalculatePats){
            tempPatsForSents.put(sentEn.getKey(), new HashMap<Integer, Set<E>>());

          tempPatsForSents.get(sentEn.getKey()).put(index, Pattern.getContext(constVars.patternType, sentEn.getValue(), index));
          //patsForEachToken.addPatterns(sentEn.getKey(), index, createPats.getContext(sentEn.getValue(), index));
        constVars.invertedIndex.update(sentEn.getValue(), sentEn.getKey());

    if(patsForEachToken != null) {
      patsForEachToken.updatePatterns(tempPatsForSents);//sentEn.getKey(), index, createPats.getContext(sentEn.getValue(), index));


    if (outFile != null) {
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Writing results to " + outFile);
      IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sents, outFile);

    Date endTime = new Date();
    Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Done labeling provided sents in " + elapsedTime(startTime, endTime));

  public void iterateExtractApply() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    iterateExtractApply(null, null, null, null, null, null);

   * @param p0 Null in most cases. only used for BPB
   * @param p0Set Null in most cases
   * @param wordsOutputFile If null, output is in the output directory
   * @param sentsOutFile
   * @param patternsOutFile
   * @param ignorePatterns
  public void iterateExtractApply(Map<String, E> p0, Map<String, Counter<String>> p0Set, String wordsOutputFile, String sentsOutFile,
      String patternsOutFile, Map<String, Set<E>> ignorePatterns) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

    Map<String, CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>> matchedTokensByPatAllLabels = new HashMap<String, CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>>();
    Map<String, TwoDimensionalCounter<String, E>> termsAllLabels = new HashMap<String, TwoDimensionalCounter<String, E>>();

    Map<String, Set<String>> ignoreWordsAll = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
    for (String label : constVars.getLabelDictionary().keySet()) {
      matchedTokensByPatAllLabels.put(label, new CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>());
      termsAllLabels.put(label, new TwoDimensionalCounter<String, E>());
      if (constVars.useOtherLabelsWordsasNegative) {
        Set<String> w = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Entry<String, Set<String>> en : constVars.getLabelDictionary().entrySet()) {
          if (en.getKey().equals(label))
        ignoreWordsAll.put(label, w);

    Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Iterating " + constVars.numIterationsForPatterns + " times.");

    Map<String, BufferedWriter> wordsOutput = new HashMap<String, BufferedWriter>();
    Map<String, BufferedWriter> patternsOutput = new HashMap<String, BufferedWriter>();

    for (String label : constVars.getLabelDictionary().keySet()) {
      IOUtils.ensureDir(new File(constVars.outDir + "/" + constVars.identifier + "/" + label));

      String wordsOutputFileLabel;
      if (wordsOutputFile == null)
        wordsOutputFileLabel = constVars.outDir + "/" + constVars.identifier + "/" + label + "/learnedwords.txt";
        wordsOutputFileLabel = wordsOutputFile + "_" + label;

      wordsOutput.put(label, new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(wordsOutputFileLabel)));
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Saving the learned words for label " + label + " in " + wordsOutputFileLabel);

      String patternsOutputFileLabel = patternsOutFile + "_" + label;
      if (patternsOutFile == null)
        patternsOutputFileLabel = constVars.outDir + "/" + constVars.identifier + "/" + label + "/learnedpatterns.txt";
      patternsOutput.put(label, new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(patternsOutputFileLabel)));
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Saving the learned patterns for label " + label + " in " + patternsOutputFileLabel);

    for (int i = 0; i < constVars.numIterationsForPatterns; i++) {

          .log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "\n\n################################ Iteration " + (i + 1) + " ##############################");
      boolean keepRunning = false;
      Map<String, Counter<String>> learnedWordsThisIter = new HashMap<String, Counter<String>>();
      for (String label : constVars.getLabelDictionary().keySet()) {
        Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "\n###Learning for label " + label + " ######");

        String sentout = sentsOutFile == null ? null : sentsOutFile + "_" + label;

        Pair<Counter<E>, Counter<String>> learnedPatWords4label = iterateExtractApply4Label(label, p0 != null ? p0.get(label) : null,
            p0Set != null ? p0Set.get(label) : null, wordsOutput.get(label), sentout, patternsOutput.get(label),
            ignorePatterns != null ? ignorePatterns.get(label) : null, 1, ignoreWordsAll.get(label), matchedTokensByPatAllLabels.get(label),

        learnedWordsThisIter.put(label, learnedPatWords4label.second());
        if (learnedPatWords4label.first().size() > 0) {
          keepRunning = true;

      if (constVars.useOtherLabelsWordsasNegative) {
        for (String label : constVars.getLabelDictionary().keySet()) {
          for (Entry<String, Counter<String>> en : learnedWordsThisIter.entrySet()) {
            if (en.getKey().equals(label))

      if (!keepRunning) {
        if (!constVars.tuneThresholdKeepRunning) {
          Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "No patterns learned for all labels. Ending iterations.");
        } else {
          constVars.thresholdSelectPattern = 0.8 * constVars.thresholdSelectPattern;
          Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "\n\nTuning thresholds to keep running. New Pattern threshold is  "
              + constVars.thresholdSelectPattern);

    if (constVars.outDir != null && !constVars.outDir.isEmpty()) {
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Writing justification files");
      Set<String> allMatchedSents = new HashSet<String>();

      for (String label : constVars.getLabelDictionary().keySet()) {
        CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>> tokensMatchedPat = matchedTokensByPatAllLabels.get(label);
        IOUtils.ensureDir(new File(constVars.outDir + "/" + constVars.identifier + "/" + label));

        if (constVars.writeMatchedTokensFiles) {

          String matchedtokensfilename = constVars.outDir + "/" + constVars.identifier + "/" + label + "/tokensmatchedpatterns" + ".json";
          JsonObjectBuilder pats = Json.createObjectBuilder();
          for (Entry<E, Collection<Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>> en : tokensMatchedPat.entrySet()) {
            CollectionValuedMap<String, Pair<Integer, Integer>> matchedStrs = new CollectionValuedMap<String, Pair<Integer, Integer>>();
            for (Triple<String, Integer, Integer> en2 : en.getValue()) {
              matchedStrs.add(en2.first(), new Pair<Integer, Integer>(en2.second(), en2.third()));

            JsonObjectBuilder senttokens = Json.createObjectBuilder();
            for (Entry<String, Collection<Pair<Integer, Integer>>> sen : matchedStrs.entrySet()) {
              JsonArrayBuilder obj = Json.createArrayBuilder();
              for (Pair<Integer, Integer> sen2 : sen.getValue()) {
                JsonArrayBuilder startend = Json.createArrayBuilder();
              senttokens.add(sen.getKey(), obj);
            pats.add(en.getKey().toStringSimple(), senttokens);
          IOUtils.writeStringToFile(, matchedtokensfilename, "utf8");

          // Writing the sentence json file -- tokens for each sentence
          JsonObjectBuilder senttokens = Json.createObjectBuilder();
          for (String sentId : allMatchedSents) {
            JsonArrayBuilder sent = Json.createArrayBuilder();
            for (CoreLabel l : Data.sents.get(sentId)) {
            senttokens.add(sentId, sent);
          String sentfilename = constVars.outDir + "/" + constVars.identifier + "/sentences" + ".json";
          IOUtils.writeStringToFile(, sentfilename, "utf8");


    System.out.println("\n\nAll patterns learned:");
    for (Entry<String, Counter<E>> en : this.learnedPatterns.entrySet()) {
      System.out.println(en.getKey() + ":\t\t" + StringUtils.join(en.getValue().keySet()));

    System.out.println("\n\nAll words learned:");
    for (Entry<String, Counter<String>> en : this.learnedWords.entrySet()) {
      System.out.println(en.getKey() + ":\t\t" + en.getValue().keySet() + "\n\n");

    // close all the writers
    for (String label : constVars.getLabelDictionary().keySet()) {

  public Pair<Counter<E>, Counter<String>> iterateExtractApply4Label(String label, E p0, Counter<String> p0Set,
      BufferedWriter wordsOutput, String sentsOutFile, BufferedWriter patternsOut, Set<E> ignorePatterns, int numIter,
      Set<String> ignoreWords, CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>> matchedTokensByPat,
      TwoDimensionalCounter<String, E> terms) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

    if (!learnedPatterns.containsKey(label)) {
      learnedPatterns.put(label, new ClassicCounter<E>());
    if (!learnedWords.containsKey(label)) {
      learnedWords.put(label, new ClassicCounter<String>());

    Counter<String> identifiedWords = new ClassicCounter<String>();
    Counter<E> patterns = new ClassicCounter<E>();
    for (int i = 0; i < numIter; i++) {
      Counter<E> patternThisIter = getPatterns(label, learnedPatterns.get(label).keySet(), p0, p0Set, ignorePatterns);

      if (sentsOutFile != null)
        sentsOutFile = sentsOutFile + "_" + i + "iter.ser";

      Counter<String> scoreForAllWordsThisIteration = new ClassicCounter<String>();

      identifiedWords.addAll(scorePhrases.learnNewPhrases(label, this.patsForEachToken, patterns, learnedPatterns.get(label), matchedTokensByPat,
        scoreForAllWordsThisIteration, terms, wordsPatExtracted.get(label), this.patternsandWords.get(label), constVars.identifier, ignoreWords));

      if (identifiedWords.size() > 0) {
        if (constVars.usePatternResultAsLabel) {
          if (constVars.getLabelDictionary().containsKey(label)) {

            ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator sentsIter = new ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator(constVars.batchProcessSents);
              Pair<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>, File> sentsf =;
              Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "labeling sentences from " + sentsf.second());
              labelWords(label, sentsf.first(), identifiedWords.keySet(), sentsOutFile, matchedTokensByPat);
              IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sentsf.first(), sentsf.second());

            if (constVars.batchProcessSents) {
              for (File f : Data.sentsFiles) {
                Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "labeling sentences from " + f);
                Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents = IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f);
                labelWords(label, sents, identifiedWords.keySet(), sentsOutFile, matchedTokensByPat);
                IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sents, f);
            } else
              labelWords(label, Data.sents, identifiedWords.keySet(), sentsOutFile, matchedTokensByPat);*/
          } else
            throw new RuntimeException("why is the answer label null?");

        if (wordsOutput != null) {
          // if (i > 0)
          // wordsOutput.write("\n");
          // wordsOutput.write("\n#Iteration " + (i + 1) + "\n");
          wordsOutput.write("\n" + Counters.toSortedString(identifiedWords, identifiedWords.size(), "%1$s", "\n"));
      if (patterns.size() == 0 && identifiedWords.size() == 0) {
        if (learnedWords.get(label).size() >= constVars.maxExtractNumWords) {
          System.out.println("Ending because no new words identified and total words learned till now >= max words " + constVars.maxExtractNumWords);
        if (constVars.tuneThresholdKeepRunning) {
          constVars.thresholdSelectPattern = 0.8 * constVars.thresholdSelectPattern;
          System.out.println("\n\nTuning thresholds to keep running. New Pattern threshold is  " + constVars.thresholdSelectPattern);
        } else
    if (patternsOut != null)
      this.writePatternsToFile(patterns, patternsOut);

    return new Pair<Counter<E>, Counter<String>>(patterns, identifiedWords);

  void writePatternsToFile(Counter<E> pattern, BufferedWriter outFile) throws IOException {
    for (Entry<E, Double> en : pattern.entrySet())
      outFile.write(en.getKey().toString() + "\t" + en.getValue() + "\n");

  void writeWordsToFile(Counter<String> words, BufferedWriter outFile) throws IOException {
    for (Entry<String, Double> en : words.entrySet())
      outFile.write(en.getKey() + "\t" + en.getValue() + "\n");

  Counter<String> readLearnedWordsFromFile(File file) {
    Counter<String> words = new ClassicCounter<String>();
    for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(file)) {
      String[] t = line.split("\t");
      words.setCount(t[0], Double.parseDouble(t[1]));
    return words;

  public Counter<String> getLearnedWords(String label) {
    return this.learnedWords.get(label);

  public Counter<E> getLearnedPatterns(String label) {
    return this.learnedPatterns.get(label);

//  public Counter<E> getLearnedPatternsSurfaceForm(String label) {
//    return this.learnedPatterns.get(label);
//  }

  public Map<String, Counter<E>> getLearnedPatterns() {
    return this.learnedPatterns;

  public void setLearnedWords(Counter<String> words, String label) {
    this.learnedWords.put(label, words);

  public void setLearnedPatterns(Counter<E> patterns, String label) {
    this.learnedPatterns.put(label, patterns);

   * COPIED from CRFClassifier: Count the successes and failures of the model on
   * the given document. Fills numbers in to counters for true positives, false
   * positives, and false negatives, and also keeps track of the entities seen. <br>
   * Returns false if we ever encounter null for gold or guess. NOTE: The
   * current implementation of counting wordFN/FP is incorrect.
  public static boolean countResultsPerEntity(List<CoreLabel> doc, Counter<String> entityTP, Counter<String> entityFP, Counter<String> entityFN,
      String background, Counter<String> wordTP, Counter<String> wordTN, Counter<String> wordFP, Counter<String> wordFN,
      Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>> whichClassToCompare) {
    int index = 0;
    int goldIndex = 0, guessIndex = 0;
    String lastGold = background, lastGuess = background;

    // As we go through the document, there are two events we might be
    // interested in. One is when a gold entity ends, and the other
    // is when a guessed entity ends. If the gold and guessed
    // entities end at the same time, started at the same time, and
    // match entity type, we have a true positive. Otherwise we
    // either have a false positive or a false negative.
    String str = "";

    String s = "";
    for (CoreLabel l : doc) {
      s += " " + l.word() + ":" + l.get(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class) + ":" + l.get(whichClassToCompare);
    for (CoreLabel line : doc) {

      String gold = line.get(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class);
      String guess = line.get(whichClassToCompare);

      if (gold == null || guess == null)
        return false;

      if (lastGold != null && !lastGold.equals(gold) && !lastGold.equals(background)) {
        if (lastGuess.equals(lastGold) && !lastGuess.equals(guess) && goldIndex == guessIndex) {
          entityTP.incrementCount(lastGold, 1.0);
        } else {
          // System.out.println("false negative: " + str);
          entityFN.incrementCount(lastGold, 1.0);
          str = "";


      if (lastGuess != null && !lastGuess.equals(guess) && !lastGuess.equals(background)) {
        if (lastGuess.equals(lastGold) && !lastGuess.equals(guess) && goldIndex == guessIndex && !lastGold.equals(gold)) {
          // correct guesses already tallied
          // str = "";
          // only need to tally false positives
        } else {
          // System.out.println("false positive: " + str);
          entityFP.incrementCount(lastGuess, 1.0);
        str = "";

      if (lastGuess != null && lastGold != null && lastGold.equals(background) && lastGuess.equals(background)) {
        str = "";

      if (lastGold == null || !lastGold.equals(gold)) {
        lastGold = gold;
        goldIndex = index;

      if (lastGuess == null || !lastGuess.equals(guess)) {
        lastGuess = guess;
        guessIndex = index;

      if (str.isEmpty())
        str = line.word();
        str += " " + line.word();

    // We also have to account for entities at the very end of the
    // document, since the above logic only occurs when we see
    // something that tells us an entity has ended
    if (lastGold != null && !lastGold.equals(background)) {
      if (lastGold.equals(lastGuess) && goldIndex == guessIndex) {
        entityTP.incrementCount(lastGold, 1.0);
      } else {
        entityFN.incrementCount(lastGold, 1.0);
      str = "";
    if (lastGuess != null && !lastGuess.equals(background)) {
      if (lastGold.equals(lastGuess) && goldIndex == guessIndex) {
        // correct guesses already tallied
      } else {
        entityFP.incrementCount(lastGuess, 1.0);
      str = "";
    return true;

   * Count the successes and failures of the model on the given document
   * ***token-based***. Fills numbers in to counters for true positives, false
   * positives, and false negatives, and also keeps track of the entities seen. <br>
   * Returns false if we ever encounter null for gold or guess.
   * this currently is only for testing one label at a time
  public static void countResultsPerToken(List<CoreLabel> doc, Counter<String> entityTP, Counter<String> entityFP, Counter<String> entityFN,
      String background, Counter<String> wordTP, Counter<String> wordTN, Counter<String> wordFP, Counter<String> wordFN,
      Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>> whichClassToCompare) {

    CRFClassifier.countResults(doc, entityTP, entityFP, entityFN, background);

    // int index = 0;
    // int goldIndex = 0, guessIndex = 0;
    // String lastGold = background, lastGuess = background;
    // As we go through the document, there are two events we might be
    // interested in. One is when a gold entity ends, and the other
    // is when a guessed entity ends. If the gold and guessed
    // entities end at the same time, started at the same time, and
    // match entity type, we have a true positive. Otherwise we
    // either have a false positive or a false negative.
    for (CoreLabel line : doc) {

      String gold = line.get(GoldAnswerAnnotation.class);
      String guess = line.get(whichClassToCompare);

      assert (gold != null) : "gold is null";
      assert(guess != null) : "guess is null";

      if (gold.equals(guess) && !gold.equalsIgnoreCase(background)) {
      } else if (!gold.equals(guess) && !gold.equalsIgnoreCase(background) && guess.equalsIgnoreCase(background)) {

      } else if (!gold.equals(guess) && !guess.equalsIgnoreCase(background) && gold.equalsIgnoreCase(background)) {
      } else if (gold.equals(guess) && !gold.equalsIgnoreCase(background)) {
      } else if (!(gold.equalsIgnoreCase(background) && guess.equalsIgnoreCase(background)))
        throw new RuntimeException("don't know reached here. not meant for more than one entity label: " + gold + " and " + guess);



  public static void countResults(List<CoreLabel> doc, Counter<String> entityTP, Counter<String> entityFP, Counter<String> entityFN,
      String background, Counter<String> wordTP, Counter<String> wordTN, Counter<String> wordFP, Counter<String> wordFN,
      Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>> whichClassToCompare, boolean evalPerEntity) {
    if (evalPerEntity) {
      countResultsPerEntity(doc, entityTP, entityFP, entityFN, background, wordTP, wordTN, wordFP, wordFN, whichClassToCompare);
    } else {
      countResultsPerToken(doc, entityTP, entityFP, entityFN, background, wordTP, wordTN, wordFP, wordFN, whichClassToCompare);

  private void writeLabelDataSents(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {
    for (Entry<String, List<CoreLabel>> sent : sents.entrySet()) {
      writer.write(sent.getKey() + "\t");

      Map<String, Boolean> lastWordLabeled = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
      for (String label : constVars.getLabelDictionary().keySet()) {
        lastWordLabeled.put(label, false);

      for (CoreLabel s : sent.getValue()) {
        String str = "";
        //write them in reverse order
        List<String> listEndedLabels = new ArrayList<String>();
        //to first finish labels before starting
        List<String> startingLabels = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Entry<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>> as : constVars.getAnswerClass().entrySet()) {
          String label = as.getKey();
          boolean lastwordlabeled = lastWordLabeled.get(label);
          if (s.get(as.getValue()).equals(label)) {
            if (!lastwordlabeled) {
            lastWordLabeled.put(label, true);
          } else {
            if (lastwordlabeled) {
            lastWordLabeled.put(label, false);
        for(int i = listEndedLabels.size() -1 ; i >=0; i--)
          str += " </" + listEndedLabels.get(i) + ">";
        for(String label : startingLabels){
          str += " <" + label + "> ";
        str += " " + s.word();
        writer.write(str.trim() + " ");


  public void writeLabeledData(String outFile) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile));

    ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator sentsIter = new ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator(constVars.batchProcessSents);
      Pair<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>, File> sentsf =;
      this.writeLabelDataSents(sentsf.first(), writer);

  public void writeColumnOutput(String outFile) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile));

    ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator sentsIter = new ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator(constVars.batchProcessSents);
      Pair<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>, File> sentsf =;
      this.writeColumnOutputSents(sentsf.first(), writer);

  private void writeColumnOutputSents(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, BufferedWriter writer) throws IOException {
    for (Entry<String, List<CoreLabel>> sent : sents.entrySet()) {

      //writer.write("###"+sent.getKey() + "\n");

      for (CoreLabel s : sent.getValue()) {
        Set<String> labels = new HashSet<String>();
        for (Entry<String, Class<? extends TypesafeMap.Key<String>>> as : constVars.getAnswerClass().entrySet()) {
          String label = as.getKey();
          if (s.get(as.getValue()).equals(label)) {

  // public Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> loadJavaNLPAnnotatorLabeledFile(String
  // labeledFile, Properties props) throws FileNotFoundException {
  // System.out.println("Loading evaluate file " + labeledFile);
  // Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents = new HashMap<String,
  // List<CoreLabel>>();
  // JavaNLPAnnotatorReaderAndWriter j = new JavaNLPAnnotatorReaderAndWriter();
  // j.init(props);
  // Iterator<List<CoreLabel>> iter = j.getIterator(new BufferedReader(new
  // FileReader(labeledFile)));
  // int i = 0;
  // while (iter.hasNext()) {
  // i++;
  // List<CoreLabel> s =;
  // String id = s.get(0).get(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class);
  // if (id == null) {
  // id = Integer.toString(i);
  // }
  // sents.put(id, s);
  // }
  // System.out.println("Read " + sents.size() + " eval sentences");
  // return sents;
  // }

  // private void evaluate(String label, Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents)
  // throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
  // Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "labeling " + learnedWords.get(label));
  // CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer> tokensMatchedPatterns = new
  // CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>();
  // if (restrictToMatched) {
  // if (!alreadySetUp)
  // setUp();
  // List<String> keyset = new ArrayList<String>(sents.keySet());
  // int num = 0;
  // if (constVars.numThreads == 1)
  // num = keyset.size();
  // else
  // num = keyset.size() / (constVars.numThreads - 1);
  // ExecutorService executor = Executors
  // .newFixedThreadPool(constVars.numThreads);
  // // Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "keyset size is " +
  // // keyset.size());
  // List<Future<Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>,
  // SurfaceE>, CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>>>> list = new
  // ArrayList<Future<Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>,
  // SurfaceE>, CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>>>>();
  // for (int i = 0; i < constVars.numThreads; i++) {
  // // Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "assigning from " + i *
  // // num + " till " + Math.min(keyset.size(), (i + 1) * num));
  // Callable<Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, SurfaceE>,
  // CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>>> task = null;
  // task = new ApplyPatterns(keyset.subList(i * num,
  // Math.min(keyset.size(), (i + 1) * num)),
  // this.learnedPatterns.get(label), constVars.commonEngWords,
  // usePatternResultAsLabel, this.learnedWords.get(label).keySet(),
  // restrictToMatched, label,
  // constVars.removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases,
  // constVars.removePhrasesWithStopWords, constVars);
  // Future<Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, SurfaceE>,
  // CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>>> submit = executor
  // .submit(task);
  // list.add(submit);
  // }
  // for (Future<Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>,
  // SurfaceE>, CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>>> future : list) {
  // Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, SurfaceE>,
  // CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>> res = future
  // .get();
  // tokensMatchedPatterns.addAll(res.second());
  // }
  // executor.shutdown();
  // }
  // this.labelWords(label, sents, this.learnedWords.get(label).keySet(),
  // this.learnedPatterns.get(label).keySet(), null, tokensMatchedPatterns);
  // Counter<String> entityTP = new ClassicCounter<String>();
  // Counter<String> entityFP = new ClassicCounter<String>();
  // Counter<String> entityFN = new ClassicCounter<String>();
  // for (Entry<String, List<CoreLabel>> sent : sents.entrySet()) {
  // for (CoreLabel l : sent.getValue()) {
  // if (l.containsKey(constVars.answerClass.get(label))
  // && l.get(constVars.answerClass.get(label)) != null)
  // l.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class,
  // l.get(constVars.answerClass.get(label)).toString());
  // if (!l.containsKey(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class)
  // || l.get(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class) == null) {
  // l.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class,
  // }
  // }
  // CRFClassifier.countResults(sent.getValue(), entityTP, entityFP, entityFN,
  // }
  // Counter<String> precision = Counters.division(entityTP,
  // Counters.add(entityTP, entityFP));
  // Counter<String> recall = Counters.division(entityTP,
  // Counters.add(entityTP, entityFN));
  // Counter<String> fscore = Counters.getFCounter(precision, recall, 1.0);
  // System.out.println("Precision: " + precision);
  // System.out.println("Recall: " + recall);
  // System.out.println("FScore: " + fscore);
  // }

  public void evaluate(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> testSentences, boolean evalPerEntity) throws IOException {

    for (Entry<String, Class<? extends Key<String>>> anscl : constVars.getAnswerClass().entrySet()) {
      String label = anscl.getKey();
      Counter<String> entityTP = new ClassicCounter<String>();
      Counter<String> entityFP = new ClassicCounter<String>();
      Counter<String> entityFN = new ClassicCounter<String>();

      Counter<String> wordTP = new ClassicCounter<String>();
      Counter<String> wordTN = new ClassicCounter<String>();
      Counter<String> wordFP = new ClassicCounter<String>();
      Counter<String> wordFN = new ClassicCounter<String>();

      for (Entry<String, List<CoreLabel>> docEn : testSentences.entrySet()) {
        List<CoreLabel> doc = docEn.getValue();
        List<CoreLabel> doceval = new ArrayList<CoreLabel>();
        for (CoreLabel l : doc) {
          CoreLabel l2 = new CoreLabel();

          if (l.get(anscl.getValue()).equals(label)) {
            l2.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, label);
          } else
            l2.set(CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, constVars.backgroundSymbol);

          // If the gold label is not the label we are calculating the scores
          // for, set it to the background symbol
          if (!l.get(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class).equals(label)) {
            l2.set(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class, constVars.backgroundSymbol);
          } else
            l2.set(CoreAnnotations.GoldAnswerAnnotation.class, label);

        countResults(doceval, entityTP, entityFP, entityFN, constVars.backgroundSymbol, wordTP, wordTN, wordFP, wordFN,
            CoreAnnotations.AnswerAnnotation.class, evalPerEntity); //
      System.out.println("False Positives: " + Counters.toSortedString(wordFP, wordFP.size(), "%s:%.2f", ";"));
      System.out.println("False Negatives: " + Counters.toSortedString(wordFN, wordFN.size(), "%s:%.2f", ";"));

      Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "\nFor label " + label + " True Positives: " + entityTP + "\tFalse Positives: " + entityFP + "\tFalse Negatives: "
          + entityFN);
      Counter<String> precision = Counters.division(entityTP, Counters.add(entityTP, entityFP));
      Counter<String> recall = Counters.division(entityTP, Counters.add(entityTP, entityFN));
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "\nFor label " + label + " Precision: " + precision + ", Recall: " + recall + ", F1 score:  "
          + FScore(precision, recall, 1));
      // Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Total: " +
      // Counters.add(entityFP, entityTP));


  public static <D> Counter<D> FScore(Counter<D> precision, Counter<D> recall, double beta) {
    double betasq = beta * beta;
    return Counters.divisionNonNaN(Counters.scale(Counters.product(precision, recall), (1 + betasq)),
        (Counters.add(Counters.scale(precision, betasq), recall)));

  public static List<File> getAllFiles(String file) {
    List<File> allFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
    for (String tokfile : file.split("[,;]")) {
      File filef = new File(tokfile);
      if (filef.isDirectory()) {
        Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Will read from directory " + filef);
        String path = ".*";
        File dir = filef;
        for (File f : IOUtils.iterFilesRecursive(dir, java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(path))) {
          Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.extremedebug, "Will read from file " + f);
      } else {
        if (filef.exists()) {
          Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Will read from file " + filef);
        } else {
          Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "trying to read from file " + filef);
          //Is this a pattern?
          RegExFileFilter fileFilter = new RegExFileFilter(java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(filef.getName()));
          File dir = new File(tokfile.substring(0, tokfile.lastIndexOf("/")));
          File[] files = dir.listFiles(fileFilter);


    return allFiles;

  private Pair<Double, Double> getPrecisionRecall(String label, Map<String, Boolean> goldWords4Label) {
    Set<String> learnedWords = getLearnedWords(label).keySet();
    int numcorrect = 0, numincorrect = 0;
    int numgoldcorrect = 0;
    for (Entry<String, Boolean> en : goldWords4Label.entrySet()) {
      if (en.getValue())
    Set<String> assumedNeg = new HashSet<String>();
    for (String e : learnedWords) {
      if (!goldWords4Label.containsKey(e)) {

      if (goldWords4Label.get(e)) {
      } else

    if (!assumedNeg.isEmpty())
      System.err.println("Gold entity list does not contain words " + assumedNeg + " for label " + label + ". Assuming them as negative.");

    double precision = numcorrect / (double) (numcorrect + numincorrect);
    double recall = numcorrect / (double) (numgoldcorrect);
    return new Pair<Double, Double>(precision, recall);

  public double FScore(double precision, double recall, double beta) {
    double betasq = beta * beta;
    return (1 + betasq) * precision * recall / (betasq * precision + recall);

  public Set<String> getNonBackgroundLabels(CoreLabel l){
    Set<String> labels = new HashSet<String>();
    for(Map.Entry<String, Class<? extends Key<String>>> en: constVars.getAnswerClass().entrySet()){
    return labels;

  public static Map<String, Set<String>> readSeedWords(Properties props) {
    return readSeedWords(props.getProperty("seedWordsFiles"));

  public static Map<String, Set<String>> readSeedWords(String seedWordsFiles){
    Map<String, Set<String>> seedWords  = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();

    if (seedWordsFiles == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
        "Needs both seedWordsFiles and file parameters to run this class!\nseedWordsFiles has format: label1,filewithlistofwords1;label2,filewithlistofwords2;...");
    for (String seedFile : seedWordsFiles.split(";")) {
      String[] t = seedFile.split(",");
      String label = t[0];
      String seedWordsFile = t[1];
      Set<String> seedWords4Label = new HashSet<String>();
      for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(seedWordsFile)) {
        line = line.trim();
        if (line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#")) {
      seedWords.put(label, seedWords4Label);
      Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug, "Number of seed words for label " + label + " is " + seedWords4Label.size());
    return seedWords;
   * Execute the system give a properties file or object. Returns the model created
   * @param props
  public static<E extends Pattern> GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass<E> run(Properties props) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, InstantiationException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, SQLException {
    Map<String, Set<E>> ignorePatterns = new HashMap<String, Set<E>>();
    Map<String, E> p0 = new HashMap<String, E>();
    Map<String, Counter<String>> p0Set = new HashMap<String, Counter<String>>();

    String fileFormat = props.getProperty("fileFormat");

    Map<String, Set<String>> seedWords = readSeedWords(props);

    Map<String, Class> answerClasses = new HashMap<String, Class>();
    String ansClasses = props.getProperty("answerClasses");
    if (ansClasses != null) {
      for (String l : ansClasses.split(";")) {
        String[] t = l.split(",");
        String label = t[0];
        String cl = t[1];
        Class answerClass = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass(cl);
        answerClasses.put(label, answerClass);

    Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents = null;
    boolean batchProcessSents = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("batchProcessSents", "false"));
    int numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile", String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)));

    if (!batchProcessSents)
      sents = new HashMap<String, List<CoreLabel>>();
    else {
      Data.sentsFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
      Data.sentId2File = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, File>();

    String file = props.getProperty("file");

    String posModelPath = props.getProperty("posModelPath");
    boolean lowercase = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("lowercaseText"));
    boolean useTargetNERRestriction = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("useTargetNERRestriction"));
    boolean useTargetParserParentRestriction = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("useTargetParserParentRestriction"));
    boolean useContextNERRestriction = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("useContextNERRestriction"));

    boolean evaluate = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("evaluate"));
    boolean addEvalSentsToTrain = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("addEvalSentsToTrain"));
    String evalFileWithGoldLabels = props.getProperty("evalFileWithGoldLabels");

    if (file == null && (evalFileWithGoldLabels == null || addEvalSentsToTrain == false)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("No training data! file is " + file + " and evalFileWithGoldLabels is " + evalFileWithGoldLabels
        + " and addEvalSentsToTrain is " + addEvalSentsToTrain);

    File saveSentencesSerDir = null;
    File tempSaveSentencesDir = null;
    //boolean usingDirForSentsInIndex = true;
    // Read training file
    if (file != null) {
      String saveSentencesSerDirstr = props.getProperty("saveSentencesSerDir");
      if (saveSentencesSerDirstr != null) {
        saveSentencesSerDir = new File(saveSentencesSerDirstr);
          IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sents, saveSentencesSerDirstr + "/sents_all.ser");

        String systemdir = System.getProperty("");
      tempSaveSentencesDir = File.createTempFile("sents", ".tmp", new File(systemdir));

      int numFilesTillNow = 0;
      if (fileFormat == null || fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text") || fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("txt")) {
        Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sentsthis = new HashMap<String, List<CoreLabel>>();
        for (File f : GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass.getAllFiles(file)) {
          Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Annotating text in " + f);

          //String text = IOUtils.stringFromFile(f.getAbsolutePath());

          Iterator<String> reader = IOUtils.readLines(f).iterator();
            numFilesTillNow = tokenize(reader, posModelPath, lowercase, useTargetNERRestriction || useContextNERRestriction, f.getName() + "-" + numFilesTillNow+"-",
              useTargetParserParentRestriction, props.getProperty("numThreads"), batchProcessSents, numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile,
              saveSentencesSerDir == null? tempSaveSentencesDir : saveSentencesSerDir, sentsthis, numFilesTillNow);

          if (!batchProcessSents) {

        if (!batchProcessSents) {
          IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sents, (saveSentencesSerDir == null? tempSaveSentencesDir: saveSentencesSerDir) + "/sents_" + numFilesTillNow);

      } else if (fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("ser")) {
        //usingDirForSentsInIndex = false;
        for (File f : GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass.getAllFiles(file)) {
          Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "reading from ser file " + f);
          if (!batchProcessSents)
            sents.putAll((Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>) IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f));
            File newf = new File(tempSaveSentencesDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + f.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll(java.util.regex.Pattern.quote("/"), "_"));
            IOUtils.cp(f, newf);

//            Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sentsFromFile = IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f);
//            Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> splitSents = new HashMap<String, List<CoreLabel>>();
//            int num =0 ;
//            int numFile = -1;
//            for(Entry<String, List<CoreLabel>> en: sentsFromFile.entrySet()){
//              num++;
//              splitSents.put(en.getKey(), en.getValue());
//              if(num >= numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile){
//                numFile++;
//                File newf = new File(tempSaveSentencesDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + f.getAbsolutePath().replaceAll(Pattern.quote("/"), "_") +"_"+numFile);
//                IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(splitSents, newf);
//                Data.sentsFiles.add(newf);
//                splitSents.clear();
//                num = 0;
//              }
//            }
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException(
          "Cannot identify the file format. Valid values are text (or txt) and ser, where the serialized file is of the type Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>.");

    Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> evalsents = new HashMap<String, List<CoreLabel>>();
    File saveEvalSentencesSerFileFile = null;

    // Read Evaluation File
    if (evaluate) {
      if (evalFileWithGoldLabels != null) {

        String saveEvalSentencesSerFile = props.getProperty("saveEvalSentencesSerFile");
        if (saveEvalSentencesSerFile == null) {
          String systemdir = System.getProperty("");
          saveEvalSentencesSerFileFile = File.createTempFile("evalsents", ".tmp", new File(systemdir));
        } else
          saveEvalSentencesSerFileFile = new File(saveEvalSentencesSerFile);

        Map setClassForTheseLabels = new HashMap<String, Class>();
        //boolean splitOnPunct = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("splitOnPunct", "true"));
        List<File> allFiles = GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass.getAllFiles(evalFileWithGoldLabels);
        int numFile = 0;
        String evalFileFormat = props.getProperty("evalFileFormat");
        if (evalFileFormat == null || evalFileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("text") || evalFileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("txt")) {
          for (File f : allFiles) {
            Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Annotating text in " + f + ". Num file " + numFile);
            List<CoreMap> sentsCMs = AnnotatedTextReader.parseFile(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)), seedWords.keySet(),
              setClassForTheseLabels, true, f.getName());
            evalsents.putAll(runPOSNEROnTokens(sentsCMs, posModelPath, useTargetNERRestriction || useContextNERRestriction, "",
              useTargetParserParentRestriction, props.getProperty("numThreads")));

        } else if (fileFormat.equalsIgnoreCase("ser")) {
          for (File f : allFiles) {
            evalsents.putAll((Map<? extends String, ? extends List<CoreLabel>>) IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f));
        // if (addEvalSentsToTrain) {
        Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Adding " + evalsents.size() + " eval sents to the training set");

        // }

        IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(evalsents, saveEvalSentencesSerFileFile);

        if (batchProcessSents) {


          for(String k: evalsents.keySet())
            Data.sentId2File.put(k, saveEvalSentencesSerFileFile);
        } else

    boolean learn = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("learn", "true"));

    boolean labelUsingSeedSets = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("labelUsingSeedSets", "true"));

    GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass<E> model = new GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass<E>(props, sents, seedWords, labelUsingSeedSets);

//    model.constVars.usingDirForSentsInIndex = usingDirForSentsInIndex;
//    model.constVars.saveSentencesSerDir = saveSentencesSerDir;

    Execution.fillOptions(model, props);

    // Redwood.log(ConstantsAndVariables.minimaldebug,
    // "Total number of training sentences " + Data.sents.size());

    String sentsOutFile = props.getProperty("sentsOutFile");

    String wordsOutputFile = props.getProperty("wordsOutputFile");

    String patternOutFile = props.getProperty("patternOutFile");

    // If you want to reuse patterns and words learned previously (may be on
    // another dataset etc)
    boolean loadSavedPatternsWordsDir = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("loadSavedPatternsWordsDir"));
    boolean labelSentsUsingModel = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("labelSentsUsingModel","true"));
    boolean applyPatsUsingModel = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("applyPatsUsingModel","true"));
    //Load already save pattersn and phrases
    if (loadSavedPatternsWordsDir) {
      loadFromSavedPatternsWordsDir(model , props, labelSentsUsingModel, applyPatsUsingModel);

    if (learn)
      model.iterateExtractApply(p0, p0Set, wordsOutputFile, sentsOutFile, patternOutFile, ignorePatterns);

    if (model.constVars.markedOutputTextFile != null) {

    if(model.constVars.columnOutputFile != null)

    boolean savePatternsWordsDir = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("savePatternsWordsDir"));

    if (savePatternsWordsDir) {
      String patternsWordsDir = props.getProperty("patternsWordsDir");
      //save pattern index!
//      if(!model.patsForEachToken.getUseDBForTokenPatterns() && model.constVars.allPatternsDir == null){
//        String allPatsDir = patternsWordsDir+"/allpatterns/";
//        IOUtils.ensureDir(new File(allPatsDir));
//        model.savePatternIndex(allPatsDir);
//        Redwood.log(Redwood.FORCE, "WARNING: SAVING OF THE MODEL IS SET BUT allPatternsDir IS NOT SET. SAVING ALL PATTERNS DIR TO " + allPatsDir+ ". USE THIS AS allPatternsDir WHEN LOADING THE MODEL!");
//      } //else if using DB, already saved when creating patterns;

      for (String label : model.constVars.getLabelDictionary().keySet()) {
        IOUtils.ensureDir(new File(patternsWordsDir + "/" + label));
        Counter<E> pats = model.getLearnedPatterns(label);
        //Counter<E> patsSur = model.constVars.transformPatternsToSurface(pats);
        IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(pats, patternsWordsDir + "/" + label + "/patterns.ser");
        BufferedWriter w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(patternsWordsDir + "/" + label + "/phrases.txt"));
        model.writeWordsToFile(model.getLearnedWords(label), w);


    if (evaluate) {
      // The format of goldEntitiesEvalFiles is assumed same as
      // seedwordsfiles: label,file;label2,file2;...
      // Each file of gold entities consists of each entity in newline with
      // incorrect entities marked with "#" at the end of the entity.
      // Learned entities not present in the gold file are considered
      // negative.
      String goldEntitiesEvalFiles = props.getProperty("goldEntitiesEvalFiles");
      if (goldEntitiesEvalFiles != null) {
        for (String gfile : goldEntitiesEvalFiles.split(";")) {
          String[] t = gfile.split(",");
          String label = t[0];
          String goldfile = t[1];
          Map<String, Boolean> goldWords4Label = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
          for (String line : IOUtils.readLines(goldfile)) {
            line = line.trim();
            if (line.isEmpty())

            if (line.endsWith("#"))
              goldWords4Label.put(line.substring(0, line.length() - 1), false);
              goldWords4Label.put(line, true);
          Pair<Double, Double> pr = model.getPrecisionRecall(label, goldWords4Label);
            "\nFor label " + label + ": Number of gold entities is " + goldWords4Label.size() + ", Precision is " + model.df.format(pr.first() * 100)
              + ", Recall is " + model.df.format(pr.second() * 100) + ", F1 is " + model.df.format(model.FScore(pr.first(), pr.second(), 1.0) * 100)
              + "\n\n");

      if (saveEvalSentencesSerFileFile != null && saveEvalSentencesSerFileFile.exists()) {
        if (batchProcessSents)
          evalsents = IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(saveEvalSentencesSerFileFile);
        boolean evalPerEntity = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("evalPerEntity", "true"));
        model.evaluate(evalsents, evalPerEntity);

      if (evalsents.size() == 0 && goldEntitiesEvalFiles == null)
        System.err.println("No eval sentences or list of gold entities provided to evaluate! Make sure evalFileWithGoldLabels or goldEntitiesEvalFiles is set, or turn off the evaluate flag");



    return model;

  private static<E extends Pattern> void loadFromSavedPatternsWordsDir(GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass<E> model, Properties props, boolean labelSentsUsingModel, boolean applyPatsUsingModel) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    String patternsWordsDir = props.getProperty("patternsWordsDir");
    String sentsOutFile = props.getProperty("sentsOutFile");

    for (String label : model.constVars.getLabelDictionary().keySet()) {
      assert (new File(patternsWordsDir + "/" + label).exists());

     /* if(!model.constVars.useDBForTokenPatterns){
        assert model.constVars.allPatternsDir != null && new File(model.constVars.allPatternsDir).exists() : "Should save allPatternsFile when saving the model and use that";
        model.patsForEachToken = new PatternsForEachToken(props, IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(model.constVars.allPatternsDir+"/allpatterns.ser"));
        model.constVars.setPatternIndex( IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(model.constVars.allPatternsDir+"/patternshashindex.ser"));
      }else {
        props.setProperty("createTable", "false");
        props.setProperty("deleteExisting", "false");
        model.patsForEachToken = new PatternsForEachToken(props);

      File patf = new File(patternsWordsDir + "/" + label + "/patterns.ser");
      if (patf.exists()) {
        Counter<E> patterns = IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(patf);
        Counter<E> patternsIndexed = patterns;
        //new ClassicCounter<E>();
        for(Entry<E, Double> en: patterns.entrySet())
//          patternsIndexed.setCount(model.constVars.getPatternIndex().addToIndex(en.getKey()), en.getValue());
        //  patternsIndexed.setCount(en.getKey(), en.getValue());

        model.setLearnedPatterns(patternsIndexed, label);
        Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Loaded " + patterns.size() + " patterns from " + patf);

      File wordf = new File(patternsWordsDir + "/" + label + "/phrases.txt");
      if (wordf.exists()) {
        Counter<String> words = model.readLearnedWordsFromFile(wordf);
        model.setLearnedWords(words, label);
        Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "Loaded " + words.size() + " phrases from " + wordf);
      CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>> matchedTokensByPat = new CollectionValuedMap<>();

      Iterator<Pair<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>, File>> sentsIter = new ConstantsAndVariables.DataSentsIterator(model.constVars.batchProcessSents);
      TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, E> wordsandLemmaPatExtracted = new TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, E>();

        Pair<Map<String, List<CoreLabel>>, File> sents =;
        if (model.constVars.restrictToMatched || applyPatsUsingModel) {
          model.constVars.invertedIndex.add(sents.first(), true);
          model.constVars.invertedIndex.add(sents.first(), true);
          model.scorePhrases.applyPats(model.getLearnedPatterns(label), label, wordsandLemmaPatExtracted, matchedTokensByPat);
            Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "labeling sentences from " + sents.second() + " with the already learned words");
            assert sents.first() != null : "Why are sents null";
            model.labelWords(label, sents.first(), model.getLearnedWords(label).keySet(), sentsOutFile, matchedTokensByPat);
            IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sents, sents.second());

//      if(labelSentsUsingModel){
//        if (model.constVars.batchProcessSents) {
//          for (File f : Data.sentsFiles) {
//            Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "labeling sentences from " + f + " with the already learned words");
//            Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sentsf = IOUtils.readObjectFromFile(f);
//            assert sentsf != null : "Why are sents null";
//            model.labelWords(label, sentsf, model.getLearnedWords(label).keySet(), sentsOutFile, matchedTokensByPat);
//            IOUtils.writeObjectToFile(sentsf, f);
//          }
//        } else
//          model.labelWords(label, Data.sents, model.getLearnedWords(label).keySet(), sentsOutFile, matchedTokensByPat);
//      }

  public static String elapsedTime(Date d1, Date d2){
    Interval interval = new Interval(d1.getTime(), d2.getTime());
    Period period = interval.toPeriod();
    return period.getDays() + " days, " + period.getHours()+" hours, " + period.getMinutes()  +" minutes, " +period.getSeconds()+" seconds";

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      Properties props = StringUtils.argsToPropertiesWithResolve(args);
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
      System.out.println("Out of memory! Either change the memory alloted by running as java -mx20g ... for example if you want to allot 20G. Or consider using batchProcessSents and numMaxSentencesPerBatchFile flags");
    } catch (Exception e) {
  } // end main()


Related Classes of edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface.GetPatternsFromDataMultiClass$LabelWithSeedWords

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