Package org.sql2o.issues

Source Code of org.sql2o.issues.IssuesTest$Issue9Pojo

package org.sql2o.issues;

import org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import org.sql2o.Connection;
import org.sql2o.Query;
import org.sql2o.Sql2o;
import org.sql2o.Sql2oException;
import org.sql2o.issues.pojos.Issue1Pojo;
import org.sql2o.issues.pojos.KeyValueEntity;

import java.sql.Driver;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: lars
* Date: 10/17/11
* Time: 9:02 PM
* This class is to test for reported issues.
public class IssuesTest {

    @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{index} - {4}")
    public static Collection<Object[]> getData(){
        return Arrays.asList(new Object[][]{
                {null, "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1","sa", "", "H2 test" },
                {new jdbcDriver(), "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testmemdb", "SA", "", "HyperSQL DB test"}

    private Sql2o sql2o;
    private String url;
    private String user;
    private String pass;

    public IssuesTest(Driver driverToRegister, String url, String user, String pass, String testName){
        if (driverToRegister != null) {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("could not register driver '" + driverToRegister.getClass().getName() + "'", e);

        this.sql2o = new Sql2o(url, user, pass);

        this.url = url;
        this.user = user;
        this.pass = pass;

        if ("HyperSQL DB test".equals( testName )) {
            sql2o.createQuery("set database sql syntax MSS true").executeUpdate();

     * Tests for issue #1
     * Issue:
     * I have a case where I need to override/modify the value loaded from db.
     * I want to do this in a setter but the current version of sql2o modifies the property directly.
     * Comment:
     * The priority was wrong. Sql2o would try to set the field first, and afterwards the setter. The priority should be
     * the setter first and the field after.
    @Test public void testSetterPriority(){
        Sql2o sql2o = new Sql2o(url, user, pass);
        Issue1Pojo pojo = sql2o.createQuery("select 1 val from (values(0))").executeAndFetchFirst(Issue1Pojo.class);

        assertEquals(2, pojo.val);


     *  Tests for issue #2
     *  Issue: NPE - should instead tell what the problem is
    @Test public void testForFieldDoesNotExistException(){
        Sql2o sql2o = new Sql2o(url, user, pass);

            KeyValueEntity pojo = sql2o.createQuery("select 1 id, 'something' foo from (values(0))").executeAndFetchFirst(KeyValueEntity.class);
        catch(Sql2oException ex){
            assertTrue(ex.getMessage().contains("Could not map"));

     *  Tests for issue #3
     *  Issue: If an exception occures in the database, while executing batch update,
     *  the database connection is not closed correctly.
    @Test public void testForConnectionStateAfterBatchException() throws SQLException {
        sql2o.createQuery("create table issue3table(id integer identity primary key, val varchar(5))").executeUpdate();
        boolean failed = false;

        Connection connection = sql2o.beginTransaction();

            connection.createQuery("insert into issue3table(val) values(:val)")
                .addParameter("val", "abcde").addToBatch()
                .addParameter("val", "abcdefg").addToBatch() // should fail
                .addParameter("val", "hello").addToBatch()
        catch(Sql2oException ex){
            failed = true;
            System.out.println("expected exception occured, msg: " + ex.getMessage());


        assertTrue("Assert that connection is correctly closed (with transaction)", connection.getJdbcConnection().isClosed() );
        // same test, but not in a transaction
        Query query = sql2o.createQuery("insert into issue3table(val) values(:val)")
            .addParameter("val", "abcde").addToBatch()
            .addParameter("val", "abcdefg").addToBatch() // should fail
            .addParameter("val", "hello").addToBatch();
        boolean failed2 = false;
        catch(Sql2oException ex){
            failed2 = true;
            System.out.println("expected error: " + ex.toString());


        assertTrue("Assert that connection is correctly closed (no transaction)", query.getConnection().getJdbcConnection().isClosed());

     *  Tests for issue #4
     *  NPE when typing wrong column name in row.get(...)
     *  Also, column name should not be case sensitive, if sql2o not is in casesensitive property is false.
    @Test public void testForNpeInRowGet(){
        sql2o.createQuery("create table issue4table(id integer identity primary key, val varchar(20))").executeUpdate();
        sql2o.createQuery("insert into issue4table (val) values (:val)")
            .addParameter("val", "something").addToBatch()
            .addParameter("val", "something else").addToBatch()
            .addParameter("val", "hello").addToBatch()
        Table table = sql2o.createQuery("select * from issue4table").executeAndFetchTable();

        Row row0 = table.rows().get(0);
        String row0Val = row0.getString("vAl");
        assertEquals("something", row0Val);
        Row row1 = table.rows().get(1);
        boolean failed = false;
            String row1Value = row1.getString("ahsHashah"); // Should fail with an sql2o exception
        catch(Sql2oException ex){
            failed = true;

            assertTrue(ex.getMessage().startsWith("Column with name 'ahsHashah' does not exist"));

        assertTrue("assert that exception occurred", failed);
    public static class Issue5POJO{
        public int id;
        public int val;
    public static class Issue5POJO2{
        public int id;
        public int val;

        public int getVal() {
            return val;

        public void setVal(int val) {
            this.val = val;

     *  Tests for issue #5
     *  crashes if the POJO has a int field where we try to set a null value
    @Test public void testForNullToSimpeType(){
        sql2o.createQuery("create table issue5table(id int identity primary key, val integer)").executeUpdate();

        sql2o.createQuery("insert into issue5table(val) values (:val)").addParameter("val", (Object)null).executeUpdate();

        List<Issue5POJO> list1 = sql2o.createQuery("select * from issue5table").executeAndFetch(Issue5POJO.class);
        List<Issue5POJO2> list2 = sql2o.createQuery("select * from issue5table").executeAndFetch(Issue5POJO2.class);
        assertEquals(1, list1.size());
        assertEquals(1, list2.size());
        assertEquals(0, list1.get(0).val);
        assertEquals(0, list2.get(0).getVal());

     * Tests for issue #9
     * When running a select query with column labels (aliases) in HSQLDB, sql2o is still trying to use column names
     * wheWhen running a select query with column labels (aliases) in HSQLDB, sql2o is still trying to use column names when mapping to java classes. This is caused by a behavior in HSQLDB, that is different from most other databases. the ResultSet.getColumnName() method will still return the real column name, even though a label was used. To get the label with HSQLDB, ResultSet.getColumnLabel().n mapping to java classes. This is caused by a behavior in HSQLDB, that is different from most other databases.
     * the ResultSet.getColumnName() method will still return the real column name, even though a label was used. To get
     * the label with HSQLDB, ResultSet.getColumnLabel().
    @Test public void testForLabelErrorInHsqlDb(){
        sql2o.createQuery("create table issue9test (id integer identity primary key, val varchar(50))").executeUpdate();

        String insertSql = "insert into issue9test(val) values (:val)";
        sql2o.createQuery(insertSql).addParameter("val", "something").executeUpdate();
        sql2o.createQuery(insertSql).addParameter("val", "something else").executeUpdate();
        sql2o.createQuery(insertSql).addParameter("val", "something third").executeUpdate();

        List<Issue9Pojo> pojos = sql2o.createQuery("select id, val theVal from issue9Test").executeAndFetch(Issue9Pojo.class);

        assertEquals(3, pojos.size());
        assertEquals("something", pojos.get(0).theVal);


    public static enum WhatEverEnum{

    @Test public void testForNullPointerExceptionInAddParameterMethod() {
        sql2o.createQuery("create table issue11test (id integer identity primary key, val varchar(50), adate datetime)").executeUpdate();

        String insertSql = "insert into issue11test (val, adate) values (:val, :date)";
        sql2o.createQuery(insertSql).addParameter("val", WhatEverEnum.VAL).addParameter("date", new DateTime()).executeUpdate();
        DateTime dtNull = null;
        WhatEverEnum enumNull = null;

        sql2o.createQuery(insertSql).addParameter("val", enumNull).addParameter("date", dtNull).executeUpdate();

     * Test for issue #132 ( )
     * Ref change done in pull request #75
     * Also see comment on google groups

     * If a column cannot be mapped to a property, an exception should be thrown. Today it is silently ignored.
    @Test public void testErrorWhenFieldDoesntExist() {

        class LocalPojo {
            private long id;
            private String strVal;

            public long getId() {
                return id;

            public String getStrVal() {
                return strVal;

        String createQuery = "create table testErrorWhenFieldDoesntExist(id_val integer primary key, str_val varchar(100))";

        try (Connection connection = {

            String insertSql = "insert into testErrorWhenFieldDoesntExist(id_val, str_val) values (:val1, :val2)";
                    .addParameter("val1", 1)
                    .addParameter("val2", "test")

            Exception ex = null;
            try {
                // This is expected to fail to map columns and throw an exception.
                LocalPojo p = connection.createQuery("select * from testErrorWhenFieldDoesntExist")
            } catch(Exception e) {
                ex = e;


    public static class Issue9Pojo {
        public int id;
        public String theVal;

     * Test for issue #148 (
     * ## IndexOutOfRange exception
     * When a resultset has multiple columns with the same name, sql2o 1.5.1 will throw an IndexOutOfRange exception when calling executeAndFetchTable() method.
    public void testIndexOutOfRangeExceptionWithMultipleColumnsWithSameName() {

        class ThePojo {
            public int id;
            public String name;

        String sql = "select 11 id, 'something' name, 'something else' name from (values(0))";

        ThePojo p;
        Table t;
        try (Connection connection = {
            p = connection.createQuery(sql).executeAndFetchFirst(ThePojo.class);

            t = connection.createQuery(sql).executeAndFetchTable();

        assertEquals("something else",;

        assertEquals(11, (int)t.rows().get(0).getInteger("id"));
        assertEquals("something else", t.rows().get(0).getString("name"));

     * Reproduce issue #142 (
    public void testIgnoreSqlComments() {

        class ThePojo {
            public int id;
            public int intval;
            public String strval;

        String createSql = "create table testIgnoreSqlComments(id integer primary key, intval integer, strval varchar(100))";

        String insertQuery =
                "insert into testIgnoreSqlComments (id, intval, strval)\n " +
                "-- It's a comment!\n" +
                "values (:id, :intval, :strval);";

        String fetchQuery =
                "select id, intval, strval\n" +
                "-- a 'comment'\n" +
                "from testIgnoreSqlComments\n" +
                "/* and, it's another type of comment!*/" +
                "where intval = :param";

        try (Connection connection = {

            for (int idx = 0; idx < 100; idx++) {
                int intval = idx % 10;
                        .addParameter("id", idx)
                        .addParameter("intval", intval)
                        .addParameter("strval", "teststring" + idx)

            List<ThePojo> resultList = connection.createQuery(fetchQuery)
                    .addParameter("param", 5)

            assertEquals(10, resultList.size());

Related Classes of org.sql2o.issues.IssuesTest$Issue9Pojo

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