Package org.intalio.tempo.workflow.tms.client.dependent_tests

Source Code of org.intalio.tempo.workflow.tms.client.dependent_tests.RemoteAbsenceRequestTest

* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Intalio inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Intalio inc. - initial API and implementation
package org.intalio.tempo.workflow.tms.client.dependent_tests;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import junit.framework.Assert;
import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.intalio.tempo.workflow.task.Notification;
import org.intalio.tempo.workflow.task.PATask;
import org.intalio.tempo.workflow.task.Task;
import org.intalio.tempo.workflow.task.xml.XmlTooling;
import org.intalio.tempo.workflow.tms.client.TempoClient;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

* This supports a fully absence request samples through code and soap requests
* only
public class RemoteAbsenceRequestTest extends TestCase {
    static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RemoteAbsenceRequestTest.class);
    static final String TOKEN_SERVICE = "http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/TokenService";
    static final String TMS_SERVICE = "http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/TaskManagementServices";
    static final String TASK_MANAGEMENT_PROCESS = "http://localhost:8080/ode/processes/completeTask";
    static final String TASK_MANAGEMENT_PROCESS_WORKFLOW = "http://localhost:8080/fds/workflow/xform";

    static final XmlTooling xmlTooling = new XmlTooling();
    static final int SLEEP_TIME = 5000;
    static final int MICRO_SLEEP_TIME = 400;

     * This sets the different parameters we'll use through this test
     * @throws Exception
    public void testAbsenceRequest() throws Exception {
        // We'll use those parameters for login
        String paramUser = "examples\\ewilliams";
        String paramPassword = "password";

        // We'll use those parameters for initiating the process
        HashMap<String, Object> pipa = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        Map<String, String> employee = new HashMap<String, String>();
        employee.put("name", "Nicolas");
        employee.put("phone", "+1(650)596-1801");
        employee.put("email", "");
        Map<String, String> contact = new HashMap<String, String>();
        contact.put("name", "George Michael");
        contact.put("phone", "+1(650)596-1802");
        contact.put("email", "");
        pipa.put("notes", "Those are some comments");
        pipa.put("employee", employee);
        pipa.put("contact", contact);
        List<HashMap<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            HashMap<String, String> request = new HashMap<String, String>();
            request.put("from", "2008-12-04");
            request.put("to", "2008-12-28");
            request.put("type", "holidays");
            request.put("hours", "200");
        pipa.put("requests", list);

        // We'll use those parameters to complete the task
        HashMap abrComplete = new HashMap();
        abrComplete.put("comment", "It is a great day for some comments");
        abrComplete.put("approved", "false");
        Map<String, String> person = new HashMap<String, String>();
        person.put("name", "George Michael");
        person.put("phone", "+1(650)596-1802");
        person.put("email", "");
        abrComplete.put("contact", person);

        // Standard absence request
        runAbsenceRequest(paramUser, paramPassword, pipa, abrComplete);

        // Provoke a fail by calling while the task has been created
        runAbsenceRequestWithOptionalCall(paramUser, paramPassword, pipa, abrComplete, "fail");

        // Provoke a skip by calling TMP.skip while the task has been created
        // runAbsenceRequestWithOptionalCall(paramUser, paramPassword, pipa, complete, "skip");

        // Provoke a delete by calling TMS.delete while the task has been
        // created.
        runAbsenceRequestWithOptionalCall("admin", "changeit", pipa, abrComplete, "delete");

        // Provoke a deleteAll by calling TMS.deleteAll while the task has been
        // created.
        runAbsenceRequestWithOptionalCall("admin", "changeit", pipa, abrComplete, "deleteAll");

        // Provoke a reassign to a new user. If we reassign to a new user, it
        // will disappear from the list, so we're good. (hint: hack!)
        runAbsenceRequestWithOptionalCall("admin", "changeit", pipa, abrComplete, "reassign");
        // Runs consecutive claim and revoke calls.
        runAbsenceRequestWithRandomClaimRevokeTMPCalls(paramUser, paramPassword, pipa, abrComplete);

     * Run the examples with the given parameters
    private void runAbsenceRequest(String paramUser, String paramPassword, HashMap pipa, HashMap complete) throws Exception {"Instanciate token service client");
        TokenClient client = new TokenClient(TOKEN_SERVICE);"We are trying to authenticate as user:" + paramUser + " with password:" + paramPassword);
        String token = client.authenticateUser(paramUser, paramPassword);
      "We have gained a token from the token service. We can use it to call authenticated tempo services");
        Property[] props = client.getTokenProperties(token);
        String user = (String) PropertyUtils.getProperty(props, AuthenticationConstants.PROPERTY_USER).getValue();"Decrypting the token properties. We have successfully logged in as:" + user);"Instanciate tms service client");
        TempoClient tempoClient = new TempoClient("http://localhost:8080", token, client);
        //RemoteTMSClient tms = new RemoteTMSClient(TMS_SERVICE, token);"get the pipa corresponding to the absence request, by making a query on our available tasks");
        Task[] ts = tempoClient.getAvailableTasks("PIPATask", "T._description like '%Examples%'");

        String pipaID = ts[0].getID();"We have found the task to instanciate the process. This task has the following ID:" + pipaID);
        tempoClient.init(pipaID, tempoClient.createMessageAsDocument(pipa, "abr_initPipa.ftl"));"wait for the task to be initiated. Hopefully 2s is enough");
        Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME);"get our full activity task list");
        Task[] paList = tempoClient.getAvailableTasks("PATask", "ORDER BY T._creationDate DESC");"get the id of the activity task");
        String id = paList[0].getID();"We're about to start using PATask with id:" + id);"We cannot get input and output of a task on a get task list call (see WSDL)");"Let's call TMS again to get the full input and output data of this PATask");
        PATask task = (PATask) tempoClient.getTask(id);"" + "\nChecking the task metadata..." + "\nThe task has been created on:" + task.getCreationDate() + "\nIt has the following description:"
                        + task.getDescription() + "\nIt is attached to the process with id:" + task.getProcessID() + "\nIt is attached to the following form:"
                        + task.getFormURLAsString() + "\nIt is in the following state:" + task.getState() + "\nIt has the following input:\n"
                        + task.getInputAsXmlString() + "\nIt can be assigned to the following roles:" + task.getRoleOwners()
                        + "\nIt can be assigned to the following users:" + task.getUserOwners());"Let's claim the task: no one else can access this task apart from user:" + user);
        tempoClient.claim(id, user);"Let's revoke the task:every one can access this task again");
        tempoClient.revoke(id);"Call setoutput from TMS Client");
        tempoClient.setOutput(id, tempoClient.createMessageAsDocument(complete, "abr_output.ftl"));"Check the output we've just set");
        String outputAsXmlString = ((PATask)tempoClient.getTask(id)).getOutputAsXmlString();;"complete the PA task with some output");
        tempoClient.complete(id, complete, "abr_output.ftl");
        //sendSoapToTMP(complete(token, id, complete), "completeTask");"sleep again to wait for the notification");
        Task[] ts2 = tempoClient.getAvailableTasks("Notification", "ORDER BY T._creationDate DESC");
        String notificationId = ts2[0].getID();"We want to retrieve some more data on the notification with id:" + notificationId);
        Notification notification = (Notification) tempoClient.getTask(notificationId);"The notification has the following:" + "\nInput:" + xmlTooling.serializeXML(notification.getInput()) + "\nCreation Date:"
                        + notification.getCreationDate() + "\nAttached Form:" + notification.getFormURLAsString() + "\nDescription:"
                        + notification.getDescription());"Dismiss this notification");

     * Quite a few different call to check that the release is in good shape.
    private void runAbsenceRequestWithOptionalCall(String paramUser, String paramPassword, HashMap pipa, HashMap complete, String optionalCall)
                    throws Exception {"Running absence request with optional call to:" + optionalCall);"Get the token client and authenticate");
        TokenClient client = new TokenClient(TOKEN_SERVICE);
        String token = client.authenticateUser(paramUser, paramPassword);"get the tms client");
        //RemoteTMSClient tms = new RemoteTMSClient(TMS_SERVICE, token);
        TempoClient tempoClient = new TempoClient("http://localhost:8080", token, client);
      "get the absence request PIPA");
        Task[] ts = tempoClient.getAvailableTasks("PIPATask", "T._description like '%Examples%'");
        String pipaID = ts[0].getID();"Init the process and wait");
        tempoClient.init(pipaID, tempoClient.createMessageAsDocument(pipa, "abr_initPipa.ftl"));
        Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME);"check the new task has appeared");
        Task[] paList = tempoClient.getAvailableTasks("PATask", "T._state = TaskState.READY ORDER BY T._creationDate DESC");
        String id = paList[0].getID();"keep track of the current time");
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();"do the optional call.");

        // skip needs to be called on TMP first.
        if (optionalCall.equals("skip"))
        else if (optionalCall.equals("fail"))
, "0", "Error message");
        else if (optionalCall.equals("delete"))
          tempoClient.delete(new String[] { id });
        else if (optionalCall.equals("deleteAll"))
          tempoClient.deleteAll("false", "T._state = TaskState.READY", "PATask");
        else if (optionalCall.equals("reassign"))
            tempoClient.reassign(id, "examples/msmith");
            throw new Exception("invalid optional call:" + optionalCall);"wait some more so that we process the optional call");
        Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME);"check the task has disappeared. All the call we've done make the task not showing the user task list anymore");
        Task[] ts2 = tempoClient.getAvailableTasks("PATask", "T._state = TaskState.READY ORDER BY T._creationDate DESC");
        Assert.assertEquals(0, ts2.length);

        if (optionalCall.equals("skip")) {
  "for skip, we're doing one extra check to see if the state of the task is appropriately OBSOLETE");
            Task[] ts3 = tempoClient.getAvailableTasks("PATask", "T._state = TaskState.OBSOLETE ORDER BY T._creationDate DESC");
            long time = currentTime - ts3[0].getCreationDate().getTime();
            Assert.assertTrue(time > 0);
            Assert.assertTrue(time < 5000); // 2*SLEEP_TIME + 1s of computer
            // work margin

     * This is to check, we have no problems completing the task after numerous (possibly conflicting) CLAIM/REVOKE requests
    private void runAbsenceRequestWithRandomClaimRevokeTMPCalls(String paramUser, String paramPassword, HashMap pipa, HashMap complete) throws Exception {
        TokenClient client = new TokenClient(TOKEN_SERVICE);
        String token = client.authenticateUser(paramUser, paramPassword);
        //RemoteTMSClient tms = new RemoteTMSClient(TMS_SERVICE, token);
        TempoClient tempoClient = new TempoClient("http://localhost:8080", token, client);
        Task[] ts = tempoClient.getAvailableTasks("PIPATask", "T._description like '%Examples%'");
        String pipaID = ts[0].getID();
        tempoClient.init(pipaID, tempoClient.createMessageAsDocument(pipa, "abr_initPipa.ftl"));
        String id = tempoClient.getAvailableTasks("PATask", "T._description like '%Approval%' ORDER BY T._creationDate DESC")[0].getID();
        SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            if (r.nextBoolean()) {
              tempoClient.claim(id, paramUser);
            } else {

//    private Document createOutputMessage(HashMap complete) throws Exception {
//        return new XmlTooling().parseXML(templateMe("abr_output.ftl", complete));
//    }


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