Package org.geotools.process.raster

Source Code of org.geotools.process.raster.GridConvergenceAngleCalc

* GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
* (C) 2014, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
* (C) 2014 TOPP -
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
package org.geotools.process.raster;

import org.geotools.geometry.DirectPosition2D;
import org.geotools.referencing.GeodeticCalculator;
import org.opengis.geometry.DirectPosition;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.AxisDirection;
import org.opengis.referencing.cs.CoordinateSystemAxis;

* Used to calculate an estimate for the Grid Convergence Angle at a point within a 2D Coordinate Reference System. The Grid Convergence Angle at any
* point on a projected 2D map is the difference between "up" or "grid north" on the map at that point and True North. Since the map is projected, the
* Grid Convergence Angle can change at each point on the map; True North can be in a different Cartesian direction on the flat map for every point.
* One example impact of this is that vectors cannot be accurately drawn on the screen by simply rotating them a certain amount in "screen degrees."
* This class, then, is used to estimate the Grid Convergence Angle at those points. Though the underlying meaning is the same, different mapping
* conventions define the angle's direction (+/-) and beginning point / ending point differently. Therefore, for the purposes of this code, the Grid
* Convergence Angle is defined as the angle (C) FROM true north TO grid north with 0 deg up and angles increasing positively clockwise. So, for the
* example below, C would be approximately -33 deg, since the angle FROM true north TO grid north is Counter-Clockwise.
* <pre>
*                         Up
*                     Grid North
*                         0 deg    True North
*                         |       .
*                         |  C  .
*                         |   .
*                         | .
*       270 deg-----------O--------------90 deg
*                         |
*                         |
*                         |
*                         |
*                         |
*                         180 deg
* </pre>
* This class uses the GeoTools GeodeticCalculator for performing underlying calculations. <br>
* <br>
* Some literature (don't have a link) says that the Grid Covergence Angle is really the angle between a line extending toward grid north and one
* extending toward true north THAT HAVE BEEN PROJECTED into the map projection, but suggests the difference between this angle and the way the angle
* is being estimated here is small. May want some verification of that. <br>
* <br>
* @author Mike Grogan, WeatherFlow, Inc., Synoptic <br>
* <br>
* @see
* @see
final class GridConvergenceAngleCalc {

    /** Input Coverage CRS */
    private final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs;

    /** Operator used for calculating the GridConvergence angle */
    private GeodeticCalculator geoCalc;

    /** Index associated to the "up" axis */
    private final int upAxisDimension;

     * Constructs a new GridConvergenceAngleCalc for a given CoordinateReferenceSystem
     * @param crs CoordinateReferenceSystem for which to construct a new GridConvergenceAngleCalc.
     * @throws Exception
    public GridConvergenceAngleCalc(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) throws Exception { = crs;
        this.geoCalc = new GeodeticCalculator(;
        this.upAxisDimension = determineUpAxisDimension();
        // If we could not find the "up" axis ... meaning up on the map/screen
        // not in the vertical ... then throw an exception

        if (upAxisDimension < 0) {
            throw new Exception("Up Axis can not be determined.");

     * Estimates the grid convergence angle at a position within a Coordinate Reference System. The angle returned is as described in the
     * documentation for the class. The Coordinate Reference System of the supplied position must be the same as was used when constructing the
     * calculator, because using anything else would not make sense as convergence angle depends on projection.
     * @param position DirectPosition2D at which we want to estimate the grid convergence angle
     * @return double containing grid convergence angle, as described in documentation for the class.
     * @throws Exception
    public double getConvergenceAngle(DirectPosition2D position) throws Exception {

        // Check to make sure the coordinate reference system for the
        // argument is the same as the calculator.

        CoordinateReferenceSystem positionCRS = position.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();

        if (!positionCRS.equals(crs)) {
            throw new Exception("Position CRS does not match Calculator CRS");

        // We will use the Geotools Geodetic calculator to estimate the
        // convergence angle. We estimate this by taking the supplied point,
        // moving "upward" along the proper upward map axis by 1 unit, and
        // then having the Geodetic calculator tell us the azimuth from the
        // starting point to the ending point. Since the azimuth is relative
        // to true north ... and we are "walking" along a grid north
        // parallel, the azimuth then essentially tells us the angle from
        // true north to grid north, or the local grid convergence angle.

        // Get the "up" axis

        CoordinateSystemAxis upAxis = crs.getCoordinateSystem().getAxis(upAxisDimension);

        // Need to make sure we're not going to go out of bounds along the
        // axis by going up a little bit.
        // Determine the maximum value along that axis

        double upAxisMax = upAxis.getMaximumValue();

        // Get the starting value along the up axis

        double startValueUp = position.getOrdinate(upAxisDimension);

        // If adding 1 to the up axis is going to push us out of bounds, then
        // first subtract 1 from the starting position ... the estimate should
        // still be close if units are close.

        if ((startValueUp + 1) > upAxisMax) {
            position.setOrdinate(upAxisDimension, position.getOrdinate(upAxisDimension) - 1);

        // Set the starting position for the geodetic calculator to position.


        // Set the ending position to be the same as the starting position,
        // except move "up" 1 unit along the "up" axis.

        DirectPosition2D endingPosition = new DirectPosition2D((DirectPosition) position);
        endingPosition.setOrdinate(upAxisDimension, position.getOrdinate(upAxisDimension) + 1);

        // Now just ask for the azimuth, which is our convergence angle
        // estimate.
        return geoCalc.getAzimuth();

     * Determines which axis in the calculator's Coordinate Reference System is "up"
     * @return int with up axis dimension, or -1 if up axis cannot be found.
    private int determineUpAxisDimension() {
        // Grab the number of dimensions. We only can deal with a 2D
        // projection here. Set to -1 if not a 2D system ... and let
        // other code throw errors.

        int numDimensions = crs.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension();

        if (numDimensions > 2) {
            return -1;

        // Loop through all of the axes until you find the one that is
        // probably the upward axis.

        for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) {
            CoordinateSystemAxis axis = crs.getCoordinateSystem().getAxis(i);
            AxisDirection axisDirection = axis.getDirection();

            if (axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.DISPLAY_UP)
                    || axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.EAST_NORTH_EAST)
                    || axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.NORTH)
                    || axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.NORTH_EAST)
                    || axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.NORTH_NORTH_EAST)
                    || axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.NORTH_NORTH_WEST)
                    || axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.NORTH_WEST)
                    || axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.ROW_POSITIVE)
                    || axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.UP)
                    || axisDirection.equals(AxisDirection.WEST_NORTH_WEST)) {
                return i;

        // If not found yet, find one with name Northing or y and assume
        // it is up.

        for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) {
            CoordinateSystemAxis axis = crs.getCoordinateSystem().getAxis(i);
            String axisName = axis.getName().toString().toUpperCase();
            if (axisName.equals("Y") || axisName.equals("NORTHING")
                    || axisName.contains("NORTHING")) {
                return i;

        // If the up axis still hasn't been found, then signify we can't
        // find it with a -1.

        return -1;

Related Classes of org.geotools.process.raster.GridConvergenceAngleCalc

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