Package org.geotools.filter

Source Code of org.geotools.filter.FilterTest

*    GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
*    (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
*    version 2.1 of the License.
*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
package org.geotools.filter;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder;
import org.geotools.factory.Hints;
import org.geotools.feature.SchemaException;
import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder;
import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder;
import org.geotools.filter.capability.FunctionNameImpl;
import org.geotools.filter.expression.PropertyAccessor;
import org.geotools.filter.expression.PropertyAccessorFactory;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.opengis.feature.Feature;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType;
import org.opengis.filter.And;
import org.opengis.filter.Filter;
import org.opengis.filter.Id;
import org.opengis.filter.Or;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsBetween;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsEqualTo;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsGreaterThan;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLessThan;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsLike;
import org.opengis.filter.PropertyIsNull;
import org.opengis.filter.capability.FunctionName;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.ExpressionVisitor;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Function;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.Literal;
import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName;
import org.opengis.filter.identity.FeatureId;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.BBOX;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Beyond;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Contains;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.DWithin;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Disjoint;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Equals;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Intersects;
import org.opengis.filter.spatial.Within;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.PrecisionModel;

* Unit test for filters.  Note that this unit test does not encompass all of
* filter package, just the filters themselves.  There is a seperate unit test
* for expressions.
* @author James MacGill, CCG
* @author Rob Hranac, TOPP
* @source $URL$
public class FilterTest extends TestCase {
    /** The logger for the filter module. */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger("org.geotools.filter");

    /** SimpleFeature on which to preform tests */
    private static SimpleFeature testFeature = null;

    /** Schema on which to preform tests */
    private static SimpleFeatureType testSchema = null;
    boolean set = false;
    org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory2 fac = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(null);

    /** Test suite for this test case */
    TestSuite suite = null;

    private Calendar calDateTime;
    private Calendar calTime;
    private Calendar calDate;

     * Constructor with test name.
     * @param testName DOCUMENT ME!
    public FilterTest(String testName) {

        //LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger(FilterTest.class);

     * Main for test runner.
     * @param args DOCUMENT ME!
    public static void main(String[] args) {;

     * Required suite builder.
     * @return A test suite for this unit test.
    public static Test suite() {
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(FilterTest.class);

        return suite;

     * Sets up a schema and a test feature.
     * @throws SchemaException If there is a problem setting up the schema.
    protected void setUp() throws SchemaException {
        if (set) {

        set = true;
        fac = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2(null);
        SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder ftb = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();
        ftb.setName( "testFeatureType");
        ftb.add("testGeometry", LineString.class);
        ftb.add("testBoolean", Boolean.class);
        ftb.add("testCharacter", Character.class);
        ftb.add("testByte", Byte.class);
        ftb.add("testShort", Short.class);
        ftb.add("testInteger", Integer.class);
        ftb.add("testLong", Long.class);
        ftb.add("testFloat", Float.class);
        ftb.add("testDouble", Double.class);
        ftb.add("testString", String.class);
        ftb.add("testString2", String.class);
        ftb.add("date", java.sql.Date.class);
        ftb.add("time", java.sql.Time.class);
        ftb.add("datetime1", java.util.Date.class);
        ftb.add("datetime2", java.sql.Timestamp.class);
        ftb.add("nullInt", Integer.class);
        testSchema = ftb.buildFeatureType();

        //LOGGER.finer("added string to feature type");
        // Creates coordinates for the linestring
        Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[3];
        coords[0] = new Coordinate(1, 2);
        coords[1] = new Coordinate(3, 4);
        coords[2] = new Coordinate(5, 6);

        // Builds the test feature
        Object[] attributes = new Object[16];
        GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel());
        attributes[0] = gf.createLineString(coords);
        attributes[1] = new Boolean(true);
        attributes[2] = new Character('t');
        attributes[3] = new Byte("10");
        attributes[4] = new Short("101");
        attributes[5] = new Integer(1002);
        attributes[6] = new Long(10003);
        attributes[7] = new Float(10000.4);
        attributes[8] = new Double(100000.5);
        attributes[9] = "test string data";
        attributes[10] = "cow $10";
        // setup date ones
        calDate = Calendar.getInstance();
        calDate.set(2007, 7, 15);
        calTime = Calendar.getInstance();
        calTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12);
        calDateTime = Calendar.getInstance();
        calDateTime.set(2007, 7, 15, 12, 00, 00);
        attributes[11] = new java.sql.Date(calDate.getTimeInMillis());
        attributes[12] = new java.sql.Time(calTime.getTimeInMillis());
        attributes[13] = calDateTime.getTime();
        attributes[14] = new java.sql.Timestamp(calDateTime.getTimeInMillis());

        // Creates the feature itself
        //FlatFeatureFactory factory = new FlatFeatureFactory(testSchema);
        testFeature =, attributes, null);
        //LOGGER.finer("...flat feature created");
    public void testLikeToSQL()
      assertTrue("BroadWay%".equals( LikeFilterImpl.convertToSQL92('!','*','.',true,"BroadWay*")));
     * Sets up a schema and a test feature.
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void testCompare() throws IllegalFilterException {
        // Test all integer permutations
        PropertyName testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema,
        compareNumberRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsEqualTo.class,
            false, true, false);
        compareNumberRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsGreaterThan.class,
            true, false, false);
        compareNumberRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsLessThan.class,
            false, false, true);
                PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class, true, true, false);
                PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo.class, false, true, true);

        // Test all permutations of integers as strings
        compareStringToIntegerRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsEqualTo.class,
                false, true, false);
        compareStringToIntegerRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsGreaterThan.class,
                true, false, false);
        compareStringToIntegerRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsLessThan.class,
                false, false, true);
                PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class, true, true, false);
                PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo.class, false, true, true);

        // Test all permutations of integers as doubles
        compareIntegerToDoubleRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsEqualTo.class,
                false, true, false);
        compareIntegerToDoubleRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsGreaterThan.class,
                true, false, false);
        compareIntegerToDoubleRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsLessThan.class,
                false, false, true);
                PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class, true, true, false);
                PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo.class, false, true, true);

        // test all date permutations, with string/date conversion included
        testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "date");
        compareSqlDateRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsEqualTo.class,
                false, true, false);
        compareSqlDateRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsGreaterThan.class,
                true, false, false);
        compareSqlDateRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsLessThan.class,
                false, false, true);
        compareSqlDateRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class,
                true, true, false);
        compareSqlDateRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo.class,
                false, true, true);
        // test all date permutations, with string/date conversion included
        testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "time");
        compareSqlTimeRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsEqualTo.class,
                false, true, false);
        compareSqlTimeRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsGreaterThan.class,
                true, false, false);
        compareSqlTimeRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsLessThan.class,
                false, false, true);
        compareSqlTimeRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class,
                true, true, false);
        compareSqlTimeRunner(testAttribute, PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo.class,
                false, true, true);

        // Set up the string test.
        testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testString");

        // Test for false positive.
        Literal testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl("test string data");
        org.opengis.filter.Filter filter = compare(PropertyIsEqualTo.class, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));

        // Test for false negative.
        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl("incorrect test string data");
        filter = compare(PropertyIsEqualTo.class, testAttribute, testLiteral);


        // Test for false positive.
        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl("zebra");
        filter = compare(PropertyIsLessThan.class, testAttribute, testLiteral);

      testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl("blorg");
      filter = compare(PropertyIsLessThan.class, testAttribute, testLiteral);

     * Helper class for the integer compare operators.
     * @param testAttribute DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param filterType DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param test1 DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param test2 DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param test3 DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void compareNumberRunner(PropertyName testAttribute,
        Class filterType, boolean test1, boolean test2, boolean test3)
        throws IllegalFilterException {
        Literal testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Integer(1001));
        org.opengis.filter.Filter filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test1);

        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Integer(1002));
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test2);

        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Integer(1003));
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test3);

    public void compareStringToIntegerRunner(PropertyName testAttribute,
                                             Class filterType, boolean test1, boolean test2, boolean test3)
            throws IllegalFilterException {
        Literal testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new String("1001.0"));
        org.opengis.filter.Filter filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test1);

        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new String("1002.0"));
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test2);

        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new String("1003.0"));
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test3);

    public void compareIntegerToDoubleRunner(PropertyName testAttribute,
                                             Class filterType, boolean test1, boolean test2, boolean test3)
            throws IllegalFilterException {
        Literal testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Double(1001.0));
        org.opengis.filter.Filter filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test1);

        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Double(1002.0));
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test2);

        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Double(1003.0));
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test3);
     * Helper class for the integer compare operators.
     * @param testAttribute DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param filterType DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param test1 DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param test2 DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param test3 DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void compareSqlDateRunner(PropertyName testAttribute,
        Class filterType, boolean test1, boolean test2, boolean test3)
        throws IllegalFilterException {
        Calendar calLocal = Calendar.getInstance();
        calLocal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calDateTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) - 1);
        Literal testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new java.sql.Date(calLocal.getTimeInMillis()).toString());
        org.opengis.filter.Filter filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(test1, filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new java.sql.Date(calDate.getTimeInMillis()).toString());
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(test2, filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        calLocal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calDateTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + 1);
        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new java.sql.Date(calLocal.getTimeInMillis()).toString());
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test3);
     * Builds a filter that compares a and b: <code>a compare b</code>
     * @param filterType
     * @param a
     * @param b
     * @return
    org.opengis.filter.Filter compare(Class filterType, org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression a, org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression b) {
        if(filterType == PropertyIsLessThan.class) {
            return fac.less(a, b);
        } else if(filterType == PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo.class) {
            return fac.lessOrEqual(a, b);
        } if(filterType == PropertyIsEqualTo.class) {
            return fac.equals(a, b);
        } else if(filterType == PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo.class) {
            return fac.greaterOrEqual(a, b);
        } else if(filterType == PropertyIsGreaterThan.class) {
            return fac.greater(a, b);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Uknown compare filter type " + filterType);
     * Helper class for the integer compare operators.
     * @param testAttribute DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param filterType DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param test1 DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param test2 DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param test3 DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void compareSqlTimeRunner(PropertyName testAttribute,
        Class filterType, boolean test1, boolean test2, boolean test3)
        throws IllegalFilterException {
        Calendar calLocal = Calendar.getInstance();
        calLocal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, calTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) - 1);
        Literal testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new java.sql.Time(calLocal.getTimeInMillis()).toString());
        org.opengis.filter.Filter filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test1);

        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new java.sql.Time(calTime.getTimeInMillis()).toString());
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test2);

        calLocal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, calTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 1);
        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new java.sql.Time(calLocal.getTimeInMillis()).toString());
        filter = compare(filterType, testAttribute, testLiteral);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.contains(testFeature));
        assertEquals(filter.evaluate(testFeature), test3);

     * Tests the like operator.
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void testLike() throws IllegalFilterException {

        Pattern compPattern = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("test.*");
        Matcher matcher = compPattern.matcher("test string");
        PropertyName testAttribute = null;

        // Set up string
        testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testString");

        PropertyIsLike filter =, "test*", "*", ".", "!");

        // Test for false positive.
        filter =, "cows*", "*", ".", "!");

        // Test we don't match if single character is missing
        filter =, "test*a.", "*", ".", "!");
        // Test we do match if the single char is there
        filter =, "test*dat.", "*", ".", "!");

     * Test the null operator.
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void testNull() throws IllegalFilterException {
        // Test for false positive.
        PropertyName testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testString");

        PropertyIsNull filter = fac.isNull(org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression.NIL);
        filter = fac.isNull(testAttribute);
         * A filter is composed of a logic AND bettween a non null check and
         * a comparison filter, for an AttributeExpression.
         * If the AttributeExpression evaluates to null, the short-circuit comparison
         * in the LogicFilter should return without throwing a NullPointerException.
         * If short-circuit evaluation would not be done in LogicFilter, then a NullPointerException
         * would be thrown.
         * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
        public void testCompareShortCircuit() throws IllegalFilterException {
           // Test all integer permutations
            PropertyName testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema,
            PropertyIsNull nullFilter = fac.isNull(testAttribute);
            org.opengis.filter.Filter notNullFilter  = fac.not(nullFilter);
            PropertyIsEqualTo compareFilter = fac.equals( testAttribute, fac.literal(10));
            testFeature.setAttribute("testInteger", null);
            assertEquals( false, compareFilter.evaluate( testFeature ) );
            //test AND
            org.opengis.filter.Filter finalFilter = fac.and(notNullFilter, compareFilter);
            }catch(NullPointerException e){
               fail("Short-circuit evaluation was not performed by LogicFilter: " + e.getMessage());
            //test OR
            finalFilter = fac.or(nullFilter, compareFilter);
            }catch(NullPointerException e){
               fail("Short-circuit evaluation was not performed by LogicFilter: " + e.getMessage());

     * Test the between operator.
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void testBetween() throws IllegalFilterException {
        // Set up the integer
        Literal testLiteralLower = fac.literal(1001);
        PropertyName testAttribute ="testInteger");
        Literal testLiteralUpper = fac.literal(1003);

        // String tests
        PropertyIsBetween filter = fac.between(testAttribute, testLiteralLower, testLiteralUpper);

        // Test for false positive.
        testLiteralLower = fac.literal(1);
        testLiteralUpper = fac.literal(1000);
        filter = fac.between(testAttribute, testLiteralLower, testLiteralUpper);

        //LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        //LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

    public void testBetweenStrings() throws IllegalFilterException {
        // Set up the integer
        Literal testLiteralLower = new LiteralExpressionImpl("blorg");
        PropertyName testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema,
        Literal testLiteralUpper = new LiteralExpressionImpl("tron");

        // String tests
        PropertyIsBetween filter = fac.between(testAttribute, testLiteralLower, testLiteralUpper);

        // Test for false positive.
        testLiteralLower = new LiteralExpressionImpl("zebra");
        testLiteralUpper = new LiteralExpressionImpl("zikes");
        filter = fac.between(testAttribute, testLiteralLower, testLiteralUpper);

    public void testGeometryEquals() throws Exception {
      Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[3];
        coords[0] = new Coordinate(1, 2);
        coords[1] = new Coordinate(3, 4);
        coords[2] = new Coordinate(5, 6);

        // Test Equals
        PropertyName left = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testGeometry");
        GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel());
        LineString geom = gf.createLineString(coords);
        Literal right = new LiteralExpressionImpl(geom);
        Equals filter = fac.equal(left, right);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        Function function = new GeometryFunction(geom);
        filter = fac.equal(left, function);
        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        coords[0] = new Coordinate(0, 0);
        right = new LiteralExpressionImpl(geom);
        filter = fac.equal(left, right);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        filter = fac.equal(left, new LiteralExpressionImpl(null));

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

    public void testContains() throws Exception {
      Coordinate[] coords = {
          new Coordinate(0, 0),
          new Coordinate(6, 0),
              new Coordinate(6, 7),
              new Coordinate(0, 7),
              new Coordinate(0, 0)

        // Test Equals
      GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel());
      Polygon geom = gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(coords), new LinearRing[0]);
        Literal expr1 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(geom);
        PropertyName expr2 = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testGeometry");
        Contains filter = fac.contains(expr1, expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        Function function = new GeometryFunction(geom);
        filter = fac.contains(expr1, function);
        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        filter = fac.contains(expr2, expr1);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        coords = new Coordinate[] {
          new Coordinate(2, 2),
          new Coordinate(6, 0),
              new Coordinate(6, 7),
              new Coordinate(0, 7),
              new Coordinate(2, 2)
        geom = gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(coords), new LinearRing[0]);
        expr1 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(geom);
        filter = fac.contains(expr1, expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));
        filter = fac.contains(new LiteralExpressionImpl(null), expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));


    public void testWithin() throws Exception {
      Coordinate[] coords = {
          new Coordinate(0, 0),
          new Coordinate(6, 0),
              new Coordinate(6, 7),
              new Coordinate(0, 7),
              new Coordinate(0, 0)

        // Test Equals
      GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel());
      Polygon geom = gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(coords), new LinearRing[0]);
        Literal expr2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(geom );
        PropertyName expr1 = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testGeometry");
        Within filter = fac.within(expr1, expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        Function function = new GeometryFunction(geom);
        filter = fac.within(expr1, function);
        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        filter = fac.within(expr2, expr1);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        coords = new Coordinate[] {
          new Coordinate(2, 2),
          new Coordinate(6, 0),
              new Coordinate(6, 7),
              new Coordinate(0, 7),
              new Coordinate(2, 2)
        expr2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(coords), new LinearRing[0]));
        filter = fac.within(expr2, expr1);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));
        expr2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(null);
        filter = fac.within(expr2, expr1);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));


    public void testDisjoint() throws Exception {
      Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[3];
        coords[0] = new Coordinate(0, 0);
        coords[1] = new Coordinate(3, 0);
        coords[2] = new Coordinate(6, 0);

        GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel());
        // Test Disjoint
        AttributeExpressionImpl expr1 = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testGeometry");
        LineString geom = gf.createLineString(coords);
        LiteralExpressionImpl expr2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(geom);
        Disjoint disjoint = fac.disjoint(expr1, expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( disjoint.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + disjoint.evaluate(testFeature));

        Function function = new GeometryFunction(geom);
        disjoint = fac.disjoint(expr1, function);
        LOGGER.finer( disjoint.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + disjoint.evaluate(testFeature));
        disjoint = fac.disjoint(expr2, expr1);

        LOGGER.finer( disjoint.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + disjoint.evaluate(testFeature));

        coords[0] = new Coordinate(1, 2);
        coords[1] = new Coordinate(3, 0);
        coords[2] = new Coordinate(6, 0);
        geom = gf.createLineString(coords);
        expr2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(geom);
        disjoint = fac.disjoint(expr1, expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( disjoint.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + disjoint.evaluate(testFeature));

        expr2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(null);
        disjoint = fac.disjoint(expr1, expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( disjoint.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + disjoint.evaluate(testFeature));


    public void testIntersects() throws Exception {
      Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[3];
        coords[0] = new Coordinate(1, 5);
        coords[1] = new Coordinate(3, 4);
        coords[2] = new Coordinate(5, 1);

        GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel());
        // Test Disjoint
        AttributeExpressionImpl expr1 = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testGeometry");
        LineString geom = gf.createLineString(coords);
        LiteralExpressionImpl expr2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(geom);
        Intersects intersects = fac.intersects(expr1, expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( intersects.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + intersects.evaluate(testFeature));
        intersects = fac.intersects(expr2, expr1);

        LOGGER.finer( intersects.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + intersects.evaluate(testFeature));

        Function function = new GeometryFunction(geom);
        intersects = fac.intersects(expr1, function);
        LOGGER.finer( intersects.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + intersects.evaluate(testFeature));

        LOGGER.finer( intersects.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + intersects.evaluate(testFeature));
        assertTrue( intersects.evaluate(testFeature) );
        coords[0] = new Coordinate(0, 0);
        coords[1] = new Coordinate(3, 0);
        coords[2] = new Coordinate(6, 0);
        expr2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(gf.createLineString(coords));
        intersects = fac.intersects(expr1, expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( intersects.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + intersects.evaluate(testFeature));

        expr2 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(null);
        intersects = fac.intersects(expr1, expr2);

        LOGGER.finer( intersects.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + intersects.evaluate(testFeature));
     * Test the geometry operators.
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void testBBOX() throws IllegalFilterException {
        // Test BBOX
        AttributeExpressionImpl left = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testGeometry");
        BBOX bbox = fac.bbox(left, 0, 0, 10, 10, null);

        LOGGER.finer( bbox.toString());
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + bbox.evaluate(testFeature));

        bbox = fac.bbox(left, 0, 0, 1, 1, null);

        LOGGER.finer( bbox.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + bbox.evaluate(testFeature));
        bbox = fac.bbox(left, 0, 0, 10, 10, "EPSG:4326");

        LOGGER.finer( bbox.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + bbox.evaluate(testFeature));
        bbox = fac.bbox(left, 0, 0, 10, 10, "");

        LOGGER.finer( bbox.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + bbox.evaluate(testFeature));

    public void testDWithin() throws Exception {
        // Test DWithin
        PropertyName left = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testGeometry");

        Coordinate[] coords2 = new Coordinate[5];
        coords2[0] = new Coordinate(10, 10);
        coords2[1] = new Coordinate(15, 10);
        coords2[2] = new Coordinate(15, 15);
        coords2[3] = new Coordinate(10, 15);
        coords2[4] = new Coordinate(10, 10);
        GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel());
        Literal right = new LiteralExpressionImpl(gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(
        DWithin filter = fac.dwithin(left, right, 20, "m");
        LOGGER.finer("contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        filter = fac.dwithin(left, right, 2, "m");
        LOGGER.finer("contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));
        right = new LiteralExpressionImpl(null);
        filter = fac.dwithin(left, right, 2, "m");
        LOGGER.finer("contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));
    public void testBeyond() throws Exception {
        PropertyName left = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testGeometry");

        Coordinate[] coords2 = new Coordinate[5];
        coords2[0] = new Coordinate(10, 10);
        coords2[1] = new Coordinate(15, 10);
        coords2[2] = new Coordinate(15, 15);
        coords2[3] = new Coordinate(10, 15);
        coords2[4] = new Coordinate(10, 10);
        GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel());
        Literal right = new LiteralExpressionImpl(gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(

        Beyond filter = fac.beyond(left, right, 20, "m");
        LOGGER.finer("contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));
        filter = fac.beyond(left, right, 2, "m");
        LOGGER.finer("contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        coords2[0] = new Coordinate(20, 20);
        coords2[1] = new Coordinate(21, 20);
        coords2[2] = new Coordinate(21, 21);
        coords2[3] = new Coordinate(20, 21);
        coords2[4] = new Coordinate(20, 20);
        right = fac.literal(gf
                .createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(coords2), null));
        filter = fac.beyond(left, right, 2, "m");
        LOGGER.finer("contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));
        right = new LiteralExpressionImpl(null);
        filter = fac.beyond(left, right, 2, "m");
        LOGGER.finer("contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));


    public void testFid() {
        Id ff = HashSet<FeatureId>());
        ff =;
        assertFalse(ff.evaluate(new Object()));
     * Test the logic operators.
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void testOrFilter() throws IllegalFilterException {
        // Set up true sub filter
        PropertyName testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testString");
        Literal testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl("test string data");
        PropertyIsEqualTo filterTrue = fac.equals(testAttribute, testLiteral);

        // Set up false sub filter
        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl("incorrect test string data");
        PropertyIsEqualTo filterFalse = fac.equals(testAttribute, testLiteral);

        // Test OR for false negatives
        Or filter = fac.or(filterFalse, filterTrue);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        // Test OR for false negatives
        filter = fac.or(filterTrue, filterTrue);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        // Test OR for false positives
        filter = fac.or(filterFalse, filterFalse);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));
     * Test the logic operators.
     * @throws IllegalFilterException If the constructed filter is not valid.
    public void testAndFilter() throws IllegalFilterException {
        // Set up true sub filter
        PropertyName testAttribute = new AttributeExpressionImpl(testSchema, "testString");
        Literal testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl("test string data");
        PropertyIsEqualTo filterTrue = fac.equals(testAttribute, testLiteral);

        // Set up false sub filter
        testLiteral = new LiteralExpressionImpl("incorrect test string data");
        PropertyIsEqualTo filterFalse = fac.equals(testAttribute, testLiteral);

        // Test AND for false positives
        And filter = fac.and(filterFalse, filterTrue);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        // Test AND for false positives
        filter = fac.and(filterTrue, filterFalse);

        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));

        // Test AND for false positives
        filter = fac.and(filterTrue, filterTrue);
        LOGGER.finer( filter.toString());           
        LOGGER.finer( "contains feature: " + filter.evaluate(testFeature));
        // finally test nothing shortcut
    public void testLiteralExpression(){
      LiteralExpressionImpl literal;
    literal = new LiteralExpressionImpl(1.0D);
    assertEquals(ExpressionType.LITERAL_DOUBLE, Filters.getExpressionType(literal));
    assertEquals(new Double(1.0D), literal.evaluate((Feature)null));

    GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory();
    literal = new LiteralExpressionImpl(gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(0,0)));
    assertEquals(ExpressionType.LITERAL_GEOMETRY, Filters.getExpressionType(literal));
    Geometry value = (Geometry) literal.evaluate((Feature)null);
    assertTrue(gf.createPoint(new Coordinate(0,0)).equalsExact(value));
    literal = new LiteralExpressionImpl(1);
    assertEquals(ExpressionType.LITERAL_INTEGER, Filters.getExpressionType(literal));
    assertEquals(new Integer(1), literal.evaluate((Feature)null));

    literal = new LiteralExpressionImpl(1L);
    assertEquals(ExpressionType.LITERAL_LONG, Filters.getExpressionType(literal));
    assertEquals(new Long(1), literal.evaluate((Feature)null));

    literal = new LiteralExpressionImpl("string value");
    assertEquals(ExpressionType.LITERAL_STRING, Filters.getExpressionType(literal));
    assertEquals("string value", literal.evaluate((Feature)null));

    literal = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Date(0));
    assertEquals(ExpressionType.LITERAL_UNDECLARED, Filters.getExpressionType(literal));
    assertEquals(new Date(0), literal.evaluate((Feature)null));

    literal = new LiteralExpressionImpl(null);
    assertEquals(ExpressionType.LITERAL_UNDECLARED, Filters.getExpressionType(literal));
     * Test that Filter works over Object as expected, provided there exists a
     * {@link PropertyAccessor} for the given kind of object.
    public void testEvaluateNonFeatureObject(){
      MockDataObject object = new MockDataObject();
      object.intVal = 5;
      object.stringVal = "cinco";
      org.opengis.filter.Filter f = fac.greater("intVal"), fac.literal(3));
      org.opengis.filter.Filter f2 = fac.and(f, fac.equals("stringVal"), fac.literal("cinco")));

      org.opengis.filter.Filter f3 = fac.and(f, fac.equals("stringVal"), fac.literal("seis")));

      org.opengis.filter.Filter f4 = fac.not(fac.and(f, fac.equals("stringVal"), fac.literal("cinco"))));
   * A simple data object to be used on testing Filter.evaluate(Object)
   * through {@link MockPropertyAccessorFactory}
   * @author Gabriel Roldan, Axios Engineering
  public static class MockDataObject {
    public int intVal;

    public String stringVal;
    public MockDataObject(){
      this(0, null);
    public MockDataObject(int intVal, String stringVal){
      this.intVal = intVal;
      this.stringVal = stringVal;

   * A {@link PropertyAccessorFactory} intended to be used on testing that the
   * Filter implementation works over Object as expected, and not only over
   * SimpleFeature
   * @author Gabriel Roldan, Axios Engineering
  public static class MockPropertyAccessorFactory implements
      PropertyAccessorFactory {

    public PropertyAccessor createPropertyAccessor(Class type,
        String xpath, Class target, Hints hints) {
      if (!MockDataObject.class.equals(type)) {
        return null;
      return new PropertyAccessor() {
        public boolean canHandle(Object object, String xpath,
            Class target) {
          return object instanceof MockDataObject;

        public Object get(Object object, String xpath, Class target)
            throws IllegalArgumentException {
          if (object == null)
            return null;

          try {
            Field field = MockDataObject.class.getField(xpath);
            Object value = field.get(object);
            return value;
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw (IllegalArgumentException) new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Illegal property name: " + xpath).initCause(e);

        public void set(Object object, String xpath, Object value,
            Class target) throws IllegalArgumentException {
          throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    private final class GeometryFunction implements Function {
        final Geometry ls;

        public GeometryFunction(Geometry geom) throws Exception {

        public String getName() {
            return "function";
        public FunctionName getFunctionName() {
            return new FunctionNameImpl(getName(), 0);

        public List<org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression> getParameters() {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        public Object accept(ExpressionVisitor visitor, Object extraData) {
            return visitor.visit(this, extraData);

        public Object evaluate(Object object) {
            return ls;

        public <T> T evaluate(Object object, Class<T> context) {
            return context.cast(ls);

        public Literal getFallbackValue() {
            return null;
    public void testSafeConversions() {
        Literal d = fac.literal( 1.1 );
        Literal i = fac.literal( 1 );

        Filter f1 = fac.greater( d, i );
        assertTrue( f1.evaluate( null ) );

        Filter f2 = fac.less( i, d );
        assertTrue( f2.evaluate( null ) );
    public void testFilterEquality() {
        Filter f1 = fac.less("ATR"), fac.literal("32"));
        Filter f2 = fac.notEqual("ATR2"), fac.literal("1"));


        Filter f4 = fac.notEqual("BBB"), fac.literal("2"));

        Filter f3 = fac.less("ATR"), fac.literal("40"));

        Expression l32 = fac.literal("32");
        Expression l40 = fac.literal("40");
    public void testNullBetween() {
        Filter f = fac.between("nullInt"), fac.literal(10), fac.literal(20));

Related Classes of org.geotools.filter.FilterTest

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