Package cpw.mods.fml.client.config

Source Code of cpw.mods.fml.client.config.GuiConfigEntries$ButtonEntry

* Forge Mod Loader
* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 cpw.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors (this class):
*     bspkrs - implementation
package cpw.mods.fml.client.config;

import static cpw.mods.fml.client.config.GuiUtils.RESET_CHAR;
import static cpw.mods.fml.client.config.GuiUtils.UNDO_CHAR;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiListExtended;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;

import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer;

* This class implements the scrolling list functionality of the config GUI screens. It also provides all the default control handlers
* for the various property types.
* @author bspkrs
public class GuiConfigEntries extends GuiListExtended
    public final GuiConfig owningScreen;
    public final Minecraft mc;
    public List<IConfigEntry> listEntries;
     * The max width of the label of all IConfigEntry objects.
    public int maxLabelTextWidth  = 0;
     * The max x boundary of all IConfigEntry objects.
    public int maxEntryRightBound = 0;
     * The x position where the label should be drawn.
    public int labelX;
     * The x position where the control should be drawn.
    public int controlX;
     * The width of the control.
    public int controlWidth;
     * The minimum x position where the Undo/Default buttons will start
    public int resetX;
     * The x position of the scroll bar.
    public int scrollBarX;

    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public GuiConfigEntries(GuiConfig parent, Minecraft mc)
        super(mc, parent.width, parent.height, parent.titleLine2 != null ? 33 : 23, parent.height - 32, 20);
        this.owningScreen = parent;
        this.setShowSelectionBox(false); = mc;
        this.listEntries = new ArrayList<IConfigEntry>();
//        int i = 0;
//        String s = null;

        for (IConfigElement configElement : parent.configElements)
            if (configElement != null)
                if (configElement.isProperty() && configElement.showInGui()) // as opposed to being a child category entry
                    int length;

                    // protects against language keys that are not defined in the .lang file
                    if (!I18n.format(configElement.getLanguageKey()).equals(configElement.getLanguageKey()))
                        length = mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(I18n.format(configElement.getLanguageKey()));
                        length = mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(configElement.getName());

                    if (length > this.maxLabelTextWidth)
                        this.maxLabelTextWidth = length;

        int viewWidth = this.maxLabelTextWidth + 8 + (width / 2);
        labelX = (this.width / 2) - (viewWidth / 2);
        controlX = labelX + maxLabelTextWidth + 8;
        resetX = (this.width / 2) + (viewWidth / 2) - 45;
        controlWidth = resetX - controlX - 5;
        scrollBarX = this.width;

        for (IConfigElement configElement : parent.configElements)
            if (configElement != null && configElement.showInGui())
                if (configElement.getConfigEntryClass() != null)
                        this.listEntries.add((IConfigEntry) configElement.getConfigEntryClass()
                                .getConstructor(GuiConfig.class, GuiConfigEntries.class, IConfigElement.class)
                                .newInstance(this.owningScreen, this, configElement));
                    catch (Throwable e)
                        FMLLog.severe("There was a critical error instantiating the custom IConfigEntry for config element %s.", configElement.getName());
                else if (configElement.isProperty())
                    if (configElement.isList())
                        this.listEntries.add(new GuiConfigEntries.ArrayEntry(this.owningScreen, this, configElement));
                    else if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.BOOLEAN)
                        this.listEntries.add(new GuiConfigEntries.BooleanEntry(this.owningScreen, this, (IConfigElement<Boolean>) configElement));
                    else if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.INTEGER)
                        this.listEntries.add(new GuiConfigEntries.IntegerEntry(this.owningScreen, this, (IConfigElement<Integer>) configElement));
                    else if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.DOUBLE)
                        this.listEntries.add(new GuiConfigEntries.DoubleEntry(this.owningScreen, this, (IConfigElement<Double>) configElement));
                    else if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.COLOR)
                        if (configElement.getValidValues() != null && configElement.getValidValues().length > 0)
                            this.listEntries.add(new GuiConfigEntries.ChatColorEntry(this.owningScreen, this, (IConfigElement<String>) configElement));
                            this.listEntries.add(new GuiConfigEntries.StringEntry(this.owningScreen, this, (IConfigElement<String>) configElement));
                    else if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.MOD_ID)
                        Map<Object, String> values = new TreeMap<Object, String>();
                        for (ModContainer mod : Loader.instance().getActiveModList())
                            values.put(mod.getModId(), mod.getName());
                        values.put("minecraft", "Minecraft");
                        this.listEntries.add(new SelectValueEntry(this.owningScreen, this, (IConfigElement<String>) configElement, values));
                    else if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.STRING)
                        if (configElement.getValidValues() != null && configElement.getValidValues().length > 0)
                            this.listEntries.add(new GuiConfigEntries.CycleValueEntry(this.owningScreen, this, (IConfigElement<String>) configElement));
                            this.listEntries.add(new GuiConfigEntries.StringEntry(this.owningScreen, this, (IConfigElement<String>) configElement));
                else if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.CONFIG_CATEGORY)
                    this.listEntries.add(new CategoryEntry(this.owningScreen, this, configElement));

    protected void initGui()
        this.width = owningScreen.width;
        this.height = owningScreen.height;

        this.maxLabelTextWidth = 0;
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            if (entry.getLabelWidth() > this.maxLabelTextWidth)
                this.maxLabelTextWidth = entry.getLabelWidth(); = owningScreen.titleLine2 != null ? 33 : 23;
        this.bottom = owningScreen.height - 32;
        this.left = 0;
        this.right = width;
        int viewWidth = this.maxLabelTextWidth + 8 + (width / 2);
        labelX = (this.width / 2) - (viewWidth / 2);
        controlX = labelX + maxLabelTextWidth + 8;
        resetX = (this.width / 2) + (viewWidth / 2) - 45;

        this.maxEntryRightBound = 0;
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            if (entry.getEntryRightBound() > this.maxEntryRightBound)
                this.maxEntryRightBound = entry.getEntryRightBound();

        scrollBarX = this.maxEntryRightBound + 5;
        controlWidth = maxEntryRightBound - controlX - 45;

    public int getSize()
        return this.listEntries.size();

     * Gets the IGuiListEntry object for the given index
    public IConfigEntry getListEntry(int index)
        return this.listEntries.get(index);

    public int getScrollBarX()
        return scrollBarX;

     * Gets the width of the list
    public int getListWidth()
        return owningScreen.width;

     * This method is a pass-through for IConfigEntry objects that require keystrokes. Called from the parent GuiConfig screen.
    public void keyTyped(char eventChar, int eventKey)
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            entry.keyTyped(eventChar, eventKey);

     * This method is a pass-through for IConfigEntry objects that contain GuiTextField elements. Called from the parent GuiConfig
     * screen.
    public void updateScreen()
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)

     * This method is a pass-through for IConfigEntry objects that contain GuiTextField elements. Called from the parent GuiConfig
     * screen.
    public void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseEvent)
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            entry.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, mouseEvent);

     * This method is a pass-through for IConfigListEntry objects that need to perform actions when the containing GUI is closed.
    public void onGuiClosed()
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)

     * Saves all properties on this screen / child screens. This method returns true if any elements were changed that require
     * a restart for proper handling.
    public boolean saveConfigElements()
        boolean requiresRestart = false;
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            if (entry.saveConfigElement())
                requiresRestart = true;

        return requiresRestart;

     * Returns true if all IConfigEntry objects on this screen are set to default. If includeChildren is true sub-category
     * objects are checked as well.
    public boolean areAllEntriesDefault(boolean includeChildren)
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            if ((includeChildren || !(entry instanceof CategoryEntry)) && !entry.isDefault())
                return false;

        return true;

     * Sets all IConfigEntry objects on this screen to default. If includeChildren is true sub-category objects are set as
     * well.
    public void setAllToDefault(boolean includeChildren)
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            if ((includeChildren || !(entry instanceof CategoryEntry)))

     * Returns true if any IConfigEntry objects on this screen are changed. If includeChildren is true sub-category objects
     * are checked as well.
    public boolean hasChangedEntry(boolean includeChildren)
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            if ((includeChildren || !(entry instanceof CategoryEntry)) && entry.isChanged())
                return true;

        return false;

     * Returns true if any IConfigEntry objects on this screen are enabled. If includeChildren is true sub-category objects
     * are checked as well.
    public boolean areAnyEntriesEnabled(boolean includeChildren)
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            if ((includeChildren || !(entry instanceof CategoryEntry)) && entry.enabled())
                return true;

        return false;

     * Reverts changes to all IConfigEntry objects on this screen. If includeChildren is true sub-category objects are
     * reverted as well.
    public void undoAllChanges(boolean includeChildren)
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            if ((includeChildren || !(entry instanceof CategoryEntry)))

     * Calls the drawToolTip() method for all IConfigEntry objects on this screen. This is called from the parent GuiConfig screen
     * after drawing all other elements.
    public void drawScreenPost(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks)
        for (IConfigEntry entry : this.listEntries)
            entry.drawToolTip(mouseX, mouseY);

     * BooleanPropEntry
     * Provides a GuiButton that toggles between true and false.
    public static class BooleanEntry extends ButtonEntry
        protected final boolean beforeValue;
        protected boolean       currentValue;

        private BooleanEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement<Boolean> configElement)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);
            this.beforeValue = Boolean.valueOf(configElement.get().toString());
            this.currentValue = beforeValue;
            this.btnValue.enabled = enabled();

        public void updateValueButtonText()
            this.btnValue.displayString = I18n.format(String.valueOf(currentValue));
            btnValue.packedFGColour = currentValue ? GuiUtils.getColorCode('2', true) : GuiUtils.getColorCode('4', true);

        public void valueButtonPressed(int slotIndex)
            if (enabled())
                currentValue = !currentValue;

        public boolean isDefault()
            return currentValue == Boolean.valueOf(configElement.getDefault().toString());

        public void setToDefault()
            if (enabled())
                currentValue = Boolean.valueOf(configElement.getDefault().toString());

        public boolean isChanged()
            return currentValue != beforeValue;

        public void undoChanges()
            if (enabled())
                currentValue = beforeValue;

        public boolean saveConfigElement()
            if (enabled() && isChanged())
                return configElement.requiresMcRestart();
            return false;

        public Boolean getCurrentValue()
            return currentValue;

        public Boolean[] getCurrentValues()
            return new Boolean[] { getCurrentValue() };

     * CycleValueEntry
     * Provides a GuiButton that cycles through the prop's validValues array. If the current prop value is not a valid value, the first
     * entry replaces the current value.
    public static class CycleValueEntry extends ButtonEntry
        protected final int beforeIndex;
        protected final int defaultIndex;
        protected int       currentIndex;

        private CycleValueEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement<String> configElement)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);
            beforeIndex = getIndex(configElement.get().toString());
            defaultIndex = getIndex(configElement.getDefault().toString());
            currentIndex = beforeIndex;
            this.btnValue.enabled = enabled();

        private int getIndex(String s)
            for (int i = 0; i < configElement.getValidValues().length; i++)
                if (configElement.getValidValues()[i].equalsIgnoreCase(s))
                    return i;

            return 0;

        public void updateValueButtonText()
            this.btnValue.displayString = I18n.format(configElement.getValidValues()[currentIndex]);

        public void valueButtonPressed(int slotIndex)
            if (enabled())
                if (++this.currentIndex >= configElement.getValidValues().length)
                    this.currentIndex = 0;


        public boolean isDefault()
            return currentIndex == defaultIndex;

        public void setToDefault()
            if (enabled())
                currentIndex = defaultIndex;

        public boolean isChanged()
            return currentIndex != beforeIndex;

        public void undoChanges()
            if (enabled())
                currentIndex = beforeIndex;

        public boolean saveConfigElement()
            if (enabled() && isChanged())
                return configElement.requiresMcRestart();
            return false;

        public String getCurrentValue()
            return configElement.getValidValues()[currentIndex];

        public String[] getCurrentValues()
            return new String[] { getCurrentValue() };

     * ChatColorEntry
     * Provides a GuiButton that cycles through the list of chat color codes.
    public static class ChatColorEntry extends CycleValueEntry
        ChatColorEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement<String> configElement)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);
            this.btnValue.enabled = enabled();

        public void drawEntry(int slotIndex, int x, int y, int listWidth, int slotHeight, Tessellator tessellator, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean isSelected)
            this.btnValue.packedFGColour = GuiUtils.getColorCode(this.configElement.getValidValues()[currentIndex].charAt(0), true);
            super.drawEntry(slotIndex, x, y, listWidth, slotHeight, tessellator, mouseX, mouseY, isSelected);

        public void updateValueButtonText()
            this.btnValue.displayString = I18n.format(configElement.getValidValues()[currentIndex]) + " - " + I18n.format("fml.configgui.sampletext");

     * SelectValueEntry
     * Provides a GuiButton with the current value as the displayString. Accepts a Map of selectable values with the signature <Object,
     * String> where the key is the Object to be selected and the value is the String that will show on the selection list. EG: a map of Mod
     * ID values where the key is the Mod ID and the value is the Mod Name.
    public static class SelectValueEntry extends ButtonEntry
        protected final String        beforeValue;
        protected Object              currentValue;
        protected Map<Object, String> selectableValues;

        public SelectValueEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement<String> configElement, Map<Object, String> selectableValues)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);
            beforeValue = configElement.get().toString();
            currentValue = configElement.get().toString();
            this.selectableValues = selectableValues;

        public void updateValueButtonText()
            this.btnValue.displayString = currentValue.toString();

        public void valueButtonPressed(int slotIndex)
            mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiSelectString(this.owningScreen, configElement, slotIndex, selectableValues, currentValue, enabled()));

        public void setValueFromChildScreen(Object newValue)
            if (enabled() && currentValue != null ? !currentValue.equals(newValue) : newValue != null)
                currentValue = newValue;

        public boolean isDefault()
            if (configElement.getDefault() != null)
                return configElement.getDefault().equals(currentValue);
                return currentValue == null;

        public void setToDefault()
            if (enabled())
                this.currentValue = configElement.getDefault().toString();

        public boolean isChanged()
            if (beforeValue != null)
                return !beforeValue.equals(currentValue);
                return currentValue == null;

        public void undoChanges()
            if (enabled())
                currentValue = beforeValue;

        public boolean saveConfigElement()
            if (enabled() && isChanged())
                return configElement.requiresMcRestart();
            return false;

        public String getCurrentValue()
            return this.currentValue.toString();

        public String[] getCurrentValues()
            return new String[] { getCurrentValue() };

     * ArrayEntry
     * Provides a GuiButton with the list contents as the displayString. Clicking the button navigates to a screen where the list can be
     * edited.
    public static class ArrayEntry extends ButtonEntry
        protected final Object[] beforeValues;
        protected Object[]       currentValues;

        public ArrayEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement configElement)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);
            beforeValues = configElement.getList();
            currentValues = configElement.getList();

        public void updateValueButtonText()
            this.btnValue.displayString = "";
            for (Object o : currentValues)
                this.btnValue.displayString += ", [" + o + "]";

            this.btnValue.displayString = this.btnValue.displayString.replaceFirst(", ", "");

        public void valueButtonPressed(int slotIndex)
            mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiEditArray(this.owningScreen, configElement, slotIndex, currentValues, enabled()));

        public void setListFromChildScreen(Object[] newList)
            if (enabled() && !Arrays.deepEquals(currentValues, newList))
                currentValues = newList;

        public boolean isDefault()
            return Arrays.deepEquals(configElement.getDefaults(), currentValues);

        public void setToDefault()
            if (enabled())
                this.currentValues = configElement.getDefaults();

        public boolean isChanged()
            return !Arrays.deepEquals(beforeValues, currentValues);

        public void undoChanges()
            if (enabled())
                currentValues = beforeValues;

        public boolean saveConfigElement()
            if (enabled() && isChanged())
                return configElement.requiresMcRestart();
            return false;

        public Object getCurrentValue()
            return this.btnValue.displayString;

        public Object[] getCurrentValues()
            return this.currentValues;

     * NumberSliderEntry
     * Provides a slider for numeric properties.
    public static class NumberSliderEntry extends ButtonEntry
        protected final double beforeValue;

        public NumberSliderEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement<?> configElement)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement, new GuiSlider(0, owningEntryList.controlX, 0, owningEntryList.controlWidth, 18,
                    "", "", Double.valueOf(configElement.getMinValue().toString()), Double.valueOf(configElement.getMaxValue().toString()),
                    Double.valueOf(configElement.get().toString()), configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.DOUBLE, true));

            if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.INTEGER)
                this.beforeValue = Integer.valueOf(configElement.get().toString());
                this.beforeValue = Double.valueOf(configElement.get().toString());

        public void updateValueButtonText()
            ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).updateSlider();

        public void valueButtonPressed(int slotIndex) {}

        public boolean isDefault()
            if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.INTEGER)
                return ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).getValueInt() == Integer.valueOf(configElement.getDefault().toString());
                return ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).getValue() == Double.valueOf(configElement.getDefault().toString());

        public void setToDefault()
            if (this.enabled())
                ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).setValue(Double.valueOf(configElement.getDefault().toString()));
                ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).updateSlider();

        public boolean isChanged()
            if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.INTEGER)
                return ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).getValueInt() != (int) Math.round(beforeValue);
                return ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).getValue() != beforeValue;

        public void undoChanges()
            if (this.enabled())
                ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).setValue(beforeValue);
                ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).updateSlider();

        public boolean saveConfigElement()
            if (this.enabled() && this.isChanged())
                if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.INTEGER)
                    configElement.set(((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).getValueInt());
                    configElement.set(((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).getValue());
                return configElement.requiresMcRestart();
            return false;

        public Object getCurrentValue()
            if (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.INTEGER)
                return ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).getValueInt();
                return ((GuiSlider) this.btnValue).getValue();

        public Object[] getCurrentValues()
            return new Object[] { getCurrentValue() };

     * ButtonEntry
     * Provides a basic GuiButton entry to be used as a base for other entries that require a button for the value.
    public static abstract class ButtonEntry extends ListEntryBase
        protected final GuiButtonExt btnValue;

        public ButtonEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement<?> configElement)
            this(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement, new GuiButtonExt(0, owningEntryList.controlX, 0, owningEntryList.controlWidth, 18,
                    configElement.get() != null ? I18n.format(String.valueOf(configElement.get())) : ""));

        public ButtonEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement<?> configElement, GuiButtonExt button)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);
            this.btnValue = button;

         * Updates the displayString of the value button.
        public abstract void updateValueButtonText();

         * Called when the value button has been clicked.
        public abstract void valueButtonPressed(int slotIndex);

        public void drawEntry(int slotIndex, int x, int y, int listWidth, int slotHeight, Tessellator tessellator, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean isSelected)
            super.drawEntry(slotIndex, x, y, listWidth, slotHeight, tessellator, mouseX, mouseY, isSelected);
            this.btnValue.width = this.owningEntryList.controlWidth;
            this.btnValue.xPosition = this.owningScreen.entryList.controlX;
            this.btnValue.yPosition = y;
            this.btnValue.enabled = enabled();
            this.btnValue.drawButton(, mouseX, mouseY);

         * Returns true if the mouse has been pressed on this control.
        public boolean mousePressed(int index, int x, int y, int mouseEvent, int relativeX, int relativeY)
            if (this.btnValue.mousePressed(, x, y))
                return true;
                return super.mousePressed(index, x, y, mouseEvent, relativeX, relativeY);

         * Fired when the mouse button is released. Arguments: index, x, y, mouseEvent, relativeX, relativeY
        public void mouseReleased(int index, int x, int y, int mouseEvent, int relativeX, int relativeY)
            super.mouseReleased(index, x, y, mouseEvent, relativeX, relativeY);
            this.btnValue.mouseReleased(x, y);

        public void keyTyped(char eventChar, int eventKey)

        public void updateCursorCounter()

        public void mouseClicked(int x, int y, int mouseEvent)

     * IntegerEntry
     * Provides a GuiTextField for user input. Input is restricted to ensure the value can be parsed using Integer.parseInteger().
    public static class IntegerEntry extends StringEntry
        protected final int beforeValue;

        public IntegerEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement configElement)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);
            this.beforeValue = Integer.valueOf(configElement.get().toString());

        public void keyTyped(char eventChar, int eventKey)
            if (enabled() || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_HOME || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_END)
                String validChars = "0123456789";
                String before = this.textFieldValue.getText();
                if (validChars.contains(String.valueOf(eventChar))
                        || (!before.startsWith("-") && this.textFieldValue.getCursorPosition() == 0 && eventChar == '-')
                        || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_BACK || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_DELETE
                        || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_HOME || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_END)
                    this.textFieldValue.textboxKeyTyped((enabled() ? eventChar : Keyboard.CHAR_NONE), eventKey);

                if (!textFieldValue.getText().trim().isEmpty() && !textFieldValue.getText().trim().equals("-"))
                        long value = Long.parseLong(textFieldValue.getText().trim());
                        if (value < Integer.valueOf(configElement.getMinValue().toString()) || value > Integer.valueOf(configElement.getMaxValue().toString()))
                            this.isValidValue = false;
                            this.isValidValue = true;
                    catch (Throwable e)
                        this.isValidValue = false;
                    this.isValidValue = false;

        public boolean isChanged()
                return this.beforeValue != Integer.parseInt(textFieldValue.getText().trim());
            catch (Throwable e)
                return true;

        public void undoChanges()
            if (enabled())

        public boolean saveConfigElement()
            if (enabled())
                if (isChanged() && this.isValidValue)
                        int value = Integer.parseInt(textFieldValue.getText().trim());
                        return configElement.requiresMcRestart();
                    catch (Throwable e)
                else if (isChanged() && !this.isValidValue)
                        int value = Integer.parseInt(textFieldValue.getText().trim());
                        if (value < Integer.valueOf(configElement.getMinValue().toString()))

                    catch (Throwable e)

                return configElement.requiresMcRestart() && beforeValue != Integer.parseInt(configElement.get().toString());
            return false;

     * DoubleEntry
     * Provides a GuiTextField for user input. Input is restricted to ensure the value can be parsed using Double.parseDouble().
    public static class DoubleEntry extends StringEntry
        protected final double beforeValue;

        public DoubleEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement configElement)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);
            this.beforeValue = Double.valueOf(configElement.get().toString());

        public void keyTyped(char eventChar, int eventKey)
            if (enabled() || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_HOME || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_END)
                String validChars = "0123456789";
                String before = this.textFieldValue.getText();
                if (validChars.contains(String.valueOf(eventChar)) ||
                        (!before.startsWith("-") && this.textFieldValue.getCursorPosition() == 0 && eventChar == '-')
                        || (!before.contains(".") && eventChar == '.')
                        || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_BACK || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_DELETE || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT
                        || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_HOME || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_END)
                    this.textFieldValue.textboxKeyTyped((enabled() ? eventChar : Keyboard.CHAR_NONE), eventKey);

                if (!textFieldValue.getText().trim().isEmpty() && !textFieldValue.getText().trim().equals("-"))
                        double value = Double.parseDouble(textFieldValue.getText().trim());
                        if (value < Double.valueOf(configElement.getMinValue().toString()) || value > Double.valueOf(configElement.getMaxValue().toString()))
                            this.isValidValue = false;
                            this.isValidValue = true;
                    catch (Throwable e)
                        this.isValidValue = false;
                    this.isValidValue = false;

        public boolean isChanged()
                return this.beforeValue != Double.parseDouble(textFieldValue.getText().trim());
            catch (Throwable e)
                return true;

        public void undoChanges()
            if (enabled())

        public boolean saveConfigElement()
            if (enabled())
                if (isChanged() && this.isValidValue)
                        double value = Double.parseDouble(textFieldValue.getText().trim());
                        return configElement.requiresMcRestart();
                    catch (Throwable e)
                else if (isChanged() && !this.isValidValue)
                        double value = Double.parseDouble(textFieldValue.getText().trim());
                        if (value < Double.valueOf(configElement.getMinValue().toString()))
                    catch (Throwable e)

                return configElement.requiresMcRestart() && beforeValue != Double.parseDouble(configElement.get().toString());
            return false;

     * StringEntry
     * Provides a GuiTextField for user input.
    public static class StringEntry extends ListEntryBase
        protected final GuiTextField textFieldValue;
        protected final String       beforeValue;

        public StringEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement<?> configElement)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);
            beforeValue = configElement.get().toString();
            this.textFieldValue = new GuiTextField(, this.owningEntryList.controlX + 1, 0, this.owningEntryList.controlWidth - 3, 16);

        public void drawEntry(int slotIndex, int x, int y, int listWidth, int slotHeight, Tessellator tessellator, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean isSelected)
            super.drawEntry(slotIndex, x, y, listWidth, slotHeight, tessellator, mouseX, mouseY, isSelected);
            this.textFieldValue.xPosition = this.owningEntryList.controlX + 2;
            this.textFieldValue.yPosition = y + 1;
            this.textFieldValue.width = this.owningEntryList.controlWidth - 4;

        public void keyTyped(char eventChar, int eventKey)
            if (enabled() || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_LEFT || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_HOME || eventKey == Keyboard.KEY_END)
                this.textFieldValue.textboxKeyTyped((enabled() ? eventChar : Keyboard.CHAR_NONE), eventKey);

                if (configElement.getValidationPattern() != null)
                    if (configElement.getValidationPattern().matcher(this.textFieldValue.getText().trim()).matches())
                        isValidValue = true;
                        isValidValue = false;

        public void updateCursorCounter()

        public void mouseClicked(int x, int y, int mouseEvent)
            this.textFieldValue.mouseClicked(x, y, mouseEvent);

        public boolean isDefault()
            return configElement.getDefault() != null ? configElement.getDefault().toString().equals(this.textFieldValue.getText()) :

        public void setToDefault()
            if (enabled())
                keyTyped((char) Keyboard.CHAR_NONE, Keyboard.KEY_HOME);

        public boolean isChanged()
            return beforeValue != null ? !this.beforeValue.equals(textFieldValue.getText()) : this.textFieldValue.getText().trim().isEmpty();

        public void undoChanges()
            if (enabled())

        public boolean saveConfigElement()
            if (enabled())
                if (isChanged() && this.isValidValue)
                    return configElement.requiresMcRestart();
                else if (isChanged() && !this.isValidValue)
                    return configElement.requiresMcRestart()
                            && beforeValue != null ? beforeValue.equals(configElement.getDefault()) : configElement.getDefault() == null;
            return false;

        public Object getCurrentValue()
            return this.textFieldValue.getText();

        public Object[] getCurrentValues()
            return new Object[] { getCurrentValue() };

     * CategoryEntry
     * Provides an entry that consists of a GuiButton for navigating to the child category GuiConfig screen.
    public static class CategoryEntry extends ListEntryBase
        protected GuiScreen childScreen;
        protected final GuiButtonExt btnSelectCategory;

        public CategoryEntry(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement configElement)
            super(owningScreen, owningEntryList, configElement);

            this.childScreen = this.buildChildScreen();

            this.btnSelectCategory = new GuiButtonExt(0, 0, 0, 300, 18, I18n.format(name));
            this.tooltipHoverChecker = new HoverChecker(this.btnSelectCategory, 800);

            this.drawLabel = false;

         * This method is called in the constructor and is used to set the childScreen field.
        protected GuiScreen buildChildScreen()
            return new GuiConfig(this.owningScreen, this.configElement.getChildElements(), this.owningScreen.modID,
                    owningScreen.allRequireWorldRestart || this.configElement.requiresWorldRestart(),
                    owningScreen.allRequireMcRestart || this.configElement.requiresMcRestart(), this.owningScreen.title,
                    ((this.owningScreen.titleLine2 == null ? "" : this.owningScreen.titleLine2) + " > " +;

        public void drawEntry(int slotIndex, int x, int y, int listWidth, int slotHeight, Tessellator tessellator, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean isSelected)
            this.btnSelectCategory.xPosition = listWidth / 2 - 150;
            this.btnSelectCategory.yPosition = y;
            this.btnSelectCategory.enabled = enabled();
            this.btnSelectCategory.drawButton(, mouseX, mouseY);

            super.drawEntry(slotIndex, x, y, listWidth, slotHeight, tessellator, mouseX, mouseY, isSelected);

        public void drawToolTip(int mouseX, int mouseY)
            boolean canHover = mouseY < this.owningScreen.entryList.bottom && mouseY >;

            if (this.tooltipHoverChecker.checkHover(mouseX, mouseY, canHover))
                this.owningScreen.drawToolTip(toolTip, mouseX, mouseY);

            super.drawToolTip(mouseX, mouseY);

        public boolean mousePressed(int index, int x, int y, int mouseEvent, int relativeX, int relativeY)
            if (this.btnSelectCategory.mousePressed(, x, y))
                return true;
                return super.mousePressed(index, x, y, mouseEvent, relativeX, relativeY);

        public void mouseReleased(int index, int x, int y, int mouseEvent, int relativeX, int relativeY)
            this.btnSelectCategory.mouseReleased(x, y);

        public boolean isDefault()
            if (childScreen instanceof GuiConfig && ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList != null)
                return ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList.areAllEntriesDefault(true);

            return true;

        public void setToDefault()
            if (childScreen instanceof GuiConfig && ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList != null)
                ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList.setAllToDefault(true);

        public void keyTyped(char eventChar, int eventKey)

        public void updateCursorCounter()

        public void mouseClicked(int x, int y, int mouseEvent)

        public boolean saveConfigElement()
            boolean requiresRestart = false;

            if (childScreen instanceof GuiConfig && ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList != null)
                requiresRestart = configElement.requiresMcRestart() && ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList.hasChangedEntry(true);

                if (((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList.saveConfigElements())
                    requiresRestart = true;

            return requiresRestart;

        public boolean isChanged()
            if (childScreen instanceof GuiConfig && ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList != null)
                return ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList.hasChangedEntry(true);
                return false;

        public void undoChanges()
            if (childScreen instanceof GuiConfig && ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList != null)
                ((GuiConfig) childScreen).entryList.undoAllChanges(true);

        public boolean enabled()
            return true;

        public int getLabelWidth()
            return 0;

        public int getEntryRightBound()
            return this.owningEntryList.width / 2 + 155 + 22 + 18;

        public String getCurrentValue()
            return "";

        public String[] getCurrentValues()
            return new String[] { getCurrentValue() };

     * ListEntryBase
     * Provides a base entry for others to extend. Handles drawing the prop label (if drawLabel == true) and the Undo/Default buttons.
    public static abstract class ListEntryBase implements IConfigEntry
        protected final GuiConfig owningScreen;
        protected final GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList;
        protected final IConfigElement configElement;
        protected final Minecraft mc;
        protected final String name;
        protected final GuiButtonExt btnUndoChanges;
        protected final GuiButtonExt btnDefault;
        protected List toolTip;
        protected List undoToolTip;
        protected List defaultToolTip;
        protected boolean isValidValue = true;
        protected HoverChecker tooltipHoverChecker;
        protected HoverChecker undoHoverChecker;
        protected HoverChecker defaultHoverChecker;
        protected boolean drawLabel;

        @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
        public ListEntryBase(GuiConfig owningScreen, GuiConfigEntries owningEntryList, IConfigElement configElement)
            this.owningScreen = owningScreen;
            this.owningEntryList = owningEntryList;
            this.configElement = configElement;
   = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
            String trans = I18n.format(configElement.getLanguageKey());
            if (!trans.equals(configElement.getLanguageKey()))
       = trans;
       = configElement.getName();
            this.btnUndoChanges = new GuiButtonExt(0, 0, 0, 18, 18, UNDO_CHAR);
            this.btnDefault = new GuiButtonExt(0, 0, 0, 18, 18, RESET_CHAR);

            this.undoHoverChecker = new HoverChecker(this.btnUndoChanges, 800);
            this.defaultHoverChecker = new HoverChecker(this.btnDefault, 800);
            this.undoToolTip = Arrays.asList(new String[] { I18n.format("fml.configgui.tooltip.undoChanges") });
            this.defaultToolTip = Arrays.asList(new String[] { I18n.format("fml.configgui.tooltip.resetToDefault") });

            this.drawLabel = true;

            String comment;

            comment = I18n.format(configElement.getLanguageKey() + ".tooltip").replace("\\n", "\n");

            if (!comment.equals(configElement.getLanguageKey() + ".tooltip"))
                toolTip = new ArrayList<String>(
                        EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + name + "\n" + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + comment, 300));
            else if (configElement.getComment() != null && !configElement.getComment().trim().isEmpty())
                toolTip = new ArrayList<String>(
                        EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + name + "\n" + EnumChatFormatting.YELLOW + configElement.getComment(), 300));
                toolTip = new ArrayList<String>(
                        EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + name + "\n" + EnumChatFormatting.RED + "No tooltip defined.", 300));

            if ((configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.INTEGER
                    && (Integer.valueOf(configElement.getMinValue().toString()) != Integer.MIN_VALUE || Integer.valueOf(configElement.getMaxValue().toString()) != Integer.MAX_VALUE))
                    || (configElement.getType() == ConfigGuiType.DOUBLE
                    && (Double.valueOf(configElement.getMinValue().toString()) != -Double.MAX_VALUE || Double.valueOf(configElement.getMaxValue().toString()) != Double.MAX_VALUE)))
                        EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + I18n.format("fml.configgui.tooltip.defaultNumeric", configElement.getMinValue(), configElement.getMaxValue(), configElement.getDefault()), 300));
            else if (configElement.getType() != ConfigGuiType.CONFIG_CATEGORY)
                toolTip.addAll( + I18n.format("fml.configgui.tooltip.default", configElement.getDefault()),300));

            if (configElement.requiresMcRestart() || owningScreen.allRequireMcRestart)
                toolTip.add(EnumChatFormatting.RED + "[" + I18n.format("fml.configgui.gameRestartTitle") + "]");

        public void drawEntry(int slotIndex, int x, int y, int listWidth, int slotHeight, Tessellator tessellator, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean isSelected)
            boolean isChanged = isChanged();

            if (drawLabel)
                String label = (!isValidValue ? EnumChatFormatting.RED.toString() :
                        (isChanged ? EnumChatFormatting.WHITE.toString() : EnumChatFormatting.GRAY.toString()))
                        + (isChanged ? EnumChatFormatting.ITALIC.toString() : "") +;
                        y + slotHeight / 2 - / 2,

            this.btnUndoChanges.xPosition = this.owningEntryList.scrollBarX - 44;
            this.btnUndoChanges.yPosition = y;
            this.btnUndoChanges.enabled = enabled() && isChanged;
            this.btnUndoChanges.drawButton(, mouseX, mouseY);

            this.btnDefault.xPosition = this.owningEntryList.scrollBarX - 22;
            this.btnDefault.yPosition = y;
            this.btnDefault.enabled = enabled() && !isDefault();
            this.btnDefault.drawButton(, mouseX, mouseY);

            if (this.tooltipHoverChecker == null)
                this.tooltipHoverChecker = new HoverChecker(y, y + slotHeight, x, this.owningScreen.entryList.controlX - 8, 800);
                this.tooltipHoverChecker.updateBounds(y, y + slotHeight, x, this.owningScreen.entryList.controlX - 8);

        public void drawToolTip(int mouseX, int mouseY)
            boolean canHover = mouseY < this.owningScreen.entryList.bottom && mouseY >;
            if (toolTip != null && this.tooltipHoverChecker != null)
                if (this.tooltipHoverChecker.checkHover(mouseX, mouseY, canHover))
                    this.owningScreen.drawToolTip(toolTip, mouseX, mouseY);

            if (this.undoHoverChecker.checkHover(mouseX, mouseY, canHover))
                this.owningScreen.drawToolTip(undoToolTip, mouseX, mouseY);

            if (this.defaultHoverChecker.checkHover(mouseX, mouseY, canHover))
                this.owningScreen.drawToolTip(defaultToolTip, mouseX, mouseY);

        public boolean mousePressed(int index, int x, int y, int mouseEvent, int relativeX, int relativeY)
            if (this.btnDefault.mousePressed(, x, y))
                return true;
            else if (this.btnUndoChanges.mousePressed(, x, y))
                return true;
            return false;

        public void mouseReleased(int index, int x, int y, int mouseEvent, int relativeX, int relativeY)
            this.btnDefault.mouseReleased(x, y);

        public abstract boolean isDefault();

        public abstract void setToDefault();

        public abstract void keyTyped(char eventChar, int eventKey);

        public abstract void updateCursorCounter();

        public abstract void mouseClicked(int x, int y, int mouseEvent);

        public abstract boolean isChanged();

        public abstract void undoChanges();

        public abstract boolean saveConfigElement();

        public boolean enabled()
            return owningScreen.isWorldRunning ? !owningScreen.allRequireWorldRestart && !configElement.requiresWorldRestart() : true;

        public int getLabelWidth()

        public int getEntryRightBound()
            return this.owningEntryList.resetX + 40;

        public IConfigElement getConfigElement()
            return configElement;

        public String getName()
            return configElement.getName();

        public abstract Object getCurrentValue();

        public abstract Object[] getCurrentValues();

        public void onGuiClosed()

     * Provides an interface for defining GuiPropertyList.listEntry objects.
    public static interface IConfigEntry<T> extends GuiListExtended.IGuiListEntry
         * Gets the IConfigElement object owned by this entry.
         * @return
        public IConfigElement getConfigElement();

         * Gets the name of the ConfigElement owned by this entry.
        public String getName();

         * Gets the current value of this entry as a String.
        public T getCurrentValue();

         * Gets the current values of this list entry as a String[].
        public T[] getCurrentValues();

         * Is this list entry enabled?
         * @return true if this entry's controls should be enabled, false otherwise.
        public boolean enabled();

         * Handles user keystrokes for any GuiTextField objects in this entry. Call {@code GuiTextField.keyTyped()} for any GuiTextField
         * objects that should receive the input provided.
        public void keyTyped(char eventChar, int eventKey);

         * Call {@code GuiTextField.updateCursorCounter()} for any GuiTextField objects in this entry.
        public void updateCursorCounter();

         * Call {@code GuiTextField.mouseClicked()} for and GuiTextField objects in this entry.
        public void mouseClicked(int x, int y, int mouseEvent);

         * Is this entry's value equal to the default value? Generally true should be returned if this entry is not a property or category
         * entry.
         * @return true if this entry's value is equal to this entry's default value.
        public boolean isDefault();

         * Sets this entry's value to the default value.
        public void setToDefault();

         * Handles reverting any changes that have occurred to this entry.
        public void undoChanges();

         * Has the value of this entry changed?
         * @return true if changes have been made to this entry's value, false otherwise.
        public boolean isChanged();

         * Handles saving any changes that have been made to this entry back to the underlying object. It is a good practice to check
         * isChanged() before performing the save action. This method should return true if the element has changed AND REQUIRES A RESTART.
        public boolean saveConfigElement();

         * Handles drawing any tooltips that apply to this entry. This method is called after all other GUI elements have been drawn to the
         * screen, so it could also be used to draw any GUI element that needs to be drawn after all entries have had drawEntry() called.
        public void drawToolTip(int mouseX, int mouseY);

         * Gets this entry's label width.
        public int getLabelWidth();

         * Gets this entry's right-hand x boundary. This value is used to control where the scroll bar is placed.
        public int getEntryRightBound();

         * This method is called when the parent GUI is closed. Most handlers won't need this; it is provided for special cases.
        public void onGuiClosed();

Related Classes of cpw.mods.fml.client.config.GuiConfigEntries$ButtonEntry

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