Package charva.awt

Source Code of charva.awt.AbstractToolkit

/* class Toolkit
* Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003  R M Pitman
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

* Modified Jul 14, 2003 by Tadpole Computer, Inc.
* Modifications Copyright 2003 by Tadpole Computer, Inc.
* Modifications are hereby licensed to all parties at no charge under
* the same terms as the original.
* Modifications include minor bug fixes, and moving the handling of
* endwin() into an atexit(3) function call.

package charva.awt;

import java.util.Vector;

import charva.awt.event.AWTEvent;
import charva.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import charva.awt.event.MouseEvent;

* The Toolkit class provides the interface to the "ncurses" library
* functions. Exceptions and error messages are reported to the
* logfile $HOME/charva.log.<p>
* The default colors are white foreground and black background, but
* these defaults can be modified by changing the static variables
* _defaultForeground and _defaultBackground.
* @author
* @author Levente S\u00e1ntha
public abstract class AbstractToolkit
        implements Runnable {

    private boolean keyboardReaderRunning = false;
    private Thread keyboardReader;

    public EventQueue getSystemEventQueue() {
        return _evtQueue;

     * Get the top window of the window stack.
    public Window getTopWindow() {
        return (Window) _windowList.lastElement();

     * Returns true if the specified window is currently displayed.
    public boolean isWindowDisplayed(Window window_) {
        boolean answer = false;
        synchronized (_windowList) {
            for (int i = 0; i < _windowList.size(); i++) {
                Window w = (Window) _windowList.elementAt(i);
                if (w == window_) {
                    answer = true;
        return answer;

     * Processes a keystroke that was pressed in the currently displayed
     * window.
     * @param key_ the keystroke that was pressed. If it is less than
     * 256, it is a ASCII or ISO8859-1 code; otherwise it is a function
     * key as defined in the "VK_*" values.
    public void fireKeystroke(int key_) {
        Component currentFocus;

        synchronized (_windowList) {

            Window sourcewin = getTopWindow();

            /* Get the (non-Container) component within the source window
             * that generated the keystroke.
            currentFocus = sourcewin.getCurrentFocus();
            while (currentFocus instanceof Container) {
                currentFocus = ((Container) currentFocus).getCurrentFocus();

        fireKeystroke(key_, currentFocus);

     * Process a keystroke as if it was pressed while the focus was in the
     * specified component.
     * @param key_ the keystroke that was pressed. If it is less than
     * 256, it is an ASCII or ISO8859-1 code; otherwise it is a function
     * key as defined in the "VK_*" values.
    public void fireKeystroke(int key_, Component source_) {
        int id;
        if (key_ > 255 || key_ < ' ')
            id = AWTEvent.KEY_PRESSED;
            id = AWTEvent.KEY_TYPED;

        _evtQueue.postEvent(new KeyEvent(key_, id, source_));

    public Component getComponentAt(int x, int y)
        Window top_window = getTopWindow();
        Point origin = top_window.getLocation();     
        Component component = null;
        if (top_window.contains(x, y)) {
          component =
                top_window.getComponentAt(x - origin.x, y - origin.y);
        return component;
     * Processes the mouse-click specified by mouse_info.
     * Note that we disable mouse-click resolution in the ncurses library
     * by setting "mouse_interval" to 0, because it doesn't work properly.
     * Instead we do it in this method.
    public void fireMouseEvent(MouseEvent event) {
        int modifiers = event.getModifiers();
        int x = event.getX();
        int y = event.getY();
        int button = event.getButton();
        if (modifiers == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED)
            _lastMousePressTime = System.currentTimeMillis();


        // If this is a button-release within 400 msec of the corresponding
        // button-press.
        long current_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Component component = (Component) event.getSource();
        if (modifiers == MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED &&
                current_time - _lastMousePressTime < 400L) {

            _evtQueue.postEvent(new MouseEvent(
                    component, MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, x, y, 1, button));

            // Check for a double-click.
            if (current_time - _lastMouseClickTime < 500L) {
                _evtQueue.postEvent(new MouseEvent(
                        component, MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, x, y, 2, button));
            _lastMouseClickTime = current_time;

    /** Start a thread that reads characters from the keyboard and
     * writes them to the event-queue.  Make it a daemon thread
     * so that the program will exit when the main thread ends.
    public void startKeyboardReader() {
        if (keyboardReader == null) {
            keyboardReader = new Thread(this);
            keyboardReader.setName("keyboard reader");

    public synchronized boolean isKeyboardReaderRunning() {
        return keyboardReaderRunning;

    public void setKeyboardReaderRunning(boolean keyboardReaderRunning) {
        this.keyboardReaderRunning = keyboardReaderRunning;

     * The keyboard-reading thread just reads keystrokes, converts
     * them to KeyEvent objects, and posts the events onto the EventQueue.
    public void run() {
        keyboardReaderRunning = true;
        StringBuffer scriptbuf = new StringBuffer();

        try {
            while (isKeyboardReaderRunning()) {
                Object event = readKey();
                // identify the kind of event (key, mouse)
                int key = -1;
                MouseEvent mouseEvent = null;
                if(event == null)
                else if(event instanceof Integer)
                  key = ((Integer) event).intValue();
                else if(event instanceof MouseEvent)
          mouseEvent = (MouseEvent) event;               

                if(mouseEvent != null)
                /* Note that if the "kent" key is defined, ncurses returns
                 * VK_ENTER when the ENTER key is pressed; but some terminfo
                 * files don't define the "kent" capability.
                else if (key == '\n' || key == '\r')
                    key = KeyEvent.VK_ENTER;

                /* Likewise, some versions of curses don't map '\b' to
                 * VK_BACK_SPACE (Solaris at least); this works around
                 * that.  (I can't imagine anyone wanting \b to be mapped
                 * to anything else.  If they do, then they should set it
                 * up that way in the terminfo database.)
                else if (key == '\b')
                    key = KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE;

                /* If script recording is on.
                if (_scriptPrintStream != null) {

                    /* Compute the elapsed time since the last keystroke.
                    long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    long elapsed = 1000;    // initial delay of 1 sec
                    if (_prevTimeMillis != 0)
                        elapsed = current - _prevTimeMillis;
                    _prevTimeMillis = current;
                    scriptbuf.append(elapsed).append(" ");

                    if (mouseEvent != null) {
                        scriptbuf.append("MOUSE ").
                                append(" ").
                    } else {
                        scriptbuf.append("KEY ");
                        scriptbuf.append(" ");

                }   // if (_scriptPrintStream != null)
            }      // for (;;)
        } catch (Exception e) {
        Object obj = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
        keyboardReader = null;

     * Convert the integer representation of a keystroke to an ASCII string.
    public static String key2ASCII(int key_) {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

        if (key_ < 0x20) {
            buf.append((char) (key_ + 0x40));
        } else if (key_ == 0x20) {
        } else if (key_ < 0x7f) {
            buf.append((char) key_);
        } else {
            switch (key_) {
                case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
                case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
                case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
                case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
                case KeyEvent.VK_HOME:
                case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F1:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F2:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F3:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F4:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F5:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F6:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F7:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F8:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F9:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F10:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F11:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F12:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F13:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F14:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F15:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F16:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F17:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F18:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F19:
                case KeyEvent.VK_F20:
                    int c = 1 + key_ - KeyEvent.VK_F1;
                case KeyEvent.VK_DELETE:
                case KeyEvent.VK_INSERT:
                case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN:
                case KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP:
                case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER:
                case KeyEvent.VK_BACK_TAB:
                case KeyEvent.VK_END:

        return buf.toString();


    /** Close the terminal window and restore terminal settings
     * (calls the curses endwin() function).
    public abstract void close();

    /** Clears the screen (calls the curses clear() function).
    public abstract void clear();

     * Set absolute cursor position
    public void setCursor(Point p) {
        setCursor(p.x, p.y);

     * Set absolute cursor position
    public abstract void setCursor(int x_, int y_);

     * Get absolute cursor position
    public Point getCursor() {
        int x = getx();
        int y = gety();
        return new Point(x, y);

     * Get absolute cursor position.  Use this overloaded version to
     * avoid allocating a new Point on the heap.
    public Point getCursor(Point p_) {
        p_.x = getx();
        p_.y = gety();
        return p_;

     * Add a character to the virtual terminal at the current cursor position.
    public abstract void addChar(int chr, int attrib, int colorpair_);

    //NOT USED
     * Draw a horizontal line of the specified length starting at the current
     * cursor position.
//    public abstract void addHorizontalLine(int length_, int attrib_,
//  int colorpair);

     * Draw a vertical line of the specified length starting at the current
     * cursor position.
    public abstract void addVerticalLine(int length_, int attrib_,
                                         int colorpair_);

     * Add a string to the virtual terminal at the current cursor position.
    public abstract void addString(String str_, int attrib_, int colorpair_);

     * Draw a box.
    public void drawBox(Point origin_, Dimension size_) {
        drawBoxNative(origin_.x, origin_.y,
                origin_.x + size_.width - 1,
                origin_.y + size_.height - 1,

     * Draw a box using the specified color pair.
    public void drawBox(Point origin_, Dimension size_, int colorpair_) {
        drawBoxNative(origin_.x, origin_.y,
                origin_.x + size_.width - 1,
                origin_.y + size_.height - 1,

    public abstract void drawBoxNative(int left_, int top_,
                                       int right_, int bottom_, int colorpair_);

    public void blankBox(Point origin_, Dimension size_) {
        blankBoxNative(origin_.x, origin_.y,
                origin_.x + size_.width - 1,
                origin_.y + size_.height - 1,

    /** Blank out a box using the specified color pair.
     * @param origin_ The top left corner of the rectangle.
     * @param size_ The dimensions of the rectangle to blank out.
     * @param colorpair_ The number of the color-pair (foreground+background)
     * to use for blanking the rectangle.
    public void blankBox(Point origin_, Dimension size_, int colorpair_) {
        blankBoxNative(origin_.x, origin_.y,
                origin_.x + size_.width - 1,
                origin_.y + size_.height - 1,

     * Blank out the specified rectangle.
    public abstract void blankBoxNative(int left_, int top_,
                                        int right_, int bottom_, int colorpair_);

     * Set a clipping rectangle.
    public void setClipRect(Rectangle clip_) {
        setClipRectNative(clip_.getLeft(), clip_.getTop(),
                clip_.getRight(), clip_.getBottom());

     * Set a clipping rectangle.
    public abstract void setClipRectNative(int left_, int top_,
                                           int right_, int bottom_);

     * Reset the clipping rectangle to the screen size.
    public abstract void resetClipRect();

     * Ring the terminal's bell.
    public abstract void beep();

    public abstract int getScreenRows();

    public abstract int getScreenColumns();

    public Dimension getScreenSize() {
        return new Dimension(getScreenColumns(), getScreenRows());

    /** Returns true if the terminal is capable of displaying colours.
    public abstract boolean hasColors();

     * Returns the maximum number of color-pairs (provides an interface
     * to the ncurses COLOR_PAIRS global variable).
    public abstract int getMaxColorPairs();

    /** An interface to the terminfo "start_colors()" function.
    public abstract void startColors();

     * Returns the color-pair index corresponding to the specified
     * color-pair.  If the color pair does not exist yet, it is created
     * using the ncurses "init_pair" function.  If all the available
     * color-pairs are already in use, a TerminfoCapabilityException
     * is thrown.
    public int getColorPairIndex(ColorPair pair_)
            throws TerminfoCapabilityException {
        int index = _colorPairs.indexOf(pair_);
        if (index != -1)
            return index;

        if (_colorPairs.size() == getMaxColorPairs()) {
            throw new TerminfoCapabilityException(
                    "max number of color pairs (" + getMaxColorPairs() +
                    ") exceeded");

        index = _colorPairs.size();
        return index;

     * Synchronize the state of the physical terminal with the state of
     * the virtual terminal maintained by curses (ie provides an interface
     * to the curses refresh() function).
    public abstract void sync();

    //NOT USED
     * Indicate to ncurses that all the lines on the screen have changed
     * and need to be redrawn the next time Toolkit.sync() is called. This
     * just calls the ncurses function "redrawwin(stdscr)".
//    public abstract void redrawWin();

     * Provides an interface to the ncurses "tigetstr()" function.
//    public abstract String getStringCapability(String capname_)
//  throws TerminfoCapabilityException;

     * Provides an interface to the ncurses "tigetnum()" function.
//    public abstract int getNumericCapability(String capname_)
//  throws TerminfoCapabilityException;

     * Provides an interface to the ncurses "tigetflag()" function.
//    public abstract boolean getBooleanCapability(String capname_)
//  throws TerminfoCapabilityException;

     * Provides an interface to the ncurses "putp()" function, to write a
     * string to the terminal; the string must be a return value from
     * getStringCapability().
//    public abstract void putp(String str_);

    //NOT USED
     * Provides an interface to the ncurses "mcprint()" function to ship
     * the specified string to a printer attached to the terminal. Makes
     * use of the "mc4" and "mc5" capabilities of the terminal (see
     * "man curs_print").
//    public abstract void print(String str_) throws TerminfoCapabilityException;

    /** Provides an interface to the terminfo "init_pair()" function.
    public abstract void initColorPair(int pair_, int fgnd_, int bgnd_)
            throws TerminfoCapabilityException;

    /** Emulates the terminfo COLOR_PAIR macro.
    public static int COLOR_PAIR_ATTRIBUTE(int pair_) {
        return (pair_ << 8);

    /** Returns the tty device name (provides an interface to the
     * Unix C function "ttyname()").
    public abstract String getTtyName();


     * Add a window to the list of displayed windows.
     * Intended to be called by the Window class only.
    void addWindow(Window window_) {
        synchronized (_windowList) {
//    public static void pause(){
//        try {
//            Thread.sleep(500);
//        }
//        catch( InterruptedException e ) {
//            e.printStackTrace();
//        }
//    }
     * Remove a window from the list of displayed windows.
     * This is intended to be called by the Window object when it hides itself.
    void removeWindow(Window window_) {
//        System.err.println( "Removing window" +window_.getName() );
//        pause();
        synchronized (_windowList) {
            if (_windowList.remove(window_) == false)
//                throw new RuntimeException(
//                        "trying to remove window not in windowlist");
                //todo why does it happen this case?
//                System.err.println( "Trying to remove window not in list" );
//                throw new RuntimeException(
//                        "trying to remove window not in windowlist");

     * Returns a Vector of all the currently-displayed Windows. Note that the
     * calling thread must synchronize on the returned Vector before using or
     * modifying it, because the window list is accessed by the
     * keyboard-reading thread as well as by the event-dispatching thread.
    Vector<Window> getWindowList() {
        return _windowList;

    private static int[] COLOR_TABLE = {
        0, //black 0
        4, //red 0
        2, //green 0
        14, //yellow 0
        1, //blue 0
        5, //magenta 0
        3, //cyan 0
        7, //white 0

    /** This method is used for initializing the color constants in the
     * Color class.
    protected static int getColor(int index) {
        return COLOR_TABLE[index];

    /** Changes the default foreground color.
    public static void setDefaultForeground(Color color_) {
        _defaultForeground = color_;

    /** Returns the default foreground color.
    public static Color getDefaultForeground() {
        return _defaultForeground;

    /** Changes the default background color.
    public static void setDefaultBackground(Color color_) {
        _defaultBackground = color_;

    /** Returns the default background color.
    public static Color getDefaultBackground() {
        return _defaultBackground;

    /** Trigger garbage collection. This method can be called inside an
     * event handler, but the call to <code>System.gc()</code> will be
     * made after the event handler has completed (i.e. after drawing is
     * completed). This is a convenient, but OPTIONAL, way of ensuring
     * that the heap does not grow too large. Some experts say that it is
     * better not to call System.gc() explicitly from inside an application;
     * you take your pick.
     * @param source_ the component that triggered the garbage collection
     * (not important).
    public void triggerGarbageCollection(Component source_) {
//LS  _evtQueue.postEvent( new GarbageCollectionEvent(source_));


     * This method is intended to be called by the keyboard-reading thread
     * only.
    protected abstract Object readKey();

    /** Get current X position of cursor.
    protected abstract int getx();

    /** Get current Y position of cursor.
    protected abstract int gety();

    private static int[] ATTRIBUTE_TABLE = {
        0, //A_NORMAL      0
        0, //A_STANDOUT    1
        1, //A_UNDERLINE   2
        2, //A_REVERSE     3
        0, //A_BLINK       4
        0, //A_DIM         5
        4, //A_BOLD        6
        0, //A_ALTCHARSET  7
        0, //A_INVIS       8


    /** This method is used for initializing the curses / ncurses video
     * attributes.
    protected static int getAttribute(int offset_) {
        return ATTRIBUTE_TABLE[offset_];

    private static int[] ACS_TABLE = new int[]
        218, //ACS_ULCORNER 0
        192, //ACS_LLCORNER 1
        191, //ACS_URCORNER 2
        217, //ACS_LRCORNER 3
        195, //ACS_LTEE     4
        180, //ACS_RTEE     5
        193, //ACS_BTEE     6
        194, //ACS_TTEE     7
        196, //ACS_HLINE    8
        179, //ACS_VLINE    9
        197, //ACS_PLUS    10
        0, //ACS_S1        11
        0, //ACS_S9        12
        254, //ACS_DIAMOND 13 //TODO check it
        178, //ACS_CKBOARD 14 //TODO check it
        0, //ACS_DEGREE    15
        0, //ACS_PLMINUS   16
        0, //ACS_BULLET    17


    /** This method is used for initializing the line-drawing
     * characters using curses/ncurses.
    private static int getACSchar(int offset_) {
        return ACS_TABLE[offset_];


    //private int _rows;
    //private int _columns;

     * A list of visible Windows.  The first in the list is at the bottom, the
     * last is on top.
    private Vector<Window> _windowList = new Vector<Window>();

     * A list of color-pairs.
    protected Vector<ColorPair> _colorPairs = new Vector<ColorPair>();

    protected EventQueue _evtQueue;

    /** Used to record keystrokes if "charva.script.record" is defined.
    private static PrintStream _scriptPrintStream = null;

    /** Used to save the time the previous key was pressed.
    private long _prevTimeMillis = 0;

    private long _lastMousePressTime;
    private long _lastMouseClickTime;

    // Definition as for ISO8859-1 (Latin-1) characters
    public static final char Auml = (char) 0xc4;
    public static final char Ccedil = (char) 0xc7;
    public static final char Eacute = (char) 0xc9;
    public static final char Euml = (char) 0xcb;
    public static final char Ouml = (char) 0xd6;
    public static final char Uuml = (char) 0xdc;

    /* This is a static initializer block. It is executed once,
     * when the class is initialized.
    static {
        /* Check if the user wants to record or play back a script.
        String scriptfilename=null; //SRR turning off scripting, because of security exception.
//        String scriptfilename = System.getProperty("charva.script.record");

        if (scriptfilename != null) {
            try {
                _scriptPrintStream = new PrintStream(
                        new FileOutputStream(scriptfilename));
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ef) {
                System.err.println("Cannot open script file \"" +
                        scriptfilename + "\" for writing");

//  String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
//  String logfilename = home + "/charva.log";

//  System.loadLibrary("Terminal");

    /** This flag is true is the system property "charva.color" has been set.
    public static final boolean isColorEnabled = true;
    //(System.getProperty("charva.color") != null);

    /* These are set to match the equivalent definitions in <ncurses.h>
     * or <curses.h> (they have to be set dynamically because the values
     * differ between curses, ncurses and PDCurses).
    public static final int A_NORMAL = getAttribute(0);
    public static final int A_STANDOUT = getAttribute(1);
    public static final int A_UNDERLINE = getAttribute(2);
    public static final int A_REVERSE = getAttribute(3);
    public static final int A_BLINK = getAttribute(4);
    public static final int A_DIM = getAttribute(5);
    public static final int A_BOLD = getAttribute(6);
    public static final int A_ALTCHARSET = getAttribute(7);
    public static final int A_INVIS = getAttribute(8);

    // graphical symbols that must be initialized from <ncurses.h> or
    // <curses.h>
    public static final int ACS_ULCORNER = getACSchar(0);
    public static final int ACS_LLCORNER = getACSchar(1);
    public static final int ACS_URCORNER = getACSchar(2);
    public static final int ACS_LRCORNER = getACSchar(3);
    public static final int ACS_LTEE = getACSchar(4);
    public static final int ACS_RTEE = getACSchar(5);
    public static final int ACS_BTEE = getACSchar(6);
    public static final int ACS_TTEE = getACSchar(7);
    public static final int ACS_HLINE = getACSchar(8);
    public static final int ACS_VLINE = getACSchar(9);
    public static final int ACS_PLUS = getACSchar(10);
    public static final int ACS_S1 = getACSchar(11);
    public static final int ACS_S9 = getACSchar(12);
    public static final int ACS_DIAMOND = getACSchar(13);
    public static final int ACS_CKBOARD = getACSchar(14);
    public static final int ACS_DEGREE = getACSchar(15);
    public static final int ACS_PLMINUS = getACSchar(16);
    public static final int ACS_BULLET = getACSchar(17);

    // These constants must be the same as in ncurses.h
    public static final int BLACK = getColor(0);
    public static final int RED = getColor(1);
    public static final int GREEN = getColor(2);
    public static final int YELLOW = getColor(3);
    public static final int BLUE = getColor(4);
    public static final int MAGENTA = getColor(5);
    public static final int CYAN = getColor(6);
    public static final int WHITE = getColor(7);

    public static Color _defaultForeground = Color.white;
    public static Color _defaultBackground =;

//    public static final int KEY_MOUSE = 0631;
//    public static final int BUTTON1_RELEASED = 000001;
//    public static final int BUTTON1_PRESSED = 000002;
//    public static final int BUTTON1_CLICKED = 000004;
//    public static final int BUTTON2_RELEASED = 000100;
//    public static final int BUTTON2_PRESSED = 000200;
//    public static final int BUTTON2_CLICKED = 000400;
//    public static final int BUTTON3_RELEASED = 010000;
//    public static final int BUTTON3_PRESSED = 020000;
//    public static final int BUTTON3_CLICKED = 040000;

Related Classes of charva.awt.AbstractToolkit

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