Package com.meapsoft.disgraced

Source Code of com.meapsoft.disgraced.AvgPitchSimple

*  Copyright 2006-2007 Columbia University.
*  This file is part of MEAPsoft.
*  MEAPsoft is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
*  published by the Free Software Foundation.
*  MEAPsoft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with MEAPsoft; if not, write to the Free Software
*  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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*  See the file "COPYING" for the text of the license.

package com.meapsoft.disgraced;

import java.util.Arrays;

import com.meapsoft.FeatExtractor;
import com.meapsoft.RingMatrix;
import com.meapsoft.STFT;
import com.meapsoft.featextractors.FeatureExtractor;

* Picks the strongest fourier harmonic in every frame and calls it the pitch,
* then average these (weighted by energy) within the frame
* Based on AvgChroma
* @author Dan Ellis ( 2006-05-02

public class AvgPitchSimple extends FeatureExtractor

  // earliest FFT bin to use
  protected static final int FIRSTBAND = 3;

  protected double[] pitchWt;

  protected double[] linSpec;

  protected double bin2hz;

  protected int N;

  public static final double CHROMA_LOG2 = 0.69314718055995;

  public static final double LOG_ONE_SEMITONE = 0.057762265046662;

  public static final double MIDI0C_HZ = 8.1757989156;

  //public static final double A0_HZ = 27.5;

  public static final double C0_HZ = 16.3516;

  public double hz2octs(double fq)
    if (fq <= 0)
      return 0;
    // notes above BASEPITCH will be positive, below will be negative.
    double BASEPITCH = C0_HZ;
    // with C0_HZ, integer part of return is octave number,
    // fractional part is chroma.
    // So C0 (16.35 Hz) -> 0.0, A0 (27.5 Hz) -> 0.25,
    // C4 (262 Hz) -> 4.0, A4 (440 Hz) -> 4.25

    return Math.log(fq / BASEPITCH) / CHROMA_LOG2;

  // convert hz to midi number (i.e. 8.176 Hz == 0, C4 (262 Hz) = 60.0)
  public double hz2midi(double fq)
    if (fq <= 0)
      return 0;

    //System.out.println("got freq: " + fq + " returning midi: " + Math.log(fq / MIDI0C_HZ) / LOG_ONE_SEMITONE);
    return Math.log(fq / MIDI0C_HZ) / LOG_ONE_SEMITONE;

  // Default constructor
  public AvgPitchSimple()
    this(FeatExtractor.nfft / 2 + 1, FeatExtractor.feSamplingRate);

  public AvgPitchSimple(int N, double sampleRate)
    this.N = N;
    linSpec = new double[N];
    pitchWt = new double[N];

    // Create the weighting profile for choosing the pitch
    // Gaussian in octave space centered on C4 (262Hz) with SD of 2 octaves
    bin2hz = sampleRate / (2 * (N - 1));

    for (int i = FIRSTBAND; i < N; ++i)
      pitchWt[i] = Math.exp(-0.5
          * Math.pow((hz2octs(bin2hz * i) - 4) / 2, 2));

  public double[] features(STFT stft, long startFrame, int length, boolean preEmphasis)
    double[] pitch = new double[1];
    double[] curFrame;

    boolean recalculateSTFT = stft.getRows() != N;
    RingMatrix newstft = null;
    if (recalculateSTFT)
      // keep the same number of frames as in stft
      newstft = STFT.getSTFT(stft.getSamples(startFrame, startFrame
          + length), (N - 1) * 2, stft.nhop);
      length = newstft.getColumns();

    // if there are no features we just bail.
    if (length == 0)
      return null;

    double wtdsum = 0;
    double sumwts = 0;

    // collect average linear spectrum
    Arrays.fill(linSpec, 0);
    for (int frame = 0; frame < length; frame++)

      if (!recalculateSTFT)
        curFrame = stft.getFrame(startFrame + frame);
        curFrame = newstft.getColumn(frame);

      if (curFrame != null)
        for (int band = 0; band < linSpec.length; band++)
          linSpec[band] += Math.pow(10, curFrame[band] / 10) / length;

    // now pick best peak from linspec

    double pmax = -1;
    int maxbin = 0;
    for (int band = FIRSTBAND; band < N; band++)
      double pwr = pitchWt[band] * linSpec[band];
      if (pwr > pmax)
        pmax = pwr;
        maxbin = band;

    // cubic interpolation
    double yz = linSpec[maxbin];
    double ym = linSpec[maxbin - 1];
    double yp = linSpec[maxbin + 1];
    // treating Y as k(x-x0)^2 + c, we have samples at y(0), y(-1), y(1)
    // yz = k x0^2 + c
    // yp = k (1-x0)^2 + c = k + k x0 ^ 2 - 2 k x0 + c
    // ym = k (1+x0)^2 + c = k + k x0 ^ 2 + 2 k x0 + c
    double k = (yp + ym) / 2 - yz;
    // this "fix" seems to affect too many segments!
    // if (k < 0.001)
    // k = 0.001;

    double x0 = (ym - yp) / (4 * k);
    // double c = yz - k*Math.pow(x0,2);
    // y = kx^2 +kx0^2 -2kx0.x +c
    // dy/dx = 2kx - 2kx0 = 0 when x = x0

    // System.out.println("bin2hz: " + bin2hz + " maxbin: " + maxbin + " x0:
    // " + x0);
    pitch[0] = hz2midi(bin2hz * (maxbin + x0));

    return pitch;

  public String description()
    return "Provides a pitch estimation (in MIDI pitch units) for each segment of sound.";

Related Classes of com.meapsoft.disgraced.AvgPitchSimple

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