Package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.ntru

Source Code of org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.ntru.NTRUSigningKeyPairGenerator

package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.ntru;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;

import org.bouncycastle.crypto.AsymmetricCipherKeyPair;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.AsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.KeyGenerationParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.euclid.BigIntEuclidean;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.BigDecimalPolynomial;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.BigIntPolynomial;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.DenseTernaryPolynomial;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.IntegerPolynomial;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.Polynomial;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.ProductFormPolynomial;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.Resultant;

import static java.math.BigInteger.ONE;
import static java.math.BigInteger.ZERO;

public class NTRUSigningKeyPairGenerator
    implements AsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator
    private NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters params;

    public void init(KeyGenerationParameters param)
        this.params = (NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters)param;

     * Generates a new signature key pair. Starts <code>B+1</code> threads.
     * @return a key pair
    public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair generateKeyPair()
        NTRUSigningPublicKeyParameters pub = null;
        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
        List<Future<NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis>> bases = new ArrayList<Future<NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis>>();
        for (int k = params.B; k >= 0; k--)
            bases.add(executor.submit(new BasisGenerationTask()));

        List<NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis> basises = new ArrayList<NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis>();

        for (int k = params.B; k >= 0; k--)
            Future<NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis> basis = bases.get(k);
                if (k == params.B)
                    pub = new NTRUSigningPublicKeyParameters(basis.get().h, params.getSigningParameters());
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new IllegalStateException(e);
        NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters priv = new NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters(basises, pub);
        AsymmetricCipherKeyPair kp = new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(pub, priv);
        return kp;

     * Generates a new signature key pair. Runs in a single thread.
     * @return a key pair
    public AsymmetricCipherKeyPair generateKeyPairSingleThread()
        List<NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis> basises = new ArrayList<NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis>();
        NTRUSigningPublicKeyParameters pub = null;
        for (int k = params.B; k >= 0; k--)
            NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis basis = generateBoundedBasis();
            if (k == 0)
                pub = new NTRUSigningPublicKeyParameters(basis.h, params.getSigningParameters());
        NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters priv = new NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters(basises, pub);
        return new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(pub, priv);

     * Implementation of the optional steps 20 through 26 in EESS1v2.pdf, section
     * This doesn't seem to have much of an effect and sometimes actually increases the
     * norm of F, but on average it slightly reduces the norm.<br/>
     * This method changes <code>F</code> and <code>g</code> but leaves <code>f</code> and
     * <code>g</code> unchanged.
     * @param f
     * @param g
     * @param F
     * @param G
     * @param N
    private void minimizeFG(IntegerPolynomial f, IntegerPolynomial g, IntegerPolynomial F, IntegerPolynomial G, int N)
        int E = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            E += 2 * N * (f.coeffs[j] * f.coeffs[j] + g.coeffs[j] * g.coeffs[j]);

        // [f(1)+g(1)]^2 = 4
        E -= 4;

        IntegerPolynomial u = (IntegerPolynomial)f.clone();
        IntegerPolynomial v = (IntegerPolynomial)g.clone();
        int j = 0;
        int k = 0;
        int maxAdjustment = N;
        while (k < maxAdjustment && j < N)
            int D = 0;
            int i = 0;
            while (i < N)
                int D1 = F.coeffs[i] * f.coeffs[i];
                int D2 = G.coeffs[i] * g.coeffs[i];
                int D3 = 4 * N * (D1 + D2);
                D += D3;
            // f(1)+g(1) = 2
            int D1 = 4 * (F.sumCoeffs() + G.sumCoeffs());
            D -= D1;

            if (D > E)
                j = 0;
            else if (D < -E)
                j = 0;

     * Creates a NTRUSigner basis consisting of polynomials <code>f, g, F, G, h</code>.<br/>
     * If <code>KeyGenAlg=FLOAT</code>, the basis may not be valid and this method must be rerun if that is the case.<br/>
     * @see #generateBoundedBasis()
    private FGBasis generateBasis()
        int N = params.N;
        int q = params.q;
        int d = params.d;
        int d1 = params.d1;
        int d2 = params.d2;
        int d3 = params.d3;
        int basisType = params.basisType;

        Polynomial f;
        IntegerPolynomial fInt;
        Polynomial g;
        IntegerPolynomial gInt;
        IntegerPolynomial fq;
        Resultant rf;
        Resultant rg;
        BigIntEuclidean r;

        int _2n1 = 2 * N + 1;
        boolean primeCheck = params.primeCheck;

                f = params.polyType== NTRUParameters.TERNARY_POLYNOMIAL_TYPE_SIMPLE ? DenseTernaryPolynomial.generateRandom(N, d + 1, d, new SecureRandom()) : ProductFormPolynomial.generateRandom(N, d1, d2, d3 + 1, d3, new SecureRandom());
                fInt = f.toIntegerPolynomial();
            while (primeCheck && fInt.resultant(_2n1).res.equals(ZERO));
            fq = fInt.invertFq(q);
        while (fq == null);
        rf = fInt.resultant();

                    g = params.polyType == NTRUParameters.TERNARY_POLYNOMIAL_TYPE_SIMPLE ? DenseTernaryPolynomial.generateRandom(N, d + 1, d, new SecureRandom()) : ProductFormPolynomial.generateRandom(N, d1, d2, d3 + 1, d3, new SecureRandom());
                    gInt = g.toIntegerPolynomial();
                while (primeCheck && gInt.resultant(_2n1).res.equals(ZERO));
            while (gInt.invertFq(q) == null);
            rg = gInt.resultant();
            r = BigIntEuclidean.calculate(rf.res, rg.res);
        while (!r.gcd.equals(ONE));

        BigIntPolynomial A = (BigIntPolynomial)rf.rho.clone();
        BigIntPolynomial B = (BigIntPolynomial)rg.rho.clone();

        BigIntPolynomial C;
        if (params.keyGenAlg == NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters.KEY_GEN_ALG_RESULTANT)
            int[] fRevCoeffs = new int[N];
            int[] gRevCoeffs = new int[N];
            fRevCoeffs[0] = fInt.coeffs[0];
            gRevCoeffs[0] = gInt.coeffs[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
                fRevCoeffs[i] = fInt.coeffs[N - i];
                gRevCoeffs[i] = gInt.coeffs[N - i];
            IntegerPolynomial fRev = new IntegerPolynomial(fRevCoeffs);
            IntegerPolynomial gRev = new IntegerPolynomial(gRevCoeffs);

            IntegerPolynomial t = f.mult(fRev);
            Resultant rt = t.resultant();
            C = fRev.mult(B);   // fRev.mult(B) is actually faster than new SparseTernaryPolynomial(fRev).mult(B), possibly due to cache locality?
            C = C.mult(rt.rho);
        {   // KeyGenAlg.FLOAT
            // calculate ceil(log10(N))
            int log10N = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < N; i *= 10)

            // * Cdec needs to be accurate to 1 decimal place so it can be correctly rounded;
            // * fInv loses up to (#digits of longest coeff of B) places in fInv.mult(B);
            // * multiplying fInv by B also multiplies the rounding error by a factor of N;
            // so make #decimal places of fInv the sum of the above.
            BigDecimalPolynomial fInv = rf.rho.div(new BigDecimal(rf.res), B.getMaxCoeffLength() + 1 + log10N);
            BigDecimalPolynomial gInv = rg.rho.div(new BigDecimal(rg.res), A.getMaxCoeffLength() + 1 + log10N);

            BigDecimalPolynomial Cdec = fInv.mult(B);
            C = Cdec.round();

        BigIntPolynomial F = (BigIntPolynomial)B.clone();
        BigIntPolynomial G = (BigIntPolynomial)A.clone();

        IntegerPolynomial FInt = new IntegerPolynomial(F);
        IntegerPolynomial GInt = new IntegerPolynomial(G);
        minimizeFG(fInt, gInt, FInt, GInt, N);

        Polynomial fPrime;
        IntegerPolynomial h;
        if (basisType == NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters.BASIS_TYPE_STANDARD)
            fPrime = FInt;
            h = g.mult(fq, q);
            fPrime = g;
            h = FInt.mult(fq, q);

        return new FGBasis(f, fPrime, h, FInt, GInt, params);

     * Creates a basis such that <code>|F| &lt; keyNormBound</code> and <code>|G| &lt; keyNormBound</code>
     * @return a NTRUSigner basis
    public NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis generateBoundedBasis()
        while (true)
            FGBasis basis = generateBasis();
            if (basis.isNormOk())
                return basis;

    private class BasisGenerationTask
        implements Callable<NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis>

        public NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis call()
            throws Exception
            return generateBoundedBasis();

     * A subclass of Basis that additionally contains the polynomials <code>F</code> and <code>G</code>.
    public class FGBasis
        extends NTRUSigningPrivateKeyParameters.Basis
        public IntegerPolynomial F;
        public IntegerPolynomial G;

        FGBasis(Polynomial f, Polynomial fPrime, IntegerPolynomial h, IntegerPolynomial F, IntegerPolynomial G, NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters params)
            super(f, fPrime, h, params);
            this.F = F;
            this.G = G;

         * Returns <code>true</code> if the norms of the polynomials <code>F</code> and <code>G</code>
         * are within {@link NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters#keyNormBound}.
         * @return
        boolean isNormOk()
            double keyNormBoundSq = params.keyNormBoundSq;
            int q = params.q;
            return (F.centeredNormSq(q) < keyNormBoundSq && G.centeredNormSq(q) < keyNormBoundSq);

Related Classes of org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.ntru.NTRUSigningKeyPairGenerator

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