Package org.sleuthkit.datamodel

Source Code of org.sleuthkit.datamodel.SleuthkitCase$CaseDbTransaction

* Sleuth Kit Data Model
* Copyright 2012-2014 Basis Technology Corp.
* Contact: carrier <at> sleuthkit <dot> org
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.sleuthkit.datamodel;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskData.ObjectType;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.SleuthkitJNI.CaseDbHandle.AddImageProcess;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskData.FileKnown;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskData.TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskData.TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskData.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_ENUM;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskData.TSK_FS_NAME_FLAG_ENUM;
import org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskData.TSK_FS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM;
import org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader;

* Represents the case database with methods that provide abstractions for
* database operations.
public class SleuthkitCase {

  private static final int SCHEMA_VERSION_NUMBER = 3; // This must be the same as TSK_SCHEMA_VER in tsk/auto/db_sqlite.cpp.       
  private static final int DATABASE_LOCKED_ERROR = 0; // This should be 6 according to documentation, but it has been observed to be 0.
  private static final int SQLITE_BUSY_ERROR = 5;
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SleuthkitCase.class.getName());
  private static final ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.sleuthkit.datamodel.Bundle");
  private final ConnectionPerThreadDispenser connections = new ConnectionPerThreadDispenser();
  private final ResultSetHelper rsHelper = new ResultSetHelper(this);
  private final Map<Long, Long> carvedFileContainersCache = new HashMap<Long, Long>(); // Caches the IDs of the root $CarvedFiles for each volume.
  private final Map<Long, FileSystem> fileSystemIdMap = new HashMap<Long, FileSystem>(); // Cache for file system results.
  private final ArrayList<ErrorObserver> errorObservers = new ArrayList<ErrorObserver>();
  private final String dbPath;
  private final String dbDirPath;
  private SleuthkitJNI.CaseDbHandle caseHandle; // Not currently used.
  private int versionNumber;
  private String dbBackupPath;

  // This read/write lock is used to implement a layer of locking on top of
  // the locking protocol provided by the underlying SQLite database. The Java
  // locking protocol improves performance for reasons that are not currently
  // understood. Note that the lock is contructed to use a fairness policy.
  private final ReentrantReadWriteLock rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);

   * Private constructor, clients must use newCase() or openCase() method to
   * create an instance of this class.
   * @param dbPath The full path to a SQLite case database file.
   * @param caseHandle A handle to a case database object in the native code
   * SleuthKit layer.
   * @throws Exception
  private SleuthkitCase(String dbPath, SleuthkitJNI.CaseDbHandle caseHandle) throws Exception {
    this.dbPath = dbPath;
    this.dbDirPath = new;
    this.caseHandle = caseHandle;

   * Make sure the predefined artifact types are in the artifact types table.
   * @throws SQLException
  private void initBlackboardArtifactTypes() throws SQLException, TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement statement = null;
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      statement = connection.createStatement();
      for (ARTIFACT_TYPE type : ARTIFACT_TYPE.values()) {
        resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement, "SELECT COUNT(*) from blackboard_artifact_types WHERE artifact_type_id = '" + type.getTypeID() + "'"); //NON-NLS
        if (resultSet.getLong(1) == 0) {
          connection.executeUpdate(statement, "INSERT INTO blackboard_artifact_types (artifact_type_id, type_name, display_name) VALUES (" + type.getTypeID() + " , '" + type.getLabel() + "', '" + type.getDisplayName() + "')"); //NON-NLS
        resultSet = null;
    } finally {

   * Make sure the predefined artifact attribute types are in the artifact
   * attribute types table.
   * @throws SQLException
  private void initBlackboardAttributeTypes() throws SQLException, TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement statement = null;
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      statement = connection.createStatement();
      for (ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type : ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.values()) {
        resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement, "SELECT COUNT(*) from blackboard_attribute_types WHERE attribute_type_id = '" + type.getTypeID() + "'"); //NON-NLS
        if (resultSet.getLong(1) == 0) {
          connection.executeUpdate(statement, "INSERT INTO blackboard_attribute_types (attribute_type_id, type_name, display_name) VALUES (" + type.getTypeID() + ", '" + type.getLabel() + "', '" + type.getDisplayName() + "')"); //NON-NLS
        resultSet = null;
    } finally {

   * Modify the case database to bring it up-to-date with the current version
   * of the database schema.
   * @throws Exception
  private void updateDatabaseSchema() throws Exception {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    Statement statement = null;
    try {

      // Get the schema version number of the case database from the tsk_db_info table.
      int schemaVersionNumber = SCHEMA_VERSION_NUMBER;
      statement = connection.createStatement();
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement, "SELECT schema_ver FROM tsk_db_info"); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        schemaVersionNumber = resultSet.getInt("schema_ver"); //NON-NLS
      resultSet = null;

      // Do the schema update(s), if needed.
      if (SCHEMA_VERSION_NUMBER != schemaVersionNumber) {
        // Make a backup copy of the database. Client code can get the path of the backup
        // using the getBackupDatabasePath() method.
        String backupFilePath = dbPath + ".schemaVer" + schemaVersionNumber + ".backup"; //NON-NLS
        dbBackupPath = backupFilePath;

        // Each method should examine the schema number passed to it and either:
        //    a. do nothing and return the schema version number unchanged, or
        //    b. upgrade the database and then increment and return the schema version number.
        schemaVersionNumber = updateFromSchema2toSchema3(schemaVersionNumber);

        // Write the updated schema version number to the the tsk_db_info table.
        connection.executeUpdate(statement, "UPDATE tsk_db_info SET schema_ver = " + schemaVersionNumber); //NON-NLS
      versionNumber = schemaVersionNumber;

    } catch (Exception ex) { // Cannot do exception multi-catch in Java 6, so use catch-all.
      throw ex;
    } finally {

   * Make a duplicate / backup copy of the current case database. Makes a new
   * copy only, and continues to use the current connection.
   * @param newDBPath Path to the copy to be created. File will be overwritten
   * if it exists.
   * @throws IOException if copying fails.
  public void copyCaseDB(String newDBPath) throws IOException {
    InputStream in = null;
    OutputStream out = null;
    try {
      InputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(dbPath);
      in = new BufferedInputStream(inFile);
      OutputStream outFile = new FileOutputStream(newDBPath);
      out = new BufferedOutputStream(outFile);
      int bytesRead = 0;
      while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
    } finally {
      try {
        if (in != null) {
        if (out != null) {
      } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not close streams after db copy", e); //NON-NLS

   * Write some SQLite JDBC driver details to the log file.
  private void logSQLiteJDBCDriverInfo() {
    try {"sqlite-jdbc version %s loaded in %s mode", //NON-NLS
          SQLiteJDBCLoader.getVersion(), SQLiteJDBCLoader.isNativeMode()
          ? "native" : "pure-java")); //NON-NLS   
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      SleuthkitCase.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error querying case database mode", ex);

   * Update a version 2 database schema to a version 3 database schema.
   * @param schemaVersionNumber The schema version number of the database.
   * @return 3, if the input database schema version number was 2.
   * @throws SQLException
   * @throws TskCoreException
  private int updateFromSchema2toSchema3(int schemaVersionNumber) throws SQLException, TskCoreException {
    if (schemaVersionNumber != 2) {
      return schemaVersionNumber;

    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement statement = null;
    Statement updateStatement = null;
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      statement = connection.createStatement();

      // Add new tables for tags.
      statement.execute("CREATE TABLE tag_names (tag_name_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, display_name TEXT UNIQUE, description TEXT NOT NULL, color TEXT NOT NULL)"); //NON-NLS
      statement.execute("CREATE TABLE content_tags (tag_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, obj_id INTEGER NOT NULL, tag_name_id INTEGER NOT NULL, comment TEXT NOT NULL, begin_byte_offset INTEGER NOT NULL, end_byte_offset INTEGER NOT NULL)"); //NON-NLS
      statement.execute("CREATE TABLE blackboard_artifact_tags (tag_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, artifact_id INTEGER NOT NULL, tag_name_id INTEGER NOT NULL, comment TEXT NOT NULL)"); //NON-NLS

      // Add a new table for reports.
      statement.execute("CREATE TABLE reports (report_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, path TEXT NOT NULL, crtime INTEGER NOT NULL, src_module_name TEXT NOT NULL, report_name TEXT NOT NULL)"); //NON-NLS

      // Add new columns to the image info table.
      statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tsk_image_info ADD COLUMN size INTEGER;"); //NON-NLS
      statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tsk_image_info ADD COLUMN md5 TEXT;"); //NON-NLS
      statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tsk_image_info ADD COLUMN display_name TEXT;"); //NON-NLS

      // Add a new column to the file system info table.
      statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tsk_fs_info ADD COLUMN display_name TEXT;"); //NON-NLS

      // Add a new column to the file table.
      statement.execute("ALTER TABLE tsk_files ADD COLUMN meta_seq INTEGER;"); //NON-NLS

      // Add new columns and indexes to the attributes table and populate the
      // new column. Note that addition of the new column is a denormalization
      // to optimize attribute queries.
      statement.execute("ALTER TABLE blackboard_attributes ADD COLUMN artifact_type_id INTEGER NULL NOT NULL DEFAULT -1;"); //NON-NLS
      statement.execute("CREATE INDEX attribute_artifactTypeId ON blackboard_attributes(artifact_type_id);"); //NON-NLS
      statement.execute("CREATE INDEX attribute_valueText ON blackboard_attributes(value_text);"); //NON-NLS
      statement.execute("CREATE INDEX attribute_valueInt32 ON blackboard_attributes(value_int32);"); //NON-NLS
      statement.execute("CREATE INDEX attribute_valueInt64 ON blackboard_attributes(value_int64);"); //NON-NLS
      statement.execute("CREATE INDEX attribute_valueDouble ON blackboard_attributes(value_double);"); //NON-NLS
      resultSet = statement.executeQuery(
          "SELECT attrs.artifact_id, arts.artifact_type_id " + //NON-NLS
          "FROM blackboard_attributes AS attrs " + //NON-NLS
          "INNER JOIN blackboard_artifacts AS arts " + //NON-NLS
          "WHERE attrs.artifact_id = arts.artifact_id;"); //NON-NLS
      updateStatement = connection.createStatement();
      while ( {
        long artifactId = resultSet.getLong(1);
        int artifactTypeId = resultSet.getInt(2);
            "UPDATE blackboard_attributes " + //NON-NLS
            "SET artifact_type_id = " + artifactTypeId + " " + //NON-NLS
            "WHERE blackboard_attributes.artifact_id = " + artifactId + ";"); //NON-NLS         
      resultSet = null;

      // Convert existing tag artifact and attribute rows to rows in the new tags tables.
      // TODO: This code depends on prepared statements that could evolve with
      // time, breaking this upgrade. The code that follows should be rewritten
      // to do everything with SQL specific to case database schema version 2.
      HashMap<String, TagName> tagNames = new HashMap<String, TagName>();
      for (BlackboardArtifact artifact : getBlackboardArtifacts(ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_TAG_FILE)) {
        Content content = getContentById(artifact.getObjectID());
        String name = ""; //NON-NLS
        String comment = ""; //NON-NLS
        ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute> attributes = getBlackboardAttributes(artifact);
        for (BlackboardAttribute attribute : attributes) {
          if (attribute.getAttributeTypeID() == ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.TSK_TAG_NAME.getTypeID()) {
            name = attribute.getValueString();
          } else if (attribute.getAttributeTypeID() == ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.TSK_COMMENT.getTypeID()) {
            comment = attribute.getValueString();
        if (!name.isEmpty()) {
          TagName tagName;
          if (tagNames.containsKey(name)) {
            tagName = tagNames.get(name);
          } else {
            tagName = addTagName(name, "", TagName.HTML_COLOR.NONE); //NON-NLS
            tagNames.put(name, tagName);
          addContentTag(content, tagName, comment, 0, content.getSize() - 1);
      for (BlackboardArtifact artifact : getBlackboardArtifacts(ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_TAG_ARTIFACT)) {
        long taggedArtifactId = -1;
        String name = ""; //NON-NLS
        String comment = ""; //NON-NLS
        ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute> attributes = getBlackboardAttributes(artifact);
        for (BlackboardAttribute attribute : attributes) {
          if (attribute.getAttributeTypeID() == ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.TSK_TAG_NAME.getTypeID()) {
            name = attribute.getValueString();
          } else if (attribute.getAttributeTypeID() == ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.TSK_COMMENT.getTypeID()) {
            comment = attribute.getValueString();
          } else if (attribute.getAttributeTypeID() == ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.TSK_TAGGED_ARTIFACT.getTypeID()) {
            taggedArtifactId = attribute.getValueLong();
        if (taggedArtifactId != -1 && !name.isEmpty()) {
          TagName tagName;
          if (tagNames.containsKey(name)) {
            tagName = tagNames.get(name);
          } else {
            tagName = addTagName(name, "", TagName.HTML_COLOR.NONE); //NON-NLS
            tagNames.put(name, tagName);
          addBlackboardArtifactTag(getBlackboardArtifact(taggedArtifactId), tagName, comment);
          "DELETE FROM blackboard_attributes WHERE artifact_id IN " + //NON-NLS
          "(SELECT artifact_id FROM blackboard_artifacts WHERE artifact_type_id = " + ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_TAG_FILE.getTypeID() + //NON-NLS
          " OR artifact_type_id = " + ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_TAG_ARTIFACT.getTypeID() + ");"); //NON-NLS
          "DELETE FROM blackboard_artifacts WHERE " + //NON-NLS
          "artifact_type_id = " + ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_TAG_FILE.getTypeID() + //NON-NLS 
          " OR artifact_type_id = " + ARTIFACT_TYPE.TSK_TAG_ARTIFACT.getTypeID() + ";"); //NON-NLS

      return 3;
    } finally {

   * Returns case database schema version number.
   * @return The schema version number as an integer.
  public int getSchemaVersion() {
    return this.versionNumber;

   * Returns the path of a backup copy of the database made when a schema
   * version upgrade has occurred.
   * @return The path of the backup file or null if no backup was made.
  public String getBackupDatabasePath() {
    return dbBackupPath;

   * Create a new transaction on the case database. The transaction object
   * that is returned can be passed to methods that take a CaseDbTransaction.
   * The caller is responsible for calling either commit() or rollback() on
   * the transaction object.
   * @return A CaseDbTransaction object.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public CaseDbTransaction beginTransaction() throws TskCoreException {
    return new CaseDbTransaction(connections.getConnection());

   * Get the full path to the case database directory.
   * @return Absolute database directory path.
  public String getDbDirPath() {
    return dbDirPath;

   * Acquire the lock that provides exclusive access to the case database.
   * Call this method in a try block with a call to the lock release method in
   * an associated finally block.
  public void acquireExclusiveLock() {

   * Release the lock that provides exclusive access to the database. This
   * method should always be called in the finally block of a try block in
   * which the lock was acquired.
  public void releaseExclusiveLock() {

   * Acquire the lock that provides shared access to the case database. Call
   * this method in a try block with a call to the lock release method in an
   * associated finally block.
  public void acquireSharedLock() {

   * Release the lock that provides shared access to the database. This method
   * should always be called in the finally block of a try block in which the
   * lock was acquired.
  public void releaseSharedLock() {

   * Open an existing case database.
   * @param dbPath Path to SQLite case database.
   * @return Case database object.
   * @throws org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskCoreException
  public static SleuthkitCase openCase(String dbPath) throws TskCoreException {
    final SleuthkitJNI.CaseDbHandle caseHandle = SleuthkitJNI.openCaseDb(dbPath);
    try {
      return new SleuthkitCase(dbPath, caseHandle);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Failed to open case database at " + dbPath, ex);

   * Create a new case database.
   * @param dbPath Path to where SQlite case database should be created.
   * @return Case database object.
   * @throws org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskCoreException
  public static SleuthkitCase newCase(String dbPath) throws TskCoreException {
    SleuthkitJNI.CaseDbHandle caseHandle = SleuthkitJNI.newCaseDb(dbPath);
    try {
      return new SleuthkitCase(dbPath, caseHandle);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Failed to create case database at " + dbPath, ex);

   * Start process of adding a image to the case. Adding an image is a
   * multi-step process and this returns an object that allows it to happen.
   * @param timezone TZ time zone string to use for ingest of image.
   * @param processUnallocSpace Set to true to process unallocated space in
   * the image.
   * @param noFatFsOrphans Set to true to skip processing orphan files of FAT
   * file systems.
   * @return Object that encapsulates control of adding an image via the
   * SleuthKit native code layer.
  public AddImageProcess makeAddImageProcess(String timezone, boolean processUnallocSpace, boolean noFatFsOrphans) {
    return this.caseHandle.initAddImageProcess(timezone, processUnallocSpace, noFatFsOrphans);

   * Get the list of root objects (data sources) from the case database, e.g.,
   * image files, logical (local) files, virtual directories.
   * @return List of content objects representing root objects.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<Content> getRootObjects() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT obj_id, type from tsk_objects " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE par_obj_id IS NULL"); //NON-NLS     
      Collection<ObjectInfo> infos = new ArrayList<ObjectInfo>();
      while ( {
        infos.add(new ObjectInfo(rs.getLong("obj_id"), ObjectType.valueOf(rs.getShort("type")))); //NON-NLS

      List<Content> rootObjs = new ArrayList<Content>();
      for (ObjectInfo i : infos) {
        if (i.type == ObjectType.IMG) {
        } else if (i.type == ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE) {
          // Check if virtual dir for local files.
          AbstractFile af = getAbstractFileById(;
          if (af instanceof VirtualDirectory) {
          } else {
            throw new TskCoreException("Parentless object has wrong type to be a root (ABSTRACTFILE, but not VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY: " + i.type);
        } else {
          throw new TskCoreException("Parentless object has wrong type to be a root: " + i.type);
      return rootObjs;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting root objects", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all blackboard artifacts of a given type.
   * @param artifactTypeID artifact type id (must exist in database)
   * @return list of blackboard artifacts.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(int artifactTypeID) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      String artifactTypeName = getArtifactTypeString(artifactTypeID);
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_ARTIFACTS_BY_TYPE);
      statement.setInt(1, artifactTypeID);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact>();
      while ( {
        artifacts.add(new BlackboardArtifact(this, rs.getLong(1), rs.getLong(2),
            artifactTypeID, artifactTypeName, ARTIFACT_TYPE.fromID(artifactTypeID).getDisplayName()));
      return artifacts;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting or creating a blackboard artifact", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get a count of blackboard artifacts for a given content.
   * @param objId Id of the content.
   * @return The artifacts count for the content.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public long getBlackboardArtifactsCount(long objId) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.COUNT_ARTIFACTS_FROM_SOURCE);
      statement.setLong(1, objId);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      long count = 0;
      if ( {
        count = rs.getLong(1);
      return count;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting number of blackboard artifacts by content", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get a count of artifacts of a given type.
   * @param artifactTypeID Id of the artifact type.
   * @return The artifacts count for the type.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public long getBlackboardArtifactsTypeCount(int artifactTypeID) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.COUNT_ARTIFACTS_OF_TYPE);
      statement.setInt(1, artifactTypeID);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      long count = 0;
      if ( {
        count = rs.getLong(1);
      return count;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting number of blackboard artifacts by type", ex);
    } finally {

   * Helper to iterate over blackboard artifacts result set containing all
   * columns and return a list of artifacts in the set. Must be enclosed in
   * acquireSharedLock. Result set and statement must be freed by the caller.
   * @param rs existing, active result set (not closed by this method)
   * @return a list of blackboard artifacts in the result set
   * @throws SQLException if result set could not be iterated upon
  private List<BlackboardArtifact> getArtifactsHelper(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
    ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact>();
    while ( {
      final int artifactTypeID = rs.getInt(3);
      final ARTIFACT_TYPE artType = ARTIFACT_TYPE.fromID(artifactTypeID);
      artifacts.add(new BlackboardArtifact(this, rs.getLong(1), rs.getLong(2),
          artifactTypeID, artType.getLabel(), artType.getDisplayName()));
    return artifacts;

   * Get all blackboard artifacts that have an attribute of the given type and
   * String value
   * @param attrType attribute of this attribute type to look for in the
   * artifacts
   * @param value value of the attribute of the attrType type to look for
   * @return a list of blackboard artifacts with such an attribute
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurred
   * within tsk core and artifacts could not be queried
  public List<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, String value) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT DISTINCT blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id, " //NON-NLS
          + "blackboard_artifacts.obj_id, blackboard_artifacts.artifact_type_id " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM blackboard_artifacts, blackboard_attributes " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id = blackboard_attributes.artifact_id " //NON-NLS
          + "AND blackboard_attributes.attribute_type_id IS " + attrType.getTypeID() //NON-NLS
          + " AND blackboard_attributes.value_text IS '" + value + "'");   //NON-NLS
      return getArtifactsHelper(rs);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifacts by attribute", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all blackboard artifacts that have an attribute of the given type and
   * String value
   * @param attrType attribute of this attribute type to look for in the
   * artifacts
   * @param subString value substring of the string attribute of the attrType
   * type to look for
   * @param startsWith if true, the artifact attribute string should start
   * with the substring, if false, it should just contain it
   * @return a list of blackboard artifacts with such an attribute
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurred
   * within tsk core and artifacts could not be queried
  public List<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, String subString, boolean startsWith) throws TskCoreException {
    subString = "%" + subString; //NON-NLS
    if (startsWith == false) {
      subString = subString + "%"; //NON-NLS
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT DISTINCT blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id, " //NON-NLS
          + "blackboard_artifacts.obj_id, blackboard_artifacts.artifact_type_id " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM blackboard_artifacts, blackboard_attributes " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id = blackboard_attributes.artifact_id " //NON-NLS
          + "AND blackboard_attributes.attribute_type_id IS " + attrType.getTypeID() //NON-NLS
          + " AND blackboard_attributes.value_text LIKE '" + subString + "'"); //NON-NLS     
      return getArtifactsHelper(rs);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifacts by attribute. " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all blackboard artifacts that have an attribute of the given type and
   * integer value
   * @param attrType attribute of this attribute type to look for in the
   * artifacts
   * @param value value of the attribute of the attrType type to look for
   * @return a list of blackboard artifacts with such an attribute
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurred
   * within tsk core and artifacts could not be queried
  public List<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, int value) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT DISTINCT blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id, " //NON-NLS
          + "blackboard_artifacts.obj_id, blackboard_artifacts.artifact_type_id " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM blackboard_artifacts, blackboard_attributes " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id = blackboard_attributes.artifact_id " //NON-NLS
          + "AND blackboard_attributes.attribute_type_id IS " + attrType.getTypeID() //NON-NLS
          + " AND blackboard_attributes.value_int32 IS " + value); //NON-NLS
      return getArtifactsHelper(rs);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifacts by attribute", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all blackboard artifacts that have an attribute of the given type and
   * long value
   * @param attrType attribute of this attribute type to look for in the
   * artifacts
   * @param value value of the attribute of the attrType type to look for
   * @return a list of blackboard artifacts with such an attribute
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurred
   * within tsk core and artifacts could not be queried
  public List<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, long value) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT DISTINCT blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id, " //NON-NLS
          + "blackboard_artifacts.obj_id, blackboard_artifacts.artifact_type_id " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM blackboard_artifacts, blackboard_attributes " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id = blackboard_attributes.artifact_id " //NON-NLS
          + "AND blackboard_attributes.attribute_type_id IS " + attrType.getTypeID() //NON-NLS
          + " AND blackboard_attributes.value_int64 IS " + value); //NON-NLS     
      return getArtifactsHelper(rs);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifacts by attribute. " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all blackboard artifacts that have an attribute of the given type and
   * double value
   * @param attrType attribute of this attribute type to look for in the
   * artifacts
   * @param value value of the attribute of the attrType type to look for
   * @return a list of blackboard artifacts with such an attribute
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurred
   * within tsk core and artifacts could not be queried
  public List<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, double value) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT DISTINCT blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id, " //NON-NLS
          + "blackboard_artifacts.obj_id, blackboard_artifacts.artifact_type_id " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM blackboard_artifacts, blackboard_attributes " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id = blackboard_attributes.artifact_id " //NON-NLS
          + "AND blackboard_attributes.attribute_type_id IS " + attrType.getTypeID() //NON-NLS
          + " AND blackboard_attributes.value_double IS " + value); //NON-NLS
      return getArtifactsHelper(rs);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifacts by attribute", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all blackboard artifacts that have an attribute of the given type and
   * byte value
   * @param attrType attribute of this attribute type to look for in the
   * artifacts
   * @param value value of the attribute of the attrType type to look for
   * @return a list of blackboard artifacts with such an attribute
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurred
   * within tsk core and artifacts could not be queried
  public List<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, byte value) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT DISTINCT blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id, " //NON-NLS
          + "blackboard_artifacts.obj_id, blackboard_artifacts.artifact_type_id " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM blackboard_artifacts, blackboard_attributes " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id = blackboard_attributes.artifact_id " //NON-NLS
          + "AND blackboard_attributes.attribute_type_id IS " + attrType.getTypeID() //NON-NLS
          + " AND blackboard_attributes.value_byte IS " + value); //NON-NLS
      return getArtifactsHelper(rs);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifacts by attribute", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get _standard_ blackboard artifact types in use. This does not currently
   * return user-defined ones.
   * @return list of blackboard artifact types
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurred
   * within tsk core
  public ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE> getBlackboardArtifactTypes() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT artifact_type_id FROM blackboard_artifact_types"); //NON-NLS     
      ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE> artifact_types = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE>();
      while ( {
         * Only return ones in the enum because otherwise exceptions
         * get thrown down the call stack. Need to remove use of enum
         * for the attribute types */
        for (BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE artType : BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE.values()) {
          if (artType.getTypeID() == rs.getInt(1)) {
      return artifact_types;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting artifact types", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all of the blackboard artifact types that are in use in the
   * blackboard.
   * @return List of blackboard artifact types
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE> getBlackboardArtifactTypesInUse() throws TskCoreException {
    // @@@ TODO: This should be rewritten as a single query.    
    ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE> allArts = getBlackboardArtifactTypes();
    ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE> usedArts = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE>();
    for (BlackboardArtifact.ARTIFACT_TYPE art : allArts) {
      if (getBlackboardArtifactsTypeCount(art.getTypeID()) > 0) {
    return usedArts;

   * Get all blackboard attribute types
   * Gets both static (in enum) and dynamic attributes types (created by
   * modules at runtime)
   * @return list of blackboard attribute types
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurred
   * within tsk core
  public ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE> getBlackboardAttributeTypes() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT type_name FROM blackboard_attribute_types"); //NON-NLS
      ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE> attribute_types = new ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE>();
      while ( {
      return attribute_types;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting attribute types", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get count of blackboard attribute types
   * Counts both static (in enum) and dynamic attributes types (created by
   * modules at runtime)
   * @return count of attribute types
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public int getBlackboardAttributeTypesCount() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blackboard_attribute_types"); //NON-NLS
      int count = 0;
      if ( {
        count = rs.getInt(1);
      return count;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting number of blackboard artifacts by type", ex);
    } finally {

   * Helper method to get all artifacts matching the type id name and object
   * id
   * @param artifactTypeID artifact type id
   * @param artifactTypeName artifact type name
   * @param obj_id associated object id
   * @return list of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  private ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> getArtifactsHelper(int artifactTypeID, String artifactTypeName, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_ARTIFACTS_BY_SOURCE_AND_TYPE);
      statement.setLong(1, obj_id);
      statement.setInt(2, artifactTypeID);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact>();
      while ( {
        artifacts.add(new BlackboardArtifact(this, rs.getLong(1), obj_id, artifactTypeID, artifactTypeName, this.getArtifactTypeDisplayName(artifactTypeID)));
      return artifacts;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting or creating a blackboard artifact", ex);
    } finally {

   * Helper method to get count of all artifacts matching the type id name and
   * object id
   * @param artifactTypeID artifact type id
   * @param obj_id associated object id
   * @return count of matching blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  private long getArtifactsCountHelper(int artifactTypeID, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.COUNT_ARTIFACTS_BY_SOURCE_AND_TYPE);
      statement.setLong(1, obj_id);
      statement.setInt(2, artifactTypeID);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      long count = 0;
      if ( {
        count = rs.getLong(1);
      return count;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifact count", ex);
    } finally {

   * Helper method to get all artifacts matching the type id name.
   * @param artifactTypeID artifact type id
   * @param artifactTypeName artifact type name
   * @return list of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  private ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> getArtifactsHelper(int artifactTypeID, String artifactTypeName) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_ARTIFACTS_BY_TYPE);
      statement.setInt(1, artifactTypeID);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact>();
      while ( {
        artifacts.add(new BlackboardArtifact(this, rs.getLong(1), rs.getLong(2), artifactTypeID, artifactTypeName, this.getArtifactTypeDisplayName(artifactTypeID)));
      return artifacts;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting or creating a blackboard artifact", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all blackboard artifacts of a given type for the given object id
   * @param artifactTypeName artifact type name
   * @param obj_id object id
   * @return list of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(String artifactTypeName, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    int artifactTypeID = this.getArtifactTypeID(artifactTypeName);
    if (artifactTypeID == -1) {
      return new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact>();
    return getArtifactsHelper(artifactTypeID, artifactTypeName, obj_id);

   * Get all blackboard artifacts of a given type for the given object id
   * @param artifactTypeID artifact type id (must exist in database)
   * @param obj_id object id
   * @return list of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(int artifactTypeID, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    String artifactTypeName = this.getArtifactTypeString(artifactTypeID);
    return getArtifactsHelper(artifactTypeID, artifactTypeName, obj_id);

   * Get all blackboard artifacts of a given type for the given object id
   * @param artifactType artifact type enum
   * @param obj_id object id
   * @return list of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(ARTIFACT_TYPE artifactType, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    return getArtifactsHelper(artifactType.getTypeID(), artifactType.getLabel(), obj_id);

   * Get count of all blackboard artifacts of a given type for the given
   * object id
   * @param artifactTypeName artifact type name
   * @param obj_id object id
   * @return count of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public long getBlackboardArtifactsCount(String artifactTypeName, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    int artifactTypeID = this.getArtifactTypeID(artifactTypeName);
    if (artifactTypeID == -1) {
      return 0;
    return getArtifactsCountHelper(artifactTypeID, obj_id);

   * Get count of all blackboard artifacts of a given type for the given
   * object id
   * @param artifactTypeID artifact type id (must exist in database)
   * @param obj_id object id
   * @return count of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public long getBlackboardArtifactsCount(int artifactTypeID, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    return getArtifactsCountHelper(artifactTypeID, obj_id);

   * Get count of all blackboard artifacts of a given type for the given
   * object id
   * @param artifactType artifact type enum
   * @param obj_id object id
   * @return count of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public long getBlackboardArtifactsCount(ARTIFACT_TYPE artifactType, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    return getArtifactsCountHelper(artifactType.getTypeID(), obj_id);

   * Get all blackboard artifacts of a given type
   * @param artifactTypeName artifact type name
   * @return list of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(String artifactTypeName) throws TskCoreException {
    int artifactTypeID = this.getArtifactTypeID(artifactTypeName);
    if (artifactTypeID == -1) {
      return new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact>();
    return getArtifactsHelper(artifactTypeID, artifactTypeName);

   * Get all blackboard artifacts of a given type
   * @param artifactType artifact type enum
   * @return list of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(ARTIFACT_TYPE artifactType) throws TskCoreException {
    return getArtifactsHelper(artifactType.getTypeID(), artifactType.getLabel());

   * Get all blackboard artifacts of a given type with an attribute of a given
   * type and String value.
   * @param artifactType artifact type enum
   * @param attrType attribute type enum
   * @param value String value of attribute
   * @return list of blackboard artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public List<BlackboardArtifact> getBlackboardArtifacts(ARTIFACT_TYPE artifactType, BlackboardAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType, String value) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT DISTINCT blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id, " //NON-NLS
          + "blackboard_artifacts.obj_id, blackboard_artifacts.artifact_type_id " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM blackboard_artifacts, blackboard_attributes " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE blackboard_artifacts.artifact_id = blackboard_attributes.artifact_id " //NON-NLS
          + "AND blackboard_attributes.attribute_type_id IS " + attrType.getTypeID() //NON-NLS
          + " AND blackboard_artifacts.artifact_type_id = " + artifactType.getTypeID() //NON-NLS
          + " AND blackboard_attributes.value_text IS '" + value + "'"); //NON-NLS
      return getArtifactsHelper(rs);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifacts by artifact type and attribute. " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } finally {

   * Get the blackboard artifact with the given artifact id
   * @param artifactID artifact ID
   * @return blackboard artifact
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within TSK core
  public BlackboardArtifact getBlackboardArtifact(long artifactID) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_ARTIFACT_BY_ID);
      statement.setLong(1, artifactID);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      long obj_id = rs.getLong(1);
      int artifact_type_id = rs.getInt(2);
      return new BlackboardArtifact(this, artifactID, obj_id, artifact_type_id,
          this.getArtifactTypeString(artifact_type_id), this.getArtifactTypeDisplayName(artifact_type_id));
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting a blackboard artifact. " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } finally {

   * Add a blackboard attribute.
   * @param attr A blackboard attribute.
   * @param artifactTypeId The type of artifact associated with the attribute.
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurs.
  public void addBlackboardAttribute(BlackboardAttribute attr, int artifactTypeId) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    try {
      addBlackBoardAttribute(attr, artifactTypeId, connection);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error adding blackboard attribute " + attr.toString(), ex);
    } finally {

   * Add a set blackboard attributes.
   * @param attributes A set of blackboard attribute.
   * @param artifactTypeId The type of artifact associated with the
   * attributes.
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurs.
  public void addBlackboardAttributes(Collection<BlackboardAttribute> attributes, int artifactTypeId) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    try {
      for (final BlackboardAttribute attr : attributes) {
        addBlackBoardAttribute(attr, artifactTypeId, connection);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error adding blackboard attributes", ex);
    } finally {

  private void addBlackBoardAttribute(BlackboardAttribute attr, int artifactTypeId, CaseDbConnection connection) throws SQLException, TskCoreException {
    PreparedStatement statement;
    switch (attr.getValueType()) {
      case STRING:
        statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_STRING_ATTRIBUTE);
        statement.setString(7, escapeForBlackboard(attr.getValueString()));
      case BYTE:
        statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_BYTE_ATTRIBUTE);
        statement.setBytes(7, attr.getValueBytes());
      case INTEGER:
        statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_INT_ATTRIBUTE);
        statement.setInt(7, attr.getValueInt());
      case LONG:
        statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_LONG_ATTRIBUTE);
        statement.setLong(7, attr.getValueLong());
      case DOUBLE:
        statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_DOUBLE_ATTRIBUTE);
        statement.setDouble(7, attr.getValueDouble());
        throw new TskCoreException("Unrecognized artifact attribute value type");
    statement.setLong(1, attr.getArtifactID());
    statement.setInt(2, artifactTypeId);
    statement.setString(3, attr.getModuleName());
    statement.setString(4, attr.getContext());
    statement.setInt(5, attr.getAttributeTypeID());
    statement.setLong(6, attr.getValueType().getType());

   * add an attribute type with the given name
   * @param attrTypeString name of the new attribute
   * @param displayName the (non-unique) display name of the attribute type
   * @return the id of the new attribute
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  public int addAttrType(String attrTypeString, String displayName) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT attribute_type_id FROM blackboard_attribute_types WHERE type_name = '" + attrTypeString + "'"); //NON-NLS
      if (! {
        connection.executeUpdate(s, "INSERT INTO blackboard_artifact_types (type_name, display_name) VALUES (" + attrTypeString + "', '" + displayName + "')"); //NON-NLS
        rs = s.getGeneratedKeys();
      int type = rs.getInt(1);
      return type;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error adding attribute type", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get the attribute type id associated with an attribute type name.
   * @param attrTypeName An attribute type name.
   * @return An attribute id or -1 if the attribute type does not exist.
   * @throws TskCoreException If an error occurs accessing the case database.
  public int getAttrTypeID(String attrTypeName) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT attribute_type_id FROM blackboard_attribute_types WHERE type_name = '" + attrTypeName + "'"); //NON-NLS
      int typeId = -1;
      if ( {
        typeId = rs.getInt(1);
      return typeId;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting attribute type id", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get the string associated with the given id. Will throw an error if that
   * id does not exist
   * @param attrTypeID attribute id
   * @return string associated with the given id
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  public String getAttrTypeString(int attrTypeID) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT type_name FROM blackboard_attribute_types WHERE attribute_type_id = " + attrTypeID); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        return rs.getString(1);
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("No type with that id");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting or creating a attribute type name", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get the display name for the attribute with the given id. Will throw an
   * error if that id does not exist
   * @param attrTypeID attribute id
   * @return string associated with the given id
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  public String getAttrTypeDisplayName(int attrTypeID) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT display_name FROM blackboard_attribute_types WHERE attribute_type_id = " + attrTypeID); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        return rs.getString(1);
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("No type with that id");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting or creating a attribute type name", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get the artifact type id associated with an artifact type name.
   * @param artifactTypeName An artifact type name.
   * @return An artifact id or -1 if the attribute type does not exist.
   * @throws TskCoreException If an error occurs accessing the case database.
  public int getArtifactTypeID(String artifactTypeName) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT artifact_type_id FROM blackboard_artifact_types WHERE type_name = '" + artifactTypeName + "'"); //NON-NLS
      int typeId = -1;
      if ( {
        typeId = rs.getInt(1);
      return typeId;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting artifact type id", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get artifact type name for the given string. Will throw an error if that
   * artifact doesn't exist. Use addArtifactType(...) to create a new one.
   * @param artifactTypeID id for an artifact type
   * @return name of that artifact type
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  String getArtifactTypeString(int artifactTypeID) throws TskCoreException {
    // TODO: This should return null, not throw an exception
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT type_name FROM blackboard_artifact_types WHERE artifact_type_id = " + artifactTypeID); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        return rs.getString(1);
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Error getting artifact type name, artifact type id = " + artifactTypeID + " not found");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting artifact type name, artifact type id = " + artifactTypeID, ex);
    } finally {

   * Get artifact type display name for the given string. Will throw an error
   * if that artifact doesn't exist. Use addArtifactType(...) to create a new
   * one.
   * @param artifactTypeID id for an artifact type
   * @return display name of that artifact type
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  String getArtifactTypeDisplayName(int artifactTypeID) throws TskCoreException {
    // TODO: This should return null, not throw an exception
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT display_name FROM blackboard_artifact_types WHERE artifact_type_id = " + artifactTypeID); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        return rs.getString(1);
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Error getting artifact type display name, artifact type id = " + artifactTypeID + " not found");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting artifact type display name, artifact type id = " + artifactTypeID, ex);
    } finally {

   * Add an artifact type with the given name. Will return an id that can be
   * used to look that artifact type up.
   * @param artifactTypeName System (unique) name of artifact
   * @param displayName Display (non-unique) name of artifact
   * @return ID of artifact added
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  public int addArtifactType(String artifactTypeName, String displayName) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT artifact_type_id FROM blackboard_artifact_types WHERE type_name = '" + artifactTypeName + "'"); //NON-NLS
      if (! {
        connection.executeUpdate(s, "INSERT INTO blackboard_artifact_types (type_name, display_name) VALUES (" + artifactTypeName + "', '" + displayName + "')"); //NON-NLS
        rs = s.getGeneratedKeys();
      int id = rs.getInt(1);
      return id;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error adding artifact type", ex);
    } finally {

  public ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute> getBlackboardAttributes(final BlackboardArtifact artifact) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_ATTRIBUTES_OF_ARTIFACT);
      statement.setLong(1, artifact.getArtifactID());
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute>();
      while ( {
        final BlackboardAttribute attr = new BlackboardAttribute(
            rs.getBytes(6), this);
      return attributes;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting attributes for artifact, artifact id = " + artifact.getArtifactID(), ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all attributes that match a where clause. The clause should begin
   * with "WHERE" or "JOIN". To use this method you must know the database
   * tables
   * @param whereClause a sqlite where clause
   * @return a list of matching attributes
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  public ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute> getMatchingAttributes(String whereClause) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "Select artifact_id, source, context, attribute_type_id, value_type, " //NON-NLS
          + "value_byte, value_text, value_int32, value_int64, value_double FROM blackboard_attributes " + whereClause); //NON-NLS
      ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute> matches = new ArrayList<BlackboardAttribute>();
      while ( {
        BlackboardAttribute attr = new BlackboardAttribute(rs.getLong("artifact_id"), rs.getInt("attribute_type_id"), rs.getString("source"), rs.getString("context"), //NON-NLS
            BlackboardAttribute.TSK_BLACKBOARD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE.fromType(rs.getInt("value_type")), rs.getInt("value_int32"), rs.getLong("value_int64"), rs.getDouble("value_double"), //NON-NLS
            rs.getString("value_text"), rs.getBytes("value_byte"), this); //NON-NLS
      return matches;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting attributes using this where clause: " + whereClause, ex);
    } finally {

   * Get all artifacts that match a where clause. The clause should begin with
   * "WHERE" or "JOIN". To use this method you must know the database tables
   * @param whereClause a sqlite where clause
   * @return a list of matching artifacts
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  public ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> getMatchingArtifacts(String whereClause) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    Statement s = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT artifact_id, obj_id, artifact_type_id FROM blackboard_artifacts " + whereClause); //NON-NLS
      ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact> matches = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifact>();
      while ( {
        BlackboardArtifact artifact = new BlackboardArtifact(this, rs.getLong(1), rs.getLong(2), rs.getInt(3), this.getArtifactTypeString(rs.getInt(3)), this.getArtifactTypeDisplayName(rs.getInt(3)));
      return matches;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting attributes using this where clause: " + whereClause, ex);
    } finally {

   * Add a new blackboard artifact with the given type. If that artifact type
   * does not exist an error will be thrown. The artifact type name can be
   * looked up in the returned blackboard artifact.
   * @param artifactTypeID the type the given artifact should have
   * @param obj_id the content object id associated with this artifact
   * @return a new blackboard artifact
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  public BlackboardArtifact newBlackboardArtifact(int artifactTypeID, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      String artifactTypeName = getArtifactTypeString(artifactTypeID);
      String artifactDisplayName = getArtifactTypeDisplayName(artifactTypeID);
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_ARTIFACT);
      statement.setLong(1, obj_id);
      statement.setInt(2, artifactTypeID);
      rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      return new BlackboardArtifact(this, rs.getLong(1), obj_id, artifactTypeID, artifactTypeName, artifactDisplayName);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error creating a blackboard artifact", ex);
    } finally {

   * Add a new blackboard artifact with the given type.
   * @param artifactType the type the given artifact should have
   * @param obj_id the content object id associated with this artifact
   * @return a new blackboard artifact
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  public BlackboardArtifact newBlackboardArtifact(ARTIFACT_TYPE artifactType, long obj_id) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      final int type = artifactType.getTypeID();
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_ARTIFACT);
      statement.setLong(1, obj_id);
      statement.setInt(2, type);
      rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      return new BlackboardArtifact(this, rs.getLong(1), obj_id, type, artifactType.getLabel(), artifactType.getDisplayName());
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error creating a blackboard artifact", ex);
    } finally {

   * Checks if the content object has children. Note: this is generally more
   * efficient then preloading all children and checking if the set is empty,
   * and facilities lazy loading.
   * @param content content object to check for children
   * @return true if has children, false otherwise
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  boolean getContentHasChildren(Content content) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.COUNT_CHILD_OBJECTS_BY_PARENT);
      statement.setLong(1, content.getId());
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      boolean hasChildren = false;
      if ( {
        hasChildren = rs.getInt(1) > 0;
      return hasChildren;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error checking for children of parent " + content, e);
    } finally {

   * Counts if the content object children. Note: this is generally more
   * efficient then preloading all children and counting, and facilities lazy
   * loading.
   * @param content content object to check for children count
   * @return children count
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  int getContentChildrenCount(Content content) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.COUNT_CHILD_OBJECTS_BY_PARENT);
      statement.setLong(1, content.getId());
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      int countChildren = -1;
      if ( {
        countChildren = rs.getInt(1);
      return countChildren;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error checking for children of parent " + content, e);
    } finally {

   * Returns the list of AbstractFile Children of a given type for a given
   * AbstractFileParent
   * @param parent the content parent to get abstract file children for
   * @param type children type to look for, defined in TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  List<Content> getAbstractFileChildren(Content parent, TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM type) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILES_BY_PARENT_AND_TYPE);
      long parentId = parent.getId();
      statement.setLong(1, parentId);
      statement.setShort(2, type.getFileType());
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      return rsHelper.fileChildren(rs, parentId);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting AbstractFile children for Content", ex);
    } finally {

   * Returns the list of all AbstractFile Children for a given
   * AbstractFileParent
   * @param parent the content parent to get abstract file children for
   * @param type children type to look for, defined in TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  List<Content> getAbstractFileChildren(Content parent) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILES_BY_PARENT);
      long parentId = parent.getId();
      statement.setLong(1, parentId);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      return rsHelper.fileChildren(rs, parentId);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting AbstractFile children for Content", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get list of IDs for abstract files of a given type that are children of a
   * given content.
   * @param parent Object to find children for
   * @param type Type of children to find IDs for
   * @return
   * @throws TskCoreException
  List<Long> getAbstractFileChildrenIds(Content parent, TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM type) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILE_IDS_BY_PARENT_AND_TYPE);
      statement.setLong(1, parent.getId());
      statement.setShort(2, type.getFileType());
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      List<Long> children = new ArrayList<Long>();
      while ( {
      return children;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting AbstractFile children for Content", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get list of IDs for abstract files that are children of a given content.
   * @param parent Object to find children for
   * @return
   * @throws TskCoreException
  List<Long> getAbstractFileChildrenIds(Content parent) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILE_IDS_BY_PARENT);
      statement.setLong(1, parent.getId());
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      List<Long> children = new ArrayList<Long>();
      while ( {
      return children;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting AbstractFile children for Content", ex);
    } finally {

   * Stores a pair of object ID and its type
  static class ObjectInfo {

    long id;
    TskData.ObjectType type;

    ObjectInfo(long id, ObjectType type) { = id;
      this.type = type;

   * Get info about children of a given Content from the database. TODO: the
   * results of this method are volumes, file systems, and fs files.
   * @param c Parent object to run query against
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  Collection<ObjectInfo> getChildrenInfo(Content c) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT tsk_objects.obj_id, tsk_objects.type " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM tsk_objects left join tsk_files " //NON-NLS
          + "ON tsk_objects.obj_id=tsk_files.obj_id " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE tsk_objects.par_obj_id = " + c.getId()); //NON-NLS
      Collection<ObjectInfo> infos = new ArrayList<ObjectInfo>();
      while ( {
        infos.add(new ObjectInfo(rs.getLong("obj_id"), ObjectType.valueOf(rs.getShort("type")))); //NON-NLS
      return infos;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting Children Info for Content", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get parent info for the parent of the content object
   * @param c content object to get parent info for
   * @return the parent object info with the parent object type and id
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  ObjectInfo getParentInfo(Content c) throws TskCoreException {
    // TODO: This should not throw an exception if Content has no parent,
    // return null instead.
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT parent.obj_id, parent.type " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM tsk_objects AS parent INNER JOIN tsk_objects AS child " //NON-NLS
          + "ON child.par_obj_id = parent.obj_id " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE child.obj_id = " + c.getId()); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        return new ObjectInfo(rs.getLong(1), ObjectType.valueOf(rs.getShort(2)));
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Given content (id: " + c.getId() + ") has no parent");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting Parent Info for Content", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get parent info for the parent of the content object id
   * @param id content object id to get parent info for
   * @return the parent object info with the parent object type and id
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if a critical error occurs
   * within tsk core
  ObjectInfo getParentInfo(long contentId) throws TskCoreException {
    // TODO: This should not throw an exception if Content has no parent,
    // return null instead.
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT parent.obj_id, parent.type " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM tsk_objects AS parent INNER JOIN tsk_objects AS child " //NON-NLS
          + "ON child.par_obj_id = parent.obj_id " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE child.obj_id = " + contentId); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        return new ObjectInfo(rs.getLong(1), ObjectType.valueOf(rs.getShort(2)));
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Given content (id: " + contentId + ") has no parent.");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting Parent Info for Content: " + contentId, ex);
    } finally {

   * Gets parent directory for FsContent object
   * @param fsc FsContent to get parent dir for
   * @return the parent Directory
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  Directory getParentDirectory(FsContent fsc) throws TskCoreException {
    // TODO: This should not throw an exception if Content has no parent,
    // return null instead.
    if (fsc.isRoot()) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Given FsContent (id: " + fsc.getId() + ") is a root object (can't have parent directory).");
    } else {
      ObjectInfo parentInfo = getParentInfo(fsc);
      Directory parent = null;
      if (parentInfo.type == ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE) {
        parent = getDirectoryById(, fsc.getFileSystem());
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Parent of FsContent (id: " + fsc.getId() + ") has wrong type to be directory: " + parentInfo.type);
      return parent;

   * Get content object by content id
   * @param id to get content object for
   * @return instance of a Content object (one of its subclasses), or null if
   * not found.
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  public Content getContentById(long id) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT * FROM tsk_objects WHERE obj_id = " + id + " LIMIT  1"); //NON-NLS
      if (! {
        return null;

      AbstractContent content = null;
      long parentId = rs.getLong("par_obj_id"); //NON-NLS
      final TskData.ObjectType type = TskData.ObjectType.valueOf(rs.getShort("type")); //NON-NLS
      switch (type) {
        case IMG:
          content = getImageById(id);
        case VS:
          content = getVolumeSystemById(id, parentId);
        case VOL:
          content = getVolumeById(id, parentId);
        case FS:
          content = getFileSystemById(id, parentId);
        case ABSTRACTFILE:
          content = getAbstractFileById(id);
          throw new TskCoreException("Could not obtain Content object with ID: " + id);
      return content;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting Content by ID.", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get a path of a file in tsk_files_path table or null if there is none
   * @param id id of the file to get path for
   * @return file path or null
  String getFilePath(long id) {
    CaseDbConnection connection;
    try {
      connection = connections.getConnection();
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting file path for file " + id, ex); //NON-NLS     
      return null;
    String filePath = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_LOCAL_PATH_FOR_FILE);
      statement.setLong(1, id);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      if ( {
        filePath = rs.getString(1);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting file path for file " + id, ex); //NON-NLS
    } finally {
    return filePath;

   * Get a parent_path of a file in tsk_files table or null if there is none
   * @param id id of the file to get path for
   * @return file path or null
  String getFileParentPath(long id) {
    CaseDbConnection connection;
    try {
      connection = connections.getConnection();
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting parent file path for file " + id, ex); //NON-NLS     
      return null;
    String parentPath = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_PATH_FOR_FILE);
      statement.setLong(1, id);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      if ( {
        parentPath = rs.getString(1);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting file parent_path for file " + id, ex); //NON-NLS
    } finally {
    return parentPath;

   * Get a name of a file in tsk_files table or null if there is none
   * @param id id of the file to get name for
   * @return file name or null
  String getFileName(long id) {
    CaseDbConnection connection;
    try {
      connection = connections.getConnection();
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting file name for file " + id, ex); //NON-NLS     
      return null;
    String fileName = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILE_NAME);
      statement.setLong(1, id);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      if ( {
        fileName = rs.getString(1);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting file parent_path for file " + id, ex); //NON-NLS
    } finally {
    return fileName;

   * Get a derived method for a file, or null if none
   * @param id id of the derived file
   * @return derived method or null if not present
   * @throws TskCoreException exception throws if core error occurred and
   * method could not be queried
  DerivedFile.DerivedMethod getDerivedMethod(long id) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    DerivedFile.DerivedMethod method = null;
    ResultSet rs1 = null;
    ResultSet rs2 = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_DERIVED_FILE);
      statement.setLong(1, id);
      rs1 = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      if ( {
        int method_id = rs1.getInt(1);
        String rederive = rs1.getString(1);
        method = new DerivedFile.DerivedMethod(method_id, rederive);
        statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILE_DERIVATION_METHOD);
        statement.setInt(1, method_id);
        rs2 = connection.executeQuery(statement);
        if ( {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting derived method for file: " + id, e); //NON-NLS
    } finally {
    return method;

   * Get abstract file object from tsk_files table by its id
   * @param id id of the file object in tsk_files table
   * @return AbstractFile object populated, or null if not found.
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if critical error occurred within tsk
   * core and file could not be queried
  public AbstractFile getAbstractFileById(long id) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILE_BY_ID);
      statement.setLong(1, id);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      List<AbstractFile> results;
      if ((results = resultSetToAbstractFiles(rs)).size() > 0) {
        return results.get(0);
      } else {
        return null;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting file by id, id = " + id, ex);
    } finally {

   * Get the object ID of the file system that a file is located in.
   * Note: for FsContent files, this is the real fs for other non-fs
   * AbstractFile files, this field is used internally for data source id (the
   * root content obj)
   * @param fileId object id of the file to get fs column id for
   * @return fs_id or -1 if not present
  private long getFileSystemId(long fileId) {
    CaseDbConnection connection;
    try {
      connection = connections.getConnection();
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting file system id for file " + fileId, ex); //NON-NLS     
      return -1;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    long ret = -1;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_BY_OBJECT);
      statement.setLong(1, fileId);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      if ( {
        ret = rs.getLong(1);
        if (ret == 0) {
          ret = -1;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error checking file system id of a file, id = " + fileId, e); //NON-NLS
    } finally {
    return ret;

   * Checks if the file is a (sub)child of the data source (parentless Content
   * object such as Image or VirtualDirectory representing filesets)
   * @param dataSource dataSource to check
   * @param fileId id of file to check
   * @return true if the file is in the dataSource hierarchy
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if check failed
  public boolean isFileFromSource(Content dataSource, long fileId) throws TskCoreException {
    if (dataSource.getParent() != null) {
      final String msg = MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString("SleuthkitCase.isFileFromSource.exception.msg.text"), dataSource);
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    //get fs_id for file id
    long fsId = getFileSystemId(fileId);
    if (fsId == -1) {
      return false;

    //if image, check if one of fs in data source
    if (dataSource instanceof Image) {
      Collection<FileSystem> fss = getFileSystems((Image) dataSource);
      for (FileSystem fs : fss) {
        if (fs.getId() == fsId) {
          return true;
      return false;
    } //if VirtualDirectory, check if dataSource id is the fs_id
    else if (dataSource instanceof VirtualDirectory) {
      //fs_obj_id is not a real fs in this case
      //we are currently using this field internally to get to data source of non-fs files quicker
      //this will be fixed in 2.5 schema
      return dataSource.getId() == fsId;
    } else {
      final String msg = MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString("SleuthkitCase.isFileFromSource.exception.msg2.text"), dataSource);
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

   * @param dataSource the dataSource (Image, parent-less VirtualDirectory) to
   * search for the given file name
   * @param fileName Pattern of the name of the file or directory to match
   * (case insensitive, used in LIKE SQL statement).
   * @return a list of AbstractFile for files/directories whose name matches
   * the given fileName
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if check failed
  public List<AbstractFile> findFiles(Content dataSource, String fileName) throws TskCoreException {
    if (dataSource.getParent() != null) {
      final String msg = MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString("SleuthkitCase.isFileFromSource.exception.msg1.text"), dataSource);
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    List<AbstractFile> files = new ArrayList<AbstractFile>();
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILES_BY_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_NAME);
      if (dataSource instanceof Image) {
        for (FileSystem fileSystem : getFileSystems((Image) dataSource)) {
          statement.setString(1, fileName.toLowerCase());
          statement.setLong(2, fileSystem.getId());
          rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      } else if (dataSource instanceof VirtualDirectory) {
        //fs_obj_id is special for non-fs files (denotes data source)
        statement.setString(1, fileName.toLowerCase());
        statement.setLong(2, dataSource.getId());
        rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
        files = resultSetToAbstractFiles(rs);
      } else {
        final String msg = MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString("SleuthkitCase.findFiles.exception.msg2.text"), dataSource);
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException(bundle.getString("SleuthkitCase.findFiles.exception.msg3.text"), e);
    } finally {
    return files;

   * @param dataSource the dataSource (Image, parent-less VirtualDirectory) to
   * search for the given file name
   * @param fileName Pattern of the name of the file or directory to match
   * (case insensitive, used in LIKE SQL statement).
   * @param dirName Pattern of the name of a parent directory of fileName
   * (case insensitive, used in LIKE SQL statement)
   * @return a list of AbstractFile for files/directories whose name matches
   * fileName and whose parent directory contains dirName.
   * @throws org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskCoreException
  public List<AbstractFile> findFiles(Content dataSource, String fileName, String dirName) throws TskCoreException {
    if (dataSource.getParent() != null) {
      final String msg = MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString("SleuthkitCase.findFiles3.exception.msg1.text"), dataSource);
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

    List<AbstractFile> files = new ArrayList<AbstractFile>();
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_FILES_BY_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_PATH);
      if (dataSource instanceof Image) {
        for (FileSystem fileSystem : getFileSystems((Image) dataSource)) {
          statement.setString(1, fileName.toLowerCase());
          statement.setString(2, "%" + dirName.toLowerCase() + "%"); //NON-NLS
          statement.setLong(3, fileSystem.getId());
          rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      } else if (dataSource instanceof VirtualDirectory) {
        statement.setString(1, fileName.toLowerCase());
        statement.setString(2, "%" + dirName.toLowerCase() + "%"); //NON-NLS
        statement.setLong(3, dataSource.getId());
        rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
        files = resultSetToAbstractFiles(rs);
      } else {
        final String msg = MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString("SleuthkitCase.findFiles3.exception.msg2.text"), dataSource);
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, msg);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException(bundle.getString("SleuthkitCase.findFiles3.exception.msg3.text"), e);
    } finally {
      if (rs != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error closing result set after finding files", ex); //NON-NLS
    return files;

   * wraps the version of addVirtualDirectory that takes a Transaction in a
   * transaction local to this method
   * @param parentId
   * @param directoryName
   * @return
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public VirtualDirectory addVirtualDirectory(long parentId, String directoryName) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbTransaction localTrans = beginTransaction();
    try {
      VirtualDirectory newVD = addVirtualDirectory(parentId, directoryName, localTrans);
      return newVD;
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      throw ex;
    } finally {

   * Adds a virtual directory to the database and returns a VirtualDirectory
   * object representing it.
   * @param parentId the ID of the parent, or 0 if NULL
   * @param directoryName the name of the virtual directory to create
   * @param trans the transaction in the scope of which the operation is to be
   * performed, managed by the caller
   * @return a VirtualDirectory object representing the one added to the
   * database.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public VirtualDirectory addVirtualDirectory(long parentId, String directoryName, CaseDbTransaction trans) throws TskCoreException {
    if (trans == null) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Passed null CaseDbTransaction");

    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // Get the parent path.
      String parentPath = getFileParentPath(parentId);
      if (parentPath == null) {
        parentPath = ""; //NON-NLS
      String parentName = getFileName(parentId);
      if (parentName != null) {
        parentPath = parentPath + "/" + parentName; //NON-NLS

      // Insert a row for the virtual directory into the tsk_objects table.
      // INSERT INTO tsk_objects (par_obj_id, type) VALUES (?, ?)
      CaseDbConnection connection = trans.getConnection();
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_OBJECT);
      if (parentId != 0) {
        statement.setLong(1, parentId);
      statement.setLong(2, TskData.ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE.getObjectType());
      resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      long newObjId = resultSet.getLong(1);

      // Insert a row for the virtual directory into the tsk_files table.
      // INSERT INTO tsk_files (obj_id, fs_obj_id, name, type, has_path, dir_type, meta_type,
      // dir_flags, meta_flags, size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, parent_path)
      // VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)     
      statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_FILE);
      statement.setLong(1, newObjId);

      // If the parent is part of a file system, grab its file system ID
      long parentFs = this.getFileSystemId(parentId);
      if (parentFs != -1) {
        statement.setLong(2, parentFs);
      statement.setString(3, directoryName);

      //type, has_path
      statement.setShort(4, TskData.TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.VIRTUAL_DIR.getFileType());
      statement.setBoolean(5, true);

      statement.setShort(6, dirType.getValue());
      statement.setShort(7, metaType.getValue());

      //note: using alloc under assumption that derived files derive from alloc files
      statement.setShort(8, dirFlag.getValue());
      final short metaFlags = (short) (TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM.ALLOC.getValue()
          | TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM.USED.getValue());
      statement.setShort(9, metaFlags);

      long size = 0;
      statement.setLong(10, size);

      //parent path, nulls for params 11-14
      statement.setString(15, parentPath);


      return new VirtualDirectory(this, newObjId, directoryName, dirType,
          metaType, dirFlag, metaFlags, size, null, FileKnown.UNKNOWN,
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error creating virtual directory '" + directoryName + "'", e);
    } finally {

   * Get IDs of the virtual folder roots (at the same level as image), used
   * for containers such as for local files.
   * @return IDs of virtual directory root objects.
   * @throws org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskCoreException
  public List<VirtualDirectory> getVirtualDirectoryRoots() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT tsk_files.* FROM tsk_objects, tsk_files WHERE " //NON-NLS
          + "tsk_objects.par_obj_id IS NULL AND " //NON-NLS
          + "tsk_objects.type = " + TskData.ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE.getObjectType() + " AND " //NON-NLS
          + "tsk_objects.obj_id = tsk_files.obj_id AND " //NON-NLS
          + "tsk_files.type = " + TskData.TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.VIRTUAL_DIR.getFileType()
          + " ORDER BY tsk_files.dir_type, COLLATE NOCASE"); //NON-NLS
      List<VirtualDirectory> virtDirRootIds = new ArrayList<VirtualDirectory>();
      while ( {
      return virtDirRootIds;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting local files virtual folder id", ex);
    } finally {

   * Adds a carved file to the VirtualDirectory '$CarvedFiles' in the volume
   * or image given by systemId. Creates $CarvedFiles virtual directory if it
   * does not exist already.
   * @param carvedFileName the name of the carved file to add
   * @param carvedFileSize the size of the carved file to add
   * @param containerId the ID of the parent volume, file system, or image
   * @param data the layout information - a list of offsets that make up this
   * carved file.
   * @return A LayoutFile object representing the carved file.
   * @throws org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskCoreException
  public LayoutFile addCarvedFile(String carvedFileName, long carvedFileSize, long containerId, List<TskFileRange> data) throws TskCoreException {

    List<CarvedFileContainer> carvedFileContainer = new ArrayList<CarvedFileContainer>();
    carvedFileContainer.add(new CarvedFileContainer(carvedFileName, carvedFileSize, containerId, data));

    List<LayoutFile> layoutCarvedFiles = addCarvedFiles(carvedFileContainer);
    if (layoutCarvedFiles != null) {
      return layoutCarvedFiles.get(0);
    } else {
      return null;

   * Adds a collection of carved files to the VirtualDirectory '$CarvedFiles'
   * in the volume or image given by systemId. Creates $CarvedFiles virtual
   * directory if it does not exist already.
   * @param filesToAdd a list of CarvedFileContainer files to add as carved
   * files
   * @return List<LayoutFile> This is a list of the files added to the
   * database
   * @throws org.sleuthkit.datamodel.TskCoreException
  public List<LayoutFile> addCarvedFiles(List<CarvedFileContainer> filesToAdd) throws TskCoreException {
    if (filesToAdd != null && filesToAdd.isEmpty() == false) {
      CaseDbTransaction localTrans = beginTransaction();
      CaseDbConnection connection = localTrans.getConnection();
      Statement s = null;
      ResultSet rs = null;
      List<LayoutFile> addedFiles = new ArrayList<LayoutFile>();

      try {
        // get the ID of the appropriate '$CarvedFiles' directory
        long firstItemId = filesToAdd.get(0).getId();
        long id = 0;
        // first, check the cache
        Long carvedDirId = carvedFileContainersCache.get(firstItemId);
        if (carvedDirId != null) {
          id = carvedDirId;
        } else {
          // it's not in the cache. Go to the DB
          // determine if we've got a volume system or file system ID
          Content parent = getContentById(firstItemId);
          if (parent == null) {
            throw new TskCoreException("No Content object found with this ID (" + firstItemId + ").");

          List<Content> children = Collections.<Content>emptyList();
          if (parent instanceof FileSystem) {
            FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) parent;
            children = fs.getRootDirectory().getChildren();
          } else if (parent instanceof Volume
              || parent instanceof Image) {
            children = parent.getChildren();
          } else {
            throw new TskCoreException("The given ID (" + firstItemId + ") was not an image, volume or file system.");

          // see if any of the children are a '$CarvedFiles' directory
          Content carvedFilesDir = null;
          for (Content child : children) {
            if (child.getName().equals(VirtualDirectory.NAME_CARVED)) {
              carvedFilesDir = child;

          // if we found it, add it to the cache and grab its ID
          if (carvedFilesDir != null) {
            // add it to the cache
            carvedFileContainersCache.put(firstItemId, carvedFilesDir.getId());
            id = carvedFilesDir.getId();
          } else {
            // a carved files directory does not exist; create one
            VirtualDirectory vd = addVirtualDirectory(firstItemId, VirtualDirectory.NAME_CARVED, localTrans);
            id = vd.getId();
            // add it to the cache
            carvedFileContainersCache.put(firstItemId, id);

        // get the parent path for the $CarvedFiles directory   
        String parentPath = getFileParentPath(id);
        if (parentPath == null) {
          parentPath = ""; //NON-NLS
        String parentName = getFileName(id);
        if (parentName != null) {
          parentPath = parentPath + "/" + parentName; //NON-NLS

        // we should cache this when we start adding lots of carved files...
        boolean isContainerAFs = false;
        s = connection.createStatement();
        rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "select * from tsk_fs_info " //NON-NLS
            + "where obj_id = " + firstItemId); //NON-NLS
        if ( {
          isContainerAFs = true;
        rs = null;

        for (CarvedFileContainer itemToAdd : filesToAdd) {

          // Insert a row for the carved file into the tsk_objects table.
          // INSERT INTO tsk_objects (par_obj_id, type) VALUES (?, ?)
          PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_OBJECT);
          statement.setLong(1, id);
          statement.setLong(2, TskData.ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE.getObjectType());
          rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
          long newObjId = rs.getLong(1);

          // Insert a row for the carved file into the tsk_files table.
          // INSERT INTO tsk_files (obj_id, fs_obj_id, name, type, has_path, dir_type, meta_type,
          // dir_flags, meta_flags, size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, parent_path)
          // VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)     
          statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_FILE);
          statement.setLong(1, newObjId);

          // only insert into the fs_obj_id column if container is a FS
          if (isContainerAFs) {
            statement.setLong(2, itemToAdd.getId());
          statement.setString(3, itemToAdd.getName());

          // type
          statement.setShort(4, type.getFileType());

          // has_path
          statement.setBoolean(5, true);

          // dirType
          statement.setShort(6, dirType.getValue());

          // metaType
          statement.setShort(7, metaType.getValue());

          // dirFlag
          statement.setShort(8, dirFlag.getValue());

          // metaFlags
          final short metaFlags = TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM.UNALLOC.getValue();
          statement.setShort(9, metaFlags);

          // size
          statement.setLong(10, itemToAdd.getSize());

          //parent path, nulls for params 11-14
          statement.setString(15, parentPath);


          // Add a row in the tsk_layout_file table for each TskFileRange.
          // INSERT INTO tsk_file_layout (obj_id, byte_start, byte_len, sequence)
          // VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
          statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_LAYOUT_FILE);
          for (TskFileRange tskFileRange : itemToAdd.getRanges()) {

            // set the object ID
            statement.setLong(1, newObjId);

            // set byte_start
            statement.setLong(2, tskFileRange.getByteStart());

            // set byte_len
            statement.setLong(3, tskFileRange.getByteLen());

            // set the sequence number
            statement.setLong(4, tskFileRange.getSequence());

            // execute it

          addedFiles.add(new LayoutFile(this, newObjId, itemToAdd.getName(),
              type, dirType, metaType, dirFlag, metaFlags,
              itemToAdd.getSize(), null, FileKnown.UNKNOWN, parentPath));
        return addedFiles;
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new TskCoreException("Failed to add carved file to case database", ex);
      } finally {
    } // if fileToAdd != null
    return null;

   * Creates a new derived file object, adds it to database and returns it.
   * TODO add support for adding derived method
   * @param fileName file name the derived file
   * @param localPath local path of the derived file, including the file name.
   * The path is relative to the database path.
   * @param size size of the derived file in bytes
   * @param ctime
   * @param crtime
   * @param atime
   * @param mtime
   * @param isFile whether a file or directory, true if a file
   * @param parentFile parent file object (derived or local file)
   * @param rederiveDetails details needed to re-derive file (will be specific
   * to the derivation method), currently unused
   * @param toolName name of derivation method/tool, currently unused
   * @param toolVersion version of derivation method/tool, currently unused
   * @param otherDetails details of derivation method/tool, currently unused
   * @return newly created derived file object
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if the object creation failed
   * due to a critical system error
  public DerivedFile addDerivedFile(String fileName, String localPath,
      long size, long ctime, long crtime, long atime, long mtime,
      boolean isFile, AbstractFile parentFile,
      String rederiveDetails, String toolName, String toolVersion, String otherDetails) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {

      final long parentId = parentFile.getId();
      final String parentPath = parentFile.getParentPath() + parentFile.getName() + '/'; //NON-NLS

      // Insert a row for the derived file into the tsk_objects table.
      // INSERT INTO tsk_objects (par_obj_id, type) VALUES (?, ?)
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_OBJECT);
      statement.setLong(1, parentId);
      statement.setLong(2, TskData.ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE.getObjectType());
      rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      long newObjId = rs.getLong(1);
      rs = null;

      // Insert a row for the virtual directory into the tsk_files table.
      // INSERT INTO tsk_files (obj_id, fs_obj_id, name, type, has_path, dir_type, meta_type,
      // dir_flags, meta_flags, size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, parent_path)
      // VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)     
      statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_FILE);
      statement.setLong(1, newObjId);

      // If the parentFile is part of a file system, use its file system object ID.
      long fsObjId = this.getFileSystemId(parentId);
      if (fsObjId != -1) {
        statement.setLong(2, fsObjId);
      statement.setString(3, fileName);

      //type, has_path
      statement.setShort(4, TskData.TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.DERIVED.getFileType());
      statement.setBoolean(5, true);

      statement.setShort(6, dirType.getValue());
      statement.setShort(7, metaType.getValue());

      //note: using alloc under assumption that derived files derive from alloc files
      statement.setShort(8, dirFlag.getValue());
      final short metaFlags = (short) (TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM.ALLOC.getValue()
          | TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM.USED.getValue());
      statement.setShort(9, metaFlags);

      statement.setLong(10, size);

      //long ctime, long crtime, long atime, long mtime,
      statement.setLong(11, ctime);
      statement.setLong(12, crtime);
      statement.setLong(13, atime);
      statement.setLong(14, mtime);

      //parent path
      statement.setString(15, parentPath);


      //add localPath
      addFilePath(connection, newObjId, localPath);


      //TODO add derived method to tsk_files_derived and tsk_files_derived_method
      return new DerivedFile(this, newObjId, fileName, dirType, metaType, dirFlag, metaFlags,
          size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, null, null, parentPath, localPath, parentId);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Failed to add derived file to case database", ex);
    } finally {

   * wraps the version of addLocalFile that takes a Transaction in a
   * transaction local to this method.
   * @param fileName
   * @param localPath
   * @param size
   * @param ctime
   * @param crtime
   * @param atime
   * @param mtime
   * @param isFile
   * @param parent
   * @return
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public LocalFile addLocalFile(String fileName, String localPath,
      long size, long ctime, long crtime, long atime, long mtime,
      boolean isFile, AbstractFile parent) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbTransaction localTrans = beginTransaction();
    try {
      LocalFile created = addLocalFile(fileName, localPath, size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, isFile, parent, localTrans);
      return created;
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      throw ex;
    } finally {

   * Creates a new local file object, adds it to database and returns it.
   * todo: at the moment we trust the transaction and don't do anything to
   * check it is valid or in the correct state. we should.
   * @param fileName file name the derived file
   * @param localPath local absolute path of the local file, including the
   * file name.
   * @param size size of the derived file in bytes
   * @param ctime
   * @param crtime
   * @param atime
   * @param mtime
   * @param isFile whether a file or directory, true if a file
   * @param parent parent file object (such as virtual directory, another
   * local file, or FsContent type of file)
   * @param trans the transaction in the scope of which the operation is to be
   * performed, managed by the caller
   * @return newly created derived file object
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown if the object creation failed
   * due to a critical system error
  public LocalFile addLocalFile(String fileName, String localPath,
      long size, long ctime, long crtime, long atime, long mtime,
      boolean isFile, AbstractFile parent, CaseDbTransaction trans) throws TskCoreException {
    if (trans == null) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Passed null CaseDbTransaction");

    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      long parentId = -1;
      String parentPath;
      if (parent == null) {
        throw new TskCoreException(MessageFormat.format(bundle.getString("SleuthkitCase.addLocalFile.exception.msg1.text"), fileName));
      } else {
        parentId = parent.getId();
        parentPath = parent.getParentPath() + "/" + parent.getName(); //NON-NLS

      // Insert a row for the local/logical file into the tsk_objects table.
      // INSERT INTO tsk_objects (par_obj_id, type) VALUES (?, ?)
      CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_OBJECT);
      statement.setLong(1, parentId);
      statement.setLong(2, TskData.ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE.getObjectType());
      resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      long newObjId = resultSet.getLong(1);
      resultSet = null;

      // Insert a row for the local/logical file into the tsk_files table.
      // INSERT INTO tsk_files (obj_id, fs_obj_id, name, type, has_path, dir_type, meta_type,
      // dir_flags, meta_flags, size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, parent_path)
      // VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)     
      statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_FILE);
      statement.setLong(1, newObjId);

      // nothing to set for parameter 2, fs_obj_id since local files aren't part of file systems
      statement.setString(3, fileName);

      //type, has_path
      statement.setShort(4, TskData.TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.LOCAL.getFileType());
      statement.setBoolean(5, true);

      statement.setShort(6, dirType.getValue());
      statement.setShort(7, metaType.getValue());

      //note: using alloc under assumption that derived files derive from alloc files
      statement.setShort(8, dirFlag.getValue());
      final short metaFlags = (short) (TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM.ALLOC.getValue()
          | TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM.USED.getValue());
      statement.setShort(9, metaFlags);

      statement.setLong(10, size);

      //long ctime, long crtime, long atime, long mtime,
      statement.setLong(11, ctime);
      statement.setLong(12, crtime);
      statement.setLong(13, atime);
      statement.setLong(14, mtime);

      //parent path
      statement.setString(15, parentPath);


      //add localPath
      addFilePath(connection, newObjId, localPath);

      return new LocalFile(this, newObjId, fileName, dirType, metaType, dirFlag, metaFlags,
          size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, null, null, parentPath, localPath, parentId);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error adding local file directory " + fileName + " with local path " + localPath, e);
    } finally {

   * Add a path (such as a local path) for a content object to tsk_file_paths
   * @param objId object id of the file to add the path for
   * @param path the path to add
   * @throws SQLException exception thrown when database error occurred and
   * path was not added
  private void addFilePath(CaseDbConnection connection, long objId, String path) throws SQLException {
    PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_LOCAL_PATH);
    statement.setLong(1, objId);
    statement.setString(2, path);

   * Find all files in the data source, by name and parent
   * @param dataSource the dataSource (Image, parent-less VirtualDirectory) to
   * search for the given file name
   * @param fileName Pattern of the name of the file or directory to match
   * (case insensitive, used in LIKE SQL statement).
   * @param parentFile Object for parent file/directory to find children in
   * @return a list of AbstractFile for files/directories whose name matches
   * fileName and that were inside a directory described by parentFile.
  public List<AbstractFile> findFiles(Content dataSource, String fileName, AbstractFile parentFile) throws TskCoreException {
    return findFiles(dataSource, fileName, parentFile.getName());

   * Count files matching the specific Where clause
   * @param sqlWhereClause a SQL where clause appropriate for the desired
   * files (do not begin the WHERE clause with the word WHERE!)
   * @return count of files each of which satisfy the given WHERE clause
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public long countFilesWhere(String sqlWhereClause) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM tsk_files WHERE " + sqlWhereClause); //NON-NLS
      return rs.getLong(1);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException("SQLException thrown when calling 'SleuthkitCase.findFilesWhere().", e);
    } finally {

   * Find and return list of all (abstract) files matching the specific Where
   * clause
   * @param sqlWhereClause a SQL where clause appropriate for the desired
   * files (do not begin the WHERE clause with the word WHERE!)
   * @return a list of AbstractFile each of which satisfy the given WHERE
   * clause
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<AbstractFile> findAllFilesWhere(String sqlWhereClause) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT * FROM tsk_files WHERE " + sqlWhereClause); //NON-NLS
      return resultSetToAbstractFiles(rs);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException("SQLException thrown when calling 'SleuthkitCase.findAllFilesWhere(): " + sqlWhereClause, e);
    } finally {

   * Find and return list of all (abstract) ids of files matching the specific
   * Where clause
   * @param sqlWhereClause a SQL where clause appropriate for the desired
   * files (do not begin the WHERE clause with the word WHERE!)
   * @return a list of file ids each of which satisfy the given WHERE clause
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<Long> findAllFileIdsWhere(String sqlWhereClause) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT obj_id FROM tsk_files WHERE " + sqlWhereClause); //NON-NLS
      List<Long> ret = new ArrayList<Long>();
      while ( {
      return ret;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException("SQLException thrown when calling 'SleuthkitCase.findAllFileIdsWhere(): " + sqlWhereClause, e);
    } finally {

   * Find and return list of files matching the specific Where clause.
   * Use findAllFilesWhere instead.  It returns a more generic data type
   * @param sqlWhereClause a SQL where clause appropriate for the desired
   * files (do not begin the WHERE clause with the word WHERE!)
   * @return a list of FsContent each of which satisfy the given WHERE clause
   * @throws TskCoreException
  @Deprecated  // use findAllFilesWhere instead
  public List<FsContent> findFilesWhere(String sqlWhereClause) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT * FROM tsk_files WHERE " + sqlWhereClause); //NON-NLS
      return resultSetToFsContents(rs);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException("SQLException thrown when calling 'SleuthkitCase.findFilesWhere().", e);
    } finally {

   * @param dataSource the data source (Image, VirtualDirectory for file-sets,
   * etc) to search for the given file name
   * @param filePath The full path to the file(statement) of interest. This
   * can optionally include the image and volume names. Treated in a case-
   * insensitive manner.
   * @return a list of AbstractFile that have the given file path.
  public List<AbstractFile> openFiles(Content dataSource, String filePath) throws TskCoreException {

    // get the non-unique path (strip of image and volume path segments, if
    // the exist.
    String path = AbstractFile.createNonUniquePath(filePath).toLowerCase();

    // split the file name from the parent path
    int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/"); //NON-NLS

    // if the last slash is at the end, strip it off
    if (lastSlash == path.length()) {
      path = path.substring(0, lastSlash - 1);
      lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/"); //NON-NLS

    String parentPath = path.substring(0, lastSlash);
    String fileName = path.substring(lastSlash);

    return findFiles(dataSource, fileName, parentPath);

   * Get file layout ranges from tsk_file_layout, for a file with specified id
   * @param id of the file to get file layout ranges for
   * @return list of populated file ranges
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  public List<TskFileRange> getFileRanges(long id) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "select * from tsk_file_layout where obj_id = " + id + " order by sequence");
      List<TskFileRange> ranges = new ArrayList<TskFileRange>();
      while ( {
      return ranges;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting TskFileLayoutRanges by id, id = " + id, ex);
    } finally {

   * Get am image by the image object id
   * @param id of the image object
   * @return Image object populated
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  public Image getImageById(long id) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s1 = null;
    ResultSet rs1 = null;
    Statement s2 = null;
    ResultSet rs2 = null;
    try {
      s1 = connection.createStatement();
      rs1 = connection.executeQuery(s1, "SELECT * FROM tsk_image_info WHERE obj_id = " + id); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        s2 = connection.createStatement();
        rs2 = connection.executeQuery(s2, "select * from tsk_image_names where obj_id = " + rs1.getLong("obj_id")); //NON-NLS
        List<String> imagePaths = new ArrayList<String>();
        while ( {
        return rsHelper.image(rs1, imagePaths.toArray(new String[imagePaths.size()]));
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("No image found for id: " + id);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting Image by id, id = " + id, ex);
    } finally {

   * Get a volume system by the volume system object id
   * @param id id of the volume system
   * @param parent image containing the volume system
   * @return populated VolumeSystem object
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  VolumeSystem getVolumeSystemById(long id, Image parent) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "select * from tsk_vs_info " //NON-NLS
          + "where obj_id = " + id); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        return rsHelper.volumeSystem(rs, parent);
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("No volume system found for id:" + id);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting Volume System by ID.", ex);
    } finally {

   * @param id ID of the desired VolumeSystem
   * @param parentId ID of the VolumeSystem'statement parent
   * @return the VolumeSystem with the given ID
   * @throws TskCoreException
  VolumeSystem getVolumeSystemById(long id, long parentId) throws TskCoreException {
    VolumeSystem vs = getVolumeSystemById(id, null);
    return vs;

   * Get a file system by the object id
   * @param id of the filesystem
   * @param parent parent Image of the file system
   * @return populated FileSystem object
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  FileSystem getFileSystemById(long id, Image parent) throws TskCoreException {
    return getFileSystemByIdHelper(id, parent);

   * @param id ID of the desired FileSystem
   * @param parentId ID of the FileSystem'statement parent
   * @return the desired FileSystem
   * @throws TskCoreException
  FileSystem getFileSystemById(long id, long parentId) throws TskCoreException {
    Volume vol = null;
    FileSystem fs = getFileSystemById(id, vol);
    return fs;

   * Get a file system by the object id
   * @param id of the filesystem
   * @param parent parent Volume of the file system
   * @return populated FileSystem object
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  FileSystem getFileSystemById(long id, Volume parent) throws TskCoreException {
    return getFileSystemByIdHelper(id, parent);

   * Get file system by id and Content parent
   * @param id of the filesystem to get
   * @param parent a direct parent Content object
   * @return populated FileSystem object
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  private FileSystem getFileSystemByIdHelper(long id, Content parent) throws TskCoreException {
    // see if we already have it
    // @@@ NOTE: this is currently kind of bad in that we are ignoring the parent value,
    // but it should be the same...
    synchronized (fileSystemIdMap) {
      if (fileSystemIdMap.containsKey(id)) {
        return fileSystemIdMap.get(id);
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "select * from tsk_fs_info " //NON-NLS
          + "where obj_id = " + id); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        FileSystem fs = rsHelper.fileSystem(rs, parent);
        // save it for the next call
        synchronized (fileSystemIdMap) {
          fileSystemIdMap.put(id, fs);
        return fs;
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("No file system found for id:" + id);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting File System by ID", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get volume by id
   * @param id
   * @param parent volume system
   * @return populated Volume object
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  Volume getVolumeById(long id, VolumeSystem parent) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "select * from tsk_vs_parts " //NON-NLS
          + "where obj_id = " + id); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        return rsHelper.volume(rs, parent);
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("No volume found for id:" + id);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting Volume by ID", ex);
    } finally {

   * @param id ID of the desired Volume
   * @param parentId ID of the Volume'statement parent
   * @return the desired Volume
   * @throws TskCoreException
  Volume getVolumeById(long id, long parentId) throws TskCoreException {
    Volume vol = getVolumeById(id, null);
    return vol;

   * Get a directory by id
   * @param id of the directory object
   * @param parentFs parent file system
   * @return populated Directory object
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  Directory getDirectoryById(long id, FileSystem parentFs) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT * FROM tsk_files " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE obj_id = " + id);
      Directory temp = null; //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        final short type = rs.getShort("type"); //NON-NLS
        if (type == TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.FS.getFileType()) {
          if (rs.getShort("meta_type") == TSK_FS_META_TYPE_ENUM.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_DIR.getValue()) { //NON-NLS
            temp =, parentFs);
        } else if (type == TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.VIRTUAL_DIR.getFileType()) {
          throw new TskCoreException("Expecting an FS-type directory, got virtual, id: " + id);
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("No Directory found for id:" + id);
      return temp;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting Directory by ID", ex);
    } finally {

   * Helper to return FileSystems in an Image
   * @param image Image to lookup FileSystem for
   * @return Collection of FileSystems in the image
  public Collection<FileSystem> getFileSystems(Image image) {
    List<FileSystem> fileSystems = new ArrayList<FileSystem>();
    CaseDbConnection connection;
    try {
      connection = connections.getConnection();
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting file systems for image " + image.getId(), ex); //NON-NLS     
      return fileSystems;
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();

      // Get all the file systems.
      List<FileSystem> allFileSystems = new ArrayList<FileSystem>();
      try {
        rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT * FROM tsk_fs_info"); //NON-NLS
        while ( {
          allFileSystems.add(rsHelper.fileSystem(rs, null));
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "There was a problem while trying to obtain all file systems", ex); //NON-NLS
      } finally {
        rs = null;

      // For each file system, find the image to which it belongs by iteratively
      // climbing the tsk_ojbects hierarchy only taking those file systems
      // that belong to this image.
      for (FileSystem fs : allFileSystems) {
        Long imageID = null;
        Long currentObjID = fs.getId();
        while (imageID == null) {
          try {
            rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT * FROM tsk_objects WHERE tsk_objects.obj_id = " + currentObjID); //NON-NLS
            currentObjID = rs.getLong("par_obj_id"); //NON-NLS
            if (rs.getInt("type") == TskData.ObjectType.IMG.getObjectType()) { //NON-NLS
              imageID = rs.getLong("obj_id"); //NON-NLS
          } catch (SQLException ex) {
            logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "There was a problem while trying to obtain this image's file systems", ex); //NON-NLS
          } finally {
            rs = null;

        // see if imageID is this image'statement ID
        if (imageID == image.getId()) {
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting case database connection", ex); //NON-NLS
    } finally {
    return fileSystems;

   * Returns the list of direct children for a given Image
   * @param img image to get children for
   * @return list of Contents (direct image children)
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  List<Content> getImageChildren(Image img) throws TskCoreException {
    Collection<ObjectInfo> childInfos = getChildrenInfo(img);
    List<Content> children = new ArrayList<Content>();
    for (ObjectInfo info : childInfos) {
      if (info.type == ObjectType.VS) {
        children.add(getVolumeSystemById(, img));
      } else if (info.type == ObjectType.FS) {
        children.add(getFileSystemById(, img));
      } else if (info.type == ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE) {
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Image has child of invalid type: " + info.type);
    return children;

   * Returns the list of direct children IDs for a given Image
   * @param img image to get children for
   * @return list of IDs (direct image children)
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  List<Long> getImageChildrenIds(Image img) throws TskCoreException {
    Collection<ObjectInfo> childInfos = getChildrenInfo(img);
    List<Long> children = new ArrayList<Long>();
    for (ObjectInfo info : childInfos) {
      if (info.type == ObjectType.VS
          || info.type == ObjectType.FS
          || info.type == ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE) {
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Image has child of invalid type: " + info.type);
    return children;

   * Returns the list of direct children for a given VolumeSystem
   * @param vs volume system to get children for
   * @return list of volume system children objects
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  List<Content> getVolumeSystemChildren(VolumeSystem vs) throws TskCoreException {
    Collection<ObjectInfo> childInfos = getChildrenInfo(vs);
    List<Content> children = new ArrayList<Content>();
    for (ObjectInfo info : childInfos) {
      if (info.type == ObjectType.VOL) {
        children.add(getVolumeById(, vs));
      } else if (info.type == ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE) {
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("VolumeSystem has child of invalid type: " + info.type);
    return children;

   * Returns the list of direct children IDs for a given VolumeSystem
   * @param vs volume system to get children for
   * @return list of volume system children IDs
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  List<Long> getVolumeSystemChildrenIds(VolumeSystem vs) throws TskCoreException {
    Collection<ObjectInfo> childInfos = getChildrenInfo(vs);
    List<Long> children = new ArrayList<Long>();
    for (ObjectInfo info : childInfos) {
      if (info.type == ObjectType.VOL || info.type == ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE) {
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("VolumeSystem has child of invalid type: " + info.type);
    return children;

   * Returns a list of direct children for a given Volume
   * @param vol volume to get children of
   * @return list of Volume children
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  List<Content> getVolumeChildren(Volume vol) throws TskCoreException {
    Collection<ObjectInfo> childInfos = getChildrenInfo(vol);
    List<Content> children = new ArrayList<Content>();
    for (ObjectInfo info : childInfos) {
      if (info.type == ObjectType.FS) {
        children.add(getFileSystemById(, vol));
      } else if (info.type == ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE) {
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Volume has child of invalid type: " + info.type);
    return children;

   * Returns a list of direct children IDs for a given Volume
   * @param vol volume to get children of
   * @return list of Volume children IDs
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  List<Long> getVolumeChildrenIds(Volume vol) throws TskCoreException {
    final Collection<ObjectInfo> childInfos = getChildrenInfo(vol);
    final List<Long> children = new ArrayList<Long>();
    for (ObjectInfo info : childInfos) {
      if (info.type == ObjectType.FS || info.type == ObjectType.ABSTRACTFILE) {
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Volume has child of invalid type: " + info.type);
    return children;

   * Returns a map of image object IDs to a list of fully qualified file paths
   * for that image
   * @return map of image object IDs to file paths
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  public Map<Long, List<String>> getImagePaths() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s1 = null;
    Statement s2 = null;
    ResultSet rs1 = null;
    ResultSet rs2 = null;
    try {
      s1 = connection.createStatement();
      rs1 = connection.executeQuery(s1, "select obj_id from tsk_image_info"); //NON-NLS
      s2 = connection.createStatement();
      Map<Long, List<String>> imgPaths = new LinkedHashMap<Long, List<String>>();
      while ( {
        long obj_id = rs1.getLong("obj_id"); //NON-NLS
        rs2 = connection.executeQuery(s2, "select * from tsk_image_names where obj_id = " + obj_id); //NON-NLS
        List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>();
        while ( {
        rs2 = null;
        imgPaths.put(obj_id, paths);
      return imgPaths;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting image paths.", ex);
    } finally {

   * @return a collection of Images associated with this instance of
   * SleuthkitCase
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<Image> getImages() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT obj_id FROM tsk_image_info"); //NON-NLS
      Collection<Long> imageIDs = new ArrayList<Long>();
      while ( {
        imageIDs.add(rs.getLong("obj_id")); //NON-NLS
      List<Image> images = new ArrayList<Image>();
      for (long id : imageIDs) {
      return images;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error retrieving images.", ex);
    } finally {

   * Get last (max) object id of content object in tsk_objects.
   * @return currently max id
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown when database error occurs and
   * last object id could not be queried
  public long getLastObjectId() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_MAX_OBJECT_ID);
      rs = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      long id = -1;
      if ( {
        id = rs.getLong(1);
      return id;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting last object id", e);
    } finally {

   * Set the file paths for the image given by obj_id
   * @param obj_id the ID of the image to update
   * @param paths the fully qualified path to the files that make up the image
   * @throws TskCoreException exception thrown when critical error occurs
   * within tsk core and the update fails
  public void setImagePaths(long obj_id, List<String> paths) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement statement = null;
    try {
      statement = connection.createStatement();
      connection.executeUpdate(statement, "DELETE FROM tsk_image_names WHERE obj_id = " + obj_id); //NON-NLS
      for (int i = 0; i < paths.size(); i++) {
        connection.executeUpdate(statement, "INSERT INTO tsk_image_names VALUES (" + obj_id + ", \"" + paths.get(i) + "\", " + i + ")"); //NON-NLS
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error updating image paths.", ex);
    } finally {

   * Creates file object from a SQL query result set of rows from the
   * tsk_files table. Assumes that the query was of the form "SELECT * FROM
   * tsk_files WHERE XYZ".
   * @param rs ResultSet to get content from. Caller is responsible for
   * closing it.
   * @return list of file objects from tsk_files table containing the results
   * @throws SQLException if the query fails
  private List<AbstractFile> resultSetToAbstractFiles(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
    ArrayList<AbstractFile> results = new ArrayList<AbstractFile>();
    try {
      while ( {
        final short type = rs.getShort("type"); //NON-NLS
        if (type == TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.FS.getFileType()) {
          FsContent result;
          if (rs.getShort("meta_type") == TSK_FS_META_TYPE_ENUM.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_DIR.getValue()) { //NON-NLS
            result =, null);
          } else {
            result = rsHelper.file(rs, null);
        } else if (type == TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.VIRTUAL_DIR.getFileType()) {
          final VirtualDirectory virtDir = rsHelper.virtualDirectory(rs);
        } else if (type == TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.UNALLOC_BLOCKS.getFileType()
            || type == TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.CARVED.getFileType()) {
          TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM atype = TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.valueOf(type);
          String parentPath = rs.getString("parent_path"); //NON-NLS
          if (parentPath == null) {
            parentPath = ""; //NON-NLS
          LayoutFile lf = new LayoutFile(this, rs.getLong("obj_id"), //NON-NLS
              rs.getString("name"), //NON-NLS
              TSK_FS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM.valueOf(rs.getShort("dir_type")), TSK_FS_META_TYPE_ENUM.valueOf(rs.getShort("meta_type")), //NON-NLS
              TSK_FS_NAME_FLAG_ENUM.valueOf(rs.getShort("dir_flags")), rs.getShort("meta_flags"), //NON-NLS
              rs.getLong("size"), //NON-NLS
              rs.getString("md5"), FileKnown.valueOf(rs.getByte("known")), parentPath); //NON-NLS
        } else if (type == TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.DERIVED.getFileType()) {
          final DerivedFile df;
          df = rsHelper.derivedFile(rs, AbstractContent.UNKNOWN_ID);
        } else if (type == TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.LOCAL.getFileType()) {
          final LocalFile lf;
          lf = rsHelper.localFile(rs, AbstractContent.UNKNOWN_ID);

      } //end for each resultSet
    } catch (SQLException e) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting abstract files from result set", e); //NON-NLS

    return results;

   * Creates FsContent objects from SQL query result set on tsk_files table
   * @param rs the result set with the query results
   * @return list of fscontent objects matching the query
   * @throws SQLException if SQL query result getting failed
  private List<FsContent> resultSetToFsContents(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
    List<FsContent> results = new ArrayList<FsContent>();
    List<AbstractFile> temp = resultSetToAbstractFiles(rs);
    for (AbstractFile f : temp) {
      final TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM type = f.getType();
      if (type.equals(TskData.TSK_DB_FILES_TYPE_ENUM.FS)) {
        results.add((FsContent) f);
    return results;

   * Process a read-only query on the tsk database, any table Can be used to
   * e.g. to find files of a given criteria. resultSetToFsContents() will
   * convert the results to useful objects. MUST CALL closeRunQuery() when
   * done
   * @param query the given string query to run
   * @return  the resultSet from running the query. Caller MUST CALL
   * closeRunQuery(resultSet) as soon as possible, when done with retrieving
   * data from the resultSet
   * @throws SQLException if error occurred during the query
   * @deprecated use specific datamodel methods that encapsulate SQL layer
  public ResultSet runQuery(String query) throws SQLException {
    CaseDbConnection connection;
    try {
      connection = connections.getConnection();
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      throw new SQLException("Error getting connection for ad hoc query", ex);
    try {
      return connection.executeQuery(connection.createStatement(), query);
    } finally {
      //TODO unlock should be done in closeRunQuery()
      //but currently not all code calls closeRunQuery - need to fix this

   * Closes ResultSet and its Statement previously retrieved from runQuery()
   * @param resultSet with its Statement to close
   * @throws SQLException of closing the query results failed
   * @deprecated use specific datamodel methods that encapsulate SQL layer
  public void closeRunQuery(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
    final Statement statement = resultSet.getStatement();
    if (statement != null) {

  public void finalize() throws Throwable {
    try {
    } finally {

   * Call to free resources when done with instance.
  public void close() {
    System.err.println(this.hashCode() + " closed"); //NON-NLS


    try {
      if (this.caseHandle != null) {;
        this.caseHandle = null;

    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
          "Error freeing case handle.", ex); //NON-NLS
    } finally {

   * Store the known status for the FsContent in the database Note: will not
   * update status if content is already 'Known Bad'
   * @param  file  The AbstractFile object
   * @param  fileKnown  The object'statement known status
   * @return  true if the known status was updated, false otherwise
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  public boolean setKnown(AbstractFile file, FileKnown fileKnown) throws TskCoreException {
    long id = file.getId();
    FileKnown currentKnown = file.getKnown();
    if (currentKnown.compareTo(fileKnown) > 0) {
      return false;
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement statement = null;
    try {
      statement = connection.createStatement();
      connection.executeUpdate(statement, "UPDATE tsk_files " //NON-NLS
          + "SET known='" + fileKnown.getFileKnownValue() + "' " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE obj_id=" + id); //NON-NLS
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error setting Known status.", ex);
    } finally {
    return true;

   * Store the md5Hash for the file in the database
   * @param  file  The file object
   * @param  md5Hash  The object'statement md5Hash
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  void setMd5Hash(AbstractFile file, String md5Hash) throws TskCoreException {
    long id = file.getId();
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.UPDATE_FILE_MD5);
      statement.setString(1, md5Hash);
      statement.setLong(2, id);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error setting MD5 hash", ex);
    } finally {

   * Return the number of objects in the database of a given file type.
   * @param contentType Type of file to count
   * @return Number of objects with that type.
   * @throws TskCoreException thrown if a critical error occurred within tsk
   * core
  public int countFsContentType(TskData.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_ENUM contentType) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      Short contentShort = contentType.getValue();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsk_files WHERE meta_type = '" + contentShort.toString() + "'"); //NON-NLS
      int count = 0;
      if ( {
        count = rs.getInt(1);
      return count;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting number of objects.", ex);
    } finally {

   * Escape the single quotes in the given string so they can be added to the
   * SQL caseDbConnection
   * @param text
   * @return text the escaped version
  private static String escapeForBlackboard(String text) {
    if (text != null) {
      text = text.replaceAll("'", "''");
    return text;

   * Find all the files with the given MD5 hash.
   * @param md5Hash hash value to match files with
   * @return List of AbstractFile with the given hash
  public List<AbstractFile> findFilesByMd5(String md5Hash) {
    CaseDbConnection connection;
    try {
      connection = connections.getConnection();
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error finding files by md5 hash " + md5Hash, ex); //NON-NLS     
      return Collections.<AbstractFile>emptyList();
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT * FROM tsk_files WHERE " //NON-NLS
          + " md5 = '" + md5Hash + "' " //NON-NLS
          + "AND size > 0"); //NON-NLS
      return resultSetToAbstractFiles(rs);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error querying database.", ex); //NON-NLS
      return Collections.<AbstractFile>emptyList();
    } finally {

   * Query all the files to verify if they have an MD5 hash associated with
   * them.
   * @return true if all files have an MD5 hash
  public boolean allFilesMd5Hashed() {
    CaseDbConnection connection;
    try {
      connection = connections.getConnection();
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error checking md5 hashing status", ex); //NON-NLS     
      return false;
    boolean allFilesAreHashed = false;
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsk_files " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE dir_type = '" + TskData.TSK_FS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM.REG.getValue() + "' " //NON-NLS
          + "AND md5 IS NULL " //NON-NLS
          + "AND size > '0'"); //NON-NLS
      if ( && rs.getInt(1) == 0) {
        allFilesAreHashed = true;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to query whether all files have MD5 hashes", ex); //NON-NLS
    } finally {
    return allFilesAreHashed;

   * Query all the files and counts how many have an MD5 hash.
   * @return the number of files with an MD5 hash
  public int countFilesMd5Hashed() {
    CaseDbConnection connection;
    try {
      connection = connections.getConnection();
    } catch (TskCoreException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting database connection for hashed files count", ex); //NON-NLS     
      return 0;
    int count = 0;
    Statement s = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    try {
      s = connection.createStatement();
      rs = connection.executeQuery(s, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tsk_files " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE md5 IS NOT NULL " //NON-NLS
          + "AND size > '0'"); //NON-NLS
      if ( {
        count = rs.getInt(1);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to query for all the files.", ex); //NON-NLS
    } finally {
    return count;

   * This is a temporary workaround to avoid an API change.
   * @deprecated
  public interface ErrorObserver {

    void receiveError(String context, String errorMessage);

   * This is a temporary workaround to avoid an API change.
   * @deprecated
   * @param observer The observer to add.
  public void addErrorObserver(ErrorObserver observer) {

   * This is a temporary workaround to avoid an API change.
   * @deprecated
   * @param observer The observer to remove.
  public void removerErrorObserver(ErrorObserver observer) {
    int i = errorObservers.indexOf(observer);
    if (i >= 0) {

   * This is a temporary workaround to avoid an API change.
   * @deprecated
   * @param context The context in which the error occurred.
   * @param errorMessage A description of the error that occurred.
  public void submitError(String context, String errorMessage) {
    for (ErrorObserver observer : errorObservers) {
      observer.receiveError(context, errorMessage);

   * Selects all of the rows from the tag_names table in the case database.
   * @return A list, possibly empty, of TagName data transfer objects (DTOs)
   * for the rows.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<TagName> getAllTagNames() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT * FROM tag_names
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_TAG_NAMES);
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<TagName> tagNames = new ArrayList<TagName>();
      while ( {
        tagNames.add(new TagName(resultSet.getLong("tag_name_id"), resultSet.getString("display_name"), resultSet.getString("description"), TagName.HTML_COLOR.getColorByName(resultSet.getString("color")))); //NON-NLS
      return tagNames;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error selecting rows from tag_names table", ex);
    } finally {

   * Selects all of the rows from the tag_names table in the case database for
   * which there is at least one matching row in the content_tags or
   * blackboard_artifact_tags tables.
   * @return A list, possibly empty, of TagName data transfer objects (DTOs)
   * for the rows.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<TagName> getTagNamesInUse() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT * FROM tag_names WHERE tag_name_id IN (SELECT tag_name_id from content_tags UNION SELECT tag_name_id FROM blackboard_artifact_tags)
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_TAG_NAMES_IN_USE);
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<TagName> tagNames = new ArrayList<TagName>();
      while ( {
        tagNames.add(new TagName(resultSet.getLong("tag_name_id"), resultSet.getString("display_name"), resultSet.getString("description"), TagName.HTML_COLOR.getColorByName(resultSet.getString("color")))); //NON-NLS
      return tagNames;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error selecting rows from tag_names table", ex);
    } finally {

   * Inserts row into the tags_names table in the case database.
   * @param displayName The display name for the new tag name.
   * @param description The description for the new tag name.
   * @param color The HTML color to associate with the new tag name.
   * @return A TagName data transfer object (DTO) for the new row.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public TagName addTagName(String displayName, String description, TagName.HTML_COLOR color) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // INSERT INTO tag_names (display_name, description, color) VALUES (?, ?, ?)     
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_TAG_NAME);
      statement.setString(1, displayName);
      statement.setString(2, description);
      statement.setString(3, color.getName());
      resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      return new TagName(resultSet.getLong(1), displayName, description, color);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error adding row for " + displayName + " tag name to tag_names table", ex);
    } finally {

   * Inserts a row into the content_tags table in the case database.
   * @param content The content to tag.
   * @param tagName The name to use for the tag.
   * @param comment A comment to store with the tag.
   * @param beginByteOffset Designates the beginning of a tagged section.
   * @param endByteOffset Designates the end of a tagged section.
   * @return A ContentTag data transfer object (DTO) for the new row.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public ContentTag addContentTag(Content content, TagName tagName, String comment, long beginByteOffset, long endByteOffset) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // INSERT INTO content_tags (obj_id, tag_name_id, comment, begin_byte_offset, end_byte_offset) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_CONTENT_TAG);
      statement.setLong(1, content.getId());
      statement.setLong(2, tagName.getId());
      statement.setString(3, comment);
      statement.setLong(4, beginByteOffset);
      statement.setLong(5, endByteOffset);
      resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      return new ContentTag(resultSet.getLong(1), content, tagName, comment, beginByteOffset, endByteOffset);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error adding row to content_tags table (obj_id = " + content.getId() + ", tag_name_id = " + tagName.getId() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Deletes a row from the content_tags table in the case database.
   * @param tag A ContentTag data transfer object (DTO) for the row to delete.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public void deleteContentTag(ContentTag tag) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    try {
      // DELETE FROM content_tags WHERE tag_id = ?   
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.DELETE_CONTENT_TAG);
      statement.setLong(1, tag.getId());
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error deleting row from content_tags table (id = " + tag.getId() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Selects all of the rows from the content_tags table in the case database.
   * @return A list, possibly empty, of ContentTag data transfer objects
   * (DTOs) for the rows.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<ContentTag> getAllContentTags() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT * FROM content_tags INNER JOIN tag_names ON content_tags.tag_name_id = tag_names.tag_name_id
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_CONTENT_TAGS);
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<ContentTag> tags = new ArrayList<ContentTag>();
      while ( {
        TagName tagName = new TagName(resultSet.getLong(2), resultSet.getString("display_name"), resultSet.getString("description"), TagName.HTML_COLOR.getColorByName(resultSet.getString("color")))//NON-NLS
        Content content = getContentById(resultSet.getLong("obj_id")); //NON-NLS
        tags.add(new ContentTag(resultSet.getLong("tag_id"), content, tagName, resultSet.getString("comment"), resultSet.getLong("begin_byte_offset"), resultSet.getLong("end_byte_offset")))//NON-NLS
      return tags;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error selecting rows from content_tags table", ex);
    } finally {

   * Gets a count of the rows in the content_tags table in the case database
   * with a specified foreign key into the tag_names table.
   * @param tagName A data transfer object (DTO) for the tag name to match.
   * @return The count, possibly zero.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public long getContentTagsCountByTagName(TagName tagName) throws TskCoreException {
    if (tagName.getId() == Tag.ID_NOT_SET) {
      throw new TskCoreException("TagName object is invalid, id not set");
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT COUNT(*) FROM content_tags WHERE tag_name_id = ?
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.COUNT_CONTENT_TAGS_BY_TAG_NAME);
      statement.setLong(1, tagName.getId());
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      if ( {
        return resultSet.getLong(1);
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Error getting content_tags row count for tag name (tag_name_id = " + tagName.getId() + ")");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting content_tags row count for tag name (tag_name_id = " + tagName.getId() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Selects the rows in the content_tags table in the case database with a
   * specified foreign key into the tag_names table.
   * @param tagName A data transfer object (DTO) for the tag name to match.
   * @return A list, possibly empty, of ContentTag data transfer objects
   * (DTOs) for the rows.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<ContentTag> getContentTagsByTagName(TagName tagName) throws TskCoreException {
    if (tagName.getId() == Tag.ID_NOT_SET) {
      throw new TskCoreException("TagName object is invalid, id not set");
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT * FROM content_tags WHERE tag_name_id = ?
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_CONTENT_TAGS_BY_TAG_NAME);
      statement.setLong(1, tagName.getId());
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<ContentTag> tags = new ArrayList<ContentTag>();
      while ( {
        ContentTag tag = new ContentTag(resultSet.getLong("tag_id"), getContentById(resultSet.getLong("obj_id")), tagName, resultSet.getString("comment"), resultSet.getLong("begin_byte_offset"), resultSet.getLong("end_byte_offset"))//NON-NLS
      return tags;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting content_tags rows (tag_name_id = " + tagName.getId() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Selects the rows in the content_tags table in the case database with a
   * specified foreign key into the tsk_objects table.
   * @param content A data transfer object (DTO) for the content to match.
   * @return A list, possibly empty, of ContentTag data transfer objects
   * (DTOs) for the rows.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<ContentTag> getContentTagsByContent(Content content) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT * FROM content_tags INNER JOIN tag_names ON content_tags.tag_name_id = tag_names.tag_name_id WHERE content_tags.obj_id = ?
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_CONTENT_TAGS_BY_CONTENT);
      statement.setLong(1, content.getId());
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<ContentTag> tags = new ArrayList<ContentTag>();
      while ( {
        TagName tagName = new TagName(resultSet.getLong(2), resultSet.getString("display_name"), resultSet.getString("description"), TagName.HTML_COLOR.getColorByName(resultSet.getString("color")))//NON-NLS
        ContentTag tag = new ContentTag(resultSet.getLong("tag_id"), content, tagName, resultSet.getString("comment"), resultSet.getLong("begin_byte_offset"), resultSet.getLong("end_byte_offset"))//NON-NLS
      return tags;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting content tags data for content (obj_id = " + content.getId() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Inserts a row into the blackboard_artifact_tags table in the case
   * database.
   * @param artifact The blackboard artifact to tag.
   * @param tagName The name to use for the tag.
   * @param comment A comment to store with the tag.
   * @return A BlackboardArtifactTag data transfer object (DTO) for the new
   * row.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public BlackboardArtifactTag addBlackboardArtifactTag(BlackboardArtifact artifact, TagName tagName, String comment) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // INSERT INTO blackboard_artifact_tags (artifact_id, tag_name_id, comment, begin_byte_offset, end_byte_offset) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)     
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_ARTIFACT_TAG);
      statement.setLong(1, artifact.getArtifactID());
      statement.setLong(2, tagName.getId());
      statement.setString(3, comment);
      resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      return new BlackboardArtifactTag(resultSet.getLong(1), artifact, getContentById(artifact.getObjectID()), tagName, comment);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error adding row to blackboard_artifact_tags table (obj_id = " + artifact.getArtifactID() + ", tag_name_id = " + tagName.getId() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Deletes a row from the blackboard_artifact_tags table in the case database.
   * @param tag A BlackboardArtifactTag data transfer object (DTO) representing the row to delete.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public void deleteBlackboardArtifactTag(BlackboardArtifactTag tag) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    try {
      // DELETE FROM blackboard_artifact_tags WHERE tag_id = ?
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.DELETE_ARTIFACT_TAG);
      statement.setLong(1, tag.getId());
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error deleting row from blackboard_artifact_tags table (id = " + tag.getId() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Selects all of the rows from the blackboard_artifacts_tags table in the
   * case database.
   * @return A list, possibly empty, of BlackboardArtifactTag data transfer
   * objects (DTOs) for the rows.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<BlackboardArtifactTag> getAllBlackboardArtifactTags() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT * FROM blackboard_artifact_tags INNER JOIN tag_names ON blackboard_artifact_tags.tag_name_id = tag_names.tag_name_id
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_ARTIFACT_TAGS);
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<BlackboardArtifactTag> tags = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifactTag>();
      while ( {
        TagName tagName = new TagName(resultSet.getLong(2), resultSet.getString("display_name"), resultSet.getString("description"), TagName.HTML_COLOR.getColorByName(resultSet.getString("color")))//NON-NLS
        BlackboardArtifact artifact = getBlackboardArtifact(resultSet.getLong("artifact_id")); //NON-NLS
        Content content = getContentById(artifact.getObjectID());
        BlackboardArtifactTag tag = new BlackboardArtifactTag(resultSet.getLong("tag_id"), artifact, content, tagName, resultSet.getString("comment"))//NON-NLS
      return tags;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error selecting rows from blackboard_artifact_tags table", ex);
    } finally {

   * Gets a count of the rows in the blackboard_artifact_tags table in the
   * case database with a specified foreign key into the tag_names table.
   * @param tagName A data transfer object (DTO) for the tag name to match.
   * @return The count, possibly zero.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public long getBlackboardArtifactTagsCountByTagName(TagName tagName) throws TskCoreException {
    if (tagName.getId() == Tag.ID_NOT_SET) {
      throw new TskCoreException("TagName object is invalid, id not set");
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blackboard_artifact_tags WHERE tag_name_id = ?
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.COUNT_ARTIFACTS_BY_TAG_NAME);
      statement.setLong(1, tagName.getId());
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      if ( {
        return resultSet.getLong(1);
      } else {
        throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard_artifact_tags row count for tag name (tag_name_id = " + tagName.getId() + ")");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifact_content_tags row count for tag name (tag_name_id = " + tagName.getId() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Selects the rows in the blackboard_artifacts_tags table in the case
   * database with a specified foreign key into the tag_names table.
   * @param tagName A data transfer object (DTO) for the tag name to match.
   * @return A list, possibly empty, of BlackboardArtifactTag data transfer
   * objects (DTOs) for the rows.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<BlackboardArtifactTag> getBlackboardArtifactTagsByTagName(TagName tagName) throws TskCoreException {
    if (tagName.getId() == Tag.ID_NOT_SET) {
      throw new TskCoreException("TagName object is invalid, id not set");
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT * FROM blackboard_artifact_tags WHERE tag_name_id = ?
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_ARTIFACT_TAGS_BY_TAG_NAME);
      statement.setLong(1, tagName.getId());
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<BlackboardArtifactTag> tags = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifactTag>();
      while ( {
        BlackboardArtifact artifact = getBlackboardArtifact(resultSet.getLong("artifact_id")); //NON-NLS
        Content content = getContentById(artifact.getObjectID());
        BlackboardArtifactTag tag = new BlackboardArtifactTag(resultSet.getLong("tag_id"), artifact, content, tagName, resultSet.getString("comment"))//NON-NLS
      return tags;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifact tags data (tag_name_id = " + tagName.getId() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Selects the rows in the blackboard_artifacts_tags table in the case
   * database with a specified foreign key into the blackboard_artifacts
   * table.
   * @param artifact A data transfer object (DTO) for the artifact to match.
   * @return A list, possibly empty, of BlackboardArtifactTag data transfer
   * objects (DTOs) for the rows.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<BlackboardArtifactTag> getBlackboardArtifactTagsByArtifact(BlackboardArtifact artifact) throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // SELECT * FROM blackboard_artifact_tags INNER JOIN tag_names ON blackboard_artifact_tags.tag_name_id = tag_names.tag_name_id WHERE blackboard_artifact_tags.artifact_id = ?     
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_ARTIFACT_TAGS_BY_ARTIFACT);
      statement.setLong(1, artifact.getArtifactID());
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<BlackboardArtifactTag> tags = new ArrayList<BlackboardArtifactTag>();
      while ( {
        TagName tagName = new TagName(resultSet.getLong(2), resultSet.getString("display_name"), resultSet.getString("description"), TagName.HTML_COLOR.getColorByName(resultSet.getString("color")))//NON-NLS
        Content content = getContentById(artifact.getObjectID());
        BlackboardArtifactTag tag = new BlackboardArtifactTag(resultSet.getLong("tag_id"), artifact, content, tagName, resultSet.getString("comment"))//NON-NLS
      return tags;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error getting blackboard artifact tags data (artifact_id = " + artifact.getArtifactID() + ")", ex);
    } finally {

   * Inserts a row into the reports table in the case database.
   * @param localPath The path of the report file, must be in the database
   * directory (case directory in Autopsy) or one of its subdirectories.
   * @param sourceModuleName The name of the module that created the report.
   * @param reportName The report name, may be empty.
   * @return A Report data transfer object (DTO) for the new row.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public Report addReport(String localPath, String sourceModuleName, String reportName) throws TskCoreException {
    // Make sure the local path of the report is in the database directory
    // or one of its subdirectories.
    String relativePath = ""; //NON-NLS
    try {
      relativePath = new File(getDbDirPath()).toURI().relativize(new File(localPath).toURI()).getPath();
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
      String errorMessage = String.format("Local path %s not in the database directory or one of its subdirectories", localPath);
      throw new TskCoreException(errorMessage, ex);

    // Figure out the create time of the report.
    long createTime = 0;
    try { tempFile = new;
      // Convert to UNIX epoch (seconds, not milliseconds).
      createTime = tempFile.lastModified() / 1000;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Could not get create time for report at " + localPath, ex);

    // Write the report data to the database.
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      // INSERT INTO reports (path, crtime, src_module_name, display_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)     
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.INSERT_REPORT);
      statement.setString(1, relativePath);
      statement.setLong(2, createTime);
      statement.setString(3, sourceModuleName);
      statement.setString(4, reportName);
      resultSet = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
      return new Report(resultSet.getLong(1), localPath, createTime, sourceModuleName, reportName);
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error adding report " + localPath + " to reports table", ex);
    } finally {

   * Selects all of the rows from the reports table in the case database.
   * @return A list, possibly empty, of Report data transfer objects (DTOs)
   * for the rows.
   * @throws TskCoreException
  public List<Report> getAllReports() throws TskCoreException {
    CaseDbConnection connection = connections.getConnection();
    ResultSet resultSet = null;
    try {
      PreparedStatement statement = connection.getPreparedStatement(CaseDbConnection.PREPARED_STATEMENT.SELECT_REPORTS);
      resultSet = connection.executeQuery(statement);
      ArrayList<Report> reports = new ArrayList<Report>();
      while ( {
        reports.add(new Report(resultSet.getLong("report_id"), //NON-NLS
            getDbDirPath() + + resultSet.getString("path"), //NON-NLS
            resultSet.getLong("crtime"), //NON-NLS
            resultSet.getString("src_module_name"), //NON-NLS
      return reports;
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
      throw new TskCoreException("Error querying reports table", ex);
    } finally {

  private static void closeResultSet(ResultSet resultSet) {
    if (resultSet != null) {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error closing ResultSet", ex); //NON-NLS

  private static void closeStatement(Statement statement) {
    if (statement != null) {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error closing Statement", ex); //NON-NLS

   * Provides thread confinement for connections to the underlying case
   * database. Note that the ThreadLocal base class releases its reference to
   * a per thread connection wrapper object to garbage collection when the
   * owning thread goes away, and we are relying on that garbage collection to
   * free JDBC resources - an override of finalize() by the wrapper failed to
   * close prepared statements because the connection is already closed. In
   * the future, we may wish to use a Connection pool instead.
  private final class ConnectionPerThreadDispenser extends ThreadLocal<CaseDbConnection> {

    CaseDbConnection getConnection() throws TskCoreException {
      CaseDbConnection connection = get();
      if (!connection.isOpen()) {
        throw new TskCoreException("Case database connection for current thread is not open");
      return connection;

    public CaseDbConnection initialValue() {
      return new CaseDbConnection(dbPath);

   * Encapsulates a connection to the underlying SQLite case database and a
   * set of prepared statements.
  private static final class CaseDbConnection {


      SELECT_ATTRIBUTES_OF_ARTIFACT("SELECT artifact_id, source, context, attribute_type_id, value_type, " //NON-NLS
          + "value_byte, value_text, value_int32, value_int64, value_double " //NON-NLS
          + "FROM blackboard_attributes WHERE artifact_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_ARTIFACT_BY_ID("SELECT obj_id, artifact_type_id FROM blackboard_artifacts WHERE artifact_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_ARTIFACTS_BY_TYPE("SELECT artifact_id, obj_id FROM blackboard_artifacts " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE artifact_type_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      COUNT_ARTIFACTS_OF_TYPE("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blackboard_artifacts WHERE artifact_type_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      COUNT_ARTIFACTS_FROM_SOURCE("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blackboard_artifacts WHERE obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_ARTIFACTS_BY_SOURCE_AND_TYPE("SELECT artifact_id FROM blackboard_artifacts WHERE obj_id = ? AND artifact_type_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      COUNT_ARTIFACTS_BY_SOURCE_AND_TYPE("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blackboard_artifacts WHERE obj_id = ? AND artifact_type_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
          + "FROM tsk_objects INNER JOIN tsk_files " //NON-NLS
          + "ON tsk_objects.obj_id=tsk_files.obj_id " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE (tsk_objects.par_obj_id = ? ) " //NON-NLS
          + "ORDER BY tsk_files.dir_type, COLLATE NOCASE"), //NON-NLS
          + "FROM tsk_objects INNER JOIN tsk_files " //NON-NLS
          + "ON tsk_objects.obj_id=tsk_files.obj_id " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE (tsk_objects.par_obj_id = ? AND tsk_files.type = ? ) " //NON-NLS
          + "ORDER BY tsk_files.dir_type, COLLATE NOCASE"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_FILE_IDS_BY_PARENT("SELECT tsk_files.obj_id FROM tsk_objects INNER JOIN tsk_files " //NON-NLS
          + "ON tsk_objects.obj_id=tsk_files.obj_id WHERE (tsk_objects.par_obj_id = ?)"), //NON-NLS
          + "FROM tsk_objects INNER JOIN tsk_files " //NON-NLS
          + "ON tsk_objects.obj_id=tsk_files.obj_id " //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE (tsk_objects.par_obj_id = ? " //NON-NLS
          + "AND tsk_files.type = ? )"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_FILE_BY_ID("SELECT * FROM tsk_files WHERE obj_id = ? LIMIT 1"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_ARTIFACT("INSERT INTO blackboard_artifacts (artifact_id, obj_id, artifact_type_id) " //NON-NLS
          + "VALUES (NULL, ?, ?)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_STRING_ATTRIBUTE("INSERT INTO blackboard_attributes (artifact_id, artifact_type_id, source, context, attribute_type_id, value_type, value_text) " //NON-NLS
          + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_BYTE_ATTRIBUTE("INSERT INTO blackboard_attributes (artifact_id, artifact_type_id, source, context, attribute_type_id, value_type, value_byte) " //NON-NLS
          + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_INT_ATTRIBUTE("INSERT INTO blackboard_attributes (artifact_id, artifact_type_id, source, context, attribute_type_id, value_type, value_int32) " //NON-NLS
          + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_LONG_ATTRIBUTE("INSERT INTO blackboard_attributes (artifact_id, artifact_type_id, source, context, attribute_type_id, value_type, value_int64) " //NON-NLS
          + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_DOUBLE_ATTRIBUTE("INSERT INTO blackboard_attributes (artifact_id, artifact_type_id, source, context, attribute_type_id, value_type, value_double) " //NON-NLS
          + "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_FILES_BY_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_NAME("SELECT * FROM tsk_files WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE ? and LOWER(name) NOT LIKE '%journal%' AND fs_obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_FILES_BY_FILE_SYSTEM_AND_PATH("SELECT * FROM tsk_files WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE ? AND LOWER(name) NOT LIKE '%journal%' AND LOWER(parent_path) LIKE ? AND fs_obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      UPDATE_FILE_MD5("UPDATE tsk_files SET md5 = ? WHERE obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_LOCAL_PATH_FOR_FILE("SELECT path FROM tsk_files_path WHERE obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_PATH_FOR_FILE("SELECT parent_path FROM tsk_files WHERE obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_FILE_NAME("SELECT name FROM tsk_files WHERE obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_DERIVED_FILE("SELECT derived_id, rederive FROM tsk_files_derived WHERE obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_FILE_DERIVATION_METHOD("SELECT tool_name, tool_version, other FROM tsk_files_derived_method WHERE derived_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_MAX_OBJECT_ID("SELECT MAX(obj_id) from tsk_objects"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_OBJECT("INSERT INTO tsk_objects (par_obj_id, type) VALUES (?, ?)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_FILE("INSERT INTO tsk_files (obj_id, fs_obj_id, name, type, has_path, dir_type, meta_type, dir_flags, meta_flags, size, ctime, crtime, atime, mtime, parent_path) " //NON-NLS
          + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_LAYOUT_FILE("INSERT INTO tsk_file_layout (obj_id, byte_start, byte_len, sequence) " //NON-NLS
          + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_LOCAL_PATH("INSERT INTO tsk_files_path (obj_id, path) VALUES (?, ?)"), //NON-NLS
      COUNT_CHILD_OBJECTS_BY_PARENT("SELECT COUNT(obj_id) FROM tsk_objects WHERE par_obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_FILE_SYSTEM_BY_OBJECT("SELECT fs_obj_id from tsk_files WHERE obj_id=?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_TAG_NAMES("SELECT * FROM tag_names"), //NON-NLS
          + "WHERE tag_name_id IN " //NON-NLS
          + "(SELECT tag_name_id from content_tags UNION SELECT tag_name_id FROM blackboard_artifact_tags)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_TAG_NAME("INSERT INTO tag_names (display_name, description, color) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_CONTENT_TAG("INSERT INTO content_tags (obj_id, tag_name_id, comment, begin_byte_offset, end_byte_offset) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"), //NON-NLS
      DELETE_CONTENT_TAG("DELETE FROM content_tags WHERE tag_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      COUNT_CONTENT_TAGS_BY_TAG_NAME("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM content_tags WHERE tag_name_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_CONTENT_TAGS("SELECT * FROM content_tags INNER JOIN tag_names ON content_tags.tag_name_id = tag_names.tag_name_id"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_CONTENT_TAGS_BY_TAG_NAME("SELECT * FROM content_tags WHERE tag_name_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_CONTENT_TAGS_BY_CONTENT("SELECT * FROM content_tags INNER JOIN tag_names ON content_tags.tag_name_id = tag_names.tag_name_id WHERE content_tags.obj_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_ARTIFACT_TAG("INSERT INTO blackboard_artifact_tags (artifact_id, tag_name_id, comment) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"), //NON-NLS
      DELETE_ARTIFACT_TAG("DELETE FROM blackboard_artifact_tags WHERE tag_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_ARTIFACT_TAGS("SELECT * FROM blackboard_artifact_tags INNER JOIN tag_names ON blackboard_artifact_tags.tag_name_id = tag_names.tag_name_id"), //NON-NLS
      COUNT_ARTIFACTS_BY_TAG_NAME("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blackboard_artifact_tags WHERE tag_name_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_ARTIFACT_TAGS_BY_TAG_NAME("SELECT * FROM blackboard_artifact_tags WHERE tag_name_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      SELECT_ARTIFACT_TAGS_BY_ARTIFACT("SELECT * FROM blackboard_artifact_tags INNER JOIN tag_names ON blackboard_artifact_tags.tag_name_id = tag_names.tag_name_id WHERE blackboard_artifact_tags.artifact_id = ?"), //NON-NLS
      INSERT_REPORT("INSERT INTO reports (path, crtime, src_module_name, report_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)");   //NON-NLS

      private final String sql;

      private PREPARED_STATEMENT(String sql) {
        this.sql = sql;

      String getSQL() {
        return sql;
    private final Map<PREPARED_STATEMENT, PreparedStatement> preparedStatements;
    private Connection connection;

    CaseDbConnection(String dbPath) {
      this.preparedStatements = new EnumMap<PREPARED_STATEMENT, PreparedStatement>(PREPARED_STATEMENT.class);
      Statement statement = null;
      try {
        this.connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + dbPath); //NON-NLS
        statement = createStatement();
        statement.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;"); // Reduce I/O operations, we have no OS crash recovery anyway. //NON-NLS     
        statement.execute("PRAGMA read_uncommitted = True;"); // Allow query while in transaction. //NON-NLS
        statement.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"); // Enforce foreign key constraints. //NON-NLS
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        // The exception is caught and logged here because this
        // constructor will be called by an override of
        // ThreadLocal<T>.initialValue() which cannot throw. Calls to
        // ConnectionPerThreadDispenser.getConnection() will detect
        // the error state via isOpen() and throw an appropriate
        // exception.
        SleuthkitCase.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error setting up case database connection for thread", ex); //NON-NLS
        if (this.connection != null) {
          try {
          } catch (SQLException e) {
            SleuthkitCase.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to close connection", e);
          this.connection = null;
      } finally {

    boolean isOpen() {
      return this.connection != null;

    PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(PREPARED_STATEMENT statementKey) throws SQLException {
      // Lazy statement preparation.
      PreparedStatement statement;
      if (this.preparedStatements.containsKey(statementKey)) {
        statement = this.preparedStatements.get(statementKey);
      } else {
        statement = prepareStatement(statementKey.getSQL());
        this.preparedStatements.put(statementKey, statement);
      return statement;

    private PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sqlStatement) throws SQLException {
      PreparedStatement statement = null;
      boolean locked = true;
      while (locked) {
        try {
          statement = this.connection.prepareStatement(sqlStatement);
          locked = false;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          if (ex.getErrorCode() != SQLITE_BUSY_ERROR && ex.getErrorCode() != DATABASE_LOCKED_ERROR) {
            throw ex;
      return statement;

    Statement createStatement() throws SQLException {
      Statement statement = null;
      boolean locked = true;
      while (locked) {
        try {
          statement = this.connection.createStatement();
          locked = false;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          if (ex.getErrorCode() != SQLITE_BUSY_ERROR && ex.getErrorCode() != DATABASE_LOCKED_ERROR) {
            throw ex;
      return statement;

    void beginTransaction() throws SQLException {
      boolean locked = true;
      while (locked) {
        try {
          locked = false;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          if (ex.getErrorCode() != SQLITE_BUSY_ERROR && ex.getErrorCode() != DATABASE_LOCKED_ERROR) {
            throw ex;

    void commitTransaction() throws SQLException {
      try {
      } finally {

     * A rollback that logs exceptions and does not throw, intended for
     * "internal" use in SleuthkitCase methods where the exception that
     * motivated the rollback is the exception to report to the client.
    void rollbackTransaction() {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error rolling back transaction", e);
      try {
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error restoring auto-commit", e);

     * A rollback that throws, intended for use by the CaseDbTransaction
     * class where client code is managing the transaction and the client
     * may wish to know that the rollback failed.
     * @throws SQLException
    void rollbackTransactionWithThrow() throws SQLException {
      try {
      } finally {

    private ResultSet executeQuery(Statement statement, String query) throws SQLException {
      ResultSet resultSet = null;
      boolean locked = true;
      while (locked) {
        try {
          resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);
          locked = false;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          if (ex.getErrorCode() != SQLITE_BUSY_ERROR && ex.getErrorCode() != DATABASE_LOCKED_ERROR) {
            throw ex;
      return resultSet;

    private ResultSet executeQuery(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException {
      ResultSet resultSet = null;
      boolean locked = true;
      while (locked) {
        try {
          resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
          locked = false;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          if (ex.getErrorCode() != SQLITE_BUSY_ERROR && ex.getErrorCode() != DATABASE_LOCKED_ERROR) {
            throw ex;
      return resultSet;

    void executeUpdate(Statement statement, String update) throws SQLException {
      boolean locked = true;
      while (locked) {
        try {
          locked = false;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          if (ex.getErrorCode() != SQLITE_BUSY_ERROR && ex.getErrorCode() != DATABASE_LOCKED_ERROR) {
            throw ex;

    void executeUpdate(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException {
      boolean locked = true;
      while (locked) {
        try {
          locked = false;
        } catch (SQLException ex) {
          if (ex.getErrorCode() != SQLITE_BUSY_ERROR && ex.getErrorCode() != DATABASE_LOCKED_ERROR) {
            throw ex;

   * Wraps the transactional capabilities of a CaseDbConnection object to
   * support use cases where control of a transaction is given to a
   * SleuthkitCase client. Note that this class does not implement the
   * Transaction interface because that sort of flexibility and its associated
   * complexity is not needed. Also, TskCoreExceptions are thrown to be
   * consistent with the outer SleuthkitCase class.
  public static final class CaseDbTransaction {

    private final CaseDbConnection connection;

    private CaseDbTransaction(CaseDbConnection connection) throws TskCoreException {
      this.connection = connection;
      try {
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new TskCoreException("Failed to create transaction on case database", ex);

     * The implementations of the public APIs that take a CaseDbTransaction
     * object need access to the underlying CaseDbConnection.
     * @return The CaseDbConnection instance for this instance of
     * CaseDbTransaction.
    private CaseDbConnection getConnection() {
      return this.connection;

     * Commits the transaction on the case database that was begun when this
     * object was constructed.
     * @throws TskCoreException
    public void commit() throws TskCoreException {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new TskCoreException("Failed to commit transaction on case database", ex);

     * Rolls back the transaction on the case database that was begun when
     * this object was constructed.
     * @throws TskCoreException
    public void rollback() throws TskCoreException {
      try {
      } catch (SQLException ex) {
        throw new TskCoreException("Case database transaction rollback failed", ex);

Related Classes of org.sleuthkit.datamodel.SleuthkitCase$CaseDbTransaction

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