Package org.apache.maven.plugin.rar

Source Code of org.apache.maven.plugin.rar.RarMojo

package org.apache.maven.plugin.rar;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiveConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ScopeArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectHelper;
import org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.MavenFilteringException;
import org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.MavenResourcesExecution;
import org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.MavenResourcesFiltering;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.Archiver;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.JarArchiver;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

* Builds J2EE Resource Adapter Archive (RAR) files.
* @author <a href="">Stephane Nicoll</a>
* @version $Id$
@Mojo( name = "rar", threadSafe = true, defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PACKAGE,
       requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.TEST )
public class RarMojo
    extends AbstractMojo
    public static final String RA_XML_URI = "META-INF/ra.xml";

     * Single directory for extra files to include in the RAR.
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "${basedir}/src/main/rar", required = true )
    private File rarSourceDirectory;

     * The location of the ra.xml file to be used within the rar file.
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "${basedir}/src/main/rar/META-INF/ra.xml" )
    private File raXmlFile;

     * Specify if the generated jar file of this project should be
     * included in the rar file ; default is true.
    private Boolean includeJar = Boolean.TRUE;

     * The location of the manifest file to be used within the rar file.
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "${basedir}/src/main/rar/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" )
    private File manifestFile;

     * Directory that resources are copied to during the build.
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "${}/${}", required = true )
    private String workDirectory;

     * The directory for the generated RAR.
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "${}", required = true )
    private File outputDirectory;

     * The name of the RAR file to generate.
    @Parameter( alias = "rarName", defaultValue = "${}", required = true )
    private String finalName;

     * Classifier to add to the artifact generated. If given, the artifact will be attached.
     * If this is not given, it will merely be written to the output directory
     * according to the finalName.
     * @since 2.4
    @Parameter( property = "maven.rar.classifier", defaultValue = "" )
    private String classifier;

     * The archive configuration to use.
     * See <a href="">Maven Archiver Reference</a>.
    private MavenArchiveConfiguration archive = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();

     * allow filtering of link{rarSourceDirectory}
     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( property = "rar.filterRarSourceDirectory", defaultValue = "false" )
    private boolean filterRarSourceDirectory;

     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "${session}", required = true, readonly = true )
    protected MavenSession session;

     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( property = "encoding", defaultValue = "${}" )
    protected String encoding;

     * Whether to escape backslashes and colons in windows-style paths.
     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( property = "maven.resources.escapeWindowsPaths", defaultValue = "true" )
    protected boolean escapeWindowsPaths;

     * Expression preceded with the String won't be interpolated
     * \${foo} will be replaced with ${foo}
     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( property = "maven.resources.escapeString" )
    protected String escapeString;

     * Overwrite existing files even if the destination files are newer.
     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( property = "maven.resources.overwrite", defaultValue = "false" )
    private boolean overwrite;

     * Copy any empty directories included in the Resources.
     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( property = "maven.resources.includeEmptyDirs", defaultValue = "false" )
    protected boolean includeEmptyDirs;

     * stop searching endToken at the end of line
     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( property = "maven.resources.supportMultiLineFiltering", defaultValue = "false" )
    private boolean supportMultiLineFiltering;

     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "true" )
    protected boolean useDefaultDelimiters;

     * <p>
     * Set of delimiters for expressions to filter within the resources. These delimiters are specified in the
     * form 'beginToken*endToken'. If no '*' is given, the delimiter is assumed to be the same for start and end.
     * </p><p>
     * So, the default filtering delimiters might be specified as:
     * </p>
     * <pre>
     * &lt;delimiters&gt;
     *   &lt;delimiter&gt;${*}&lt/delimiter&gt;
     *   &lt;delimiter&gt;@&lt/delimiter&gt;
     * &lt;/delimiters&gt;
     * </pre>
     * <p>
     * Since the '@' delimiter is the same on both ends, we don't need to specify '@*@' (though we can).
     * </p>
     * @since 2.3
    protected List<String> delimiters;

     * The list of extra filter properties files to be used along with System properties,
     * project properties, and filter properties files specified in the POM build/filters section,
     * which should be used for the filtering during the current mojo execution.
     * <br/>
     * Normally, these will be configured from a plugin's execution section, to provide a different
     * set of filters for a particular execution. For instance, starting in Maven 2.2.0, you have the
     * option of configuring executions with the id's <code>default-resources</code> and
     * <code>default-testResources</code> to supply different configurations for the two
     * different types of resources. By supplying <code>extraFilters</code> configurations, you
     * can separate which filters are used for which type of resource.
     * @since 2.3
    protected List<String> filters;

     * Additional file extensions to not apply filtering (already defined are : jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, png)
     * @since 2.3
    protected List<String> nonFilteredFileExtensions;

     * extra resource to include in rar archive
     * @since 2.3
    protected List<RarResource> rarResources;

     * Whether or not warn if the <code>ra.xml</code> file is missing. Set to <code>false</code>
     * if you want you RAR built without a <code>ra.xml</code> file.
     * This may be useful if you are building against JCA 1.6 or later.
     * @since 2.3
    @Parameter( property = "warnOnMissingRaXml", defaultValue = "true" )
    protected boolean warnOnMissingRaXml = true;

     * To skip execution of the rar mojo.
     * @since 2.4
    @Parameter( property = "maven.rar.skip" )
    private boolean skip;

     * The maven project.
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "${project}", readonly = true, required = true )
    private MavenProject project;

     * The Jar archiver.
    @Component( role = Archiver.class, hint = "jar" )
    private JarArchiver jarArchiver;

     * @since 2.3
    @Component( role = MavenResourcesFiltering.class, hint = "default" )
    protected MavenResourcesFiltering mavenResourcesFiltering;

     * @since 2.4
    private MavenProjectHelper projectHelper;

    private File buildDir;

    public void execute()
        throws MojoExecutionException

        if ( skip )
            getLog().info( "Skipping rar generation." );

        getLog().debug( " ======= RarMojo settings =======" );
        getLog().debug( "rarSourceDirectory[" + rarSourceDirectory + "]" );
        getLog().debug( "manifestFile[" + manifestFile + "]" );
        getLog().debug( "raXmlFile[" + raXmlFile + "]" );
        getLog().debug( "workDirectory[" + workDirectory + "]" );
        getLog().debug( "outputDirectory[" + outputDirectory + "]" );
        getLog().debug( "finalName[" + finalName + "]" );
        getLog().debug( "classifier[" + classifier + "]" );

        // Check if jar file is there and if requested, copy it
            if (includeJar)
                File generatedJarFile = new File( outputDirectory, finalName + ".jar" );
                if ( generatedJarFile.exists() )
                    getLog().info( "Including generated jar file[" + generatedJarFile.getName() + "]" );
                    FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( generatedJarFile, getBuildDir() );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error copying generated Jar file", e );

        // Copy dependencies
            Set<Artifact> artifacts = project.getArtifacts();
            for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {

                ScopeArtifactFilter filter = new ScopeArtifactFilter(Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME);
                if (!artifact.isOptional() && filter.include(artifact)
                        && artifact.getArtifactHandler().isAddedToClasspath()) {
                    getLog().info("Copying artifact[" + artifact.getGroupId() + ", " + artifact.getId() + ", "
                            + artifact.getScope() + "]");
                    FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(artifact.getFile(), getBuildDir());
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error copying RAR dependencies", e );

        Resource resource = new Resource();
        resource.setDirectory( rarSourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );
        resource.setTargetPath( getBuildDir().getAbsolutePath() );
        resource.setFiltering( filterRarSourceDirectory );

        List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
        resources.add( resource );

        if ( rarResources != null && !rarResources.isEmpty() )
            resources.addAll( rarResources );

        MavenResourcesExecution mavenResourcesExecution =
            new MavenResourcesExecution( resources, getBuildDir(), project, encoding, filters,
                                         Collections.<String>emptyList(), session );

        mavenResourcesExecution.setEscapeWindowsPaths( escapeWindowsPaths );

        // never include project build filters in this call, since we've already accounted for the POM build filters
        // above, in getCombinedFiltersList().
        mavenResourcesExecution.setInjectProjectBuildFilters( false );

        mavenResourcesExecution.setEscapeString( escapeString );
        mavenResourcesExecution.setOverwrite( overwrite );
        mavenResourcesExecution.setIncludeEmptyDirs( includeEmptyDirs );
        mavenResourcesExecution.setSupportMultiLineFiltering( supportMultiLineFiltering );

        // if these are NOT set, just use the defaults, which are '${*}' and '@'.
        if ( delimiters != null && !delimiters.isEmpty() )
            LinkedHashSet<String> delims = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
            if ( useDefaultDelimiters )
                //noinspection unchecked
                delims.addAll( mavenResourcesExecution.getDelimiters() );

            for ( String delim : delimiters )
                if ( delim == null )
                    // FIXME: ${filter:*} could also trigger this condition. Need a better long-term solution.
                    delims.add( "${*}" );
                    delims.add( delim );

            mavenResourcesExecution.setDelimiters( delims );

        if ( nonFilteredFileExtensions != null )
            mavenResourcesExecution.setNonFilteredFileExtensions( nonFilteredFileExtensions );
            mavenResourcesFiltering.filterResources( mavenResourcesExecution );
        catch ( MavenFilteringException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error copying RAR resources", e );

        // Include custom manifest if necessary
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error copying ra.xml file", e );

        // Check if connector deployment descriptor is there
        File ddFile = new File( getBuildDir(), RA_XML_URI );
        if ( !ddFile.exists() && warnOnMissingRaXml )
            getLog().warn( "Connector deployment descriptor: " + ddFile.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist." );

        File rarFile = getRarFile(outputDirectory, finalName, classifier);
            MavenArchiver archiver = new MavenArchiver();
            archiver.setArchiver( jarArchiver );
            archiver.setOutputFile( rarFile );

            // Include custom manifest if necessary

            archiver.getArchiver().addDirectory( getBuildDir() );
            archiver.createArchive( session, project, archive );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error assembling RAR", e );

        if ( classifier != null )
            projectHelper.attachArtifact( project, "rar", classifier, rarFile );
            project.getArtifact().setFile( rarFile );

    protected File getBuildDir()
        if ( buildDir == null )
            buildDir = new File( workDirectory );
        return buildDir;

    protected static File getRarFile( File basedir, String finalName, String classifier )
        if ( classifier == null )
            classifier = "";
        else if ( classifier.trim().length() > 0 && !classifier.startsWith( "-" ) )
            classifier = "-" + classifier;

        return new File( basedir, finalName + classifier + ".rar" );

    private void includeCustomManifestFile()
        throws IOException
        File customManifestFile = manifestFile;
        if ( !customManifestFile.exists() )
            getLog().info( "Could not find manifest file: " + manifestFile + " - Generating one" );
            getLog().info( "Including custom manifest file[" + customManifestFile + "]" );
            archive.setManifestFile( customManifestFile );
            File metaInfDir = new File( getBuildDir(), "META-INF" );
            FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( customManifestFile, metaInfDir );

    private void includeCustomRaXmlFile()
        throws IOException
        if ( raXmlFile == null )
        File raXml = raXmlFile;
        if ( raXml.exists() )
            getLog().info( "Using ra.xml " + raXmlFile );
            File metaInfDir = new File( getBuildDir(), "META-INF" );
            FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory( raXml, metaInfDir );

Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.rar.RarMojo

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