Package org.jacorb.orb

Source Code of org.jacorb.orb.Delegate

package org.jacorb.orb;

*        JacORB - a free Java ORB
*   Copyright (C) 1997-2014 Gerald Brose / The JacORB Team.
*   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
*   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
*   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   Library General Public License for more details.
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
*   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
*   Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.jacorb.config.Configuration;
import org.jacorb.config.ConfigurationException;
import org.jacorb.orb.giop.ClientConnection;
import org.jacorb.orb.giop.ClientConnectionManager;
import org.jacorb.orb.giop.LocateReplyInputStream;
import org.jacorb.orb.giop.LocateRequestOutputStream;
import org.jacorb.orb.giop.ReplyInputStream;
import org.jacorb.orb.giop.RequestOutputStream;
import org.jacorb.orb.iiop.IIOPProfile;
import org.jacorb.orb.miop.MIOPProfile;
import org.jacorb.orb.policies.PolicyManager;
import org.jacorb.orb.portableInterceptor.ClientInterceptorHandler;
import org.jacorb.orb.portableInterceptor.ClientInterceptorIterator;
import org.jacorb.orb.portableInterceptor.ClientRequestInfoImpl;
import org.jacorb.orb.portableInterceptor.DefaultClientInterceptorHandler;
import org.jacorb.orb.portableInterceptor.InterceptorManager;
import org.jacorb.orb.portableInterceptor.NullClientInterceptorHandler;
import org.jacorb.orb.portableInterceptor.ServerInterceptorIterator;
import org.jacorb.orb.portableInterceptor.ServerRequestInfoImpl;
import org.jacorb.orb.util.CorbaLoc;
import org.jacorb.poa.util.POAUtil;
import org.jacorb.util.ObjectUtil;
import org.jacorb.util.SelectorManager;
import org.jacorb.util.Time;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER;
import org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM;
import org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE;
import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus;
import org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL;
import org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF;
import org.omg.CORBA.INV_POLICY;
import org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST;
import org.omg.CORBA.OBJ_ADAPTER;
import org.omg.CORBA.Policy;
import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;
import org.omg.CORBA.TIMEOUT;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.ApplicationException;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.RemarshalException;
import org.omg.CORBA.portable.ServantObject;
import org.omg.ETF.Profile;
import org.omg.GIOP.LocateStatusType_1_2;
import org.omg.IOP.IOR;
import org.omg.IOP.ServiceContext;
import org.omg.Messaging.RELATIVE_REQ_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE;
import org.omg.Messaging.RELATIVE_RT_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE;
import org.omg.Messaging.REPLY_END_TIME_POLICY_TYPE;
import org.omg.Messaging.REPLY_START_TIME_POLICY_TYPE;
import org.omg.Messaging.REQUEST_END_TIME_POLICY_TYPE;
import org.omg.Messaging.REQUEST_START_TIME_POLICY_TYPE;
import org.omg.Messaging.SYNC_NONE;
import org.omg.Messaging.SYNC_SCOPE_POLICY_TYPE;
import org.omg.Messaging.SYNC_WITH_SERVER;
import org.omg.Messaging.SYNC_WITH_TARGET;
import org.omg.Messaging.SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ForwardRequest;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.LOCATION_FORWARD;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.SUCCESSFUL;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.SYSTEM_EXCEPTION;
import org.omg.PortableInterceptor.USER_EXCEPTION;
import org.omg.PortableServer.Servant;
import org.omg.PortableServer.ServantActivator;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage.ObjectNotActive;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage.WrongAdapter;
import org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage.WrongPolicy;
import org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorPackage.CookieHolder;
import org.omg.RTCORBA.Protocol;
import org.omg.TimeBase.UtcT;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

* JacORB implementation of CORBA object reference
* @author Gerald Brose

public final class Delegate
    extends org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.Delegate
    private ParsedIOR _pior = null;
    private IOR ior = null;

     * Normally a delegate only has one connection open at a time. With the addition
     * of MIOP it is possible for the user to request a two-way operation (via e.g. IIOP)
     * and then a one-way operation via MIOP. Rather than repeatedly calling
     * ConnectionManager.getConnection the additional MIOP connection will also be cached
     * here.
    private ClientConnection connections[] = new ClientConnection[2];

    private enum TransportType { IIOP, MIOP };

     * The current connection; this should be either IIOP or MIOP where
     * 0 = IIOP
     * 1 = MIOP
    private TransportType currentConnection = TransportType.IIOP;

    /* save original ior for fallback */
    private ParsedIOR piorOriginal = null;

    /* save iors to detect and prevent locate forward loop */
    private ParsedIOR piorLastFailed = null;

    private boolean bound = false;
    private org.jacorb.poa.POA poa;

    private final org.jacorb.orb.ORB orb;
    private final Logger logger;

    /** set after the first attempt to determine whether
        this reference is to a local object */
    private boolean resolved_locality = false;

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<org.omg.ETF.Profile, ReplyGroup> groups;

    private final java.lang.Object bind_sync = new java.lang.Object();

    private boolean locate_on_bind_performed = false;

    private final ClientConnectionManager conn_mg;

    private final Map<Integer, Policy> policy_overrides;

    private CookieHolder cookie = null;

    private boolean clearCurrentContext = true;

    private String invokedOperation = null;

    private final SelectorManager selectorManager;

     * <code>localInterceptors</code> stores the ClientInterceptorHandler that is
     * currently in use during an interceptor invocation. It is held within a
     * thread local to prevent thread interaction issues.
    private static final ThreadLocal<ClientInterceptorHandler> localInterceptors = new ThreadLocal<ClientInterceptorHandler>();

    /** the configuration object for this delegate */
    private final Configuration configuration;

    /** configuration properties */
    private boolean locateOnBind;

    /** mitigate the symptom of an infinite loop in some imr failure cases, see bug 810 */
    private int maxBuiltinRetries = 0;

    * This is the default GIOP minor version configured by JacORB. Most of the time
    * JacORB will use whatever is within the effective profile. In the case of MIOP this
    * information may not be available to it will use this to set the GIOP version.
    private int defaultGiopMinor;

     * specify if this Delegate should drop its connection to the remote ORB after
     * a non-recoverable SystemException occured. non-recoverable SystemException
     * couldn't be handled by rebind.
    private boolean disconnectAfterNonRecoverableSystemException;

     * Always attempt to locate is_a information locally rather than remotely.
    private boolean avoidIsARemoteCall=true;

     * Preserve JacORB 2.3.x series behaviour with interceptors which restores the
     * 2.3.x behaviour of returning false from an is_local call when interceptors are
     * enabled and installed.
     * This should NOT be required in general and has only been added for certain scenarios
     * with legacy applications. Do not remove without checking with Nick Cross (13/April/2012)
    private boolean isLocalHistoricalInterceptors = false;

     *  Denote whether to allow orbPolicies or do optimised version
    private boolean disableClientOrbPolicies;

    /** delay in millisecs before retrying */
    private Random randomDelay = null;

    public static enum INVOCATION_KEY
        * This is used to indicate that a current context popped from the Delegates
        * invocationContext stack was pushed there prior to an interceptor call.  We
        * need this to ensure that the context is not popped if a CORBA call is made
        * by the interceptor.  The context must be popped on return from the
        * interceptor.

    private static enum SyncScope
        NONE (org.omg.Messaging.SYNC_NONE.value),
        TRANSPORT (org.omg.Messaging.SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT.value),
        SERVER (org.omg.Messaging.SYNC_WITH_SERVER.value),
        TARGET (org.omg.Messaging.SYNC_WITH_TARGET.value);

        public static SyncScope getSyncScope (String ss) throws ConfigurationException
                return valueOf (ss.toUpperCase ());
            catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
                throw new ConfigurationException ("Invalid type for SyncScope", e);

        public short getType ()
            return value;

        private short value;

        private SyncScope(short value)
            this.value = value;

    private SyncScope defaultSyncScope = SyncScope.TRANSPORT;

     * 03-09-04:
     * boolean threadlocal to ensure that
     * after servant_preinvoke has returned null the
     * next call to is_local will return false
     * so that the stub will choose the non-optimized path
    private static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> ignoreNextCallToIsLocal = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>()
        protected Boolean initialValue()
            return Boolean.FALSE;

     * @see #getInvocationContext()
     * @see #clearInvocationContext()
     * This is a <code>ArrayDeque</code> containing HashMaps.  The HashMap will
     * contain values that apply to the current invocation.  A ArrayDeque of
     * HashMaps is needed to cater for the fact that invocations can be
     * made within invocations and the values may differ for each invocation.
     * We need to retain the values for the original invocation as well as
     * apply the correct values for any internal invocation.
    private static final ThreadLocal<ArrayDeque<Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT>>> invocationContext = new ThreadLocal<ArrayDeque<Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT>>>()
        protected ArrayDeque<Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT>> initialValue()
            return new ArrayDeque<Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT>> ();

     * access the current invocation context (its a ArrayDeque of Maps).
     * this context lives as long as the invocation is active.
     * especially it outlives RemarshalExceptions and thus
     * can be used to share information between mutiple requests
     * that are done as part of an invocation.
    public static final ArrayDeque<Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT>> getInvocationContext()
        return invocationContext.get();

     * clear the current invocation context. must be invoked
     * before control is returned to the client
     * (exceptions, orderly termination).
     * mustn't be reset in case of RemarshalExceptions.
    public static void clearInvocationContext()
        if ( ! ( getInvocationContext()).isEmpty())
            ( getInvocationContext()).pop();

     * A general note on the synchronization concept
     * The main problem that has to be addressed by synchronization
     * means is the case when an object reference is shared by
     * threads, and LocationForwards (e.g. thrown by the ImR) or
     * ForwardRequest (thrown by ClientInterceptors) involved. In
     * these cases, the rebinding to another target can occur while
     * there are still other requests active. Therefore, the act of
     * rebinding must be synchronized, so every thread sees a
     * consistent state.
     * Synchronization is done via the bind_sync object. Please also
     * have a look at the comment for operation bind().

    /* constructors: */
    private Delegate(ORB orb, Configuration config, boolean parseIORLazy)

        this.orb = orb;
        configuration = config;

        conn_mg = orb.getClientConnectionManager();

        selectorManager = orb.getSelectorManager ();

        logger = config.getLogger("org.jacorb.orb.delegate");

        locateOnBind =
            config.getAttributeAsBoolean("jacorb.locate_on_bind", false);
        avoidIsARemoteCall =
            config.getAttributeAsBoolean("jacorb.avoidIsARemoteCall", true);
        isLocalHistoricalInterceptors =
            config.getAttributeAsBoolean("jacorb.isLocalHistoricalInterceptors", false);
            maxBuiltinRetries =
                config.getAttributeAsInteger ("jacorb.maxBuiltinRetries", 0);
            if (maxBuiltinRetries < 0)
                logger.error ("Configuration error - max builtin retries < 0");
                throw new INTERNAL ("Configuration error - max builtin retries < 0");
        catch (ConfigurationException ex)
            logger.error ("Configuration exception retrieving max builtin retries", ex);
            throw new INTERNAL ("Configuration exception retrieving max builtin retries" + ex);
        disconnectAfterNonRecoverableSystemException = config.getAttributeAsBoolean
            ("jacorb.connection.client.disconnect_after_systemexception", true);

        disableClientOrbPolicies = config.getAttributeAsBoolean("jacorb.disableClientOrbPolicies", false);
           defaultGiopMinor = configuration.getAttributeAsInteger ("jacorb.giop_minor_version", 2);
        catch (ConfigurationException ex)
            logger.error ("Configuration exception retrieving giop minor version", ex);
            throw new INTERNAL ("Configuration exception retrieving giop minor version" + ex);

            defaultSyncScope = SyncScope.getSyncScope (configuration.getAttribute("jacorb.default_sync_scope","TRANSPORT"));
        catch (ConfigurationException ex)
            logger.error ("Configuration exception retrieving default sync scope ", ex);
            throw new INTERNAL ("Configuration exception retrieving default sync scope " + ex);

        // standard initialization
        groups = new ConcurrentHashMap<org.omg.ETF.Profile, ReplyGroup>();
        if (parseIORLazy)
            // reference received across the net

            if (disableClientOrbPolicies)
                policy_overrides = Collections.emptyMap ();
                policy_overrides = new HashMap<Integer, Policy>(0);
            // reference locally created

            if (disableClientOrbPolicies)
                policy_overrides = Collections.emptyMap ();
                policy_overrides = new HashMap<Integer, Policy>();

    private Delegate(ORB orb, boolean parseIORLazy)
        this(orb, orb.getConfiguration(), parseIORLazy);

    public Delegate ( org.jacorb.orb.ORB orb, ParsedIOR pior )
        this(orb, false);
        _pior = pior;

    public Delegate(org.jacorb.orb.ORB orb, IOR ior, boolean parseIORLazy)
        this(orb, parseIORLazy);
        this.ior = ior;

        if (parseIORLazy)
            // postpone parsing of IOR.
            // see getParsedIOR

    public Delegate(org.jacorb.orb.ORB orb, org.omg.IOP.IOR ior)
        this(orb, ior, false);

    public int _get_TCKind()
        return org.omg.CORBA.TCKind._tk_objref;

     * This bind is a combination of the old _init() and bind()
     * operations. It first inits this delegate with the information
     * supplied by the (parsed) IOR. Then it requests a new
     * ClientConnection from the ConnectionsManager. This will *NOT*
     * open up a TCP connection, but the connection is needed for the
     * GIOP message ids. The actual TCP connection is automatically
     * opened up by the ClientConnection, when the first request is
     * sent. This has the advantage, that COMM_FAILURES can only occur
     * inside of _invoke, where they get handled properly (falling
     * back, etc.)
    private void bind()
        synchronized (bind_sync)
            if ( bound )

            final ParsedIOR ior = getParsedIOR();
            ior.patchSSL ();

            // Check if ClientProtocolPolicy set, if so, set profile
            // selector for IOR that selects effective profile for protocol
            org.omg.RTCORBA.Protocol[] protocols = getClientProtocols();
            if (protocols != null)
                ior.setProfileSelector (new SpecificProfileSelector(protocols));

            org.omg.ETF.Profile profile = ior.getEffectiveProfile();

            if (profile == null)
                throw new org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE ("no effective profile");

            if(profile instanceof MIOPProfile)
                connections[TransportType.MIOP.ordinal ()] = conn_mg.getConnection(profile);
                profile = ((MIOPProfile)profile).getGroupIIOPProfile();

            if (profile != null)
                connections[TransportType.IIOP.ordinal ()] = conn_mg.getConnection(profile);

            bound = true;

            /* The delegate could query the server for the object
             *  location using a GIOP locate request to make sure the
             *  first call will get through without redirections
             *  (provided the server's answer is definite):
            if ( locateOnBind && !locate_on_bind_performed )
                //only locate once, because bind is called from the
                //switch statement below again.
                locate_on_bind_performed = true;

                    LocateRequestOutputStream lros =
                        new LocateRequestOutputStream( orb,
                                                       connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].getId(),
                                                       ior.getEffectiveProfile().version().minor );

                    LocateReplyReceiver receiver = new LocateReplyReceiver();
                    receiver.configure (configuration);

                    connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].sendRequest( lros,
                                            true ); //response expected
                    getParsedIOR ().markLastUsedProfile ();

                    LocateReplyInputStream lris = receiver.getReply();

                    switch ( lris.rep_hdr.locate_status.value() )

                    case LocateStatusType_1_2._UNKNOWN_OBJECT :
                            throw new org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN( "Could not bind to object, server does not know it!" );

                    case LocateStatusType_1_2._OBJECT_HERE :

                    case LocateStatusType_1_2._OBJECT_FORWARD :
                            //fall through

                    case LocateStatusType_1_2._OBJECT_FORWARD_PERM :
                            //_OBJECT_FORWARD_PERM is actually more or
                            //less deprecated

                    case LocateStatusType_1_2._LOC_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION :
                            throw lris );

                    case LocateStatusType_1_2._LOC_NEEDS_ADDRESSING_MODE :
                            throw new org.omg.CORBA.NO_IMPLEMENT( "Server responded to LocateRequest with a status of LOC_NEEDS_ADDRESSING_MODE, but this isn't yet implemented by JacORB" );

                    default :
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown reply status for LOCATE_REQUEST: " + lris.rep_hdr.locate_status.value() );


                catch ( org.omg.CORBA.SystemException se )
                    throw se;
                catch ( Exception e )
                    if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
                        logger.warn( e.getMessage() );

    public void rebind(org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)
        String object_reference = orb.object_to_string(obj);

        if (object_reference != null && object_reference.indexOf( "IOR:" ) == 0)
            Delegate delegate = (Delegate) ((ObjectImpl)obj)._get_delegate();
            rebind(new ParsedIOR( orb, object_reference),
                    ( delegate == null ? null : delegate.getClientProtocols()));
            throw new INV_OBJREF ("Not an IOR: " + object_reference);

    private void rebind(ParsedIOR pior)
        rebind (pior, null);

    private void rebind(ParsedIOR pior, Protocol[] protocols)
        synchronized ( bind_sync )
            // Check if ClientProtocolPolicy set, if so, set profile
            // selector for IOR that selects effective profile for protocol.
            // If rebind has been passed in a new set of protocols use that.
            if (protocols != null)
                pior.setProfileSelector(new SpecificProfileSelector(protocols));
                org.omg.RTCORBA.Protocol[] thisProtocols = getClientProtocols();

                if (thisProtocols != null)
                    pior.setProfileSelector(new SpecificProfileSelector(thisProtocols));

            if (piorLastFailed != null && piorLastFailed.equals(pior))
                //we've already failed to bind to the ior
                throw new org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT();
            if (piorOriginal == null)
                //keep original pior for fallback
                piorOriginal = _pior;

            _pior = pior;

             if (connections[TransportType.IIOP.ordinal ()] != null)
                 conn_mg.releaseConnection( connections[TransportType.IIOP.ordinal ()] );
                 connections[TransportType.IIOP.ordinal ()] = null;
             if ( connections[TransportType.MIOP.ordinal ()] != null )
                 conn_mg.releaseConnection( connections[TransportType.MIOP.ordinal ()] );
                 connections[TransportType.MIOP.ordinal ()] = null;

            //to tell bind() that it has to take action
            bound = false;


    public org.omg.CORBA.Request create_request( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
            org.omg.CORBA.Context ctx,
            String operation,
            org.omg.CORBA.NVList args,
            org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue result )


        return new org.jacorb.orb.dii.Request( self,
                                               connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()],
                                               result );

    public org.omg.CORBA.Request create_request( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
            org.omg.CORBA.Context ctx,
            String operation,
            org.omg.CORBA.NVList args,
            org.omg.CORBA.NamedValue result,
            org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionList exceptions,
            org.omg.CORBA.ContextList contexts )


        return new org.jacorb.orb.dii.Request( self,
                                               connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()],

    public org.omg.CORBA.Object duplicate( org.omg.CORBA.Object self )
        return orb._getDelegate (new ParsedIOR( orb, toString()));

    public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
        return ( obj instanceof org.omg.CORBA.Object &&
                 toString().equals( obj.toString() ) );

    public boolean equals( org.omg.CORBA.Object self, java.lang.Object obj )
        return equals( obj );

    // The finalize method has been removed due to performance and scalability
    //  issues.
    // This method was called when a client-side stub was garbage-collected.  In
    // effect it caused the Delegate to unregister itself from the underlying
    // GIOPConnection and if there were no other Delegates using that
    // connection, it was be closed and disposed of altogether.
    // This therefore moves the responsibility to the client code to call _release.

    public org.omg.CORBA.DomainManager[] get_domain_managers( org.omg.CORBA.Object self )
        return null;

     * The get_policy operation returns the policy object of the
     * specified type, which applies to this object. It returns the
     * effective Policy for the object reference. The effective Policy
     * is the one that would be used if a request were made.  This
     * Policy is determined first by obtaining the effective override
     * for the PolicyType as returned by get_client_policy. The
     * effective override is then compared with the Policy as
     * specified in the IOR.
     * <p>
     * The effective Policy is determined by reconciling the effective
     * override and the IOR-specified Policy. If the two policies
     * cannot be reconciled, the standard system exception INV_POLICY
     * is raised with standard minor code 1. The absence of a Policy
     * value in the IOR implies that any legal value may be used.

    public org.omg.CORBA.Policy get_policy( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                            int policy_type )
        Policy result = get_client_policy(policy_type);
        if (result != null)
            // TODO: "reconcile" with server-side policy
            return result;
        // if not locally overridden, ask the server
        return get_policy( self,
                           request( self, "_get_policy", true ) );

     * Gets the effective overriding policy with the given type from
     * the client-side, or null if this policy type is unset.
     * (Implementation is incomplete, we don't check PolicyCurrent, i.e.
     * at the thread-level)

    public org.omg.CORBA.Policy get_client_policy(int policy_type)
        Policy result = null;

        if (disableClientOrbPolicies)
            return null;

            final Integer key = Integer.valueOf(policy_type);
            result = policy_overrides.get(key);

        if ( result == null )
            // no override at the object level for this type, now
            // check at the thread level, ie PolicyCurrent.
            // TODO: currently not implemented

            // check at the ORB-level
            final PolicyManager policyManager = orb.getPolicyManager();
            if (policyManager != null)
                Policy[] orbPolicies = policyManager.get_policy_overrides (new int[] {policy_type});
                if (orbPolicies!= null && orbPolicies.length == 1)
                    result = orbPolicies[0];

        return result;

    public org.omg.CORBA.Policy get_policy( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                            int policy_type,
                                            org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream os )
        // ask object implementation
        while ( true )
                os.write_Object( self );
                os.write_long( policy_type );
                org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream is = invoke( self, os );
                return org.omg.CORBA.PolicyHelper.narrow( is.read_Object() );
            catch ( RemarshalException r ) // NOPMD
                // Ignored
            catch ( ApplicationException _ax )
                String _id = _ax.getId();
                throw new INTERNAL( "Unexpected exception " + _id );
    } // get_policy

    public UtcT getRequestEndTime()
        Policy policy = get_client_policy(REQUEST_END_TIME_POLICY_TYPE.value);
        if (policy != null)
            return ((org.omg.Messaging.RequestEndTimePolicy)policy).end_time();
        return null;

    public UtcT getReplyEndTime()
        Policy policy = get_client_policy (REPLY_END_TIME_POLICY_TYPE.value);
        if (policy != null)
            return ((org.omg.Messaging.ReplyEndTimePolicy)policy).end_time();
        return null;

    public UtcT getRequestStartTime()
        Policy policy = get_client_policy (REQUEST_START_TIME_POLICY_TYPE.value);
        if (policy != null)
            return ((org.omg.Messaging.RequestStartTimePolicy)policy).start_time();
        return null;

    public UtcT getReplyStartTime()
        Policy policy = get_client_policy (REPLY_START_TIME_POLICY_TYPE.value);
        if (policy != null)
            return ((org.omg.Messaging.ReplyStartTimePolicy)policy).start_time();
        return null;

    public long getRelativeRoundtripTimeout()
        Policy policy = get_client_policy (RELATIVE_RT_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE.value);
        if (policy != null)
            return ((org.omg.Messaging.RelativeRoundtripTimeoutPolicy)policy)
        return -1;

    public long getRelativeRequestTimeout()
        Policy policy = get_client_policy (RELATIVE_REQ_TIMEOUT_POLICY_TYPE.value);
        if (policy != null)
            return ((org.omg.Messaging.RelativeRequestTimeoutPolicy)policy)
        return -1;

    public short getSyncScope()
        Policy policy = get_client_policy (SYNC_SCOPE_POLICY_TYPE.value);
        if (policy != null)
            return ((org.omg.Messaging.SyncScopePolicy)policy).synchronization();
        return defaultSyncScope.getType();

    public org.omg.RTCORBA.Protocol[] getClientProtocols ()
        Policy policy = get_client_policy(org.omg.RTCORBA.CLIENT_PROTOCOL_POLICY_TYPE.value);
        if (policy != null)
            return ((org.omg.RTCORBA.ClientProtocolPolicy)policy).protocols ();
        return null;

     * Deprecated by CORBA 2.3
    public org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDef get_interface( org.omg.CORBA.Object self )
        return org.omg.CORBA.InterfaceDefHelper.narrow( get_interface_def( self ) ) ;

    public org.omg.CORBA.Object get_interface_def (org.omg.CORBA.Object self)

        // If local object call _interface directly

        if (is_really_local (self))
            org.omg.PortableServer.Servant servant;
            org.omg.CORBA.portable.ServantObject so = null;

            while (so == null)
                so = servant_preinvoke (self, "_interface", java.lang.Object.class);

                servant = (org.omg.PortableServer.Servant) so.servant;
                orb.set_delegate (servant);
                return servant._get_interface_def();
                servant_postinvoke (self, so);

        org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream is = invokeBuiltin (self, "_interface", null);
        return (is == null) ? null : is.read_Object();

    ClientConnection getConnection()
        synchronized ( bind_sync )

            return connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()];

    public org.omg.IOP.IOR getIOR()
        synchronized ( bind_sync )
            if ( piorOriginal != null )
                return piorOriginal.getIOR();
            return getParsedIOR().getIOR();

    public byte[] getObjectId()
        synchronized ( bind_sync )

            return POAUtil.extractOID( getParsedIOR().get_object_key() );

    public byte[] getObjectKey()
        synchronized ( bind_sync )

            return getParsedIOR().get_object_key();

    public ParsedIOR getParsedIOR()
        synchronized ( bind_sync )
            // If the _pior has not been initialised due to the lazy
            // initialisation use the ior to create one.
            if (_pior == null)
                if (ior == null)
                    // should never happen due to the checks in configure
                    throw new INTERNAL ("Internal error - unable to initialise ParsedIOR as IOR is null");
                    _pior = new ParsedIOR (orb, ior);
                    ior = null;

            return _pior;

    public void resolvePOA (org.omg.CORBA.Object self)
        if (! resolved_locality)
            resolved_locality = true;
            org.jacorb.poa.POA local_poa = orb.findPOA (this, self);

            if (local_poa != null)
                poa = local_poa;

    public org.jacorb.poa.POA getPOA()
        return poa;


    public org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl getReference( org.jacorb.poa.POA _poa )
        if ( _poa != null )
            poa = _poa;

        final String typeId = ior == null ? typeId() : ior.type_id;

        org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl reference =
            new org.jacorb.orb.Reference( typeId );

        reference._set_delegate( this );

        return reference;

    public int hash( org.omg.CORBA.Object self, int x )

        return hashCode();

    public int hashCode()
        return getIDString().hashCode();

    public int hashCode( org.omg.CORBA.Object self )
        return hashCode();

     * Invokes an asynchronous operation using this object reference by
     * sending the request marshalled in the OutputStream.  The reply
     * will be directed to the supplied ReplyHandler.
    public void invoke( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                        org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream os,
                        org.omg.Messaging.ReplyHandler replyHandler )
      throws ApplicationException, RemarshalException
        // discard result, it is always null
        invoke_internal (self, os, replyHandler, true);

     * Invokes a synchronous operation using this object reference
     * by sending the request marshalled in the OutputStream.
     * @return the reply, if a reply is expected for this request.
     * If no reply is expected, returns null.
    public org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream invoke
                                       ( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                         org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream os )
      throws ApplicationException, RemarshalException
        return invoke_internal (self, os, null, false);

    private org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream invoke_internal
                                        ( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                          org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream os,
                                          org.omg.Messaging.ReplyHandler replyHandler,
                                          boolean async )
        throws ApplicationException, RemarshalException
            final org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream in =
                _invoke_internal(self, os, replyHandler, async);

            if (clearCurrentContext)

            return in;
        catch(ApplicationException e)
            if (clearCurrentContext)

            throw e;
        catch(SystemException t)
            if (clearCurrentContext)

            throw t;

     * Internal implementation of both invoke() methods.  Note that
     * the boolean argument <code>async</code> is necessary to differentiate
     * between synchronous and asynchronous calls, because the ReplyHandler
     * can be null even for an asynchronous call.
   private org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream _invoke_internal
                               ( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                 org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream os,
                                 org.omg.Messaging.ReplyHandler replyHandler,
                                 boolean async )
        throws ApplicationException, RemarshalException

        RequestOutputStream ros      = (RequestOutputStream)os;

        ArrayDeque<Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT>> invocationStack = invocationContext.get ();

         * We must just peek as we do not want to remove the context from
         * the ArrayDeque
        Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT> currentCtxt = invocationStack.peek();
        UtcT reqET = null;
        UtcT repET = null;

        if (currentCtxt != null)
            reqET = currentCtxt.get (INVOCATION_KEY.REQUEST_END_TIME);
            repET = currentCtxt.get (INVOCATION_KEY.REPLY_END_TIME);

            checkTimeout (reqET, repET);

        ReplyReceiver       receiver = null;
        final ClientInterceptorHandler interceptors;

        if (orb.hasClientRequestInterceptors())
            interceptors = new DefaultClientInterceptorHandler
                    connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()]
            interceptors = NullClientInterceptorHandler.getInstance();

        if ( connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()] != null )
           orb.notifyTransportListeners (connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].getGIOPConnection());

        if (orb.hasRequestInterceptors())

            catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                // Should not happen for remote requests
            catch (RemarshalException re)
                // RemarshalExceptions explicitely caught, because in
                // that case, localInterceptors must stay set
                throw re;
            catch (RuntimeException e)
                // If we are throwing a system exception then this will disrupt the call path.
                // Therefore nullify localInterceptors so it doesn't appear we are still in an
                // interceptor call.

                throw e;

        ClientConnection connectionToUse = null;

        ReplyGroup group = null;
            synchronized (bind_sync)
               if ( ! bound )
                  // Somehow the connection got closed under us
                  throw new COMM_FAILURE("Connection closed");
               else if (ros.getConnection() == connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()])
                  // RequestOutputStream has been created for
                  // exactly this connection
                  connectionToUse = connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()];
                    logger.debug("invoke: RemarshalException");

                    // RequestOutputStream has been created for
                    // another connection, so try again
                    throw new RemarshalException();

            group = getReplyGroup (connectionToUse);
            if ( !ros.response_expected() )  // oneway op
                invoke_oneway (ros, connectionToUse, interceptors, group);
                // response expected, synchronous or asynchronous
                receiver = new ReplyReceiver(this, group,
                                            interceptors, replyHandler, selectorManager);

                catch (ConfigurationException ex)
                   logger.error ("Configuration problem with ReplyReceiver", ex);
                   throw new INTERNAL ("Caught configuration exception setting up ReplyReceiver.");

                group.addHolder (receiver);

                // Use the local copy of the client connection to avoid trouble
                // with something else affecting the real connections[currentConnection].
                connectionToUse.sendRequest(ros, receiver, ros.requestId(), true);
                getParsedIOR ().markLastUsedProfile ();
        catch ( org.omg.CORBA.SystemException cfe )
            logger.debug("invoke[-->]: SystemException", cfe);

            if( !async )
                // Remove ReplyReceiver to break up reference cycle
                // Otherwise gc will not detect this Delegate and
                // will never finalize it.
                if (group != null)

                interceptors.handle_receive_exception ( cfe );
            catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                // Should not happen for remote requests

            // The exception is a TRANSIENT, so try rebinding.
            if ( cfe instanceof org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT && try_rebind (false))
                throw new RemarshalException();

            if (!(cfe instanceof org.omg.CORBA.TIMEOUT))
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug (this.toString() + " : invoke_internal: closing connection due to " + cfe.getMessage());

            throw cfe;
            if (orb.hasRequestInterceptors())

            if ( !async && receiver != null )
                // Synchronous invocation, response expected.
                // This call blocks until the reply arrives.
                org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream is = receiver.getReply();

                ((CDRInputStream)is).updateMutatorConnection (connectionToUse.getGIOPConnection());

                if (clearCurrentContext)

                return is;
        catch(SystemException e)
            logger.debug("invoke[<--]: SystemException", e);

            // An Object Not Exist on a forwarded reference should retry
            // on the original to get forwarded again to the right server
            if ( e instanceof org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST && try_rebind (true))
                throw new RemarshalException();

            // If the attempt to read the reply throws a system exception its
            // possible that the pending_replies will not get cleaned up.
            if (group != null)


            throw e;

        return null;

     * Internal method to check whether the timeouts have been exceeded.
     * @param reqET the request end time
     * @param repET the reply end time param
    private void checkTimeout (UtcT reqET, UtcT repET)
        if (reqET != null)
            if (Time.hasPassed(reqET))
                throw new TIMEOUT("Request End Time exceeded",

        if (repET != null)
            if (Time.hasPassed(repET))
                throw new TIMEOUT("Reply End Time exceeded",

    private void disconnect(ClientConnection connectionInUse)
        if (connectionInUse == null)

        if (!disconnectAfterNonRecoverableSystemException)

            if (connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()] == null)

            if (connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()] != connectionInUse)

            logger.debug("release the connection");

            conn_mg.releaseConnection( connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()] );
            connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()] = null;
            bound = false;

    private void invoke_oneway (RequestOutputStream ros,
                                ClientConnection connectionToUse,
                                ClientInterceptorHandler interceptors,
                                ReplyGroup group)
        throws RemarshalException, ApplicationException
        switch (ros.syncScope())
            case SYNC_NONE.value:
                RequestOutputStream copy = new RequestOutputStream(ros);
                passToTransport (connectionToUse, copy);
                    interceptors.handle_receive_other (SUCCESSFUL.value);
                catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                    // Should not happen for remote requests

            case SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT.value:
                connectionToUse.sendRequest (ros, false);
                getParsedIOR ().markLastUsedProfile ();
                    interceptors.handle_receive_other (SUCCESSFUL.value);
                catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                    /// Should not happen for remote requests

            case SYNC_WITH_SERVER.value:
            case SYNC_WITH_TARGET.value:

                ReplyReceiver rcv = new ReplyReceiver (this,
                                                       null, selectorManager);
                catch (ConfigurationException ex)
                   logger.error ("Configuration problem with ReplyReceiver", ex);
                   throw new INTERNAL ("Caught configuration exception setting up ReplyReceiver.");

                if (connections[TransportType.MIOP.ordinal ()] != null)
                    connections[TransportType.MIOP.ordinal ()].sendRequest(ros,false);
                    connectionToUse.sendRequest (ros, rcv, ros.requestId(), true);
                    // connections[TransportType.IIOP.ordinal ()].sendRequest (ros, rcv, ros.requestId(), true);
                getParsedIOR ().markLastUsedProfile ();

                ReplyInputStream in = rcv.getReply();
                    interceptors.handle_receive_reply (in);
                catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                    /// Should not happen for remote requests

                throw new org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL
                    ("Illegal SYNC_SCOPE: " + ros.syncScope(),
                     0, CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE);

    private ReplyGroup getReplyGroup (ClientConnection connectionToUse)
        // The ReplyGroup collects pending replies for a specific target.  This
        // allows separation between requests that may have been sent to an IMR
        // and those that were sent to the final target, as could be the case
        // with massively threaded clients.
        org.omg.ETF.Profile profile = connectionToUse.getRegisteredProfile();
        ReplyGroup group = groups.get (profile);
        if (group == null)
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug ("Adding new retry group for " + profile);
            ReplyGroup g = new ReplyGroup (this, profile);
            group = groups.putIfAbsent (profile, g);
            if (group == null)
                group = g;
        return group;

    private void passToTransport (final ClientConnection connectionToUse, final RequestOutputStream ros)
        new Thread (new Runnable()
            public void run()
                    connectionToUse.sendRequest (ros, false);
                    getParsedIOR ().markLastUsedProfile ();
                catch (Throwable e)
                    if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
                        logger.warn ("Caught CORBA SystemException ", e);

    private void randomMilliSecDelay()
        if (randomDelay == null)
            randomDelay = new Random(10000);

        // delay time will be between 1-3 seconds
        int r = randomDelay.nextInt(3100);
        r = (r < 1000? 1000 : r);
        catch (Exception e)
            // ignore

    private boolean try_rebind (boolean forward_only)
        if (forward_only && (piorOriginal == null || piorOriginal == getParsedIOR ()))
            return false;

        synchronized ( bind_sync )
            // piorOriginal was set by rebind() which means
            // that it is the first ParsedIOR for a repository such as an IMR,
            // and _pior is the secondary ParsedIOR for a server.
            // So, if piorOriginal is still null, then bind() must have failed.
            if ( piorOriginal != null )
                if( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Delegate.try_rebind: falling back to original IOR");

                if (piorOriginal.equals(getParsedIOR()))
                    if (piorOriginal.getProfiles().size() > 1)
                        if( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                            logger.debug ("Delegate.try_rebind: binding to next profile <"
                                          + piorOriginal.getTypeIdName() + ">");
                        Profile newProfile = piorOriginal.getNextEffectiveProfile();
                        if( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                            Profile lastProfile = piorOriginal.getLastUsedProfile();
                            logger.debug("Delegate.try_rebind: new = " + newProfile + " last = " + lastProfile);

                        if (newProfile != null &&
                            !newProfile.equals (piorOriginal.getLastUsedProfile()))
                            piorLastFailed = null;
                            return false;
                    // If we've already bound to the original there is nothing we can do.
                        return false;
                    // keep last failed ior to detect forwarding loops
                    piorLastFailed = getParsedIOR();

                //rebind to the original ior
                rebind( piorOriginal );

                //clean up and start fresh
                piorLastFailed = null;

                return true;
            else if (getParsedIOR().useCorbaName())
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug ("Delegate.try_rebind: useNameService, " +
                                  "going back to the NameService <" +
                                  getParsedIOR().getCorbaNameOriginalObjRef() + ">");

                piorOriginal = null;
                piorLastFailed = null;

                _pior = new ParsedIOR (orb,


                //clean up and start fresh
                piorOriginal = null;
                piorLastFailed = null;

                return true;
            else if (getParsedIOR().getProfiles().size() > 1)
                if( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug ("Delegate.try_rebind: rebinding to next profile <"
                                  + getParsedIOR().getTypeIdName() + ">");

                Profile curProfile = getParsedIOR().getNextEffectiveProfile();
                if( logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    Profile lastProfile = getParsedIOR().getLastUsedProfile();
                    logger.debug("Delegate.try_rebind(no pior): new = " + curProfile + " last = " + lastProfile);

                if (curProfile != null  &&
                    !curProfile.equals (getParsedIOR().getLastUsedProfile()))

                    piorLastFailed = null;
                    return true;
            return false;

    public void invokeInterceptors( ClientRequestInfoImpl info, short op )
        throws RemarshalException
        ClientInterceptorIterator intercept_iter =

            intercept_iter.iterate( info, op );
        catch (ForwardRequest fwd )
            throw new RemarshalException();
        catch ( org.omg.CORBA.UserException ue )
            if (logger.isErrorEnabled())
                logger.error( ue.getMessage() );

    * <code>repository_id</code> returns a repository ID.
    * @return a <code>String</code> value
public String repository_id (org.omg.CORBA.Object self)
       return getParsedIOR().getTypeId();

     * Determines whether the object denoted by self
     * has type logical_type_id or a subtype of it

    public boolean is_a( org.omg.CORBA.Object self, String logical_type_id )
        /* First, try to find out without a remote invocation. */

        /* check most derived type as defined in the IOR first
         * (this type might otherwise not be found if the helper
         * is consulted and the reference was not narrowed to
         * the most derived type. In this case, the ids returned by
         * the helper won't contain the most derived type

        if (ior != null && ior.type_id.equals(logical_type_id))
            return true;

        ParsedIOR pior = getParsedIOR();

        if ( pior.getTypeId().equals( logical_type_id ) )
            return true;

        /*   The Ids in ObjectImpl will at least contain the type id
             found in the object reference itself.
        String[] ids = ( ( org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl ) self )._ids();

        /* the last id will be CORBA.Object, and we know that already... */
        for ( int i = 0; i < ids.length - 1; i++ )
            if ( ids[ i ].equals( logical_type_id ) )
                return true;

        /* ok, we could not affirm by simply looking at the locally available
           type ids, so ask the object itself */

        // If local object call _is_a directly
        if (is_really_local(self))
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Located " + self + " on local POA; assuming local.");

            org.omg.PortableServer.Servant servant;
            org.omg.CORBA.portable.ServantObject so = null;

            while (so == null)
                so = servant_preinvoke (self, "_is_a", java.lang.Object.class);

                servant = (org.omg.PortableServer.Servant)so.servant;
                return servant._is_a(logical_type_id);
                servant_postinvoke(self, so);
        // The check below avoids trying to load a stub for CORBA.Object.
        // (It would be faster to check that ids.length > 1, but Sun's
        // CosNaming JNDI provider calls _is_a() on some weird ObjectImpl
        // instances whose _ids() method returns an array of length two,
        // containing two Strings equal to "".)
        if (avoidIsARemoteCall &&
            // Try to avoid remote call - is it a derived type?
                // Retrieve the local stub for the object in question. Then call the _ids method
                // and see if any match the logical_type_id otherwise fall back to remote.

                final String classname = RepositoryID.className( ids[0], "Stub", null );

                int lastDot = classname.lastIndexOf( '.' );
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( classname.substring( 0, lastDot + 1) );
                buffer.append( '_' );
                buffer.append( classname.substring( lastDot + 1 ) );

                // This will only work if there is a correspondence between the Java class
                // name and the Repository ID. If prefixes have been using then this mapping
                // may have been lost.

                // First, search with stub name
                // if not found, try with the 'org.omg.stub' prefix to support package
                // with javax prefix
                Class<?> stub=null;
                    stub = ObjectUtil.classForName( buffer.toString());
                catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
                    stub = ObjectUtil.classForName("org.omg.stub."+buffer.toString());

                Method idm = stub.getMethod ( "_ids", (Class[]) null );
                String newids[] = (String[] )idm.invoke( stub.newInstance(), (java.lang.Object[]) null );

                for ( int i = 0; i < newids.length ; i++ )
                    if (newids[i].equals( logical_type_id ) )
                        return true;
            // If it fails fall back to a remote call.
            catch (ClassNotFoundException e) // NOPMD
                // ignore
            catch (IllegalArgumentException e) // NOPMD
                // ignore
            catch (SecurityException e) // NOPMD
                // ignore
            catch (NoSuchMethodException e) // NOPMD
                // ignore
            catch (IllegalAccessException e) // NOPMD
                // ignore
            catch (InvocationTargetException e) // NOPMD
                // ignore
            catch (InstantiationException e) // NOPMD
                // ignore
            catch (SystemException e) // NOPMD
                // ignore
            logger.debug("trying is_a remotely");

        org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream is = invokeBuiltin (self, "_is_a", logical_type_id);
        return (is == null) ? false : is.read_boolean();

    public boolean is_equivalent(org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                 org.omg.CORBA.Object obj)

        boolean result = true;

        if (self != obj)
            ParsedIOR pior1 = new ParsedIOR( orb, obj.toString() );
            ParsedIOR pior2 = new ParsedIOR( orb, self.toString() );
            result = pior2.getIDString().equals( pior1.getIDString() );

        return result;

    public String getIDString()
        return getParsedIOR().getIDString();

     * @return true if this object lives on a local POA and
     * interceptors are not installed. When interceptors are
     * installed this returns false so that stubs do not call
     * direct to implementation, avoiding installed interceptors.

    public boolean is_local(org.omg.CORBA.Object self)
        if (ignoreNextCallToIsLocal.get() == Boolean.TRUE)
            return false;

        if (isLocalHistoricalInterceptors && localInterceptors.get() == null && orb.hasRequestInterceptors())
            return false;

        return is_really_local(self);

     * @return true if this object lives on a local POA

    private boolean is_really_local(org.omg.CORBA.Object self)
        if (poa == null)

        return poa != null;

    public boolean is_nil()
        ParsedIOR pior = getParsedIOR();

        return ( pior.getIOR().type_id.equals( "" ) &&
                 pior.getIOR().profiles.length == 0 );

    public boolean non_existent (org.omg.CORBA.Object self)
        // If local object call _non_existent directly
        if (is_really_local(self))
            org.omg.PortableServer.Servant servant;
            org.omg.CORBA.portable.ServantObject so = null;

                while (so == null)
                    so = servant_preinvoke(self, "_non_existent", java.lang.Object.class);
            catch (OBJECT_NOT_EXIST e)
                return true;
                servant = (org.omg.PortableServer.Servant)so.servant;
                return servant._non_existent();
                servant_postinvoke(self, so);

        org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream is = null;
            is = invokeBuiltin (self, "_non_existent", null);
        catch (OBJECT_NOT_EXIST e)
            return true;
        return (is == null) ? false : is.read_boolean();

    public org.omg.CORBA.Object get_component (org.omg.CORBA.Object self)
        // If local object call _get_component directly

        if (is_really_local(self))
            org.omg.PortableServer.Servant servant;
            org.omg.CORBA.portable.ServantObject so = null;

            while (so == null)
                so = servant_preinvoke(self, "_get_component", java.lang.Object.class);

                servant = (org.omg.PortableServer.Servant)so.servant;
                return servant._get_component();
                servant_postinvoke(self, so);

        org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream is = invokeBuiltin (self, "_get_component", null);
        return (is == null) ? null : is.read_Object();

    private org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream invokeBuiltin (org.omg.CORBA.Object self, String op, String arg)
        org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream os;
        // The old behavior was to loop forever, which will happen here if maxBuiltinRetries is 0.
        for (int retries = 0; maxBuiltinRetries == 0 || retries < maxBuiltinRetries; retries ++)
                os = request(self, op, true);
                if (arg != null)
                return invoke(self, os);
            catch (RemarshalException re) // NOPMD
                // Ignored
            catch (ApplicationException ax)
                throw new INTERNAL("Unexpected exception " + ax.getId());
        return null;

    public org.omg.CORBA.ORB orb( org.omg.CORBA.Object self )
        return orb;

     * Called to indicate that this Delegate will no longer be used by
     * the client.  The Delegate unregisters itself from the underlying
     * GIOPConnection.  If there are no other Delegates using that
     * connection, it will be closed and disposed of altogether.
    public void release( org.omg.CORBA.Object self )
        synchronized ( bind_sync )
            if (!bound)

            if ( connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()] != null )
                conn_mg.releaseConnection( connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()] );
                connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()] = null;
            bound = false;

            // Call using string rather than this to prevent data race
            // warning.
            orb._release( getParsedIOR().getIORString() );

            if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
                logger.debug("Delegate released!");

     * releases the InputStream
    public void releaseReply( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                              org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream is )
        if ( is != null )
            catch ( io )
                // ignored
        Time.waitFor (getReplyStartTime());

    public org.omg.CORBA.Request request( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                                       String operation )

        synchronized ( bind_sync )

            return new org.jacorb.orb.dii.Request( self,
                                                   connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()],
                                                   operation );


    public org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream request(org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                                   String operation,
                                                   boolean responseExpected )

        ArrayDeque<Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT>> invocationStack = invocationContext.get ();
        Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT> currentCtxt = null;

        if (! invocationStack.isEmpty())
            currentCtxt = invocationStack.peek();

             * If the context was created as an interceptor call was
             * being made in servant_preinvoke then don't clear it as part of this
             * request. It will be cleared on return from the
             * interceptor call. This caters for situations where embedded requests are made
            if (currentCtxt.containsKey (INVOCATION_KEY.INTERCEPTOR_CALL) ||
                currentCtxt.containsKey (INVOCATION_KEY.SERVANT_PREINVOKE))
                clearCurrentContext = false;

        if (currentCtxt == null)
            currentCtxt = new HashMap<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT>();

            invocationStack.push (currentCtxt);

        UtcT requestEndTime = currentCtxt.get (INVOCATION_KEY.REQUEST_END_TIME);
        UtcT replyEndTime = currentCtxt.get (INVOCATION_KEY.REPLY_END_TIME);

        if (!disableClientOrbPolicies)
            // Compute the deadlines for this request based on any absolute or
            // relative timing policies that have been specified.  Compute this
            // now, because it is the earliest possible time, and therefore any
            // relative timeouts will cover the entire invocation.

            if (requestEndTime == null)
                requestEndTime = getRequestEndTime();
                final long requestTimeout = getRelativeRequestTimeout();

                if ((requestTimeout > 0) || (requestEndTime != null))
                    requestEndTime = Time.earliest(Time.corbaFuture (requestTimeout), requestEndTime);

                    if (Time.hasPassed(requestEndTime))
                        if (clearCurrentContext)

                        throw new TIMEOUT("Request End Time exceeded prior to invocation",

                currentCtxt.put (INVOCATION_KEY.REQUEST_END_TIME, requestEndTime);
                if (Time.hasPassed (requestEndTime))
                    if (clearCurrentContext)

                    throw new TIMEOUT("Request End Time exceeded",

            if (replyEndTime == null)
                replyEndTime = getReplyEndTime();

                final long roundtripTimeout = getRelativeRoundtripTimeout();

                if ((roundtripTimeout > 0) || (replyEndTime != null))
                    replyEndTime = Time.earliest(Time.corbaFuture (roundtripTimeout), replyEndTime);

                    if (Time.hasPassed(replyEndTime))
                        if (clearCurrentContext)

                        throw new TIMEOUT("Reply End Time exceeded prior to invocation",

                currentCtxt.put (INVOCATION_KEY.REPLY_END_TIME, replyEndTime);
                if (Time.hasPassed(replyEndTime))
                    if (clearCurrentContext)

                    throw new TIMEOUT("Reply End Time exceeded",

        synchronized ( bind_sync )
            if ( connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()] != null &&
                 connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].isClosed())


            ParsedIOR ior = getParsedIOR();

            //the object key must be the representant objectKey if the reply is
            //expected and the request is a group request
            org.omg.ETF.Profile profile = ior.getEffectiveProfile();
            byte[] objectKey = profile.get_object_key();

            // Default to the version within the EffectiveProfile
            int giopMinor = profile.version().minor;

            if (profile instanceof MIOPProfile)
                    IIOPProfile ip = ((MIOPProfile)profile).getGroupIIOPProfile();
                    if (ip == null)
                        throw new INV_OBJREF ("No Group IIOP Profile so unable to send a two-way request.");
                    objectKey = ip.get_object_key();
                    currentConnection = TransportType.IIOP;
                    currentConnection = TransportType.MIOP;
                // If we are using MIOP then it encodes its own version. So at this point we set
                // the version for GIOP to be the one configured.
                giopMinor = defaultGiopMinor;
                currentConnection = TransportType.IIOP;

            RequestOutputStream out =
                new RequestOutputStream( orb,
                                         connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()],
                                         connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].getId(),

            // CodeSets are only negotiated once per connection,
            // not for each individual request
            // (CORBA 3.0,, second paragraph).
            if (!connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].isTCSNegotiated())
                connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].setCodeSet(ior);

            //Setting the codesets not until here results in the
            //header being written using the default codesets. On the
            //other hand, the server side must have already read the
            //header to discover the codeset service context.
            out.setCodeSets( connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].getTCS(), connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].getTCSW() );

            out.updateMutatorConnection (connections[currentConnection.ordinal ()].getGIOPConnection());

            return out;

     * Overrides servant_postinvoke() in org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate<BR>
     * called from generated stubs after a local operation

    public void servant_postinvoke( org.omg.CORBA.Object self, ServantObject servant )
            if (orb.hasRequestInterceptors())
                ServerRequestInfoImpl sinfo = ( (ServantObjectImpl) servant).getServerRequestInfo();

                DefaultClientInterceptorHandler interceptors =
                    ( (ServantObjectImpl) servant).getClientInterceptorHandler();

                if (sinfo != null && interceptors != null)
                    Collection<ServiceContext> ctx = sinfo.getReplyServiceContexts();
                    interceptors.getInfo ().setReplyServiceContexts (ctx.toArray (new ServiceContext[ctx.size ()]));

                        if (sinfo.reply_status() == SUCCESSFUL.value)
                            interceptors.handle_receive_reply (null);
                        else if (sinfo.reply_status() == SYSTEM_EXCEPTION.value)
                            interceptors.handle_receive_exception (
                        else if (sinfo.reply_status() == LOCATION_FORWARD.value)
                             * If the ForwardRequest was thrown at the send_exception interception
                             * point we will not be able to get the forward_reference from the
                             * server info and a BAD_INV_ORDER will be thrown.  In that case handle
                             * as a simple receive_other.
                                interceptors.handle_location_forward (null, sinfo.forward_reference());
                            catch (BAD_INV_ORDER bio)
                        else if (sinfo.reply_status() == USER_EXCEPTION.value)
                            interceptors.handle_receive_other (sinfo.reply_status());
                    catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                        throw new RuntimeException (fwd);
                    catch (RemarshalException re)
                        // Should not happen for a local invocation

            if (poa != null)
                if ( poa.isUseServantManager() &&
                        ! poa.isRetain() &&
                        cookie != null &&
                        invokedOperation != null )
                    // ServantManager is a ServantLocator:
                    // call postinvoke
                        byte [] oid =
                            POAUtil.extractOID( getParsedIOR().get_object_key() );
                        org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocator sl =
                            ( org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocator ) poa.get_servant_manager();

                        sl.postinvoke( oid, poa, invokedOperation, cookie.value, (Servant)servant.servant );

                        // delete stored values
                        cookie = null;
                        invokedOperation = null;
                    catch ( Throwable e )
                        if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
                            logger.warn( e.getMessage() );
            if (poa != null)

            orb.getPOACurrent()._removeContext( Thread.currentThread() );

             if (orb.getInterceptorManager() != null)
                 orb.getInterceptorManager().removeLocalPICurrent ();

     * Overrides servant_preinvoke() in org.omg.CORBA.portable.Delegate<BR>
     * called from generated stubs before a local operation

    public ServantObject servant_preinvoke( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                            String operation,
                                            @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class expectedType )
        InterceptorManager manager = null;
        ServerInterceptorIterator interceptorIterator = null;
        ServerRequestInfoImpl sinfo = null;
        Collection<ServiceContext> contexts = null;
        DefaultClientInterceptorHandler interceptors = null;
        boolean addedContext = false;

        if (poa == null)

        if (poa == null)
            if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
                logger.warn("No POA! servant_preinvoke returns null");

            return null;

        Map<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT> currentContext = new HashMap<INVOCATION_KEY, UtcT>();
        currentContext.put (INVOCATION_KEY.SERVANT_PREINVOKE, null);

        invocationContext.get().push (currentContext);

        // remember that a local request is outstanding. On
        // any exit through an exception, this must be cleared again,
        // otherwise the POA will hangon destruction (bug #400).

        final ServantObject servantObject = new ServantObjectImpl();

        ( (ServantObjectImpl) servantObject).setORB (orb);

            if (orb.hasClientRequestInterceptors())
                interceptors = new DefaultClientInterceptorHandler(orb,

            if (orb.hasRequestInterceptors() && interceptors != null)
                catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                    ( (ObjectImpl) self)._set_delegate ( ( (ObjectImpl) fwd.forward)._get_delegate());
                    return null;
                catch (RemarshalException re)
                    // Should not happen for a local server invocation.

            if (interceptors != null)
                contexts = interceptors.getInfo().getRequestServiceContexts();

            if (orb.hasServerRequestInterceptors())
                sinfo = new ServerRequestInfoImpl
                    (org.omg.PortableServer.Servant) servantObject.servant,

                manager = orb.getInterceptorManager();
                sinfo.setCurrent (manager.getEmptyCurrent());
                interceptorIterator = manager.getServerIterator();

                ( (org.jacorb.orb.ServantObjectImpl ) servantObject).setServerRequestInfo (sinfo);

                // Note: this code is very similar to the below hasServerRequestInterceptors try/catch
                   manager.setLocalPICurrent (sinfo.current ());

                catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                    if (interceptors != null)
                        interceptors.handle_location_forward (null, fwd.forward);

                    ( (ObjectImpl) self)._set_delegate ( ( (ObjectImpl) fwd.forward)._get_delegate());
                    return null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (interceptors != null && orb.hasRequestInterceptors())
                        manager.removeLocalPICurrent ();

                            if (ex instanceof SystemException)
                                interceptors.handle_receive_exception ( (SystemException) ex);
                            else if (ex instanceof ApplicationException)
                                interceptors.handle_receive_exception ( (ApplicationException) ex, null);
                        catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                            ( (ObjectImpl) self)._set_delegate ( ( (ObjectImpl) fwd.forward)._get_delegate());
                            return null;

                    throw ex;

                if ( ( poa.isRetain() && !poa.isUseServantManager() ) ||
                     poa.useDefaultServant() )
                    // no ServantManagers, but AOM use
                       servantObject.servant = poa.reference_to_servant( self );
                    catch( WrongAdapter e )
                        throw new OBJ_ADAPTER( "WrongAdapter caught when converting servant to reference. " + e );
                    catch( WrongPolicy e )
                        throw new OBJ_ADAPTER("WrongPolicy caught" + e );
                    catch( ObjectNotActive e )
                        throw new org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST();
                else if ( poa.isUseServantManager() )
                    byte [] oid =
                    POAUtil.extractOID( getParsedIOR().get_object_key() );
                    org.omg.PortableServer.ServantManager sm = poa.get_servant_manager();

                    if ( poa.isRetain() )
                        // ServantManager is a ServantActivator. Use the AOM to
                        // incarnate this or return the servant. It will correctly
                        // synchrnoize the requests.
                        servantObject.servant = poa._incarnateServant(oid, (ServantActivator)sm);
                        // ServantManager is a ServantLocator: locate a servant
                        org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocator sl =
                            ( org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocator ) sm;

                        // store this for postinvoke

                        cookie = new org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorPackage.CookieHolder();

                        invokedOperation = operation;

                        servantObject.servant = sl.preinvoke( oid, poa, operation, cookie );
                    throw new INTERNAL("Internal error: we should not have got to this piece of code!");
            catch( WrongPolicy e )
                throw new OBJ_ADAPTER( "WrongPolicy caught" + e );
            catch( org.omg.PortableServer.ForwardRequest e )
                if( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
                    logger.debug("Caught forwardrequest to " + e.forward_reference + " from " + self );
                ( (ObjectImpl) self)._set_delegate ( ( (ObjectImpl) e.forward_reference)._get_delegate());

                return null;

            if ( !expectedType.isInstance( servantObject.servant ) )
                if( logger.isWarnEnabled() )
                    logger.warn("Expected " + expectedType +
                                " got " + servantObject.servant.getClass() );


                return null;

                new org.jacorb.poa.LocalInvocationContext
                    ( org.omg.PortableServer.Servant ) servantObject.servant
            addedContext = true;

            ( (org.jacorb.orb.ServantObjectImpl )servantObject).setClientInterceptorHandler (interceptors);

            if (orb.hasServerRequestInterceptors())
                sinfo =  ( (org.jacorb.orb.ServantObjectImpl ) servantObject).getServerRequestInfo();
                sinfo.setServant((org.omg.PortableServer.Servant) servantObject.servant);

                interceptorIterator = manager.getServerIterator();

                ( (org.jacorb.orb.ServantObjectImpl ) servantObject).setServerRequestInfo (sinfo);

                // Note: this code is very similar to the above hasServerRequestInterceptors try/catch
                   manager.setLocalPICurrent (sinfo.current ());

                catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                    if (interceptors != null)
                        interceptors.handle_location_forward (null, fwd.forward);

                    ( (ObjectImpl) self)._set_delegate ( ( (ObjectImpl) fwd.forward)._get_delegate());
                    return null;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Collection<ServiceContext> ctx = sinfo.getReplyServiceContexts();
                    interceptors.getInfo ().setReplyServiceContexts (ctx.toArray (new ServiceContext[ctx.size ()]));
                    manager.removeLocalPICurrent ();

                    if (interceptors != null && orb.hasRequestInterceptors())
                            if (ex instanceof SystemException)
                                interceptors.handle_receive_exception ( (SystemException) ex);
                            else if (ex instanceof ApplicationException)
                                interceptors.handle_receive_exception ( (ApplicationException) ex, null);
                        catch (ForwardRequest fwd)
                            ( (ObjectImpl) self)._set_delegate ( ( (ObjectImpl) fwd.forward)._get_delegate());
                            return null;

                    throw ex;

                 * If this is an internal ORB call from is_a or non_existent then we need
                 * to complete the interception point SEND_REPLY.  In other situations this will
                 * happen in the stub via the normalCompletion call but this will not be
                 * the case for internal ORB Calls
                if (operation.equals ("_is_a") || operation.equals ("_non_existent") ||
                    operation.equals("_interface") || operation.equals ("_get_component"))
            return servantObject;
        catch (Exception e)
            // Clean up first (added to fix bug #400)

            logger.debug("unexpected exception during servant_preinvoke", e);

            if (addedContext)
                orb.getPOACurrent()._removeContext( Thread.currentThread() );

            if (orb.getInterceptorManager() != null)
               orb.getInterceptorManager().removeLocalPICurrent ();

            if (e instanceof OBJECT_NOT_EXIST)
                throw (OBJECT_NOT_EXIST)e;

            if (e instanceof ObjectNotActive)
                throw new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST();

            if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
                throw (RuntimeException) e;

            throw new OBJ_ADAPTER("unexpected exception: " + e);

    public String toString()
        synchronized ( bind_sync )
            if ( piorOriginal != null )
                return piorOriginal.getIORString();
            return getParsedIOR().getIORString();

    public String toString( org.omg.CORBA.Object self )
        return toString();

    public String typeId()
        return getParsedIOR().getIOR().type_id;

    public org.omg.CORBA.Object set_policy_override( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                                     org.omg.CORBA.Policy[] policies,
                                                     org.omg.CORBA.SetOverrideType set_add )
        return set_policy_overrides (self, policies, set_add);

    public org.omg.CORBA.Object set_policy_overrides( org.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                                     org.omg.CORBA.Policy[] policies,
                                                     org.omg.CORBA.SetOverrideType set_add )
        if (disableClientOrbPolicies)
            throw new BAD_PARAM("policy override is disabled per configuration");

        // According to CORBA 3, this should return a new Object with
        // the policies applied to that.
        org.omg.CORBA.Object result = duplicate(self);
        Delegate delResult = (Delegate)((ObjectImpl)result)._get_delegate();

            if ( set_add == org.omg.CORBA.SetOverrideType.ADD_OVERRIDE)
                // Need to add the overrides within this object to the new one.
                delResult.policy_overrides.putAll (policy_overrides);

            for ( int i = 0; i < policies.length; i++ )
                delResult.policy_overrides.put(Integer.valueOf(policies[ i ].policy_type()), policies[ i ] );

        return result;

    public String get_codebase( org.omg.CORBA.Object self )
        return getParsedIOR().getCodebaseComponent();

     * Call work_pending as that does a simple boolean check to establish
     * if the ORB has been shutdown - otherwise it throws BAD_INV_ORDER.
    private void checkORB()

    public boolean validate_connectionorg.omg.CORBA.Object self,
                                        org.omg.CORBA.PolicyListHolder inconsistent_policies )
        if (non_existent(self))
            inconsistent_policies.value = new Policy[ 0 ];
            return false;
            synchronized ( bind_sync )
                catch (final INV_POLICY e)
                    // have some invalid policies.
                    inconsistent_policies.value = new Policy[ 0 ];
                    return false;

        return true;


Related Classes of org.jacorb.orb.Delegate

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