Package org.b3log.solo.service

Source Code of org.b3log.solo.service.CommentMgmtService

* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, B3log Team
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.b3log.solo.service;

import java.util.Date;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateFormatUtils;
import org.b3log.latke.Keys;
import org.b3log.latke.Latkes;
import org.b3log.latke.event.Event;
import org.b3log.latke.event.EventManager;
import org.b3log.latke.logging.Level;
import org.b3log.latke.logging.Logger;
import org.b3log.latke.mail.MailService;
import org.b3log.latke.mail.MailServiceFactory;
import org.b3log.latke.repository.RepositoryException;
import org.b3log.latke.repository.Transaction;
import org.b3log.latke.service.LangPropsService;
import org.b3log.latke.service.ServiceException;
import org.b3log.latke.service.annotation.Service;
import org.b3log.latke.urlfetch.*;
import org.b3log.latke.util.Ids;
import org.b3log.latke.util.Strings;
import org.b3log.solo.SoloServletListener;
import org.b3log.solo.event.EventTypes;
import org.b3log.solo.model.*;
import org.b3log.solo.repository.ArticleRepository;
import org.b3log.solo.repository.CommentRepository;
import org.b3log.solo.repository.PageRepository;
import org.b3log.solo.util.Comments;
import org.b3log.solo.util.Thumbnails;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

* Comment management service.
* @author <a href="">Liang Ding</a>
* @version, Jan 7, 2014
* @since 0.3.5
public class CommentMgmtService {

     * Logger.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CommentMgmtService.class.getName());

     * Article management service.
    private ArticleMgmtService articleMgmtService;

     * Comment repository.
    private CommentRepository commentRepository;

     * Article repository.
    private ArticleRepository articleRepository;

     * Statistic management service.
    private StatisticMgmtService statisticMgmtService;

     * Page repository.
    private PageRepository pageRepository;

     * Preference query service.
    private PreferenceQueryService preferenceQueryService;

     * Event manager.
    private static EventManager eventManager;

     * Default user thumbnail.
    private static final String DEFAULT_USER_THUMBNAIL = "default-user-thumbnail.png";

     * URL fetch service.
    private static URLFetchService urlFetchService = URLFetchServiceFactory.getURLFetchService();

     * Language service.
    private LangPropsService langPropsService;

     * Minimum length of comment name.
    private static final int MIN_COMMENT_NAME_LENGTH = 2;

     * Maximum length of comment name.
    private static final int MAX_COMMENT_NAME_LENGTH = 20;

     * Minimum length of comment content.
    private static final int MIN_COMMENT_CONTENT_LENGTH = 2;

     * Maximum length of comment content.
    private static final int MAX_COMMENT_CONTENT_LENGTH = 500;

     * Mail service.
    private MailService mailService = MailServiceFactory.getMailService();

     * Comment mail HTML body.
    public static final String COMMENT_MAIL_HTML_BODY = "<p>{articleOrPage} [<a href=\"" + "{articleOrPageURL}\">" + "{title}</a>]"
        + " received a new comment:</p>" + "{commenter}: <span><a href=\"{commentSharpURL}\">" + "{commentContent}</a></span>";

     * Sends a notification mail to administrator for notifying the specified
     * article or page received the specified comment and original comment.
     * @param articleOrPage the specified article or page
     * @param comment the specified comment
     * @param originalComment original comment, if not exists, set it as
     * {@code null}
     * @param preference the specified preference
     * @throws IOException io exception
     * @throws JSONException json exception
    public void sendNotificationMail(final JSONObject articleOrPage,
        final JSONObject comment,
        final JSONObject originalComment,
        final JSONObject preference)
        throws IOException, JSONException {
        final String commentEmail = comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL);
        final String commentId = comment.getString(Keys.OBJECT_ID);
        final String commentContent = comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_CONTENT).replaceAll(SoloServletListener.ENTER_ESC, "<br/>");

        final String adminEmail = preference.getString(Preference.ADMIN_EMAIL);

        if (adminEmail.equalsIgnoreCase(commentEmail)) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Do not send comment notification mail to admin itself[{0}]", adminEmail);

        if (null != originalComment && comment.has(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID)) {
            final String originalEmail = originalComment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL);

            if (originalEmail.equalsIgnoreCase(adminEmail)) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Do not send comment notification mail to admin while the specified comment[{0}] is an reply",

        final String blogTitle = preference.getString(Preference.BLOG_TITLE);
        boolean isArticle = true;
        String title = articleOrPage.optString(Article.ARTICLE_TITLE);

        if (Strings.isEmptyOrNull(title)) {
            title = articleOrPage.getString(Page.PAGE_TITLE);
            isArticle = false;

        final String commentSharpURL = comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_SHARP_URL);
        final MailService.Message message = new MailService.Message();

        String mailSubject;
        String articleOrPageURL;
        String mailBody;

        if (isArticle) {
            mailSubject = blogTitle + ": New comment on article [" + title + "]";
            articleOrPageURL = Latkes.getServePath() + articleOrPage.getString(Article.ARTICLE_PERMALINK);
            mailBody = COMMENT_MAIL_HTML_BODY.replace("{articleOrPage}", "Article");
        } else {
            mailSubject = blogTitle + ": New comment on page [" + title + "]";
            articleOrPageURL = Latkes.getServePath() + articleOrPage.getString(Page.PAGE_PERMALINK);
            mailBody = COMMENT_MAIL_HTML_BODY.replace("{articleOrPage}", "Page");

        final String commentName = comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_NAME);
        final String commentURL = comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_URL);
        String commenter;

        if (!"http://".equals(commentURL)) {
            commenter = "<a target=\"_blank\" " + "href=\"" + commentURL + "\">" + commentName + "</a>";
        } else {
            commenter = commentName;

        mailBody = mailBody.replace("{articleOrPageURL}", articleOrPageURL).replace("{title}", title).replace("{commentContent}", commentContent).replace("{commentSharpURL}", Latkes.getServePath() + commentSharpURL).replace(
            "{commenter}", commenter);

        LOGGER.log(Level.DEBUG, "Sending a mail[mailSubject={0}, mailBody=[{1}] to admin[email={2}]",
            new Object[] {mailSubject, mailBody, adminEmail});

     * Checks the specified comment adding request.
     * @param requestJSONObject the specified comment adding request, for example,
     * <pre>
     * {
     *     "type": "", // "article"/"page"
     *     "oId": "",
     *     "commentName": "",
     *     "commentEmail": "",
     *     "commentURL": "",
     *     "commentContent": "",
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @return check result, for example,
     * <pre>
     * {
     *     "sc": boolean,
     *     "msg": "" // Exists if "sc" equals to false
     * }
     * </pre>
    public JSONObject checkAddCommentRequest(final JSONObject requestJSONObject) {
        final JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();

        try {
            ret.put(Keys.STATUS_CODE, false);
            final JSONObject preference = preferenceQueryService.getPreference();

            if (null == preference || !preference.optBoolean(Preference.COMMENTABLE)) {
                ret.put(Keys.MSG, langPropsService.get("notAllowCommentLabel"));

                return ret;

            final String id = requestJSONObject.optString(Keys.OBJECT_ID);
            final String type = requestJSONObject.optString(Common.TYPE);

            if (Article.ARTICLE.equals(type)) {
                final JSONObject article = articleRepository.get(id);

                if (null == article || !article.optBoolean(Article.ARTICLE_COMMENTABLE)) {
                    ret.put(Keys.MSG, langPropsService.get("notAllowCommentLabel"));

                    return ret;
            } else {
                final JSONObject page = pageRepository.get(id);

                if (null == page || !page.optBoolean(Page.PAGE_COMMENTABLE)) {
                    ret.put(Keys.MSG, langPropsService.get("notAllowCommentLabel"));

                    return ret;

            final String commentName = requestJSONObject.getString(Comment.COMMENT_NAME);

            if (MAX_COMMENT_NAME_LENGTH < commentName.length() || MIN_COMMENT_NAME_LENGTH > commentName.length()) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Comment name is too long[{0}]", commentName);
                ret.put(Keys.MSG, langPropsService.get("nameTooLongLabel"));

                return ret;

            final String commentEmail = requestJSONObject.getString(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL).trim().toLowerCase();

            if (!Strings.isEmail(commentEmail)) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Comment email is invalid[{0}]", commentEmail);
                ret.put(Keys.MSG, langPropsService.get("mailInvalidLabel"));

                return ret;

            final String commentURL = requestJSONObject.optString(Comment.COMMENT_URL);

            if (!Strings.isURL(commentURL)) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Comment URL is invalid[{0}]", commentURL);
                ret.put(Keys.MSG, langPropsService.get("urlInvalidLabel"));

                return ret;

            final String commentContent = requestJSONObject.optString(Comment.COMMENT_CONTENT).replaceAll("\\n",

            if (MAX_COMMENT_CONTENT_LENGTH < commentContent.length() || MIN_COMMENT_CONTENT_LENGTH > commentContent.length()) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Comment conent length is invalid[{0}]", commentContent.length());
                ret.put(Keys.MSG, langPropsService.get("commentContentCannotEmptyLabel"));

                return ret;

            ret.put(Keys.STATUS_CODE, true);

            return ret;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Checks add comment request[" + requestJSONObject.toString() + "] failed", e);

            ret.put(Keys.STATUS_CODE, false);
            ret.put(Keys.MSG, langPropsService.get("addFailLabel"));

            return ret;

     * Adds page comment with the specified request json object.
     * @param requestJSONObject the specified request json object, for example,
     * <pre>
     * {
     *     "oId": "", // page id
     *     "commentName": "",
     *     "commentEmail": "",
     *     "commentURL": "", // optional
     *     "commentContent": "",
     *     "commentOriginalCommentId": "" // optional
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @return add result, for example,
     * <pre>
     * {
     *     "oId": "", // generated comment id
     *     "commentDate": "", // format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
     *     "commentOriginalCommentName": "" // optional, corresponding to argument "commentOriginalCommentId"
     *     "commentThumbnailURL": "",
     *     "commentSharpURL": ""
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @throws ServiceException service exception
    public JSONObject addPageComment(final JSONObject requestJSONObject) throws ServiceException {
        final JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();

        final Transaction transaction = commentRepository.beginTransaction();

        try {
            final String pageId = requestJSONObject.getString(Keys.OBJECT_ID);
            final JSONObject page = pageRepository.get(pageId);
            final String commentName = requestJSONObject.getString(Comment.COMMENT_NAME);
            final String commentEmail = requestJSONObject.getString(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL).trim().toLowerCase();
            final String commentURL = requestJSONObject.optString(Comment.COMMENT_URL);
            String commentContent = requestJSONObject.getString(Comment.COMMENT_CONTENT).replaceAll("\\n", SoloServletListener.ENTER_ESC);

            commentContent = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(commentContent);
            final String originalCommentId = requestJSONObject.optString(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID);
            // Step 1: Add comment
            final JSONObject comment = new JSONObject();

            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID, "");
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME, "");

            JSONObject originalComment = null;

            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_NAME, commentName);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL, commentEmail);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_URL, commentURL);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_CONTENT, commentContent);
            final JSONObject preference = preferenceQueryService.getPreference();
            final Date date = new Date();

            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_DATE, date);
            ret.put(Comment.COMMENT_DATE, DateFormatUtils.format(date, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));
            if (!Strings.isEmptyOrNull(originalCommentId)) {
                originalComment = commentRepository.get(originalCommentId);
                if (null != originalComment) {
                    comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID, originalCommentId);
                    final String originalCommentName = originalComment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_NAME);

                    comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME, originalCommentName);
                    ret.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME, originalCommentName);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Not found orginal comment[id={0}] of reply[name={1}, content={2}]", originalCommentId,
                        commentName, commentContent);
            ret.put(Comment.COMMENT_THUMBNAIL_URL, comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_THUMBNAIL_URL));
            // Sets comment on page....
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ON_ID, pageId);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ON_TYPE, Page.PAGE);
            final String commentId = Ids.genTimeMillisId();

            ret.put(Keys.OBJECT_ID, commentId);
            // Save comment sharp URL
            final String commentSharpURL = Comments.getCommentSharpURLForPage(page, commentId);

            ret.put(Comment.COMMENT_SHARP_URL, commentSharpURL);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_SHARP_URL, commentSharpURL);
            comment.put(Keys.OBJECT_ID, commentId);
            // Step 2: Update page comment count
            // Step 3: Update blog statistic comment count
            // Step 4: Send an email to admin
            try {
                sendNotificationMail(page, comment, originalComment, preference);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Send mail failed", e);
            // Step 5: Fire add comment event
            final JSONObject eventData = new JSONObject();

            eventData.put(Comment.COMMENT, comment);
            eventData.put(Page.PAGE, page);
            eventManager.fireEventSynchronously(new Event<JSONObject>(EventTypes.ADD_COMMENT_TO_PAGE, eventData));

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (transaction.isActive()) {

            throw new ServiceException(e);

        return ret;

     * Adds an article comment with the specified request json object.
     * @param requestJSONObject the specified request json object, for example,
     * <pre>
     * {
     *     "oId": "", // article id
     *     "commentName": "",
     *     "commentEmail": "",
     *     "commentURL": "", // optional
     *     "commentContent": "",
     *     "commentOriginalCommentId": "" // optional
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @return add result, for example,
     * <pre>
     * {
     *     "oId": "", // generated comment id
     *     "commentDate": "", // format: yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
     *     "commentOriginalCommentName": "" // optional, corresponding to argument "commentOriginalCommentId"
     *     "commentThumbnailURL": "",
     *     "commentSharpURL": ""
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @throws ServiceException service exception
    public JSONObject addArticleComment(final JSONObject requestJSONObject) throws ServiceException {
        final JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();

        final Transaction transaction = commentRepository.beginTransaction();

        try {
            final String articleId = requestJSONObject.getString(Keys.OBJECT_ID);
            final JSONObject article = articleRepository.get(articleId);
            final String commentName = requestJSONObject.getString(Comment.COMMENT_NAME);
            final String commentEmail = requestJSONObject.getString(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL).trim().toLowerCase();
            final String commentURL = requestJSONObject.optString(Comment.COMMENT_URL);
            String commentContent = requestJSONObject.getString(Comment.COMMENT_CONTENT).replaceAll("\\n", SoloServletListener.ENTER_ESC);
            final String contentNoEsc = commentContent;

            commentContent = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(commentContent);
            final String originalCommentId = requestJSONObject.optString(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID);
            // Step 1: Add comment
            final JSONObject comment = new JSONObject();

            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID, "");
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME, "");

            JSONObject originalComment = null;

            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_NAME, commentName);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL, commentEmail);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_URL, commentURL);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_CONTENT, commentContent);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID, requestJSONObject.optString(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID));
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME, requestJSONObject.optString(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME));
            final JSONObject preference = preferenceQueryService.getPreference();
            final Date date = new Date();

            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_DATE, date);
            ret.put(Comment.COMMENT_DATE, DateFormatUtils.format(date, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));

            if (!Strings.isEmptyOrNull(originalCommentId)) {
                originalComment = commentRepository.get(originalCommentId);
                if (null != originalComment) {
                    comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_ID, originalCommentId);
                    final String originalCommentName = originalComment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_NAME);

                    comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME, originalCommentName);
                    ret.put(Comment.COMMENT_ORIGINAL_COMMENT_NAME, originalCommentName);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Not found orginal comment[id={0}] of reply[name={1}, content={2}]",
                        new String[] {originalCommentId, commentName, commentContent});
            ret.put(Comment.COMMENT_THUMBNAIL_URL, comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_THUMBNAIL_URL));
            // Sets comment on article....
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ON_ID, articleId);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_ON_TYPE, Article.ARTICLE);
            final String commentId = Ids.genTimeMillisId();

            comment.put(Keys.OBJECT_ID, commentId);
            ret.put(Keys.OBJECT_ID, commentId);
            final String commentSharpURL = Comments.getCommentSharpURLForArticle(article, commentId);

            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_SHARP_URL, commentSharpURL);
            ret.put(Comment.COMMENT_SHARP_URL, commentSharpURL);

            // Step 2: Update article comment count
            // Step 3: Update blog statistic comment count
            // Step 4: Send an email to admin
            try {
                sendNotificationMail(article, comment, originalComment, preference);
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Send mail failed", e);
            // Step 5: Fire add comment event
            final JSONObject eventData = new JSONObject();

            eventData.put(Comment.COMMENT, comment);
            comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_CONTENT, contentNoEsc);
            eventData.put(Article.ARTICLE, article);
            eventManager.fireEventSynchronously(new Event<JSONObject>(EventTypes.ADD_COMMENT_TO_ARTICLE, eventData));

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (transaction.isActive()) {

            throw new ServiceException(e);

        return ret;

     * Removes a comment of a page with the specified comment id.
     * @param commentId the given comment id
     * @throws ServiceException service exception
    public void removePageComment(final String commentId) throws ServiceException {
        final Transaction transaction = commentRepository.beginTransaction();

        try {
            final JSONObject comment = commentRepository.get(commentId);
            final String pageId = comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_ON_ID);

            // Step 1: Remove comment
            // Step 2: Update page comment count
            // Step 3: Update blog statistic comment count

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (transaction.isActive()) {

            LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Removes a comment of a page failed", e);
            throw new ServiceException(e);

     * Removes a comment of an article with the specified comment id.
     * @param commentId the given comment id
     * @throws ServiceException service exception
    public void removeArticleComment(final String commentId)
        throws ServiceException {
        final Transaction transaction = commentRepository.beginTransaction();

        try {
            final JSONObject comment = commentRepository.get(commentId);
            final String articleId = comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_ON_ID);

            // Step 1: Remove comment
            // Step 2: Update article comment count
            // Step 3: Update blog statistic comment count

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (transaction.isActive()) {

            LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "Removes a comment of an article failed", e);
            throw new ServiceException(e);

     * Page comment count +1 for an page specified by the given page
     * id.
     * @param pageId the given page id
     * @throws JSONException json exception
     * @throws RepositoryException repository exception
    public void incPageCommentCount(final String pageId)
        throws JSONException, RepositoryException {
        final JSONObject page = pageRepository.get(pageId);
        final JSONObject newPage = new JSONObject(page, JSONObject.getNames(page));
        final int commentCnt = page.getInt(Page.PAGE_COMMENT_COUNT);

        newPage.put(Page.PAGE_COMMENT_COUNT, commentCnt + 1);
        pageRepository.update(pageId, newPage);

     * Article comment count -1 for an article specified by the given
     * article id.
     * @param articleId the given article id
     * @throws JSONException json exception
     * @throws RepositoryException repository exception
    private void decArticleCommentCount(final String articleId)
        throws JSONException, RepositoryException {
        final JSONObject article = articleRepository.get(articleId);
        final JSONObject newArticle = new JSONObject(article, JSONObject.getNames(article));
        final int commentCnt = article.getInt(Article.ARTICLE_COMMENT_COUNT);

        newArticle.put(Article.ARTICLE_COMMENT_COUNT, commentCnt - 1);

        articleRepository.update(articleId, newArticle);

     * Page comment count -1 for an page specified by the given page id.
     * @param pageId the given page id
     * @throws JSONException json exception
     * @throws RepositoryException repository exception
    private void decPageCommentCount(final String pageId)
        throws JSONException, RepositoryException {
        final JSONObject page = pageRepository.get(pageId);
        final JSONObject newPage = new JSONObject(page, JSONObject.getNames(page));
        final int commentCnt = page.getInt(Page.PAGE_COMMENT_COUNT);

        newPage.put(Page.PAGE_COMMENT_COUNT, commentCnt - 1);
        pageRepository.update(pageId, newPage);

     * Sets commenter thumbnail URL for the specified comment.
     * <p>
     * Try to set thumbnail URL using Gravatar service.
     * </p>
     * @param comment the specified comment
     * @throws Exception exception
    public static void setCommentThumbnailURL(final JSONObject comment) throws Exception {
        final String commentEmail = comment.getString(Comment.COMMENT_EMAIL);

        String thumbnailURL = Thumbnails.getGravatarURL(commentEmail.toLowerCase(), "60");
        final URL gravatarURL = new URL(thumbnailURL);

        int statusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_OK;

        try {
            final HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest();

            final HTTPResponse response = urlFetchService.fetch(request);

            statusCode = response.getResponseCode();
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, "Can not fetch thumbnail from Gravatar[commentEmail={0}]", commentEmail);
        } finally {
            if (HttpServletResponse.SC_OK != statusCode) {
                thumbnailURL = Latkes.getStaticServePath() + "/images/" + DEFAULT_USER_THUMBNAIL;

        comment.put(Comment.COMMENT_THUMBNAIL_URL, thumbnailURL);

     * Sets the article repository with the specified article repository.
     * @param articleRepository the specified article repository
    public void setArticleRepository(final ArticleRepository articleRepository) {
        this.articleRepository = articleRepository;

     * Sets the article management service with the specified article management service.
     * @param articleMgmtService the specified article management service
    public void setArticleMgmtService(final ArticleMgmtService articleMgmtService) {
        this.articleMgmtService = articleMgmtService;

     * Set the page repository with the specified page repository.
     * @param pageRepository the specified page repository
    public void setPageRepository(final PageRepository pageRepository) {
        this.pageRepository = pageRepository;

     * Sets the preference query service with the specified preference query service.
     * @param preferenceQueryService the specified preference query service
    public void setPreferenceQueryService(final PreferenceQueryService preferenceQueryService) {
        this.preferenceQueryService = preferenceQueryService;

     * Sets the statistic management service with the specified statistic management service.
     * @param statisticMgmtService the specified statistic management service
    public void setStatisticMgmtService(final StatisticMgmtService statisticMgmtService) {
        this.statisticMgmtService = statisticMgmtService;

     * Sets the comment repository with the specified comment repository.
     * @param commentRepository the specified comment repository
    public void setCommentRepository(final CommentRepository commentRepository) {
        this.commentRepository = commentRepository;

     * Sets the language service with the specified language service.
     * @param langPropsService the specified language service
    public void setLangPropsService(final LangPropsService langPropsService) {
        this.langPropsService = langPropsService;

Related Classes of org.b3log.solo.service.CommentMgmtService

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