Package plan_runner.storm_components

Source Code of plan_runner.storm_components.StormDstBDB

package plan_runner.storm_components;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import plan_runner.components.ComponentProperties;
import plan_runner.expressions.ValueExpression;
import plan_runner.operators.AggregateOperator;
import plan_runner.operators.ChainOperator;
import plan_runner.operators.Operator;
import plan_runner.predicates.Predicate;
import plan_runner.storm_components.synchronization.TopologyKiller;
import plan_runner.thetajoin.matrix_mapping.EquiMatrixAssignment;
import plan_runner.utilities.MyUtilities;
import plan_runner.utilities.PeriodicAggBatchSend;
import plan_runner.utilities.SystemParameters;
import plan_runner.utilities.statistics.StatisticsUtilities;
import plan_runner.visitors.PredicateCreateIndexesVisitor;
import plan_runner.visitors.PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor;
import backtype.storm.Config;
import backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.topology.InputDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder;
import backtype.storm.topology.base.BaseRichBolt;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;

// derived from StormDstTupleStorageJoin
public class StormDstBDB extends BaseRichBolt implements StormJoin, StormComponent {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(StormDstBDB.class);

  private int _hierarchyPosition = INTERMEDIATE;

  protected SimpleDateFormat _format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy");
  private final StormEmitter _firstEmitter, _secondEmitter;
  private BPlusTreeStore _firstRelationStorage, _secondRelationStorage;

  private final String _ID;
  private final String _componentIndex; // a unique index in a list of all the
  // components
  // used as a shorter name, to save some network traffic
  // it's of type int, but we use String to save more space
  private final String _firstEmitterIndex, _secondEmitterIndex;

  private long _numSentTuples = 0;
  private final boolean _printOut;

  private final ChainOperator _operatorChain;
  private OutputCollector _collector;
  private final Map _conf;

  // position to test for equality in first and second emitter
  // join params of current storage then other relation interchangably !!
  List<Integer> _joinParams;

  // output has hash formed out of these indexes
  private final List<Integer> _hashIndexes;
  private final List<ValueExpression> _hashExpressions;

  private final Predicate _joinPredicate;

  private List<Integer> _operatorForIndexes;
  private List<Object> _typeOfValueIndexed;

  private boolean _existIndexes = false;

  // for No ACK: the total number of tasks of all the parent compoonents
  private int _numRemainingParents;

  // for batch sending
  private final Semaphore _semAgg = new Semaphore(1, true);
  private boolean _firstTime = true;
  private PeriodicAggBatchSend _periodicBatch;
  private final long _batchOutputMillis;

  private int _thisTaskID;

  private Calendar _cal;
  private final DateFormat _dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
  SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy");

  private final InterchangingComponent _inter = null;

  private final StatisticsUtilities _statsUtils;

  public StormDstBDB(StormEmitter firstEmitter, StormEmitter secondEmitter,
      ComponentProperties cp, List<String> allCompNames, Predicate joinPredicate,
      int hierarchyPosition, TopologyBuilder builder, TopologyKiller killer, Config conf) {

    _conf = conf;
    _firstEmitter = firstEmitter;
    _secondEmitter = secondEmitter;
    _ID = cp.getName();
    _componentIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(_ID));
    _batchOutputMillis = cp.getBatchOutputMillis();

    _firstEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(_firstEmitter.getName()));
    _secondEmitterIndex = String.valueOf(allCompNames.indexOf(_secondEmitter.getName()));

    _statsUtils = new StatisticsUtilities(_conf, LOG);

    final int firstCardinality = SystemParameters
        .getInt(conf, firstEmitter.getName() + "_CARD");
    final int secondCardinality = SystemParameters.getInt(conf, secondEmitter.getName()
        + "_CARD");

    final int parallelism = SystemParameters.getInt(conf, _ID + "_PAR");

    _operatorChain = cp.getChainOperator();

    _hashIndexes = cp.getHashIndexes();
    _hashExpressions = cp.getHashExpressions();
    _joinPredicate = joinPredicate;

    _hierarchyPosition = hierarchyPosition;

    InputDeclarer currentBolt = builder.setBolt(_ID, this, parallelism);

    final EquiMatrixAssignment _currentMappingAssignment = new EquiMatrixAssignment(
        firstCardinality, secondCardinality, parallelism, -1);
    final String dim = _currentMappingAssignment.getMappingDimensions(); + " Initial Dimensions is: " + dim);

    currentBolt = MyUtilities.attachEmitterHash(conf, null, currentBolt, firstEmitter,

    if (_hierarchyPosition == FINAL_COMPONENT && (!MyUtilities.isAckEveryTuple(conf)))
      killer.registerComponent(this, parallelism);

    _printOut = cp.getPrintOut();
    if (_printOut && _operatorChain.isBlocking())
      currentBolt.allGrouping(killer.getID(), SystemParameters.DUMP_RESULTS_STREAM);

    if (_joinPredicate != null)
      _existIndexes = true;
      _existIndexes = false;


  public void aggBatchSend() {
    if (MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis))
      if (_operatorChain != null) {
        final Operator lastOperator = _operatorChain.getLastOperator();
        if (lastOperator instanceof AggregateOperator) {
          try {
          } catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
          // sending
          final AggregateOperator agg = (AggregateOperator) lastOperator;
          final List<String> tuples = agg.getContent();
          for (final String tuple : tuples)
            tupleSend(MyUtilities.stringToTuple(tuple, _conf), null, 0);
          // clearing

  protected void applyOperatorsAndSend(Tuple stormTupleRcv, List<String> tuple) {
    if (MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis))
      try {
      } catch (final InterruptedException ex) {
    tuple = _operatorChain.process(tuple);
    if (MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis))

    if (tuple == null)

    // TODO
    if (_statsUtils.isTestMode() && _numSentTuples % _statsUtils.getDipOutputFreqPrint() == 0)
      if (_hierarchyPosition == StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT) {
        _cal = Calendar.getInstance();"," + "RESULT," + _thisTaskID + "," + "TimeStamp:,"
            + _dateFormat.format(_cal.getTime()) + ",Sent Tuples," + _numSentTuples);"First Storage: " + _firstRelationStorage.getStatistics()
            + "\nEnd of First Storage");"Second Storage: " + _secondRelationStorage.getStatistics()
            + "\nEnd of Second Storage");

    if (MyUtilities.isSending(_hierarchyPosition, _batchOutputMillis))
      tupleSend(tuple, stormTupleRcv, 0);

  // from IRichBolt
  public void cleanup() {


  private void createStorage() {
    final PredicateCreateIndexesVisitor visitor = new PredicateCreateIndexesVisitor();
    _operatorForIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(visitor._operatorForIndexes);
    _typeOfValueIndexed = new ArrayList<Object>(visitor._typeOfValueIndexed);
    String storagePath = null;
    if (SystemParameters.getBoolean(getConf(), "DIP_DISTRIBUTED"))
      storagePath = SystemParameters.getString(getConf(), "STORAGE_CLUSTER_DIR");
      storagePath = SystemParameters.getString(getConf(), "STORAGE_LOCAL_DIR");

    // TODO This assumes that there is only one index !!
      if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Integer) {
        _firstRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStore(Integer.class, storagePath + "/first");
        _secondRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStore(Integer.class, storagePath + "/second");
      } else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Double) {
        _firstRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStore(Double.class, storagePath + "/first");
        _secondRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStore(Double.class, storagePath + "/second");
      } else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Date) {
        _firstRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStore(Date.class, storagePath + "/first");
        _secondRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStore(Date.class, storagePath + "/second");
      } else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof String) {
        _firstRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStore(String.class, storagePath + "/first");
        _secondRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStore(String.class, storagePath + "/second");
      } else
        throw new RuntimeException("non supported type");"Storage with Uniform BDB!");     
    }else if(MyUtilities.isBDBSkewed(getConf())){
      if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Integer) {
        _firstRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStoreSkewed(Integer.class, storagePath + "/first", getConf());
        _secondRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStoreSkewed(Integer.class, storagePath + "/second", getConf());
      } else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Double) {
        _firstRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStoreSkewed(Double.class, storagePath + "/first", getConf());
        _secondRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStoreSkewed(Double.class, storagePath + "/second", getConf());
      } else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Date) {
        _firstRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStoreSkewed(Date.class, storagePath + "/first", getConf());
        _secondRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStoreSkewed(Date.class, storagePath + "/second", getConf());
      } else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof String) {
        _firstRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStoreSkewed(String.class, storagePath + "/first", getConf());
        _secondRelationStorage = new BerkeleyDBStoreSkewed(String.class, storagePath + "/second", getConf());
      } else
        throw new RuntimeException("non supported type");"Storage with Skewed BDB!");
      throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported BDB type!");
    if (_joinPredicate != null)
      _existIndexes = true;
      _existIndexes = false;

  public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
    if (_hierarchyPosition != FINAL_COMPONENT)
      // stage not the final
      // one
      declarer.declare(new Fields("CompIndex", "Tuple", "Hash"));
    else if (!MyUtilities.isAckEveryTuple(_conf))
      declarer.declareStream(SystemParameters.EOF_STREAM, new Fields(SystemParameters.EOF));

  public void execute(Tuple stormTupleRcv) {
    if (_firstTime && MyUtilities.isAggBatchOutputMode(_batchOutputMillis)) {
      _periodicBatch = new PeriodicAggBatchSend(_batchOutputMillis, this);
      _firstTime = false;

    if (receivedDumpSignal(stormTupleRcv)) {
      MyUtilities.dumpSignal(this, stormTupleRcv, _collector);

    final String inputComponentIndex = stormTupleRcv.getString(0);
    final List<String> tuple = (List<String>) stormTupleRcv.getValue(1);
    final String inputTupleString = MyUtilities.tupleToString(tuple, _conf);

    if (MyUtilities.isFinalAck(tuple, _conf)) {
      if (_numRemainingParents == 0)
        // TODO
        if (_statsUtils.isTestMode())
          if (_hierarchyPosition == StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT) {
            final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
            final long memory = runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();
            _cal = Calendar.getInstance();
  "," + "MEMORY," + _thisTaskID + "," + " TimeStamp:,"
                + _dateFormat.format(_cal.getTime()) + ", FirstStorage:,"
                + (_firstRelationStorage.size()) + ", SecondStorage:,"
                + (_secondRelationStorage.size()) + ", Total:,"
                + (_firstRelationStorage.size() + _secondRelationStorage.size())
                + ", Memory used: ," + StatisticsUtilities.bytesToMegabytes(memory)
                + "," + StatisticsUtilities.bytesToMegabytes(runtime.totalMemory()));
  "," + "RESULT," + _thisTaskID + "," + "TimeStamp:,"
                + _dateFormat.format(_cal.getTime()) + ",Sent Tuples,"
                + _numSentTuples);
  "First Storage: " + _firstRelationStorage.getStatistics()
                + "\nEnd of First Storage");
  "Second Storage: " + _secondRelationStorage.getStatistics()
                + "\nEnd of Second Storage");
            // TODO should be placed somewhere else

      MyUtilities.processFinalAck(_numRemainingParents, _hierarchyPosition, _conf,
          stormTupleRcv, _collector, _periodicBatch);

    boolean isFromFirstEmitter = false;

    BPlusTreeStore affectedStorage, oppositeStorage;
    if (_firstEmitterIndex.equals(inputComponentIndex)) {
      // R update
      isFromFirstEmitter = true;
      affectedStorage = _firstRelationStorage;
      oppositeStorage = _secondRelationStorage;
    } else if (_secondEmitterIndex.equals(inputComponentIndex)) {
      // S update
      isFromFirstEmitter = false;
      affectedStorage = _secondRelationStorage;
      oppositeStorage = _firstRelationStorage;
    } else
      throw new RuntimeException("InputComponentName " + inputComponentIndex
          + " doesn't match neither " + _firstEmitterIndex + " nor "
          + _secondEmitterIndex + ".");

    // add the stormTuple to the specific storage

    final PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor visitor = new PredicateUpdateIndexesVisitor(
        isFromFirstEmitter, tuple);
    final String keyValue = new ArrayList<String>(visitor._valuesToIndex).get(0);
    // add the stormTuple to the specific storage
    insertIntoBDBStorage(affectedStorage, keyValue, inputTupleString);

    performJoin(stormTupleRcv, tuple, isFromFirstEmitter, keyValue, oppositeStorage);

    // TODO
    if (_statsUtils.isTestMode())
      if ((_hierarchyPosition == StormComponent.FINAL_COMPONENT)
          && ((_firstRelationStorage.size() + _secondRelationStorage.size()) % _statsUtils
              .getDipInputFreqPrint()) == 0) {
        final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
        final long memory = runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();
        _cal = Calendar.getInstance();"," + "MEMORY," + _thisTaskID + ",:" + " TimeStamp:,"
            + _dateFormat.format(_cal.getTime()) + ", FirstStorage:,"
            + (_firstRelationStorage.size()) + ", SecondStorage:,"
            + (_secondRelationStorage.size()) + ", Total:,"
            + (_firstRelationStorage.size() + _secondRelationStorage.size())
            + ", Memory used: ," + StatisticsUtilities.bytesToMegabytes(memory) + ","
            + StatisticsUtilities.bytesToMegabytes(runtime.totalMemory()));"First Storage: " + _firstRelationStorage.getStatistics()
            + "\nEnd of First Storage");"Second Storage: " + _secondRelationStorage.getStatistics()
            + "\nEnd of Second Storage");


  public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
    return _conf;

  protected Map getConf() {
    return _conf;

  // from StormEmitter interface
  public String[] getEmitterIDs() {
    return new String[] { _ID };

  // from StormComponent interface
  public String getID() {
    return _ID;

  public String getInfoID() {
    final String str = "DestinationStorage " + _ID + " has ID: " + _ID;
    return str;

  public String getName() {
    return _ID;

  private void insertIntoBDBStorage(BPlusTreeStore affectedStorage, String key,
      String inputTupleString) {

    if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Integer)
      affectedStorage.put(Integer.parseInt(key), inputTupleString);
    else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Double)
      affectedStorage.put(Double.parseDouble(key), inputTupleString);
    else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Date)
      try {
        affectedStorage.put(_format.parse(key), inputTupleString);
      } catch (final ParseException e) {
    else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof String)
      affectedStorage.put(key, inputTupleString);
      throw new RuntimeException("non supported type");

  private void join(Tuple stormTuple, List<String> tuple, boolean isFromFirstEmitter,
      List<String> oppositeStorage) {

    if (oppositeStorage == null || oppositeStorage.size() == 0)

    for (int i = 0; i < oppositeStorage.size(); i++) {
      final String oppositeTupleString = oppositeStorage.get(i);

      final List<String> oppositeTuple = MyUtilities.stringToTuple(oppositeTupleString,
      List<String> firstTuple, secondTuple;
      if (isFromFirstEmitter) {
        firstTuple = tuple;
        secondTuple = oppositeTuple;
      } else {
        firstTuple = oppositeTuple;
        secondTuple = tuple;

      // Check joinCondition
      // if existIndexes == true, the join condition is already checked
      // before
      if (_joinPredicate == null || _existIndexes
          || _joinPredicate.test(firstTuple, secondTuple)) { // if
        // null,
        // cross
        // product

        // Create the output tuple by omitting the oppositeJoinKeys
        // (ONLY for equi-joins since they are added
        // by the first relation), if any (in case of cartesian product
        // there are none)
        List<String> outputTuple = null;

        // Cartesian product - Outputs all attributes
        outputTuple = MyUtilities.createOutputTuple(firstTuple, secondTuple);
        applyOperatorsAndSend(stormTuple, outputTuple);

  protected void performJoin(Tuple stormTupleRcv, List<String> tuple, boolean isFromFirstEmitter,
      String keyValue, BPlusTreeStore oppositeStorage) {
    final List<String> tuplesToJoin = selectTupleToJoin(oppositeStorage, isFromFirstEmitter,
    join(stormTupleRcv, tuple, isFromFirstEmitter, tuplesToJoin);

  public void prepare(Map map, TopologyContext tc, OutputCollector collector) {
    _collector = collector;
    if (_inter == null)
      _numRemainingParents = MyUtilities.getNumParentTasks(tc, _firstEmitter, _secondEmitter);
      _numRemainingParents = MyUtilities.getNumParentTasks(tc, _inter);

    _thisTaskID = tc.getThisTaskId();
    // TODO
    final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    final long memory = runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();
    _cal = Calendar.getInstance();"," + "INITIAL," + _thisTaskID + ",:" + " TimeStamp:,"
        + _dateFormat.format(_cal.getTime()) + ", FirstStorage:,"
        + (_firstRelationStorage.size()) + ", SecondStorage:,"
        + (_secondRelationStorage.size()) + ", Total:,"
        + (_firstRelationStorage.size() + _secondRelationStorage.size())
        + ", Memory used: ," + StatisticsUtilities.bytesToMegabytes(memory) + ","
        + StatisticsUtilities.bytesToMegabytes(runtime.totalMemory()));"First Storage: " + _firstRelationStorage.getStatistics()
        + "\nEnd of First Storage");"Second Storage: " + _secondRelationStorage.getStatistics()
        + "\nEnd of Second Storage");

  public void printContent() {
    if (_printOut)
      if ((_operatorChain != null) && _operatorChain.isBlocking()) {
        final Operator lastOperator = _operatorChain.getLastOperator();
        if (lastOperator instanceof AggregateOperator)
          MyUtilities.printBlockingResult(_ID, (AggregateOperator) lastOperator,
              _hierarchyPosition, _conf, LOG);
          MyUtilities.printBlockingResult(_ID, lastOperator.getNumTuplesProcessed(),
              lastOperator.printContent(), _hierarchyPosition, _conf, LOG);

  public void printTuple(List<String> tuple) {
    if (_printOut)
      if ((_operatorChain == null) || !_operatorChain.isBlocking()) {
        final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("\nComponent ").append(_ID);
        sb.append("\nReceived tuples: ").append(_numSentTuples);
        sb.append(" Tuple: ").append(MyUtilities.tupleToString(tuple, _conf));;

  public void printTupleLatency(long numSentTuples, long timestamp) {

  private boolean receivedDumpSignal(Tuple stormTuple) {
    return stormTuple.getSourceStreamId()

  private List<String> selectTupleToJoin(BPlusTreeStore oppositeStorage,
      boolean isFromFirstEmitter, String keyValue) {

    // If there is atleast one index (so we have single join conditions with
    // 1 index per condition)
    // Get the row indices in the storage of the opposite relation that
    // satisfy each join condition (equijoin / inequality)
    // Then take the intersection of the returned row indices since each
    // join condition
    // is separated by AND

    final int currentOperator = _operatorForIndexes.get(0);
    // TODO We assume that 1) there is only one index, and consequently
    // 2) JoinPredicate is ComparisonPredicate
    final int diff = 0;
    // Get the values from the index (check type first)
    if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof String)
      return oppositeStorage.get(currentOperator, keyValue, diff);
    // Even if valueIndexed is at first time an integer with
    // precomputation a*col +b, it become a double
    else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Double)
      return oppositeStorage.get(currentOperator, Double.parseDouble(keyValue), diff);
    else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Integer)
      return oppositeStorage.get(currentOperator, Integer.parseInt(keyValue), diff);
    else if (_typeOfValueIndexed.get(0) instanceof Date)
      try {
        return oppositeStorage.get(currentOperator, _format.parse(keyValue), diff);
      } catch (final ParseException e) {
        return null;
      throw new RuntimeException("non supported type");


  public void tupleSend(List<String> tuple, Tuple stormTupleRcv, long timestamp) {
    final Values stormTupleSnd = MyUtilities.createTupleValues(tuple, timestamp,
        _componentIndex, _hashIndexes, _hashExpressions, _conf);
    MyUtilities.sendTuple(stormTupleSnd, stormTupleRcv, _collector, _conf);


Related Classes of plan_runner.storm_components.StormDstBDB

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